Conflicts in interpersonal relationships article. Examples of interpersonal conflicts

Conflict in interpersonal relationships– this is a confrontation between rivals or groups of people, when the event occurring is perceived by them as a problem and requires a solution in someone’s favor or becomes beneficial for all participants. The emergence of interpersonal conflict shows that there are disagreements between people, which are expressed in communication, personal ambitions and interests are affected.

How does conflict arise in interpersonal relationships? There are plenty of reasons for the emergence of conflicts between people, and they stem from a specific situation and are associated with the character traits of opponents and the relationships that connect them.

Conflicts in interpersonal relationships have their own specificity, which distinguishes them from other types of controversial issues. Namely:

  • Each side persistently proves that it is right, using the opponent’s accusations, while neglecting to justify its views with facts.
  • The conflicting parties are dominated by negative emotions that they are unable to restrain.
  • Lack of adequacy and aggression of conflicting participants. Negativity remains even after the end of the confrontation.

The causes of interpersonal conflicts may vary depending on the characteristics of their participants. For example, conflicts in adolescence are characterized by:

  • A sense of inflated self-esteem, if it is hurt, the teenager begins to defend himself, quarreling with peers and adults.
  • Certainty and categoricalness - everything that goes against one’s own concepts and beliefs is criticized.
  • Biased requirements - overestimated or underestimated, as well as weak confidence in own strength and possibilities.
  • Teenage maximalism is a lack of internal balance, which contributes to tension in communication with others.

Family conflicts also have their own specifics. They can arise due to contrasting characters, different understandings of family foundations, delegation of responsibilities and methods of raising children, confrontation between the older generation and grandchildren. But family conflict is usually viewed as the emergence of conflicting insinuations between spouses.

How conflict starts

Any conflicts in interpersonal relationships are formed and go through certain phases and periods with their own scale of intensity, duration and consequences.

  • Hidden phase. It is this that serves as the basis for the emergence of confrontation, and manifests itself when an individual feels dissatisfied. For example, the official position held, the level of salary, one’s own correct assessment of one’s colleagues. When internal discontent is not overcome, it moves to the next stage.
  • Tension phase. This is the conflict coming out and the formation of all participants in the confrontation. But in this period there is still an opportunity to extinguish or seriously intensify the confrontation.
  • The phase of confrontation between participants. There is an intensification of contradictions. And actions provoking a clash are carried out.
  • Ending phase. The conflict ends if the parties manage to come to a common decision. Or it is preserved due to the reduction of tension. It is also possible that the relations between the participants will break and other preconditions for confrontation at another level may arise.

Method of resolving conflicts

The methods that are used to resolve conflict confrontations are a reflection of the intentions of rivals and their actions in a difficult situation:

  • Offensive. Application of force. Here the winner is the one who, using his own interests, tries to impose them on a competitor. To achieve the goal, moral pressure, an attempt to manipulate and cunning are used.
  • Care. The conflict remains unresolved, but the boiling point is lowered by boycotting or changing attitudes towards controversial issues. Or there is a departure from one’s interests in order to preserve the relationship.
  • Compromise. Finding a suitable way out of the situation through discussion and obtaining a mutually beneficial result.

To eliminate conflicts in interpersonal relationships, it is necessary preliminary assessment every tense situation that arises and a timely response to it. To manage conflict situations, you should try to identify the causes and motives of the conflict in order to find ways to eliminate them.

An important point is the invited mediator. A group of people or one person who enjoys the trust of all participants in the confrontation. The mediator's decision is binding on all competitors.

The foundation of any conflict is a situation in which conflicting positions, goals and means to achieve results are identified. A conflict begins to unfold when one side becomes active, affecting the interests of the other. And if the offended party begins to react, then the potential conflict becomes topical.

Interpersonal conflicts (examples)

The emergence of contradictory situations is due to different attitudes of rivals. The main types of attitudes are considered to be conflict-generating and syntonic, that is, a person’s behavior in accordance with his character and personal standards.

Conflict situations arise constantly. Let's look at interpersonal conflicts, examples of which clearly show the likelihood of tense moments arising. Let’s say another participant intervenes in a conversation between two people. The interlocutors fall silent - a conflict situation is brewing. If the third is included in the conversation, then this already refers to a syntonic situation. Or a simple example: a manager gives advice to a subordinate - this is considered a syntonic situation. But advice, when not asked, can provoke a conflict situation. Friendly phrases like: “How can I convey this so that you understand?” or “It’s hard to reach you” - can mark the beginning of a conflict ripening.

The causes of interpersonal conflicts lie in a different perception of certain words or a painful reaction to incorrectly constructed logically sentences and linguistic mistakes. According to the philosopher B. Russell, all conflicts, as well as wars, arise due to an erroneous understanding of a foreign language.

Conflict in interpersonal relationships, an example of which we will now consider, can also break out with nonverbal aggression. It doesn't take hurtful words to create tension. Let's say a greeting said in a sarcastic tone can discourage communication. The conflict begins to ripen not only due to incorrect intonation during a conversation, but also in a demonstrative reluctance to notice or listen to the interlocutor when he addresses. And even such an everyday factor as a gloomy or dissatisfied facial expression can give impetus to the start of a conflict.

Cooperation in conflict situations

  • Conflict avoidance is a response to tension that has arisen, which manifests itself in the desire to leave or not notice provocations. Here one can see the lack of desire to insist on one’s own in order to satisfy one’s interests.
  • Competition. This is the desire to dominate the final result.
  • Adaptation is an admission of defeat to the detriment of one’s own interests.
  • Cooperation is the satisfaction of the interests of each conflicting party.
  • A compromise solution is partial satisfaction of one’s own interests in exchange for satisfaction of the interests of the enemy.

When is it better to avoid conflict situations?

If the prerequisites for a controversial situation to arise, it is worth thinking about whether it is really necessary to go into conflict in interpersonal relationships? Briefly: if your own benefit is not affected and it is difficult to prove that you are right, then there is no point in starting to argue. You should not argue with a person if it is clear that his mental potential is inferior to yours. "Don't argue with a fool." It is useless to prove anything to such a person.

Before entering into conflict, you should think about what you will get in the end? How does conflict occur in interpersonal relationships? What consequences can it lead to and what will it result in? And will you be able to defend your position and point of view? Therefore, it is worth bringing the emotional outburst back to normal and, with calm thoughts and a sober approach to assessing the current situation.

The conflict involves people who simply need a correct understanding of each other. But they are hampered by a lack of trust in each other. Therefore, it is so necessary to create an atmosphere of fruitful communication. And it is useful to adopt this law of communication: competition leads to the birth of competition. The method of managing and completing collisions comes down to following some rules.

  • Identifying the problem.
  • An attempt to find a solution mutually acceptable to the conflicting participants.
  • Listen to the parties, paying attention to what is said, and not focusing on personal characteristics.
  • Clarify the correctness of the understanding of what the interlocutor said.
  • Convey to the other side in paraphrased form the meaning of the information heard.
  • When receiving information, do not interrupt the speaker, exclude criticism and recommendations.
  • Clarify the information received, its accuracy and do not proceed to new messages.
  • It is important to maintain an atmosphere of trust and sincerity.
  • Actively involve nonverbal communication: eye contact, nodding your head as a sign of approval.

Coordinating a conflict situation

Every clash that could turn into confrontation can be extinguished. If it is no longer possible to stop, then you should treat it as evenly as possible and try to come to a denominator that satisfies both opponents.

When starting to resolve the tension that has arisen, it is necessary to do preparatory work and define your tasks. When you plan to resolve the situation through negotiations, you should choose the right time for a meeting.

For sound conflict management, it is necessary not to forget about your interests and understand the benefits of your opponent. During the meeting, calmly voice your interests and clarify whether your opponent is ready to make efforts to resolve the conflict. Offer several options. And if they deviate, then you will have to work on resolving the confrontation on your own.

When the conflicting party is ready to resolve everything peacefully, decide which side you are on, yours or your opponent’s. The main thing is to understand, and not to win at any cost.

The reasons that caused the clash should be calmly discussed and identified what led to the conflict:

  • By offering the best, there is no need to blame and attack.
  • When defending your judgment, you should not put pressure on your opponent. There is no pressure correct behavior, it only leads to limiting the capabilities of those in conflict.
  • It is important to watch your speech. And do not use words that humiliate a person.
  • Avoid using the words “never” and “no way.” And remember the proverb “the word is silver, and silence is gold.” Sometimes it’s easier to leave things unsaid than to launch into a tirade that could escalate the conflict.
  • When discussing a situation, there is no need to attack a person. You need to talk about the problem, not about personality traits. Do not cling to trifles, but solve the main issues.
  • It is better to express your thoughts and feelings openly. Honesty and sincerity will enable your opponent to better understand and, perhaps, accept your point of view. Tell us what worries and worries you. Voiced concern is one of the stages of defending your views.

Managing Emotions

When you are overwhelmed with emotions, it is better to restrain them rather than be led by them. If they do come out, let go of your fears and resentments. Have your say. If awkwardness appears after an emotional outburst, then it is better to leave. But this does not mean that admitting defeat is just a reason to continue to establish dialogue. A creative and flexible view of the situation is one of the methods of managing a collision.

When the conflict situation subsides, then when leaving it, ask for forgiveness. It will help restore relationships and extinguish negative emotions. Words that correctly reflect the situation will not humiliate you or your partner. When joint actions have not resolved the conflict situation, all that remains is to move on to independent actions.

In order to effectively manage and maneuver in controversial situations, you need to develop understanding. This will allow you to think and discuss problems more constructively. But only if a person lives in the present, is calm and knows how to clearly respond to changing situations. You can learn to manage conflict only by having personal experience and constant internal growth.

Features of interpersonal conflict

Often one of the reasons leading to a conflict of interests is the mode of action. It can be conscious or unconscious. When a person, through his intentional actions, creates and maintains opposition, this leads to conscious conflict.

This behavior can be explained by the following reasons:

  • The desire for self-affirmation.
  • Creating a conflict situation in order to find out the true positions of the opponent.
  • Conflict as a way to find out the personal qualities of the enemy.
  • Conflict of interests as a method for establishing a new system of relations.

Conflict behavior, which is considered unconscious, most often arises as the appearance of contradictions in relationships between people. Actions in this option are defined as:

  • Lack of competence.
  • Lack of practical experience in conflict-free behavior.
  • Personal characteristics.
  • Weak social and moral rules.
  • Low communication culture.
  • Inconsistency with the expectations of others.

There are plenty of reasons for the occurrence of behavior that is classified as conflict, but they are all subjective. Objective confrontations can be corrected, people can be trained to make reasonable criticism and defend their own positions.

Studying the dynamics of interpersonal conflicts at school

The problem of the preconditions for the emergence of conflicts, their course and completion are studied by many sciences, such as psychology, logic, sociology. As a result, a separate direction was formed - conflictology. In schools, children study conflicts in interpersonal relationships (grade 6). Social studies explains to students the mechanisms, patterns and ways to resolve controversial situations. The teacher invites you to think about the questions of what a controversial situation teaches and what lessons can be learned from differences of opinion. The topic “Conflicts in Interpersonal Relationships” (6th grade) helps children understand how to behave during confrontations, both personal and group. auxiliary materials and methods of visual demonstration (tables, graphs, drawings) facilitate the assimilation of concepts. So, if students are considering overcoming a problem such as conflict in interpersonal relationships (grade 6), a table describing the stages will be very useful. Tables are used not only in 6th grade.

The movement of the conflict is increasing and goes through several phases. This is already a topic for study in high school. For schoolchildren studying conflict in interpersonal relationships (grade 10), the table reveals the types of conflicts and methods for resolving them. Conflicts should not be treated with fear if you understand that they are nothing more than a manifestation of contradictions. Conflict in interpersonal relationships (grade 10) is discussed in great detail in social studies lessons, because sooner or later everyone will have to go through this stage.

How to overcome the consequences of conflicts

There are many ways to relieve stress, methods for overcoming it have been established and have proven themselves well. And this allows us to offer different options, which take into account a person’s personal qualities.

In order to strengthen the level of stress resistance, it is necessary:

This is how the psyche is strengthened for full-fledged living in a social environment. Fresh air, exercise, proper sleep, proper balanced diet– important factors for maintaining healthy image life.

A healthy attitude in life helps a person not to cave in under the pressure of stressful situations, not to react painfully to conflict situations and to find the right ways to eliminate them.

Contents of the article:

Interpersonal conflicts are a clash between two or more individuals in the course of productive interaction, which is manifested by inconsistency or divergence of goals in a particular situation. In other words, interpersonal should be called an existing contradiction between people, which excludes the interests and goals of all parties and occurs taking into account the individual characteristics of each person.

The mechanism of development of interpersonal conflict

Each person in society defends his point of view and his interests, defending the rights to his own desires and positions. In addition, there are also goals that a given person strives to achieve. In the course of this, people need to contact each other, develop patterns of interaction and connections different levels(professional, friendly, close). If an obstacle in the form of another person stands in the way of your own views, a conflict will arise.

Discrepancy between established scheme The relationship with the individual and the fact that he becomes an obstacle to personal goals causes an analytical chain reaction in the subconscious. The degree of importance of the primary task and the strength of personal connections between these people are determined.

If personal ambitions take second place, it means that the chances of reconciling the differences that have arisen are quite high, since everyone will value the relationship. If heightened pride turns out to be stronger than the need for connection with a person, interpersonal conflict develops. It can be resolved by one of the following possible ways while maintaining the initial relationship, or maybe breaking all ties.

There are several specific features in the mechanism of development of conflicts in interpersonal relationships:

  • An irresistible desire to prove oneself right. A person tries to justify his opinion both by presenting real reasons and factors, and by devaluing the arguments of his interlocutor.
  • Emotional attachment. Conflict is accompanied by strong affective reactions that are difficult to control.
  • Bias in the negativity of an alternative solution. The opinion that one’s own judgment is the only correct one makes one doubt the correctness of the opponent’s decision.
These standards do not allow the contradiction to be resolved in the usual way and make the situation even worse.

The main causes of interpersonal conflicts

Confrontation between people reaches its climax due to completely different reasons. Moreover, in each individual situation we can name several significant factors that could provoke an interpersonal conflict:
  1. Dissatisfaction with material and spiritual benefits. If a person lacks the necessary resources in quantitative or qualitative terms, he tries to make up for them in another way, where there is a high risk of developing interpersonal conflict.
  2. Mutual interests. In a group where the goals of the participants converge, but the methods of achieving the task have some differences, a number of confrontations may arise. The person is unable to fulfill some of his needs in work or personal relationships. This should include conflict situations at work, problems with subordination of subordinates and mentors, family disagreements, and family quarrels.
  3. Individual interests. Opponents have personal goals, the fulfillment of one of them excludes the other. The developing conflict raises questions about the differences that exist in at the moment, and needs a compromise solution.
  4. Value features of the issue. This type of confrontation is based on dissimilar motivational approaches to the same issue due to different psychological attitudes and priorities.
  5. Course of action. Develops due to the absence of stereotypes and manners of certain behavior in one of the opponents. This may be due to lack of experience or inability to perform necessary actions. Often causes conflicts at work or school.
  6. Communication. Inconsistency between the communication abilities of one person and another, non-compliance with the rules of dialogue, subordination and tact.
  7. Character. The cause of the conflict is specific personal characteristics that the other individual dislikes.
The reasons may vary depending on the person's age. Thus, in children and adolescents, controversial situations can be caused by factors that have no place in adult life. The puberty period is characterized by biased maximalism, a tendency to issue ultimatums and unequivocally evaluate people.

Family conflicts in interpersonal relationships can be based both on ordinary everyday disagreements and on the inability to realize one’s own needs, inconsistency of values ​​and goals in life between spouses.

Working relationships often crack when carrying out orders and assigned tasks. There is also a risk of developing personal hostility among employees of the same level and management. Often disputes are based on behavioral issues, for example, a discrepancy between an employee’s actions and the reputation of a company or organization.

Types of interpersonal conflicts

The concept of interpersonal conflict represents a unique example of a combination of the characterological characteristics of each individual and the nuances of controversy. Therefore, it is difficult to identify any common points in each of the disputes. The classification allows us to divide such confrontations into three large options, which differ in motivational features:
  • Values ​​disagreement. What is important for one person turns out to be completely unimportant for another and causes a wave of indignation and discontent. This group contains all the religious, political and philosophical differences that exist between people. Such situations do not necessarily cause conflict, but when combined with the right conditions, they can spark real confrontation. It is similar in family relationships: different personal meanings of the goals of each spouse can coexist until one of them begins to influence or undermine the spiritual values ​​of the other. This balance can be controlled by common highest ideals, which nevertheless converge. For example, one of the parents lures the child to a certain type classes, and the second - to something completely different. But each of them is sure of one thing: their son or daughter should do something. Common views on the problem determine priority solutions that suit both.
  • Conflict of interest. Completely different goals and ideas about achieving them can coexist as long as they do not intersect. If the desire of one person excludes the intention of another, a conflict situation develops on this basis. This scenario often occurs in life when some resources are distributed that both parties want to receive.
    This group of conflicts includes any kind of emotional competition, including both benefit and personal hostility towards the opponent. For example, a struggle in the office for a promotion, a tender for a large project in a company, a competition for an increased scholarship in an educational institution.
  • Violation of the rules of interaction. This type of interpersonal conflict is based on an unwillingness to adhere to general rules and the norms that have been established to regulate communications between the two parties. If one of them violates some of these rules, insensitive or unacceptable behavior may be interpreted as a reason for confrontation. Such disagreements can be observed at work as situations of abuse of authority or insubordination. In families, such conflicts occur due to inappropriate attitudes towards each other, which is expected in these conditions.

How to behave during interpersonal conflict

To resolve an interpersonal conflict, it is necessary to remember that in a dispute the truth is not born, but the true face of the participant in the disagreement is revealed. How your opponent and others see you during a given disagreement can have significant consequences in the future. Distinctive feature A well-mannered and intelligent person is the ability to keep himself and his emotions in check while clarifying discrepancies.

Behavior in interpersonal conflict should not descend to such a level that it does not correspond to self-image. It is necessary to act so that the spoken words and promises do not cause further shame, regret or any other discomfort. Every word in a dispute should be thought through to the smallest detail.

If you adhere to the basic rules of such behavior, the conflict has every chance of a quick and effective resolution:

  1. Respect for your opponent. Be that as it may, in most cases a person leads a confrontation with someone whom he knows well or often interacts with. Interpersonal conflicts with strangers They also happen, but not as often as with loved ones, acquaintances, and colleagues. The likelihood of further connections or contacts with your opponent is huge. Therefore, in order to avoid further awkwardness, apologies and discomfort in communicating with this person, you should not treat him in an insulting or humiliating manner.
  2. Emotional restraint. There is a tendency that conflict situations without affective load are resolved faster and do not leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Moreover, there is a chance to save a minimum positive relationships with the other side of the confrontation. In important disputes, switching to the emotional side with the identification of personal hostility towards a person is considered a sign of tactlessness, bad manners and bad taste. Moreover, such an attitude will not at all raise a person’s reputation among friends and relatives.
  3. Direction to solve the problem. Often in conflict situations, people forget why they started an argument. By turning to personal insults and humiliations, the essence of the feud remains unresolved or untouched. All attention, rage or enthusiasm should be used in developing optimal schemes for resolving this disagreement, methods for establishing a mutually satisfactory compromise.

In any conflict, you should behave the way you would like your opponent to behave. In this way, you can achieve culture and mutual understanding with loved ones, friends and acquaintances.

Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts

Subconsciously, a person himself tries to resolve any disagreements using methods that he considers the most convenient and simple. Sometimes, even without active intervention in the confrontation, it can resolve on its own. This does not always happen, but it is usually resolved in one of 4 ways:
  • Smoothing sharp corners . This is a kind of imaginary way out of the current situation, which in fact does not get rid of the cause of the conflict, but only erases its main manifestations. In fact, dissatisfaction with these circumstances transforms into internal anger and resentment, and external active manifestations subside for a while. There remains a huge possibility that the subsided dispute may resume with much greater force after a while. Smoothing is achieved through ordinary reconciliation due to various factors or temporary benefits.
  • Compromise solution. Partial acceptance of the opponent’s terms by all parties to the conflict can weaken his strength for some time. Although minor differences will still remain, they will not be at a sufficient level to resume confrontation. Exists great opportunity its development over a certain period of time.
  • Acceptance. Attention is focused on both points of view, and all comments, additions and claims to each other are accepted. This type of interaction after an interpersonal conflict is observed infrequently, but still has the right to exist as the most best option developments of events. It is extremely rare that people can fully accept each other’s point of view, integrate it with their own and come to a mutually beneficial solution.
  • Domination. One side fully and completely admits that it is wrong and that the opponent’s point of view, idea or proposal is superior. This often happens in work environments where subordination forces staff to fully agree with what management puts forward. A peculiar scheme of subordination does not always work for choleric or hysterical individuals. Such people will never allow their opinions and results to be ignored.
In addition to these methods, there are many special recommendations that will help resolve interpersonal conflict in as soon as possible. If you adhere to these rules, after a disagreement you usually do not experience any unpleasant feelings or discomfort from communicating with your former opponent:
  1. The presence of a conflict situation must always be recognized. This is an integral part of the process itself that must be resolved. If you resist and do not accept the dissonance in a relationship for what it is, hidden negative feelings can persist for a very long time and gradually poison your life.
  2. Creating an opportunity to clarify the current situation. Discussion and debate are essential for proper resolution of interpersonal conflict. It is necessary on both sides to provide conditions under which it will be possible to understand the causes and essence of the problem.
  3. Determining specific reasons for disagreement. To avoid moving to the emotional level and personal claims, you need to clearly define the range of interests in this conflict. Often this way you can understand that the problem is not that big.
  4. Options for the outcome of the situation. There must be several of these to give you the opportunity to choose the optimal one. They need to be developed taking into account the interests of each party.
  5. Selecting an agreed solution and turning it into reality. Joint practical application those measures that have been agreed upon leads to reconciliation and attempts to establish personal contact.
Any of the proposed methods for resolving interpersonal conflict may be ineffective if, during an emotional upsurge, a person does not understand the importance of reconciliation. Usually this passes over time, and people themselves look for ways to return to their previous relationships.

Prevention of interpersonal conflicts

The best medicine is prevention. It is much easier to prevent the development of unwanted discord than to search for ways to resolve it later. This way you can maintain trusting relationships with friends, relatives, acquaintances and even at work. Your reputation will remain impeccable if you know how to prevent interpersonal conflicts.

The main points in preventing the formation of disagreements lie in the behavior, gestures and tact of both parties. If you follow a few rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of violent conflicts with other people:

  • You should pay attention to your opponent, you must behave politely and tactfully with him.
  • Tolerance will help you avoid violent reactions from the other person.
  • Trust and openness should be shown by maintaining eye contact; there is no need to avoid looking in any case.
  • Provide an opportunity for the interlocutor to explain his point of view and justify his opinion.
  • Try to understand your opponent or mentally put yourself in his place.
  • Tactfully admit your mistake, if any.
  • Express vague feelings that indicate your doubts about your correctness regarding the present conversation.
  • Carefully explain those points where your opponent’s opinion can be criticized.
  • A positive attitude towards resolving the situation, rather than arguing that you are right.

Important! The resolution of any conflict should not be done with a raised voice, and personal insults should not be allowed.

How to resolve interpersonal conflict - watch the video:

For mutually beneficial and productive relationships with colleagues at work, at home with family or loved ones, you should know how to resolve the interpersonal conflict that will inevitably arise in everyone’s life. To do this, you need to be able to behave correctly in order to avoid unwanted actions and extremely unpleasant consequences.

There are five main interpersonal styles of conflict resolution:

Evasion. This style is characterized by implying that a person is trying to escape conflict. One of the ways to resolve a conflict is not to get into situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, not to enter into a discussion of issues that are fraught with disagreement. Then you won’t have to get into an excited state, even if you are trying to solve a problem.

Smoothing. This style is characterized by behavior that is dictated by the belief that there is no point in getting angry because “we are all one happy team and we should not rock the boat.” The “smoother” tries not to let out signs of conflict and bitterness, appealing to the need for solidarity. Unfortunately, they completely forget about the problem underlying the conflict. You can extinguish the desire for conflict in another person by repeating: “This has no of great importance. Think about the good that has manifested itself here today.” The result may be peace, harmony and warmth, but the problem will remain. There is no longer any possibility of expressing emotions, but they live inside and accumulate. General anxiety becomes apparent, and the likelihood that an explosion will eventually occur increases.

Compulsion. Within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others. A person using this style tends to be aggressive and usually uses power through coercion to influence others. The conflict can be taken under control by showing that you have the strongest power, suppressing your opponent, wresting a concession from him by right of superior. This coercive style can be effective in situations where the leader has significant power over subordinates.

The disadvantage of this style is that... that it suppresses the initiative of subordinates, creates a high probability that not all important factors will be taken into account, since only one point of view is presented. It can cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated staff.

Compromise. This style is characterized by accepting the other party's point of view, but only to some extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in management situations, as it minimizes ill will and often allows conflict to be resolved quickly to the satisfaction of both parties. However, using a compromise at an early stage of a conflict that has arisen over an important decision can prevent the diagnosis of the problem and reduce the time it takes to find an alternative. Such a compromise means agreeing only to avoid a quarrel, even if this involves a failure to act prudently. This trade-off is one of being satisfied with what is available rather than persistently seeking what is logical in the light of available facts and data.

Solving the problem. This style- recognition of differences of opinion and a willingness to engage with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties. Anyone who uses this style does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks best option resolving a conflict situation. Differences in opinion are seen as the inevitable result of smart people having their own ideas about what is right and what is wrong. Emotions can only be eliminated through direct dialogues with a person different from your gaze.

Deep analysis and resolution of conflict is possible, only this requires maturity and the art of working with people... Such constructiveness in resolving conflict (by solving the problem) helps to create an atmosphere of sincerity, so necessary for the success of the individual and the company as a whole.

It is known from research that high-performing companies used a problem-solving style more than low-performing companies in conflict situations. In these high-performing organizations, leaders openly discussed their differences of opinion, without emphasizing the differences, but without pretending that they did not exist.

Some suggestions for using this style of conflict resolution:

2. Once the problem is identified, identify solutions that are acceptable to both parties.

3. Focus on the issue, not the other party's personal qualities.

4. Create an atmosphere of trust by increasing mutual influence and information sharing.

5. During communication, create a positive attitude towards each other by showing sympathy and listening to the other party's opinion, and minimizing the expression of anger and threats.

Example of a conflict situation

The staff includes both men and women, different ages. At the next meeting of the establishment's managers, it was decided to hire a second administrator of the hall into its staff. During the meeting, the current administrator was absent for some reason and was not aware of this decision. The next day, management began selecting for a new position and informed the administrator about it. The latter's reaction was to act out a quarrel with the manager. His opinion contradicted the management's opinion about the need for a second vacant position.

The conflict has taken a new turn; Our staff began to complain about the unpleasant psychological atmosphere at work.

As a result of misunderstanding and conflict, the administrator resigned. Leaving behind last word in the biased attitude of management towards him.

Let's start with:

The basis or basis for the above proposed conflict was that the management of the establishment was clearly not satisfied with the work of the existing administrator of the hall, and the current situation provoked a conflict that had previously been brewing between them.

The object of the conflict is the opinion of the administrator’s personal superiority and authority among the staff.

The subject of this conflict is the impossibility of reconciliation, since the conflict was already mature.

The parties to the conflict are management and subordinates.

The social position of the subjects is different social position.

The environment - a cafe, an entertainment establishment, a friendly staff, however, of course, takes place, as well as responsible work with staff, which requires high professionalism and qualifications.

A conflict incident is when the conflict becomes visible to the entire team.

The outcome of a conflict situation is the departure of the dissenting party and accusations of incompetence on the management.

In my opinion, in this situation it would be perfect better strategy cooperation aimed at constructively resolving the conflict, that is, working with the problem, not the conflict. Employees should, firstly, acknowledge the conflict (emphasizing the common basis for interaction, which can be even a single desire to find a way out of the current situation together), secondly, putting aside emotions, openly discuss their interests and positions on this issue, and, thirdly, to find a joint solution to the problem and alternative ways out of the conflict, transferring it into a peaceful, constructive direction.

Conclusion: I think the solution to the existing conflict is real, because management should have initial stage conflict, resolve relations with the administrator. But since it missed this situation, a serious conflict occurred that affected everyone around.

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For example, overstimulation or understimulation may interfere with development. They must, however, be distinguished from conflicts development - or a mismatch between external demands and children's desires that arise at the appropriate time (for example... desires (for example, the desire to please the mother and the desire for immediate defecation). Similar conflicting desires are prototypes of internal conflicts, which worsen as they develop; They are usually divided into those containing ambiva...

Get out of a dubious situation with minimal losses. Do not communicate from a “pushing” position - try to talk about desires and requests Many conflicts begin with the question: “Why are you (moron, pig, lazy, mediocrity) doing this?” Tell me honestly - when you ask such questions... try to calmly explain everything to him. Never say “never” World wars grew from local ones conflicts. Quite often, serious family quarrels lead to divorce, “blowing up” from minor situations. Sometimes...

Raise yourself, pull yourself up to the required (conflict-free) level, and also (silently) influence your partner who is asking for conflict, often without realizing it or realizing it. This same scheme is the essence of human spiritual evolution. ... his idle curiosity or selfish needs, but also sincerely strives towards them with good intentions. In case of conflict You should not “pull the blanket over yourself” by defending your “truth.” There is no need to become attached to her, realizing that...

With a coercive strategy consisting of a choice between the value of an item conflict and value interpersonal relationships. Unlike the fight strategy, the concession strategy gives priority to interpersonal relationships. When analyzing this strategy, it should be taken into account that: ... subjects of conflict interaction. Thus, the absence of unnecessary “battles” allowed employees in the above example maintain normal relations with each other; - the conditions of a compromise may be imaginary when the subjects...

Either in a relationship between individual and the group turns out to be derived from this general position. Various types of conflicts between people: from interpersonal and family to social-class and interstate. Conflicts- an integral part of our life. When two parties are in contact, no matter the reason for their interaction, there is always the possibility of...

And data for its construction) and from trial, training activities in which communication skills are developed. In the process of discussions, students come to understand that the main conditions that give rise to interpersonal tension and conflict, is actually aggressiveness (similarity of needs and limited possibility of satisfying them (when the need of one interferes with the satisfaction of the needs of another), as well as egocentric and narrow-group attitudes of the parties...

People who can get carried away example- noble, low or indifferent. In general, Mikhailovsky’s characteristics of the crowd coincide with Le Bon’s characteristics. Important problems of social psychology, including psychology interpersonal communication is considered in... habitual behavior leads to the fertilization of all work...". Scientific understanding of human behavior and their interpersonal communication is facilitated by the doctrine of attitudes of the Georgian psychologist Dmitry Uznadze (1886/87-1950), whose research...

Conflict often occurs in the workplace between manager and subordinate or between two workers. Most often this happens when there are disagreements in the organization of the work process. For example, one employee did not complete part of the work that affects the success of the entire common business. In this case, the conflict situation will most likely affect not only the manager, but also the colleagues of the negligent employee. Sometimes a new employee does not accept the norms and principles of the existing team. In this case, there is also a high probability of conflict developing.

Interpersonal conflicts at work can arise when there is a change of leadership. They often arise due to a change in the style and method of managing a team. The “old” boss was more loyal in his demands, while the “new” boss was an adherent of a more authoritarian style. This disrupts the established relationship between employees and the manager. If you do not accept the new conditions dictated by your superiors, a conflict situation will certainly arise.

An example of interpersonal conflict is all kinds of marital strife. They can arise for any reason: how to spend a vacation, what TV to buy, what to cook for dinner, etc.

Conflicts are common in everyday life between representatives of different age generations. Each opponent staunchly defends his position (what music to listen to, how to dress, who to be friends with, etc.). These interpersonal conflicts are widely covered in world literature and are known as “father-son conflicts.”

An example of interpersonal conflict You can always find them, for example, on public transport. Someone stepped on his foot with a heel, someone leaned a bag on his head. Often in this case people become irritated and conflict. Interpersonal conflicts arise constantly, but we should not forget that they also have positive functions.

Stage of open behavior in conflict. Conditions for escalation and de-escalation

In order for the parties to move to open action, it is necessary to appear activity incident– a reason to announce (advertise) confrontation regarding differences in interests and values.

Manifestations of open conflict include :

¨minor disagreements and misunderstandings;

¨open call;

¨aggressive verbal attacks;

¨threats and ultimatums;

Aggressive non-verbal attacks.

Interaction between the parties can take the form escalation or de-escalation.

Escalation conditions:

Participants in the conflict believe that active actions are needed for results;

The parties intend to protect their interests and resist external threats;

The conflict is institutional in nature, and the radical opposition provokes its aggravation;

Involvement of a third party;

Expansion of the issue in dispute;

Polarization of relations;

Conditions for de-escalation:

Devaluation of goals;

Heterogeneous attitude towards conflict;

New connections that have arisen between those in conflict;

Competition among leaders of one side.

Crisis in the development of the conflict

A crisis (a pseudo-phase that occurs within one of the phases of the conflict) is an interaction of subjects in which there is no progressive transition from phase to phase (for example, a long delay in one phase, a destructive fixation, phase stagnation, or even a return to the previous phase). A crisis is a period of delay in the process of conflict interaction between subjects. Which, it should be noted, leads to tension. Overcoming the crisis, i.e., continuing the development of the conflict, helps to remove it.