How to make a garden scarecrow with your own hands. DIY garden scarecrow. Garden scarecrow in the country. How to decorate a garden

As soon as the first cherry trees on the site begin to turn red, all the local sparrows, starlings and crows flock to the feast. And if such a flock “sets its eye” on a tree they like, the harvest disappears within a day. Therefore, the owners try in every possible way to drive out uninvited guests and put up a cute garden scarecrow. The most interesting thing is that after just a couple of days, magpie godmothers can peacefully hold conversations on this stuffed animal, sparrows can preen their feathers and “they wanted to sneeze” at the guardian’s purpose.

Video ideas for garden scarecrow

Why were birds afraid of stuffed animals in the old days, but not today? It turns out that the first scarecrows did not appear for the purpose of scaring away birds. They were amulets that helped protect crops from evil spirits, and the family from outside witchcraft. Over time, the witchcraft purpose of garden dolls was forgotten, and the role of a guard remained, who must protect the berries from bird raids. And a scarecrow can really do an excellent job of this role if, when creating it, you take into account the objects that birds are especially afraid of and incorporate them into the design of the figure.

What are birds afraid of?

So, before we make a garden scarecrow, let’s decide what birds are afraid of:

  • Of blue color

In nature, the blue color is quite rare, so birds do not have time to get used to it and prefer to avoid places where this color is present.

The blue color in the scarecrow's clothing increases its effectiveness as a guard

  • Noise, cod, loud sounds

For birds, noise and crackling mean danger. But if these are city “residents,” then they have already gotten used to the noise and do not react to moving cars or loud music, because they have managed to understand that this noise does not pose any threat to existence.

  • Shiny and moving objects

Shiny objects frighten them with glare when they begin to move in the wind. The same applies to suspended strips of magnetic tape, film, etc. They are frightened not by the movement itself, but by the fact that the object that is moving is unfamiliar. For example, the owner may be moving around the garden, but they will continue the feast because they understand that the person is too low or far away, which means there is no threat to life.

A smiling scarecrow will greet you in the garden

  • Birds of prey or their dead brothers

Ornithologists believe that of all the methods of control, the most effective will be the use of specially trained birds of prey, which drive “trifles” from the trees, and peck some of them. The second option is to hang the killed bird on a high stick so that it can be seen from all sides of the site. For birds, a killed relative is the clearest signal that there is no need to “pry your nose” here.

A cute miracle for the garden

We create the perfect garden scarecrow with our own hands

So, when we know what the “cherry eaters” are most afraid of, we can make a scarecrow, introducing all the frightening elements into its image. But even the most ideal scarecrow gradually gets used to the birds, so it is best to make 2-3 different dolls and swap them after a week or two so that the birds do not have time to get used to it. Here's how to make a garden scarecrow in three versions.

Scarecrow Kuzya made of fabric

A bird on the shoulder, or better yet, on the head, will help the stuffed animal scare away birds

For Kuzi you will need:

  1. An old shirt and pants. Let at least one thing be of blue color.
  2. Hat/cap, gloves.
  3. A cloth bag from which the head will be created.
  4. Nitron or straw for stuffing.
  5. Sewing pins or needle and thread.
  6. Markers.
  7. Leg-split.
  8. Two CDs.
  9. Stuffed bird, dead crow, or balloon.

Work progress:

  1. We create the frame of the future scarecrow: we nail a crossbar to a pole at a height of 1.7 m. It will serve as the basis for the shoulders and arms.
  2. We construct the head: we stuff nitron or straw into a white fabric bag (today they are used to pack shoes, spare parts for plumbing, etc.) to give the shape of the head. If you don’t have a bag, make one from an old pillowcase, sewing it together with stitches around the perimeter.
  3. Place the finished head on the top of the pole and pull the edge of the bag (they are sold with ropes). If the head is made of a pillowcase, tie the edge to the pole with twine.
  4. Create a face with markers. They, unlike felt-tip pens, do not fade from the sun and do not peel off in the rain.
  5. Use nitron threads (you can use ropes, straw, etc.) to create a head of hair and attach it to the top of your head with pins or sew it on.
  6. Place the shirt on the crossbar and pin it.
  7. Stuff the sleeves and interior with straw. Sew or pin the edges of the sleeves and shirt so that the filling does not come out.
  8. Stuff old gloves with nitron and sew them to the edges of the shirt sleeves.
  9. Thread a rope through the discs and tie its top edge to the gloves. Let them toss and turn and scare the birds with their shine.
  10. Stuff your pants with straw so that most of it is on the legs. Tighten the edges of the legs with twine and sew the top to the shirt. There is no need to fix the bottom of your pants. Let them flutter freely in gusts of wind and create the impression of a moving figure.
  11. Place a hat on your head, and place a dead crow (if you find it somewhere) or a stuffed bird on top.
  12. If the crows are not found, attach an inflated balloon to your cap. Just leave a little thread at the end so that any breeze causes the ball to swing.

The stuffed Kuzya is ready - place him in the area between the ripening cherries.

Stuffed Dusya made from plastic bags

The larger the packages from which the scarecrow costume is created, the more noise and movement they will create.

To create the beautiful Dusya you will need:

  1. A stocking or piece of flesh-colored tights.
  2. Plastic trash bags (or regular bags).
  3. Cans from beer or drinks.
  4. Twine, pins, thread and needle.
  5. Nitron.
  6. Black tow.
  7. Colored markers.
  8. Scotch.
  9. A pole, about 2 meters high, and a shorter crossbar (about a meter).

Work progress:

  1. See point 1 in the previous master class.
  2. We create the head from a nylon stocking, which we stuff with thread, nitron, scraps of fabric, etc. (but not straw, because it will stick out in many places and pierce the nylon).
  3. Place the head on the top of the pole and secure the bottom with twine.
  4. We draw the face with colored markers and sew on the eyebrows using black tow.
  5. We create hair from tow and fix it on the top of the head with threads or pins.
  6. We create a bow from the bag and attach it to the top of the head. It is advisable that the package be blue.
  7. We make the sleeves: we put plastic garbage bags on the crossbar so that the open edge is towards the sides, and the glued edge is towards the center. (When we put the bag on, the glued edge in the center will break through with a crossbar). We wrap tape around the edge to secure the bag to the frame. Let the second edge flutter and scare the birds.
  8. We put a T-shirt or a short-sleeved blouse on Dusya.
  9. We fill the T-shirt with nitron.
  10. For the skirt you will need plastic bags in two colors (preferably one is blue). First, we tape the long petticoat to the pole, creating it directly on the pole. The second tier - a short skirt - is secured with tape on top of the first. The fuller the skirts are, the better they will move in the wind.
  11. We give Dusya the iron cans tied with twine into her hand, and let her rattle them, scaring the birds.

Scarecrow "Karkusha"

Karkusha is a scarecrow that can be used to replace a living bird that you don’t want to kill. The silhouette of a crow will scare, if not crows, then sparrows and starlings.

Scaring birds with a bird is the surest way

For Karkusha you will need:

  1. Black fabric (polyester).
  2. Children's shorts/breeches in black.
  3. Black and yellow knee socks.
  4. Black nylon stocking.
  5. Styrofoam.
  6. Black tow or linen.
  7. Black nitron.
  8. Glue, twine, thread, pins.
  9. The marker is black.
  10. Rods.
  11. Pole with crossbar.

Work progress:

  1. This is a smaller scarecrow than Kuzya and Dusya, so a pole 1.5 m long and a crossbar half a meter long are enough.
  2. We cut out a square from the fabric, the side of which is 50 cm. We cut a hole in the center to put it on the pole, and cut all the edges with ribbons, the length of which is about 5 cm.
  3. We put the fabric on the crossbar so that there are triangles at the front and back.
  4. To give the figure volume, we stuff it inside with nitron, and stitch the edges (up to the cut ribbons) with threads or secure them with pins.
  5. At the edges of the crossbar we tie bunches of tow or flax, which will imitate bird wings. The longer the tow, the better it will flutter.
  6. We create the head from a black stocking, stuffing it with black nitron. We put it on the pole and secure it with twine.
  7. Cut out eyes from foam plastic and glue them on.
  8. Cut out the nose from the foam and glue it (the glue must be quick-setting!).
  9. Draw the pupils in the whites of the eyes with a black marker.
  10. We create a forelock from tow and glue it to the top of the head.
  11. At the level of a meter, we tie a bundle of rods to a pole on which Karkusha will sit.
  12. We stuff children's shorts and socks with nitron and sew the socks to the legs.
  13. We sew the shorts to the body and the bars so that it appears that the scarecrow is sitting.
  14. We cut out the paws from foam plastic and glue them to the socks.
  15. We tie iron cans to the rods with long threads.

We hope that these three scarecrows, having appeared on your site, will save your crops from bird attacks.

Making your country cottage area, dividing it into zones, we use a huge number of elements landscape design. Modern styles reign in almost every garden, decorating and delighting us with an abundance of fountains and alpine slides. However, you can find gardens where the old styles and customs are still preserved. See all the beautiful ones here.

Probably everyone has a scarecrow in their garden. He is wearing old trousers and a shirt, and with all his appearance he is supposed to drive birds away from the beds. Nowadays, the scarecrow has become not just a scary element in a gardener’s garden, but also a wonderful addition to the garden.

Garden scarecrow in the country. How to decorate a garden

DIY stuffed animal

Previously, you could find a really scary, disheveled scarecrow, planted on a pole in the center of the garden. Now everyone wants to make something beautiful and neat, and the garden scarecrow has not escaped this trend. In modern gardens there are neatly, one might even say stylishly dressed scarecrows.

From the usual two wooden sticks and a country flower pot you can get a magnificent lady. All that remains is to dress her up and draw a face on the pot, and instead of hair you can use hay or grass planted directly in the pot.

Sometimes crafts are truly touching. For example, a stuffed animal can be made from a children's toy. More precisely, taking her head. A beautiful smiling crow with a straw body, in a beautiful hat with a bright flower and a dress looks simply elegant. True, the question immediately arises as to who such a crow can drive away, rather the opposite.

IN original garden you can meet whole companies of stuffed animals. Which looks very colorful and with a touch of humor. As you know, a scarecrow is made from straw; unfortunately, it is not always possible to find enough to create little men. Then ordinary grass can come to the rescue or just make a small scarecrow.

If you delve into the ancient times, you can find out that the scarecrow’s master’s clothes were given for a reason to dress him. It was a kind of ritual. The straw man, dressed in the owner's shirt or pants, took responsibility for the safety of the garden not only from birds, but he also served as a kind of amulet against the evil eye.

Ready-made stuffed animals that are sold in the store

A straw man in country style will look especially harmonious. It will organically fit into the garden and will not only protect it, but also add some zest.

The perfect DIY garden scarecrow

Wooden stuffed animals - how to make

DIY garden scarecrow

Today it is very rare to see an awkward straw man in shabby clothes in the gardens of our vast homeland.

Now it has lost its true meaning - to protect the crop from birds and small animals.

We have long ceased to depend on vegetable gardens and orchards for gastronomic purposes, birds on the territory suburban area on the contrary, they are considered welcome and guests and even, according to signs, bring good luck.

Now the garden scarecrow for the dacha has turned into original item landscape design, and its production is pure art.

The straw man especially fits into the surrounding nature in country style gardens and children's areas suburban areas or in ornamental gardens. Naturally, the stuffed animal attracts attention and gives rise to pleasant memories of good old fairy tales.

Classic straw man

To make it, you will need a long bar or pole made of wood or plastic, and a short pole for the crossbar, a piece of white fabric for the head, rope, straw or sawdust for stuffing, paints or bright felt-tip pens, needles and thread, as well as old worn-out clothing.

To create the appearance of arms and shoulders, attach a short pole to your bar at the appropriate height. Now let's make the head. Place straw in the middle of a piece of white cotton fabric and pull the edges together as tightly as possible, tying it with string. Place your head on a long pole and secure it carefully.

Eyes, lips and nose can be drawn acrylic waterproof paints or felt-tip pens. Hair can be made from thin ropes, or multi-colored ribbons can be used. The hair is attached to the top of the head. An excellent option would be an old straw hat with sawdust attached to it to imitate hair.

Now the stuffed animal needs to be dressed. You put a shirt on the crosspiece and sew up the ends of the sleeves, stuff it well with straw and sew up the bottom. We make palms from gloves, also stuffing them with straw. Then they need to be carefully sewn to the sleeves of the shirt. To make the palms look natural, before stuffing, you can insert a base of thick wire into the gloves and bend them into the desired shape.

The garden scarecrow's pants are separately stuffed with straw., sewn up and firmly sewn to the body. The legs should dangle freely to create the illusion of movement in gusts of wind. Funny multi-colored socks can peek out from the legs, which can also be stuffed with straw.

Arms and legs should be approximately proportional so that it looks like a living person. It is better to draw your face with a cheerful smile and wide open eyes, so that your scarecrow will lift your spirits. You can add a few details - a bright scarf and vest. Remember that these wardrobe items must be sewn on with threads, otherwise they will simply be blown away by a strong gust of wind.

A straw man with an umbrella looks very original. In heavy rain it can be opened. On a hot summer day, you can give him something from gardening tools, for example, a rake. You can also use old watering can, in which you can plant fresh flowers. The pole of the stuffed animal must be buried deep in the ground so that it does not fall.

Scarecrow made from plastic bottles

You can make a garden scarecrow with your own hands from many unnecessary materials, especially in this “difficult task,” plastic bottles can come in handy.

You will need:

  • - bottles different sizes and flowers;
  • - bottle caps;
  • - an ordinary elastic band, which is used for clothing, or lace;
  • - copper wire;
  • - stapler, awl, knife and scissors.

We select paired bottles for arms, legs and feet– 2 per leg, and 1 per arm and foot. Using an awl you need to make small holes in the lids and bottoms of the bottles. Then an elastic band is threaded through the holes and all the limbs are assembled one by one. The ends of the elastic bands should be left at 10-15 cm for attachment to the body. It is very convenient to thread the elastic through a wire hook.

For the body you can use an old plastic tank. Buttons from multi-colored lids are attached to the tank using wire. You can also use fishing line or regular bolts and nuts for fastening.

For the head you will need a five-liter water bottle. The bottom needs to be cut off and the ears, eyes and mouth attached to it using a stapler. As a headdress, you can use a regular hat with a wide brim. You need to thread an elastic band through the neck and hat, leaving a long end to secure the body.

Now you need to put all the body parts together. For ease of fastening, small holes are made in the tank on the sides for the arms and at the bottom for the legs.

To make the noise parts, you will need a set of colorful bottle caps. Make a belt with 20-25 hanging ribbons, each with corks. It is best to make a belt from copper wire for better fastening.

Tatyana Viktorovna Konstantinova

Vegetable garden on the window, growing plants, playing great importance V cognitive development children, in educating environmental culture, correct behavior in nature. Promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, and this helps to better understand plant life.

In our vegetable garden Onions and oats, garlic and dill settled on the window. Carrots and beets on the warm windowsill released their leaves. The bean has stretched out long tendrils. Children participated with interest in planting, caring for the plants, watering and spraying them. Watching plants grow vegetable garden, we keep a calendar of observations.

For order in our Garden Scarecrow is watching the garden, a cheerful little man has taken root with us and is a member of our team.

It is made of nylon, there is filling inside, the nose and ears are bandaged. Hair – chopped "noodles" nylon

She glued her hair, eyes, and embroidered her mouth. She attached the head to the bottle, stretched the rope with which the head was tied into the holes for the arms, pulled them out with a hook, and tied them at the back. I poured salt into the bottle for stability and inserted a stick - my hands.

All that remains is to put it on our gardener's shirt, I made cuts on the fabric along the edges, sewed on buttons and finally a panama hat made from newspaper. Ready for work.

Publications on the topic:

So the bright autumn days have flown by, and wonderful autumn holidays have been held in kindergartens! We began preparing for the holiday at the end.

Matinee for children senior group. “GARDEN SCARECROW” Children enter the music room and perform the dance composition “Autumn Steam Room”.

I bring to your attention a master class on making a scarecrow applique. By doing appliqué, children will learn different materials(paper,.

Objectives: To consolidate the skills of gluing wooden sticks onto colored cardboard. Encourage children to be creative and independent, educate.

Master class “Theatrical activities as a means of developing speech in preschool children” Goal: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, development of imagination and creative abilities.

Harvest Festival "Scarecrow" Equipment: audio recordings - Harvest song, Antoshka, Autumn melody; Health disk. Autumn: Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. You know, Autumn.

Middle-aged children “grew” vegetables in the garden beds, and the children preparatory group suggested sculpting: A freak sits on a stick, Beard.

Garden scarecrow - a familiar detail suburban areas. Its main purpose is to protect plantings from voracious birds. However, often a figure carelessly constructed from scrap materials not only scares away birds, but also spoils appearance local area. Inspired by the ideas of gardeners and the photographs presented in this article, you can make a stuffed animal with your own hands, which, in addition to scaring away birds, will provide aesthetic pleasure.

How does a scarecrow affect birds and why does it scare away

A scarecrow resembling a human figure has been used to scare away birds from the area for centuries. In general, birds are frightened by the presence of a person nearby, so the silhouette of a garden scarecrow initially produces the desired effect. But gradually the intelligent creatures understand that they should not react to their approach, and, having become bolder, they begin to attack the crop.

People have long used scarecrows to protect crops and crops from birds.

To achieve the desired effect from a scarecrow, it is worth studying what birds are afraid of:

  1. Sudden movements. The scarecrow must be installed in such a way that at the slightest breath of wind it spins, sways, and waves its arms. Ribbons, scarves and other objects swaying in the wind work well.
  2. Blue color. Naturally saturated bright shades They are rare, so they are unusual for birds. Therefore, when choosing clothes for a stuffed animal, you need to use a royal blue shade.
  3. Bright shine. Objects that glare in the sun create the illusion of movement in birds. For this purpose, shiny elements are attached to the stuffed animal: foil, New Year's rain, CDs, etc.
  4. Loud sounds. It is difficult to get a constant rumble from a scarecrow, but bells attached to it, rustling objects, turntables, pots humming in the wind will partially help cope with the task.

A garden scarecrow made in accordance with these conditions will become a reliable protector of the crop from annoying birds.

How to make a stuffed animal for the garden with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

There are many options for making stuffed animals with your own hands, but the principle of their construction is similar: they put clothes of suitable size on the prepared frame and build a head on top.

A garden scarecrow can add beauty and greater aesthetics to your dacha

Necessary structures, tools and materials, their quantity

Basic materials for making a stuffed animal:

  • Frame. To make it, you will need two slats or other suitable even sticks connected crosswise.
  • Head. Any spherical object can act in this capacity.
  • Arms and legs. Clear outlines of the hands can be obtained by attaching gloves stuffed with straw or cotton wool to the frame. The legs will imitate pants filled with straw and unnecessary shoes attached to them.
  • Cloth. You should not take faded, torn wardrobe items out of the house and put them on a stuffed animal. The appearance of the entire site will depend on how the artificial person is dressed up. Original clothes will add charm to the scarecrow and a good mood to the owners.
  • Additional accessories. Any hats, objects that imitate work, parts to create sound and shine will be useful.

Step-by-step instructions for making a garden scarecrow with photos

Every House master can use the material that he has on the site. We suggest making a simple stuffed animal with your own hands using the instructions:

  1. creating a frame;
  2. body making;
  3. preparation of the head and face;
  4. developing additional surroundings (attaching various things to the scarecrow’s hands, putting shoes on the scarecrow, decorating with accessories).

When making a stuffed animal, rely on three simple steps: frame, body, head

  1. The first step in making a scarecrow is preparing the frame. To make it, take two shovel handles or other sticks of suitable size and connect them crosswise, driving a nail in the middle or tying them tightly with a rope.

    The frame can be either wooden or metal

  2. The second step is creating the body. When making a stuffed body, you can choose a simple way - a cross-piece of clothing. To make the stuffed animal look voluminous, it is better to stuff the clothes with straw, hay or any unnecessary rags. Things should be chosen from durable, bright fabrics. Old wardrobe items will quickly lose their appearance, fade in the sun and simply fall apart from exposure to precipitation. Things should be chosen from durable, bright fabrics. Old wardrobe items will quickly lose their appearance, fade in the sun and simply fall apart from exposure to precipitation. To imitate hands, gloves stuffed with some kind of filler are attached to the crosspiece or sleeves of clothing. If the gloves are attached to the bar in a hanging position, they will move during the wind, imitating the movement of the hands. This will scare away the birds.

    To make the scarecrow more voluminous, you should stuff it with hay, straw or any other material.

    Padded gloves are attached to the sleeves or crossbar

  3. The third step is making the head. To create a head with your own hands, you need to stuff old pillowcase or a fabric bag with straw and give the item a spherical shape. You can make hair from a skein of yarn or straw. Then the head should be secured to the top of the cross with a rope. You can apply a face to the head of the future garden scarecrow in different ways:

    If you did everything correctly, then a funny landscape element will appear on your site.

  4. You can attach any object to the gloves: a broom, broom, bucket, shovel, etc.
  5. You can attach filled old shoes, boots, felt boots, galoshes, etc. to the bottom of the clothes.

    With the help of clothes and accessories you can create a whole composition

  6. The stuffed animal is decorated with accessories. A hat, scarf, cap is put on the head. You can hang a CD necklace on your chest. In order for sounds to come from the stuffed animal, you can tie tin cans to it at a short distance from each other.

    Empty cans rustling in the wind will become a worthy assistant in the fight for the safety of the harvest.

Where and how to install a scarecrow for maximum protective effect

The manufactured figure can be moved around the site, depending on the stage of maturity of the crop. In spring and early summer, the place of the scarecrow is a plot with strawberries. As the vegetables ripen, the garden guard is moved to the beds. Closer to autumn, when fruits appear on the trees, the scarecrow has a place in the garden.

The scarecrow can be moved around the garden depending on the stage of ripening of the crop

If you make several guard figures, you can simultaneously protect all corners of the site, including the area at the entrance to the house. In a large area, one figure is not enough. To ensure that a do-it-yourself scarecrow holds well in the soil, the lower end of its frame is made pointed.

Ideas for making a stuffed head with your own hands in photographs

The head is one of the main elements of the figure of a DIY garden watchman. Classic version- a bag filled with straw. To make stuffed heads with your own hands, take a plastic bag, fill it with light material (straw, synthetic padding, foam rubber scraps), and put tights or a T-shirt on top.

The creator of this scarecrow used a bag that was filled with hay and on which eyes, a mouth and cheeks were drawn, and a nose was sewn on

A less common option is a head made from a five-liter plastic bottle. The container is turned upside down, a headdress is put on the top, and a face is drawn.

Stuffed animals don't often use bottles to make heads.

The stuffed animal you make with your own hands will be original. flower pot with a face instead of a head.

If you use a pot for the scarecrow's head, then you can plant a plant in this pea, then the scarecrow will grow beautiful green hair

A pumpkin with cut out eyes and a mouth will give the scarecrow a scary look.

The pumpkin head scarecrow is most often made in the fall.

By the way, for a stuffed animal you can use the head from an old doll or an outdated mannequin.

A scarecrow with an almost real head can be confused with a real person at night

Original scarecrows: video

A cute do-it-yourself stuffed animal allows you to approach the creation of a figure with soul, and your imagination will tell you how to create a unique and original image.