DIY wind fan rotary turbine. Deflectors for ventilation and chimney: DIY assembly instructions. Making a simple device with your own hands

A ventilation deflector is a special attachment mounted on the upper end of the exhaust pipe to protect the duct and facilitate the ventilation process. After all, the deflector blocks the cut of the pipe, preventing the penetration of precipitation or small debris, and, at the same time, creates an additional exhaust force in the channel, generated by the wind blowing this nozzle. Moreover, the exhaust pipe can belong to both ventilation and the system for removing combustion products from the stove or boiler (chimney).

This nozzle works based on the Bernoulli effect, a Swiss mechanic who discovered the relationship between flow speed and static pressure in the channel. Bernoulli established that with an increase in flow velocity, provoked by a narrowing of the channel, the pressure in the air duct or pipeline drops, creating a vacuum in a certain area of ​​the pipeline.

That is, the deflector “catches” the wind rushing into a narrow channel - the diffuser, and causing a drop in pressure in the upper part of the ventilation duct. As a result, the rarefied void under the diffuser is filled with a portion of air drawn in by the ventilation duct.

In this case, the correct deflector can regulate the air flow in the diffuser and the direction of discharge of the medium transported by the exhaust pipeline. And with due diligence by the designers of this nozzle, the draft in the air duct increases by 15-20 percent.

Actually, because of these percentages, a deflector is used, with which you can level out the insufficient height of the air duct or the excessively modest dimensions of the ventilation duct.

Typical types of deflectors

We have already figured out why we need a deflector, so further in the text we will look at the design types of such attachments. By design features The range of such products is divided into four groups, which include the following attachments:

  • Deflectors with a flat “lid” (top). You can even make such nozzles yourself. After all, a flat lid can simply be cut out of sheet steel or copper, without the hassle of forming a cone.
  • Nozzles with a removable lid, which are especially in demand when installing a chimney that requires periodic cleaning.
  • Deflectors with a gable (gable) cover. Such nozzles provide maximum protection of the chimney or ventilation duct from snow and rain.
  • Nozzles with a spherical top, which are used on the “front” side of the exterior. Such deflectors have the most aesthetically pleasing external shapes and can fit into any roofing and facade design style.

The most popular models of nozzles include the following products:

  • Ventilation deflector series 5.904.51 - this model is produced in the form of round or rectangular nozzles mounted on a pipe with a diameter of 200 to 1250 millimeters or on a profile air duct with dimensions from 400x400 to 1000x1000 millimeters. That is, this series includes both household and industrial attachments. At the same time, deflectors of the 5.904.51 series are also available in the form finished products and in the form of diagrams and drawings designed for independent cutting and assembly of the product.
  • The rotary ventilation deflector is a typical nozzle with a spherical lid. However, under this top there is hidden not only a diffuser, but also an impeller - wind turbine, generating additional traction force. As a result, the performance of the hood increases by almost 50 percent, and the likelihood of “overturning” the air flow is reduced to almost zero. Therefore, rotary models are mounted not only on chimneys, but also on exhaust ducts of industrial and domestic ventilation, sewer risers, roof vents, and so on. The diameter of the exhaust tube on which such a deflector is mounted varies from 200 to 900 millimeters. The cost of such a product is 3000-4000 rubles.

  • The TsAGI ventilation deflector is a special attachment, complemented by a cylindrical screen in which a classic product with a conical roof is “wrapped.” The diameter of the air duct ready to accept the TsAGI deflector ranges from 100 to 1250 millimeters. Moreover, the cylindrical screen guarantees the absence of reverse draft even in air ducts of the largest diameter. The cost of a TsAGI household deflector ranges from 400 to 5000 rubles, depending on the dimensions of the product.

  • The Grigorovich deflector is a classic version of the product, mounted not on a pipe, but on a nozzle made in the shape of a truncated cone. Moreover, both the nozzle and the classic conical lid with spacers form a single structure. This is the most common option for stove and ventilation deflector, which can be bought at any store or made with your own hands.

  • Double H-shaped deflector - a classic model with an unusual inlet pipe. This part of the nozzle is made in the form of the letter “H”, into the middle bar of which there is a pipe that connects the product and the hood. That is, instead of one deflector, we install two nozzles on the exhaust duct, increasing the efficiency and productivity of the hood at least twice.

As you can see: there is a wide range of deflectors different models and construction diagrams. You can choose from this variety of high-performance, active ventilation deflectors and homemade version, for the production of which you need to make a minimum of effort.

The manufacture of the nozzle begins with calculations of its dimensions. At the same time, we must understand that the classic deflector consists of the following parts:

  • An inlet pipe, the flow dimensions of which must coincide with the outer diameter of the pipe.
  • An outer cylinder located on top is a diffuser, the dimensions of which should be no 30 percent larger than the flow diameter of the air duct.
  • A conical, spherical or flat hood held by brackets above the diffuser. The dimensions of the hood should be 70-90 percent larger than the throughput diameter of the hood.

Well, the height of the deflectors ventilation systems there should be no more than one and a half internal diameters of the air ducts.

Having decided on the dimensions, you can start cutting. sheet stock made of galvanized or stainless steel - black rolled steel is not suitable for the deflector. Moreover, first we draw out the developments of all structural elements - from the inlet pipe to the brackets - and then transfer these templates to the metal. Separation of blanks from the sheet is carried out using metal scissors. Well, if you cannot make a development according to the workpiece drawing, use ready-made drawings and patterns.

Assembly of finished elements is carried out using rivets, screws, bolts or welding. The latest technology, of course, guarantees maximum reliability, but not every welder can “weld” thin sheet metal. Therefore, the optimal assembly technology is installation with rivets.

In this case, first we assemble the diffuser, then we attach brackets to it that hold the cap, to which we mount this part of the deflector. Next we attach the bottom brackets to the inlet and mount the top of these spacers to the cone diffuser.

  • A vertical axis turbine is a waste of time, and in the wind everything spins, just spinning and generating energy are two different things, in this video the turbine was spinning without load, but with load it would be a sad sight :)
  • It’s a sad sight to see people who know everything about everything and are categorical in their judgment. Have you yourself tried to compare the vertical and the propeller in real life?
  • The point is not so much what turbine design each person will choose for himself, but how to make a good and powerful generator for any of the turbines - the key to success.
  • There are a very large number of varieties of turbines and generators, but each of the varieties has its own disadvantages, ranging from rotating parts to the cost of repairs and maintenance, since there are no “perpetual” engines of the 1st kind. Generators of the 2nd stage on at the moment invented, but not produced by industry, as they are also serviced by people, although this is as simple as manufacturing a conventional device. I completely agree that a wind generator without a load is not under load. I didn’t watch the video, because as you can see from the splash screen, there are a lot of shortcomings in this design. With this design, the device will fall to the floor due to windage; the cavities are installed without knowledge of this issue.
  • The device will not overwhelm, it will not provide gyroscopic torque. You can attach an engine from a flop to this wing. There is only one advantage. torsional vibrations smoother relative to Savonius. But less than KIEV. Best regards 0013
  • Verticals really work, I saw it myself in Discovery, due to the design and ease of energy collection, regardless of the wind direction, they behave well in the city, roofs were shown covered with them... What I observed, by the way, it’s a pity that I didn’t record the program, it looked something like like this: Take a plane, bend it with the letter S, where the center of the letter is the vertical axis, then, holding the lower letter, turn the upper one by 180 degrees (???), in general, something like a corkscrew, the nonlinearity is complete, and due to this it engages in the hook with the wind in any position. I apologize for the unscientific description, I just tried the design in the topic, from the efficiency of the raking blade you need to subtract the resistance of the opposing one, but if it were somehow folded when moving against the wind, maybe something would work out.
  • They spin and actually work - these are different concepts.
  • I don't mind, it works. Now let's think, a high mast, the force of the wind is allowed on the sail, where the force of gravity is located. Now let's remember the carousel. To put it simply, we turn the bolt by hand or take a meter-long knob on the carousel. everything else is the same. Although there are a lot of other designs, expansion in the pipe, pipe of a smaller cross-section, in the pipe there are a bunch of fans on 1 shaft, and then everything is the same.
  • This refers specifically to urban conditions, where there is no clearly defined direction, and few people would agree when a monster is spinning overhead, from which a piece can fall off at any moment, plus the noise that the ends of the blades make around the clock, and to reserve a place for a weather vane, it turns out that without There are no verticals in the city... But for the option I described, they are possible different types layout...
  • In the city, yes, we still need to think about competition for space with solar panels, there are not enough roofs for everyone. The gaps between houses are very promising in this regard, and if there is a shortage of electricity, if we “modernize”, the lines will not be increased in power, it will be good if they change even at the substations. So low-speed verticals, and specifically Savonius with a screw, are beyond competition. something like this 0013
  • I agree with you. Therefore, to be honest, I am not a supporter of wind turbines; I am interested in more sustainable designs. As for your windmill - the usual idea, but the center of gravity is very high considering the strength of the wind. As for small structures in volume. Let's go to private sector, in some places we see an airplane on the roofs of houses, the tail catches the direction of the wind and the propeller, which can be replaced with a turbine, and after a couple of centimeters we install additional blades on the shaft to increase the power of the generator, and so even and odd blades are rotated by the angle of movement of the air flow , as in a multi-stage water pump. In practice, we obtain an involute.
  • With such an increase in the number of blades, the power will decrease. Actually, it depends on the area of ​​the surface being swept.
  • If you force the flow into the pipe with a large bell, it will work out fine, that’s also an option, plus you can slightly adjust the direction and strength of the flow with dampers, but then again, who wants to live in an airport 24/7? We need something low-speed, even at the expense of performance...
  • Intricate statement :D! If they had taught “normally” at school, you would have seen how you were being robbed, I think such a statement would not have been made. When this amount is 2-3% of the salary. fees are tolerable, but not when it is more than 50%, although in fact even in the USSR the percentage was not lower than 50%, and today some smart people are reaching 200% from 100% or more. To understand what is written, watch the video, you can read it if the link remains. Sincerely. Vladimir.
  • The flow is not in the pipe, but free, so it is not driven anywhere by the bells. Do you really think that the idea of ​​a concentrator has never occurred to anyone before you?
  • Why didn't you come? If you look through this project, you will find something similar home power station, seems to be produced by manufacturers. The only thing is that I didn’t come up with it myself; on other projects there are ideas on how to use the same air flow to increase useful work. And the conversation, in my opinion, began with the idea of ​​a vertical device. I answered why I personally don’t like this option. If desired, this device will also work. For example, a washing machine with horizontal loading It works the same way and is not bad, but I prefer vertical loading for a number of reasons.
  • There was a video on YouTube with a corrugated hub, they lied that it tripled the efficiency, I’ll check it in the spring.
  • This is far from best option vertical rotor. I'm experiencing this now http://nikolamaster.rf/wind/%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%BA3.jpg http://nikolamaster.rf/wind/ gener2.jpg Quite heavy.

To paraphrase a catchphrase from a famous film, we can say that ventilation is a delicate matter; too many factors influence the stable operation of the exhaust pipe. It’s rare that someone manages to build a ventilation system in a house with a small pipe that takes up minimal space on the roof and at the same time has high performance. Over time, as the ventilation ducts become dusty and overgrown, the performance and efficiency of the ventilation system noticeably decreases, so it is necessary to install a deflector on the ventilation pipe. Best models capable of increasing productivity up to 20% of the original thrust value.

What is a deflector?

Today, a cylindrical, cone-shaped or rounded deflector body can be seen on the roofs of private houses. In essence, the deflector is an aerodynamic nozzle designed to create additional vacuum at the cut of the ventilation pipe. As a result, the pressure difference above the pipe and inside the room increases, the draft and performance of the ventilation system increases.

Structurally, any deflector consists of three units:

  • Housings with fastenings that ensure reliable and durable installation at the end of the ventilation pipe;
  • Air flow capture systems consisting of several fixed airfoils or a rotating element, as in the case of turbine deflectors;
  • A cap or protective cover that covers the pipe section from the penetration of rain, snow, curious birds, insects, mice and other living creatures.

For your information! A remarkable property of the deflector is its absolute autonomy. The device, which provides an additional increase in thrust by almost 10-20%, operates without external sources of electrical or thermal energy.

To operate, the ventilation deflector requires one condition - a constant, stable horizontal wind flow, preferably in one direction. In conditions of constant air flow, the deflector nozzle allows you to reduce the height of the ventilation pipe on the roof by almost half. When there is no wind, the deflector practically does not work.

Increasing draft due to compression of additional air flow is also used in chimneys and blowdowns, when it is necessary to quickly remove combustion products, smoke, fumes, and soot from a room or combustion chamber. The deflector helps to sharply intensify combustion. For example, in the era of steam locomotives, an improvised booster was used: in order to sharply increase the power of the steam engine, steam from the boiler was thrown out through the chimney to the outside, which increased the combustion intensity and engine power by almost 70%.

Design and principle of operation of the ventilation pipe deflector

The design and operating principle of the deflector amplifier are based on the well-known physical phenomenon of a drop in static pressure in a flow of air or water. A simplified design and operating diagram of the deflector are shown in the drawing and figure.

The basis of the design is a simplified aerodynamic profile, as a rule, these are two vertically located cones or ridges, with their apices directed towards each other. The air flow, flowing around a cone-shaped or spherical profile, is compressed and accelerated under the influence of dynamic pressure, at least twice.

As a result, the air pressure at the end of the ventilation pipe drops, which ensures an increase in ventilation performance. The design cannot be called absolutely silent. When designing the dimensions and characteristics of the deflector, developers use average values ​​of horizontal air flows. In practice, wind speed can exceed 15 - 20 m/s, which leads to air vibrations in the form of a hum and high-frequency whistle. To avoid deflector noise, the most modern models are manufactured in the form of numerous sectors and straightening grids.

The deflector should not be confused with an electric exhaust fan installed at the end of the ventilation pipe, despite the fact that the purpose of both devices is the same, their design, reliability, efficiency and operating principles are different. If you wish, you can make a simple ventilation deflector with your own hands according to the drawings given below.

The most common models of ventilation deflectors

Deflector traction amplifiers are widely used in private housing construction and in multi-storey buildings, as a means to increase the efficiency of the ventilation system. Today, several designs of ventilation deflectors are best known:

  1. Deflector model developed by TsAGI- the Central Aerodynamic Institute, that’s what it’s called. Heavy, bulky, designed for high altitudes and huge air flows;
  2. Grigorovich system, shown in the photo below. One of the most successful deflector schemes. A simple and effective design that you can easily make and install on the roof with your own hands;
  3. Turbo ventilation deflectors, are distinguished by the presence of a straightening dome-shaped grille, capable of rotating under the influence of air flow and at the same time creating a vacuum inside the dome;
  4. Sail or weather vane deflectors.

For your information! Despite external differences in design, all deflector systems operate on the same principle of flow injection.

Grigorovich's scheme is strikingly simple and highly effective. In fact, the ventilation deflector is built in the form of two truncated cones, closed by a cap. The low weight and strength of the deflector allow it to be installed on relatively weak ventilation and plastic ventilation pipes. The device is insensitive to the direction of air flow, pulsations and wind flow.

Deflectors according to the Grigorovich scheme today occupy 80% of the market for ventilation draft amplifiers for ventilation systems of private houses.

DS models show maximum efficiency of draft enhancement in the ventilation pipe only at flat roof. In addition, the presence of a mesh often leads to freezing of the screen, but it is impossible to do without protection, since ventilation pipes are often used by birds and insects to enter the building.

Deflector system developed by TsAGI

TsAGI models are the main ones for most industrial facilities. Structurally, it is a two-level deflector cap with a lower and upper air flow around the body. To get rid of resonating noise and whistling when strong wind, the housing of the ventilation deflector is covered with an annular screen.

According to the developers, the screen helps protect the body from the formation of ice and snow plugs.

TsAGI really wanted to make their deflector for the ventilation pipe highly efficient and reliable, but in practice it turned out to be a very expensive and bulky product that suffers from icing in winter and quickly rusts even with a small amount of chemically active oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus.

The TsAGI deflector has not taken root anywhere except workshops industrial production. The model did not take root in the private sector; no attempt was even made to copy it; moreover, for efficient work the ventilation pipe with a deflector must be raised 1.2-1.5 m above the roof ridge.

Turbine as a way to increase draft in a ventilation pipe

As an example of one of the most interesting ways Turbine circuits can be used to enhance traction. The most common dome turbine is shown in the photo.

The design consists of more than two dozen blades made of thin sheet metal, assembled into a bud. The outer shell of the blades is attached to a cantilever mounted axis of rotation.

The deflector is installed only on ventilation pipes round section. The dome-shaped placement of the blades makes it possible to effectively capture horizontal air flows of 0.1-0.5 m/s in horizontal and vertical directions, which makes the turbine extremely efficient. For the dome to work, a weak “thermal” from the roof heated in the sun is enough.

Another advantage of the turbine is its unpretentiousness in choosing an installation location. As a rule, domes are installed on a ventilation pipe, at a height of 30-35 cm above the roofing, which has virtually no effect on the rafters and sheathing.

The turbine circuit deflectors are insensitive to dust storms and intense condensation. Firstly, even at a low rotation speed, the fallen film of moisture breaks off and drips from the sharp edges of the blades. Even if the outer shell is blocked for some reason, the ventilation system will still work, but with 10-15% less efficiency.

Sail and hood models

Very unusual appearance are weathervane or hood models of deflectors.

In fact, this is the only scheme in which the Bernoulli or ejection effect is fully used. The operating principle of the device is based on the ability of the weather vane to turn to the leeward side. The incoming air flow creates a vacuum in the ventilation pipe that is 15-20% higher than in Grigorovich systems or in a turbine.

The design is equipped with a kind of hood, which acts as a weather vane wing and at the same time covers the exhaust hole of the ventilation pipe from rain and snow.

For effective operation, the ventilation pipe with a hood deflector must be raised to the very top of the ridge, where there are no reflected air flows. The main disadvantage of the weather vane option is its high inertia; during sharp gusts of wind, the weather vane often does not have time to turn into the wind, and some of the exhaust gases are driven back into the ventilation system of the house by dynamic pressure.

Like a turbine, the feathering effect of increasing thrust and the performance of the hood deflector are practically independent of condensation, dust and air temperature.

One of the varieties of weather vane design is tubular deflectors. Essentially, this is a double-sided air diffuser - a confuser, which is also rotated by the air flow in the wind. The draft amplification factor in the ventilation pipe in such a device is higher than that of the Grinevich scheme, but lower than that of the classic hood design.


In addition to the listed systems for increasing the vacuum in the ventilation pipe, there are quite a lot of combinations and modifications with double nozzles, with perforated walls, with dust collectors, pressure pipes and reverse draft valves. But all of them, one way or another, have less efficiency and a more complex design, which inevitably affects the stability of the structure.

A set of necessary communications to ensure comfortable conditions in a building of any purpose involves, among other things, installing a ventilation system. Ideally, it should be energy-independent - this is very important in modern conditions without stopping rising energy prices. That is why, even at the stage of designing communications, natural ventilation is first considered. At the same time, the correct approach to technological solution systems – a rotary deflector integrated into the ventilation duct.

There can be no problems with traction

The purpose of any ventilation system is to remove polluted air and excess moisture from the premises, that is, to ensure normal air exchange. This will take place if the ventilation duct functions efficiently and correctly - the draft in it is excellent. If there are problems in this regard, they are often provoked by rain, snow, or wind masses entering the canal shaft. Also, poor draft can be caused by incorrect placement of the ventilation pipe, its insufficient height or incorrectly selected diameter of the air duct. Such shortcomings natural ventilation and is designed to eliminate the installation of a rotational deflector.

Reference. The rotational deflector has other names - turbodeflector or rotary turbine. This is a complex mechanism with a rotating part - an active head, equipped with special system blades. The design also has a static part - the base, to which the head is attached and connected to the ventilation pipe.

Advantages of a rotary deflector

  • Regardless of the wind direction, the rotational movements of the active head occur in the same direction. As a result, the effect of “partial vacuum” is obtained in the ventilation duct - the air becomes rarefied, the force of the flow increases, and the risk of reverse draft approaches zero.
  • Rotary models completely eliminate the impact on ventilation efficiency external factors– precipitation and gusty winds.
  • Autonomy of operation mechanical device, increasing the performance of the air exchange system is one of its most important advantages.
  • Low costs for modernizing ventilation.
  • Quick return on investment for installing a deflector with turbines.
  • Protection of the ventilation shaft from debris, birds, etc.
  • The decorative completeness of the pipe placed on the roof - any façade benefits from the presence of such a spherical object.

Important! The rotary deflector increases the efficiency of a standard natural supply and exhaust ventilation system by 2-4 times. In this case, “amplification” does not require connection to a power supply, which corresponds to modern trends energy efficiency of buildings and structures.

What are the disadvantages of a turbo deflector?

The rotary design is weather-dependent - this is actually its only, but very important, disadvantage. In calm weather, the turbo deflector is essentially no different from a conventional protective hood on the air duct pipe.

Is it possible to make a rotary deflector with your own hands?

More simple types Deflectors, which have been used in practice for a long time, are often made by skillful householders on their own. In principle, a technically savvy person can handle this work. True, this will require developing a working drawing of the future design, correctly taking measurements, and developing a diagram for installing the deflector.

Regarding the turbocharged variation, not everything is so simple - it is technically more complex design. Therefore, almost always, having decided to use a rotational model, they purchase it in the form of a professionally manufactured product.

What does the market offer?


The range of rotor deflectors of this trademark presented by models of different geometric shapes, in terms of the immovable base:

  • A – round pipe;
  • B – square pipe;
  • C – square flat base.

Product markings in the assortment are presented as TA-315, TA-355, TA-500. The digital index indicates the diameter of the round or the parameters of the rectangular bases. It is from them that one can judge the dimensions of the mechanism, as well as the scope of its application. For example, TA-315 and TA-355 are relevant when organizing air exchange in the under-roof space. But TA-500 is a universal device and can be integrated into the ventilation of a residential building.

The Turbovent rotational deflector is produced in Russia - in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the city of Arzamas.


Stainless steel deflectors made in Poland. Suitable for roofs of any configuration. The products are made from high quality stainless steel. The devices are universal - suitable for both ventilation systems and chimneys. Limit indicator operating temperature– 500 C.


A rotary deflector produced by a company from the Republic of Belarus. The manufacturer positions its products as a rotating smoke exhaust hood Turbomax1. But it is also suitable for ventilation. It can be used without fear in areas with wind load zones II and III. The company focuses the attention of consumers on the fact that they are ready to manufacture a product to order according to the parameters for a specific object.

Installation features

The factory turbo deflector is a one-piece design, ready for installation. It has an active movable top and a base that includes zero-drag bearings. The product is designed in such a way that even in a strong gusty wind it will not tilt or blow down.

Attention! During installation, it is important to take into account that the deflector of any modification should rise above the roof by 1.5-2.0 m. If this device is observed, the draft will be ventilation duct will still intensify.

In conclusion, we would like to note that rotational deflectors are the most expensive in their segment. In this case, the consumer is invited to choose a suitable structure made of stainless steel, galvanized or structural steel with a protective polymer coating, the color of which can be matched to the façade design. Of course, the type of material from which the deflector is made affects its cost.

Activities like individuals, and the entire current humanity is practically impossible without electricity. Unfortunately, the rapidly increasing consumption of oil and gas, coal and peat is leading to a decrease in the reserves of these resources on the planet. What can be done while earthlings still have all this? According to the conclusions of experts, it is the development of energy complexes that can solve the problems of global economic and financial crises. Therefore, the search and use of fuel-free energy sources is becoming the most urgent.

Renewable, ecological, green

Perhaps it is not worth reminding that everything new is well forgotten old. People learned to use the power of river flow and wind speed to generate mechanical energy a very long time ago. The sun heats our water and moves cars and powers spaceships. Wheels installed in the beds of streams and small rivers supplied water to fields back in the Middle Ages. One could provide flour to several surrounding villages.

At the moment we are interested in a simple question: how to provide your home with cheap light and heat, how to make a windmill with your own hands? 5 kW power or a little less, the main thing is that you can supply your home with current to operate electrical appliances.

Interestingly, in the world there is a classification of buildings according to the level of resource efficiency:

  • conventional, built before 1980-1995;
  • with low and ultra-low energy consumption - up to 45-90 kWh per 1 kW/m;
  • passive and non-volatile, receiving current from renewable sources (for example, by installing a rotary wind generator (5 kW) with your own hands or a system solar panels, this problem can be solved);
  • energy-efficient buildings that generate more electricity than they need earn money by passing it on to other consumers through the grid.

It turns out that your own home mini-stations, installed on roofs and in courtyards, can eventually become a kind of competition to large power suppliers. Yes and governments different countries strongly encourage the creation and active use

How to determine the profitability of your own power plant

Researchers have proven that the reserve capacity of winds is much greater than all the accumulated fuel reserves of centuries. Among the methods of obtaining energy from renewable sources, windmills have a special place, since their production is simpler than the creation of solar panels. In fact, you can assemble a 5 kW wind generator with your own hands, having the necessary components, including magnets, copper wire, plywood and metal for the blades.

Experts say that a structure not only of the correct shape, but also built in accordance with the right place. This means that it is necessary to take into account the presence, constancy and even speed of air flows in each individual case and even in a specific region. If the area periodically experiences calm, calm and windless days, installing a mast with a generator will not bring any benefit.

Before you start making a windmill with your own hands (5 kW), you need to think about its model and type. You should not expect a large energy output from a weak design. And vice versa, when you only need to power a couple of light bulbs in your dacha, there is no point in building a huge windmill with your own hands. 5 kW is a power sufficient to provide electricity to almost the entire lighting system and household appliances. If there is a constant wind, there will be light.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands: sequence of actions

At the location chosen for the high mast, the windmill itself with the generator attached to it is strengthened. The generated energy is transmitted through the wires to the right room. It is believed that the higher the mast design, the larger the diameter of the wind wheel and the stronger the air flow, the higher the efficiency of the entire device. In reality, everything is not quite like that:

  • for example, a strong hurricane can easily break the blades;
  • some models can be installed on the roof of a regular house;
  • a properly selected turbine starts easily and works perfectly even in very low wind speeds.

Main types of wind turbines

Designs with a horizontal axis of rotation of the rotor are considered classic. They usually have 2-3 blades and are installed at a high height from the ground. The greatest efficiency of such an installation is manifested at a constant direction and its speed of 10 m/s. A significant disadvantage of this blade design is the failure of the rotation of the blades during frequently changing, gusty conditions. This leads to either unproductive operation or destruction of the entire installation. To start such a generator after stopping, a forced initial rotation of the blades is necessary. In addition, when the blades actively rotate, they produce specific sounds that are unpleasant to the human ear.

A vertical wind generator (“Top” 5 kW or another) has a different rotor placement. H-shaped or barrel-shaped turbines capture wind from any direction. These structures are smaller in size, start even at the weakest air flows (at 1.5-3 m/s), do not require high masts, and can be used even in urban environments. In addition, self-assembled windmills (5 kW - this is real) reach their rated power at wind speeds of 3-4 m/s.

Sails are not on ships, but on land

One of the popular trends in wind energy now is the creation of a horizontal generator with soft blades. The main difference is both the material of manufacture and the shape itself: self-created windmills (5 kW, sail type) have 4-6 triangular fabric blades. Moreover, unlike traditional structures, their cross-section increases in the direction from the center to the periphery. This feature allows you not only to “catch” weak winds, but also to avoid losses during hurricane air flow.

The advantages of sailboats include the following indicators:

  • high power at slow rotation;
  • independent orientation and adjustment to any wind;
  • high weathervane and low inertia;
  • no need to force the wheel to spin;
  • completely silent rotation even at high speeds;
  • absence of vibrations and sound disturbances;
  • relative cheapness of construction.

DIY windmills

The 5 kW of required electricity can be obtained in several ways:

  • build a simple rotor structure;
  • assemble a complex of several sailing wheels arranged in series on the same axis;
  • use an axle design with neodymium magnets.

It is important to remember that the power of a wind wheel is proportional to the product of the cubic value of the wind speed and the swept area of ​​the turbine. So, how to make a 5 kW wind generator? Instructions below.

You can take a car hub as a basis and brake discs. 32 magnets (25 by 8 mm) are placed parallel in a circle on the future rotor disks (the moving part of the generator), 16 pieces per disk, and the pluses must alternate with the minuses. Opposing magnets must have different pole values. After marking and placement, everything on the circle is filled with epoxy.

Reels copper wire located on the stator. Their number should be less than the number of magnets, that is, 12. First, all the wires are taken out and connected to each other in a star or triangle, then they are also filled with epoxy glue. It is recommended to insert pieces of plasticine inside the coils before pouring. After the resin has hardened and been removed, there will be holes left that are needed for ventilation and cooling of the stator.

How does it all work

The rotor disks, rotating relative to the stator, form a magnetic field, and an electric current arises in the coils. And the windmill, connected through a system of pulleys, is needed in order to move these parts working structure. How to make a wind generator with your own hands? Some people start building their own power station by assembling a generator. Others - from the creation of a rotating blade part.

The shaft from the windmill is engaged by a sliding connection with one of the rotor disks. The lower, second disk with magnets is placed on a strong bearing. The stator is located in the middle. All parts are attached to the plywood circle using long bolts and secured with nuts. Between all the “pancakes”, minimum gaps must be left for free rotation of the rotor disks. The result is a 3-phase generator.


All that remains is to make windmills. You can make a 5 kW rotating structure with your own hands from 3 circles of plywood and a sheet of the thinnest and lightest duralumin. Metal rectangular wings are attached to the plywood with bolts and angles. First, guide grooves in the shape of a wave are hollowed out in each plane of the circle, into which the sheets are inserted. The resulting double-decker rotor has 4 wavy blades attached to each other at right angles. That is, between each two plywood pancakes fastened to the hubs there are 2 duralumin blades curved in the shape of a wave.

This structure is mounted in the center on a steel pin, which will transmit torque to the generator. Self-made windmills (5 kW) of this design weigh approximately 16-18 kg with a height of 160-170 cm and a base diameter of 80-90 cm.

Things to consider

A “barrel” windmill can even be installed on the roof of a building, although a tower 3-4 meters high is sufficient. However, it is imperative to protect the generator housing from natural precipitation. It is also recommended to install a battery energy storage device.

To obtain alternating current from direct 3-phase current, a converter must also be included in the circuit.

If there are enough windy days in the region, a self-assembled windmill (5 kW) can provide current not only to a TV and light bulbs, but also to a video surveillance system, air conditioning, refrigerator and other electrical equipment.