Water supply for washing machine. How I connected the washing machine. Initial installation stage

Is it difficult to connect a washing machine to the water supply? Not at all. In this article, I will offer several connection scenarios with a description of the necessary fittings and the technology for their installation, and will also tell you in what ways you can connect the drain hose of the machine to the sewer system.

With new clothes! All that remains is a mere trifle - connecting the product to the sewer and water supply.



To connect with a standard hose, we need to remove the outlet from the cold water supply system with a 3/4-inch external pipe thread, or DN20. The thread must be at least five threads long and not have a collar - a limiter against which the hose union nut can rest.

In addition, the thread edge must be perfectly straight and of sufficient thickness, since the connection to the hose is sealed by a gasket between it and the union nut.

The outlet to the machine must be closed. It is worth turning off the water when leaving on a business trip or vacation for safety reasons: the rubber hose that connects the washing machine to the water supply has a limited service life, and if it runs out in your absence, the apartments below you along the riser will be flooded.

From the point of view of minimal pressure drop when the washing machine draws water, it is better to place it as close as possible to the cold water riser. First of all, this applies to old apartments with steel water supply lines left behind by the builders. The condition of steel pipes in cold water after several decades of operation leaves much to be desired: they become overgrown with rust and lime deposits, significantly reducing the clearance inside the pipe.

Option 1: drain to the tank

In houses built in the 70s and later years, the outlet from the cold water riser for connecting the tank is made at the level of the main water supply. Its location makes it possible to embed a faucet or assembly for connecting a washing machine into the supply line to the tank, without leaving a sagging hose in sight.


What accessories will be needed for connection?

The simplest solution that does not require the purchase of additional components is a three-way faucet designed specifically for connecting washing machines. The price of such a product does not exceed 200 rubles.

When purchasing it, you should pay attention to a number of features of the product:

  • Ball a valve (closed by turning the flag 90 degrees) is preferable to a screw valve (closed by turning the knob several turns). Unlike the latter, it has an almost unlimited service life and does not require maintenance;
  • How longer handle turning the tap, the easier it is to open or turn it off after a long period of inactivity;
  • External thread DN15 on the valve body must have a collar, which does not allow the winding to be squeezed out when screwing the valve into the coupling body or any other internal thread.

If for some reason the treasured taps are not available in nearby stores, you can use an assembly of several products to connect.

You will need:

  • Tee DU15 with one internal thread and two external threads;

  • Ball valve DN 15 with female-female threads. If the old tap that shuts off the water to the tank is faulty and needs to be replaced, it is worth purchasing two identical taps;

  • Adapter DU15 - DU20 with external threads. Preferably brass: black steel will quickly rust due to contact with condensate.


How to connect a washing machine using a three-way tap?

The instructions are quite simple:

  1. We turn off the cold water to the apartment;
  2. Unscrew the flexible connection of the drain tank from the cold water connection;
  3. We wind up the thread of the liner and screw onto it the outlet with the internal thread of the three-way tap;

To wind the threads, use plumbing linen impregnated with any quick-drying paint you have on hand. The paint will protect the flax fibers from rotting upon contact with condensation, which is inevitable in cold water.

  1. We connect the flexible connection of the drain tank to the external thread of size DN15 of the three-way valve. If there was a separate valve in front of the tank, we place it between the three-way tap and the flexible connection;
  2. We connect the inlet hose of the washing machine to its outlet size DN20;
  3. We open the tap at the entrance to the apartment and check all connections under pressure. If necessary, we correct all shortcomings.

If you are going to install a tee, ball valve and adapter assembly, you will have to assemble several sealed threaded connections:

  • Between the tee and the liner thread;
  • Between the tee and the taps to turn off the water to the tank and to the washing machine;
  • Between the tap for turning off the water to the machine and the adapter for size DN20.

Option 2: in front of the bathroom faucet

With this scheme for connecting the washing machine to the water supply, the mixer will move forward relative to the wall by 7 - 8 centimeters. The connection in front of the mixer is usually used if the washing machine is installed in place of a dismantled washbasin.


To connect you will have to purchase:

  • The already familiar three-way valve. Recommendations for choosing it are the same as in the previous scenario;
  • Thread extension DN15 - a pipe with an external thread on one side and an internal thread on the other. The length of the pipe must be exactly equal to the length of the three-way valve.


  1. We close the cold and hot water valves at the entrance to the apartment;
  2. After making sure that the water has shut off, unscrew the union nuts of the mixer and remove it from the eccentrics;

  1. We unscrew the ankle boots. Depending on their shape, for this purpose you can use pliers inserted inside the eccentric with one jaw, a narrow adjustable or open-end wrench, as well as a hexagon;
  2. We wind up the external threads of the three-way valve and extension;
  3. We screw the tap into the corner, coupling or water socket for cold water, and the extension cord for hot water;
  4. We screw eccentrics into the internal threads of the three-way faucet and extension and center them so that the mixer nuts fit into their threads and the mixer body is in a horizontal position;
  5. We screw decorative caps onto the threads of the braces (of course, you can do without them) and mount the mixer.

In the photo: 1 - three-way valve, 2 - thread extension of the same length, 3 - eccentric.

If the gaskets under the mixer union nuts have lost their elasticity, replace them with new ones. Rubber gaskets are included in most plumbing repair kits, but retail silicone gaskets are the most flexible and durable.

Option 3: Under the kitchen sink

When installing a washing machine in the kitchen, it is connected to the cold water supply under the kitchen sink. The tap is mounted between a rigid connection and a flexible hose for connecting the mixer.


And here our old friend plays its role - a three-way valve. If necessary, it, as when connecting to the supply to the tank, can be replaced with an assembly of a tee, a ball valve and an adapter from a 1/2-inch thread to a 3/4 thread.


Installing a faucet with your own hands is extremely simple:

  1. With the water supply turned off, unscrew the union nut of the flexible line;

Don’t be too lazy to place a basin or bucket under the connection you are disassembling. The water standing in the pipes will drain if the water supply system is depressurized.

  1. We wind up the thread and screw the internal thread of the three-way valve onto it;
  2. We connect the flexible hose of the mixer to the external thread of the tap size DN15.

Option 4: at the entrance to the apartment

In some cases, it is more convenient to make the connection immediately after the cold water valve at the entrance to the apartment. What is needed for this and how to cut into the water supply? I will describe the most common scenario - inserting after cranes into an assembly with steel pipes.


We will need:

  • Brass or cast iron tee size DN15;

  • Ball valve with female-male threads size DN15;
  • Adapter from DN 15 to DN 20 thread.


  1. We shut off the cold water supply with the valve on the supply line. We open any tap to make sure the valve is working;
  2. We drive a lock nut along the long thread of the drive (a pipe with a long thread on one side and a short one on the other). If the paint interferes, first burn it with a hair dryer, blowtorch or gas torch;

Squeegee is a fitting for connecting non-rotating sections of a water supply system.

  1. We clean the thread from the old winding and, following the locknut, we drive the coupling;
  2. Having spread the connections before and after the disassembled section in different directions, we unscrew the squeegee from the valve;

The valve must be held with a second key, otherwise there is a risk that a loose threaded connection between it and the outlet from the riser will leak.

  1. We unscrew the coupling from the drive and screw the tee in its place;

  1. We screw the squeegee with a wound short thread into the valve;
  2. We wind up a short thread on the liner from the side of the apartment and drive the tee onto it, turning its side outlet parallel to the wall (up or down);
  3. We drive the locknut after the tee. Leaving a gap of 5 millimeters between it and the tee, wind up the thread and tighten the locknut;
  4. We sequentially screw the wound tap and adapter into the tee. The work is completed.

Option 5: saddle


A saddle is a simple device that allows you to cut into any section of a smooth pipe. It is a clamp with a sealing gasket and a side outlet with internal thread. The advantage of the saddle is that it allows you to insert it into the water supply under pressure.

In addition to the saddle for the DN15 pipe, we will need a ball valve with female-male threads and an adapter DN15 - DU20.


  1. We clean the pipe from paint and rust. To do this, you can use a steel brush or a regular table knife;

  1. We install the saddle in a position convenient for connecting the washing machine and tighten its fastening;
  2. We wind up the external thread of the ball valve and screw it into the saddle;
  3. Open the tap completely;
  4. Having placed a bucket or basin under the tap, we drill the liner with a long drill straight through the open tap and saddle;

Use only a hand drill or brace. A water-filled electric drill, along with a puddle of water on the floor, will turn into a portable version of the electric chair. Power tools can only be used when the water is closed.

  1. As soon as water flows through the tap with sufficient pressure, remove the drill and close the ball valve;
  2. We screw a 3/4-inch diameter adapter into its internal thread.


There are also several ways to connect the washing machine drain hose to the sewer system.

On the edge of the bathtub or sink

The simplest solution is to hang the hose fixed in the standard fasteners on the edge of the kitchen sink or bathtub. The obvious disadvantage of this solution is that the plumbing fixture cannot be used during washing.

But frequent draining of hot water with detergent dissolved in it guarantees the absence of blockages: in 4 years of living in a service apartment with exactly this scheme for draining water from a washing machine, I have never encountered sewage problems.

Tee under siphon

The drain hose can be directed into a tee installed in the sewer socket at the connection with the siphon of any plumbing fixture. Installing a tee in the case of a prefabricated plastic sewer takes no more than a couple of minutes.

A couple of nuances:

  1. The connection between the hose and the tee must be. Otherwise, sewer odors may enter the apartment through the gap between them;

  1. Use a skew tee with the side outlet pointing upward. Even if the connection is depressurized, the wastewater will flow into the sewer by gravity.

Tee in comb

The most civilized solution is a separate tee for connecting a washing machine, embedded in the sewer comb (indoor sewer system). In this case, you can safely use a straight tee.

I strongly recommend extending its upper outlet with a pipe at least 40-45 cm long: some washing machines do not have a shut-off valve between the tank and the drain hose, and if the hose is lowered too low, water can pour out of the tank by gravity.

The most correct scheme for connecting to the sewer is with a separate insert into the comb and a water seal.


I hope that my experience will help the reader connect the washing machine with minimal time and money. As always, more information can be found in the video in this article. I would appreciate your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

Installing a washing machine with your own hands can be done by almost any man who has the most ordinary set of wrenches, a head on his shoulders and “straight” arms. If you do not have these components, then it will be difficult for you to connect the washing machine yourself, but it is possible. After all, this process is not particularly complicated and the main thing is to follow clear instructions, which we will provide to you.

Choosing a location for the washing machine

The first thing you need to do before installing a washing machine, and even before purchasing it, is to choose a place if you have not yet decided where to put your new washing machine. If it is, for example, a kitchen, then perhaps you will opt for a built-in washing machine. Let's look at the options.

Installing a washing machine in the bathroom– the bathroom is probably the most optimal place to install the washing machine. Although the bathrooms in our apartments are usually small in size, they still have space for a typewriter. The machine can be placed there either next to the rest of the equipment or built under the sink, although in this case you need to choose the right height of the washing machine.

Installing and connecting a washing machine in the kitchen– many owners choose a place for a washing machine in the kitchen. It can be placed either under the kitchen countertop or next to it.

The kitchen is an excellent place if the bathroom is not large, and the kitchen also has better ventilation.

Installing a washing machine in the hallway- Oddly enough, some families use a place in the hallway or closet to install the machine. This is because the space in these areas is sufficient for a washing machine, and is less valuable than space in the kitchen or bathroom.

It doesn’t matter where you choose a place for the washing machine, the main thing is that it meets the following requirements:

  • Communications must be close– water supply and sewerage should be as close as possible to the installation site of the washing machine, otherwise you will have to lay them in this place. This also applies to the electrical outlet.
  • The floor must be level and stable– the machine should stand level on the floor, it should not sag under its weight. The ideal option would be a concrete floor or tiles.

Preparing the washing machine for installation

Before proceeding directly to installing and connecting the washing machine with your own hands, you must first perform a number of actions:

The first thing you need to do is connect the washing machine to the sewer. To do this, it is best to install a siphon for the washing machine and connect through it. If this is not possible for technical or other reasons, then you can use a simple method: hang the drain hose on the bathtub, and all the water will flow into it.

This method is not very good both from a practical and aesthetic point of view.

No matter how you connect the washing machine to the sewer, you definitely need to read the instructions for it and see if there are requirements for the bending height of the drain hose. In machines with a check valve there may not be such requirements. In the rest, the drain hose must be connected to a height of at least 50 cm from the floor.

To connect the hose itself to the siphon, put the hose on the siphon and secure it with a clamp.

If you connect the hose directly to the sewer pipe, then you need to use a special rubber cuff. It is inserted into the pipe, and the drain hose from the washing machine is already stuck into it.

It doesn’t matter which of these methods you use, but there should be no leakage during draining.

In order for the washing machine to draw water, you need to connect it to the water supply. To do this you will need a washing machine inlet hose. It can come complete with a washing machine or be purchased separately.

You screw one end of the hose (the one that is curved) to the washing machine. The second end must be connected to the water supply distribution. To do this, they usually make a special branch in the pipe with a faucet for the washing machine. Or they make a separate outlet for the machine. In the image you will see the simplest and most classic option for connecting the inlet hose of a washing machine to the water supply.

In front of the flexible hose that goes to the cold water tap, a tee for the washing machine is screwed in and both hoses (for cold water and for the washing machine) are already screwed into it.

There is no need to use additional keys to connect the washing machine to the water supply. The nuts are plastic and are designed to be tightened by hand without additional tools.

Some washing machines have two water connections, hot and cold. In this case, you need to do similar actions with the hot supply.

Leveling the washing machine

After we connected the washing machine to the sewer, we need to level it out so that there is no vibration and noise. The legs of washing machines are adjustable, so if your floor is a little crooked, then you shouldn’t worry too much. In order for the washing machine to stand level, we need a level.

To begin with, we place a level along the washing machine and unscrew or, on the contrary, screw in the legs in order to change the tilt in the direction we need.

After the machine is level, you need to rock it slightly, pressing on the corners, it should not rock or vibrate. If this happens, then adjust the legs, not forgetting the level.

Connecting the washing machine to electricity
There's really nothing complicated here. The washing machine just needs to be plugged into a power outlet and it will work. But there are still some requirements for the electrical network, let's look at them:

  • Ideally The washing machine must be grounded, that is, your house must have a ground connection, and your outlet must have a corresponding third wire.
  • But as a rule, grounding is not used in most Soviet houses, and in this case it is not possible to ground the machine. In that case you need to use an RCD with a cut-off current of 10mA for bathrooms and 30 mA for the apartment as a whole.
  • Also, if the machine is installed in the bathroom, then it is necessary to use a special socket protected from moisture.

After installation

After you have completed all the steps, you need to start the first wash without laundry, after which the machine will be ready for use. To more clearly demonstrate to you the installation process and the correct connection of the washing machine to the sewer and water supply with your own hands, we have posted a video that you can watch below.

It is almost impossible to ensure a high level of comfort in the residential sector without the use of modern electrical appliances. That is why air conditioners, water heaters, convectors, dishwashers and other household items are increasingly becoming part of everyday life.

However, perhaps the most popular type of household appliance is the washing machine. This is due to certain advantages when using it:

  • Minimization of manual labor;
  • Wide range of operations performed;
  • Possibility of integration into a highly intelligent home control system;
  • Impeccable appearance.

When choosing equipment for home use, it is necessary to start from personal preferences, financial capabilities and individual characteristics of the object. However, after purchasing the desired assistant, many consumers are interested in how to connect a washing machine yourself and is it even possible to do this? In order to dispel all doubts, this material is presented.

The main stages of connecting a washing machine on your own can be divided into several types.

Preparing the washing machine for installation

So, after the washing machine is purchased and delivered to its destination, a number of preparatory operations are required. First, to do this, you need to decide on the location of the intended installation of the equipment. And although, in principle, any room can be used as such a place, it is still more common to place a washing machine in places for household purposes (bathroom, kitchen, corridor, pantry).

When choosing a location for the washing machine, you must take into account the following features:

  1. Proximity to the installation of utilities (water supply, sewerage, electricity) necessary to connect the device;
  2. Aesthetic component;
  3. The presence of a flat (preferably reinforced concrete) surface of the floor base;
  4. Optimal placement from an operational point of view.

The second step of the preparatory stage is the dismantling of shipping parts. Particular attention should be paid to this procedure, because operating the machine with these components will certainly lead to failure of the washing machine. Typically, bolts, staples, and wooden beams are used as transportation elements - all these elements must be completely dismantled.

It is advisable to carry out this stage after reading the operating instructions, which describe this procedure in more detail.

Thirdly, at the preparation stage, you should take care of the quality of the floor base in the place where the product is intended to be installed. A number of requirements must be met here:

  • The base must have a solid structure;
  • The horizontal surface must be ensured;
  • The base material must be resistant to aggressive operating conditions.

If these criteria are not met, measures must be taken to facilitate the fulfillment of the listed requirements. So, for these purposes, a cement-sand screed can be laid on the floor surface, in the intended installation location of the equipment, or the existing floor base can be strengthened (if necessary).

It is recommended to stock up on the following components as the basic materials for connecting a washing machine yourself.

Installation of a washing machine: a complete description of the process

After all preparatory procedures have been completed, you can begin installing the washing machine. To do this, it is advisable to use a building level or plumb line. The machine must be positioned strictly horizontally (checked by the top cover), and the maximum permissible deflection angle should not exceed 2º.

The horizontal position of the washing machine should be adjusted only by screwing or unscrewing the support legs of the device. It is strictly prohibited to make adjustments by placing additional materials under the supports, as they may jump out during operation. The only valid option in this regard is to use a thin rubber mat. It is necessary if the machine is installed on a sliding surface (tiles).

Once the body of the machine is perfectly aligned, the support legs are mechanically secured by tightening the locknut counterclockwise.

In order for the washing machine to serve with maximum efficiency, special attention should be paid to the installation process. Therefore, before connecting the washing machine with your own hands, it is very important to consider the following factors:

  • The machine will stand more stable with the adjustable feet screwed in as much as possible (this circumstance may be acceptable if the surface of the base floor is ideal);
  • When installed on an inclined floor, fixing elements can be used to secure supporting structures;
  • You can check that the washing machine is installed correctly by rocking it diagonally. In most cases there should be no free play. If it is present (depending on the rigidity of the washing machine body), then its amplitude should be the same for different diagonals.

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply

Before connecting the washing machine to the water supply, you should take into account that this procedure is very important and therefore must be taken quite seriously. To make such connections, a water hose with appropriate fittings is usually supplied with the washing machine, but quite often its length is not enough to connect the washing machine in the required place. In view of this, the following water supply methods are often used:

  1. Using a longer rubber hose (can be purchased at specialized outlets);
  2. Implementation of a fixed connection.

In the first option, the performer’s task is only to connect the finished product to the inlet pipe of the washing machine and the water intake point. It is advisable to carry out these procedures on the basis of certain recommendations.

Firstly, the water hose should be laid in a place least susceptible to mechanical damage (it can be run under the bathroom or hidden by furniture). Secondly, you should not connect the hose under tension, as during operation of the washing machine it may become deformed due to vibration of the device.

And, thirdly, we should not forget about the quality of the purchased accessory. After all, when used in aggressive conditions, such a pipeline must provide a reliable and tight connection.

In the second case, water supply can be realized by laying stationary communications. For these purposes, both metal pipes (copper) and plastic-based systems can be used. It is not advisable to connect the washing machine to the water supply system using ordinary steel pipes, as this can cause clogging of the main components of the machine with suspended rust particles that can form in the cavity of such pipelines.

As in the first case, the system must ensure high tightness and prevent leaks. It should be noted that it is still not worthwhile to directly connect stationary pipelines (especially metal ones) to the inlet pipe of the washing machine (due to the occurrence of vibration). The best option would be to use a flexible adapter hose.

In both the first and second options, when connecting the washing machine to the water line, it is advisable to ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Connections are made using shut-off valves (ball valve), which allows you to disconnect the consumer if necessary;
  • Before entering the washing machine, install special mechanical or magnetic filter systems that allow water purified from contaminants to be supplied to the unit;
  • As water supply points, use either ready-made outlets (to the mixer or flush tank), connecting pipelines through tees, or pre-install individual liquid intake points (pipes, drains).

Installation of a washing machine to the sewer

Despite the apparent simplicity of the operations, connecting a washing machine to the sewer on your own is not very easy. This is due to some physical features of such a circuit.

The drain can be connected in two ways:

  1. According to a temporary scheme (by fixing the drain hose to the sides of the bathtub or washbasin);
  2. By permanent connection to the sewerage system.

And if in the first case the connection is limited to the standard connection of the drain hose to the outlet pipe, then the second option requires a more significant investment of labor.

An automatic washing machine is one of the most useful devices that makes life easier. Almost every person knows how to use a washing machine to wash clothes, but not everyone can properly connect it to the water supply and sewer system with their own hands, especially if the pipes need to be reconstructed.

But preparation for installation must begin before new equipment is purchased. First, you need to select a location for installation. In addition to the fact that you will need to connect the machine to water supply and sewerage and an electrical outlet, the machine should be convenient to use.

Choosing a place for household appliances

Experts recommend preparing the floor in advance before installing equipment. To reduce vibration and reduce the likelihood of breakdown, household appliances are installed on a podium with a height of 2 to 10 cm. All washing machines, regardless of size, need a level base so that the unit does not rumble or tilt during operation. It is advisable to pour a cement floor screed before purchasing equipment or additionally purchase rubber stickers for the legs. The slope of the floor should not exceed two degrees, since with a greater curvature of the surface, the drum no longer moves vertically, but diagonally, which increases the likelihood of breakage.

Installation of the washing machine is also possible outside the bathroom. If the dimensions of the apartment do not allow not only to allocate a separate room for the laundry, but do not even allow you to install the unit in the bathroom, then you can place it in the kitchen, hallway or toilet.

A practical but extravagant way to place washing equipment is by hanging it on brackets or installing it in a niche in the bathroom or toilet. Owners of small apartments who do not have the opportunity to install equipment on the floor say that this method of placement saves space, although it is fraught with difficulties in installing it yourself.

For small apartments, compact models are available that fit under the sink in the bathroom or kitchen. For a family of 3-4 people, such a model is often enough to wash things, and there is no need to buy large equipment.

Connecting the washing machine to the water supply

An indispensable attribute that installation of a washing machine will require is water and water pipes. You can connect the machine to the water supply yourself in one of three ways:

  • Separate water entrance in the water pipe. To do this, an insert is made in the pipe, a crimp coupling with a tee is put on, to which a tap and a hose going to the washing machine are attached. The advantage of this method of fastening is that only one small hole is made, and the pipes remain almost intact;
  • If metal-plastic pipes are installed in the house, it is recommended to use a connecting fitting rather than a coupling. To install it, the pipes are cut into two parts, and the fitting is inserted between the two edges of the pipe. From the tee to the equipment there is a rubber hose for collecting water;
  • Installing a tee in the place where a branch is made from the pipe to the toilet cistern or to the mixer. Plumbers do not recommend using this connection method as a permanent connection, since the flexible hose design is not very durable.
Even in a house without running water, draw water into an automatic washing machine. To do this, a tank is used, into which water is drawn from a hose or well, and a low-power pump, which draws water into the unit. If you fix the water tank at a height of more than 1 meter above the machine, then you will not need a pump - the force of gravity will be enough to wash clothes.

Some models of household appliances are not equipped with heating elements, or are designed to save energy, and therefore need to be connected to hot and cold water at the same time. In this case, the washing machine is connected to both pipes at once. Plumbers recommend connecting both hoses in the same way.

Removing the drain hose

The third step is to remove the drain hose and connect the machine to the sewer. After the dirty laundry has been washed, the unit must drain the dirty soapy water, which accumulates from 20 to 60 liters per wash cycle. And while it’s easy to figure out how to connect a washing machine to a water supply, connecting a washing machine to a sewer raises questions. There are three ways to remove the drain hose:

  • Drain into a sink, bathtub or toilet. This method does not require additional installation work - the drain hose is attached to the side of the bathtub or sink using a special fastener, which is sold complete with the equipment, and the waste water flows into the sewer pipes. But dirty water stains plumbing fixtures, and using a bathtub or kitchen sink while washing clothes is unpleasant and inconvenient;
  • If you don’t want to pour dirty water into the sink with dishes in the kitchen, you can install a special siphon with a hole for the drain hose under the sink or bathtub. You can even do the necessary work to install a special siphon for draining water yourself;
  • The third way to connect the machine to the sewer is to tap into pipes. To do this, a tee is cut into the sewer pipe, into one part of which water from a bathtub or sink will flow, and into the other - water from household appliances. Such tees are equipped with a rubber seal that will hold the pipe in place and prevent odors and water from the sewer from entering the room. Water remains in the sewer pipes, and therefore you should not insert the hose too deeply so that dirty water does not get into the equipment.

Electrical connection

It is better to prepare the outlet to which the unit will be connected in advance. It is advisable to install it as close as possible to household appliances so that you do not have to run the wire far. Manufacturers of washing machines recommend using European grounded sockets for all modern appliances, which minimize the risk of electric shock to humans.

The socket for connecting the machine must be three-phase, with pre-installed grounding. To do this, you need to buy a three-wire socket in the store, and run the ground wire itself in the distribution panel. It is advisable to install a separate machine for large household appliances.

Owners of small apartments often use sockets located in the next room or behind the door to connect washing machines. Doing this is dangerous, since the door can either damage the wire, or catch and pull it out while the machine is running.

In modern houses, electrical wiring is laid with grounding, but in buildings of earlier construction, you may have to do the grounding yourself. All work with electrical wiring is dangerous, so if you do not have the necessary skills, it is better to contact an electrician.

People often wonder why such precautions are needed if modern technology is created with an excellent protection system? The fact is that if the unit is connected to the network without grounding, then static voltage will accumulate on the body, which will painfully “shock” anyone who touches it. In addition, voltage drops are common in electrical networks, and if there is no built-in surge protector in the machine, the electronic component will burn out.

  • It is mortally dangerous to ground equipment on radiators or metal water pipes.

How to extend the life of a washing machine?

After the installation of the washing machine is completed, it is necessary to perform a test run. Before this, you need to remove the transportation bolts, which are located on the rear wall of the case. These bolts secure a spring that holds the drum in place during transport. If this is not done, the unit will move around the room while spinning things.

During the collection of water and operation of the unit, no extraneous sounds should be heard. The presence of such sounds is a sign that mistakes were made when connecting the machine, and if you use it, there is a high risk of breakdown. You can extend the life of your equipment using several techniques:

  • Install the equipment securely on a level surface and use it carefully;
  • Use only special products designed for machine washing. Do not use soda, grated soap, dishwashing liquid and other household cleaning products instead of washing powder;
  • Use water softeners intended for home use;
  • When washing things, you need to remove trash, pieces of paper and coins from your pockets. Especially dangerous are various kinds of nails, needles and other small parts that fall through the cracks in the drum during water extraction and can get into the mechanism;
  • Clean laundry should be removed immediately after washing. Wet items left in the drum encourage the development of mold, which shortens the life of the equipment.

Installing household appliances with your own hands and connecting the machine to the sewer and water supply seems like a complicated undertaking only at first glance. If the equipment is installed correctly, it will be pleasant to use, and the linen in the house will be clean and fresh.

It all depends on the amount of free space and the availability of communications. Usually the washing machine is installed in the bathroom. If you can’t turn around there, the best option would be the kitchen. But you can even place the machine in the hallway. However, in this case you will have to tinker with connecting water and sewerage.

Another point worth paying attention to is the floors. They should be firm and even. It is best if they have a concrete base. Wooden is allowed if rubber pads are used and installed correctly.

Well, don't forget about the outlet. It is advisable that the plug of the machine reaches it without extensions.

How to install a washing machine

What you will need

  • Spanner.
  • Construction level.
  • Rubber pads or anti-vibration mat if the floors are wooden.

What to do

  1. Unpack the box, remove the instructions, inlet hose and key from the drum.
  2. Using a wrench, unscrew the transportation bolts located on the rear wall (usually there are 4 of them). Save them in case you move.
  3. Close the bolt holes with special plugs.
  4. Open the door and check that the drum moves freely when you shake it by hand.
  5. Place the washing machine in the chosen place so that there is at least 2 cm from the walls and furniture.
  6. If the floors are wood, place rubber pads or an anti-vibration mat under the feet.
  7. By unscrewing the legs, adjust their height so that the washing machine stands level and only wobbles when you press on the corners.
  8. Place a building level on the machine and check for correct installation.
  9. Secure the selected height of the legs with locknuts.

How to connect a washing machine to the water supply through a ready-made outlet

This is the simplest and most correct option. If they did it recently, then at the stage of laying communications they probably provided a separate line for the washing machine. As a rule, a tap is immediately installed on the pipe and simply left closed.

If that's the case, you're in luck. Connect the inlet hose from the washing machine to the faucet and tighten the nut. Run the water by opening the tap and make sure there are no leaks.

How to connect a washing machine to a water supply through a tee

The most common connection method, which is used if there is no ready-made outlet, but you don’t want to make a connection into the water supply system. The essence of the method is to install a tee on the supply line of any device and power the device itself and the machine from it.

As a connection point, you can use the cold water supply to the sink, tank or sink in the kitchen. After installing the tee, all that remains is to connect the device and the inlet hose of the washing machine.

What you will need

  • Tee with tap for washing machine.
  • An adjustable, pipe or regular wrench of the required size.
  • An extension cord of suitable diameter if the outlet is recessed into the wall.

What to do

  1. Identify the cold water pipe.
  2. Remove the flexible line going to the device from it.
  3. Try on the tee, screwing it onto the thread and remembering the number of turns so that the valve is in the desired position.
  4. Seal the threads with fum tape, winding several turns along the entire length of the thread in the direction of twisting the tee. If you are using tow, separate a small bunch and also wind it along the entire length of the thread as you twist the tee. Lubricate the tow with sealing paste.
  5. Screw the tee onto the thread, making enough turns until the tap is in the desired position.
  6. Install the flexible connection of the device onto the tee. If necessary, replace the gasket with a new one.
  7. Screw the inlet hose from the washing machine onto the tee tap by hand.
  8. Turn on the water and check for leaks.

How to connect a washing machine to the water supply through a bathroom faucet

Another popular method that comes to the rescue when pipes are in hard-to-reach places. Instead of trying to reach them, use a special three-way faucet and extension. They are installed on taps for connecting the mixer, and the mixer itself is connected directly to them.

The result is an independently operating faucet and an additional outlet for the washing machine, which can be closed if necessary.

What you will need

  • Three-way faucet for washing machine with extension (compensator) included.
  • Gaskets (if they are not included).
  • An adjustable, pipe or regular wrench of the appropriate size.

What to do

  1. Turn off the water and remove the faucet by unscrewing its nuts using a wrench.
  2. Install the gasket and extension onto the faucet.
  3. Screw the faucet by hand onto the cold water outlet (usually on the right), and the extension cord onto the hot water outlet (usually on the left).
  4. Tighten the nuts using a wrench.
  5. Screw the washing machine hose onto the free tap outlet and hand-tighten it.
  6. Let the water run by opening the emergency tap.
  7. Open the installed tap and check all connections for leaks.

How to make a tap into a water pipe

The most difficult method, which requires certain skills and is usually performed by masters. Although it is quite possible for anyone who has the tools at hand and knows how to work with them. As always, there are several options.

Steel pipe

Steel pipes have almost completely been replaced by more modern metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes, but are still found in old houses.

The idea is to drill a hole in the pipe and install a special coupling on it, into which the tap is screwed and the inlet hose of the washing machine is connected.

What you will need

  • Saddle coupling (saddle, saddle clamp, vampire insert).
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Drill according to the diameter of the hole in the coupling.
  • Faucet for washing machine.
  • Fum tape or tow with sealing paste.
  • Wrenches.

What to do

  1. Select a pipe section with free access for inserting the coupling near the washing machine.
  2. Strip the pipe down to smooth metal, removing layers of paint and rust using a knife or coarse sandpaper.
  3. Try the coupling on the pipe, turning it so that the tap is in the desired direction.
  4. Install the gasket and mounting bolts and tighten them with a wrench.
  5. Place a rag or jar under the pipe to catch any spilled water.
  6. Drill a hole in the pipe through the sleeve inside the coupling.
  7. Screw the faucet onto the coupling.

Metal-plastic pipe

This thin white pipe with large metal fittings (connections) is an aluminum frame enclosed between layers of polyethylene.

Tapping into a metal-plastic water supply system involves installing a tee. The pipe is cut in the right place, its ends are connected using a tee, and a tap is connected to the free outlet.

What you will need

  • Tee for a metal-plastic pipe of the required diameter (usually 16 or 20 mm) with one internal thread.
  • Faucet for washing machine.
  • Pipe cutter
  • Pipe calibrator.
  • Wrenches.
  • Fum tape or tow with sealing paste.

What to do

  1. Turn off the water using the emergency tap at the inlet and drain the remaining water by opening the nearest faucet.
  2. Select a pipe section with free access for inserting the tee near the washing machine.
  3. Use a pipe cutter to cut the pipe and separate the ends, carefully bending them back.
  4. Calibrate both ends of the pipe and chamfer it by inserting the calibrator and turning it several times.
  5. Remove the nuts and ferrules from the tee.
  6. Alternately place a nut and then a ring on each end of the pipe.
  7. Carefully insert the pipes into the tee until they stop and tighten the nuts by hand.
  8. Hold one of the nuts with a wrench, tighten the second with another wrench, and then tighten the first nut in the same way.
  9. Wind several turns of fum tape around the tap along the entire length of the thread in the direction of twist. If you are using tow, separate a small bunch and also wind it along the entire length of the thread as you tighten the tap. Lubricate the tow with sealing paste.
  10. Screw the faucet into the tee.
  11. Connect the washing machine hose to the faucet and tighten it by hand.
  12. Open the water and check for leaks.

Polypropylene pipe

These pipes have become the most common in recent years. Usually, when installing such a water supply system, a ready-made outlet for the washing machine is immediately soldered in. If for some reason this was not done, you will have to make a tie-in.

As with a metal-plastic pipe, a tee with a tap is installed on a polypropylene pipe. Only the type of connection differs - the pipes are not crimped, but soldered.

What you will need

  • Polypropylene tee МРВ (with internal thread) of the required diameter.
  • Faucet for washing machine.
  • Soldering iron for polypropylene pipes.
  • Pipe cutter
  • Fum tape or tow with sealing paste.

What to do

  1. Turn off the water using the emergency tap at the inlet and drain the remaining water by opening the nearest faucet.
  2. Choose a place near the washing machine to insert the tee so that you can reach it with a soldering iron.
  3. Using a pipe cutter, cut a section of pipe 30 mm shorter than the tee.
  4. Wipe the pipes from any remaining water and dry them to prevent defects during soldering.
  5. Place a nozzle of the required diameter on the soldering iron and heat it to operating temperature.
  6. Place the soldering iron on the pipe and one end of the tee, wait 5-7 seconds.
  7. Quickly remove the soldering iron, connect the heated parts and wait about 10 seconds.
  8. Solder the other end of the pipe in the same way.
  9. Wind several turns of fum tape around the tap along the entire length of the thread in the direction of twist. If you are using tow, separate a small bunch and also wind it along the entire length of the thread as you tighten the tap. Lubricate the tow with sealing paste.
  10. Screw the faucet into the tee.
  11. Connect the washing machine hose to the faucet and tighten it by hand.
  12. Open the water and check for leaks.

How to connect a washing machine to a ready-made sewer outlet

To connect to the sewer, the machine has a drain hose, which usually comes directly from the body. If its length is not enough, it can be increased with the help of an additional one. The total length should not exceed 4–5 m - otherwise the power of the built-in pump may not be enough for pumping.

If the repair was recently done and you yourself, or on the advice of the craftsmen, have previously provided for a sewerage outlet at the planned installation location of the washing machine, then to connect you will only need to insert the drainage hose into this outlet.

How to connect a washing machine to a toilet, sink or bathtub drain

The basic and simplest option, but with drawbacks. While washing is in progress, you cannot use the appliance. The bathtub or sink will have to be washed after draining the dirty water, and if you forget to install the hose, there is a risk of causing a problem.

What you will need

  • Drain hose holder (included).

What to do

  • Place the holder on the end of the drain hose and snap it into place.
  • Place the curved hose on the edge of the sink, bathtub or toilet every time you wash.
  • For reliability, it is advisable to secure the holder with a chain or other method to avoid accidental falling of the hose and flooding.

How to connect a washing machine to the sewer through a siphon

Another option that allows you to get by with little blood. The idea is to use an additional outlet on the siphon of a sink or kitchen sink. The hose is connected to it and the washing machine simply drains the water into the same sewer outlet as the sink or sink.

There are also disadvantages. Over time, if the siphon becomes clogged, the water will drain more slowly and it may happen that when draining the water from the washing machine, it will rise into the water, and in rare cases, even flow over the top. In addition, if the siphon is clogged, drainage from the sink can flow into the washing machine.

What you will need

  • Clamp for fixing the hose.
  • Screwdriver.

If the hose is not long enough, then:

  • additional hose of suitable length;
  • hose connector;
  • two clamps for fixing hoses.

If the installed siphon does not have an outlet for the washing machine, then:

  • tee insert for a siphon or a new siphon with an outlet for a washing machine.

What to do

If the siphon has an additional output

  1. Remove the plug from the outlet and put on the drain hose from the washing machine.
  2. Secure the connected hose to the outlet with a clamp.
  3. If necessary, pre-extend the hoses using a connector and secure with clamps.

If there is no additional output on the siphon

  1. Replace the tee insert or install a new siphon with an additional outlet.
  2. Follow the algorithm described above.

How to make a tap into a sewer

The most complex of all connection methods, but at the same time the most reliable. Having tinkered once, then you can use the washing machine for the rest of your life without any hassle.

When tapping into a sewer, the same principle is used as with a water supply. You need to install a tee on the existing appliance to connect the appliance itself and the washing machine. But here there are at least two options.

Cast iron pipe

Cast iron sewers are now very rare, but sometimes they do occur. In this case, it is better to choose a sink or kitchen sink drain as the insertion point. Smaller diameter pipes are used there, there is free access and installation is much easier. If you use an old cast iron siphon, you will have to replace it at the same time.

What you will need

  • Rubber reduction for the transition from a cast iron pipe to a tee.
  • two clamps for fixation.

What to do

  1. Clean the outlet and install the rubber reduction. Additionally, you can seal the joint with silicone sealant.
  2. Do a test wash and check for leaks.

Plastic pipe

The most common option with simpler and more reliable installation. The connection procedure is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that you will not need to make the transition from cast iron to plastic.

What you will need

  • Sewer tee 45° of the required diameter.
  • Rubber reduction for transition from tee to drain hose.

If a standard hose is not enough, then also:

  • additional hose of the required length;
  • hose connector (usually included);
  • two clamps for fixation.

If the insertion point is at floor level or a height of less than 50–60 cm, then:

  • a piece of pipe according to the diameter of the sewer or a check valve.

What to do

  1. Remove the siphon drain from the sewer outlet.
  2. Install the tee inside the reduction, and insert the siphon drain from the sink or sink into the tee.
  3. Install a rubber reducer into the remaining additional outlet and insert the drain hose from the washing machine into it.
  4. If the drain hose is not long enough, first extend it using a connector and an additional hose, securing it with clamps.
  5. If the tapping point where the end of the drain hose is inserted is at a height below 50–60 cm from the floor, additionally install a check valve or use a piece of pipe to raise the tapping point to a height of about 60 cm.
  6. If it is not possible to raise the drain to the required height, install a check valve in the sewer outlet and connect the drain hose to it.
  7. Do a test wash and make sure there are no leaks.

How to connect a washing machine to the mains

Incorrect handling is life-threatening, so it is better to entrust the connection of the washing machine to a specialist. We will limit ourselves to general recommendations only.

In new buildings, the wiring is made in compliance with all modern standards and requirements, so the washing machine can be connected to any nearby outlet. But the usual one, if it is in the bathroom, is better to replace it with a waterproof, closed type socket.


In old houses with wiring everything is much sadder. In most cases, it is made with small cross-section wires and has no grounding. Therefore, to connect the washing machine, it is better to run a separate cable from the distribution panel.


The cable must be three-core with a cross-section of each core of at least 2.5 square meters. mm. Near the washing machine it is necessary to install a closed type socket with grounding, and in front of it - a circuit breaker with a capacity of 10–16 A.