How to care for an indoor rose after purchase. Indoor miniature rose. Caring for roses in pots

Walking past the window of a flower shop, it is impossible to take your eyes off the bright miniature rose bushes. And how I would like to see such a miracle on my windowsill. However, many are deterred from purchasing by stories of disappointed, inexperienced gardeners whose plant turned into a blackened, dry bush after a month. At the same time, neither transplanting nor fertilizing helped.

The main problem with the death of a plant is ignorance of how to care for an indoor rose. The plant may have a complex character, but if you follow the basic rules of cultivation, it will reward its owner with royal blooms and an amazing aroma.

Choosing an indoor rose

Choosing the right bush in a flower shop is a fundamental factor in the success of growing it at home.

Typically, the retail chain offers the following varieties for sale:

  • Polyanthaceae. This low-growing variety obtained by crossing climbing and tea roses. Blooms profusely all year round small (2-4 cm) double flowers;
  • Miniature. In the photo of an indoor rose of this variety you can see very small double flowers, which distinguish them from other species. The plant was bred in China and has neat, densely leafy bushes;
  • The hybrid tea species was obtained by crossing remontant varieties with tea rooms. The bush is distinguished by the flowering of exquisite large (10-14 cm) double flowers exuding a pleasant aroma.

When choosing, you should give preference to a plant that has fewer flowers, but more young shoots. This will guarantee that the bush is in the growth phase and will make caring for your indoor rose easier.

How to care for an indoor rose in the first days?

As soon as the rose is at home, do not rush to replant it immediately. Give her the opportunity to get used to the new conditions. For preventative purposes, after a few days the bush must be treated against possible diseases and pests. To do this, it will be enough to cover it generously with soapy foam and rinse clean water. The inside should be treated with special attention.

Having become accustomed to the new conditions, the flower is ready to be transplanted into a nutrient substrate. After removing the rose from the pot, carefully check the roots. On a healthy plant they should be light in color and strong. If you find rotten areas in the root zone, carefully remove. At the end of the treatment, the rose is placed in a pot with a nutrient mixture, at the bottom of which there must be drainage. In order to improve survival rate, all flowers must be removed from the bush.

We create optimal conditions for indoor roses

How to care for an indoor rose at home so that it has abundant flowering and healthy appearance. The place where it will be is very important for the plant. It is advisable that it be a window on the east or south side with sufficient lighting. Otherwise, if there is a lack of sunlight, the plant will need additional growth, especially during the flowering period.

Looking at the photo of a blooming indoor rose, we can say with confidence that the plant has received required quantity moisture, nutrients, and the required air humidity was maintained. Indoor rose it is very demanding when it comes to watering, but excess moisture can trigger the occurrence of disease. It is watered as the earthen clod in the pot dries out. warm water. It is very important for the bush to provide optimal humidity at a temperature of 23-25º C. It is advisable to moisturize the bush by daily spraying with clean water. In hot, dry weather, this can be done in the morning and evening.

When caring for an indoor rose, do not forget about periodically loosening the soil in the pot and regularly applying fertilizer. As fertilizers, it is better to use liquid complex types or specially designed additives for these plants. The amount and frequency of watering is determined by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Indoor roses also require periodic pruning. It is carried out from the moment the buds awaken and young shoots appear, which indicates the beginning of active growth of the bush. Removing dry twigs and weak shoots will speed up the formation of buds and prevent diseases in indoor roses.

Diseases of indoor roses

But how to save a plant if pests are found?

  • Spider mite. Most often it can be found in hot weather. It entangles the leaves in a thin web of buds and leaves, which gradually begin to dry out and fall off. The plant can be cured by spraying it with Fitoferm.
  • Aphid. If there are a small number of pests, you can collect them by hand, after which the plant is treated with Intavir.
  • If rust, powdery mildew and gray rot, as well as other fungal diseases of indoor roses occur, spraying with the drug “Fundazol” will be required. In addition to the basic treatment, it is necessary to adjust the air humidity, reduce watering and ventilate the room where the rose is located.

Treatment with drugs is carried out outdoors. The plant is left at the spraying site for a day, after which it is brought into the room.

Caring for indoor roses (video)

Like its garden relatives, it belongs to the Rosaceae family.

Almost all lovers of indoor plants would like to have this incomparably fragrant flower in their home. However, many gardeners often have no idea how to care for this magnificent plant.

In less than a few weeks, the flower queen turns into a black, unpresentable stump. Neither fertilizing nor replanting helps. What's the matter? How to preserve and grow a rose at home?

Adaptation of a flower to home conditions

Caring for an indoor rose is quite difficult and before purchasing a flower, you need to become more familiar with all the nuances of its cultivation.

First of all, you should choose a quality plant. Many buyers focus on the number of buds, believing that the more, the better. However, this is not entirely true. Special attention should be paid to the bush itself, which should have young shoots. This is evidence that the plant is in the growth phase, which means it will easily take root in a new place and will delight you in the future with its beauty and fragrance.

There is no need to rush to immediately replant the flower in a new pot; give the rose the opportunity to acclimatize in your apartment.

After 2-3 days, preventive measures against pests must be carried out. Here you can use ordinary soap foam. Each leaf must be washed, especially with inside, soap solution and rinse the plant under running warm water.

You can give your mini rose a contrast shower. To do this you need to water the flower hot water for five minutes, then cool for the same amount.

Here, on the spot, you should remove the flower from the pot and carefully examine the roots. If rotten areas are found, they must be carefully removed. Healthy roots should be light and strong.

After water procedures, the flower is left to dry for 1.5-2 hours, after which it can be transplanted into fresh soil mixture.

Gallery: mini rose (25 photos)

Transplanting an indoor rose

Transshipment of the purchased bush can be carried out at any time of the year. Experts advise doing this in early spring or postponing the procedure until August.

Substrate and pot

Houseplant lovers need to know that garden culture Not suitable for planting at home. There is a special type for apartments - indoor roses, which differ from garden roses in the type and size of inflorescences.

Miniature roses are small copies of various garden rose forms brought to Europe from distant China at the end of the 19th century. Based on them, at the end of the 20th century, many different shades were developed in many countries: from soft white to black. Miniature shrubs 20-40 cm high with leaves 2-3 cm and flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter are very beautiful and elegant. To grow them, you need a bright, well-ventilated room. In summer, the plant needs to be slightly shaded from the scorching rays of the sun and cared for as usual, like other indoor plants. But caring for indoor roses in winter has its own rules.

Why don't indoor roses bloom in winter?

The long dormant period that indoor roses enter in winter makes caring for them a little more difficult. Many amateur flower growers, not knowing about this feature, rush to throw away the plant, considering it dead. The period of “sleep” for indoor roses begins around the end of November. This is facilitated by a decrease in daylight hours and a decrease in outside air temperature. The plant, which grows actively in summer, gradually stops blooming and slowly sheds its leaves. Having exposed its branches, the domestic rose “falls asleep” in winter until spring. How to properly preserve this delicate plant?

How to care for indoor roses in winter?

Caring for a home rose in winter is not a very labor-intensive process; even a novice amateur gardener can do it:

  1. First, you need to take the flowerpot with our rose to a cool room, for example, to a glazed loggia or balcony.
  2. It is not recommended to keep a flower in an apartment - it will simply dry out without leaves and die.
  3. There should be no drafts in the room.
  4. The air temperature should not fall below +4 degrees Celsius.
  5. It is not recommended to place the flower near heating radiators, as dry air can kill your plant.
  6. Should not be used for winter storage home rose refrigerator, the plant needs fresh air and some lighting.

Caring for indoor roses at temperatures below zero

How to preserve an indoor rose in winter if the temperature on the loggia has dropped to zero degrees or below? The plant can withstand a decrease in temperature, but only for a few days. To protect the rose from frostbite, you need to keep it in a flowerpot (cover with a layer of pine needles or foliage). The flowerpot itself should be insulated by wrapping it with cotton insulation, an old piece of natural blanket or other warm material. You should not cover the rose with a jar, condensation will form under it, and the lack of air exchange will lead to rotting of the plant or the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. During the winter, the plant should not be watered too much, so as not to completely dry out the soil (at least 1-3 times a week, depending on the overall humidity of the room). To stimulate the growth and flowering of the plant, it is necessary to prune indoor roses for the winter. It is more advisable to carry it out immediately after how she sheds her leaves. To do this, take a sharp, disinfected knife (so as not to infect the plant with fungal diseases) and cut off the branches, leaving 3-4 buds.

Following our recommendations, winter care of indoor roses and preparation for winter will not create big problems or surprises for you. At the end of February, the indoor rose should be moved to a warmer and sunny place, gradually increasing the illumination, the humidity of the soil in the flowerpot and the air temperature. After removing the mulching, it is better to disinfect the soil, since dry needles and leaves can be a source of fungal diseases. Flower shops sell a lot of different products for this purpose, directly for indoor roses. And already in March, expect the first spring flowers.

For any home flower collector, growing flowers is a challenge. Because it is quite difficult to make this wonderful flower feel good. Just as beautiful as this queen of flowers is, she is also capricious. But with due persistence and adherence to a clear schedule of palace ceremonies, the rose is usually satisfied and delights with the blooming of a delicate color.

If the soil composition is purchased in a store, then it should be supplemented with leaf humus and rotted manure in equal parts.

Recipe self-cooking mixtures:

  • leaf humus – 1 part
  • turf soil – 1 part
  • garden soil – 1 part
  • sand – 1 part
  • high peat – 1 part
  • or hydrogel

The container should have a good drainage layer and a tray to drain excess water. Rose does not like to keep her feet cold and damp, so excess liquid should be removed two hours after watering. The edge of the pot should be equal to the crown of the flower, this will serve as a sign that the ideal volume has been found. When replanting, you should not suddenly increase the size of the pot.

Conditions for well-being blooming rose This is systematic watering and regular feeding during the active phase of rose growth:

  1. Watering. For a southern beauty, regular watering is very important. The liquid should be slightly warm and must be filtered. You should especially carefully monitor the water temperature and frequency of watering during the flowering period. As soon as buds begin to form on the bushes, the watering procedures should be increased in frequency. And as soon as young sticky greens appear, even more water will be needed. But with the onset of the sleep and rest phase, watering is reduced. Attention! Do not allow the rose's earthen clod to become waterlogged or dry out. This has an extremely negative impact on her condition.
  2. Loosening after watering. Important procedure. Firstly, it opens air access to the roots. Secondly, it allows you to understand whether additional moisture is required or not.
  3. Feeding. As soon as the awakening phase begins, the beauty will require a complete diet. Balanced food will allow the rose to: grow actively and decorate the room long flowering and gain strength for a long active phase. Fertilizing is required approximately once every 10 days. Will also fit liquid formulations, and dry mixes. It is only important to correctly distribute and dose the organic substances necessary for the bush. An infusion of cow or goat manure will be of particular benefit to the plant. Only cow manure must be rotted for about a year before application; goat manure can be used fresh. Compositions with phosphorus and potassium will not be superfluous. But it is worth noting that as autumn approaches, fertilizing should be reduced, and stopped altogether from October, in order to allow the plant to calmly digest and absorb all the beneficial summer treatments and vitamins.

Pruning a rose is not only about giving the crown of the flower an elegant shape, but also about treating the plant to avoid the formation of shelters for pests among old and dried branches.

Types of pruning:

  • sanitary pruning – helps to get rid of old, weak and dead branches
  • anti-aging pruning – done once every few years and its purpose is to free the bush from too thick “hair”
  • formative pruning – helps to preserve decorative look roses
  • restraining pruning - allows you to keep the bush at the desired height
  • stimulating pruning - done before flowering, so that more nutrition goes to the buds

It is best to prune after the roses begin to wake up, but before the buds appear. Summer August pruning is required only for intensive flowering bushes. After the procedure, it is best to keep the rose indoors with temperature conditions 10 C, this will allow the flower to slowly wake up and form new branches in place of the old ones.

If the rose has just "arrived" in new home, then you need to give her time to adapt. For several weeks, the flower should get used to the new conditions and only after that should you begin manipulating pruning. In principle, the pruning process is not complicated, but if in doubt, you can take the flower to a florist, and they will show you how to make the cuts correctly and remove unnecessary material.

This point is worth paying attention to:

  • If an indoor rose was purchased in a store, then before replanting it, you should dip the roots in a biofungicide solution, however, this should also be done if the rose was moved from the garden to the house.
  • The rose is taken out completely with a lump of earth, and in this state is placed in a biofungicide solution.
  • Rose demands good drainage in a pot.
  • To avoid the appearance of air pockets, the rose should either be thoroughly watered after replanting, or carefully stitched around the edges with a wooden stick (stitching means pushing the soil inside along the edge of the lump).
  • In places where voids have formed, it is necessary to add soil.
  • During the first week after replanting, the soil may settle and become compacted; to ensure that the roots are not exposed, you should carefully monitor the condition of the soil cover and add soil to the required amount if necessary.
  • The transplanted plant is placed in the shade for a day, and no more water is added and the plant is not sprayed.
  • The next day, you should take the plant out to its habitat for a couple of hours, and then return it to the shade.
  • So the rose must get used to the new place for two days, and then finally move.

Annual transplant:

  • It is better to replant in early spring.
  • The pot should not be much larger than before.
  • The soil must be fresh.

It's sad when your pet gets sick or is attacked by pests. To avoid the death of the enemy plant, you need to know by sight and recognize in time:

  1. Spotting can be noticed by the formation of dark spots on the foliage. You can’t ignore the disease; it’s easier to immediately throw out the rose. Preparations containing sulfur or copper help. Yellow roses are especially susceptible.
  2. Powdery mildew. A white coating on the outside of the leaves indicates that trouble has occurred. It is necessary to urgently remove the damaged areas and burn them or throw them into the garbage chute. Next, the pot and rose are treated with Fundazol.
  3. Bacterial cancer. This is a viral and most destructive disease for rose bushes. The affected areas must not only be removed, but also disinfected. Trimmed shoots are dipped into the solution copper sulfate for a couple of minutes. Infected parts should not be thrown into the soil; the disease is dangerous and grows quickly.
  4. Spider mite. This pest appears if the air in the room is too dry.

Lush rose bushes are an absolutely dream come true, but in order for the scents of roses to float at home, you need to try a little and give the Queen the honors she deserves.

More information can be found in the video:

Exquisite and bright, petite decorative rose will decorate any interior. It belongs to the Rose family (Rosaceae) and, when grown indoors, is a small, neat bush from 35 to 45 cm. Proper care will give beautiful flowering from spring to autumn. Today there are several hundred varieties of indoor roses. Some varieties exude a delicate aroma, while others have no smell at all.

This is a temperate climate plant, so it does not require special conditions for cultivation. Caring for it is not very difficult, but during the flowering period it will require attention. And, of course, he will thank you with luxurious flowers.

Features of growing home roses

The indoor rose blooms in spring and summer, at which time it needs light and good watering. For abundant flowering, it definitely requires a period of rest, which is best organized in winter.

This houseplant well tolerated low temperatures, but demanding on air and soil humidity. She is very photophilous, but straight sun rays could harm her. Rose loves to “swim”, so you should follow the water procedures. She needs fresh air all year round.

Important! After purchasing, do not rush to replant it. It’s better to do this in two weeks, then she will better adapt to the new conditions.

Planting an indoor rose

Planting an indoor rose is not a troublesome task. It's important to know that root system The plants are very tender, so it is better to transplant them by transshipment. Before planting a rose, you need to prepare a pot. The new pot needs to be soaked - pour water and leave for a day. The pot from under the old plant must be thoroughly cleaned with a brush without using detergents. If the pot has a drainage hole, then the expanded clay layer can be no more than 1 cm; if not, then 3 cm.

Planting methods

Planting indoor roses is done by cuttings.

Optimal time for planting

The most the right time for planting indoor roses from May to September.

Soil for the plant (Soil composition)

A rose in a pot requires nutritious, breathable soil. It is best to use ready-made soil, purchased in a store. The optimal soil composition for the plant is turf and humus soil, sand in proportions of 4:4:1, respectively. It is not recommended to loosen the soil due to the risk of damaging the roots. Rose prefers neutral soil.

There are some care features that are specific to this houseplant.

Location and lighting for the plant

Rose needs fresh air, so the ideal placement for her is a balcony or garden bed in the summer (you can take it with you to the dacha if you spend the whole summer there). However, it is not recommended to leave her unattended because she needs frequent watering in summer during the flowering period.

At home, it is best to place the rose on the southeast or south side, because it loves a lot of light. In autumn, when daylight hours are short, she needs to turn on additional lighting from a fluorescent lamp. This is done to extend the flowering period.

In winter, during the dormant period, a comfortable temperature for a rose is +10 - +12 degrees. If it is possible to place her on a glassed-in loggia or balcony, she will have a good rest. Room temperature in winter is not very suitable for it. If it is not possible to keep the flower at a low temperature, you should protect it as much as possible from the heat of radiators and dry air.

It is advisable to turn the pot with a miniature indoor rose from time to time in different directions to the light.

Important! If a rose overwinters glass loggia, to avoid freezing of the soil, the pot with the plant can be placed in a box and sawdust sprinkled around it.


Indoor mini roses need high humidity air. When they are outside (on the balcony or in the garden), no additional moisture is required. In winter, if the rose is in the room, it is better to keep the pot with it in a tray with wet pebbles.

Rose needs weekly water procedures in the form of spraying. If the room is cool in winter, it is better not to spray the rose. If the air is too dry and warm, spraying should be carried out 1-2 times a week, even in winter.

Never spray your rose during the day in hot summer weather.

Important! In a dry atmosphere, pests may appear on the flower.

Temperature regime for a flower

The most comfortable temperature for roses in the summer is +14 - +25 degrees. In winter, the rose needs coolness - no higher than +15 degrees.

How to water correctly

The indoor rose does not tolerate either drying out or overwatering. In summer, when the rose blooms, watering is necessary 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. You need to water with settled water at room temperature.

In the fall, when the rose sheds its leaves, watering should be reduced to once a week if the rose overwinters on the balcony. If she is in the room at quite high temperature, you need to water it as the top layer of soil dries.

You can alternate top and bottom watering (watering the soil and filling the pan). In any case, excess water from the pan must be drained to avoid rotting of the roots.

In the spring, as the plant awakens, watering should be gradually increased.

Feeding and fertilizing rose flowers

Due to prolonged flowering, the rose loses its strength and needs to fertilize the soil. They begin to feed it towards the end of February once every 10 days. Recommended mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones.

If you have just transplanted a flower into fresh soil, you do not need to fertilize it.

Important! Before applying fertilizer, the flower must be watered with warm water.

Pruning mini roses is necessary in order to stimulate the ovary. During the flowering period, it is imperative to trim faded flowers as short as possible.

The flower is routinely pruned in the fall in preparation for the dormant period. You can also do this in the spring.

Trimming methods

Pruning must be done with a sharp tool so that there are no torn parts left on the branch, this can lead to the death of the entire plant. Trim the branches to healthy tissue, above the bud, which faces outward. An oblique cut is made approximately five millimeters above the kidney.

It is necessary to remove all weak or dry shoots, as well as those that do not have an upper bud. When two shoots are intertwined, one of them is removed. If, after pruning, two stems appear from one bud, the excess ones need to be cut off.

Important! Spring pruning should not be carried out until there is at least 10 hours of daylight, otherwise the young shoots will not be able to fully develop.

Transplanting a domestic rose

A rose needs a transplant in two cases - after purchase and as the plant grows.

Transplant methods

After purchase

Before replanting a rose after purchase, it must be allowed to adapt. You don’t need to touch it for two weeks. First, the flower itself is prepared. The pot with the rose is placed in water, so it needs to stand for about half an hour. Then the rose needs to be bathed in a contrast shower ( hot water no higher than 40 degrees). After bathing, a greenhouse is made from a plastic bag so that it does not touch the leaves (the edges of the bag can be pinned to the ground). The greenhouse needs to be ventilated daily. The rose will be ready for transplanting when the flowers begin to fade. They need to be removed and the plant can be replanted.

Immediately before planting, the flower must be removed from the pot and its roots immersed in warm water, to wash away the remnants of the chemicals that the rose was fed with in the greenhouse. Ceramic pot soak in water for a day.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of soil. The plant is placed in a pot and covered with soil so that it is compacted tightly. The size of the pot should be slightly wider and higher than the previous container.

As needed

The rose does not like unnecessary disturbance, so annual replanting is not required unless the pot becomes too small for it. New dishes For roses, prepare in the same way - clean and soak. The pot with the rose is placed in a container of water for 30 minutes to make the earthen lump easier to separate from the pot. Next, the flower is simply transferred to new pot and add fresh substrate, compacting it around the flower.

After transplanting, there is no need to water the flower, but it is better to put it in a shady place. Later you can move it to a permanent, well-lit place.

Important! Start feeding no earlier than a month after transplantation.

Indoor roses can be propagated by cuttings. The stalk is cut sharp knife, its length should be no more than 10 cm. It is better to treat the tool with a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol. The cut should be oblique, right under the bud, so the cutting will take root better. The upper cut is made 5 mm above the kidney. It is better to remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting. There are two options for cutting indoor roses:


The cuttings can be briefly placed in water with the addition of heteroauxin (14 tablets per glass of water). After 10 hours, the cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, or just sand. Then greenhouse conditions are created for them using film or a cut-off water bottle. You don’t need to water a lot so that the cuttings don’t start to rot. The temperature should be at least +18 degrees, direct sunlight should be avoided.

The cuttings will take root in about a month, after which they can be opened to acclimate to drier air, and then transplanted into separate containers


The cuttings need to be prepared in the same way, only their length should be about 15 cm. Then they are placed in a jar or glass of water, covered with a cardboard lid with holes into which the cuttings are inserted. Bottom part should be immersed in water by 1.5-2 cm. If the humidity is too low, the cuttings need to be sprayed. They can be transplanted into pots when the roots grow 1-1.5 cm and begin to branch well.

Important! For good rooting and development of cuttings, they need at least 15 hours of daylight.

If you follow all the rules for caring for an indoor rose, it will bloom from late spring until autumn. If faded buds are removed in a timely manner, the rose will bloom continuously during this period. To prevent the pots from overheating in the sun, they can be wrapped in white paper.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

In spring, the rose begins its active growing season, and then it blooms. Flowers can be of a variety of colors - from amazing tea to dark burgundy. The flowers are much smaller than the garden rose we are used to.

Plant care after flowering

At the end of flowering, the rose needs pruning and preparation for rest. If the roses stood on fresh air, they should be brought into the room as soon as the temperature begins to drop below +12 degrees. After pruning, you should gradually reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

Problems, diseases and pests of a flower

Problems with indoor roses can arise due to improper care. The reason for the lack of flowering may be:

  • Eating disorder
  • Increased soil acidity
  • Lack of lighting
  • Incorrect transplant
  • Drafts

Among the diseases, roses can be affected by chlorosis, which is treated with iron chelate. Yellowing of the plant indicates it is infected with a fungus. In this case, you need to treat the rose with a fungicide.

The same must be done in case of defeat powdery mildew (white coating on a rose).

Of the pests, indoor roses are most often affected by spider mites (a thin web appears between the leaves). Spider mites on an indoor rose can lead to viral diseases. You need to treat the flower with Apollo or Fitoverm.

Thrips or aphids on indoor roses pose no less of a threat. They affect buds and leaves, deforming them. Treated with insecticidal preparations for indoor plants.

Common types

Bengal rose

This is perhaps the most common variety of indoor roses. The Bengal rose is absolutely unpretentious and is distinguished by the fact that it does not shed its leaves after flowering. The flowers are odorless. Does not require pruning, except for dried or diseased branches.

miniature rose

The bushes are no higher than 30 cm, the flowers are collected in inflorescences and have delicate aroma. Flowers can range from white to black. It blooms profusely and does not require pruning.

Baby Carnival

Characterized by abundant flowering, great for both rooms and garden borders. This yellow indoor rose invariably enjoys the love of gardeners.


This variety is distinguished by two-color double flowers - white with a pink center. It blooms profusely and for a long time, reaching a height of only 20 cm.


More common in the south. Bushes 30 cm high strewn with flowers coral color. The flowers themselves are collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces.

As a reference: do not confuse miniature indoor roses with Chinese indoor roses. The latter has nothing to do with roses and is called hibiscus.

A few more useful tips to care for the beautiful rose:

  • Remember, a rose will do poorly both in a too cramped and in a very spacious pot. When replanting, take a container slightly larger than before, and when planting, gradually increase the size of the pot
  • When planting and replanting, you can add special granules to the substrate, which will prevent the roots from rotting and rotting.
  • The smaller the pot, the more often you should water the rose (in a small pot the soil dries out faster).

Answers to readers' questions

This plant is perennial and good care lives long.

Is this flower poisonous?

The indoor rose is not a poisonous plant.

Why doesn't the rose bloom?

Previous chapters described situations when a rose stops blooming or does not bloom at all. This may be a consequence of a violation of the plant's maintenance, as well as exposure to pests. It is necessary to inspect the flower. If no pests are observed, you need to change some care parameters and observe the plant.

Why does an indoor rose dry (wither)?

If the plant withers and the buds fall off, it means that it does not have enough watering. If this continues with normal watering, look for signs of disease or pests.

How does the plant overwinter?

The best wintering environment for indoor roses will be a balcony with a temperature no higher than +15 degrees. This is a dormant period for the plant, so minimal watering is required and fertilizing is needed.