How do birds get rid of skin parasites. Worms in chickens: how to treat in the household. How to get rid of chicken lice folk methods

How to remove lice from chickens

Hello! Six months ago, I decided on a kind of feat. Usually I took fresh chicken eggs from a neighbor after a couple of houses, but I wanted to expand my farm.

The mini chicken coop was erected, and the first inhabitants appeared in it. Finally, I didn't have to go around and strain other people.

But another problem arose: my chickens began to have bare skin. It turned out that this is the activity of lice. Good thing I knew a good remedy. Do you want to know how to remove lice from chickens? Then read the article as soon as possible.

Chicken lice spread diseases such as spirochetosis, Newcastle disease, influenza, adenovirus and reovirus infections.

In addition to chickens, mallophages infect geese, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowls, and many other species of domestic and wild birds.

Biology of mallophages

Chicken lice are small, wingless insects. They have a flat, rounded or elongated segmented yellow-brown body with dark stripes and spots. The head is wider than the body, has small antennae. The size of mallophages is from 1.5 to 2 mm.

Downy-eaters feed on fluff, feathers, exfoliated skin particles. They do not drink blood, but they are able to swallow secretions protruding from scratches and abrasions.

The female lays eggs white color, gluing them to down, feathers or body. The length of the eggs is 0.5 - 1.5 mm, they are oval in shape and can be clearly seen under a magnifying glass.

After 5-18 days, larvae emerge from the eggs, outwardly similar to adults. Within 12-20 days, the larvae molt three times and turn into sexually mature mallophages.

The fecundity of downy eaters is very high. One pair can give up to 100,000 offspring during a lifetime. The entire development cycle lasts about 25–30 days and depends on temperature and humidity. environment. Most favorable conditions 25-30 °C and 70-78% humidity.

Mallophages spend their entire lives on the host's body. In the external environment, they are able to exist from 2 to 4 days, less often up to 8 days.

Symptoms of the disease

Downy-eaters affect birds of all ages, but young animals are especially affected by them. The source of lice are sick chickens, care items and equipment. Birds can become infected through cages, perches, nests, dust baths.

Lice do not like light, so they hide in secluded places - under the wings, in the near-anal region, on the side and lower parts body. Sometimes they can be quite difficult to see, as they are able to adapt to the color of the host's plumage. With a high number of feather eaters, chickens become bald, more often feathers fall out on the back, stomach and neck.


Chicken lice prefer young feathers. Therefore, during the molting period, the symptoms of the disease worsen. Chickens are restless, constantly rummaging through plumage, they can peck themselves, pluck out a feather.

On a dead bird, lice cannot be found, because they move from a cooling corpse to more favorable habitats.

Mallophagosis must be distinguished from skin diseases caused by microscopic mites (scabies). To do this, it is necessary to examine the scraping of the upper layer of the skin under a microscope for the presence of mites.


The treatment of lice in chickens is to treat the bird with insecticides. It is better to use solutions of preparations, spraying them with a bird from garden sprayer. The plumage should be evenly moistened.

You can also use powders. They will have to be rubbed into the plumage of each chicken individually, while observing the recommended dosage. If possible, avoid getting the medicine in the eyes and nose.

With a cage content, chickens are treated directly in the cages, with a floor cage, they are sprayed at night on perches.

Medicines for treatment

  1. 0.25% aqueous emulsion of cyodrin;
  2. 2% aqueous suspension of entobactrin;
  3. 5-7% turingin;
  4. 0.05% dibromo;
  5. 0.3-0.5% aqueous solution of chlorophos;
  6. 0.5% permethrin emulsion;
  7. 0.7% dicresyl;
  8. 0.3% solution of trichlormetaphos-3;
  9. butox, neostomozan (in ampoules or vials) - 1 ml per 1 liter of water;
  10. pyrethrum - powder;
  11. 7% sevin powder - 15 g per head;
  12. aerosol "Ekoflis";
  13. deltamethrin - powder.

These insect repellents can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. Feverfew is also sold in a regular pharmacy.

If you don't find anything, use flea products for dogs and cats sold in pet stores.

Insecticide solutions are used in the same dosages as recommended for washing pets. In small farms, in extreme cases, you can use flea drops - Celandine, Dana, Bars, Beafar, Frontline and others. They need to be applied to the skin of each chicken once, according to the weight of the bird.

As for the means for the destruction of insects used in everyday life (aerosols such as "Dichlorvos"), it is better to postpone their use. Firstly, they can be toxic to the bird, and secondly, they will have a high consumption, which is financially burdensome.

The treatment of the chicken coop is carried out simultaneously with the treatment of the bird. That which is not afraid of fire is burned blowtorch or gas burner. All surfaces and bedding are sprayed with insecticide solutions:

  • 10% aqueous suspension of pyrethrum;
  • 0.25% Sevin water emulsion;
  • 0.5% aqueous emulsion of karbofos;
  • neostomazan, butox in a dilution of 1:200.

Most available remedy for processing the poultry house completely - karbofos.

Chickens must be removed from the premises during processing. After spraying, stand for several hours, and if possible 1-2 days. After exposure, change the bedding, wash the feeders and drinkers with water.

It makes sense to use such folk remedies in the fight against chicken lice only in small farms. However, in the conditions of private household plots, they should not be neglected.


Prevention of the disease is carried out by the following methods.


How to get rid of chicken lice in a chicken coop? How to protect your pets from fleas, ticks and bed bugs? Agricultural forums are literally full of such questions.

Signs of presence

Birds show nervousness, often pick feathers with their beak or paws, and carry eggs poorly. A chicken suffering from lice or fleas loses weight quickly. If in a chicken family, you began to notice similar symptoms, then take a bird and see it better.


In order to get rid of bedbugs, lice and fleas, it is not enough to use preparations for chickens, you need a complete sanitization of the chicken coop!

Folk remedies

Inside the chicken coop and in the nests of birds, you can spread the branches of some plants. It is noted that tansy, wild rosemary, rosemary, and wormwood help get rid of fleas.

Due to their pungent smell, they will be able to protect your chickens for a long time from blood-sucking insects. It is worth noting that laying out plants is best for prevention purposes. But even at the stage of infection of chickens, they will also perform an important function.

Vegetable oil helps to get rid of ticks. With this tool, you do not need to coat the whole chicken. Usually they drip directly onto the sucked tick and it lags behind.

The question of how to remove bedbugs will help solve a mixture of tar and vegetable oil. With the resulting composition, it is necessary to process the entire interior space of the room.

It must be recalled that bedbugs can exist for quite a long time without their carrier. Therefore, pay great attention to internal processing.

Used machine oil mixed with creolin helps to get rid of ticks. The resulting composition is recommended to process the legs of birds and perches.

It must be clarified that it is good to use folk remedies when there are no more than 20 laying hens in your chicken coop.

The point is that almost all people's councils, built on the individual processing of each bird. If your farm contains more than a hundred birds, then it will be very problematic to process each chicken individually.

Chemical control methods

In order to get rid of lice, you can use drugs designed to solve similar problems in cats and dogs. You can buy them at any pet store.

It is better to purchase drops, they are rubbed into the skin of birds. Do not purchase drugs based on chlorine. This substance tends to accumulate in muscle tissues, which will negatively affect the quality of chicken meat.

Well-established means such as: "Bars", "Neotomazan", "Stomazon", "Frontline", "Perol-A". When using these tools, do not overdo it. No matter how much you want to help chickens get rid of bedbugs and ticks, you must strictly observe the dosage of drugs. Otherwise, you can harm the birds.

When working with dust, extreme care must be taken. This is a very toxic substance and if used too much, it can lead to the death of chickens. The same can be said about karbofos and chlorophos.

In large farms and poultry farms, Butox is widely used. This remedy is usually made in the form of an aqueous solution, which must be applied to the feathers of chickens.

Powder "Deltamethrin" has the same effect. This powder is also applied to the plumage of birds. When working with the drug, be careful, avoid getting the product into the respiratory tract.

Remember that a one-time treatment of the entire population of chickens is recommended. Therefore, if your household has a lot of poultry, it makes sense to call the neighbors for help. In large farms, the entire staff is usually involved in the sanitization of birds.

All traces of the vital activity of birds are completely cleaned from the premises, the litter and straw from the nests are removed. The chicken coop is thoroughly washed and scalded with hot water.


You can re-whitewash the walls using a mixture of bleach and slaked lime. It is worth noting that it is also better to wash the room with bleach.

After the smell of chlorine disappears, the chickens can be returned to their usual habitat, after laying the floor with fresh bedding.

Prevention measures

  • Try to protect the chicken coop from the entry of rats and mice. These rodents are the main carriers of lice and fleas.
  • Clean up regularly interior spaces chicken coop and the surrounding area.
  • Engage in visual inspection of laying hens more often. Infected individuals must be isolated from other birds.
  • When buying a new hen, keep it for a while in a separate room.
  • For the rest of the birds, the new one should be released only after preventive treatment.


There are more than 40 species of arthropods that feed on feathers and down, and some of them on blood. Sometimes several varieties of lice live on one bird at the same time.

However, the main danger lies in the fact that chickens are carriers of dangerous infections, most often helminths. An infected chicken is capable of carrying disease-causing microbes. Eating its meat is dangerous for humans.

Where do lice come from

Even if the room in which the bird is located is clean, this is not a 100% guarantee of preventing the spread of mallophagosis. Wild birds (sparrows, crows, pigeons) are the main source of the disease.

Upon contact with infected individuals, lice are transferred to chickens. A small insect (from 1 to 5 mm) remains invisible to humans for some time, at the same time, multiplying, it infects healthy birds.

Symptoms and course

Veterinarians confirm the diagnosis of mallophagosis, in the presence of adult lice on the body of a bird. A photo of chicken lice will help to independently determine their presence.

Main symptoms:

Many people have a question how to get rid of lice (fluff and feather-eaters) in chickens. On average, a louse lives 3-4 weeks. But the ability to lay a large number of larvae and a short incubation period allows a couple to have 120,000 offspring in a few months.

Therefore, the fight against lice should be started immediately after the establishment of this disease in poultry.

It is easier to cope with this problem with timely treatment. There are several ways: chemical and folk remedies, we will consider them below.

By chemical means

considered the most effective. Ready-made drugs that are sold in veterinary clinics act on an adult insect, affecting nervous system and causing her death. For birds, these drugs are not dangerous. How to properly treat chickens from lice with chemicals is indicated in the instructions attached to them.


To destroy the larvae that will appear from the eggs after 7-10 days, re-treatment is carried out. Spraying is effective if carried out meticulously so that the entire body of the hen is disinfected.

It is important to consider that during processing, insects try to crawl onto the bird's neck. In addition to spraying, ash-sand baths should be installed for dry bathing of chickens, adding insecticides to the mixture of ash and sand.

Folk remedies

Supporters folk ways know how to get lice out of chickens. Effective action of kerosene. It not only kills adults, but also partially dissolves the chitinous shell. The effect of vinegar is similar to the effect of kerosene.

Also, a mixture of kerosene, benzene and ammonia. Insects are repelled by its smell. Helps to remove them essential oils rosemary and eucalyptus.


So that lice do not start in chickens, how to deal with the occurrence of this problem? It is important to carry out preventive measures:

  • treatment of premises with steam or boiling water;
  • timely removal of food debris and litter;
  • regular bedding change;
  • exclusion of contact between poultry and wild birds.

An effective result is achieved with constant monitoring of the condition of poultry and adequate treatment. Taking preventive measures will prevent recurrence.


What to do if a chicken has lice or fleas?

Chicken lice and fleas not only cause itching and irritation, but also lead to exhaustion, and sometimes even death in birds. The worst thing is that they are carriers of infections.

What is the danger?

Both types of bloodsuckers primarily cause severe irritation and anxiety in the affected chickens, the birds constantly itch and pinch themselves under the feathers. Over time, they comb the upper layers of the epidermis and tear out their own feathers.

Following this, they begin to become exhausted and final stage is death. In addition, the most terrible fact is that, like fleas in chickens, lice are carriers of infections.

First of all, it can be brucellosis, salmonellosis, trypanosomiasis, in rare cases, plague and encephalitis pathogens were found with them. Everything chicken fleas and red chicken lice are carriers of helminth eggs and when bitten, the likelihood of infection with worms is very high.

All this can spread not only to other animals and birds on the site, but also to humans through bites and meat from slaughtered birds.

Eggs laid during the breeding of fleas and lice are not recommended for eating, as chemicals, which were used, through the circulatory system, enter the yolk of the egg. If a person is sensitive to such drugs, an allergic reaction may be caused.

There are several ways to get rid of lice and fleas: they can be divided into chemicals, physical impact and means based on the experience of poultry farmers. In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to take into account the size of the chicken coop and the number of chickens.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and observe the rules of personal safety during processing.



If the chicken coop is small and there are 10-20 chickens in it, drops for external use such as Stronghold, Frontline, Bars, Advanced will do just fine, even if they are designed to treat dogs and cats.

You can also treat each chicken separately with a solution with an ampoule or powder with special perithroids. It is worth paying attention to other pets, especially birds, with which chickens may come into contact, in order to avoid re-infection.

Means such as Raptor, Raid are less convenient and effective, moreover, they are expensive compared to the previous ones. If there are a lot of affected chickens and they are kept in a large room, good economical option there will be a basis for the Butox solution (1 ml per 4 liters of water).

Second a good remedy for processing a large chicken coop is Deltamethrin powder. For chickens, it is used by spraying on feathers and rubbing on the entire surface of the skin. Powder coating a large chicken coop requires a special duster

It is important that neither Deltamethrin powder nor Butox get into the eyes and respiratory tract of the chicken, so the head is not treated for fleas and lice and the product is applied individually to each individual.

It is necessary to clean everything - the floor from litter, walls and cracks in them, perch, nests, feeder, completely change the bedding, get rid of debris and ventilate the room.

physical influence

For birds, this is the installation of spacious troughs with a mixture of ash and sand, chickens bathe in it and partially get rid of bloodsuckers.

The mixture must remain dry. For a chicken coop, this is treatment with boiling water or steam, cleaning the room from the remaining food, dirt, droppings and other things.

Fighting folk methods

For the treatment of chickens from fleas and lice, vinegar is used, sometimes with the addition of kerosene, for wiping. Another mixture is benzene, ammonia and kerosene, which has a strong smell that repels lice and fleas.

You can process it with both chickens and the room. The smell from the wormwood broom is also unpleasant for small bloodsuckers and may prevent their return.

The best preventive measure is to keep the chicken coop clean. If you regularly clean the garbage, change the bedding and remove the droppings, the larvae and eggs of lice and fleas will have nowhere to settle and they will constantly be taken out with the garbage.

Many poultry farmers are concerned about many diseases in chickens. But sometimes they ignore a by no means harmless disease - helminthiasis, which reduces not only egg production, but also leads to mass death of birds.

Birds are infected regardless of their breed and age.

If many of these symptoms are observed in your chickens, it is worth refusing to eat meat and eggs, since with the defeat of helminthiasis, worms in chicken eggs are quite common.

Types of helminthiasis

The most common and affecting a large number of birds, the following diseases are considered:

You can advise the following preparations for chickens:

It should be remembered that during the treatment of birds should refrain from using for food chicken eggs 5 days, and do not eat meat for two weeks. Treat all herds at once, including adult hens and small chicks, laying hens and broilers.

Also, before starting treatment, all sick individuals should be separated into the room. which has a concrete floor. As soon as all chickens are free from worms, the room must be thoroughly cleaned, all feces and bedding should be burned. Disinfect walls and floors.

Preventive measures

Knowing how to remove worms from chickens, you should timely preventive maintenance. It is best to carry it out 2 times a year, in the summer and winter time. To do this, follow these rules:

Don't forget what's best prevent worm infestation than to treat them later. Then the question of how to treat worms in chickens will not arise before you. It should be remembered that helminthiases are difficult to treat, and most of the birds still die. To increase the body's defenses in chickens and chickens, include vitamin complexes with a high content of calcium and lysine in the diet.

The following preparations are used to combat bedbugs: 1-1.5% aqueous solution of chlorophos (150 ml per 1 m2), 1% aqueous emulsion of karbofos (100-150 ml per 1 m2), 1% aqueous emulsion trichlormetaphos-3 (150 ml per 1 m2).

The bird is removed from the premises during processing. It is necessary to ensure that the drug does not fall into the feeders, drinkers and nests. Disinfection is repeated after 10-12 days in the warm season and 14-16 days in the cold season.

If ticks appear in a bird, you can use a simple and accessible way. Lubricate with cotton or sunflower oil the skin of chickens under the wings, on the neck, between the legs and on other places not covered with feathers and down. On the second or third day, the tick dies, the chickens feel good after such a "bathing".

This procedure is done twice, and in the poultry house they spray the floor and walls with diesel fuel and whitewash.

Downy-eaters are very disturbing to the bird, causing her severe itching. As a result of this, she refuses to feed, loses weight, reduces egg production, the young may even die. It is possible to detect a downy-eater when examining the skin and plumage of a bird, primarily under the wings and near the cloaca.

There are many ways to deal with downy bugs. One of them is the installation in the room where the bird is kept, an ash-sand bath.

Ash-sand bath is wooden box 70-80 cm wide, 100-125 cm long and 20-25 cm high. It can be placed or hung in the house at a height of 20-25 cm from the litter surface so that bedding material does not get into it. In the summer, the bath is installed on a paddock under a low canopy to protect its contents from getting wet (rain). Screened fine dry sand half mixed with stove wood ash is poured into the bath; it is advisable to add 200 g of sulfur powder to a bucket of the mixture. The contents of the bath must be replenished periodically.

When peroodov are found, a gray-mercury ointment is used. It is mixed with petroleum jelly (1 part of the ointment to 2-3 parts of petroleum jelly) and lubricated in the bird's cloaca and skin under the wings, after 5-7 days the procedure is repeated.

Scabies of chickens. Scabies of the feet, or as it is also called "calcareous foot", is a contagious disease of adult chickens. It is caused by the smallest scabies mites, which are transmitted from a sick bird to a healthy one through direct contact or through bedding, feeders, drinkers, etc.

Scabies is a chronic disease, so if you do not take action in time, it can last for years.

Its causative agent is an itch that falls on the non-feathered part of the legs of chickens. Ticks penetrate under the scales and, multiplying under them, cause inflammation, forming the so-called scabies in the form of small, pinhead-sized nodules and crusts. As a result of this, the scales rise, and then completely disappear, exposing hilly yellow-gray layers that look like lime ("calcareous foot"). Cortical thickenings can interfere with flexion of the joints and make it difficult to move, the bird is lame.

The disease is accompanied by debilitating itching, aggravated in warmth and especially at night, which is very disturbing for chickens.

Treatment of scabies is simple and within the power of every poultry farmer.

Pour warm water into a basin or shallow saucepan. soap solution, immerse the legs of the bird in it and hold for 20-30 minutes, then treat it once with a 1% solution of creolin.

In addition, by rubbing ointments and liniments, you can first soften the scales and crusts with semi-liquid green soap, and then lubricate your feet with tar ointment (tar 1 - 2 ml and vaseline 10 g), tar alcohol (tar and alcohol are equally divided) or Vienna tar liniment, creolin ointment (1:10).

Warm weather is ideal for the spread of mites and lice. If just the thought of lice and tick bites makes you itchy and gives you the creeps, then imagine how much a bird suffers from these pests, some of which can be fatal to animals. Some of the treatments are not approved for use in poultry production. Specialized preparations can be purchased through special agricultural networks or veterinary pharmacies.

Gamasus bloodsucking (red chicken) mite (Dermanyssusgallinae) (1 mm long, turns red when bloodsucking)

Figure 1: Red tick - Dermanyssus gallinae (Northern bird tick similar in appearance). The usual size is about 1 mm.


Northern bird tick (Ornithonyssus sylvarum)

The northern bird tick is similar in size and color to the red tick, but life cycle conducts directly on the bird, causing anemia and death. Crested breeds are especially prone to infestation, and if you use drugs from the pyrethrin group, carefully treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ear canal, a favorite location for this tick. Affected birds look dirty, feathers are dull with dark spots, the bird is in a depressed state.


There are no special preparations for combating the northern bird tick. Use drugs of the pyrethrin group. Re-infection can occur at any time, but some drugs in this group, such as eprinectin, protect the bird for about 4 weeks (the incubation period is 7 days).

Chicken louse (Menopon gallinae)

Figure 2: chicken louse - Menopon gallinae - about 2 mm in size.


Dust preparations of the pyrethrin group.

Scabies mite (foot scabies) (Cnemidocoptes mutans)

Figure 3: Scabies mite: top: normal view, bottom: part of the foot affected by the scabies mite.

Feather (downy) tick (Cnemidocoptes gallinae)

The feather eats feathers and down from chickens around the head and neck, but plucking feathers by the bird itself also causes baldness in this area. Conventional flea powders are not effective against this type of tick. You can apply Fipronil by spraying it first on the fabric and then on the feathers. If fipronil is sprayed directly onto the bird, it can cause hypothermia.

Mice chew feathers when birds roost, leaving a torn surface of tails, wings and feathers on the whole body.

Figure 4: Treatment of poultry with the drug

Helminths (worms)

bird syngamosis

Nematodes live in the bird's trachea, and when the helminth lays eggs, the bird starts to cough, the eggs are thrown out of the body and infect the surrounding bird. Symptoms: cough, difficulty breathing.


These tiny worms (Figure 7), also known as hair worms, live in the intestines. They quickly depress the health of the bird and can cause death if measures are not taken in time.


This worm (Figure 7) lives in the caecum (the part of the large intestine where the fermentation process takes place). Causes serious bowel disease, leading to histomoniasis (see below).

Figure 5: Intestine affected by Ascaris

Also known as roundworms (Figures 5 and 7), they live in the small intestine. AT in large numbers in the intestines lead to the death of the bird.


They live in the intestines and are one of the reasons for weight loss.

Figure 6: Eggs of worms: a) stomach worm, b) trichostrongyls, c) heteroracids, d) roundworms, e) nematodes, f) capillaries


They live in the intestines, are one of the causes of weight loss, lead to death.

stomach worms

Figure 7: On a large plate: roundworms, top left: heteracids, top right: capillaries

Diagnosis and treatment



Histomonosis is caused by protozoa (single-celled organisms), affects the liver in turkeys, pheasants, quails, peacocks and guinea fowls, is manifested by diarrhea, feces are brightly yellow color; the disease is also called "black head". The intermediate host of these protozoa is heterakis, an intestinal worm present in chickens, here the old adage must be followed: never keep turkeys and chickens together. If chickens are regularly treated, then the incidence of "black head" is reduced. Treatment must begin immediately as soon as yellow litter is found, since with this disease the bird dies within a few days. Previously, the treatment was with dimetridazole, but since it was banned in the EU, the health of turkeys and pheasants was put at risk, since the only available drug (not the most effective substitute) is metronidazole. You can use specially designed preparations Pigeon.



Trichomonas, other protozoa, cause lesions oral cavity in chickens, turkeys and pheasants. Whitish or light yellow deposits, similar to cheese, appear in the mouth, crop and esophagus of the bird. The arrival of a new batch of poultry to the establishment must always be monitored for the presence of this disease. Treatment with special drugs, such as nystatin, should be carried out on the entire population, and not on an individual individual.

Impact on economic indicators

Translation Rudenko Tatiana

The poultry breeder should lay out branches of plants such as tansy, wormwood, wild rosemary or rosemary in the chicken coop. Since they have a pungent odor, they repel blood-sucking pests from chickens and help to expel them. Thus, the protection of the chicken coop is ensured for a long time.

Furnace ash is also a good helper in the fight against lice. The whole chicken coop is sprinkled with it. Experienced specialists in the field of poultry farming recommend placing a large container of ash inside the premises with birds. So, the bird will take baths on its own.

Another wonderful folk remedy against ticks is the use of used engine oil mixed with creolin. With this “medicine”, the poultry farmer must treat the perches and legs of chickens. After processing, be sure to disinfect the entire chicken coop.

To get rid of fleas and ticks, poultry farmers use medicines that are intended for pets, such as cats or dogs. You can buy them at any pet store. The best would be to purchase drops that need to be rubbed into the skin of the bird. However, you need to pay attention to the fact that you should not buy medicines containing chlorine in the base. It can accumulate in the muscle tissue of chickens, which is bad for the quality of their meat.

Perol-A, Bars, Frontline are well-established drugs. Here you should also pay attention to the fact that you need to act strictly prescribed dosage. Otherwise, you can harm the bird. Feverfew is also good - a powder against harmful insects. It is completely harmless to laying hens and humans.

This drug can be purchased at both medical and veterinary pharmacies. If it is not available, Ecofleece or Sevin's seven percent powder will do just fine. "Ecofleece" must be sprayed with chickens that are affected by fleas or ticks. And Pyrethrum or Sevin - sprinkle the feathers of laying hens. So, one bird should take no more than fifteen grams of powder.

Some owners of poultry farms also use proven old chemical methods, for example, processing a chicken coop with dust. Great care must be taken here, as this substance is toxic. If you go too far with its use, chickens can die. It is also necessary to carefully work with chlorophos and karbofos.

At large enterprises and large farms, the Butox preparation is widely used. This product is sold as an aqueous solution that is applied to chicken feathers. Powder "Deltamethrin" has a similar effect. In no case should these drugs be inhaled when processing a chicken coop.

Individual poultry farmers fumigate the premises with sulfur to combat fleas and ticks. This method is considered highly effective, but there is no unequivocal opinion on whether to use sulfur or not. Therefore, amateur poultry farmers often pay attention to purchased checkers.

Processing chicken coops with checkers

Since washing and spraying the chicken coop is not the most effective methods fight against fleas, a sulfur checker is often used to fumigate chicken coops. The fog, consisting of a-cypermethrin and sulfur, easily penetrates into hard-to-reach places chicken coop. This method destroys fungus, mold, fleas and other harmful organisms. This method is simple, you can start fumigating immediately after reading the instructions. Naturally, laying hens should not be in the room during processing.

Food, drinkers, tools, etc. are also removed. The poultry breeder must evenly place the checkers over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chicken coop and set fire to it. 2-3 hours are enough for fleas and other harmful insects to stop disturbing the household. After the procedure, the room must be well ventilated, and then you can start the birds.

Video "Smoke bombs and their application"

In order to learn more about the action, composition of a particular checker against fleas, ticks and other harmful insects, we suggest watching the following video.