Feeding vegetables with herb infusion. How to prepare green fertilizer from grass and apply it in the garden. Why are additional elements needed?

How to make liquid fertilizer from grass for the garden? Simple recipe

Of course, it is better to make such fertilizer in a larger container. A 200 liter barrel is ideal for it. This volume will allow you to fertilize all your plantings on the site, unless, of course, you have an average plot and not a whole field. Next, you need to mow fresh grass and put it in this barrel. You don’t need to fill it completely with grass, but only halfway. Before preparing such fertilizer, find a sunny place for the barrel, there it will cook much faster than in the shade. Calculate the preparation time for such fertilizer. Leave it to “ferment” early, a couple of weeks before you need it to feed your vegetables.

When you fill the barrel with grass, do not forget to compact it there so that the barrel is not left half empty. The grass should lie there in a dense layer. When you are done with the grass, pour water into it. Now the barrel will need to be completely filled with water. You can make this grass fertilizer more nutritious. This is done using superphosphate, which is simply dissolved in hot water and then poured into this barrel. You will need 10 tablespoons of this substance. To prevent an unpleasant odor during fermentation, it is best to cover the barrel with polyethylene. 10 days will pass, and foam will appear on the surface of such liquid fertilizer. This means that the liquid is actively fermenting, and within a few days the fertilizer can be used.

When the fertilizer is prepared, the grass will need to be extracted from it and squeezed thoroughly. There is no need to throw it away; it will be used to make compost. In the liquid that you got in the barrel, you need to add one more component - urea (pour 12 tablespoons), and in addition to it, also an ash-based solution.

How to apply grass fertilizer?

Before you feed your vegetables, be sure to mix the liquid in the barrel thoroughly. This can be done with any sufficiently long stick. Next, the fertilizer will need to be diluted. The best option is 1 liter of this herbal infusion per ordinary 10-liter bucket of water. If you want to feed any large fruit tree, then you need 3 or 4 buckets of this solution. Of course, less fertilizer will be needed for fruit bushes or vegetable beds. As for feeding fruit trees, many people pierce the trunk circles with an iron rod and pour fertilizer into these same punctures. As for the frequency of use of such fertilizer, it is usually used 3 times per season.

What kind of grass is this fertilizer made from?

Yes, from any one. The weeds that we pull out of the garden are also a very good option. You can take meadow grass, always fresh, which you have just mowed. Nettle also performs well; it can really feed your crops, enhance their growth, and significantly increase the yield. Don't forget about dandelions either.

In this video they will show you how to prepare such fertilizer from grass. Let's see.

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Organic fertilizer is great for healthy plants because it contains a large amount of nitrogen. The latter is vital for young, developing crops such as tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, etc. Thanks to the high nitrogen content in herbal infusions, plants quickly develop and begin to flower and bear fruit.

The basis for feeding can be the waste of cultivated plants or numerous weeds collected from the site. Particularly “tasty” infusions for garden beds are obtained from nettles. You can also use the following herbs:

  • dandelion;
  • burdock;
  • dead nettle;
  • woodlice;
  • mowed lawn grass, etc.

It is not recommended to take faded herbs to prepare herbal infusion, since many seeds tolerate the fermentation process normally and then quickly germinate in the ground. Additional ingredients in the composition of fertilizers can include manure, sugar, chicken droppings, chalk, etc. General recommendations for preparing the infusion:

  • any herbs can be used and combined (even weeds remaining after weeding);
  • optimal proportions - 1 kg of plant component per 10 liters of water;
  • for convenience, fermentation of the infusion is carried out in a barrel or bucket, and the container should be covered with glass or dark film, leaving gaps for air (the composition will warm up faster and ferment more actively under the influence of direct rays falling on the covering material);
  • so that the herbal infusion does not emit a stench, microbiological agents are added to it, sold in specialized gardening stores);
  • The prepared liquid cannot be used in concentrated form; it must be diluted with water.

Herbal infusion with chalk and jam for feeding plants

This recipe is recommended for use if the bushes refuse to gain vegetative mass or look weak. Jam is used to speed up the fermentation of the infusion. The mixture is prepared for about 3-4 days, subject to periodic vigorous stirring of the contents of the barrel. To prepare the fertilizer you need:

  • Fill a large container ½ full with vegetable raw materials, which must first be crushed;
  • Brew an armful of rotted hay with boiling water (preferably, let the liquid brew for 2 days);
  • fill the plants in a barrel with water heated in the sun so that it covers the grass;
  • add a glass of jam (can be expired), a handful of manure, 500 g of ash and 80-90 g of chalk to the container;
  • leave the barrel in the sun, where in a few days the mixture will turn into fertilizer;
  • Before use, dilute the nutrient liquid with water (1 liter of fertilizer per 10-liter bucket of water).

With ash

Ash is an affordable, effective fertilizer that saturates the soil with potassium. Ash is especially useful for potatoes and tomatoes. It is allowed to apply such fertilizer no more than 3-5 times a month, alternating it with other mineral mixtures. To prepare the infusion you need:

  • fill the prepared container with chopped plants (weeds);
  • add 2-3 cups of ash;
  • fill the container to the top with water;
  • 2-3 days after the appearance of lush foam on the infusion, use the liquid as a top dressing (for this, add 3 liters of infusion to 10 liters of water).

With manure and urea

These components significantly accelerate the fermentation of the liquid and increase the nutritional value of the fertilizer, supplementing its composition with microelements useful for trees and shrubs. Fertilizer from grass and weeds is prepared as follows:

  • in a 200-liter barrel mix 10 tbsp. sifted ash with 10 tbsp. l. urea;
  • manure is also added here (an arbitrary amount);
  • fill the barrel halfway with chopped weeds;
  • the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water so as to barely cover the components;
  • After 3-5 hours of keeping the container under the sun, the fertilizer will be ready for use (before watering the plants, the fertilizer is diluted 1:10 with water).

With superphosphate

To prepare this remedy, it is better to take freshly cut plants; nettle would be an ideal option. The optimal ratio of dry ingredients and water is 1:1. How to prepare green fertilizer from grass:

  • For 10 liters of water take up to 50 g of superphosphate;
  • the resulting liquid is mixed with a bucket of chopped weeds;
  • the components are placed in a barrel and 10 liters of water are added;
  • Stir the mass periodically (it is better to leave the container in partial shade);
  • after a week, the fertilizer will be ready for use (the foam should disappear by this time);
  • for watering crops, the fertilizer is diluted with water 1:7.

Mode of application

Well-mulched beds need fertilizing once a week, and it is optimal to alternate foliar and root feeding. To water at the root, a liter of herbal liquid is diluted with a bucket of water: 10 liters is enough on average for 5 shrubs (peppers, cucumbers or tomatoes). The same amount of fertilizer can be watered on 8-10 cabbage plants at the initial stage of their development.

Spraying the leaves is carried out by diluting the herbal concentrate with water 1:20. It is better to do irrigation in the evening and in dry weather, then the effect will be better. The herbal infusion should completely moisten the foliage on all sides. It is especially useful to spray during fruiting, but throughout the entire growing season, fruit crops respond well to such fertilizer (the tops become juicier, the stems become stronger, and more ovaries are formed).

When feeding fruit and berry crops, holes are made in the soil next to the bushes (50-60 cm deep) using an iron rod. Afterwards, a herbal infusion is poured into the formed recesses to feed the plants. One 15-year-old tree requires about 15-30 liters of liquid, and a bush – 5-7 liters.


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Hello, dear friends!

Every summer resident knows that without adding fertilizers to the soil and to each plant, the yield decreases. The most common types of organic matter include aged garden compost made from plant residues, natural materials and some food waste, as well as manure and. Each gardener has his own time-tested and favorite means for fertilizing plantings.

Weeded weeds, mowed lawn and ordinary grass are placed in compost pits/barrels/heaps for rotting. To complete the composting process, it takes from 8 to 12 months, that is, the plants planted this season will become a full-fledged fertilizer only for next year. Even if you use special means to speed up composting, the decay time will not be less than 2-3 months.

Therefore, inventive summer residents often use a different technology for preparing highly valuable organic matter, rich not only in nitrogen, but also in potassium, phosphorus, a complex of microelements, humic substances, living microorganisms and vitamins. One of the most economical means for fertilizing growing garden crops in the summer is green fermented weed infusion, abundantly available in and around each site, and a source of nitrogen.

How to make weed infusion

Any container at your disposal is suitable for infusion. It is most convenient to use plastic barrels, which can be easily transported to any point on the site. The barrel is placed in a sunny place so that natural light helps the solution to ferment faster and become saturated with valuable nutrients from plants.

Weeds should be used at a time when their seeds are not ripe, otherwise you risk sowing your own garden with harmful crops. Mown grass and tops are applied for fertilizer at any time. Weeded plants are loaded into the barrel two-thirds full, compacting the greens with your hands, and filled with clean warm water, but not to the top, since the volume of liquid will increase during the fermentation process.

To enrich the future nutrient solution with nitrogen, additionally dissolve 5-6 tbsp. spoons of urea or ammonium nitrate for every 50 liters. Liquid humate fertilizer is also suitable (several caps, according to the instructions on the package). Next, the barrel is covered with a layer of dense polyethylene, which is wrapped with wire. Several holes are made in the film to remove gases formed during the fermentation process. Without such a homemade lid, most of the valuable nitrogen will simply evaporate.

After 2-4 days (depending on the weather and air temperature), the mixture begins to actively rot, and a foam layer forms on the surface. Then the liquid becomes cloudy and smells foul. The readiness of the fertilizer is checked by the appearance of the solution - if the foaming process is completed and the thick liquid has acquired a rich dark color, then your organic matter is ready for use. Typically the fermentation process takes up to 10 days. In barrels exposed to the sun, the fertilizer prepares several days faster.

The remaining herbs that have not decomposed are thoroughly mixed and removed from the infusion using a fork. They are used for laying in compost heaps, as well as for mulching vegetable beds or trunk circles of trees and shrubs. As a result, the summer resident has at his disposal a highly concentrated solution of nutrients, which is diluted with water and used to feed selected crops.

A tenth of the concentrate is left at the bottom of the barrel to prepare the next batch of fertilizer. The liquid contains a huge number of beneficial microorganisms that will act as a valuable starter. Next, the barrel is filled again with grass, a nitrogen source is added, filled with water, covered with polyethylene, and the whole process is repeated.

In order to provide as many plants as possible with a solution for fertilizing, experienced gardeners use several barrels at once. In hot weather, the process of preparing fertilizer takes an average of 1 week. It is most convenient to install containers in different places in the garden, so as not to waste energy carrying the concentrate throughout the entire area.

How to use green manure

Fermented weed infusion, enriched with nitrogen compounds - a universal fertilizer that is used for the following purposes:

Application during autumn and spring digging as the main organomineral fertilizer (dilute 1:5, pour a bucket for each square meter);

Root feeding during the first half of the growing season of vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops, including flowers (dilution 1:10);

Foliar feeding of all plants on your site (dilution 1:20).

It should be noted that the prepared fertilizer is nitrogen, and if used excessively, it can cause rapid growth of tops (tomatoes, garden strawberries, strawberries) or provoke a decrease in the immunity of seedlings to dangerous diseases and pests. Nitrogen fertilizers are also contraindicated for fruit and berry crops, starting from mid-summer, since this chemical. the element reduces the winter hardiness of plants preparing for the dormant period. Moistening of tree trunk circles and soil of berry fields with a weed solution is carried out until July.

Based on the needs of each culture. For example, late varieties of cabbage and cucumbers require a bucket of diluted composition for each plant in August, but for strawberries 1 liter per bush is enough. Onion crops respond well to nitrogen fertilizing. By watering beds with winter and spring garlic at the beginning of the growing season, you will activate the growth of green mass, thereby stimulating the formation of heads, and foliar feeding will eliminate such a common phenomenon as yellowing of the tips of leaves.

At the end of summer, the preparation of fertilizer does not stop, since high doses of nutrients are required to prepare the soil for the next season. In addition, in August-September a large amount of plant residues appears after harvesting fruit-bearing crops. Water the areas that are prepared for digging with weed infusion - liquid green fertilizer. All biologically active substances will remain in the soil until the next season, and your beds will be ready for new plantings and providing the plants with the necessary nutrition.

Have a good harvest and see you again!

In the summer, in the garden, by making a herbal infusion (or tea), we can immediately “kill two birds with one stone.” We get two high-quality fertilizers for our plants and soil: EM-silage and EM-infusion.

What it is?

EM infusion- this is directly the liquid that is obtained during the fermentation of grass with an EM preparation

EM - silo– this is plant biomass fermented in an EM infusion. This is a wonderful and affordable fertilizer for all plants.

How to prepare the best fertilizer?

To prepare a herbal infusion, we will need a large mass of weeds - nettle, burdock, plantain, dandelions, woodlice... The greater the variety, the better.

We will need a large, preferably plastic container of 100-200 liters. Several such containers (if available) can be filled so that the process of preparing the EM silo continues continuously. You can also use strong plastic bags installed in a frame or buried in the ground. Here, every gardener adapts what is available on the farm, what is accessible and convenient.

Add the EM preparation, old jam, manure or droppings, close it, let it sit - that’s it, the fertilizer is ready!

So, the recipe for preparing herbal infusion for a 100 liter barrel.

Fill the container 3/4 full with weeds without compacting it.

In organic farming, grass fertilizer has long been widely popular. Gardeners love green fertilizers for their simplicity, safety, as well as for their good digestibility and speed, which are so necessary during periods of abundant plant growth.

Wild herbs, weeds from the garden, green manure - if used correctly, they can replace purchased nitrogen and potassium fertilizers or significantly reduce their volumes. The most common are liquid grass fertilizers made from weeds. They are used both for watering and for spraying leaves (so-called foliar feeding).

What types of grass fertilizers are there? How to prepare grass fertilizer? What specific herbs should I use for this? How long to insist? Let's try to understand all the questions regarding the most effective weed fertilizers.

In practice, infusions are most often made from a mixture of various herbaceous plants: nettle, horsetail, rapeseed, tansy, chamomile and others. In addition, to enrich the fertilizer with minerals, wood ash, bird droppings, humates, yeast, as well as onion peels and garlic arrows are added to the herbs. But the most valuable as green mass for grass fertilizer are nettle and comfrey.

Organic fertilizer: nettle infusion

Watering plantings with nettle fertilizer heals the soil and the plants themselves, stimulates their growth and the formation of chlorophyll. All flowers, fruits and vegetables (with the exception of onions, garlic and legumes) respond well to feeding with nettle infusion. And the soil spilled by it becomes an attractive habitat for earthworms. Spraying radishes, arugula and Chinese cabbage with nettle fertilizer will protect the crops of these crops from the cruciferous flea beetle.

To prepare nettle fertilizer, fresh young plants are picked before seeds form. In early spring, for example, to feed seedlings, you can prepare a small portion of fertilizer from dry nettles.

A wooden, plastic or clay barrel is filled with finely chopped nettles and filled with sun-warmed, settled water to fill 3/4 of the container. It is not recommended to use metal barrels, as microscopic metal particles can react with water.

The barrel with the future nettle infusion is closed with a lid and left to infuse. Fermentation can take anywhere from three days to a week depending on the weather. In warm, sunny weather, the process will, of course, go faster. The contents of the container must be vigorously stirred daily. Gradually, the nettle will begin to decompose, the infusion will acquire an unpleasant odor, dark color and stop foaming. This means that fermentation in the tank has ended. Organic nettle fertilizer is ready.

As a root feed, the infusion should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9 immediately before use. For spraying, the concentration of nettle fertilizer should be even lower. The infusion is filtered and diluted with water at the rate of 19 parts of water to one part of herbal infusion.

After using the liquid fertilizer, the spent nettles remaining in the tank are placed in compost.

Comfrey infusion is an excellent supplement

For crops that require potassium (tomatoes, cucumbers, beans), it is recommended to prepare fertilizer from comfrey. This plant is superior in potassium content to manure and contains almost as much phosphorus. The stems and leaves of comfrey are rich in proteins and contain ash elements. Treating the leaves of any crop with comfrey infusion is a quick solution to the problem of potassium deficiency.

Comfrey is often planted on the outside of a fence as an unpretentious ornamental crop. It looks like this:

To prepare comfrey fertilizer, one kilogram of chopped fresh grass is poured with ten liters of water and left to infuse for a week.

A ready-made infusion of comfrey is diluted in the same proportions as nettle. All fertilizer residues are also sent to compost.

To fertilize the garden, you can insist on all the weeds formed after weeding the garden. Except for the poisonous ones, like buttercup. Lawn clippings will also work.

To prepare the infusion, whole plants are coarsely chopped and filled with water so that the green mass is completely covered. To get rid of the unpleasant odor during fermentation of grass, add it to the container.

To obtain a more saturated fertilizer from grass, hay, straw, animal bedding or yeast are added to it.

Yeast is dissolved in water in a proportion of 1 kilogram per 10 liters. The resulting solution is diluted again with water (1 liter of solution per 20 liters of water). The result is a yeast supplement, which is then mixed with herbal infusion to enrich the latter with macro- and microelements.

Do not forget that all liquid grass fertilizers are applied to the soil only on cloudy days. In addition, when feeding your garden with herbal infusions, it is important to know when to stop. This fertilizer contains a lot of nitrogen. And its excess promotes the growth of green mass of plants, sometimes to the detriment of fruiting. For this reason, grass fertilizer is usually used during the period of active growth - in spring and early summer.

Composting grass

In addition to liquid fertilizers, you can make excellent compost from grass. This option is especially good for those who have a large lawn, which means a lot of mowed grass.

Grass compost is made in bags: black polyethylene or construction waste bags. Just fill the bag with fresh chopped grass (not very tightly) and tie it. If the bag is plastic, it won’t hurt to make a few holes with a pitchfork to allow air to enter and place the bag next to the bed. The grass in the bag quickly rots, forming an excellent organic fertilizer.

Of course, you can also use grass as a green component for classic mixed compost. Read about how to quickly and correctly prepare compost.

Fertilizing the soil with green manure

Another way to enrich the soil with organic matter through the use of grass is called green manure. Green manures are annual plants with a short growing season, that is, they quickly produce a lot of greenery. By planting green manure in the beds before and after vegetable crops, we help the soil avoid depletion, become enriched with nutrients, and improve its structure. The most popular green manures among summer residents are:

  • mustard,
  • oats,
  • oilseed radish,
  • phacelia,
  • Vika,
  • lupine,
  • rye.

We have already written a lot and in detail about green manure, their use and features. Is this topic interesting? So here you go:

Use wild grasses, weeds and green manure to return nutrients lost to crops to the soil. Do not neglect feeding from plant waste, do not let a single gram of organic matter from your site go to a landfill. It’s good for your garden, and there’s less garbage on the planet.