Fun games at the birthday table. Contests for adults' birthdays at the table: funny and interesting. A funny game for greedy people with balloons

Table and outdoor games and competitions for adults' birthdays can be funny and varied. The birthday boy and guests will play with the same passion as children. Don't believe me? Then offer them the following fun options.

Each guest is given pens and notepads. They write on them the name of the gift that they would like to give to the birthday boy if they had wand. Gifts can be both tangible and intangible. Each note is signed. Notes with tasks are placed in the second bag.

The presenter approaches the birthday boy and invites him to choose one note from each bag. First, he reads what gift they wanted to give him. Then the presenter says: “You will certainly have this one if the author of the note completes the task.” The birthday person reads out what task the author of the note must complete. After completing the task, the birthday person draws the next note, etc.


Cool and funny competition for the birthday of adults, which can be a table or held in the center of the hall. The presenter announces a competition for the best reader. Poems or stories are distributed to everyone who wishes. The guests prepare, and then read them out one by one, trying to do it as expressively as possible. At the end, the presenter announces the winner. But! It becomes the one who has the biggest fist, thin wrist or long hair. Here you can dream up. The competition ends unexpectedly. But such an ending greatly amuses the guests and causes a lot of positive emotions. All guests who practiced reading will receive incentive prizes.

"Don't Spill"

Each participant is given one straw and two glasses. 1 glass is filled with water. The participants' task is to pour liquid from one glass to another using only a straw. The winner of this fun drinking contest for adults' birthdays is the one who pours the most water. By the way, instead of water, you can take something stronger. At the same time, you can train your willpower!

"Guess Who"

The host sits the birthday boy on a chair and blindfolds him. Guests come up to him one by one and shake his hand. The birthday boy must guess who it was. If the birthday boy is a man, you can suggest that girls and women kiss him on the cheek in turn, and he determines which kiss was from his other half. A similar competition is held with the woman on her birthday. This option is only suitable for not very jealous couples, so that the competition does not end sadly.

"Spell by letter"

The presenter distributes pens and pieces of paper to those who wish. The participants’ task is to compose the largest number of words from the letters of the name of the main hero of the occasion. The winner is determined by counting.

You can name new words one by one. If one participant named the word, then the second no longer has the right to repeat it. This way, only new words are counted. This funny table competition for adults' birthdays can be held not only at the table, but also on stage. Options can be varied according to the wishes of the guests.


Everyone loves this game. She will appeal to any company, regardless of gender, age and social status. The essence of the game is to guess the character or object that the person in the center is wishing for. The one who guessed goes to the center, the previous participant guesses a word for him. The game repeats itself again. You can play endlessly, there are no winners or losers here.

It can be offered to guests at the end of the evening, when everyone is a little tired. The pantomime will “take away” a sad mood and fatigue with one’s hand. Children will also be happy to participate in this funny table competition for adults' birthdays. Adults will only be amazed at their ingenuity and intelligence.

"Show the country"

This funny table competition for adults' birthdays is great for groups that don't like jumping, running and screaming, but just gather at home around a large table. The presenter puts notes with the names of countries in a box. Each participant takes out a note, reads the country written on it, and tries to depict it. You can show the flag characteristic features, favorite dishes, sights of countries. Anything to make sure the guests guess the hidden country as quickly as possible.

"Burn everything with blue flame"

Each participant is given a box of matches with an equal number of matches. The goal is to burn the contents of the boxes as quickly as possible. Matches can only be burned one at a time.


From 5 to 10 people can participate in the competition. The presenter first comes up with several names for the participants. All of them must belong to famous characters. For example: Snow Maiden, Princess Nesmeyana, Emelya, Carlson, etc. Contestants draw notes with names. In 10 minutes they need to come up with a character biography and tell it to the guests. This must be done in such a way that guests do not immediately guess who we are talking about. The winner is the one who lasted the intrigue the longest. This funny table competition for adults' birthdays will become an excellent alternative familiar riddles.


Participants in the competition receive a toothpick and a plate with a small portion of jelly. At the command of the presenter, the contestants begin to eat jelly. The winner is the one who eats the most in a specified amount of time. The winner receives a prize. All other participants are given spoons so that they can finish their portion of jelly.


Participants are given magnets (the larger they are, the better). The goal is to collect as many metal objects as possible using magnets. Metal objects are laid out in advance by the presenter and organizer in the hall, in secret places. To make the competition more interesting, the places where metal objects are hidden can be marked on the map. The result will be a kind of “treasure hunt”. The winner is determined by counting the metal objects.

"2 truths and 1 lie"

This funny table competition for adults' birthdays does not require preparation, so you can even do it outdoors. Such a competition is great and fun in companies where people don’t know each other very well. Each guest names 3 facts about himself. 2 of them must be true, and the third must be false. The task of the other guests is to recognize a false fact. You can do this by voting. If the guests did not guess correctly, the player receives a prize. You can write facts about yourself on pieces of paper in advance. The presenter will take turns taking out notes and reading them out.

"Fast Driver"

This competition is suitable for male companies. Each participant is given small typewriters on a string and pencils. The contestants' task is to wind the rope as quickly as possible so that the machine is near the pencil.

"The owner of the most sensitive butt"

The presenter prepares in advance several scarves and handkerchiefs with which the participants will be blindfolded. In addition, you need to select several objects that can be recognized using the “soft spot”. It could be plastic bottle, book, vegetables, spoon. Do not use fragile objects or objects with sharp edges. Guests are blindfolded, placed on a chair with any object and helped to sit down. If the participant correctly identified the object, he is awarded 1 point.

The winner is the one who scores the most points. He is awarded the title of having the most sensitive butt. By the way, this funny table competition for adults’ birthdays must be filmed in order to have a good laugh again.

"Modern Fairy Tale"

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Each team must choose a profession. For example, a teacher and a psychiatrist, a lawyer and a cook, etc. After that, each team remakes any folk tale so that it sounds professional slang. Not teams, but individual participants can play.

"Broken Phone"

The more people take part in the game, the more fun it will be. The presenter thinks of a word and whispers it in the ear of the first participant. Each participant must convey the word as quietly as possible. The last participant voices the word in the form in which it came to him.

"Not really"

An excellent and funny table competition for adults' birthdays in the question-and-answer style. The presenter writes the names of animals and characters on pieces of paper in advance. Guests must guess who it is by asking questions. The presenter can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. The participant who guesses the animal or character receives a card with its name or corresponding picture. The one who collects the most cards wins. It will be even more fun if you write the names of objects on pieces of paper. It could be household appliances, an item of women's or men's clothing, toys, toiletries, cosmetics, etc.

"Chipmunk Speaker"

Guests are divided into pairs. The presenter gives one participant a note with text and nuts that he needs to put in his mouth. The second participant is given paper and pen. Its task is to recognize the text and write it down as accurately as possible. The winner is the couple who was able to quickly and accurately convey the text to their partner.

"The Most Interesting Story"

The presenter calls the phrase with which the story begins. It should be funny and make it easy to come up with an interesting continuation. For example: “One day... mushrooms grew in my mouth...”. The next participant must come up with the next phrase, etc. There are no winners or losers in this game. While making up a story, guests will have a lot of fun and cheer up.

Game "Panic"

The game does not require additional details, so you can play it in any company. The guests split into pairs. You can do this at will, but it is much more interesting if the pairs are determined by lot. The facilitator gives the pairs small pieces of paper and pens. Participants write on pieces of paper any word that can come to their mind. You can write not just 1, but several words at once. The main condition for writing words is that they must be nouns and real.

The notes are put into a bag and mixed. The presenter approaches the teams one by one and invites one of the participants to pull out a note with a word. His task is to explain the word to another team member. And he must do it as quickly as possible. The maximum guessing time is 20 seconds. If the word was guessed, the note remains in the team’s piggy bank. You can immediately take out the next note with the word. The team that collects the most notes with words wins.

"Sweet Tooth Drum"

It is necessary to prepare for this competition in advance, since it will require a lot of candies. Sweets and lollipops are given to each guest. After the candy is in the mouth, participants need to say the phrase: “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Moreover, this must be done clearly and expressively. Of course, this will not be easy, but the winner will receive a prize, so the participants will have to try hard. If all participants said the phrase more or less clearly, then one more candy is added to each. The amount of sweets can be gradually increased.

3 oversized men are invited to participate in the competition. The presenter arranges them so that they are at the same distance from each other. The task of the “heroes” is to find their woman in the crowd and bring her to the start. It is necessary to ensure in advance that men whose other half is also present at the celebration participate in the competition. The winner is appointed the main hero and receives a prize.

"Buttons and mittens"

A number of people participate in the competition in pairs. Participants are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other. The presenter gives one a shirt with a lot of buttons, and the second one - mittens. The task is to fasten the buttons on the shirt as quickly as possible.

"Catch the Candy"

The number of people is unlimited. Each participant is given a hat, to which a candy is attached to the back on a string. The contestants' task is to catch the candy and eat it as quickly as possible.

Participants are divided into 2-3 teams. All participants have their hands tied behind them. There are pies at the same distance in front of each team. Each participant must run to the pie, take a bite and run back, pass the baton to the next participant and stand at the back of the team. The team that eats their pie the fastest and completes the pie race will be the winner.

Watch out for the egg

For this competition, guests are considered “first”, “second”. The first participants stand in one row at a certain distance from each other, and the second participants stand opposite the first (about 1-2 meters). The first participant is given an egg, supposedly fresh, but actually boiled. Both the first and second are one single team that must complete the task in a certain time, for example, 2 minutes. The first participant throws the egg to the second, the second to the first, and so on (obliquely). If the team does not complete the task within the allotted time, it starts all over again until the team manages to complete everything within the specified time. It will be interesting to watch the participants who will carefully and diligently toss the egg to each other, thinking that it is fresh.

And there is music in the hall

The presenter needs to prepare in advance melodies played by various instruments (there are plenty of them on the Internet). And in turn, a melody is played for each of the guests, and the guest must guess what kind of instrument it sounds. If you guessed correctly, he gives you a prize, and if not, he fulfills the wish of the birthday boy.

Journey through dreams

To conduct this competition you will need a map or a simple atlas and the dreams of the birthday boy. We select several participants. The birthday boy names, for example, 10 countries, islands, in general, points on the map where he would like to visit. And whichever participant can find all these places faster than the rest will receive a prize.

Coin to coin

Two participants sit opposite each other, with a flat surface in front of them, a chair or table, for example. Each participant has their own handful of coins. In turn, each of the participants puts a coin, as a result, a pyramid of coins is obtained, on which one of the participants the pyramid falls, he loses. And the winner will receive a prize for accuracy and attentiveness.

Everything for the birthday boy

In this competition, each of the guests is given the opportunity to become someone special from famous and outstanding personalities (can be from the past or a fictional world) and make some kind of discovery for him. For example, a guest stands up and says: I will become Yuri Gagarin for our birthday boy and conquer space for his sake and demonstrate flight into the sky, or I will become a unique alchemist for the birthday boy and invent a long-lasting recipe for happiness in life, and so on. The guest will receive a prize for the most interesting performance.

Nuts for the squirrel

Couples participate, preferably man-woman, boy-girl. Each couple's hands are tied. Nuts are poured into the hall. Each team has its own bag. At the command “start”, all pairs begin collecting nuts for the squirrel. When all the nuts have been collected, the host counts which pair has collected the most nuts and announces the winner.

Gather your team

Each guest pulls out his own forfeit, which contains a specific word. Based on these words, you need to assemble your team, for example, a carriage, rails, a conductor, tea, and so on - the DEPO team; tire, gasoline, clutch, steering wheel - Fleet team and so on. Whose team assembles the fastest will receive a prize.

Double phenomenon

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams, each team is given a piece of paper and a pen. And the task of the teams is to make a list of words double meaning(one value must be a name) is longer than the others. An example would be the following words: Margarita - name and cocktail, Napoleon - cake and commander, Antoshka - name and name of the soap, and so on. The team with the longest list will receive a prize.

Songs for the birthday boy

Each of the guests in turn remembers and names a song in which the name of the birthday person is present and sings a line from this song. If there are no such songs with a name, then the guest comes up with a light couplet or 4 lines with the name of the hero of the occasion and sings them beautifully.

Well, our magazine has selected the best competitions, quizzes, and jokes for a small, cheerful company.

The main thing in the article

Modern table fun competitions for a small cheerful company of adults

The beginning of a feast is always characterized by a little awkwardness, since familiar people do not always gather at the table. Therefore, proceed to cool competitions and it’s too early for fun with “interesting” subtext. To start the fun, intellectual competitions are suitable, where a sober mind is still involved.

  • Questions and answers. Prepare papers with questions and answers in advance. For example, questions: “Do you drink often?”, “Do you like to laugh at others?” answers: “Thinking about it makes me ecstatic” or “If no one sees.” On the Internet you can find thousands of questions and answers for this game. Having prepared the pieces of paper in advance, separate them and let those sitting at the table choose a piece of paper from each “pile”. All guests must take turns reading their question and answer.
  • Fanta. Everyone present takes one item (keys, ring, watch). Everything fits into one bag. Each of those present makes a task that must be completed by the one whose item the presenter pulls out of the bag.
  • Not really. Depending on the type of activity or passion of those gathered, choose a topic (animals, movies, colleagues). Someone alone makes a guess about an animal or a person on the topic and answers the questions of those gathered only yes or no. Everyone else asks leading questions and guesses the mystery.

Table quizzes for a small group of adults

Interesting fact: For the first time such a concept as a quiz appeared in our country as a column in the Ogonyok newspaper in 1928. Afterwards, intellectual competitions began to be held in schools, universities educational institutions and even on television in the form of a TV show (Field of Miracles, What? Where? When?).

Today, quizzes are actively used at dinner gatherings to entertain adult groups. The most popular include:

  • Ask a question. Cards with humorous questions and answers are prepared in advance. They are placed in two piles. The first participant takes the card with the question and reads it. The person sitting next to you must take the answer card and answer asked question. Next, the person who answered takes a card with a question, and so in a circle, all the guests must answer funny questions.
  • Historical bones. Those gathered are given two dice. Each of the guests throws the dice, and when a certain number comes up, he tells what significant event happened in the year ending with the number that fell out. For example, if the dice roll is 2, the player must tell what significant thing he remembers from 1982, 1992 or 2002.
  • Guess. Each of those present writes their wish on a piece of paper. All notes are placed in a jar. The presenter takes out one piece of paper and reads the wishes. The guest who wrote is silent, and everyone else is trying to guess who made such a wish.

Funny jokes for a cheerful group of adults

You can make fun of those present at the feast, thereby raising the spirits of everyone around you. For example:

  • A funny argument. You can bet with someone invited that you can drink 10 or even 20 cups of tea with lemon (the braver ones might suggest drinking weak alcohol with lemon). The joke is that a whole lemon goes into a cup, so there is very little liquid in it.
  • Mind reading. Pieces of songs are prepared in advance. The host approaches each guest and seems to read their thoughts, and at this time excerpts from songs are played (“I want to get married, I want to get married...”, “Take me quickly, take me 100 seas away and kiss me everywhere...”, “Walk crazy.” Empress..."). It turns out very funny and fun.
  • Boxers. Choose from those present two guys with a strong physique who don’t mind testing their strength. Give them boxing gloves and “prepare” them for battle. When the gloves are tied, the presenter will have to give the guys a chocolate candy and say that the first one to unwind the candy in boxing gloves will win.

Table humorous competitions and games for a group of colleagues at a corporate event

No company can do without corporate events. It is these events that allow colleagues to get to know each other better and open up in completely unexpected ways. Team competitions with symbolic gifts are usually used for this purpose.

  • Tell a story. The competition is aimed at writing funny story. If colleagues are sitting at one long table, then you can make two teams on the right and left side table. The presenter writes on a piece of paper a word or sentence on a certain topic related to work, production, and relationships in the team. Next, the piece of paper is passed around the table and everyone writes 1-3 words on the topic. At the end, the presenter reads the resulting stories. Whose story is funnier is the team that wins.
  • Crocodile for colleagues. The game differs from a regular crocodile only in that everyone present writes their name and position on a piece of paper, which they put in one container. In turn, each colleague goes to the center, takes out a piece of paper and tries to imitate the colleague written on the piece of paper. The one who guesses goes to show the next colleague.
  • Kiss the bird (bunny). The players stand in a circle and say where they are kissing an imaginary bird (bunny); the places for kissing cannot be repeated. When the circle is completed, the leader announces that now everyone kisses their neighbor in the place where they kissed the bird (bunny).

Outdoor fun games for an adult small group

In an adult company, as the temperature rises, sexual energy heats up and games begin to acquire ambiguous overtones. Therefore, to have a fun time, you can invite those gathered to play outdoor games.

  • Track. The game involves two teams. It will be more interesting if it is a separate team of boys and girls. The rules of the competition include folding a path from the belongings of team members. In a drunk company, such a competition can lead to unexpected undressing. The team with the longest track wins.
  • Paste or fishing for adults. Several pairs are selected for the game. Men are given pencils tied to a rope, and girls clutch empty champagne bottles in their knees. The men's task is to hit the neck of the bottle with a pencil from a distance.
  • Guess where I am. A piece of paper with the location where they are located is attached to the contestants' backs. The presenter asks questions with leading words. The contestant must answer questions until he guesses where he is. You can watch this competition in the fun video below.

Table jokes and fun games for an elderly group

Elderly people also like to have a good rest, but competitions with double meaning are not always appropriate in such companies. Therefore, you can offer people to play for... such games.

  • Fun dressing up. You need to prepare a bag with props in advance. Place the hats in a bag cool glasses, handkerchiefs, bibs, hospital masks, caps, children's scarves, clown nose, etc. Now the host should approach each guest and invite him to take out a little thing and try it on. All guests must remain in their attire until the end of the game.
  • Why did I come to the holiday. Funny answers are prepared to the question: “Why did I come to the holiday?” (to eat, to walk a new dress, it was boring at home). The pieces of paper are distributed to those present, who take turns answering why they came to the holiday.

Funny table competitions and games for a small group of women

Small groups of women not only gossip at the table, but also have fun in competitions and different games. The topics of fashion, gifts, family, and boyfriends will be relevant. The beautiful people of this world can play the following games:

  • Smile. 3-5 girls are selected from the company and each of them is given the task of smiling:
    - to a loved one;
    - as if I had won a million;
    - as if I saw an expensive gift, etc.
    The remaining company of ladies must guess what formed the basis of the smile they saw.
  • Women's handbag. Props are prepared in advance for this competition. Various things are put into the bag (keys, cosmetics, accessories, not exactly feminine things). The woman participating in the competition is blindfolded. She takes an object out of her purse with one hand and tries to guess what it is. The other hand cannot be used.
  • Fashionistas. The girls are given lipsticks or lip pencils. Blindfolded, everyone must paint their lips or make a contour with a pencil. For more fun, you can offer to paint each other's lips.

Table entertainment for a drunken, cheerful company

The fun begins when the company gets a little tipsy. Then shyness and stiffness “hide”. Such a company can be offered the following options for competitions and “intellectual” quizzes.

  • Sobriety test. Have tipsy people sitting at the table take a sobriety test. To do this, ask everyone to repeat a tongue twister or difficult words (router, lilac, etc.). Since the host or presenter may also be slightly tipsy, for this competition it is better to prepare pieces of paper with tongue twisters written on them.
  • A sea of ​​vodka. The glasses for guests who agree to play this game are filled with water and only one with vodka. Everyone is given a straw. While drinking the drink in glasses, guests try to guess where the vodka is. The same “lucky” person who got vodka does his best to pretend that he is drinking water.
  • Deer. One of the company is taken to another room and asked to show the deer to those present without words. At the same time, ask everyone present to pretend that they do not understand who the previously brought out person is showing. With his attempts to show the deer, the guest will cause a storm of laughter and positive emotions among the tipsy guests. Instead of a deer, you can wish for a kangaroo, a hare or any other interesting animal.

Fun video competitions for wedding feasts

Fun activities for house guests for a birthday or anniversary

To keep your guests from getting bored at your party, offer them fun competitions and games.

  • Chamomile. Very popular. An improvised daisy is made from cardboard. Various tasks for guests are written on the sheets of paper (depict a March cat, kiss the person sitting third on the left side of the table, etc.). The guest tears off a petal and completes the task written on it.
  • Who am I? Funny pictures with various funny funny characters, animals, and cartoons are prepared in advance. Cards are also made with questions of the following nature: “In the morning I look like..”, “At work I’m like...”, etc. After the question has been read, the reader picks up the card with the picture and shows it to those present.
  • Who knows the birthday boy (hero) better? The presenter asks questions about the birthday person or hero of the day (year of birth, favorite dish, what weight you were born with). Each person who answers correctly is given an imaginary coin. The one who collects the most coins wins.

Family feast: comic competitions, games, quizzes for the family

Since a family feast involves the presence of both the youngest guests and older people, competitions should be universal and appeal to all relatives present. You can invite your relatives to play the following games:

  • Guess. The participant is blindfolded and a plate with some object is placed in front of him. Using a fork, the participant must recognize what is on the plate.
  • I look like... The game consists of preparing questions based on “I look like” (at work I look like..., in the morning I look like...) and put them in one little bag. In another, answers are prepared: elephant, hedgehog, bus, etc. Each participant draws out a question and answer, after which the funny combination is read out loud.
  • Guess the proverb. The presenter thinks of an inverted proverb, and those present must guess it. Here are some examples of proverbs.

Entertainment that can diversify family or friendly gatherings is very diverse and numerous. Some are the product of folk ingenuity, while others are the commercial fruits of the work of engineers. There are games that require additional accessories, and there are those that only require the desire to participate.

I'm famous

This entertainment has a huge number of names: “Who am I?”, “Guess the Hero”, “I’m Famous”, “Sticker”. It is used in different countries, and it experienced a second birth in Russia after the release of the film “Inglourious Basterds”. Yes, it was also known in Soviet era, although it did not enjoy such popular love.

"Who am I?" It’s perfect for get-togethers for adults who are capable of thinking, although schoolchildren also play it - the only difference is in the characters.

  1. The idea is that each player writes the name of a literary character or famous person on a piece of paper and sticks it on his neighbor’s forehead. Second option: all the pieces of paper with the names of the characters are shuffled in a bag, each participant takes out a “role” without looking and sticks it on himself.
  2. The first guesser is determined by a random selection method (any convenient one - matches, rock-scissors, dice), and the rest - in a circle.
  3. The guesser asks each player in turn questions to which only clear answers are possible (“Am I a man?”, “Am I a celebrity?”, “Do I have a mustache?”, etc.) until he receives a negative answer. After this, the turn goes to the next one.

They play as long as there is someone to guess.

Besides the folk version of “Who Am I?” Today there are also commercial versions of the game - for example, the product of the Friday TV channel released for free sale. Its difference from the original is that after receiving a negative answer to a question, the turn does not pass to the next player. The guesser asks questions and receives answers until the sand in the hourglass runs out.

Both options allow the answer “I don’t know.”

In this case, other participants can intervene in the dialogue between the guessing player and the answerer, according to the order, if they know the answer.

Before starting the game, you should arm yourself with pieces of paper and pens to write down the “signs” of their heroes. This game is used by some teachers at seminars in the humanities or at trainings to stress-free determine the level of students' preparation and develop consistency of thinking.


  1. The presenter recites the alphabet to himself. Another player commands “Stop.” This determines the letter on which the word will be guessed for all players.
  2. After the presenter comes up with a word, he writes it on a piece of paper and hides it from other participants.
  3. Each player, in order of priority, asks the host questions that require “Yes” or “No” answers. If a participant guesses which word is hidden, then on his turn he can pronounce it.
  4. The one who guesses becomes the leader. The player who answers incorrectly is either eliminated, or receives a penalty point, or misses a turn - it all depends on the version of the game.

If no one can guess the word and the decision is unanimously made to give up, then the leader does not change, but begins the second round.

The most bar game

"Jenga" means "to build" in Swahili. This game, which many people know as “Tower,” was invented by the British Leslie Scott in the seventies. Despite the apparent simplicity of the task, building a tower of blocks and not dropping it is a task that requires spatial thinking, concentration and dexterity.

  1. The base number of floors of the tower at the very beginning is 18, but can vary according to the manufacturer's plans.
  2. Using two fingers of one hand, you need to remove the block from the tower by pressing and tapping and place it on the upper floor.
  3. It is impossible to pull out the bars from the two upper floors, just as it is not allowed to support the tower with a second hand when pulling out a segment.
  4. The more moves are played and the higher the tower becomes, the less stable it is. This is where the fun begins, because you only have 10 seconds to make a move.
  5. The one who brings down the tower loses. He will build a new one, and the first move belongs to him. The difficulty of the game depends on the first move, so experienced players think it through carefully.
You can play Jenga with children, with adults, in sober and drunk company.

In a number of countries, Jenga is a unique way of betting: whoever loses pays for the drink, so players can most often be found playing in bars.

Children's games for adults

Those who want to think can be occupied with games with matches, when you need to swap one or two matches in a figure so that the fish swims in the opposite direction, the glass turns upside down, and the cow turns its head.

You can “solve” mathematical examples that involve the principle of moving one segment or another approach. For example, take 16 matches and make 2 squares one inside the other (12 and 4 matches). How to move 4 matches to make 3 squares? One option is to move two matches from opposite ends of the outer square inward.

Or how can the inequality 11+1=10 (in Roman numerals) be turned into equality without touching the matches or having any effect on them? Correct: go around the table on the other side so that the example looks like 10 = 1+9.

Into words with words

Words native language- an inexhaustible source of entertainment for any company.

The most famous game involving words is Scrabble, where points are awarded for each letter, and the person who creates the longest, most complex and “valuable” word wins.

"Verbal battle" - board game of 120 cards (white and black). The leader plays with white (adjectives are written on them), and the rest - with black (nouns).

  1. There is a popular expression: “To defeat with words.” It is this task that lies at the heart of this funny bloodless battle.
  2. The leader takes out one white card for himself, and gives the other players three black cards.
  3. For the presenter's adjective, each participant must choose the most suitable noun from those given to him and give an explanation for the resulting phrase.
  4. The winner of the round is determined by voting and receives a white card. All other cards are returned to the deck and shuffled.

The player who collects four white cards wins.

There is another competition of the same name, similar to “Erudite” and “Battleship” at the same time, taking place on a field of 36 cells. “Verbal Combat” No. 2 is played by 4-6 participants.

  1. Everyone names a letter, and the rest write it in one of the 36 cells on their field.
  2. Letters are called by the players until all the cells of all participants are filled. It is prohibited to make changes to the table. You also cannot show your work records to other players - each participant’s table should be as unique as possible.
  3. In the table you need to find the resulting words (vertically, horizontally, diagonally, etc.).

The winner is the one who made the most large number words

One should not think that games at the table are an indicator of a failed celebration. It's not like that at all. Many table and table entertainments help you relax after a hard day or week or relax when there is a heavy pause at the table. With their help, you can introduce guests who do not know each other, discuss the latest news, and even resolve business issues.

Is a special date approaching? How to celebrate an anniversary in such a way that both the hero of the occasion and all those invited will remember it for life? Of course, you need to be very well prepared. And this applies not only to the holiday table! for the anniversary should be carefully thought out. The presenter will have to try hard to prepare them.

Games for adults

So, no feast will be fun and bright without some entertainment. Celebrating birthdays at home, people sing songs, tell funny jokes and anecdotes, and solve riddles. In a word, you won't be bored. Table competitions for the anniversary - more best way defuse the situation, feel lightness and ease.

Games for adults are entertainment intended for cheerful company sitting behind festive table. By choosing exactly what is needed for your celebration, you can make your anniversary simply unforgettable!

Games and competitions are not just for children. The main thing is the state of a person’s soul. Therefore, at the holiday, adults will be able to regain the joy of childhood and the enthusiasm of youth. You should not be afraid to be funny and eccentric, because, having completely relaxed, surrendering to the general fun, a person will receive great pleasure and enjoyment.

A sense of humor is the most important thing

Laughter is known to prolong life. Therefore, the whole 55 years, 65 years or more must be accompanied by funny jokes. Guests will have a great time at this celebration, which will double the joy of the hero of the day.

Fun table competitions can be held using a variety of paraphernalia (writing instruments, paper, dishes, sweets, etc.) or by listening to the host’s tasks. Such activities not only distract guests from drinking and eating, but also give them the opportunity to receive some nice souvenir from the hosts.

Many are known today. However, you can come up with new ones by combining two or three into one. The result will be something even more original and interesting.

Table competitions for the anniversary - nowhere without alcohol!

Of course, no holiday is complete without alcohol. That is why many anniversary table competitions are related to alcohol in one way or another.

For example, you can conduct a so-called “sobriety test.” Guests should be asked to say “lilac teeth picker” or “deoxyribonucleic acid” in turn. It’s easy for even a sober person to stumble here! The whole company will laugh while completing this task!

Another version of the “alcohol competition” is “Happy Well”. A little water is poured into the bucket, and a glass of alcohol is placed in the center. Players take turns throwing coins into the “well”. As soon as one of the guests gets into the glass, he drinks its contents and takes all the money from the bucket.

Stormy fun alternates with calm competitions

You can make it even more interesting. Some cards are designated as special. For example, a team that draws an ace of a suit that is not its own color has the right to pay off the fine if it fulfills a wish made by its opponent. The joker can bring players three chips instead of one, etc. The team that loses all its matches loses, of course.

It's always nice to receive a surprise

There is another cool table competition. Its essence is that guests pass boxes of surprises to each other while listening to music. Suddenly the music stops. The person in whose hands the box is must take out the first thing that comes to hand from the “magic box” and put it on himself. Among such surprises there may be a children's cap, large trousers, and a huge bra. The competition always makes the participants happy. Each of them tries to get rid of the surprise box as quickly as possible, and each pulled out item brings great joy to those around them.

Competitions for attentiveness and ingenuity

You can not only laugh at such tasks. By performing them, you can also fully demonstrate your ingenuity and attentiveness.

Table competitions for the anniversary, revealing the ingenuity of the participants, can be very diverse. One of them is called “Alphabet in a Plate”. The presenter must name a letter, and the participants need to find something on their plate that begins with this letter (spoon, fish, onion, potato, etc.). The one who names the first object guesses the next one.

The attentiveness competition is also quite interesting. It is carried out at too large feasts. Having chosen a driver, the guests blindfold him.

After this, one of those sitting in the hall goes out the door. The driver’s task after removing the bandage is to determine who is missing, as well as what exactly he was wearing.

"Value" competitions

The scenario for an anniversary of 55 years (or more) must necessarily include tasks focused on various life values, because at this age a person has already learned, understood, and felt a lot of things. So, what is the essence of such competitions? The facilitator can invite participants to draw on a piece of paper what they consider the most valuable in their lives. Moreover, a left-handed person should do this right hand, and a right-hander - left. The winner is the author of the most original drawing.

However, you can immediately dwell on specific values ​​that are important for everyone present - on cash. The Bankers competition is great fun! To do this, you will need a large jar in which bills of various denominations will be folded. Players must try to calculate how much is there without taking out the money. The one who is closest to the truth wins the prize.

And eat and have fun...

If you are celebrating a birthday at home, only among “your own”, you can hold a particularly funny competition called “Chinese”. To do this, you will need to give each participant one set of Chinese chopsticks. Next, a saucer with green peas or canned corn. Guests will need to show all their dexterity to eat the served dish using chopsticks. The prize will go to the one who completes the task the fastest.

Products may also be used for purposes other than their intended purpose!

You can also pay attention to completely non-standard games. Table meals, for example, very often involve the use of the most ordinary products.

Let’s say you can distribute half a potato and a knife to the participants, offering to play real sculptors. The task of every author is to cut best portrait hero of the occasion.

You can divide the guests into two teams, giving them as many more candies. Participants must build castles for the birthday girl using nothing but the sweets provided. The prize goes to the team that builds the tallest structure.

It is also quite interesting that each of those present needs to be given a banana, as well as a wide variety of available materials - tape, colored paper, fabric, ribbons, plasticine, etc. Guests must make a real masterpiece by decorating the “source material”. In this creative competition, the most extraordinary approach will be judged.

By the way, you can use not only products. For example, you can compete in making boats from paper napkins against the clock. The winner will be the one who creates the largest flotilla. In a word, you can come up with a lot of competitions. The main thing is to decide on the use of attributes.

Toasts and congratulations

The following competitions are often held. They are directly related to toasts and congratulations.

For example, the host can ask each guest to remember the alphabet. That is, people sitting at the table must toast each letter in order. The last one starts with “A”. It turns out something like: “What a joyful day today is! Our hero of the day is born! Let's raise a glass to him!" His neighbor, accordingly, gets the letter “B”. You can make the following speech to him: “Always be as kind, cheerful, healthy and happy! We support you in all your endeavors!” Coming up with a toast is, of course, not that difficult. However, some guests get those letters for which it is still not easy to come up with words on the spot. The author of the most original toast should receive the prize.

And you can hold another interesting competition. Each guest is given some old newspaper and scissors. In ten minutes, they need to cut words or phrases from the press to create a laudatory description of the hero of the day. The most important thing is that everything turns out very original and fresh.

Adults also enjoy solving riddles.

There is a huge variety of competitions for adults. Table riddles stand out as special among them. You just need to present them correctly.

For example, the game “Tricky SMS” would be an excellent option. Guests can laugh and have fun right at the table, without leaving their place. The competition consists of the presenter reading out the text of an SMS message, inviting those present to guess who exactly the sender is. The most interesting thing: addressees are not ordinary people. The senders are “hangover” (already on the way, I’ll be there in the morning), “congratulations” (you’ll only have to listen to us today), “toast” (don’t drink without me), etc.

Speed ​​and imagination competitions

You can invite the guests of the holiday to show their imagination. Each of those present, of course, is familiar with Andersen's fairy tales. Among them are the famous “Thumbelina”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Ugly Duckling”, etc. Very funny table competitions will turn out if the guests are given the task of telling these tales using the most special vocabulary - medical, political, military, legal .

Those present at the festival will be able to reveal their speed of thought in the “Answer for your neighbor” competition. The host asks the players a variety of questions. The order is not respected. The one to whom the question was addressed must remain silent. The task of the neighbor on the right is to answer for him. Anyone who is late with an answer is eliminated from the game.

Keep silence

Guests will also enjoy especially original competitions. For example, in between noisy games, you can allow yourself a little silence.

Here is an example of one such game. The guests choose a king, who must call the players to him with a gesture of his hand. One place next to him should be free. The one whom the king has chosen must get up from his chair, go to “His Majesty” and sit next to him. This is how the minister is chosen. The catch is that all this must be done absolutely silently. That is, neither the king nor the future minister should make any sounds. Even the rustling of clothes is prohibited. Otherwise, the chosen minister returns to his place, and the king chooses a new candidate. The “Tsar-Father” himself is “overthrown from the throne” for not maintaining silence. The minister, who managed to silently take his place, takes the place of the king, and the game continues.

Another competition for the “quieter ones” - the ordinary good old “silent one”. The presenter prohibits everyone present from making any sounds. That is, guests can only communicate using gestures. It is necessary to remain silent until the presenter says: “Stop!” The participant who has made a sound before this moment will have to comply with the leader’s wishes or pay a fine.

In a word, no matter what table competitions you choose, they will definitely lift the spirits of all the guests and delight them. Even fairly introverted people will be able to have fun, because such games are very liberating.

Having rested and relaxed at the anniversary, guests will remember this wonderful day for a long time. The holiday will definitely be remembered for its originality and favorable atmosphere - there is no doubt about it!