Hidden diabetes mellitus symptoms how to identify. What is latent diabetes mellitus? Sudden weight gain and loss

There is a special form of the disease - hidden diabetes mellitus, which is also called latent. This name comes from the peculiarities of the course of the disease, which passes without any special symptoms. People with this diagnosis often feel well, so the disease can only be detected through tests.

Doctors do a carbohydrate tolerance test, and if the readings are more than 120 mg on an empty stomach and about 200 mg after meals, this indicates that the patient has a latent form of diabetes.

Previously, it was believed that complications occur in those who have high blood sugar, but today it is known that this is not entirely true. Hidden diabetes may not show itself in any way, and according to many tests, deviations from the norm will not be observed.

But even at the stage of latent disease, the body’s blood vessels begin to be damaged, so the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and heart failure increases. People with this diagnosis often have deteriorating vision and nerve problems.


The most common symptoms of latent diabetes mellitus:

  • Skin rashes, the presence of furunculosis and pyoderma.
  • Problems with teeth and gums (looseness, bleeding).
  • Increasing blood glucose levels to 5.6-6.2 mmol/l.
  • Decreased libido, sexual dysfunction (especially in men).
  • Decreased sensitivity of the limbs and skin.

This condition can last up to 5 years, then latent diabetes mellitus develops into a chronic, incurable form.

Timely detection of symptoms increases the chances of preventing exacerbation of the disease. Proper treatment will help prevent the transition of the latent form to the active one, slow down or even stop its progression.


There are some signs indicating the development of the disease that the patient may not notice or simply not attach importance to them.

The first sign is itching and flaking of the skin, which are caused by exposure to pathogenic factors.

U healthy person skin is protected from negative influence microorganisms, but excess glucose in the blood destroys the natural barrier.

The second sign is a feeling of dry mouth, thirst. The patient is constantly thirsty, but in the heat few people pay attention to this. As a result, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.

Third characteristic feature- This is a weight disorder. Moreover, this does not only mean extra pounds, sometimes there is a rapid loss of weight, and then gain. Appetite may increase significantly, and in this case it cannot be considered a sign of good health.

Also, with a latent form of diabetes mellitus, unreasonable weakness, apathy and bad mood may be present.

It is not necessary that all these manifestations occur simultaneously; a person may have only 1-2 of them, or the disease may not show itself at all. However, at the first suspicion, you should think twice and contact a specialist.

Modern medicine is able to detect the disease at an early stage of development. Then the doctor will be able to select the correct and effective therapy to prevent the development of diabetes mellitus and prescribe an appropriate diet.


Because this type diabetes is often asymptomatic, and the patient has no complaints, diagnosis is difficult. Patients cannot independently recognize the initial symptoms of latent diabetes mellitus, so medical care they come in already in advanced cases, often in serious condition.

However, it is still possible to identify the disease by taking a test for latent diabetes mellitus.

The main diagnostic method is GTT (glucose tolerance test). The patient's blood sugar is changed on an empty stomach and after taking glucose.

In a healthy person, the body does not release glucose; in case of metabolic disorders, it appears in the urine. Therefore, latent diabetes can be diagnosed by taking a test.

High rhythm modern life often makes us forget about health; slight illness does not cause suspicion. But such inattention can have fatal consequences. Latent diabetes mellitus is an insidious disease, which is often completely asymptomatic, but can lead to a serious incurable illness.

Latent diabetes mellitus - what is it?

Hidden diabetes mellitus is also called latent, and The main danger of this disease is that it is very difficult to identify. This is a special form of the disease in which the patient feels well, does not complain about his health and well-being, and can only find out about the problem after undergoing tests. The presence of latent diabetes is indicated by increased level sugar in the blood or urine.

In a healthy person, glycemia is always the same - regardless of gender and age. A blood sugar test for carbohydrate tolerance should show blood sugar readings of more than 120 mg on an empty stomach and more than 200 mg after taking glucose. If the indicators are higher, then you need to consult a doctor, conduct a further examination and begin treatment.

If your blood test is normal, but your health indicates that you are not completely healthy, you should perform a urine test. A healthy body retains sugar, but in diabetes it comes out with urine, so such a study is mandatory if you suspect the initial stage of diabetes.

It is advisable to take such tests at least once a year, otherwise you risk missing the onset of the disease, and it will be much more difficult to cure it later.

Even if you feel well, some minor signs may indicate health problems. Already at this stage they begin to suffer and become damaged. internal organs, in particular, the walls of blood vessels become weaker and more fragile. This can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, including heart attack, heart failure, hypertension, and stroke. Possible malfunctions nervous system, weakened vision, itchy skin, fatigue, pain in the legs, rapid weight gain or loss, a sudden “brutal” appetite. All these signs may indicate the development of the disease. His the main danger is a gradual and imperceptible development and a possible sharp exacerbation at any time under the influence of unfavorable external factors or when the body is weakened due to other diseases.

Exists several risk factors, the presence of which increases the likelihood of developing prediabetes.

  • Advanced age. How older man, the less energy the body has and the higher the likelihood of problems with sugar. Statistics show that approximately 80% of people over 65 years of age experience symptoms of latent or overt diabetes.
  • Hereditary predisposition. Most often, people who have relatives with this diagnosis suffer from diabetes. Their risk of encountering such a problem due to a hereditary predisposition is much higher than that of those in whose family no one suffers from hyperglycemia.
  • Having excess weight. Most often it appears from poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, addiction to fast food, sweets and alcohol. When you gain weight, metabolic processes in the body and the functioning of the endocrine system are disrupted and worsened, and signs of diabetes appear. They are observed in 25-30% of people who have extra pounds.
  • Pregnancy. The body of a woman expecting a child is rebuilt, spends a lot of energy and in some cases a malfunction may occur metabolic processes. Therefore, every pregnant woman should donate blood for sugar and undergo an examination to exclude the possibility of developing the disease. If there are signs of the disease, you will have to switch to a special diet and be under the supervision of doctors until the baby is born and for some time after birth. With proper treatment and diet, the body heals itself, and the problem goes away without a trace.
  • Viruses. With some diseases or complications after them, the pancreas, which produces insulin, may be affected and cause an increase in blood sugar.

Symptoms and signs

Hidden diabetic disease can be prevented and detected in time by a number of symptoms and signs. These are subtle changes and minor irritating sensations that everyday life we rarely pay attention. They may not all appear at the same time, but only some, in some cases they may not be present at all, but the regular presence of at least one is a reason to consult a doctor and get tested.

Signs of developing prediabetes:

Skin rash, itching, peeling, boils, dry skin that is easily irritated. They are caused by pathogenic bacteria and microbes on the skin. They do not cause harm to a healthy person, but if there is a high sugar level, the blood circulation of the skin is disrupted, the protective layer of the epidermis is destroyed and it becomes susceptible to harmful microorganisms.

If you do not react to such signs in time and do not undergo examination, the disease can become open and provoke complications that are dangerous to health and life.

Doctors consider symptoms of hidden diabetes

  • skin diseases, ulcers and dermatitis
  • diseases of teeth and gums
  • vascular and heart diseases
  • decreased sexual function
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin and limbs.

Analysis for hidden diabetes mellitus

Prediabetes is very difficult to identify; it is asymptomatic or has signs that people usually do not pay attention to. special attention until they feel seriously unwell. The only way to recognize the disease is to get tested.

Blood test

GTT or glucose tolerance test shows your blood sugar levels. The analysis is taken twice: on an empty stomach and after eating. First, blood is taken on an empty stomach, after which the patient is given a solution with 75 g of glucose to drink, and after 3 hours the blood is taken again. The normal amount of sugar in the blood is 120 mg and 200 mg, respectively. If the norm is exceeded, then treatment should be started immediately.


A healthy body retains glucose and processes it, and if metabolic processes are disrupted, it is excreted along with urine. If sugar is found in the patient’s urine, even in small quantities, this is evidence of illness.

Treatment methods

It is imperative to treat diabetes in the early stages. Neglect of health can lead to an open form of the disease, life-threatening complications. At the same time Prediabetes treatment methods are simple and affordable s, will not require financial costs or special effort. They include three components:

  • dieting
  • weight loss
  • use of special medications or herbal remedies
  • The first two points will help you easily complete the last one.

    Physical activity should not be excessive. Preference should be given to swimming, cycling or just walking. Half an hour of exercise a day will be enough, while during work the muscles burn 20 times more glucose than at rest. Try to use a car or public transport less, and give up the elevator. Of course, this does not mean that you need to walk to the other end of the city or climb to the twelfth floor. But if you only need to travel two or three stops or you live on the 3rd or 4th floor, then it is advisable to refuse the services of technology. So are you effectively lower blood sugar, improve metabolism and lose weight.

    Diet is also a very important factor in treatment. For latent diabetic disease should be excluded from the diet:

    • fatty foods, sausages, smoked meats, fatty cheeses
    • sweet carbonated drinks, caffeine
    • sugar, sweets and confectionery
    • eggs, mayonnaise
    • alcohol

    Tea, coffee and alcoholic drinks are harmless in small quantities, but they remove calcium from the body, so drinking them can make you feel worse.

    You can take medications. The drugs Acarbose or Metformin stop the progression of the disease, but they must be taken daily for several months or years. Following a diet and exercising gives much better results and reduces the likelihood of developing the disease by half. You can fix it with the help of simple herbal remedies that reduce the glycemic index. These are blueberry leaves, dandelion roots, dry bean leaves, flax seeds.

    With timely detection and treatment, latent diabetes not only does not develop into a severe form, but is completely cured.

    A prediabetic condition that occurs without any symptoms at all is called latent diabetes mellitus. This type of diabetes is also called latent diabetes. Signs that may indicate a latent type of disease include itching and flaking of the skin, changes in body weight, and severe thirst. The important thing is that only half of the patients develop latent diabetes. With early detection of pathology and timely treatment, the development of the disease and dangerous complications can be prevented. To do this, if signs of the disease appear, you need to consult a doctor.

    The danger of hidden diabetes

    The danger of such a disease is that the latent form of diabetes mellitus does not manifest itself in any way, but changes are already occurring in the human body. This disease can occur in both children and adults. But it is more common in women than in men. With a latent form of diabetes, damage to blood vessels in the body occurs, and the risk of cardiovascular pathologies increases. The likelihood of death from heart attack and stroke in people with latent diabetes increases several times. There is also a decrease in vision and problems with nerve fibers.


    The manifestation and progression of pathology occurs due to the following factors:

    • genetic predisposition;
    • inactive lifestyle;
    • decreased immunity;
    • pathology of the pancreas;
    • stressful situations;
    • drinking large amounts of alcoholic beverages and sweets;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • frequent pressure surges;
    • low levels of potassium in the blood.

    The risk group includes:

    • Elderly people. Symptoms of this disease are expressed in 90% of elderly people.
    • With a genetic predisposition. People who have sick parents are at high risk of developing diabetes.
    • Obese patients. Weight gain occurs due to poor nutrition, which worsens metabolic processes in the body.
    • Pregnant women. During pregnancy, a decrease in cell sensitivity to insulin is detected.
    • People who suffered infectious diseases viral etiology. After an infectious pathology, damage to the pancreas is often detected.
    • The risk increases in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

    Symptoms of hidden diabetes mellitus

    The disease occurs without any symptoms or signs.

    The following are signs of hidden diabetes:

    • the appearance of itching and peeling of the skin;
    • severe thirst and dry mouth;
    • sudden change in body weight;
    • lethargy;
    • severe fatigue;
    • mood lability;
    • headaches;
    • painful sensations in the heart;
    • difficulty falling asleep;
    • decreased vision;
    • copious and frequent urination;
    • brittle nails;
    • the appearance of itching in the perineum;
    • increased pigmentation of the skin.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    The latent form of the disease has no symptoms and its diagnosis requires consultation with specialists. During examination, doctors determine dryness and flaking of the skin, excess body weight. During medical history, patients note drinking large amounts of fluid, dry mouth, severe fatigue and irritability. After this, doctors carry out differential diagnosis with other diseases. To determine hidden glucose in a latent form of the disease, the following tests are prescribed:

    • blood glucose;
    • analysis for hidden sugar;
    • glucose tolerance test;
    • sugar in urine.

    The patient is also given a prednisone-glucose load to identify the disease:

    • For 3 days, the patient must eat food that contains at least 300 g of carbohydrates.
    • It is imperative that the amount of protein and fat in the diet correspond to the norm.
    • Prednisolone (no more than 12.5 mg) is administered 2 hours before consuming glucose.
    • If on an empty stomach the amount of blood sugar exceeds 5.2 mmol/l, and after 2 hours - 7 mmol/l, then the patient is confirmed to have latent diabetes.

    Diagnosis of the latent form of pathology is also carried out using the Staub-Traugott test. Its essence is that the patient takes 50 g of glucose and after a while another special dose. In people who do not have diabetes, an increase in blood sugar is observed only after the first dose, and in sick people, an increase in blood sugar is detected after the first and second dose.

    Additional tests are prescribed:

    • general blood test;
    • general urinalysis;
    • blood biochemistry;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
    Modern medicine has developed some drugs that are ways to stop the development of diabetes.

    Hidden diabetes mellitus is dangerous disease, so for proper treatment, you need to go to the hospital. Upon admission, the specialist will examine the patient and prescribe special methods diagnostics Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor will develop a treatment plan. Medicines and a special diet are prescribed as treatment.

    Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease that can occur unnoticed. Its hidden course in medicine is called latent. This is a very dangerous period, as the body begins to slowly deteriorate, and the patient, feeling well, does not even know about it. The latent course of diabetes can be diagnosed using a laboratory method.

    Who is at risk?

    The disease is more likely to develop in patients at risk for diabetes. These are people for whom one of the following conditions is relevant:

    • Heredity. Diabetes is detected in people with a hereditary predisposition. Very often it manifests itself in children whose parents also have this diagnosis. Checking the blood glucose level of such a child must be approached with special care. Read more about diabetes and heredity -.
    • Overweight. Leads to disruption of metabolic processes, which will later manifest themselves as a complication in the form of diabetes.
    • Old age. Elderly people lead a sedentary lifestyle, their body gradually loses its strength. Latent diabetes mellitus can also develop against the background of many other diseases. In this state, violations from the side very often begin to occur. cardiovascular system, vision and other organs.
    • Pregnancy period. Carrying a child is a severe hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. And in order to prevent the disease in time, a pregnant woman must undergo blood tests for sugar.
    • Viral etiology. The virus, entering the human body, begins to attack, which leads to a malfunction of the pancreas. Insulin begins to be produced incorrectly, which leads to diabetes.

    Symptoms of hidden diabetes

    Symptoms of latent diabetes mellitus are divided into two categories:

    Main features

    • thirst – the patient can drink more than 3 liters of liquid per day;
    • frequent urination due to the fact that the patient drinks a lot of water;
    • cardiac disorders – surges in blood pressure, shortness of breath;
    • weight gain, but sometimes first a sharp decrease, and then the patient has a strong feeling of hunger and, naturally, weight gain;
    • disorders of the nervous system – numbness of the arms and/or legs, insomnia.

    Minor signs

    • weakness, fatigue – even with the slightest physical activity the patient quickly gets tired;
    • decreased sensitivity;
    • oral disease;
    • disorders of the reproductive system;
    • decreased potassium in the blood;
    • weakening of the immune system due to disturbances in blood glucose levels, which leads to fungal and bacterial diseases.

    The main signs of latent diabetes appear sharply and a person may notice characteristic changes in his body. Secondary signs manifest themselves gradually and less noticeably.

    Diagnosis of latent diabetes mellitus

    Diagnosis of latent diabetes involves important laboratory tests, including:

    • Double load method (Staub-Traugott). The examination is carried out on an empty stomach. The patient drinks 50 ml of glucose before taking the test. Then, after an hour, the load is repeated. At normal level glucose in a healthy person, the analysis will show an increase only during the first sampling. And in a patient with a latent form, there will be an increase even after a second analysis.
    • Analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin. Shows blood sugar concentration over the last three months. Using this analysis, it is possible to more qualitatively assess carbohydrate metabolism disorders and identify a latent form of diabetes at earlier stages.
    • Laboratory testing of urine for the presence of glucose. If a person normally does not have sugar in his urine, then in the latent period it can be diagnosed in the laboratory.

    Experts from the program “About the Most Important Thing” will talk about the symptoms and test for diabetes mellitus:

    Treatment of hidden diabetes

    Hidden diabetes mellitus detected in the initial stages can be easily cured with diet. The following should be excluded from the diet:

    • products containing large number sweet;
    • fruits with a high glycemic index;
    • all alcoholic drinks and their components;
    • carbonated drinks, coffee;
    • fatty, fried;
    • pickled products;
    • foods containing high amounts of cholesterol.

    It is best to include in your diet:

    • low-fat veal, chicken, fish;
    • seafood;
    • vegetables (except potatoes, beets and carrots);
    • green;
    • cereal (buckwheat is best).

    All foods must be steamed. You should switch to fractional meals - 5-6 meals a day, but in small portions.

    We must not forget about physical activity (preference should be given to walking), which will also help you lose weight. overweight. It is important that losing weight is also a way to normalize blood glucose levels. But it is important to strengthen immune system, so it is recommended to take special multivitamins.

    Hidden diabetes can be treated medicines, but this is strictly under the appointment of a specialist and under supervision.

    Prevention of latent diabetes mellitus

    It is important to understand that it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. It is necessary to monitor your weight, for which you should engage in swimming or other sports, and take walks. Plays no less important role proper nutrition. It is important to visit medical institutions on time and undergo medical examinations carried out in clinics.

    This disease develops with an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin in the body. Latent diabetes develops when carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, and the level of glucose in the urine and blood plasma increases. The main symptoms of diabetes in men are similar to those in women, but the disease progresses differently.

    1. Type 1 of the disease causes a person to become dependent on insulin. In the first type of disease, most of the insulin cells secreted by the pancreas are destroyed. The reasons that provoked the disease may be different ( viral diseases, autoimmune disorders, poor nutrition, genetics). Typically, this type occurs in people under 30 years of age. Provoke exacerbation infectious diseases. Without insulin human body ceases to function properly and absorb glucose normally, so patients have to constantly receive this substance from injections.

    2. Type 2 - non-insulin dependent. In this case, the function of the pancreas is not impaired. The signs of diabetes in adult men are the same as in women. The cells of the body become insensitive to insulin (resistant). For these reasons, blood cannot enter the blood vessels. Factors causing this type of disease are:

    • hereditary predisposition;

    • errors when taking medications;

    • increased body weight.

    The initial stage of development of the disease may go unnoticed. External signs of diabetes mellitus in men are not very pronounced at an early stage, so it is sometimes very difficult to determine the presence of the disease. Primary symptoms include the following:

    1. There may be a constant feeling of uncontrollable hunger. This is due to problems with the absorption of glucose (cells, without receiving it, remain “hungry”).

    2. Fatigue of the body, chronic fatigue or drowsiness. This is the result of a lack of vital energy.

    3. Itching and irritation of soft areas of the skin (feet, groin, palms).

    4. Sudden weight fluctuations (in one direction or the other). This indicates problems with the absorption of carbohydrates, as a result of which rapid processing of proteins or subcutaneous fat begins.

    5. Sweating increases.

    Signs of diabetes in men can easily be confused with nervous stress. However, it would be useful to have an initial visit to the doctor with a full examination and tests. You can get diabetes at a young age, after 30 years or even after 50. If treatment is delayed, serious complications begin to develop in men after 40 years of age. Hormonal imbalance negatively affects potency, causes prostatitis, ejaculation dysfunction, and infertility.

    After 50 years, men more often develop this disease of the second type. This may be accompanied by attacks of bleeding gums, headaches, and hair loss. As a rule, all this is attributed to age-related characteristics, preferring not to turn to medicine. How to determine diabetes mellitus? You definitely need to go to an appointment with a qualified doctor to check your blood sugar levels.

    The first signs of diabetes in adult men are replaced by more serious symptoms that cannot be ignored:

    • urinating too frequently;

    • constant feeling of thirst;

    • wounds heal poorly, gangrene, suppuration, and infections are possible;

    • hair loss increases;

    • teeth are destroyed;

    • decreased sensitivity of the limbs (difficulty lifting the big toe).

    Signs of high blood sugar indicate that a person may have diabetes. To make an accurate diagnosis, the following manipulations are needed:

    • blood and urine are checked for glucose levels;

    • it is necessary to determine the content of glycosylated hemoglobin;

    • test for the body's sensitivity to glucose;

    • detection of C-peptide, insulin in blood plasma.

    Type 1 diabetes is dangerous for the male body due to the development of certain complications. If in women all hormonal imbalances turn into obesity, then the stronger sex experiences the following problems:

    • atherosclerosis;

    • myocardial infarction;

    • diabetic ketoacidosis;

    • retinopathy;

    • vascular thrombosis;

    • depression;

    • polyneuropathy.