How to descale an electric kettle. How to descale a kettle: revealing all the secrets. The most effective and safest methods for removing scale from a kettle How to remove scale from an electric kettle using citric acid

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In this article we will tell you how to properly wash and remove limescale from a kettle at home using improvised means.

Limescale in a kettle - a problem or not?

Boiling water is an integral part of our everyday life. And each of us noticed that inside the dishes, which are often used for boiling, plaque forms and sediment appears. These are salts (calcium, magnesium) contained in any hard water, which disintegrate when heated and form an insoluble precipitate. The question arises: what does this threaten us with? Scale harms not only your health, but also the devices, equipment and utensils in which the water heating process occurs.

Health Hazards:

  • Accumulation of salts in joints;
  • Blockage of blood vessels;
  • Formation of kidney stones.

Regarding damage to devices, equipment and utensils:

  • Even a slight layer of scale reduces thermal conductivity, that is, heating hard water will take longer and more energy will be needed, be it electricity or gas.
  • The formation of scale can lead to cracks in the metal, and cracks can lead to breakdowns of equipment and devices.

How to clean limescale in a kettle at home using folk remedies

There are a lot of ways to get rid of this problem, we will tell you about all the options, even such as Fanta, Sprite, apple and potato peelings.

A quick way - cleaning with citric acid

The most well-known method for descaling is citric acid. This product is in every home, but not everyone knows that it can be used to get rid of scale, not only from kitchen utensils, but also from appliances. It is absolutely safe and does an excellent job of removing scale.

The removal method is elementary:

IMPORTANT: before using the kettle, you need to boil the water twice and drain it.

Can you peel with lemon?

The next way to remove scale is with lemon. This method is well suited for people who adhere to the use of natural products. The principle of action of lemon and citric acid is similar; they contain acids that break down scale.


  • Cut the whole lemon into small pieces;
  • Pour into a bowl with scale, fill with water;
  • Boil for five minutes and leave to cool;
  • After cooling, drain;
  • Remove any remaining scale with a sponge;
  • If necessary, repeat the procedure;
  • After the cleaning process, rinse the dishes well and boil water without anything to get rid of any remaining lemon smell and taste.

IMPORTANT!!! Lemon can only be used for dishes and ordinary teapots. For appliances (electric kettle, washing machine) it is strictly forbidden, otherwise lemon particles may clog the holes, which will lead to malfunctions.

How to clean with vinegar?

The next option is to get rid of the problem using vinegar. Vinegar is an aggressive agent, so its use is not recommended. But it copes with scale perfectly. Recipe for use:

How to get rid of severe scale using soda?

The simplest and safe way– clean with baking soda. Soda does not contain acids, which harm both electric and conventional kettles with metal, enameled and glass cover. To get rid of scale:

How to wash with a combination of vinegar, soda and citric acid - the best way

We've come to a cleaning method that doesn't give scale a chance. This is a cocktail of vinegar + soda + citric acid. Such heavy artillery should be used in the most advanced cases.

We combine several methods into one:

Is it possible to remove limescale with apple and potato peelings?

Another folk way– using potato and apple peelings. The effect is not strong and it is recommended to use it with a small plaque. The method is only suitable for kitchen utensils and teapots.

Brines as an option to combat scale in electric (metal and glass) kettles

There is also an option to wash the kettle using brines. It seems incredible, but this method is effective because the brine contains citric acid and vinegar.

The method is very simple:

How to descale a kettle with carbonated drinks

Now we will tell you about the non-standard use of Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta and other carbonated drinks. Using this method is expensive and ineffective, but anyone who wants to experiment will be convinced that the method works. Any sweet carbonated water is suitable for use, but it is better to use colorless:

  • Sprite;
  • Seven ap;
  • Schweppes;
  • And others.

The method is:

Household chemicals to combat scale

Using household chemicals for cleaning is the fastest and most effective way, but not safe. Household chemicals use substances that are harmful to humans. You can buy such chemicals in hardware stores. These products are available in different forms:

  • Powder;
  • Granules;
  • Pills.

The method of use is similar to all described above:


Unfortunately, it is impossible to prevent the appearance of scale. But it is possible to reduce its occurrence to a minimum; this is easy to do:

  • Filter water before boiling or use less hard water, such as store-bought water;
  • Do not leave the water to settle after boiling;
  • Do not boil water twice;
  • Wash dishes well after each boil;
  • Carry out preventative descaling once every two weeks.

Despite the fact that the kettle is simple household appliance, he requires care. When using an electrical appliance, the internal coating and heating element become covered with scale, which leads to the following consequences:

  1. Damage to the heating element.
  2. Reduced thermal conductivity of the metal of a household appliance.
  3. Reducing the service life of the electric kettle.
  4. Excessive electricity consumption.
  5. Premature wear of an electrical appliance.
  6. Adverse effects of scale on the human body (deterioration in the functioning of the urinary system).

Let's look at how to clean an electric kettle from scale and prevent its occurrence.

The best way to protect against scale

The key factor influencing the formation of deposits on the kettle is an excess of magnesium and calcium salts, which leads to increased water hardness. Special flow filters with softening cartridges help reduce the concentration of magnesium and calcium salts in water, solve the problem of its hardness and prevent the formation of deposits in electrical appliances. Using water purifying filters helps prevent limescale in your electric kettle.

An effective technique is to regularly (at least once a month) clean the container of deposits and rinse it periodically cold water. These measures will help keep your electric kettle clean.

To keep the electrical appliance clean, you should pour out the water remaining after boiling and rinse the appliance before boiling a fresh portion.

At home, it is recommended to install an electromagnetic water converter, which will help reduce its hardness, prevent the appearance of deposits on electrical appliances, washing machine, as well as a water heating tank.

7 most effective descalers

Since descaling a kettle at home is not always easy, let’s consider the most effective means to help solve this problem.

Citric acid

To clean the kettle citric acid required:

  • pour a heaped tablespoon of acid with water;
  • bring the mixture to a boil;
  • wash the electrical appliance;
  • boil another 1-2 portions of water, pour it out;
  • repeat the procedure several times to remove any remaining scale.


To descale a kettle with soda you need to:

  • pour a tablespoon of soda with water;
  • bring the resulting mixture to a boil;
  • rinse the container;
  • When deposits become soft and loose, remove them with a dishwashing sponge.

Salt and soda


  • pour 2 tablespoons of soda with water;
  • add a heaping tablespoon of table salt;
  • boil the resulting mixture;
  • to better remove deposits, leave the mixture in an electric kettle for 20 minutes;
  • remove remaining deposits with a dishwashing sponge, which will help completely remove scale from the electric kettle.
  • Rinse the device thoroughly.

There is a kettle in every kitchen. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an old metal device or a modern electric one - any of them requires timely care not only outside, but also inside. Here the question comes first: “How to descale a kettle and why do it?”

That’s what we’ll talk about today, and at the same time we’ll figure out what measures can be taken to minimize the appearance of unpleasant sediment.

Scale is formed due to the content of salts in water, mainly calcium and magnesium carbonate. Over time, they are deposited on surfaces that come into contact with water: in kettles, thermopots, dishwashers and washing machines.

And no matter what good kettle you choose, sooner or later you will still encounter the problem of white solid deposits. In ordinary kettles it covers the bottom and walls, and in electric kettles it also covers the heating element, significantly impairing thermal conductivity.

In this case, the water takes longer to heat up, and in electric kettles the presence of sediment can lead to breakdown. To carry out its function, the spiral or disk has to become more and more heated each time. This not only leads to an increase in electricity costs, but also provokes a rapid depletion of the part’s life. Eventually the heater will simply burn out.

Scale is dangerous to human health, since its particles penetrate the body and provoke the development of kidney diseases, osteochondrosis and gout. In addition, under the influence of salts, the taste of drinks changes and a whitish sediment appears in the glass.

How to deal with scale and what not to do?

Fortunately, knowing the nature of the occurrence of unpleasant sediment, it turns out that it is not at all difficult to fight it. Plaque is afraid of organic and inorganic acids: under their influence it becomes loose, so removing it is not difficult. Armed with this knowledge, you can get to work.

But first, let's talk about what not to do:

  • Remove scale mechanically using a knife, scrapers or metal sponge. Thus, you will spend a lot of effort, but still will not achieve an ideal result. In addition, there is a high risk of damaging the device.
  • Do not use aggressive chemicals, such as White. It will remove plaque, but it will be very difficult to wash off the residue and get rid of the pungent odor.
  • Powders with large granules can scratch the surface, causing scale to form even faster.

Special means

The chemical industry has developed special formulas for easy softening and descaling. These are, for example, Cinderella, Antiscale, Flat, Bosch and many others.

They are easy to use: in most cases, you need to dissolve the product in water, boil and leave for some time.

Please note that some formulas have a different method of application. Be sure to read the instructions!

Traditional methods

Why spend money on household chemicals and look for where they are sold, if there are no less effective products in every kitchen?

After using any of these methods, you should thoroughly rinse the kettle and boil clean water in it at least once. This is necessary to remove remaining particles of the product and odor.


A gentle method that is suitable for any teapots, including aluminum and enameled ones. You need to mix 500 ml of water with 1 tbsp. l. soda (preferably ash) and boil over low heat for 30 minutes. After that, wash the inside of the device well with a sponge or cloth, if there is a need to repeat the process.


A rather aggressive method that will help in the fight against old deposits in metal, glass and plastic kettles.

You need to pour 500 ml of water and let it boil. Then pour about ¾ cup of table vinegar or 1 - 2 tbsp into boiling water. l. 9% vinegar essence and leave for 1 hour. Periodically you need to check how the peeling process is progressing, and as soon as all the scale has left, wash the kettle.

Be sure to wear a mask and open a window to protect your respiratory tract from vinegar fumes.

Citric acid

Useful for quick cleaning of glass, plastic and stainless steel appliances.

Bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil and dissolve 1 - 2 tbsp. l. lemons. Then leave until it cools completely and, if necessary, repeat the procedure again.

You can use not only powder, but also fresh lemons.

To do this, cut half a citrus fruit into pieces and place in a teapot. Otherwise, the recipe for use is the same as using citric acid. But as a bonus of this technique: a pleasant citrus aroma after processing.


The brine from cucumbers or tomatoes contains acid, which means it can be used to remove plaque from enamel teapots and stainless steel.

To do this, strain the liquid through a sieve and boil. The brine level should be no more than ⅔ of the kettle's volume. After this, let the liquid cool and drain it.


You can prepare it at home mild remedy for any teapots. It is suitable as a preventative against plaque formation or if there are only a few deposits. Potato peelings or peels from apples and pears will work.

Don't forget to thoroughly wash the potato peelings from the soil.

Place the peels into a kettle, add water and boil. Let it cool and remove any remaining scale with a sponge.

For electric kettles, you can use the following recipe: place the peelings in a saucepan, boil and pour the finished broth into the device. Heat again to 100 °C, let stand and rinse.

Carbonated drinks

Suitable for stainless steel cookware and electric kettles. Use with caution in enamel and tin.

Do not use colored sodas such as Fanta or Coca-Cola on plastic devices because they may stain the surface. It's better to take a colorless drink: 7UP or Sprite.

To learn more about cleaning a kettle using Coca-Cola, watch this video.

To use soda, first open it and let the gas escape. Then pour the drink into the kettle and let it boil. Cool and clean the device.

Triple strike in advanced cases

For very persistent sediment, a three-phase system will help:

  1. Pour water and dissolve one tablespoon of soda in it. Boil and then drain the liquid.
  2. We fill the kettle with water again, but now add citric acid (1 tbsp.) Let it boil for about half an hour and pour out the solution.
  3. Now pour 0.5 cups of vinegar into clean water and boil again for at least half an hour.

This method will help soften and remove the most stubborn plaque. But it’s better not to let your dishes and equipment get to the point where they need such cleaning.

Preventing scale formation

To prevent scale from appearing again, follow these recommendations:

  • Install a filter or buy bottled water.
  • Pour the remainder after boiling into another container, and rinse the kettle thoroughly.
  • Do not heat the same water repeatedly.
  • At least once a month, pour in a solution of citric acid. Just let it sit for about an hour and rinse. You can also use peeling or brine.


Scale is, of course, an unpleasant phenomenon, but inevitable. If you fight it regularly and don’t let it firmly settle on the walls of your kettle, then it won’t cause any problems.

Rinse the kettle regularly, dedicate half an hour a week to preventative cleaning, then salt deposits will not even have a chance to settle in your kettles.

The main problem in using an electric kettle is the plaque that accumulates on the inner walls and spiral over time. Scale not only spoils appearance device. As the limescale layer increases, the operation of the device becomes more and more unsafe, and the taste of water heated in such a kettle has unpleasant notes. Therefore, plaque should be removed correctly and promptly.

First, assess the degree of contamination of the kettle. Products such as baking soda, vinegar, citric acid, and even a carbonated drink can remove a thin layer of scale. For a more complex problem, you should contact a hardware store, where they have a wide selection of household chemicals to combat scale. Our grandmothers also used the method of cleaning a kettle using soda. This method will be harmless both to the material from which the device is made and to the water that will subsequently boil in it. Pour 1 tablespoon of baking soda into a kettle filled with water. Boil water and then let it sit for 20 minutes. Fill the container with new water, this time adding 20 grams of citric acid. When the kettle boils, leave the acidified water in the appliance for up to 30 minutes, then drain it. This cleaning scheme will rid your kettle of scale if the layer is not very thick. To delete limescale using vinegar, pour a 9% solution into a kettle along with water in proportions of 1/2. Boil water and leave it until it cools completely. As the water gets colder, the vinegar will dissolve the scale. After such cleaning, the kettle should be thoroughly washed from the inside so that the acid remaining on the walls does not enter your body. To combat scale, use citric acid. You just need to bring the water to a boil, after adding 1 packet of citric acid to it. After this cleaning method, you should thoroughly wash the remaining product from the walls of the device. For this purpose, boil clean water in a kettle several times and drain it each time after boiling. A non-standard, but effective method of removing plaque is the use of soda. Choose water without dyes so that after descaling you don’t have to worry about how to clean the device from a colored drink. Fill the kettle with sparkling water and bring it to a boil. You will be surprised how easily the plaque will disappear from the walls of the device. If the deposits inside the kettle cannot be cleaned traditional methods, purchase special household chemicals at a hardware store. These are anti-scale products from different manufacturers. Use them according to the instructions. Most often, you should boil a kettle with this product, and the plaque will dissolve under the action of acids. Remember that, like any household chemicals, anti-scale agents leave behind harmful particles that can enter your stomach with water. Therefore, if possible, clean the device as often as possible so that anti-scale agents are not needed.

Stainless steel kettles are very popular among customers. They heat water very quickly and do not oxidize or rust. But such models have a significant disadvantage - rapid contamination of the surface both inside and outside. Scale builds up inside, and the outer surface becomes dirty from splashes during cooking.

You can clean dirt with special chemicals designed for this purpose, as well as with improvised means.

Cleaning the Exterior

To clean typical contaminants on external surfaces, you can use fairly simple and absolutely safe methods. Whatever method is chosen by the hostess, process metal surface It must be done effortlessly, otherwise you may leave scratches that will become even more dirty.

Baking soda

So in a simple way Metal teapots and enamel dishes are perfectly cleaned. To get a good result, the kettle needs to be warmed up before cleaning. To do this, pour some water into it and boil over medium heat.

After this we do the following:

Even electrical appliances can be cleaned in this way, but you need to make sure that moisture does not get inside the appliance itself.

There is another way to clean the outside of an electric kettle. It perfectly removes grease from dishes:

If the surface is very heavily contaminated with grease, you can add a few teaspoons to the solution. detergent for dishes.

Laundry soap or toothpaste

Regular laundry soap can easily remove minor stains. To do this, you just need to soap the dishwashing sponge and wipe the device with it. This will require some effort. After removing greasy deposits, you can remove soap residue damp cloth and wipe dry with paper towels.

If you use this method regularly and clean the outer surface of the dishes at least once or twice a week, you can avoid severe contamination.

You can clean a metal kettle using toothpaste. This is completely uncomplicated and does not require much effort from the hostess. To remove dirt, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Squeeze a little toothpaste onto a scouring sponge.
  2. Without special effort treat contaminants.
  3. Place the dishes under warm running water and then rinse with cold.
  4. Dry the dishes with a paper towel.
  5. Pour water into a bowl and heat it a little over the fire.
  6. Remove it from the stove and use a cloth from soft material polish the surface.

If the contamination is too strong, then after application the paste should be left on the dishes for a while, and then rubbed with a dish sponge with some force.

You cannot use bleaching paste for this method, as it contains abrasives that can scratch the metal surface.


Contaminants can also be easily removed using a soda-vinegar solution. You need to take a container that will completely fit the kettle.

Soap and glue or activated carbon

A burnt kettle can be revived by boiling in a solution of soap and silicate glue. To do this, take a large container that will fit the entire kettle, and fill it with water. Next, add 100 grams of laundry soap to the water, which you need to grate or make shavings with a knife, and also add 80 grams of glue.

We lower the kettle into the solution and boil for about 15-20 minutes, after which we let it cool. Wipe the surface with a sponge and rinse the dishes in water.

You can give a second life to a kettle that has burned out using activated carbon. Grind the tablets into powder and rub them on the surface of the dishes. Leave for ten minutes and rinse with water.

Household chemicals

Very difficult situations You can use cleaning products:

  • Silit;
  • Schumann;
  • Pemolux;
  • Sif, etc.

They are able to cope even with old stains and soot. They must be used with extreme caution so that the cleaning agent does not penetrate inside the dishes. After washing, the kettle should be rinsed very thoroughly several times. To be safe, you can boil water in a kettle several times and drain it.

It is imperative to use gloves when working with such aggressive cleaning agents, otherwise you can damage your skin.

Cleaning the interior

The deposits that form in the kettle must be removed regularly. This is done at least once every three weeks. If the water in the house is hard, then the procedure must be carried out more often.

The following products are suitable for descaling:

  • citric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • sour milk;
  • decoction of fruit peels.

Citric acid and lemon

This method is especially popular among housewives due to its simplicity and accessibility. Citric acid can remove plaque from both an electrical appliance and a regular kettle.

To do this, you just need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Fill the kettle two-thirds full with water;
  • add a tablespoon of citric acid per liter of water;
  • boil the solution for several minutes (boiling time depends on the degree of contamination);
  • leave until completely cool;
  • drain the water and rub the inside of the kettle with a sponge;
  • rinse well with water.

If there is still plaque inside, the procedure must be repeated until it is completely removed.

Fresh lemon can easily replace citric acid. To clean this way you need to do the following:

  1. Cut the lemon into slices.
  2. Fill a third of the kettle with water.
  3. Place the lemon in water and boil.
  4. It is better to boil the lemon for about thirty minutes, this will significantly increase the effectiveness of the method.
  5. Drain the water and wipe the surface with a dishwashing sponge.

If the result is not ideal, then the procedure must be repeated until the kettle is completely descaled.

Vinegar or Coca-Cola

This method is applicable only for a regular kettle; it is not recommended to use it for an electrical appliance.

So, to clean the inner surface you need:

This method can rid the kettle of even the thickest and oldest scale deposits.

This delicious and beloved drink contains phosphoric acid. It also removes scale from the kettle. Its effect is rather weak; it may take up to four boils to clear the scale. Coca-Cola is unable to cope with old and serious pollution. But it can be used to clean electric kettles.

You need to pour enough soda into the bowl so that it covers all contaminated areas. Next, you need to boil it for a while and leave it to cool. After draining the Coca-Cola, the kettle is wiped with a dishwashing sponge and rinse very well in warm running water.

Vinegar and soda

It's pretty effective remedy can be used for cleaning exclusively ordinary teapots, for electrical appliance he doesn't fit.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Pour warm water into the kettle.
  2. For every liter clean water add one (not heaped) tablespoon of soda.
  3. Boil the solution for about half an hour.
  4. Drain the water and soda and, without rinsing, fill the vessel with water and vinegar (100 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
  5. Boil for another half hour.
  6. Wait until it cools completely, then wipe with a cloth.

If the scale is old, then after the soda solution you can use citric acid(add a tablespoon of citric acid per liter of water). This liquid must be boiled in the same way as vinegar, and after it the vinegar solution must be boiled.

Apple or potato peels

This method will only help with thin plaque.

Fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed and peeled. The peelings are placed in the kettle and poured warm water. The mixture must be boiled for about half an hour, and then allowed to cool. After the manipulations have been completed, drain everything and wipe the dishes with a rag or sponge with dish soap. The kettle needs to be rinsed very well in running water.

Cucumber pickle or sour milk

Another non-standard way to remove scale and plaque is to use cucumber pickle. It contains vinegar, so this method is not suitable for electrical appliances.

Fill the kettle with brine and boil it for thirty minutes. After cooling, rinse the dishes thoroughly with water.

Sour milk can remove scale from both a regular kettle and an electric one.

To do this, pour the sour milk into a kettle and bring it to a boil. Then wipe with a cloth and dishwashing detergent. After cleaning, dishes should be rinsed very thoroughly with clean water.

There are a great many methods and means for cleaning. But in order not to suffer in the fight against old and thick plaque, you need to regularly clean your favorite kettle for preventive purposes.

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