Lesson summary for the middle group on the topic of insects. Lesson summary on the topic “In the world of insects. Dynamic pause “Caterpillar”

Teacher Nikolaenko O.V.

Project type: educational - research
Project duration: short-term, from 16.05-20.05.2015
Project participants: children, teachers, parents.
Relevance: It is at the stage of preschool childhood that the child receives emotional impressions about nature, accumulates ideas about different forms of life, i.e. the fundamental principles of ecological thinking and consciousness are formed in him, and the initial elements of ecological culture are laid. But this happens only under one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show little man the beautiful world of nature, help to establish relationships with it. Introducing preschoolers to nature is one of the most important tasks in working with children. At the same time, it is very important that the acquired knowledge is not presented in isolation, without reference to a whole complex of phenomena. A preschooler is emotionally receptive to the natural world; he is surprised, delighted with natural objects, and wants to participate in unusual situations. A preschooler has feelings of empathy, sympathy, and is inquisitive.

The main task of environmental education for preschool children is to develop in them an ecological culture, a responsible attitude towards nature, and an understanding of the inextricable connection human society and nature, including a system of environmental knowledge, skills, and thinking.

Educational area: environmental education.
Project goal.

To create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities in the process of implementing the educational project “In the World of Insects.”

Project objectives.

To form a realistic idea of ​​the nature around us, the desire to become a friend of nature, to preserve and protect it; to form in children elementary ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper), their structure, methods of movement; bring up careful attitude to the living; develop emotional responsiveness; develop research skills.

Expected result:

1. Children will show a pronounced interest in objects of nature - insects.

2. They will learn to distinguish and name insects: butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper, ant, etc.

3. They will know about the benefits or harm they bring to people and plants.

4. Learn to write a descriptive story about an insect using a supporting diagram.

5. The guys will treat nature with care and strive for correct behavior in relation to insects.

6. Children will develop a desire to study natural objects, they will learn to draw conclusions and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

7. Children will confidently distinguish and name the characteristic features of different insects.

8. The children will have the idea that insects cannot be divided into useful and harmful, and even more so, be guided by this in their actions towards them.

9. Parents will be involved in the environmental project. Environmental education of parents will give a big plus in the environmental education of children kindergarten.

Project activity product

A competition of drawings of a favorite insect with a story about it, a collective application “In a clearing”, an exhibition of children’s works, a dramatization game “The Fly Tsokotukha”.

Preliminary work:
. selection of encyclopedias, magazines about insects
. registration of GCD, development schemes
. selection of literary words
. selection of educational games (lotto, puzzles)
. selection of CDs with insect sounds

Project implementation plan:


Introduce children to insects: bee, butterfly, ant, mosquito, ladybug, dragonfly, grasshopper, beetles.

GCD 1. Cognition (FCCM) Topic: Insects Purpose: Learn to talk about insects, convey characteristic features their structures.

2. Communication Topic: Description of insects Purpose: Learn to talk about insects, convey the characteristic features of their structure.

Fiction: Poems, riddles, Pavlov's fairy tales "Nakhodka", acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, A. Bianchi “How an ant hurried home”, “Spider - Pilot”, G. Glushnev “Grasshopper and Grasshoppers”, K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotukha”, learning poems about insects.

Artistic creativity:

1. Drawing using unconventional methods. Monotype "Butterfly".

Goal: acquaintance with new methods of artistic expression.

2. “Butterflies on flowers”

Goal: to teach children to cut out a butterfly stencil and paste it, to consolidate knowledge about the coloring features of butterflies (schimongrass, cabbage grass, napoleon

3. “Who helped the ant get home”

Goal: to strengthen children’s visual skills, to depict different insects.

4. Application “Ladybug”

Goal: to teach children to cut out a stencil for a ladybug and decorate it, to cultivate accuracy in their work.

Examination of illustrations, magazines and encyclopedias about insects. Didactic games: “Who knows how to do what”, “In the clearing”, “Guess the insect”, “Ladybugs”. "Find the artist's mistake." “Connect the dots and find out who gets it”, “Collect a flower”.

Goal: To consolidate the ability to classify and name insects. Expand and activate your verb vocabulary.

Conversations:“What do children know about insects?”, “The mysterious world of insects.”


Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale “The Fly Tsokotukha.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the content of the fairy tale, to develop children’s artistic abilities and speech.

Outdoor games:

1. "The Bear and the Bees"
Goal: develop the ability to run in different directions.
2) Round dance of insects
Goal: to develop an ear for music, plasticity, to consolidate knowledge about the methods of movement of a bee)
3) “Day and Night” (day and night butterflies)
Goal: develop the ability to act on a signal, follow the rules of the game.
4) Game “Connect the dots and find out what the caterpillar will turn into”
Goal: to develop precision of hand movement and imagination.

5. “Catch a mosquito”

Goal: to train children in jumping, to develop precision of movement and dexterity.

6. Outdoor game “Dragonflies, butterflies, bees, grasshoppers”

Goal: develop the ability to run in different directions.

Project type:

short-term, group, research.


for children 4-5 years old.

Project duration:

Project participants:

children middle group, parents of pupils, teachers.

Educational area:

environmental education.

Relevance of the problem:

Children , While walking, we often see insects. The reaction of the guys is unpredictable, some watch, others immediately take it with their hands, and someone stamps their foot. When talking with children, the problem itself appears: “Are insects beneficial or harmful?” , “Are insects necessary?”

Children’s participation in the project will help them form ideas about insects, their benefits or harm;

develop creative abilities and search activity.

Project goal:

formation of ideas about the life of insects.

Project objectives:

  • to form in children basic ideas about insects (butterfly, ant, beetle, bee, grasshopper), their structure, methods of movement;
  • find out about their benefits or harm;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards living things;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • develop research skills.

Expected result:

  • children will know and name insects (butterfly, ant, ladybug, beetle, bee, grasshopper);
  • have a basic understanding of some of the features of appearance (body shape, number of legs, presence of wings), ways of transportation (jumps, flies, runs), sounds made (buzzing, chirping) where and how insects winter;
  • know about the benefits or harm they bring to people and plants;
  • find similarities and differences;
  • master the general concept of “insects”;
  • write a descriptive story about an insect using a supporting diagram.

Preliminary work:

  • search work to select illustrative material on the topic “Insects”;
  • acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, A. Bianchi “How an Ant Hurried Home”, “Spider - Pilot”, G. Glushnev “Grasshopper and Grasshoppers”, S. Mikhalkov “Academy of Sciences”, G. Skrebitsky “Happy Bug”, V. Zotov from the book “Forest Mosaic” (“Ladybug”, “Grasshopper”, “Chaferbug”), K. Ushinsky “Bees on reconnaissance”, K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha”;
  • learning poems about insects “Centipede”, “Bug Song”, “About a Butterfly”, finger gymnastics“Beetle, dragonfly, wasps”, “Ladybugs”, asking riddles, word creation (composition by children);
  • listening to an audio recording of N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee”;

Collaboration with family:

  • Consultations “How to instill a love of nature”, “First aid for insect bites”.
  • Parents write down a story about an insect invented by the child and help decorate it with drawings.
  • watching cartoons:
  • “Luntik”, “Maya the Bee”, “Winnie the Pooh”, “Under the Mushroom”.

Project activity product:

a story about an insect

educational games,


collective application “In the clearing”,

crafts made from natural materials,

exhibition of drawings “Insects and cockroaches”.

Project implementation plan:

1 week: « Meet the Butterfly":

1) Literary word, riddles about a butterfly.
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the butterfly.

2) Review of encyclopedias and magazines.
Goal: to introduce children to the appearance of insects.

3) Talk with children about the butterfly.
Purpose: to introduce the varieties of butterflies, the butterfly development cycle, the benefits or harms.

4) A) Visual activity “Butterflies”.
Goal: To form the prerequisites for the ability to color a butterfly drawing, using previously acquired drawing skills. (lemons, cabbage, napoleon).

B) Decorating the group room with butterflies.
Goal: to create a desire to decorate the group for everyone.

5) Game “Connect the dots and find out what the caterpillar will turn into.”
Goal: to develop precision of hand movement, fine motor skills, imagination.
6) Outdoor game “Day and Night” (day and night butterflies).
Goal: develop the ability to act on a signal, follow the rules of the game.

Week 2: "Meeting the Ant."

1) Literary word, riddles about an ant, reading V. Bianchi’s fairy tale “How an ant hurried home.”
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the ant.

2) Logorhythmic exercises: “Friends helped.”

Goal: developing a sense of rhythm.

The ant fell behind his friends.

He broke his thin leg.
Ay-ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay.
He quickly wrapped it in grass,
He quickly ran into the anthill.
Well, the sun has already set behind the forest.
It immediately became so scary and dark.
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah!
It's good that friends helped
They brought the ant home.
Well done!

(Children press their palms to their cheeks and shake their heads rhythmically.
Legs are rhythmically bent and unbent.
They run in place.
They make a rhythmic spring.
Rhythmically cover your eyes with your palms.
They clap their hands rhythmically.)

Logorhythmic exercise “Insects over the meadow.”
“Ju-zhu-zhu,” the bee buzzes:
- I'm flying from afar.
“Zu-zu-zu,” the mosquito squeaks.
- Phew-phew, - like a steam locomotive
The bumblebee puffs, bringing pollen.
The beetle buzzes: “Buzz, buzz, buzz.”
I’ll wake anyone up.”
(Children raise their arms to the sides and wave them rhythmically, like wings.
Rhythmically "throwing away" index fingers forward. They rhythmically stamp their feet and clap their hands.

Search for an anthill.
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the ant’s home and how to protect anthills.
3) GCD “From the life of ants”.
Goal: to consolidate and clarify children’s knowledge about the lifestyle of ants, habits, benefits, and to activate children’s vocabulary.


4) Excursion around the territory of the kindergarten (or into the forest). Observation of an anthill.
Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the behavior of ants and their habitat.
5) Experiment “Isolation of formic acid”.
Goal: development of cognitive activity.

6) Creative activity: “Who helped the ant get home”
Goal: to strengthen children’s visual skills, to depict different insects.

Week 3: “Meeting the Ladybug.”


1) Literary word, riddles and poems about the ladybug.
Goal: to introduce children to literary works about the ladybug.

Larisa Trenina
Lesson notes for the middle group “Insects”

Unorganized educational activity:

for children average preschool age

Subject: « Insects»

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", « Physical development» , "Artistic and aesthetic", "Social-personal".


1. Cognitive development : expand children’s knowledge and ideas about features insects.

2. Communication development: develop coherent speech, logical thinking, teach how to answer questions, enrich children’s vocabulary, develop children’s ability to listen and solve riddles. Develop memory and attention.

3. Social and personal development: develop the ability to work in group, negotiate, take into account the partner’s opinion.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development: to develop the ability to listen to music, develop creative abilities.

Methods and techniques: visual, verbal, conversation, artistic expression, play actions.


Equipped meadow with flowers on flannelgraph

Headbands with images insects

Models insects

Illustrations insects

Recording cassette "Seasons", birds singing.


1. Organizational moment

I will say the magic words, and you will make the movements that I will speak:

We need to close our eyes

Take two big jumps

Stretch your arms forward

And then vice versa.

How the leaves spin,

So that we can find ourselves in the forest.

This is a miracle of miracles:

You and I are in the forest!

(A flannelgraph with flowers is displayed, turn on birdsong)

We will stop in a clearing where there are many flowers and birds sing tenderly. Name the flowers that you know (bells, daisies, cornflowers, coltsfoot).

Who do you think they attract? (insects)

2. Guessing riddles.

Guess which ones insects I will talk.

(When guessing the riddle, the child goes out and attaches the necessary insect on flannelgraph)

1. She has four wings,

The body is thin, like an arrow,

And big, big eyes

Let's call her (dragonfly)

2. I don’t buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk

I don't buzz when I'm working,

And I buzz when I'm spinning (bug)

3. He is a real worker,

Very, very hard working.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

Builds a house from needles (ant)

4. She is light, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And loves to drink flower juice (butterfly)

5. She is dearer than all the beetles,

The back is scarlet.

And there are circles on it,

Little black dots (ladybug)

3. Conversation:

Well done, you did a good job. Our clearing has become even more beautiful and brighter.

We still have insects, look at them carefully, each insect has antennae, three pairs of legs.

Where do you think they live? (Near ponds, in the forest, in the garden, and even in houses - these are flies, mosquitoes, ants)

How insects escape from the winter cold? (they hide in the bark of trees, in a pile of dry leaves, they sleep all winter)

Guys, bees and butterflies not only collect nectar, but also pollinate plants. The flower is pollinated and produces seeds. Where do you think bees, wasps, and bumblebees live? (they build their nests in a hollow tree)

What can you tell us about ants? (they are great and tireless workers, all day long they get food and carry twigs. This is the most powerful insect– they can carry weights ten times their weight)

Flies turn out to be very harmful insects. Why do you think? They fly through landfills and carry germs and bacteria on their legs.

Who eats flies? (frogs, toads, spiders)

4. Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"

Guys, just to make sure you're not confused. insects with other animals, we'll play a game "The Fourth Wheel"

1. Hare, bumblebee, hedgehog, fox

2. bee, fly, raccoon, dragonfly

3. frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly

4. spider, moth, bumblebee, sparrow

6. woodpecker, ant, bee, bumblebee

5. Physical education minute

We are in a fairy meadow and I wanted cast a spell: “One, two - now I’m a fairy”

And I will transform you with a magic wand V insects. You will fly, jump and make different sounds characteristic of these insects -"z-z-z", "w-w-w" (I put masks on the children)

We have fabulous flowers in the clearing and each flower should have three insects. Be careful! Well done!

One, two, turn around and turn into kids!

6. Description of execution.

We rested in the clearing and played. And we have another clearing, let's decorate it. I suggest you make butterflies from colored paper. (Children make butterflies to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons")

You have made very beautiful butterflies, let's put them on flowers.

7. Reflection:

What did we do today?

What did you like most?

Lesson notes for the middle group “In the world of insects”

Goal:1. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities; generalize children's ideas about insects; practice distinguishing and naming frequently occurring representatives of insect groups based on striking features.

2. Tasks for the development of coherent speech: form coherent speech, correctly use grammatical forms in speech, develop emotionality of speech, intelligence, imagination in the process of guessing riddles and solving creative problems.

3. Educational objectives: to develop the ability to listen to other children when discussing any problem situation; to instill in children a desire to take care of nature, to behave correctly in the forest and field; do not destroy the living conditions of forest inhabitants.

Material for the lesson: pictures from the “Insects” series, cut-out pictures, a clearing with flowers, Magpie.

Preliminary work: Reading works about insects, observing insects in nature, learning finger exercises.


Educational: Clarify children's knowledge about insects, their characteristic features; learn to express their movements with facial expressions, gestures and plasticity.

Developmental: development of attention.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards insects, a love of nature.

Equipment: magnetic board, insect figures, object pictures depicting insects.


The children enter the group, at this time Magpie flies in and cracks:

Corock: I was in the clearing today, something happened there, something happened, something was wrong, I don’t understand anything, what’s what?

Educator: Hush, hush, don't make noise. Guys, did you find out who it is?

Children: Magpie.

Magpie: Oh, hello, guys!

Children: Hello, Soroka!

Educator: What happened, Soroka?

Magpie: So I’m saying, I was in the clearing today, something happened there, I don’t understand anything.

Educator: Dear Soroka, we cannot understand anything. Guys, let's go to the clearing together and help Soroka figure it out.

Children: Let's.

Educator: How will we get there? Let's go on a journey on a magic train!

Game "Locomotive with a name."

Educator: Now everyone will turn into a “locomotive” and move in a circle, and at the same time clap their hands, calling their name.

I'll start. Alla Ivanovna. I drove a whole circle, and now I will choose one of you and he will become a train instead of me. Here I am choosing...Katya. Now she will say her name and clap her hands, and I will become her trailer, put my hands on her shoulders and repeat her name with her. Let's go!

Educator: So we have driven a whole circle, now Katya will choose the one who will become the “engine” and the three of us will repeat his name.

(do this until all the children have taken part in the game)

Educator: Guys, look, we arrived on our little train to a forest clearing. (INospitata spruce tree with children approaches a table that looks like a clearing withflowers)

Educator: Look how many flowers there are, how beautiful they are, but for some reason there is no one else in the clearing.

Magpie: And I told you that something happened! Oh, what is this lying here?

Educator: This is an envelope with a letter. Someone left a letter for us, let's read it.


Help! Help!

A fairy has bewitched us and we are now in danger.

To save us, we must solve riddles.

(signature) Insects.

Educator: Well, guys, are we going to save insects from trouble? (yes) Then let's listen carefully.

This little violinist

Emerald wears a cloak.

He is also a champion in sports,

He can jump deftly. (Grasshopper)

She is dearer than all the beetles,

Her back is scarlet,

There are circles on the back,

Little black dots. (Ladybug)

Black toddler

He can't pull the load according to his height. (Ant)

garden robber,

Honey belt. (Bumblebee)

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off.

He took off and flew away. (Butterfly)

small helicopter

Flies back and forth.

Big eyes

Her name is….(Dragonfly)

Children solve riddles and find pictures of insects.

Educator: That's how many little inhabitants of the clearing you have disenchanted.

Magpie: What great fellows you are! What a great fellow you are!

Educator: How can you call them all in one word? (insects)

Educator: Well done! Guys, look what a beautiful butterfly has come to visit us. Let's sit on the chairs, just quietly, so as not to scare her and look at her.

Educator: Look how beautiful the butterfly’s wings are – multi-colored. Tell me, please, why do insects have wings? (to fly from one place to another.) (Working with mnemonic tables. Children take turns looking for symbols and putting them on the board.) What else does a butterfly have? (antennae, head, abdomen, paws.)

Educator: Look at our drawing - this is general signs insects

All insects have a head, abdomen, antennae, and 6 legs.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Now let's rest a little.

Physical education minute.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

She stretched, smiled,

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully.

Three - bent down and sat down,

At four, it flew away.

(the teacher shows the first time, and performs the remaining two times together with the children)

Educator: Now let's play game "Who's Missing?", and I'll check who is the most attentive?

Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I removed, who was gone?

The weather turned bad and a cloud rolled in. Apparently it will rain. And here comes the first drop, the second, the third... (Children hit with their thumb right hand on the left palm - one, index and thumb - two, etc., five - rain, knocking our fingers on the floor) All insects are gone. Who is missing?

Educator: And now you and I must complete the task that the insects have prepared for us. (Give children envelopes with cut-out pictures of “Insects” and one picture with the image of Autumn, which is displayed on the board.)

Educator: Well done guys. What beautiful pictures you turned out.

Magpie: Who is this? What is it?

Educator: Guys, look at the board, who is that pictured? (Autumn.) That's right. Now everything is clear to me. Dear Soroka, your noise and your worries were in vain. In the fall, all the insects go to bed, hide in stumps, under the bark of trees, and you made so much noise! Guys, let’s hide all our insects in the clearing under the flowers, it’s time for them to sleep. And you, Soroka, fly home, and we will return home on our little train.

Game "Locomotive with a name."

Egorova Tatyana Anatolevna
Abstract open class in the middle group "Insects"

Summary of an open lesson in the middle group

Subject: Insects

Target: to form children’s ideas about insects.


Educational: clarify and expand children’s knowledge about insects, their appearance, lifestyle; about the benefits and harm they bring to nature.

Developmental: develop mental activity, mental operations of comparison and generalization, curiosity, attention, memory, speech. Arouse interest in the surrounding world, form realistic ideas about nature. Expanding horizons and environmental ideas.

Educational: to cultivate the need for communication with nature, love and respect for nature.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive-research, perception fiction, motor, play, productive.

Equipment: illustrations insects.

Progress of the lesson


I'll tell you guys an interesting story.

One day I was walking in the forest and passed by a clearing. And I met interesting living creatures. They are all different, some fly, some crawl. But they all have exactly six legs. But I forgot what these creatures are called. Maybe you can help me remember what kind of living creatures these are. Now I will ask you riddles, and you must guess them.

Listen to the riddles:

Tell me, what kind of insect is this?

She's wearing a shirt with black dots,

Can climb deftly

According to God's leaves. (cow).

She is not a bee, but she stings.

She loves honey and jam.

There is a stripe on the abdomen.

Who is she, tell me? (Wasp).

Adults and children know -

He weaves thin nets,

He is an enemy to flies, not a friend.

What's his name? (Spider).

This little bug is a hard worker.

I'm happy to work all day.

I carry it on my back

It drags quickly. (ant).

What kind of guest with a hungry belly?

Is everything ringing in our ears?

Doesn't drink nectar from flowers,

Will bite us. (mosquito).

Who flies into every house

Along with the summer draft?

Who is buzzing dully behind the frame?

Annoying. (fly).

What a miracle helicopter

Doesn't let midges sleep?

As soon as the dew dries,

Takes off. (dragonfly)

In a clearing in cornflowers

He practiced jumping.

It's a pity, the chick had breakfast with them.

Who was it? (Grasshopper).

Where are the unwashed dishes?

The barbel doesn't live well there.

Both in pots and in glasses

The red one will fit in. (cockroach).


Guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly. How can we, in one word, name: fly, mosquito, bee?

Children's answers - Insects.


Insects in spring

They curl and flutter -

In a clearing in the forest -

Everything smells fragrant!

Legs six insects,

There is a head and wings.

And don’t mind eating pollen

(But not to be confused with dust)

Bee, butterfly, bumblebee

We need flower juice.

Ladybug eats aphids

From greenery, from leaves.

The bumblebee is buzzing, the wasp is ringing,

Dragonfly flies...

There's honey in the hives on days like these

Fills the honeycomb.


Guys, how do they move? insects?

Children's answers

Educator: They can crawl, walk, fly, swim, jump and run.


What do they eat? insects?

Children's answers

Educator: Most of insects happily eats green leaves, stems and young shoots of plants. Some insects They feed on ripened fruits, fallen leaves and needles.

Is in nature and insects - predators who prey on others insects. (This is a dragonfly - it feeds on small midges, catches mosquitoes and beetles; ants - they destroy many insects; grasshoppers - they can snack with appetite on a careless butterfly or fly).

Is there insects who love to feast on honey nectar and delicious pollen .

Guys, what do you think these are? insects?

Children's answers - (bees, bumblebees, butterflies, flies).

Fizminutka "Centipede"

1. A centipede was walking

(children walk with a rhythmic step, slightly springing)

On a dry path.

2. Suddenly it began to rain: Drip-drip-drip!

(children stop and crouch.)

Oh, forty paws will get wet!

3. I don’t need a runny nose

(children walk, raising their knees high, as if they are walking through puddles,

I'll go around the puddles!

4. I won’t bring dirt into the house.

(children stop, shake one leg,

I'll shake each paw!

(shakes other leg).

5. And then I’ll drown

(children stomp their feet)

Oh, what thunder from the paws!


And now I want to tell you guys, small, but interesting stories about some insects.

Guys, do you know who is the strongest on earth? (children's answers).

The strongest on earth is the ant, because it carries weights 10 times greater than its own weight.

Guys, what are the names of ants' houses?

Children's answers - (anthill).

Ants live in an anthill as a large and friendly family. The ant princess rules the anthill.

Guys, who doesn’t let us sleep at night in the summer, and everything is ringing in our ears?

Children's answers - (mosquito).

Do you think mosquitoes have ears?

Children's answers

It turns out there is. And they hide with the male (boy) mosquito in the mustache. Of course, they are not the same ears as a person’s, but with the help of this hearing organ, the male mosquito finds his girlfriend by ringing.

Ladybug, fly to the sky, bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt...

Remember this saying?

What color is this insect?

Children's response (red with black spots).

Ladybug is still around orange color. Red or orange coloring ladybug called warning. The birds know that insects with such coloring they are inedible and do not peck at them.

Looking at pictures from insects.


What do you think will happen if everyone is destroyed? insects? (no one will pollinate plants; if this is not done, then there will be no plants themselves). Guys, don't offend me insects, don't touch them, they are part of nature.

When in a fragrant draft

You will sit down in the pine forest in the summer,

Take a good look around -

You'll notice a lot, friend.

An ant drags the larva

Hurries somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On a fat bitch

The golden beetle settled down.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with his proboscis

And the bee collects honey.

All busy, everyone has things to do.

My friend, take a close look,

You will see a magical life!


Guys, since you helped me remember the name insects. I want to give you small gifts, these are coloring books with insects.

Bottom line classes.


1. Agranovich Z. E. Seasons. -SPb., Childhood-Press, 2002

2. Wildlife in the animal world. -SPb., Childhood-Press, 2005

3. All year round. A series of demonstration paintings with methodological recommendations. - St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2005

Publications on the topic:

Objectives: 1. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about insects, introduce the general concept of “insects” into the active vocabulary of children. 2. Educate.

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