Fairy tale modern style scenario Little Red Riding Hood. Scenario of a fairy tale in a new way “Little Red Riding Hood” for senior preschool age. Beauty in a red baseball cap

Little Red Riding Hood (as in the fairy tale by Charles Perrault) goes to visit Grandmother. On her way she meets “cheerful flowers”, and “friendly frogs”, and... Her grandmother is young, modern, and the Wolf knows how to use cell phone. And most importantly, a good, kind ending.



The script for the play "Little Red Riding Hood" new way»

for children 5-6 years old

(based on a fairy tale by Charles Perrault)

Goals and objectives of the play "Little Red Riding Hood":

  • formation of skills in perceiving works various types arts, because theater is a synthetic art form;
  • stimulation of creative activity, freedom, emotional freedom; improving performing skills, developing a sense of partnership;
  • development of imagination and associative thinking;
  • development of abilities for improvisation and speech activity of children;
  • development of sustainable interest in culture, literature, theater, music;
  • formation of artistic and aesthetic taste;
  • education of moral qualities.


Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood's Mom

Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother




Dancing: flowers - dance “Chamomile”, frogs - “5 cheerful little frogs”, lumberjacks - dance “With rolling pins”, general dance - “Rainbow-Arc”

Songs: "Little Red Riding Hood's Song", "Young Grandmother"

On the stage the scenery is the interior of Little Red Riding Hood's house (table, bench, shelf with dishes).

Storyteller : IN ancient time in one village

In a log chopped light hut

A good mother and daughter lived

They were friends, worked and did not bother.

And somewhere beyond the forest in another village

In the same strong log hut

The good grandmother lived quietly,

She knitted socks and kept house.

And the grandmother once knitted it for her granddaughter

Mittens for the frosty winter

And I sewed a red cap for the cold

And I gave it to my beloved granddaughter.

And the granddaughter wore a red cap

And everyone said: “How great! Cute!"

(Little Red Riding Hood walks, showing her cap)

They recognized her by her red cap

And they called her Little Red Riding Hood!

(MOM enters)

Storyteller: A mother once said to her daughter:

Little Red Riding Hood's Mom:I baked a pie
Grandma with potatoes.
You go to her, my friend,
Take the basket.

And also take her some cow butter
Yes, better ask about her health.
There is no news from her, I am already worried.

Little Red Riding Hood I'll collect a bouquet for her
New one on the way!

Forest scenery (you can use a multimedia projector)

(Little Red Riding Hood walks through the forest,sounds like "Little Red Riding Hood's Song").

Storytellers: So she went on her way

In a scary forest all alone!

Little Red Riding Hood And the forest is not at all scary

There are a lot of miracles in it.

Storytellers: What are you doing? Are you kidding?

Little Red Riding Hood No. Flowers dance in it,

Birds and trees surprise everyone!


(The woodcutters come out)

1 woodcutter:

We saw, chop where necessary,

And we work together.

Axes in hands sing -

They praise the work of woodcutters.

2 woodcutter:

We are in a dense forest, like at home,

That path is familiar to us,

Along which the Wolf ran

And where was he going?

3 woodcutter:

Lumberjacks, lumberjacks.

Let the Wolves not bare their teeth.

We are not afraid of Wolves -

axes sharper than fangs.


(from behind a tree): Ku-ku!

Little Red Riding Hood : Oh, cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo, guess how many pies I have in my basket?

Wolf: Ku-ku!

Little Red Riding Hood:But I didn’t guess right! Not two pies at all!

Wolf (in a rough voice): Ku-ku!

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh, who's fooling me? What does this all mean?

Come on, cuckoo, go out to the edge!

Wolf (exits) : Ku-ku, Little Red Riding Hood! Peek-a-boo, baby!

Where are you going, beauty?

Little Red Riding Hood:I go to my grandmother and bring it in a basket
Butter and potato pie for her.

Wolf: Apparently the granddaughter loves her Grandmother.
How many flowers are there!
How the frogs sing here!
Get flowers for grandma quickly.
It will become brighter in her house.

(The wolf runs away.)

Dance “5 funny little frogs”

Scenery: (in the center there is a house, “GRANDMOTHER comes out of the house to exercise” with dumbbells)

Storyteller : And here is grandma. Our grandmother is young, modern, like in our song!

Song "Young Grandma"

Grandmother: I'm kind of tired. Pumped up my biceps.

A cloud is wandering in the sky. Where are you, my granddaughter?

Oh, look, it’s raining, all the paths are wet!

(Goes into the house)

Storyteller: Meanwhile, the Wolf was quickly rushing along the road.
He did not spare his wolf legs.
I ran up to the hut,
There's a knock on the door.
He learned to do dirty tricks long ago.

(The wolf runs through the hall, stops at grandma’s house, knocks quietly)

Wolf: Where is grandma, I would like to know?

Should I search on my cell phone? ( dials the number)

Nobody answers, hmm.....

She probably turned off her cell phone too.

(knocks hard)

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Grandma: Who's there?

Wolf ( imitating the voice of Little Red Riding Hood)

Open to me quickly, my granny!

I am Little Red Riding Hood, your granddaughter!

I brought you gifts, lovingly,

There are pies in my basket for you!

Storyteller: And the wise grandmother - the door is on a hook!(closes the door)

Why does she need a toothy top in her hut?

He takes his beloved kitten into his hands

And hides in an old tall chest of drawers!(hides in the closet)

Storyteller : The gray one climbed into the window. I looked - no one!

I didn’t realize that everyone was hiding from him.(The wolf enters the house and looks around)

He put on his grandmother’s cap and went to bed!(the wolf puts on his cap)

He lay down and began to wait for guests!

Storyteller: Here Little Red Riding Hood approaches the house,

She’s not in the garden, she can’t find her grandmother!

He enters the hut and looks at the bed:

Little Red Riding Hood:Grandma, did you want to sleep during the day?

Wolf: Why did you come? And what did you bring?

Pies! And with what?

I got sick and lay down a little

Couldn't you sit a little closer?

Storyteller: And Little Red Riding Hood sat down next to her.

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh, Grandma, forgive me my question,

What happened to your ears?

They stick out from under the cap funny.

Wolf: I recently fell ill with otitis media.

It blew at the window on the second day,

So my ears are swollen.

Little Red Riding Hood:Why, tell me, darling,

Does the fur on your face grow thick?

Wolf : The electric razor is a little dull,

That's why I didn't shave for a week.

Can you hear the rumbling in your stomach, my angel?

Now I'll dine on you!

Storyteller : An antique chest of drawers opened with a creak!

And the formidable grandmother goes to the wolf!

Grandmother: Now I'll turn you into a mouse

Now I'll let the cat loose on you!

Storyteller: Here the gray one dropped his glasses out of fear

And he let himself into his thicket with all his strength!

(the wolf drops his glasses and runs into the forest; people come out to meet him lumberjacks)

1st: Hey wolf, where are you running with all your strength?

Perhaps he did something again?

2nd: We want to visit grandma's house

Wasn't that where the wolf did something?

(the hunters detain the wolf and lead him to the grandmother’s house)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Wait! I understand why the Wolf is like this! He needs to be fed!

(Gives the Wolf a large bowl and a spoon. The Wolf sits down and eats.)

Wolf (giving the bowl to Little Red Riding Hood).

Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood! Very tasty! ( Everyone).

I wasn't raised like that! But by nature I am a good-natured person!

You, friends, forgive me, and accept my flowers!

(takes flowers out of his bosom and gives them to mother, grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood)

Storyteller: We have a happy fairy tale,

Because no trouble happened

Nobody ate anyone in this fairy tale,

Everyone is alive, healthy and the wolf survived!

General dance "Rainbow-arc"

Nadezhda Chapley
Scenario of a fairy tale in a new way “Little Red Riding Hood” for a senior preschool age

THEATERIZATION TALES Sh. PERRO « Little Red Riding Hood» .(on new way)

In France, distant and beautiful. The girl lived alone.

Her mother and grandmother loved her very much and

they gave her a red riding hood.

That's what everyone started calling this girl.

So her mother decided to send her to her grandmother.


Listen, dear daughter! You've already grown big -

We need to go to grandma and take the pie to her.

Be careful on the road and don’t start conversations with strangers.

Don’t forget about the wolf’s deceptions, okay, goodbye, good luck.

(Gives her the basket.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Okay mommy. I love my grandmother!

I'll bring her a gift. I won't give it to anyone.

I'll say your regards.


The girl took the basket and turned onto the path into the forest.

(Music sounds)

Little Red Riding Hood:

The forest has bright and joyful green grass.

Oh, where are you, where are you flowers? I love you very much!

Go out into the clearing for a walk. We will dance together with you.

(Dance of flowers.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

I hear some noise, hurry up and hide, friends.

(Wolf music)


Hey, Little Red Riding Hood, wait, don't go past the wolf!

How far are you going?

Can I have a look here?

(Looks into the basket, licks his lips)

Let me try the pie. I'll soon fall off my feet (eats)

Where are you going? And who are you bringing the pie to?

Little Red Riding Hood:

I'm going to visit my grandmother. She's been waiting for me for a long time.


How far does your grandmother live? Oh, my stomach hurts so much.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Not far away, in that village over there. She must have been waiting for me.

I don’t have time to talk with you, I’ll go along the path, that one...


I can go with you too. The path is long, the forest is large -

You go this way, and I’ll go another! Let's see who comes faster!

(leave with scenes both) .

Music is playing. The cat appears in boots:

You all recognize me, friends, I am known to you as Puss In Boots.

I got tired of sitting with the owner, I decided to see the whole world.

I accidentally overheard the conversation; for some reason I didn’t like it.

How talkative all the girls are! Told all the secrets to the wolf.

It would be necessary to help, to warn so that there would be no trouble later.

(He leaves. The music of the magical forest sounds.)


Was walking Little Red Riding Hood, walked and came to a magical forest.

(Music sounds. Christmas trees appear.)

We are Christmas trees, Christmas trees, Christmas trees - prickly needles!

Whoever touches us, we will immediately enchant you!

(Dance of Christmas trees.)


It has gotten dark in the forest, and night is already coming.

The girl's eyes are drooping,

a little more and she'll fall asleep.

And a tear rolls down from fear

Little Red Riding Hood:

Oh, I think I got lost!

And I went down the wrong path.

How can I find my way now?

After all, I lost the path to my grandmother. (crying)

Bonjour, madam! Why cry like that?

Now I will help you

Let's catch up with the wolf and bring him to my dear grandmother.

Run to grandma, and I will rush after the hunters.

Scene The wolf approaches grandma's house (knocks)

Grandmother: Who's there?

Wolf: This is me, a wolf, a kind, affectionate animal...

Grandmother: What kind of miracle, good wolf?

How could you become like this?

Wolf: I don’t know, I ate the pie. Your granddaughter treated me.

Something suddenly happened to me. I immediately became kinder to everyone

I loved all the children. Invite me to visit

Tell me what I can help you with.

Woman: Okay, I’ll let you into the house, delicious tea I'll treat you.

We will set the table and wait for my granddaughter together.

Puss in Boots and granddaughter come up and open the door. They come in

Kr. Shap: Be careful, grandma - it’s a wolf, he could eat you.

Cat: You, madam, be careful, there can be danger with him

Grandmother: Come on in, don’t worry and admire the wolf

He became kind and good, affectionate and attractive to everyone

You treated him to your good pie.

We'll all be friends now, we can't quarrel.

Cat: And now we invite all the guys.

Let's dance a French dance together "Little Ducklings"

Goals and objectives of the play "Little Red Riding Hood":

  • formation of skills in perceiving works of various types of art, because theater is a synthetic art form;
  • stimulation of creative activity, freedom, emotional freedom; improving performing skills, developing a sense of partnership;
  • development of imagination and associative thinking;
  • development of abilities for improvisation and speech activity of children;
  • development of sustainable interest in culture, literature, theater, music;
  • formation of artistic and aesthetic taste;
  • education of moral qualities.

Hall decoration:

Decorations of grandma's house, decorations of mother's house and forest. On the floor there are two pieces of green fabric with flowers symbolizing the meadows.

A screen on which the scenery changes depending on the action of the performance.

Children's roles: Storytellers, Little Red Riding Hood, Mom, Wolf, Grandmother, three Mice,

Girls are Flowers, three Squirrels, boys are Frogs, girls are Butterflies.

In fairy tales, good always wins
A fairy tale always exudes warmth.
Dear listener, you will be glad.
"Little Red Riding Hood" in a new way.

Fairytale music sounds and two Storytellers come in.

1: A girl lives in the forest

And he dances and sings.

Everyone loves her and is waiting for her

The name is Little Red Riding Hood

2: She lives here alone with her mother.

She loves her grandmother.

Sit back, viewer.

And look carefully

This is a saying, not a fairy tale

The fairy tale will be ahead.

Music is playing.

Mom “bakes pies.”

Little Red Riding Hood tries on a cap and shows off in front of the mirror.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Mom, can you go for a walk?

Should I pick some flowers?

Well, of course, take a walk,

Yes, make sure you don't get lost

I need to go see grandma

Treat you to some pies.

Get ready to hit the road

And take a basket with you.

Pies with cabbage

They turned out delicious.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Okay mommy, I'll go see grandma

And I’ll bring some gifts.

Greetings to grandma

Be careful, my light.

Mom and Little Red Riding Hood go behind the screen.

Storytellers appear.


1: So she went on her way

In a scary forest all alone?

2: And the forest is not at all scary

There are a lot of miracles in it.

Girls in flower costumes come out and sit on the carpet-clearing.

Dance of Little Red Riding Hood, flowers and animals.

(A wolf peeks out from behind the screen, rubbing his hands)
(During the dance, Little Red Riding Hood leaves and the wolf sneaks up behind her)

Ha-ha-ha – ha-ha-ha,
How stupid she is.
I'll catch her now
I'll scare you to death.
Oh, my hands are itching,
I'm itching with boredom!

Squirrels block his way.

All Squirrels:

Oh, you prankster, get out!
Don't scare Little Red Riding Hood

We know you as a villain
Let's throw cones!

(Place a tree stump.)
They throw cones at the wolf and he runs away from them.
The wolf rubs his sides, the squirrels run away.

Oh - oh - oh, how it hurts me,
Hit a bump on the back
I'd rather sit on a tree stump

I'll sit for a day

I'll heal bumps and wounds,

And I will swallow the girl.

The wolf sits on a stump.
Frogs run to the music.

Dance of the frogs.

Frog 1:

We will treat the wolf and give him bitter medicine.
Frog 2:

Let's smear the cones with fly agaric, the evil gray Wolf.
Frog 1:

You better not get sick, make some friends.
Frog 2:

Look in the dense forest, what a multitude of animals there are!

Get out of here, if it doesn't hurt you. (Growls.)

The frogs run away.

I lost my sleep and peace
I'm still a wolf and a very angry one
I'll catch the girl
Although I won’t eat it, I’ll scare you!

He sits on a tree stump and butterflies fly in.

Butterfly dance.

Where does this beauty come from?

Oh, my head is spinning!

Nose tickles ears,

I'm itching like a dog!

Runs away.

Music is playing.

Little Red Riding Hood walks along the path, a wolf sneaks behind her.


1: Be careful, beware.

2: The wolf is coming.

1: Run, save yourself.

Wolf: Where are you going, girl?

Little Red Riding Hood: To Grandma's at the edge of the forest.

Wolf: Where does grandma live?

Little Red Riding Hood: There, there are geese walking.

Wolf: What's in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood: There are potato pies.

Wolf: So you're going the wrong way

The road is safer.

Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you, Wolf, for your advice.

Wolf: Goodbye, be careful.

Little Red Riding Hood leaves, and the wolf walks along the road and dances.

Storytellers appear.


1: Oh, how cunning is the treacherous wolf

so deceived the poor thing.

2: And he went a different way.

I'm scared for grandma.

The wolf approaches the grandmother's house.

Oh, that's where grandma lives

The village is not bad.

Oh, someone seems to be coming... (runs away).

Music is playing. A grandmother wearing glasses comes in, sits down and knits.
Little Red Riding Hood runs in and a wolf sneaks up behind her.

Granddaughter, my dear
I'm glad to see you! (Hugs granddaughter.)

I see you are not alone here

I brought a friend with me!

Little Red Riding Hood looks around, gets scared, and hides behind her grandmother.

Go beyond the fence.

I'm very glad to see you

Yes, sit down at the table with us

Eat mushroom pies.

Everyone sits down.
Wolf: Well, thank you, we fed you (rubs his belly).

Walks out to the middle of the stage.

What a shame, what a shame

Such a good old lady
She invited me to visit you,

She treated me to pies,
An obsession came over me
I'm ashamed of my behavior

I went to the old lady's house,
Found new friends here!

Little Red Riding Hood:

The door is open here for everyone

unless you're a scary beast!


1: It's time to leave

And say goodbye to the heroes.

2: But let us not be discouraged,

We will invite Skazka to visit.

Script for production
tales of Charles Perrault
in the puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 6.


Little Red Riding Hood
Gray Wolf

In the foreground on the left are several trees and Little Red Riding Hood's house, on the right is a dense forest. Several flowers grow in the middle. In the background is a field and the edge of a forest.


The dense forest sleeps sweetly
On a hill pillow,
The house is small
At its edge.
A girl lives in the house
And believe me, children,
What's more beautiful than her
Not in the whole world.

Little Red Riding Hood comes out of the house and begins to pick flowers one by one.


And kind and cheerful,
And pretty
And, although still small,
It will always help everyone.
Mother is proud of her
And he doesn’t care about his soul.
Well, what about her grandmother?
Every day he gets bored.
Even though he lives nearby,
On another edge,
But walking is not easy
Through the forest to an old lady.

Little Red Riding Hood

I sewed it while sitting by the window,
She will update me -
Scarlet cloth cap
With silk piping.


And since that time without her
We didn't see the little one.
Little Red Riding Hood
Everyone called me that.

Mom comes out of the house with a basket. Little Red Riding Hood throws the bouquet and runs up to her.

I baked a pie
Grandma with potatoes.
You go to her, my friend,
Take the basket.

Mom gives Little Red Riding Hood a basket.

And also take it to her
Cow butter
Yes, better ask
About her health.
There is no news from her
I'm already worried.

Little Red Riding Hood

I'll collect a bouquet for her
New one on the way!
The bear's horror has blossomed,
Blues and currants!

Be careful, daughter!
Don't leave the path.

Little Red Riding Hood slowly walks towards the forest, picking the remaining flowers along the way. Mom waves her hand and goes into the house.


We wouldn't have fairy tales
And there would be a point here,
If only mother's order
My daughter hasn't forgotten.
She was walking along, and suddenly
Gray wolf towards you.

Little Red Riding Hood approaches the forest. A wolf comes out to meet her.

Hello, hello, dear friend!
Are you far away?

Little Red Riding Hood

I'm going to see my grandmother
And I carry it in a basket
Butter for her
Yes, potato pie.

Wolf (to the side)

It's not easy to guess
Where does the old lady live?

Little Red Riding Hood

Yes, not far at all!
On another edge!

The sound of an ax is heard, one of the trees falls, and the wolf runs away. Little Red Riding Hood is also hiding in the forest. Little Red Riding Hood's house disappears.


A new friend would eat the crumb,
But judge for yourself
How can you eat here when you're around
They wave axes.
And the insidious wolf decided
Outwit the baby.

Little Red Riding Hood with a large bouquet comes out from behind the trees on the left. A Gray Wolf with flowers appears right in front of her and blocks her path.

There's something I don't understand
Where are you in such a hurry?
Even all your flowers
Can't compare to this.
But if you really want it,
Then let's change!

Little Red Riding Hood throws her bouquet and takes flowers from the Wolf. In the distance the axes are clattering again. The wolf looks around.

Little Red Riding Hood

Oh, how cute they bloom!
Petals with a heart!

Wolf (quietly and insinuatingly)

I know where they grow
I'll point out a place.
Follow that path...

The wolf points to the trees on the left.

You will come out into the clearing.
Yes, you're on your way,
I won't accompany you.

Little Red Riding Hood is hiding behind the trees on the left.

Well let's see which of us
He'll get there sooner.
There's an extra hour until the hut
She'll have to go!

The Gray Wolf is hiding behind the trees on the right. As soon as he leaves, Granny's house appears in front of the trees on the right.


And the gray wolf rushed
Along a straight path;
Teeth chatter: “Click! Click!
The fur on the back stands on end.

The Gray Wolf appears from behind the trees on the left, breathes heavily and, looking around, sneaks towards Grandmother's house.


He came running, barely breathing,
I crept up to the house.
I looked around slowly,
There was a knock on the door.

The wolf is knocking on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Grandmother appears in the window.

That's me!
Granddaughter in a red hat!
Let me in
It's not safe here!
I brought a pie
Butter pot!

Come quickly, my friend!
Pull the string!

The wolf pulls the string and rushes into the house. The grandmother disappears from the window.


The gray one pulled on him,
The door opened.

The house begins to shake.

Well, let's see who wins!

Oops, trouble has happened!

The grandmother appears in the window again, but the wolf drags her back and appears in the window already wearing glasses and with a cap on her head.

How can I
Had a nice lunch!
I'll take a nap while I'm
Didn't visit dinner!

The wolf puts his head on his paws and falls asleep, snoring from time to time.


Mining continued until dark
By a roundabout path,
And she was herself
Satisfied as always.

Little Red Riding Hood appears from behind the trees on the left with a huge bouquet of flowers and walks towards the house.

Little Red Riding Hood (singing)

I walked along the path
I'm going, I'm going!
And I found flowers
Found some nice ones!

Little Red Riding Hood knocks on the door. The wolf stops snoring.

Little Red Riding Hood

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Um-ha! Who's there?

Little Red Riding Hood

This is your granddaughter!
I brought gifts for you:
Oil for porridge
Yes, a pie with potatoes!

Come quickly!
Pull the lace, baby.
I'm old and sick!

Little Red Riding Hood pulls the cord, enters the house, but immediately steps back, dropping flowers and a basket.


Only her grandmother
Has changed a lot.

The wolf also comes out and begins to approach her. The girl retreats.

Hello, my child!
Ali what happened?
I'll hug you now!

Little Red Riding Hood

You wouldn't be in a hurry!
Hands, grandma, you have
Very big!

This is for hugging
It was handy for me!
Tell me about the house, about your mother.
Is everything all right?

Little Red Riding Hood

Oh! Tell me why
Are your ears like this?

All the “why” and “why”!
To listen to you!

Little Red Riding Hood retreats, the Wolf approaches.

It's time for dinner
How far is it until night?
You've been with me since the morning
You're fooling your head!
Why are you hanging here for an hour?
As if they were sewn to a stump?

Little Red Riding Hood

Your eyes are very
Grandma, big ones!
As they begin to burn with fire,
Goosebumps down my spine!

Little Red Riding Hood retreats, the Wolf approaches.

This is something to consider
I want you, you fool!

Little Red Riding Hood

And tell me why
Are your teeth like this?

I'll eat you with them!
Meat grinder teeth!

The wolf rushes at the girl and eats her.

Wolf (hiccuping and stroking his belly)

It fit, but with difficulty!
How delicious!
This is what will happen to those who enter the house
Lets everyone in!
I'll go back there
I'll lie down at the doorstep
After all, there is never any spoils
There is never too much.
Maybe someone else will come
Visit the old lady.

The wolf returns to the house and looks out of the window.


The wolf is hiding and waiting,
He looks at the edge.

An hour passed and no one was there.
Bored - no strength!


And from his satiety
Soon I fell asleep.

The wolf begins to snore loudly.


And at that time young
A hunter walked past.

A Hunter comes out from behind the trees on the left with a gun on his shoulder and walks towards the house.

Over the neighbor's chimney
I don't see any smoke.
Well, I'll knock on the door,
I'll pull the string.

The hunter enters the house and immediately looks out of the window.

Hunter (to viewers)

Wolf! By God! I'm not kidding!
Sleeps like an angel!

Several shots are heard. The Wolf runs out of the house. The hunter is after him.

Ooh, damn it! Right now
I'll arrange it for you.
I'll shoot you in the eye like a squirrel,
I'll cut your belly open quickly!

The wolf falls awkwardly. A hunter with a gun stands over him. The wolf pushes the gun away.

Don't shoot! It's not my fault!
I'm not suffering for anything!
Me and a quarter of a hare, brother,
I haven’t eaten it in a year!


Wolf (looking around)

Who's screaming?

Hunter (suspicious)

The hunter raises his gun again. The wolf begins to hit his stomach.

It's my stomach growling.
Apparently from hunger.

The wolf ate us!

Save us!

Hey, you there, be quiet,
Otherwise he’ll kill you now,
If he hears you!

The hunter shoots the Wolf. The wolf falls.

The wolf came to an end here.

Wolf (with a sigh)

He didn't miss.

Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood appear.

Little Red Riding Hood

And the hunter found us
Whole and unharmed.

Everyone (in unison)

Collecting sometimes
Blues and currants,
Don't go anywhere
From your path!

A musical fairy tale based on the work of the same name by Charles Perrault. The main character does not adhere to the basic safety rule - you cannot talk to strangers. This negligence results in very sad consequences.


Development of creative abilities.

The action is happening

in 3 scenes:

  1. Little Red Riding Hood's House – there is a brick oven near the house, and trees behind the house.
  2. Forest glade– flowers and herbs surrounded by trees.
  3. Grandma's house– bedroom: bed, TV, wardrobe, door.

Required attributes:

  • Basket with pies;
  • Pot of oil;
  • Pillows (imitation of an expanding wolf belly).


  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Mother
  • Grandmother
  • Hunters

Progress of the event

Scene 1: Little Red Riding Hood's House

There is a stove outside. Mom is making pies. The pies dance is performed. Then the mother collects them in a basket and calls her daughter.

Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Come to me!

Little Red Riding Hood (exits): I'm coming, mommy!

Mother: Look, I baked delicious pies - with mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes! Take it to grandma, please (gives her daughter a basket of pies)!

Little Red Riding Hood: Okay, mom! I haven’t been to grandma’s for so long, I miss you very, very much!

Mother: Run faster. Be careful, don't talk to strangers!

Little Red Riding Hood: Agreed, mommy!

Mother: Yes, and don’t forget the pot of butter (passes the pot).

Little Red Riding Hood: I definitely won't forget! Bye, mommy (runs away)!

Scene 2: Forest glade

Little Red Riding Hood runs along the path and sings. He stops in a clearing and collects flowers.

If you rush for a very long time
Along an intricate path,
Then in the end maybe
Get dizzy!

It's better to rush and stop
On some lawn
To pick beautiful flowers,
Having barely rested.


Ah-ah-ah, blue, burgundy and yellow flowers,
Ah-ah-ah, everyone is ready to be gathered in an armful!
Ah-ah-ah, dandelions, daisies,
Ah-ah-ah, let's collect everything without a mistake,

Ah-ah-ah, and let's go forward!

We're rushing along the path again,
We rush along the path again,
And someday we'll get there
You and I are going somewhere!

Well, to be honest, honestly,
Then we'll rush to grandma's
And we will give her not only
Butter and pies!


Ah-ah-ah, I’ll give her a bouquet of flowers,
Ahhhh, a pot of butter and pies!
Ah-ah-ah, I will be very glad,
Ah-ah-ah, there will be a reward for me:

Ah-ah-ah, I’ll be happy then!

Little Red Riding Hood goes off stage. A hungry Wolf comes out and sings to the tune of the song “I am a merman.”

I'm tired and angry now!
Don't flutter in front of me
Like a wolf I'm hungry now
I can easily tear you all apart!

(Oh, how hungry I am!)


Eh! I'm very hungry!
In the forest or in the swamp
There are no juicy animals at all!
And that’s how I eat, and that’s how I eat, and that’s how I want to eat!

I'm ready for breakfast
Even eat a couple of wild boars,
And for lunch I'll eat a hare,
And I don’t want to have dinner at all!

Little Red Riding Hood comes out, they collide and fall.

Wolf (licking his lips, to himself): Oh, what a delicious girl! I just want to eat it!

Little Red Riding Hood: Sorry, dear! I didn't hear what you were saying?

You're a good girl. I really want to take a walk with you.

Little Red Riding Hood: My mother doesn’t allow me to talk to strangers.

Well, am I a stranger? You and I have just bumped heads - and now we’ve met! By the way, I am a Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood: And I am Little Red Riding Hood!

I saw a beautiful clearing nearby! Will you come with me? In a low voice: No one will stop me from eating you there!

Little Red Riding Hood: Sorry, I don't have time. I go to my grandmother, bring her pies and a pot of butter. She's waiting for me.

(to myself): So, breakfast is good, but lunch is even better. I'll eat them both! Little Red Riding Hood: Where do you say your grandmother lives?

Little Red Riding Hood: At the edge of the forest.

Okay, run. Since you are in a hurry, it would be better for you to follow that path (points to the path) - it is shorter. This way you will meet your grandma faster.

Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you, good Wolf. Then I ran! See you later (runs away).

Wolf (smirking after): I would even say, see you very soon! Very, very fast (leaves along a different road).

Scene 3: Grandma's House

Grandma sits in front of the TV and sings to the tune of V. Daineko’s song “To Live Together.”

One day you will come
Back home with me again
And you will bring joy,
And happiness and peace.

You know it's hard
I have to live alone in the wilderness,
Ask me again
And invite me to live with you!

And again clasping his hand,
Suddenly I won't shut up
I'm bored here alone
I want to live with you!


It's easy to live together:
Granddaughter with grandmother and daughter,
We will survive all storms,
I can help you all!

We will always live together
Relax in the forest with your soul.
There is nothing more joyful for me:
My daughter and granddaughter are here with me.

There was a knock on the door - the Wolf came.

Grandmother: Who's there?

Open up, grandma! It’s me – Red Hat – beautiful! I brought it to you delicious pies and a pot of butter!

Grandmother: Who-who?

Yes, your granddaughter!

Grandmother: Oh, granddaughter! And I only thought about you. I started to hear something poorly, so I couldn’t hear it.

You should listen to the TV more quietly and leave the doors as thin as they were. Otherwise iron gate established, as if you were hiding from someone.

Grandmother: Well, yes, I'm hiding. They say that the Wolf showed up in our forest. Now it’s scary to be alone in the house. Who will help me?

Granny, will you open the door? Or will we just talk through the door?

Grandmother: Oh, sorry, granddaughter! I'll open it now.

Grandma comes to the door and opens it. The wolf pounces on her and eats her. Then a dance is performed to a verse from Verka Serduchka’s song “Dolce Gabbana.” The wolf tries on grandma’s clothes, walks as if on a catwalk, and turns around in front of the mirror. Suddenly he hears the steps of Little Red Riding Hood. He quickly tidies up and goes to bed, covering his head with a blanket.

Little Red Riding Hood (knocking on the door): Grandmother! Where are you? It's me - your beloved granddaughter!

Little Red Riding Hood (entering the house): Grandma, why are you so bad at closing doors? A Wolf walks nearby here, I saw him myself: huge eyes, wide paws, big, big ears! And the teeth are so sharp - I was already afraid that he would eat them. But for some reason he let me go.

Wolf (to the side): Naive girl! He didn’t let go, but put it aside. The best food is eaten last!

Little Red Riding Hood: What are you saying? I didn't hear.

And I say that you are very caring! And beautiful!

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf take turns singing to the tune of the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden.”

Little Red Riding Hood:

Tell me, grandma, how are you?
How did you get sick and where were you?

Rheumatism has taken over my back,
I don’t have the strength to get out of bed!


Little Red Riding Hood:

Come on, grandma, take the pie!

Come closer to me - 3 times, my friend!

Little Red Riding Hood:

You, grandma, say this now -
Why are your eyes like saucers?

Oh, you curious fidget,
To see better - big eyes.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Grandma, why are your ears
They are so huge, I don’t understand something!

To better hear your words:
Big ears - big head!

Little Red Riding Hood:

Baba, are your teeth sharp?
Do you need them too to hear?

And the sharp teeth, my granddaughter,
Needed to eat you quickly!

The wolf rushes at Little Red Riding Hood, she screams and fights back. As a result, the Wolf eats the girl, his belly “grows” again (he quietly places a pillow). The overfed Wolf lays down on the bed and falls asleep. Suddenly, hunters appear from the forest, having heard cries for help.

Hunters (singing to the tune of “Gummy bear”):


An angry, hungry, scary wolf is waiting for us in ambush!

Hunters, go! Always just forward!
He, greedy and bloodthirsty, will not leave us! Uh-uh.

I am a hunter, you are a hunter, we are hunters - 2 times.

Hurry up and jump on the wolf
And take out the double-barreled shotgun,
Now let's shoot together: bang-bang-bang!

Let him want to run away
Or suddenly he wants to laugh
Well, we’ll shoot together: bang-bang-bang!

We will search together
We'll shoot together
And let's all shout together: Oh-oh-oh!

If we stand together,
Then nothing is needed
We will defeat the wolf - not for the first time!

Hunter 1 (sees open door, enters the house): Look, the Wolf himself! And how smooth his skin is - apparently he didn’t deprive himself of food!

Hunter 2: And he doesn’t sense danger at all! But we are close!