Fava beans. Application, benefits, photos. Rice porridge milk. Rice porridge milk with butter

Before we get into our extensive listing with descriptions and photos, let's clear up some general points. Groats- a food product consisting of whole or crushed grains different cultures. Cereals are produced primarily from cereals ( millet, buckwheat, rice, corn), other grains ( barley, oats, wheat, dagussa, less often rye) and legumes ( peas, lentils) crops. Cereals also include flakes ( oatmeal, corn), expanded grains ( rice, wheat), artificial sago and others.

Cereals are rich in fiber, proteins, vitamins B1, B2, PP, while at the same time they contain very little fat. The fewer stages of processing the grain has gone through, the healthier it is, since its shells contain most of the minerals and vitamins. Ground and polished grains are less healthy, but they cook faster.

Types of cereals

There are cereals whole, crushed and compressed (in the form of flakes). Cereals made from whole grains are called kernels. Such grain undergoes careful selection; only large and whole grains can be the kernel. If a package of cereals, which is called a kernel, contains cereal “flour”, crushed grains, shells and impurities, then this cereal low quality. Crumbly porridges and side dishes are prepared from the core.

Crushed cereals are called chaff. It is obtained simply - the cereal is completely or partially freed from the shells and crushed. Crushed cereals can be smaller or coarser; they cook quickly and are better absorbed than whole grains. Crushed cereals are most suitable for making milk porridges.

As a result of special steam treatment and pressing, cereals are obtained in the form of flakes. The most popular cereals are oatmeal, but recently millet, rice, buckwheat and many other flakes have appeared. They are quick to prepare and easy to digest. Suitable for preparing milk porridges and desserts.

In any case, the nutritional value of cereals is higher than that of the grain from which they are produced, because the conventional weight of simple grain ( let it be 100 grams) accounts for part in the form of “husk” ( more correctly, the fruit and seed shells, as well as the flower film), and the finished product in the form of cereal is cleared of these inedible components, so the same conventional 100 grams will contain more nutrients.

(As an “inappropriate” use of various cereals, we can mention the use of many of them to make coffee substitutes, although, of course, they cannot replace the real drink, with all its beneficial properties!)

Perhaps, from personal observations, I can say that the most common variety of wheat cereals in Russia ( couscous, semolina, arnivka and many others), but, despite their dominant position, the range of stores is not limited to this. Now let’s take a closer look at which cereals from which cereals and other plants can be found on sale.

Almost everything about cereals

Amaranth(kiwicha) grain originating from South America, which has recently become extremely popular due to its beneficial properties. It has a higher content of protein, iron, magnesium and phosphorus than other cereals, and the balance of amino acids is better, since amaranth contains lysine and methionine, which other cereals lack, especially corn grits. In addition, amaranth contains the anti-inflammatory substance squalene. Amaranth does not contain gluten, so it can be recommended for consumption by people on a gluten-free diet. Amaranth grains are very aromatic, their taste is similar to the taste of sesame seeds with a little pepper. Cooked amaranth grains are very shiny and resemble granular brown caviar. Amaranth grains are very small, they stick to each other and stick to the bottom of the pan. Therefore, it is better to cook amaranth in a saucepan with non-stick coating, in a steam bath or in microwave oven. Or mix amaranth with other cereals: cook 55 g of amaranth and 110 g of toasted quinoa in 500 ml of water for 15-20 minutes, the porridge will turn out very tempting.

Buckwheat does not apply to cereals. The plant from which it is collected, with reddish stems and wide, heart-shaped leaves, is a close relative of rhubarb. It arrived in Europe in the 15th century from Manchuria. Traditionally, buckwheat is consumed throughout Central Europe in the form of porridge, cooked from more or less finely crushed grains. There are 3 types of buckwheat: kernel, prodelnaya and Smolensk. Yadritsa - whole grains from which the fruit membrane has been removed - is good for crumbly porridges, as well as cereals and minced meat, perfect for soups. Prodel is the same kernel, which has additionally split the grains; it can be large ( about half a buckwheat kernel) and small ( less than half the core). Viscous porridges, meatballs and casseroles are prepared from prodel.

Smolensk groats
obtained by completely peeling the buckwheat shells and completely removing flour dust. Smolensk groats are perfectly digestible and good for liquid and viscous porridges, meatballs and casseroles. Green buckwheat is distinguished from brown buckwheat by its production technology. Green buckwheat does not undergo heat treatment ( steaming), thanks to which the natural light green color of the grains, mild buckwheat taste and aroma and ability to germinate are preserved. During storage, especially in the light, green buckwheat can acquire beige color, which is a natural process, just like green lentils turning brown over time. Buckwheat is a record holder for the content of vitamins, microelements, and complete proteins necessary for human health. By the way, buckwheat contains a lot of magnesium and also contains tryptophan ( both components are approximately 65-70% of a person’s daily requirement), so this product is perfect for normalizing sleep. Additionally, the absence of gluten makes buckwheat ideal option for people allergic to this protein.

Dagussa(korakkan, korakan, finger millet, ragi) - a cereal crop originally from North Africa from the Ethiopian Highlands, over time it became very popular in India and Nepal. Round grains can have different colors - from dark red to light.

There are options for using Dagussa cereal, but its main consumption is still in the form of flour. Flour is used for baking bread ( classic Indian flatbreads roti, steamed flatbreads idli), flour and cereals are also used to prepare a low-alcohol drink, a kind of local “beer”.

Dagussa is rich in the essential amino acid methionine, and it also contains a lot of calcium, so in some regions ( northwest Vietnam, southern India) Dagussa dishes are recommended as health-improving and even medicinal food for women during the prenatal period and for children over 6 months.

In our country, buying dagussa is problematic; you can ask around in specialized Indian stores (and there are already many of them in large cities) or order it on the Internet.

Dolichos– unusual cream-colored beans with a white ridge, a separate genus of legumes. This ancient legume is quite common around the world, but is especially popular in Indian cuisine. Dolichos boasts not only a rich herbal aroma, but also a balanced protein. Both ripe dry fruits and fresh green pods are used for food. Dolichos is versatile, it can be a side dish or a main dish, and is equally good in salads and soups, especially in combination with ginger and coconut. Dolichos beans have a rich herbal aroma and taste a little like green beans. It is recommended to pre-soak the beans before cooking. They are cooked for more than an hour; during the cooking process, the characteristic scallop disappears.

Quinoa(quinoa, quinoa) is a rice quinoa that is an annual herbaceous plant, which belongs to the genus “mari”. Quinoa has a fairly ancient origin; in addition, quinoa has long been considered one of the most important food products among the Indians. In the Inca civilization, quinoa was one of the three most important foods, such as potatoes and corn. Quinoa contains much more protein than any other grain - approximately 16.2%. The composition of quinoa is close to the composition of milk proteins, while the amino acids are well balanced. The main distinguishing feature of quinoa is that it takes on the flavor of the food it is cooked with. This is precisely what determines the entire range of its wide application - it is used for preparing salads and all kinds of main courses, for preparing desserts and cereals, etc. For those who are still afraid to try this amazing grain, I want to mention that quinoa has a very light , delicate texture and faint herbaceous flavor. And if you suddenly decide to cook quinoa, then first fry it in vegetable oil - the taste will become more refined.

Corn- American by origin, arrived in Europe at the end of the 15th century and quickly spread throughout southern regions. Corn comes in yellow, white, purple and black. On sale you can find large ones - large grains for soup, small ones - for porridge, casseroles and fillings. Hominy and polenta are cooked from corn, tortillas and muffins are baked, and corn flour is added to sauces and creams. Polenta ( crushed corn kernels) is used as a side dish or as an independent dish with various additives ( vegetables, mushrooms, meat, anchovies, etc..). And it turns out that some manufacturers prepare a coffee substitute from corn.

You can make sweet pudding or just porridge from polenta, bake buns or delicious unusual pancakes ( step by step recipe with photos) . Porridge from
corn grits It turns out tough, with a specific taste. The cereal is cooked for about an hour, increasing in volume by 3-4 times. Corn porridge with pumpkin is very tasty. This cereal is rich in starch and iron, vitamins B, E, A, PP, but the calcium and phosphorus content in it is not too high. Its nutritional value and culinary properties are lower than other types of cereals. The proteins in corn grits are incomplete and poorly digestible. This cereal does not cause excess weight and is recommended for older people and people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Distinctive feature corn porridge is its ability to inhibit fermentation processes in the intestines, reducing flatulence ( bloating) and colic, as well as the absence of gluten, which allows you to eat porridge without the risk of getting celiac enteropathy.

Couscous(couscous) - coarsely ground cereal processed with flour from durum wheat, sometimes from barley or waxy wheat, completely cleared of shells and germs. It is used to prepare the base of a classic dish of Maghreb cuisine - couscous, the Arabic analogue of Central Asian pilaf. Sometimes couscous is also called cereals made from other grains, as well as dishes made from them. The diameter of the grains is about 1 mm. Traditionally, couscous was prepared by women, but since preparing couscous is a very labor-intensive process, couscous production is now mechanized. Couscous has a delicate taste, can perfectly replace pasta and rice, and can be used as a side dish. It can be served both hot and cold. It is often used to prepare various salads, or it can be boiled. And the unusual texture of couscous perfectly replaces bread crumbs to create a crispy crust.

Flax. Strictly speaking, you will not find the phrase “flaxseed” anywhere; flax seeds are used for cooking, which can be easily found in health stores or pharmacies, but in grocery stores you will most often see packages with the name “flaxseed.” ", or "linseed flour". For a very long time in our country, this original Russian product was forgotten, but now in almost any supermarket there are several options to choose from for preparing flax porridge, often these will be mixes with wheat or pumpkin, or sesame, etc. For preparation, they use pressed from the oil the seeds, and also ground into flour. But no one is stopping you from buying whole grains at the nearest pharmacy and preparing “live” porridge from them yourself.

Flax seeds are an incredibly healthy product! Considering that you will probably use a ready-to-cook mixture, a big plus for those watching their weight is that after pressing the oil there is very little fat left behind. But there is a lot of easily digestible protein, which is almost twice as much as carbohydrates! High fiber content normalizes work digestive system, cleanses the intestines of toxins. Flax seeds are an excellent source of essential fatty acids ( Omega 3 and 6), which are vital for humans! Flaxseed porridge will contain quite a lot of vitamins B, A and E. There are also important micro- and macroelements ( zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium). Flaxseeds contain such interesting compounds as “lingans”, which are known for their antitumor properties, significantly strengthen the immune system, and are antioxidants.

There are a lot of recipes for making flaxseed porridge, so feel free to experiment with this ancient and very useful product.

Mung beans - golden beans. Mung beans, mung beans, golden beans - legumes originating from India, green small oval-shaped beans. In Indian cuisine, mung bean peas are better known as dal or dhal. In some Eastern countries, mung bean is also called urid or urad. Mung bean has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of the body. Regular consumption of this cereal strengthens the heart, makes blood vessels more elastic, and reduces blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. Phosphorus, which is abundant in mung bean cereal, is very valuable for the human body. It improves memory, enhances mental abilities and helps resist stress. Phosphorus also benefits our vision, helps the kidneys and strengthens bone tissue. Many different varieties are prepared from mung bean cereals, and most importantly delicious dishes. Mung bean is perfect for making soups, side dishes, sauces, pasta and even desserts. Cooking from this grain is very simple, which will especially please novice cooks. As a “bonus”, here’s a fact: beans are one of the foods that help fight insomnia.

Chickpeas(chick peas, hummus) - a plant of the legume family. The bean shape is usually short and swollen with a rough surface. The color of the beans varies from light yellow to dark. Chickpeas are an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, as well as a storehouse of micro- and macroelements. Mostly light varieties of chickpeas are used in cooking. (and roasted coffee is used as a coffee substitute). It is added to first courses (for example, dietary chickpea and cauliflower soup), and green bean leaves are eaten fresh, added to vegetable salads. Chickpeas are also served as a side dish or as a second course. National Italian and Indian dishes such as falafel and hummus, as well as Filipino sweet desserts, are prepared from chickpeas. In vegetarian cuisine, sprouted chickpeas are a valuable source of vegetable protein, as well as minerals, as it retains all its nutritional and beneficial properties.

The peculiarity of chickpeas is that they require a longer period of time to fully cook. heat treatment amounting to 60–120 minutes, but at the same time it easily boils if you exceed this time limit. Before cooking, it should be soaked for 12-24 hours, in which case the cooking time can be reduced by about 20 - 30 minutes. Perhaps this fact is the reason for its less popularity in cooking than lentils or peas. But if you still decide to cook a dish with chickpeas, it will definitely be tasty and unusual, for example beef with chickpeas.

Oatmeal. Contains relatively large number vegetable protein. Rich in vitamins B1, B2, necessary for normal functioning nervous system. Oatmeal is a “champion” in terms of calcium and phosphorus content, which are necessary for a growing body to form bone tissue and teeth. It contains a lot of magnesium and iron. Oatmeal contains the largest amount of vegetable (healthy) fats and is rich in fiber. Experts consider oatmeal to be a typical northern food - it is very high in calories and warms up the body well. The following cereals are produced from oats: steamed uncrushed oatmeal, rolled rolled oatmeal, rolled oats, extra flakes, petal flakes and oatmeal. In Russia, not only porridge, but also jelly was previously made from oatmeal - unleavened, sweet, with berries. After the invention of all kinds of muesli, oats are experiencing another peak in popularity. And oatmeal in the morning is the most best start days ( you can even drink it delicious porridge coffee substitute made from oats).

Pearl barley. Barley, from which pearl barley is made, that is, “pearl” (from the Latin perla - “pearl”), comes from Asia. This is one of the oldest domesticated cereals. Nutritionists recommend using pearl barley for making porridges, meatballs, side dishes - it perfectly replaces rice - as well as in soups and baked goods. Pearl barley is industrially processed coarsely ground barley. The first mention of the use of barley for food dates back to the times of Ancient Egypt ( 4500 years). Pearl barley can be crushed or whole. It is pre-soaked and used for seasoning soups and crumbly porridges. Porridges are cooked from fine crushed pearl barley, cutlets and casseroles are made.

Spelled(and many of its variations - kamut, eminkorn, spelled, farro, achar, emmer, zanduri) is a semi-wild variety of wheat, more precisely a group of types of wheat with a brittle ear and filmy grain. It has many useful and even medicinal properties. Many nutritionists agree that the current increase in morbidity is largely due to the refusal to eat plants such as spelled, with a set of chromosomes that has not been altered by humans. Spelled porridge was a very common dish in the central and northern provinces of Russia, the Volga region and Siberia until the 18th–19th centuries. Spelled ( spelled), grown in the USA, is sold today in Russia under the trade name “kamut”, which causes some confusion. Spelled, spelled and kamut are different names for the same plant, which has not been crossed with other varieties and has retained its unique properties. And if we consider all wheat cereals ( and not only), then spelled is probably the healthiest of all! .

Millet. This cereal is obtained from millet grains, freed from spikelet scales by peeling. Millet is rich in protein and fiber, as well as B vitamins. To prepare for cooking, they are sorted and washed especially thoroughly at a water temperature of 40 C to 60 C, gradually increasing the water temperature to remove torch, which gives finished products bitterness.

Millet has a lipotropic effect ( prevents fat deposition) and provides positive influence to work cardiovascular system, liver and hematopoiesis, safe for gluten allergies. Millet in folk medicine valued as a product that gives strength and “strengthens the body.” Millet dishes prepared with milk, cottage cheese, liver, pumpkin and other products are very tasty and nutritious.

Wheat cereal "Poltavskaya"– wheat grain, freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit coats, polished, elongated, oval or round. In appearance, Poltava grain resembles pearl barley. Poltava cereal contains sufficient amounts of vegetable protein, starch, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, boron, vanadium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, and copper.

In cooking, Poltava grain No. 1 is used for filling soups, and grains No. 2, 3 and 4 are used for preparing porridges, casseroles, meatballs, etc.

Rice. Ranks first in carbohydrate content ( mainly starch, which is very well absorbed by the child’s body). However, the content of beneficial dietary fiber in rice cereal lower than, for example, in buckwheat, oatmeal or millet. According to the processing method, rice can be: polished, completely freed from flower films; polished; crushed polished, a by-product from the production of polished and milled rice, less than one-third the size of a regular kernel; steamed, steamed rice, and the grains retain a large amount of useful substances, and they themselves turn out crumbly. Milled rice has a rough surface, polished ( produced from glassy polished) - smooth shiny surface. Oval and elongated rice grains are mealy, semi-vitreous and glassy. The use of rice in cooking is limited only by the imagination of the cook.

From a culinary point of view, there are three types of rice: short-grain rice, 4–5 mm long, used in desserts, almost opaque, containing a lot of starch; medium grain rice, wider and shorter than long grain rice, 5–6 mm long; long grain rice, 6–8 mm long, used more often in savory dishes. According to the color of rice, there are: white rice - polished rice, which has lost a significant part of its beneficial properties; with a yellowish tint - steamed rice, which retains its beneficial qualities; brown rice is the healthiest rice, people are accustomed to it from childhood, it contains the most healthy vitamins and amino acids; black rice ( wild rice) and long grain, contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Perhaps the most valuable and sought after cereal among those suffering from gluten allergies, especially varieties that have undergone minimal processing.

The fava bean is an ancient crop; references to it date back to the second millennium BC. But the results of archaeological excavations indicate the use of beans in national economy during the Bronze Age. Main Application fava beans– use as a food product and fodder crop. In folk medicine, the plant has found use as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and astringent.

Biological description

Horse bean - (Vicia faba L., Latin synonym - Faba vulgaris Moench.) - a representative of the legume family - Fabaceae. An herbaceous annual plant reaching a height of 150 cm. The taproot is powerful, highly branched, up to one and a half meters long. The erect tetrahedral stem is densely covered with leaves. The leaves are pinnate, with large elliptical leaves of bluish-green color.

The type of flowers is moth-like, the flowers are white or slightly pinkish, collected in short racemes of 5 or six pieces.

The fruit is a bean up to ten centimeters in size, consisting of two valves. Inside the fruit there are oval-shaped, flattened seeds of various colors (dark brown, red, black, purple); in everyday life they are called beans.

The plant blooms throughout June-July, the fruits ripen in August.

Faba beans are not found in the wild; they are cultivated everywhere as a food and feed crop. For medicinal purposes, beans are used only in folk medicine.

Collection and preparation

The beans are harvested when their leaves are slightly dry, tearing them off the plant with a sharp downward movement. The collected pods are dried in the open air, then the seeds are removed from them.

For medicinal purposes, fava bean flowers and grass are collected; the dried leaves are also used to prepare medicines.

Chemical composition

Beneficial properties of fava beans

Horse beans are used in folk medicine and have the following effects on the body:

  • Astringent and anti-inflammatory - used for intestinal disorders, to treat inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Diuretic for edema caused by kidney disease.
  • Antihyperglycemic.


The following medicines are prepared from horse beans:

  • Water decoction of seeds– prescribed for stomach and intestinal upset (diarrhea), cough, and as a diuretic for edema.
  • Decoction of seeds in milk– applied in the form of a paste to boils and abscesses to accelerate their maturation.
  • Decoction of herbs and flowers- taken when diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, used externally to wipe the skin of the face.
  • Dried seeds ground to a flour, from which poultices are made for skin diseases, vitiligo. Flour or boiled seeds are consumed internally for coughs, diseases of the intestines, kidneys, and stomach.
  • Decoction and infusion of dry leaves- Drink for diabetes.
  • Bean seeds roasted, ground and brewed like coffee. Take daily for uterine fibroids.


Not recommended consume bean seeds raw, as they can cause poisoning. Also not recommended they are used for people suffering from constipation and flatulence, gout, acute and chronic liver diseases.

Application in other industries

Fava beans are a popular plant used for preparing salads, soups, various snacks, side dishes, frozen semi-finished products, and canned food. Greek cooks grind the seeds into flour and prepare porridge from it, adding it to bread.

The above-ground part is happily eaten by domestic animals and is also used as fertilizer.

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria develop on the roots of beans, so it is useful to plant plants to enrich the soil with nitrogen.

Photo of fava beans

Growing fava beans

The plant is cold-resistant, so when sowing seeds you should not be afraid of spring frosts. Sow the seeds to a depth of 3-4 cm in fertilized soil at an air temperature of 10 degrees. The distance between plants is about 20 cm, between the rows - about a meter. Supports for the beans are arranged in advance so that the fruits are not contaminated by the soil.

Fava beans appear in one of the versions of the death of Pythagoras, the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher. It is not known for certain how he died, but the undoubted fact is that he was persecuted by the enemies of the Pythagorean Union - the school founded by Pythagoras. They say that the scientist did not like beans and was even afraid of them: the black seeds foreshadowed some kind of trouble for him. He forbade his disciples from eating them and even coming close to the crops. And, when the mathematician was fleeing his pursuers, he ran to a bean field. Superstitious fear of the plant stopped Pythagoras, and he died at the hands of his enemies.

Crushed cereals are chaff, which is present on every person’s menu. There are many types of similar cereals, which differ in their features and characteristics. This product is obtained from various grains. In accordance with this, the properties of the finished product differ, its calorie content and usefulness. It will be useful for each person to know from which plants cereals are produced, as well as their main characteristics.

The most popular types of cereals are:

  • buckwheat;
  • wheat;
  • semolina;
  • oatmeal;
  • barley;
  • millet

Let's find out in more detail about each of the cereals - what it is made from, what plant it is made from and the main beneficial properties for the human body.

Buckwheat porridge

It was popular and in demand back in the 20th century. Buckwheat was considered the “queen of cereals” because it contains an incredible amount of components beneficial to human health. By eating buckwheat porridge, you can activate blood formation, improve immunity and develop endurance. But nutritionists say that raw buckwheat is considered the healthiest. The fact is that chemical treatment promotes the combustion of beneficial substances that are part of it.

Buckwheat is used to make buckwheat, which is familiar to us all. It contains whole grains, Smolensk groats, prodel, buckwheat flour and all kinds of medical supplies, not harmful to the human body. In this case, buckwheat can be fried or unfried. The latter is considered more useful for consumption. These types of buckwheat differ somewhat in color, as well as in their taste qualities.

Wheat porridge

It is worth regularly eating a product such as wheat cereal. Thanks to it, the brain begins to work actively, and the heart stops worrying. The work of the digestive organs is stimulated, the level of cholesterol in the blood returns to normal. The body is cleansed of all kinds of toxins and waste, which contributes to its rejuvenation. This is an excellent source containing only energy of natural origin. Every housewife knows about beneficial properties this product, and it is very tasty.

Wheat grains can be used to produce flour, which is useful for baking baked goods. You can make pasta and sweets from it. Wheat is also an excellent fodder crop. Alcoholic drinks are also prepared from it, which are healthy and tasty. As a result, we can talk about the versatility of the product.

Semolina porridge

This is an excellent product that makes it possible to cope with extra pounds and toxins during its correct use. You will be able to cope with intestinal diseases and other unpleasant situations. But you shouldn’t overuse cereal, as it can cause allergies. This is due to the fact that it contains glutin and phytin.

Semolina can be obtained from hard and soft wheat, as well as from mixtures of these two components. Semolina will allow you to prepare the first course, make dumplings, prepare semolina porridge, pie, and so on. Semolina is often added to minced meat so that culinary masterpieces do not crumble during heat treatment.

This cereal is considered very healthy and tasty, so it is present in the diet of every second person. It makes it possible to prevent obesity, so overweight people should definitely pay attention to it. With its help you can get rid of constipation and also cope with anemia. You can make a decoction from pearl barley, which will make it possible to cope with internal inflammation in the body.

They make pearl barley from barley. This cereal is very healthy in itself, so feel free to eat barley dishes at least every day. There are many dishes in which pearl barley is present, so it positive aspects difficult to underestimate.

This product contains many natural antioxidants. Thanks to this regular use The product in food helps strengthen the immune system. Oatmeal can also eliminate inflammation in your stomach. It stabilizes metabolic processes. You can eat oatmeal to make your muscles stronger.

Oatmeal is prepared from seed or regular oats. It is a cereal that is used in agriculture. The annual plant makes it possible to obtain tasty cereals that are in demand for human consumption. At the same time, it has a lot of useful qualities and properties.

Rice is best option to correct and stabilize the functioning of the stomach. You can cope with ulcers and gastritis by eating cereal every day. It helps with diarrhea, as well as other disorders. It contains B vitamins that improve the condition of the skin and hair. Rice cleanses all joints. With the help of rice, you can cope with extra pounds, since there are no salts in rice.

Rice is a food product that is produced from the seeds of the corresponding plant. Rice itself helps to prepare not only tasty, but also very healthy dishes. At the same time, rice is an essential component of some exotic dishes that are increasingly eaten in our country, for example, sushi or rolls.

One hundred grams of this cereal contains 211 milligrams of potassium. This means that the product is very useful for people who have problems with the functioning of the heart. Millet cereals bring enormous benefits to the liver. It can help prevent the development of diabetes.

Millet is a cereal obtained from cultivated varieties of millet. They do not contain spikelet scales, since they are removed by peeling.

This is a product that does not cause allergies. That is why it can even be added to children's dishes. The protein of corn grits is not absorbed too quickly, so fat will actively leave the body. This is an indispensable option for people who suffer from extra pounds.

What is it made from? corn porridge? To make it, dried corn grains are used, which are carefully crushed and ground.

What other products are considered in demand?

In addition to the above products, which are known to everyone and are present in the diet of most people, some other products can be distinguished. They are also made from plants. Among the main ones are the following:

All of these food products, which are produced from plants, are considered incredibly in demand. Cereals or cereal crops, as well as legumes, are very beneficial for the human body. An important advantage is their high nutritional value and affordable cost.

Other legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, cowpeas, beans)

Unprocessed seeds of other legumes (beans, lentils, etc.) are also used in the form of cereals.

Beans were brought to us in the 17th century from Turkey. It is cultivated in Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

The bean genus Phaseolus L. has a large number of species. In the Soviet Union, the most common type of bean (American origin) Ph. vulgaris L. Savi, the seeds of which are used for food purposes.

The seeds have different shape and sizes. Seeds up to 5 mm in length are considered small, while seeds over 9 mm are large. The weight of 1000 seeds is 140-1100 g. They can be round, ovoid, kidney-shaped, or rolled. The seeds of common beans have a variety of colors in color - from white to black, single-colored and variegated. In addition, bean seeds can have different types of patterns (dotted, spotted, variegated, striped). The color of bean seeds determines their use in cooking: first courses are prepared from white-seeded ones, and second courses from colored ones.

The gelatinization temperature of bean starch is 81-84 °C; Cooking time: 50-100 minutes. Bean seeds contain about 7% seed coat, characteristic feature which is the highest protein content in it compared to the seeds of other legumes.

A type of mung bean, or golden bean of Asian origin, Ph. aureus (Rozb) Pip is drought-resistant and moisture-loving. Cultivated in the republics of Central Asia. The seeds are small. round-cylindrical and barrel-shaped, green or brown tones. Weight of 1000 seeds - 25-60 g.

Type I - white beans, has six subtypes: 1st - bomba (seeds are round or ovoid, large); 2nd - pearl barley (seeds are round, ovoid or oval, small); 3rd - white, oval (seeds are oval, large); 4th snake (seeds are elongated, cylindrical, often slightly curved, with rounded cones); 5th - crustaceans (seeds are kidney-shaped, flat, medium in size); 6th - spade (seeds are kidney-shaped, flat, large).

Type II - monochromatic colored beans have four subtypes: 1st - green (different shades); 2nd - brown or yellow (different shades); 3rd - red (different shades): 4th - others of a single color.

III type - variegated colored beans contain two subtypes: 1st - light variegated (dark pattern on a light background); 2nd - mottled dark (light pattern on a dark background).

Beans supplied to the retail chain must contain no more than 0.5% of foreign matter, grain - 0.2% and have a moisture content of no more than 18%. A mixture of bean types and subtypes is not allowed. When placing, storing and transporting, four conditions for humidity and three for contamination are taken into account.

Lentils- the oldest agricultural crop. The Himalayas are considered its homeland. Widely used in nutrition in almost all countries of the world, especially by the people of Africa and Asia.

In addition to a variety of culinary dishes, flatbreads are baked from ground lentils, added to rice in India, used in sausage production in Germany, in the confectionery industry in France and for making coffee substitutes.

The lentil genus Ervum L. is divided into five species. Only one species is cultivated - common lentil (Ervura lens L.), which is divided into two subspecies: large-seeded (plate) lentils and small-seeded lentils.

The subspecies of large-seeded (plate) lentils consists mainly of mid-season table varieties. Small-seeded forms include mainly forage varieties. However, among them there are varieties whose seeds are not inferior to varieties of plate lentils in terms of digestibility and taste.

There are three groups of seeds based on size: large seeds (from 6 to 9 mm), medium (from 5 to 6 mm) and small (from 2 to 5 mm). In plate lentils, the seeds are usually flat, shaped like a biconvex lens, while in fodder lentils they are more spherical.

The predominant color of plate lentils is green. Under the influence sun rays, when harvesting is delayed, during storage the color of the seeds becomes brown (oxidation of chlorophyll to pheophytin, which has a brown color). Weight of 1000 seeds is 30-60 g. In terms of taste, digestibility and nutritional value, lentils occupy one of the first places among legumes. The protein content of lentil seeds ranges from 21.3 to 36%. Proteins are richest in methionine.

Among other legumes, lentils are characterized by a lower content of fiber and pentosans, which indicates their good digestibility.

Lentil seed starch has relatively greater swelling properties. Its gelatinization temperature is 68-74 °C.

Lentil seeds cook faster than other legumes. Fresh seeds are ready for consumption after 30-60 minutes of cooking with an increase in mass of 2.2-2.8 times.

Green lentils are considered the most valuable dark shades. It has the best aroma and taste, gives good food appearance and is in greatest demand in the world market.

According to GOST, food plate lentils are divided into three types according to the color of the seeds: I - dark green, II - light green, III - heterogeneous.

Along with the requirements for moisture, contamination and others, lentils are divided into calibrated and uncalibrated. In calibrated lentils, according to the number of seeds on the sieve, three categories are distinguished: large (seed content on a sieve with a hole diameter of 6.3 mm - no less than 80%), medium (diameter 5.2 mm, residue on the sieve - no less than 80%), small (diameter 4.8 mm, residue on the sieve - at least 90%).

Chin (angular pea, tine, Lathyrus L.) has more than 100 species. One of the annual species common in the USSR is sowing rank (L. Sativus L.), which is sown for grain, green fodder and hay. The area under its crops is insignificant. China is drought-resistant, heat-loving, undemanding to soil, and resistant to pests and diseases.

Seeds irregular shape, usually a tetrahedral wedge, resembling a tooth in appearance, sometimes flat, smooth or with a slightly wrinkled surface. They are yellowish-white in color, without patterns or various shades of gray and brown colors with a drawing. Weight of 1000 seeds is 160-600 g. Chin seeds have good taste and should be more widely used in nutrition. China is in many ways similar to peas. It is eaten fresh, boiled and fried. Canned food is made from it, and cookies and other products are made from china seed flour.

Chin seeds, when cooked, like lentils, bind more water and give a greater increase in weight than other legumes. Seed cooking time - 60 - 120 minutes.

Depending on the color and size of the seeds, china is divided into two types: I - food, the seeds are yellowish-white, sometimes with a greenish tint, the length of the seeds is 4-8 mm; II - fodder, the seeds are dark-colored (gray, brown or red, with a variety of patterns), their size is smaller than the seeds of type I.

The quality of seeds is standardized by moisture content and various impurities. When placing and storing, four states are distinguished by humidity and three by contamination.

Chickpeas (ram's horn, Cicer arietinum L.) -annual plant, pubescent with glandular hairs that secrete oxalic, citric and malic acids. In India, oxalic acid is collected from chickpea crops. It is the most important leguminous crop in semi-arid and especially arid regions.

In addition to being eaten as first and second courses, chickpea seeds are widely used to prepare Turkish delight, halva, coffee substitutes and other products.

Chickpeas are sown in the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, in the south of Ukraine, in Moldova, in the Saratov, Volgograd regions and some areas of the Volga region.

Chickpeas have an elongated beak and smooth, wrinkled, lumpy or rough seeds.

The color of the seed coat is white, pink, yellow, orange, red, light brown, dark brown, dark red and black. Cotyledons are yellow. Seed length is 4-12 mm, weight of 1000 seeds of large-seeded varieties is up to 300 g and more, medium-seeded varieties are 200-300 and small-seeded varieties are less than 200 g.

Varieties with a light-colored shell are used for nutrition; dark-colored varieties are mainly of feed value.

Nutritional value chickpeas are close to peas. Chickpea seeds have a high fat content (up to 6-8%). Its digestibility is slightly lower than that of peas due to its significant fiber content (from 2.4 to 12%).

Chickpea seeds, especially those that are darker in color than others legumes poorly boiled (90-180 min). According to the standard, chickpea seeds are divided into two types depending on color: I - food (from white to yellow-pink) and II - fodder (from red-brown to black).

Vigna is one of the oldest legume crops. The plant is very drought-resistant. In our country, cowpea crops are found in many arid areas. It is widespread in Georgia under the name “lobia”.

For food purposes, white seeds with a black blurry edging around the hilum are used. A variety of first and second courses and fillings for pies are prepared from cowpeas. Cowpea seeds are of great value to the canning industry.

By chemical composition Vigna is close to beans, but is characterized by higher digestibility due to the reduced content of fiber and pentosans.

Vigna has good consumer benefits; its seeds boil quickly (in 30-60 minutes).

Beans bred in prehistoric times on the Mediterranean coast. They appeared in Russia in the 8th - 10th centuries.

Common bean - Faba vulgaris Moench is an annual herbaceous plant with straight or slightly curved fruits containing three to four seeds, length - 0.5 - 4 cm. The surface of the seeds is smooth or wrinkled. The color of the seeds varies from light yellow to black; some varieties have variegated seeds. Light-colored seeds turn brown over time.

The weight of 1000 seeds is 180-255 g. The chemical composition is similar to beans, but their consumer properties are worse (they take longer to cook, since the seed coat is denser and poorly permeable). They are eaten green and ripe, and are also processed into canned food. Increasing the production of such relatively rare crops in our country as mung beans, chickpeas, cowpeas, china, beans, along with the well-known peas and common beans, will contribute to expanding the range of food products and increasing the protein value of food.

Cereals of increased biological value are produced from crushed rice, buckwheat, oat and pea cereals, ground into flour, as well as from wheat, corn and barley flour. The above-mentioned raw materials are characterized by a special amino acid composition characteristic of each culture, and therefore can mutually complement each other. In addition, to increase the protein value of cereals, secondary dairy products (skimmed milk powder, skimmed milk, whey, etc.), as well as concentrates and isolates of oilseed proteins, are used. In table 14 shows an assortment of cereals with increased nutritional value.

There are two known methods for obtaining cereals of increased biological value. According to the method developed at VNIIZ under the leadership of S. N. Lopatinsky, cereals are produced by panning - successively rolling layers of flour of various types, using starch paste as a binder. In this case, the core is spherical in shape with a diameter of 2.5 to 4 mm. The range of cereals obtained using this method can be very wide due to the variety of raw materials used in different proportions. When producing cereal by pressing, the components included in the recipe are mixed with starch paste until a homogeneous dense mass is formed, which is pressed through press matrices with different hole profiles. Pressed kernels can be of various shapes - in the form of cylinders, grains, etc.

Cereals obtained by panning are more stable in storage than those produced by pressing. The shelf life of these products is also influenced by their formulation. The shelf life of cereals in warehouses is 7-12 months.

The disadvantage of cereals of increased biological value obtained using the method of S.N. Lopatinsky is the relatively weak stability of the form in ready-made dishes.

Another method for the production of cereals of increased biological value was developed at the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of prof. V. B. Tolstoguzova. The main differences of this method are that alginate or calcium pectinate are used as structure formers. In cereal formulations, in addition to flour from various grains, non-traditional protein isolates and protein concentrates from oilseed meals are more widely used. The shape-holding capacity of cereals obtained according to V.B. Tolstoguzov’s method is much higher, but alginates are currently a rather scarce and expensive raw material.

Vegetable beans are usually large-fruited, with thick fleshy leaves, large-seeded; forage – small-seeded.

Young tender, juicy wings of the shoulder blade have a lot of sugar and vitamins. Unripe green blades or only grains (in soups or stews) are eaten. In milky ripeness, the blades are used in salads.

Fodder beans are distinguished by relatively small seeds and well-developed vegetative mass, due to which they are used as livestock feed.

From history

The homeland of beans is the Mediterranean. According to verified data, the plant was cultivated in Palestine a thousand years BC. e. In ancient Egypt, the bean was considered a sacred plant; he was highly revered Ancient Greece. Here's the famous one ancient Greek philosopher and the mathematician Pythagoras did not recommend eating beans for food, explaining that the souls of the dead move into them.

The common bean has not been found in the wild. This crop is grown in many countries: on the Mediterranean coast of Europe and Africa, in the USA, India and many other countries. In Russia it is cultivated in almost all regions (with the exception of the Far North).

In our country, vegetable beans have been bred since the time of Yaroslav the Wise. And from that ancient time, for many centuries, they remained a daily aid to bread and cereals.

About 100 varieties of beans are known, which, according to economic characteristics, are divided into two groups: fodder and food (vegetable, garden). Vegetable beans are also called Russian or fava beans. The name “equine” was established because in veterinary medicine they were used to treat horses.


The best soils for beans are heavy clay soils well fertilized with manure. They are also cultivated on lighter but moist soils; they grow poorly on acidic soils. Peaty swampy soils are also suitable for beans. But it is necessary to apply copper-containing fertilizers to them, otherwise the beans will produce a lot of stems and few seeds. Vegetable beans work well after cabbage, beets, and turnips.

The beans themselves are a good precursor for all crops. The soil needs to be dug up in the fall and no shallower than 25 cm. In the spring, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied to the beans: manure - 0.5-1 bucket, superphosphate - 30-50 g, potassium chloride - 10-20 g per 1 m2 . When cutting up the soil with a rake, you can also add 30 g of garden fertilizer mixture and two glasses of ash per 1 m2 of soil.

Of all the vegetable legumes, garden beans are the least demanding of heat; these plants are cold-resistant, moisture-loving, have a long day. Seeds begin to germinate at temperatures of 3–4 °C, seedlings and adult plants can withstand frosts down to –4 °C and grow well at moderate temperatures between 17–20 °C. The best temperature for seed germination is 19–20 °C: at this temperature, bean seedlings appear on the 7th day. The optimal air temperature for fruit setting and ripening is within 15–20 °C. Various varieties beans react differently to heat. For example, Russian black beans are less “afraid” of frost than Windsor white and green beans.

Bean seeds are sorted before sowing, removing all damaged by pests and diseases. It is also possible to warm up the seeds before sowing for 3 hours at 40 °C (at heating battery) or in hot water(50 °C) for 5 minutes with rapid cooling at cold water. Seeds must be soaked in water for 4–5 hours before heating. room temperature(no longer, as they may rot). Warming the seeds will significantly increase their germination.

Beans are sown in the most early dates(end of April – mid-May). The best time for sowing beans is mid-May, when the soil is still moist, since a lot of moisture is required for seed swelling and initial plant growth. They are sown in a row with row spacing of 50–60 cm, seeds are sown every 12–15 cm in a row. 20–30 viable seeds are sown per 1 m2, their planting depth is 6–8 cm. Often beans are sown in rows of potatoes under a shovel or in a hole when planting potatoes (on the side) 1-2 seeds, as well as in rows of cucumbers. This combination of crops has a beneficial effect on their productivity.

It takes 10–12 days from sowing to the time the beans sprout, but in cold, wet spring this period lengthens.

Vegetable beans begin to bloom from the lower nodes; the serial number of the first flowering node depends on early maturity; The earlier the variety, the lower the node. Bottom nodes carry more flowers than those located higher. Beans are prone to cross-pollination, so when propagating two or more varieties, spatial isolation must be observed. Due to the limited size of the plot, the gardener often has to be satisfied with one variety for this reason. The shelf life of seeds is 10–12 years. Vegetable bean pollen is carried honey bees and bumblebees.

Before emergence, the soil is loosened with a rake, then inter-row cultivation is carried out with hoes to a depth of 8–12 cm. The crops must be kept loose and free of weeds. During the second and third loosening, the plants should be hilled (until they reach a height of 50–60 cm). This helps strengthen the root system and increase the resistance of plants to winds. During flowering and fruiting, beans need to be watered abundantly. Beans are fed at the same time mineral fertilizers.

Beans are long-day plants; with short days, they bloom and bear fruit with a strong delay. Beans are especially demanding of moisture during the period from germination to flowering and produce the greatest yield if there is sufficient rainfall during this period; they are very sensitive to air drought, so they cannot grow in dry areas.


Beans begin to be removed when the seeds in them are almost completely developed, but have not yet lost their tenderness and do not form a “black groove” at the point of attachment to the fruit. The first to be harvested are the beans located at the bottom of the stem. They are broken out, the seeds are freed from the valves and used.

If the fruits are intended to be used as food whole (grains with valves), they are removed when the valves are juicy and the grains reach a size of 1 cm. If grown grains are intended for consumption raw, the beans are harvested when the seeds reach full milk ripeness for a given size varieties.

The crop is harvested in 3-4 steps at intervals of 8-10 days.

The beans are harvested along with the tops; tied in sheaves, they ripen well in a barn or attic. The sheaves are hung upside down. Threshing is carried out manually, removing seeds from the leaves. 30–50 g of seeds are collected from one plant.

Nutritional value

In terms of nutritional value, beans occupy one of the first places among vegetables. The main nutritional value of this crop lies in its high protein content. Unripe beans that are eaten contain 24–37% protein, which exceeds even green peas and vegetable beans on a spatula. In addition, beans contain protein, mainly in a particularly valuable form - in the form of legumin. In addition, bean protein contains essential amino acids: lysine, tryptophan, histidine, methionine. In terms of the content of easily digestible proteins, they have no equal among vegetable plants.

Fleshy leaves and bean grains are also rich in pectin, sugars, vitamins A, B, ascorbic acid, starch and others. nutrients.

Dry seeds contain 32–37% protein, 50–60 carbohydrates, 2.1–2.2 fat, 4% ash, and also contain carotene (0.20–0.24 mg/100 g) and ascorbic acid(20–33 mg/100 g). Unripe bean seeds (milky-waxy ripeness) contain 5–7% protein and 4–6% carbohydrates. Green bean seeds also contain vitamins B 1, B 2, PP, and pectin substances. The seeds of some varieties contain up to 15% oil.

The calorie content of beans is 3.5 times higher than that of potatoes and 6 times higher than that of corn. The vegetable use of beans is somewhat different from the use of peas and beans. Not fully mature beans are eaten the best varieties are considered large-seeded, mainly with large flat seeds. It should be noted that you should not eat undercooked beans, since they contain toxic substances that are destroyed only by heat treatment.

Beans are used for making soups, salads, side dishes and for canning. You can make delicious cheap dishes from them: bean soup (ciorba), boiled beans with butter, Polish beans, stewed green beans, yakhnia beans, beans in milk sauce. Dry beans are popular. Powder of roasted and ground beans, flavored with dry mint and garlic, is added for flavor to soups, sauces and main course gravies. The long-livers of our planet include green beans in their vegetable menu. Beans can be stored for a long time without losing their quality.

Residues after harvesting the vegetative mass (stems, leaves, underdeveloped beans) are excellent feed for livestock (for example, milk yield increases sharply). For poultry, the dry above-ground mass of beans is ground or crushed into powder and added to the mash.

It is useful to include beans in the diet for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Many delicious dishes are prepared from beans: bean soup with butter, green bean stew.

Calorie content of beans (per 100 g) – 56.8 kcal.

Nutritional value of beans: carbohydrates – 8.5 g; fat – 0.1 g; proteins – 6 g; dietary fiber – 0.1 g; organic acids – 0.7 g; water – 83 g; starch – 6 g; mono- and disaccharides – 1.6 g.

Applications of beans

Back in the Stone Age, man became acquainted with legumes. The word “bean” itself, from a botanical point of view, is the fruit of a plant of the legume family, which has two long flaps with closed edges. In the middle between the valves there are seeds that grow on short stalks and lie in an even line. The shape of such a fruit is usually oblong and straight, but it can also be curved, even into a spiral. Typically, a ripe bean will release seeds when it dries and opens.

Beans are grown as food and feed crops. No other vegetable crop There is no comparison in nutritional value with beans: their protein is especially easily absorbed by the human body. Many amino acids contained in bean protein are not synthesized in the human body, but are absolutely necessary for protein metabolism.

Use in cooking

Beans are popular in most cuisines. different nations peace. This culture is especially widely used among the Bulgarians, Danes, Belgians, English and Dutch. Garden beans are common in the cooking of some Asian countries and in Arabic cuisine (including Lebanese, Egyptian - for example, in the dish ful medames). In China, Mexico (habas con chile) and Thailand, a popular snack is made from roasted beans (so that their hard shell is “opened”), then salted and seasoned to taste. In the culinary arts of these and other countries, Vicia faba beans are often called fava beans, fava beans, or bread beans.

Young bean salad

Wash the young beans, pour boiling water over them, add salt, cook, strain, cool, and peel. Washed tomatoes onions and cut the eggs into cubes. Grind the egg yolk with the prepared mustard, dilute with vegetable oil and lemon juice, season with salt, ground red and black pepper and sugar to taste. Mix all the products with dill, place in a salad bowl, pour over the prepared hot sauce and garnish with green lettuce leaves.

Compound: young beans – 500 g, tomatoes – 100 g, onions – 50 g, chopped dill – 1 tbsp. spoon, hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs., ready-made mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon juice, egg yolk – 1 pc., vegetable oil– 3 tbsp. spoons, salt, sugar, ground black and red pepper.

Mushrooms stewed with beans

Coarsely chop fresh mushrooms and simmer in their own juice. Heat the chopped bacon in a saucepan, put the diced vegetables in it and fry for 5-6 minutes, then pour in the broth and simmer under the lid until half cooked. Add sliced ​​potatoes, peas and simmer until done. At the end of the stew, add mushrooms, tomato puree, sour cream and chopped herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Compound: fresh mushrooms – 500 g or pickled mushrooms – 250 g, beans – 1 cup, bacon or fat – 50 g, onions – 1 pc., carrots – 2–3 pcs., parsley root – 1 pc., cabbage – 300 g, potatoes – 500 g, tomato puree – 2 Art. spoons, sour cream - 0.5 cups, parsley or onion, salt, pepper.

Use in medicine

Flowers, seeds and bean leaves are used for medicinal purposes. Flowers are collected in May - June, seeds and bean leaves - in August - September. The seeds have a diuretic, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Infusion and decoction of bean leaves is useful for diabetes. Bean flour or mashed and boiled beans are eaten for coughs, diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Beans boiled in milk and then mashed are applied to abscesses and boils to accelerate their ripening.

A decoction or infusion of flowers is used to wash or wipe the skin of the face to relieve irritation or itching.

Beans should not be eaten if you have gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by constipation and flatulence. People suffering from gout and hepatitis should also avoid them.