Methods of fortune telling for a person. Fortune telling methods at home Safe fortune telling

Fortune telling on ordinary playing cards is the most popular and popular way to find out your own future. Such fortune-telling does not require complex and expensive details. Playing cards that can be used in modern world, have their own origins from Tarot cards. It is easier to guess with ordinary cards, because the methods of fortune telling with Tarot cards are not so simple.

Navigator by methods

1. Fortune telling "Men's thoughts."

To try easy way fortune telling on cards, it is worth shuffling a deck of 36 ordinary cards, thinking about who you want to tell fortunes for. After this, with your left hand to your heart you need to remove the deck and pull out 6 cards out of order. At the same time, it is quite important to believe that this fortune-telling is true. 1 card will symbolize what the partner is thinking about, 2 - what he feels, 3 - the future, 4 - the secret desires of the beloved, 5 - his fears, and 6 will tell about what is happening in the life of the chosen one. at the moment.

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2. Fortune telling “Loves or dislikes.”

For the solitaire to turn out to be true, it is worth shuffling the deck, drawing a partner in your own imagination, as well as remembering the most small details relationship with him. After this, you will have to remove the cards to the heart and start playing solitaire. To do this, lay out a row of 6 cards face up in front of you, and below it is another row of the same number of cards, and behind the second row is a third. This continues until the deck is completely gone. At the same time, it is worth looking carefully at what is shown on the cards. If cards of the same value lie diagonally from each other, then they need to be removed, and the remaining cards must be moved in their place, and if they again turn out to be the same, then they are removed. The remaining cards are shuffled and laid out this time into 5 columns, then 4, 3 and finally 2. Next, you should count how many pairs of cards are left, because the interpretation of fortune telling will depend on this number.

  • 1 – your partner intends to ask you to marry.
  • 2 – a partner is attracted to you by true love.
  • 3 – like it.
  • 4 – he missed you.
  • 5 – he thinks about you.
  • 6 – the partner has another woman on his mind.
  • 7 or more - guess another time.

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3. Fortune telling “Will we be together?”

The cards must be shuffled by moving them towards you with your left hand. Then you can start planning. To do this, cards are laid out 9 in a row. If identical suits appear nearby, then they need to be removed without touching the intended queen and king. If identical suits end up under each other, then they should also be removed. On the formed empty seats The remaining cards are shifted from right to left. After the playing cards can be laid out, you can see whether the hidden king and queen are nearby. If they are together, then the guy and girl will be friends. If they are in the upper corner, then an imminent wedding is just around the corner. In other cases, you can read from the cards that fall between the queen and the king or in front of their pair, which will become an obstacle on the path of the lovers.

4. Fortune telling by wish.

The deck needs to be shuffled well, then make a wish and draw 1 card from the deck. If she turns out to be humanized, then other people will help in fulfilling desires if they have the suit of hearts, diamonds, crosses, but will become a hindrance in this if they have the suit of spades. If a 10 is rolled, then the desire will be satisfied, but with possible difficulties and difficult work. Card 9 speaks of the fulfillment of desires, but not in the form in which we would like. Card 8 indicates that the desire is unnecessary for a person at the moment, and card 7, on the contrary, indicates that it is worth hurrying. Card 6 means a quick resolution of the situation, allowing the desire to come true. Aces are a sign that a wish will come true.

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5. Fortune telling about your partner’s attitude towards you.

It's quite easy to guess on cards. There is an easy way to do this. The cards are laid out into as many piles as there are letters full name beloved. After this, you need to take the last pile and move the cards onto the previous ones, starting with the first “letter”. This continues until there are only 2 piles left. Next, you should take cards from each pile at the same time and turn them over. Couples will talk about their partner's attitude. Two sixes fall out - the road is waiting, sevens - the partner has a desire to talk, eights - he wants to meet. Nines indicate his love for you, and tens indicate suffering. A dropped jack will be a sign of trouble; the ladies will tell you that he has another one. Two kings mean that he thinks about you, and aces indicate that he has a desire to be with you.

6. Fortune telling “what to do.”

This is the easiest way to tell fortunes with cards. To do this, it is important to formulate the question to yourself in such a form that you can answer it “yes” or “no.” Next, the deck is shuffled and, without hesitation, you need to pull out the first card that comes across. If the card is red, then the answer to the question is yes. If it's black, it's negative.

7. Fortune telling for a successful marriage.

All 6s are removed from the playing deck of cards. Next, the deck is shuffled and all the cards are sequentially laid out into 5 separate piles. Each of them should contain 6 cards. The remaining 2 are placed on the last and first pile. Next, all cards up to the first king or queen are removed from each pile. After this, all cards are again scattered into 5 piles without shuffling the deck. It is worth performing such manipulations several times. Ideally, only pictures of kings and queens should remain. They are laid out in a row face up. If a suited pair of king and queen stands nearby, the marriage will be long and successful. In another situation, the opposite will happen.

8. Fortune telling “whether the wish will come true”

The deck of cards should be thoroughly mixed and 15 cards laid out in a row. After the deal, you need to select the aces and put them aside. This is done 2 more times. As a result, if in the process of fortune telling aces of all stripes come out, then the wish will certainly come true.

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9. Fortune telling “Ace + 10”.

You will only need 8 cards from the deck - these are all 10s and aces. For each ace, it is worth making a wish for a specific friend whose feelings you would like to know. Next, the aces are shuffled and laid face down on the table. After this, you should shuffle the 10s, placing them on top. On last stage it is necessary to check the suits for matching. If any Ace and 10 match in suit, then the intended man has tender feelings towards you.

10. Fortune telling is simple.

To begin with, you should choose “your” card. For those who are not married - the queen of diamonds and the king, for those who are married - the queen of hearts and the king, and for older people - the queen and king of clubs. After the deck has been shuffled, you need to remove cards from it, starting to lay them out in threes with pictures facing up. This continues until “your” card is found. Those cards that will be next to her will have to be solved.

  • 6 of any suit - to loss or disappearance;
  • 7 – to troubles, tears;
  • 8 - love disappointments and disappointed hopes;
  • 9 black suit - to obstacles;
  • 9 red suit - to pleasures and joys;
  • 10 - to cash receipts or gifts;
  • jack of black suit - empty chores and unpleasant news;
  • red jack - good news and good luck in business;
  • lady of black suit - the presence of a rival;
  • lady of red color - faithful friend or spouse;
  • red ace - a love message and a gift;
  • ace of black suit - rumors, intrigue, especially in the work team.

11. Fortune telling for the Queen of Spades and the King.

You need to shuffle the deck well and remove the card with your left hand towards you. Having found and placed the queen and king of spades in front of you, the cards are shuffled again. You should lay out every 7th card in front of you. There should be 10 cards in total. After this, you can see which suit prevails. The first 2 cards will not be counted, because they play the role of “oracles”.

  • Worms - loyalty and love, happiness in the family, reliable friends.
  • Clubs - a period of troubles, scandals, losses, probably illness and betrayal.
  • Diamonds - profit and success in business, carefree and fun pastime.
  • Peaks - fulfillment of desires, passion in love and success.

Since ancient times, people have wondered what they should expect from the future and what their fate will be. For this we used various ways fortune-telling, simple rituals that can be performed at home were especially popular. You can guess on many things, the main thing is to follow all the instructions and believe that the result of fortune telling will come true. Therefore, you need to learn to correctly interpret the received signs of fate.

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    How to guess correctly

    When doing fortune telling at home, it is important to follow simple rules, which, along with their simplicity, are quite effective and allow you to get a true result. Rules for performing fortune telling:

    • You can't guess on Sundays and during church holidays. The ritual should not be performed while the bell is ringing.
    • It is recommended to guess about your future and love affairs in the evening. The best time is after 19-00.
    • You need to guess alone.
    • If you don’t believe in the effectiveness of fortune telling, then you shouldn’t even start.
    • It is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on the process, turn off all modern gadgets.

    Girls who want to find out the name of their betrothed, or on Ivan Kupala. But you can guess throughout the year, because questions arise constantly, and waiting a whole year to find out the answer to them does not have enough patience and time.

    When you can't guess

    It is believed that Friday and Saturday are completely unsuitable for fortune telling. If you tell fortunes these days, then a string of troubles will accompany the fortuneteller throughout his life.

    The only exception is Yuletide or Christmas Day Fridays, as these are directly designated as periods for fortune-telling. If we consider the months, then January is considered the best month for performing fortune-telling rituals. It is especially good for long-term fortune telling. With the waxing moon, the answer to the question about your financial situation will be the most accurate. For fortune telling on financial matters, February, October and November are considered the most favorable.

    On the feast of St. Andrew (December 13), on Epiphany and Christmastide, it is best to tell fortunes about your betrothed.

    Types of fortune telling

    There are several types of fortune telling that are very easy to do:

    • At will. For the ritual of fortune-telling, you need to take twelve pieces of paper and write a separate wish on each one. You will get twelve wishes made. The papers are placed under the pillow in the evening. In the morning, three of them are taken out. They will come true next year.
    • For the betrothed. In order to dream about your betrothed, you need to put a small mirror under the pillow and try to fall asleep with thoughts about what you should dream about. future husband. To enhance the effect, you can say the phrase several times: “Mummer, come to me dressed up!” You can speak not out loud, but to yourself.
    • On the maps. Sometimes they tell fortunes with cards. There is a simple view. Take an ordinary deck of cards and before the New Year or during Christmas time (before going to bed), you need to take out four cards with the image of kings and hide them under the pillow and say the words: “Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will be in my dreams.”

    There is also fortune telling on water, which is popular in winter:

    1. 1. On New Year's night, everyone present in the room takes a spoonful of water and takes it out into the frosty air. In the morning they try to predict the future by the shape of water frozen in spoons. If the surface has ridges or is flat, this is fortunate. If the ice is with dents, it means illness and misfortune.
    2. 2. Pour water into a glass, put a ring in it and put it out in the cold. In the morning they check how many tubercles there are on the ice. The number of tubercles determines how many sons a girl will have, and how many daughters the girl will have, depending on the depressions.

    Fortune telling at home

    From the outside it may seem that fortune telling at home is not at all difficult and does not mean anything terrible for a person. But this is a misconception. Experienced fortune tellers and hereditary magicians warn that one should look extremely carefully beyond the border between fate and reality, since the game is on human life, and inept or reckless actions can have a detrimental effect on both the future of the fortuneteller and the fate of his loved ones.

    On the mirrors

    When fortune telling on a mirror at home, you need to start the ritual only after complete sunset or at night. Such fortune telling requires a psychological attitude. You can’t think about anything unpleasant, much less bad. You need to clearly imagine your goal and relax. Fortune telling on mirrors is the oldest and simplest fortune telling for marriage and love. How to do fortune telling:

    1. 1. For the ritual you will need two small mirrors of equal size.
    2. 2. They are placed one in front of the other and a candle is lit in front of the front sides of each mirror.
    3. 3. Then they take one mirror in their hands and stand in front of the second mirror so that they can see the reflection of the mirror in their hands.

    It is in this reflection that one should expect the image of the future spouse to appear.

    On wax and with candles

    Fortune telling is also done using candles. The shape and color of the candle are important. A spiral-shaped candle will predict your fate, and an ordinary church candle will tell you about your betrothed. To do this, you need to scratch his name on it. When fortune telling on a candle, the fortuneteller should not be disturbed. Only after complete relaxation you can light a candle and begin the ritual. The candle flame also matters:

    On the croup

    For this you will need buckwheat or rice, about a handful each, but always the same amount. You should mix the cereals and throw them into a plate of water, then you need to carefully look at which cereals are more on the surface:

    • There was more rice - happiness and good luck awaited ahead.
    • There was more buckwheat - difficulties awaited ahead.
    • Rice and buckwheat are the same - you will have to create your future yourself.

    On beans

    A handful of beans is poured onto the table and the figure is looked for:

    • horseshoe - luck and happiness;
    • flower - acquaintance;
    • triangle - problems await in the family;
    • cross - troubles are coming;
    • without a figure - there will be a streak of failures.

    On paper

    On checkered paper they tell fortunes about the betrothed as follows:

    1. 1. You will need a pen and a sheet of paper.
    2. 2. With your left hand (if the fortuneteller is right-handed), the name of the betrothed is written in the corner, and a heart is drawn in the center. For a left-hander, everything is done the other way around.
    3. 3. Then, along the contour of the drawn heart, you need to cross out all the whole cells that were not touched by the line when drawing the heart.
    4. 4. You should cross out entire cells, three at a time.

    The remaining cells will be the answer:

    • 1 cell - the betrothed reciprocates and is drawn to the fortuneteller, but he is not yet ready within himself for such a serious act as a marriage proposal;
    • 2 cells - he is indifferent to the fortuneteller, but time changes everything;
    • there are no cells left - everything can work out, but not quickly.

    With needles

    A way to find out about your future with your loved one is fortune telling using needles. The result obtained should be interpreted by a person who is already familiar with fortune telling and knows.

    Algorithm for the ritual:

    1. 1. Take 13 thin long pins or needles. You need to bend three pieces and leave the rest.
    2. 2. Mark one needle with varnish. Fortune telling will be carried out on her.
    3. 3. If fortune telling is carried out on another specific person, then you can also mark the needle with his name.
    4. 4. Place in front of you blank slate Whatman paper and with his left hand all the needles are thrown at him.
    5. 5. To decipher the fortune telling, you need to mentally divide the sheet of whatman paper into five parts.

    Explanation of the result:

    • those needles that fall into the upper part of the Whatman paper are unforeseen circumstances;
    • those falling in the left corner - negative past;
    • caught in bottom part- thoughtless submission;
    • right side - future events;
    • the center of the sheet is harmony, peace and confidence.

    If the marked needle is in the center or intersects with other sectors, good luck, surprises and interesting encounters await you.

    It is important where the eye of the needle is directed:

    • in the upper right corner - there will be positive changes in love;
    • in the bottom right - not very good news from the chosen one;
    • in the upper left - the biggest change in love is already over and there will be no news;
    • in the bottom left - everything depends on your own efforts;
    • if there is only one needle and does not touch the others - loneliness or quarrels with a loved one;
    • if the needle is at the top, fate depends entirely on the fortuneteller;
    • if the ear looks to the right, there may be a loss of influence on the loved one and the initiative will pass into his hands;
    • if the ear is directed to the left, you should be careful not to destroy the harmony;
    • if the needle lies below, the relationship depends more on the partner. The more needles that look with their ears at the main needle, the stronger the marriage will be;
    • if there are bent needles nearby, there is trouble ahead;
    • if the bent needles are very close to the main one and point their points at it, there will be many ill-wishers trying to destroy the relationship;
    • if the other needle lies exactly on the main one, there is a rival;

    If you divide the sheet into twelve parts in a circle, then the prediction can be obtained by month. Fortune telling is done using matches and sticks in the same way. The eye is replaced by the head of a match or a mark on a stick.

    On coins

    The ritual of fortune telling on coins, with skill and experience, allows you to get answers to almost any questions, not only in the monetary area of ​​​​life. You need a container of water and a few coins. They should first be kept in water for a day to remove the foreign energy.

    Fortune telling method using three coins:

    1. 1. Toss three coins 6 times and count which is more - heads or tails.
    2. 2. If 2 or 3 coins fell up heads, then on the sheet it is worth drawing a line that is interrupted in the middle; if there are more heads, a continuous line.
    3. 3. You will get a hexagram, which can be interpreted in different ways.

    It can be deciphered using the interpreter:

    Number and order of lines Interpretation
    All solidPeak of success
    All intermittentPerseverance will bring success in two months
    1 continuous, three intermittent, continuous and intermittentNothing will come true, everything is unsuccessful
    1 intermittent, 1 continuous, three intermittent and 1 continuousMuch will become clear soon
    Three solid, 1 intermittent, 1 solid, 1 intermittentSoon it will take a lot of strength
    1 intermittent, 1 continuous, 1 intermittent, three continuousConflict is coming, destroying harmony
    1 intermittent, 1 continuous, four intermittentConscious solitude
    Four intermittent, 1 continuous, 1 intermittentThe troubles are over, but not all yet
    Three solid, 1 broken, two solidBad luck ahead, but then success
    Two solid, 1 broken, three solidRestraint and courtesy must be shown
    Three solid, then three intermittentFriends will bring good luck
    Three intermittent, then three solidBe careful, there are ill-wishers nearby
    One solid, 1 broken, four solidYou will meet nice people everywhere
    Four solid, 1 broken, 1 solidGood luck lies ahead
    Two intermittent, 1 continuous, three intermittentThere will be failures ahead, but everything will be fine
    Three intermittent, 1 continuous, two intermittentSuccess is coming
    One continuous, two intermittent, two continuous, 1 intermittentDon't change your principles
    One intermittent, two continuous, two intermittent, 1 continuousAdjust your relationship with your environment
    Two solid, four intermittentSuccess in all matters
    Four intermittent, two solidTrouble is brewing all around
    1 continuous, two intermittent, 1 continuous, 1 intermittent, 1 continuousA new business will bring happiness
    One continuous, 1 intermittent, 1 continuous, two intermittent, one continuousThe question of fortune telling depends on the people around you
    Five intermittent, one continuousThere are big changes ahead, the likes of which are unknown
    One continuous, five intermittentConfused situation and changes are coming
    One continuous, two intermittent, three continuousIt's worth being truthful, success awaits ahead
    Three solid, two broken, 1 solidWill need strength soon
    One solid, four intermittent, 1 solidStop gossiping and everything will get better
    One intermittent, four continuous, 1 intermittentSelf-confidence is harmful, but self-criticism is useful
    One intermittent, 1 continuous, two intermittent, 1 continuous, 1 intermittentLosses and defeats, but they lead to success
    1 continuous, one intermittent, two continuous, 1 intermittent, one continuousRefusal of illusions

    According to the book

    This is a fairly simple fortune telling, which is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. You need to take a book with more narrative content and guess the page and line number.
    2. 2. At the same time, do not forget to indicate whether to count from above or from below.
    3. 3. Read the hidden line, it will be in it hidden meaning answer.

    With threads

    You will need colored threads - red, white, blue, green and black. You need to cut a small piece and put five threads in a small bag. After this, you should say the phrase: “I want to know everything that is in the heart of my beloved. Open your darling to me and tell me the whole truth.”

    Close your eyes and pull out 5 threads at random. You should look at which threads there will be more. If all five threads turn out to be different colors, then you need to tell your fortune again. If the threads turn out to be a pair of each color and 1 other, then both predictions are suitable, the only question is the time after which they will come true.

    Interpretation of colors:

    • White. It is he who will propose marriage. It is not known how long such a marriage will turn out to be, but at the moment it is happiness.
    • Black. The chosen one likes another girl, so he constantly looks at others.
    • Green. He is ready to be there, but the family and making important decisions will depend entirely on his wife. If this does not frighten you, then you can develop the relationship; the chosen one will not leave.
    • Red. He is deeply in love with and devoted to the fortune-telling girl.
    • Blue. This is more of a friend than a betrothed. It is better to reconsider such relationships.

    To new love

    The algorithm for performing fortune telling is as follows:

    1. 1. To tell fortunes about men’s feelings, you will need a pen and two sheets of paper.
    2. 2. On the first sheet you need to draw a big heart, and cut the other sheet into squares.
    3. 3. On the squares you need to write letters from the letter s="tautology-highlight">letter "A" to the letter "F".
    4. 4. Place the sheet with the heart in front of you, mix the squares and pour them onto the heart with the words: “My heart, show me my betrothed.”
    5. 5. Next, you should take out four squares, the main thing is that they are in the contours of the drawn heart, so you will need an assistant.
    6. 6. Then you can open your eyes and read the result.

    The letters that appear in the squares will subsequently appear in the surname and first name of the future husband.

    On cotton wool

    Under any hat or headscarf you need to put cotton balls of different sizes. Then you need to pull one out at random and look at its size. The larger the lump, the fatter the spouse will be.

    By the shadows

    They burn a lump of paper and try to discern the outlines of the betrothed from the shadow cast by the remaining ashes. The meaning of the figures seen is determined by the interpreter.

    On an apple

    Cut the apple into nine parts, eat eight in front of the mirror, and throw the ninth over your shoulder (left) and look in the mirror - the image of your betrothed will appear there.

    By hair

    Women often tell fortunes by their hair. It is recommended to use this type of fortune telling no more than once a year. If you have a premonition that the future depends on the difficult choice ahead and any action will have consequences, then you should tell your fortune in this way.

    You will need a strand of hair from the fortuneteller's head. On a windless moonlit night, you need to burn a strand on a fire and observe the combustion process:

    • They burn immediately - success awaits you in the future.
    • Burn brightly and for a long time - spiritual development is ahead and major acquisitions are coming.
    • Smoldering and not wanting to burn means danger, illness or even death. At least trouble.
    • Do not burn out completely - this means treason loved one.
    • They smoke and burn brightly - changes are coming in the future life.

    There is a simpler method, but correspondingly less reliable. Wrap your hair around your finger and count the number of turns. If it’s even, the answer is “yes,” if it’s odd, the answer is “no.”

    There was another fortune-telling on Epiphany evening or Christmastide; the girls looked for hair under their house among the snow. Whatever color it turns out to be - that’s what the betrothed’s hair will be. If no hair was found, then marriage was not expected.

    You can put a comb (comb) under the pillow, be sure to wash it clean, and at the same time say: “Betrothed, mummer, comb my head!” The chosen one should appear in a dream and in the morning you can find hair on the comb. By their color you can understand what the hair color of your future husband will be.

    On a frying pan

    The first method of fortune telling is as follows:

    1. 1. Place straw collected in a ball on the table.
    2. 2. Place a frying pan on it, and a stone on it.
    3. 3. Then they pour water over it, and each person present slowly takes out a straw from under the stone.
    4. 4. The name of the betrothed is represented by sound.

    Second way of fortune telling:

    1. 1. Pour water into a frying pan and place stones inside.
    2. 2. Throw lumps of hemp or flax on top, set them on fire and cover with a saucepan on top.
    3. 3. If the water starts bubbling loudly, then the son-in-law will have a very grumpy mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law will have the same mother-in-law.

    With ring

    Three quarters of water is poured into a simple glass with a flat bottom and carefully lowered into the middle. wedding ring. It should be thoroughly cleaned before the ceremony. If you look into its middle for a long time, you can see your future spouse (or wife).

    Wood burning

    The girls (without looking) pull out a log from the woodpile and inspect it. The smoother and smoother it is, the more beautiful and kind the future spouse (boyfriend) will be.

    On the salt

    How to carry out such fortune telling:

    1. 1. If you eat something too salty before going to bed, you may see prophetic dream. Before falling asleep, you should say the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.”
    2. 2. Before the New Year, twelve scales are separated from the bulb and their names of twelve months are called. Each is sprinkled with salt and placed on the table overnight. In the morning they check what happened to them. This is how they learn about the events of the coming year.

    The position of the onion scale is interpreted as follows:

    Name of the month Eventthis month next year
    • The salt has melted - you will need help.
    • Salt has swelled - pay attention to raising children.
    • If everything remains so, profit awaits
    FebruaryMelted salt - winter fishing will succeed
    • Melted salt - to disagreements in the family, disputes and quarrels.
    • Swollen salt - possible betrayal of your spouse.
    • No change - everything will be fine in love
    AprilSwollen salt - good fishing and hunting
    MayThe salt has melted - it’s better not to leave home for a long time, otherwise trouble may come
    • Melted salt - do not move from your place of residence, otherwise there will be trouble.
    • Swollen salt - fishing and hunting will be successful.
    • No changes - the trip or out-of-town trip will be successful
    JulyNo changes - good time to rest
    AugustSalt swollen - high-paying new job
    • The salt has melted - it's time to rest.
    • The salt has swelled - a new interesting job will appear.
    • Nothing has changed - previously lost connections will be restored
    OctoberNo changes - it’s worth returning to previous connections
    NovemberNo changes - it’s worth restoring lost connections
    • The salt has melted - your purchases will be successful.
    • The salt has swelled - new acquaintances will appear

    If the salt on some scale turns black, then this predicts illness of the fortuneteller or a loved one. This month will be difficult, with financial expenses, and your efforts will bring very modest results. This is a harbinger of disappointment, collapse of plans and losses.

    If not only the salt, but also the scale itself has turned black, then this foreshadows thefts, fires, accidents, injuries, violence, etc. One of your acquaintances or loved ones may die.

    If the scales are wrinkled, then danger is coming from outside. This is a sign of bad luck.

    On the coffee grounds

    The coffee is not finished, the cup is shaken clockwise several times and placed on a saucer so that one edge is higher. They look at the flowing coffee grounds and look for a pattern that will mean the following:

    • A pattern or sign is larger - a strong influence of the sign.
    • Patterns closer to the edge of the cup mean the prediction will come true faster.
    • The pattern is located below - it takes longer to wait for the result of fortune telling.
    • The closer the sign is to the pen - the relationship to the fortuneteller has a result.
    • More dark color - it will be worse for the fortuneteller.
    • A bright cup means a bright future.

    Interpretation of patterns should be carried out according to the interpreter.

    In the snow

    Fortune telling is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. On Epiphany Eve, before sunset, naked girls leave the house and throw snowballs over their left shoulders. At the same time, they listen. Wherever the sound comes from, in that direction they will get married.
    2. 2. Girls lie with their backs on the snow in the evening and watch in the morning. If the snow remains smooth, then their future spouse will be kind and calm. If the place turns out to be excised, then the husband will be pugnacious and contentious.

    Card rituals

    For such fortune telling, you will need an interpreter of the meaning of the cards. It can be purchased at any bookstore or found on the Internet. Tarot cards also have their own interpreter.

    How to do fortune telling on cards:

    1. 1. The deck of cards needs to be shuffled, think over the question to which the answer is being sought.
    2. 2. Part of the deck should be removed with the left hand and placed down the deck.
    3. 3. Then the cards are fanned out, nine cards are selected from the deck, without being turned over.
    4. 4. With the help of an interpreter, it remains to find out the answers that were obtained.

    Another way of fortune telling with cards:

    1. 1. From a shuffled deck of 36 cards, remove a piece with your left hand and place it under the deck, and then, without looking, take out 5 cards and place one on the table in the center, and one on each of the four sides.
    2. 2. Central card - number 1, top - 2, right - 3, bottom - 4, left - 5.
    3. 3. The cards are placed face down.

    The decoding of cards for such fortune telling is as follows:

    • 2 - near future;
    • 3 - distant future;
    • 4 - distant past;
    • 5 - what prevents the fulfillment of desire.

    Using fortune telling playing card you can find out about your future with a certain person. The deck should be shuffled and moved towards you with the little finger of the hand (left), and then placed down. The top card is the answer to prospects with a betrothed, which is interpreted as follows:

    • Clubs - difficulties.
    • Worms - strong love.
    • Peaks - to difficulties and troubles.
    • Diamonds - happy life.
    • 6 - news expected.
    • 7 - to joy.
    • 8 - disappointment is coming.
    • 9 - kiss.
    • 10 - long happiness.
    • Jack - for love.
    • Lady - to her rival.
    • King - someone will help in love problems.
    • Ace - the relationship will be strong.

    This ritual is performed on future life with your chosen one late in the evening and always on odd days of the calendar.

    7 card spread

    Seven cards are taken out from a deck of Tarot cards one by one and the future is interpreted according to the interpreter:

    1. 1. Sunset map.
    2. 2. Horizon Map.
    3. 3. Obstacle Map.
    4. 4. Strength Card.
    5. 5. Card Consultant.
    6. 6. Navigation Map.
    7. 7. Card of Clarity.

    To carry out such fortune telling, it is better to contact an experienced tarot reader who will correctly lay out the cards.

  • 7 - successful offer;
  • 8 - useful meeting;
  • 9 - love news;
  • 10 - successful trip;
  • jack - good news, the birth of a child or a wedding;
  • lady - friend, unmarried girl or woman;
  • king - friend or young man;
  • ace - a pleasant solution to problems.

Home fortune-telling is simple, with the help of them you can easily and quickly get the necessary answers to any questions.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been mine main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in personal life were chasing me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems like your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

It all started when I ordered my personal...

These fortune tellings are effective because the author tested them on herself. Therefore, I claim that everything you read about below works great.

1. Fortune telling on the water

Of all the elements of nature, water has the best memory. We are 70% water, our brain is 90%. Therefore, whatever you say to the water you are going to drink is what your body will receive. This unique effect of H2O is responsible for the high effectiveness of this fortune telling.

Before going to bed, sit on your bed. It is better if the room is dark so that nothing distracts you from concentrating on the question you would like to answer. The truthfulness of the answer depends on how collected and concentrated you are.

Take a glass of water in both palms. Relax your body. Think about your question for a few minutes. Bring the glass to your lips so that when you speak, your breath touches the water. Tell her a few kind words in a half-whisper. Science says the most effective words for water are “love” and “thank you.” But you can say what comes from your heart. Tell her your specific question in a couple of phrases. Approximately, it should begin like this: “Dear water, you know everything, please tell me (further what you want to know).” Slowly drink half of it. Put the rest in your head, on the nightstand, if not, on the floor. It is advisable after this not to watch TV, not to read, but just to fall asleep.

At night you will see in a dream the exact answer to your question. The main thing is, when you wake up, don’t forget it. To do this, I give advice: do not open your eyes as soon as you wake up. Replay in your head what the dream showed you. Then you definitely won't forget it! Take the glass, thank the water again and drink the rest.
This fortune telling is especially effective when the issue concerns health. But not necessarily.

2. Fortune telling with wax

Everything is simple here. Melt natural wax and slowly pour it into a bowl of cool water, maybe straight from the tap. You will be amazed at the pictures you see! Sometimes you can see the answer so accurately that you are simply amazed. Since water and wax are natural things, do not forget to hold the wax in your hands, thinking about your question, and say “thank you” to the water.

This fortune telling is also good because along the way, you can improve your health. In this case, you whisper “Our Father” into the water, and your assistant, holding a bowl of this water over your head, pours wax into it. Don't forget about safety, do everything carefully and slowly!!! After use, the water is poured onto the ground, and the wax is buried in the ground.

3. Fortune telling on coffee grounds

Well, where would we be without him! Everything is also much simpler than it seems at first glance. Be sure to take natural coffee beans. It is advisable to grind it by hand, but how will it work out? Place a heaping teaspoon of coffee into a cup, with or without sugar - as you wish. Important point: The cup and saucer must be pure white, without patterns or rims. Pour boiling water over it. Cover the cup with the front side of the saucer. You wait 5-7 minutes, turning your question over in your head. If you want, you can speak out loud, but specifically.

You drink silently, slowly, leaving a sip. Cover the saucer again in the same way with your left hand. The right hand holds the cup, and quickly turn the cup upside down so that it remains standing on the saucer. Wait a couple of minutes. Carefully turn the cup over. Admire the resulting patterns. Interpret the answer. If the wax shows you the exact answer, for example, you may even see a familiar face, then this fortune-telling will, of course, require creative imagination. But that’s exactly what makes it interesting!

By the way, unlike the first two fortune-telling, which answer a specific question, this fortune-telling can immediately show you the past, present, and future.

4. Fortune telling from a book

The simplest fortune telling, which does not require special skills, but is also quite accurate. Most often, in this type of fortune telling, the Bible is used, oddly enough. But that doesn't matter. The main thing is that this book is authoritative for you. For example, it’s convenient for me to use a book of aphorisms, quotes, or just an oracle. It also requires developed creativity to understand the answer correctly. But everything comes with experience! You may not get a direct answer, but this fortune telling is one of the most interesting and enjoyable!

So on right hand put the book down and cover it with your left hand. Close your eyes and ask a question in your mind. Open the book with your left hand where you can. Now, either you can point your finger at random and read the answer. Or tell yourself: right (left) page, such and such a line at the top (bottom). That's it, read it.
Most often, this type of fortune telling answers a question like: what is in store for me? Or, what should I do?

There could be a fifth fortune-telling here, the most accurate, time-tested. We are, of course, talking about cards. I won’t lie, I was always drawn to this business, although I had no such teachers or family members. I swung straight at the TAROT. Why waste time on trifles! I learned on my own, through practice. By the way, everything I predicted came true. But! Smart people slapped hands. A man who has been doing card fortune-telling for about 30 years said that he even takes out the TAROT once a year, on a special occasion. And that they can open the door to such forces that will sweep me off the face of the earth like a grain of sand. I, as a person who has some connection to the occult sciences, of course, believed it. So, I don't recommend it. If you really want card fortune telling, find a professional.

Of course, there is still such a mass of fortune-telling that no single article can accommodate. From the simplest, such as: on a chamomile, on a clock, on a ring, on a table, etc. To professional ones, such as: runic, zodiac, astrological, palmistry, etc. It is, of course, up to you to choose and answer. But let me give you some advice: don’t look into the future unless absolutely necessary. Think every time whether you really need it.

You can find out your destiny on the winter holiday of Christmas. His ancestors endowed him with special power, since on these days the sun winter period, unfolds in the summer, and at this moment you can tell fortunes about the groom or find out answers to secret questions.

You can cast a spell in the evening, just before bed, at midnight and early in the morning. All fortune telling begins in the evening of January 6 and in the morning of January 7.

Evening Christmas fortune telling

You can cast a spell on the groom or find out the future in many ways in the evening, without waiting until midnight.

Christmas fortune telling on mirrors

View the groom

An ancient and terrible thing is fortune-telling using mirrors for your future husband. You can guess late in the evening and at midnight. Turn off the lights in the room, place a mirror on the table and light a candle near it. Mentally call the groom and look in the mirror. He will come up from behind and you can see him in the mirror.

How many people are in the groom's family

Stand with a mirror at the window in the evening and look at the reflection of the month in the mirror. Several reflections of the month in the mirror symbolize the number of people in the groom's future family.

Fortune telling with a match

Take two matches and mentally imagine yourself with the guy you like. Set them on fire and see how they burn; if the heads of the matches turn towards each other, then the relationship will be successful.

Safe Christmas fortune telling

On the book

Harmless and safe divination on a book. Open any page of the book and read any paragraph. This is what awaits man in the future.

On seeds

Safe fortune telling, just like a book. Take some seeds in your palm and put them aside in pairs, if there are two seeds left in the palm, then a year promises marriage, you will have to wait another year if there is only one seed left.

Christmas fortune telling with wax

Wax fortune telling. Will show you what to expect this year. Light the candle and wait until it burns well, then start dripping wax from the candle into a container with water. After waiting a little, take the resulting shape out of the water and see what it looks like - this is what will happen.

Fortune telling on a cat

You can also tell fortunes with your favorite pet – a cat. Mentally make a wish and call the cat to you, carefully look at which paw she stepped over the threshold with. On the right - your wish will come true, on the left - most likely it will not come true.

Fortune telling on a dog

The dog will also help determine where the groom will live. Go outside in the evening and mentally ask the dog to bark where her future husband lives. If the barking is heard close, then he lives nearby, and if the barking is distant, then it is far away.

On a spikelet

Fortune telling on the steps

Climb the steps and mentally talk about two qualities of your future husband, for example, generosity or stinginess. The last step will be the answer.

Christmas fortune telling on a chicken egg

Take chicken egg and pour the protein into a container with warm water. Look at the resulting figure, and that’s what will happen.

How to tell your fortune before going to bed on Christmas?

Most fortune telling can be done before going to bed, mentally ask for an answer to your question and see it in a dream.

With matches

Place a small well under a pillow of matches and mentally call the future groom to quench his thirst. If you dream of a guy, this is your future husband.

With a comb

Take your hair comb to bed and mentally ask your future husband to comb his hair. If you dreamed about a guy, you need to remember what he looks like and recognize him when you meet him.

With salt

Before going to bed, swallow a pinch of salt and ask your future husband for water in a dream. The one who appears to you in a dream will become your husband.

With cards

Place four card kings under your pillow. Whichever one you dream about will be the husband. King of Spades, not so much good man and most likely a little older than the bride. Cross King- military or police officer. The King of Diamonds is handsome and kind. The King of Hearts is the best and most beloved.

Christmas fortune telling at midnight for the groom

Fortune telling should begin no earlier than midnight. These fortune tellings are famous for their truthfulness, but it’s also a little scary to do it in the middle of the night, but to find out the future, you can try.

At the table

A brave girl, all alone, sets the table and sits down at it, mentally calling her future husband to her place for dinner. At dusk, the groom must come and sit at the table; he must be carefully examined and remembered. Fortune telling is not suitable for the faint of heart, as the results of fortune telling are varied, and many claim that the shadow of a person appeared in the room.

By the window

Sit by the window and mentally call for the groom to come. If you can clearly hear a passing car or train, then married life will be successful.

With a wedding ring

Take a wedding ring, a container of water and light a candle, turn off the rest of the lighting, just the candle. Place the ring in the water and ask the groom to mentally appear, peer into the hole of the ring and see his future husband for a second.

With boots

Take your boots and throw them over the fence. Then go out and see if the boots fell close to each other, then the groom is close, and if they scattered far away, then the husband is still far away.

For porridge

Family fortune-telling using porridge to predict what kind of year the family will have. At midnight, the woman puts any cereal in a pan, and the man fills it with water and begins to cook. Then look at how it was cooked; if the porridge runs down the pan, then troubles are expected in the family in the coming year. Well-cooked porridge symbolizes a good harvest year, and poorly cooked porridge symbolizes a not very successful year for the family.

Morning Christmas fortune telling

In the morning, you can have fun with friends and family by telling fortunes on coffee grounds. You need to brew coffee in a Turkish pot, that is, with your hands.

Over a cup of coffee, talk about an issue of interest. After the coffee has been drunk, consider what pattern has formed at the bottom from the coffee grounds - this will be the answer to the future question. Fun and safe.

In no case should you be upset if the fortune telling did not work out or did not show a very good result. This is life - everything is in the hands of a person, you can always change it for the better!

I would like to immediately note that you can see the future using absolutely any signs and objects. However, this will not be a detailed picture of events, but simply an answer to the question. How often does it happen that you don’t know what to do, you think for a long time, and then you come across a sign on the way and it’s immediately clear what to do. This is also a kind of fortune telling, in which familiar objects are not used.

If you nevertheless decide to tell fortunes using cards or runes, then you need to choose the right time. It is better to do the layout on Monday or Friday, but on weekends the cards may not tell the truth. If you are telling fortunes about love, then the best day will, of course, be Friday. Well, for the rest, you should be guided by the fact that from 11 to four o’clock in the morning the highest concentration and connection with other world. The time from two to four in the afternoon is also favorable.

Fortune telling is usually associated with lunar activity, so if you want to choose the most favorable day to answer your question, then follow the night luminary. Good connection with the other world on 12, 14, 18 lunar days.

You should also be warned against terrible fortune-telling, which drives you crazy and can bring disaster. These include some used at Christmas time. Fortune telling with mirrors is very dangerous, since a mirror is a powerful conductor from which any evil spirits can emerge. This especially happens on days of strength. Calling spirits to ask them any question is also dangerous. If you are not confident in your abilities, then don’t even try, otherwise you will definitely need the help of an experienced healer.

So, now you know some rules that will make your fortune telling stronger, on what days it should take place, and also what dangers it can pose.

Fortune telling using cards and runes

Perhaps fortune telling with cards is the most popular way to find out the future. To do this, you just have to purchase a deck of cards (Tarot or even the most ordinary playing cards) and an interpreter. It will take you some time to get used to the cards so that they can hear you and answer questions correctly. The most in a simple way This will involve pulling out a card every day. This is also a kind of fortune telling for the day (what awaits you). After some time, you can start working with a more serious layout (and you can choose it from many well-known ones).

Fortune telling with runes is no less popular. These are symbols that are carved on small wooden squares, pebbles, even berry seeds. Those who decide to take this type of prediction seriously cut out their own runes, and then carry them in a special bag. For beginners, an interpreter is also required.

Using a crystal ball for fortune telling

Enough interesting view fortune telling using a crystal ball. It is usually used when doing fortune telling for the future. Pure transparent glass (ideally crystal) will easily show pictures of the future to an experienced or capable seer. If you don’t have enough experience and your abilities are also not up to par, then training is needed. Constant, but short-lived at first, since this type of fortune telling takes too much energy.

The first sign that things are starting to work out will be fog or haze in the ball. This is a sign. After some time, the future may be revealed to you; everything will depend on personal strength. Classes should be conducted in a darkened room, and the ball should be placed on a table covered with a dark tablecloth. This atmosphere will improve your perception.

Other popular fortune telling

There are also other, no less popular, fortune telling. Below we list some:

  1. fortune telling on coffee grounds;
  2. fortune telling using old coins;
  3. fortune telling with wax;
  4. fortune telling by candles;
  5. fortune telling using a book, etc.

Love fortune telling

Separately, it is necessary to say about fortune telling for love. There are quite a lot of them. Among them there are both quite dangerous and completely innocent. The latter include, for example, fortune telling with a chamomile “loves or dislikes”. Perhaps this is the first fortune telling that the girl learns about. Fortune telling with a match is no less safe. But this is more like pampering. More serious fortune telling can bring misfortune to the questioner, so they must be used with caution. These include various mirror fortune telling.

If you already have a second half, then there is fortune telling for the relationship. Here you can find out what awaits you with this person, whether there is a future with him and what kind. However, do not do anything rash. If everything is good in your relationship, things are heading towards the wedding, but you suddenly told your fortune and saw that he is not the hero of your novel, then you should not draw negative conclusions. Fate changes because of people's actions, and fortune telling is not always truthful.

Also, you shouldn’t go to extremes if you really want a relationship with a specific person, but you don’t have one and never will. Even fortune telling shows this. The thing is that a person who has encountered the world of magic can suddenly decide to change everything with its help. Especially in love. But a love spell on the object of your passion will only completely ruin your life, because it is very similar to spoiling, it only affects the love sphere. Wait for your true love, reveal your potential and it will definitely appear on your path.

Yuletide fortune telling

Christmas fortune-telling, which in our country takes place from the seventh to the nineteenth of January, is fundamentally different. During this period, girls only make fortunes about their betrothed. It should be noted that the consequences of some of these fortune-telling are similar to those that occur from a love spell. That is why you need to be very careful when choosing them, so that later you do not have to turn to a healer for help.

So, the simplest and safest fortune telling what kind of husband will be is the following. Before you go to bed, prepare a glass with a little water and then add a little salt into it. You need to drink water, so don’t overdo it with salt. Say the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, give me a drink!” In a dream, a young man will definitely come to you, who will later become your husband.


So, now you know what fortune telling is, as well as the dangers in doing so. Be very careful when choosing a method of communicating with the other world or forces; if you suddenly feel that something is wrong, immediately contact an experienced specialist who can solve your problem.

And on our website you can find out a lot of other information by going to the videos and articles section.