Dictionary of measuring instruments. What device did you use to determine body dimensions? About protractors and probes

What amount of heat is needed to heat a copper piece weighing 30 kg from 20 0C to 1120 0C? How much heat will be released when

cooling an iron rivet with a mass

100 g at 900 0C?

What amount of heat will be released during the complete combustion of 400 g of alcohol? How much heat of water can be heated from 15 0C to boiling, spending 714

kJ of heat?

How much heat is required to heat 200 g of alcohol from 18 0C to 48

0C in a glass flask weighing 50 g?

How much kerosene must be burned to boil 22 kg of water taken at 20 0C?

How much do you need to pour? cold water at a temperature of 10 0C in 50 kg of boiling water for

obtaining a mixture with a temperature of 45 0C?

To determine the specific heat capacity of a substance, a test body weighing 150 g and

heated to 100 0C was lowered into a brass calorimeter weighing 120 g, which contained 200 g of water at a temperature of 16 0C. After this, the water temperature in the calorimeter became 22 0C. Define specific heat capacity substances.

How much firewood will be required to boil 50 kg of water having

temperature 10 0C, if the efficiency of the boiler is 25%?

B*. Mixed 20 kg of water at a temperature of 90 0C and 150 kg of water at 23 0C. 15% of heat given off hot water, went on heating environment. Determine the final water temperature.

Plz help me with the physics test, I don’t have time to solve it 1) The motion of a material point is given by the equation S=4t^2+6. With what acceleration does it move

2) The equation corresponding to the uniformly accelerated motion of bodies?

3) Condition of uniform rectilinear motion

4) How does the point move if the kinematic equation has the form: x = 5t + 20

5) A body with an initial speed of 10 m/s moves with acceleration a = -2 m/s^2. Determine the path traveled by the body in 8 s

6) To determine the position of a body moving uniformly with acceleration a (vector) along a straight line coinciding with the X axis, one must use the formula a) Sx=Vox*t+ax*t^2/2 b) Sx=(Vx^2- Vox^2)/2ax c)x=Xo+Vox*t+(Ax*t)/2 d)Sx=(Vx^2)/2Ax e)Sx=Vox+ (Axt^2)/2

7) The body moves in the CN plane. Which of the equations is the equation of the trajectory?

8) The movement of two cars is given by the equation: X1=t^2+2t, X2=7t+6. Find the place and time of meeting

9)Movement material point given by the equation: X=2t+5t^2. What is the initial speed of the point?

10) With what acceleration does the body move if in the eighth second after the start of movement it has traveled a distance of 30 m?

11) Two cars leave the same point in the same direction. The second car leaves 20 seconds later than the first. How long after the first car starts moving, the distance between them will be 240 m if they move with the same acceleration a = 0.4 m/s^2 ?

12) how many times is the speed of the bullet in the middle of the gun less than when it leaves the barrel?

1) what amount of heat is needed to heat a piece of ice weighing 3 kg from -8 degrees to +10 degrees, how did you find how much heat

please write

2) what amount of heat is needed to transform the liquid of 1 kg of aluminum and 1 kg of copper having a swimming temperature?

In all questions there is only one correct answer.

1. Which of the following concepts relate only to physical phenomena?
A) solar flare
B) burning wood
C) flight of an arrow
D) wheat germination

2. The physical body is...
A) wind
B) sound
C) car speed
D) Moon

3. The word “molecule” translated from Latin language means...
A) small mass
B) plasma
C) indivisible
D) liquidless

4. With what instrument can you, as a scientist, determine the temperature of your morning tea?
A) barometer
B) stopwatch
C) thermometer
D) microscope

5. If you want to eat a tangerine during a physics lesson, then soon not only your classmates, but also the teacher will guess about it. What physics phenomenon will expose you?
A) diffusion
B) wetting
C) evaporation
D) glow

6. How will the spaces between water molecules change when it is heated?
A) decrease
B) remain unchanged
C) increase
D) water has no spaces between its molecules

7. When cooling steel wire its length has decreased. Why did this happen?
A) the number of molecules decreased
C) the gaps between molecules have become smaller
C) the size of the molecules themselves became smaller
D) mutual penetration of steel molecules and air molecules occurred

8. Due to what physical phenomenon does a duck come out of the water dry?
A) non-wetting
B) Brownian motion
C) wettability
D) heating

9. Wire thickness 0.5 mm. Express this value in meters.
A) 0.05 m
B) 0.001 m
C) 0.005 m
D) 0.0005 m

10. Select from the list of concepts given a group in which only the basic units of measurement in SI are indicated.
A) kilometer, second, time
B) meter, second, kilogram
C) area, hour, kilogram
D) meter, minute, gram

11. During the construction of a wall 3 m long, bricks 250 mm long were laid. How many bricks are there in one row (do not take into account the gaps between bricks)?
A) 0.012 pieces
B) 10 pieces
C) 12 pieces
D) 120 pieces

12. The shape of a real bucket and a decorative one are the same. How many decorative buckets must be poured into a real bucket to completely fill it, if the height of the decorative bucket is 2 times less?
A) 1
AT 2

What amount of heat is needed to heat a copper piece weighing 30 kg from 20 0C to 1120 0C? How much heat will be released when

cooling an iron rivet with a mass

100 g at 900 0C?

What amount of heat will be released during the complete combustion of 400 g of alcohol? How much heat of water can be heated from 15 0C to boiling, spending 714

kJ of heat?

How much heat is required to heat 200 g of alcohol from 18 0C to 48

0C in a glass flask weighing 50 g?

How much kerosene must be burned to boil 22 kg of water taken at 20 0C?

How much cold water should be poured at a temperature of 10 0C into 50 kg of boiling water for

obtaining a mixture with a temperature of 45 0C?

To determine the specific heat capacity of a substance, a test body weighing 150 g and

heated to 100 0C was lowered into a brass calorimeter weighing 120 g, which contained 200 g of water at a temperature of 16 0C. After this, the water temperature in the calorimeter became 22 0C. Determine the specific heat capacity of the substance.

How much firewood will be required to boil 50 kg of water having

temperature 10 0C, if the efficiency of the boiler is 25%?

B*. Mixed 20 kg of water at a temperature of 90 0C and 150 kg of water at 23 0C. 15% of the heat given off by hot water went to warm the environment. Determine the final water temperature.

Plz help me with the physics test, I don’t have time to solve it 1) The motion of a material point is given by the equation S=4t^2+6. With what acceleration does it move

2) The equation corresponding to the uniformly accelerated motion of bodies?

3) Condition of uniform linear motion

4) How does the point move if the kinematic equation has the form: x = 5t + 20

5) A body with an initial speed of 10 m/s moves with acceleration a = -2 m/s^2. Determine the path traveled by the body in 8 s

6) To determine the position of a body moving uniformly with acceleration a (vector) along a straight line coinciding with the X axis, one must use the formula a) Sx=Vox*t+ax*t^2/2 b) Sx=(Vx^2- Vox^2)/2ax c)x=Xo+Vox*t+(Ax*t)/2 d)Sx=(Vx^2)/2Ax e)Sx=Vox+ (Axt^2)/2

7) The body moves in the CN plane. Which of the equations is the equation of the trajectory?

8) The movement of two cars is given by the equation: X1=t^2+2t, X2=7t+6. Find the place and time of meeting

9) The movement of a material point is given by the equation: X = 2t + 5t^2. What is the initial speed of movement of the point?

10) With what acceleration does the body move if in the eighth second after the start of movement it has traveled a distance of 30 m?

11) Two cars leave the same point in the same direction. The second car leaves 20 seconds later than the first. How long after the first car starts moving, the distance between them will be 240 m if they move with the same acceleration a = 0.4 m/s^2 ?

12) how many times is the speed of the bullet in the middle of the gun less than when it leaves the barrel?

1) what amount of heat is needed to heat a piece of ice weighing 3 kg from -8 degrees to +10 degrees, how did you find how much heat

please write

2) what amount of heat is needed to transform the liquid of 1 kg of aluminum and 1 kg of copper having a swimming temperature?

In all questions there is only one correct answer.

1. Which of the following concepts relate only to physical phenomena?
A) solar flare
B) burning wood
C) flight of an arrow
D) wheat germination

2. The physical body is...
A) wind
B) sound
C) car speed
D) Moon

3. The word “molecule” translated from Latin means...
A) small mass
B) plasma
C) indivisible
D) liquidless

4. With what instrument can you, as a scientist, determine the temperature of your morning tea?
A) barometer
B) stopwatch
C) thermometer
D) microscope

5. If you want to eat a tangerine during a physics lesson, then soon not only your classmates, but also the teacher will guess about it. What physics phenomenon will expose you?
A) diffusion
B) wetting
C) evaporation
D) glow

6. How will the spaces between water molecules change when it is heated?
A) decrease
B) remain unchanged
C) increase
D) water has no spaces between its molecules

7. When the steel wire cooled, its length decreased. Why did this happen?
A) the number of molecules decreased
C) the gaps between molecules have become smaller
C) the size of the molecules themselves became smaller
D) mutual penetration of steel molecules and air molecules occurred

8. Due to what physical phenomenon does a duck come out of the water dry?
A) non-wetting
B) Brownian motion
C) wettability
D) heating

9. Wire thickness 0.5 mm. Express this value in meters.
A) 0.05 m
B) 0.001 m
C) 0.005 m
D) 0.0005 m

10. Select from the list of concepts given a group in which only the basic units of measurement in SI are indicated.
A) kilometer, second, time
B) meter, second, kilogram
C) area, hour, kilogram
D) meter, minute, gram

11. During the construction of a wall 3 m long, bricks 250 mm long were laid. How many bricks are there in one row (do not take into account the gaps between bricks)?
A) 0.012 pieces
B) 10 pieces
C) 12 pieces
D) 120 pieces

12. The shape of a real bucket and a decorative one are the same. How many decorative buckets must be poured into a real bucket to completely fill it, if the height of the decorative bucket is 2 times less?
A) 1
AT 2

Any production involves the use of them. They are also necessary in everyday life: you must admit, it is difficult to do without the simplest measuring instruments, such as a ruler, tape measure, calipers, etc. Let's talk about what measuring instruments and instruments exist, what are their fundamental differences and where certain types are used.

General information and terms

Measuring instrument - a device with which a value is obtained physical quantity in a given range determined by the instrument scale. In addition, such a tool allows you to translate values, making them more understandable to the operator.

The control device is used to monitor the conduct technological process. For example, this could be some kind of sensor installed in a heating furnace, air conditioner, heating equipment, and so on. Such a tool often determines properties. Currently, a wide variety of devices are produced, including both simple and complex ones. Some have found their application in one area, while others are used everywhere. To understand this issue in more detail, it is necessary to classify this tool.

Analog and digital

Instrumentation and instruments are divided into analog and digital. The second type is more popular, since various quantities, for example, current or voltage, are converted into numbers and displayed on the screen. This is very convenient and the only way to achieve high accuracy of readings. However, it is necessary to understand that any digital instrumentation includes an analog converter. The latter is a sensor that takes readings and sends the data to be converted into a digital code.

Analogue measuring and control instruments are simpler and more reliable, but at the same time less accurate. Moreover, they are mechanical and electronic. The latter differ in that they include amplifiers and value converters. They are preferable for a number of reasons.

Classification according to various criteria

Measuring instruments and instruments are usually divided into groups depending on the method of providing information. Thus, there are recording and display instruments. The first are characterized by the fact that they are able to record readings in memory. Self-recording devices are often used that print out data on their own. The second group is intended exclusively for real-time monitoring, that is, while taking readings, the operator must be near the device. Also, control and measuring instruments are classified according to:

  • direct action - one or more quantities are converted without comparison with the same quantity;
  • comparative - a measuring instrument designed to compare the measured value with an already known one.

We have already figured out what types of devices there are in the form of readings (analog and digital). Measuring instruments and devices are also classified according to other parameters. For example, there are summing and integrating, stationary and switchboard, standardized and non-standardized devices.

Measuring locksmith tools

We encounter such devices most often. The accuracy of the work is important here, and since a mechanical tool is used (for the most part), it is possible to achieve an error of 0.1 to 0.005 mm. Any unacceptable error leads to the need for regrinding or even replacement of the part or the entire assembly. That is why, when fitting a shaft to a bushing, a mechanic uses more precise tools rather than rulers.

The most popular plumbing measuring equipment is a caliper. But even such a relatively accurate device does not guarantee a 100% result. This is why experienced locksmiths always do a large number of measurements, after which it is selected. If you need to get more accurate readings, then use a micrometer. It allows measurements down to hundredths of millimeters. However, many people think that this instrument is capable of measuring down to microns, which is not entirely true. And it is unlikely that such precision will be required when carrying out simple plumbing work at home.

About protractors and probes

It is impossible not to talk about such a popular and effective tool as a protractor. From the name you can understand that it is used if you need to accurately measure the angles of parts. The device consists of a half-disk with a marked scale. It has a ruler with a movable sector on which a vernier scale is applied. A locking screw is used to secure the movable sector of the ruler to the half-disk. The measurement process itself is quite simple. First, you need to attach the part to be measured with one edge to the ruler. In this case, the ruler is shifted so that a uniform gap is formed between the edges of the part and the rulers. After this, the sector is secured with a locking screw. First of all, readings are taken from the main ruler, and then from the vernier.

Often a feeler gauge is used to measure the gap. It is a simple set of plates fixed at one point. Each plate has its own thickness, which we know. By installing more or fewer plates, you can measure the gap quite accurately. In principle, all these measuring instruments are manual, but they are quite effective and it is hardly possible to replace them. Now let's move on.

A little history

It should be noted when considering measuring instruments: their types are very diverse. We have already studied the basic instruments, but now I would like to talk about a little about other instruments. For example, an acetometer is used to measure strength. This device is capable of determining the amount of free acetic acid in a solution, and was invented by Otto and was used throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The acetometer itself is similar to a thermometer and consists of a 30x15cm glass tube. There is also a special scale that allows you to determine the required parameter. However, today there are more advanced and accurate methods for determining chemical composition liquids.

Barometers and ammeters

But almost every one of us is familiar with these tools from school, technical school or university. For example, a barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. Today liquid and mechanical barometers are used. The first ones can be called professional, since their design is somewhat more complex and the readings are more accurate. Weather stations use mercury barometers because they are the most accurate and reliable. Mechanical options are good for their simplicity and reliability, but they are gradually being replaced by digital devices.

Instruments and measuring instruments such as ammeters are also familiar to everyone. They are needed to measure current in amperes. The scale of modern instruments is graded in different ways: microamperes, kiloamperes, milliamperes, etc. They always try to connect ammeters in series: this is necessary to lower the resistance, which will increase the accuracy of the readings taken.


So we talked to you about what control and measuring tools are. As you can see, everyone is different from each other and has completely different areas applications. Some are used in meteorology, others in mechanical engineering, and still others in the chemical industry. Nevertheless, they have the same goal - to measure readings, record them and control quality. For this purpose it is advisable to use precise measuring instruments. But this parameter also makes the device more complex, and the measurement process depends on more factors.

No, do you seriously think that we have huge cabinets here with equipment, blinking lights and wires to which we connect clients and guinea pigs?

Yes, God forbid!

All Divine laws of the dense physical world have long been discovered and measured. And it is precisely for working in the dense physical, manifested world that all these pieces of iron with lights and arrows called measuring equipment are suitable.

Even the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, the construction of which took billions of dollars and brain-hours of scientists from all over the world, is still capable of measuring only the manifested material world, although the experiments carried out on it brought scientists as close as possible to the border of the transition to the world of subtle material, energy - informational.

Even a theory Big Bang, which forms the basis of the hypothesis of the origin of our Universe, still operates only with the energy components of matter, which also relate to the dense (physical) manifested plane.

But there are also more subtle planes of existence of matter (Astral, Mental, Causal, Bodhi), where the vector of the ratio of energy to information with each increase in the plane deviates towards information interactions.

Any process begins in subtle planes and then, along the line of materialization (incarnation), moves over time into our dense and manifested world.

Any device, no matter how high-tech it may be, is initially created from particles - components of the dense plane of existence of matter. And therefore, expecting from it the ability to measure any subtle-material objects, patterns and processes is a very big mistake!!!

Higher Astral Plane existence of matter NOT a single device can or will be able to make any measurements!!!

You don't even have to try! Useless! Because this contradicts the laws of physics of subtle-material objects.

Well, can you imagine how you can measure a person’s Soul using an electrode and a voltmeter?

Well, the aura can still be measured somehow. And such devices have already been created.

But above the astral plane, to which, by the way, the human energy shell (aura, biofield) belongs, it is simply pointless to make any instrumental measurements!!!

Some scientists, of course, may think that he is already close to measuring God with the help of his oscilloscope, no matter what size it is. But this is, rather, a script for a science fiction bestseller.

Unfortunately, the way to visit God with electrodes under a voltage of 220 volts is closed. And someone may even think that they have caught the voice of an Extraterrestrial civilization on their satellite dish, while it will only be a signal from Wi-Fi router from neighboring apartment, according to which schoolboy Vasya downloads porn films from the Internet secretly from his parents.

So how do we measure subtle plans? Finally, a soul? What device?

A device that everyone has!

And it's called - Human Brain! As banal and small as this may sound compared to the size of the Large Hadron Collider.

Eeeee, my friend, so where is the physics here? - the venerable scientist will note.

Where are the clear measurements, where are the numbers, where are the graphs, where are the formulas, where are the statistics?

Measurements and numbers: you can find and detect a person’s controlling stress on a life line 57 years long with an accuracy of 5 minutes. Determine its type, character, initialization point. And turn it off!

Charts: you can take a graph of the frequency response (amplitude-frequency response) current state energy centers person (chakras) and by the type of graph, determine the causes and source of energy-informational damage leading to any disease.

You can remove the stock chart vitality person from the point of birth to the present moment. In another way - a life line graph. This, by the way, is the dimension of that very Soul, the mental body of a person.

You can make a graph of the causal plane of the existence of matter. The so-called "raskidushka". This is already an amplitude-frequency characteristic of the Human Spirit, i.e., an object of the causal plane of the existence of matter, containing the matrix of previous incarnations of a given Spirit in the dense material world.

And all these graphics are taken without using any hardware.

Only a specially tuned brain of a biooperator and a hand with a pencil, used as a graphic recorder and converter of signals received from the subtle planes of existence of matter.

By the way, these measurements can also be carried out remotely. And even from a photograph. Metric distance and time do not matter here.

Moreover: you can learn it!

Statistics : lives saved and restored, diseases and problems eliminated, businesses and industries revived, family relationships established and “repaired”!

Well, what is more important, more accurate and more effective after all of the above: an iron device with light bulbs or the Human Brain, which, by the way, invented this very device?

Life Expert.

Solar radiation meter (lux meter)

To help technical and scientific workers, many measuring instruments have been developed to ensure accuracy, convenience and efficiency of work. At the same time, for most people the names of these devices, and even more so the principle of their operation, are often unfamiliar. In this article we are short form Let's reveal the purpose of the most common measuring instruments. The website of one of the measuring instrument suppliers shared information and images of the instruments with us.

Spectrum analyzer is a measuring device that serves to observe and measure the relative distribution of energy of electrical (electromagnetic) vibrations in a frequency band.

Anemometer– a device designed to measure the speed and volume of air flow in a room. An anemometer is used for sanitary and hygienic analysis of territories.

Balometer– a measuring device for direct measurement of volumetric air flow on large supply and exhaust ventilation grilles.

Voltmeter- This is a device that measures voltage.

Gas analyzer- a measuring device for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of gas mixtures. Gas analyzers can be manual or automatic. Examples of gas analyzers: freon leak detector, hydrocarbon fuel leak detector, soot number analyzer, flue gas analyzer, oxygen meter, hydrogen meter.

Hygrometer is a measuring device that is used to measure and control air humidity.

Rangefinder- a device that measures distance. The rangefinder also allows you to calculate the area and volume of an object.

Dosimeter– a device designed to detect and measure radioactive radiation.

RLC meter– radio measuring instrument used to determine admittance electrical circuit and impedance parameters. RLC in the name is an abbreviation of the circuit names of the elements whose parameters can be measured by this device: R - Resistance, C - Capacitance, L - Inductance.

Power meter– a device that is used to measure the power of electromagnetic oscillations of generators, amplifiers, radio transmitters and other devices operating in the high-frequency, microwave and optical ranges. Types of meters: absorbed power meters and transmitted power meters.

Harmonic distortion meter– a device designed to measure the coefficient of nonlinear distortion (harmonic distortion) of signals in radio devices.

Calibrator– a special standard measure that is used for verification, calibration or calibration of measuring instruments.

Ohmmeter or resistance meter is a device used to measure resistance electric current in ohms. Types of ohmmeters depending on sensitivity: megohmmeters, gigaohmmeters, teraohmmeters, milliohmmeters, microohmmeters.

Current clamps- an instrument that is designed to measure the amount of current flowing in a conductor. Current clamps allow you to take measurements without breaking the electrical circuit and without disrupting its operation.

Thickness gauge is a device with which you can measure its thickness on a surface with high accuracy and without compromising the integrity of the coating. metal surface(for example, a layer of paint or varnish, a layer of rust, primer, or any other non-metallic coating applied to a metal surface).

Luxmeter is a device for measuring the degree of illumination in the visible region of the spectrum. Light meters are digital, highly sensitive instruments such as lux meter, brightness meter, pulse meter, UV radiometer.

Pressure gauge– a device that measures the pressure of liquids and gases. Types of pressure gauges: general technical, corrosion-resistant, pressure gauges, electrical contact.

Multimeter is a portable voltmeter that performs several functions simultaneously. The multimeter is designed to measure DC and AC voltage, current, resistance, frequency, temperature, and also allows for continuity testing and diode testing.

Oscilloscope is a measuring device that allows you to observe and record, measure the amplitude and time parameters of an electrical signal. Types of oscilloscopes: analog and digital, portable and desktop

Pyrometer is a device for non-contact measurement of the temperature of an object. The principle of operation of the pyrometer is based on measuring the power of thermal radiation of the measured object in the range of infrared radiation and visible light. The accuracy of temperature measurement at a distance depends on the optical resolution.

Tachometer is a device that allows you to measure the rotation speed and number of revolutions of rotating mechanisms. Types of tachometers: contact and non-contact.

Thermal imager is a device designed to observe heated objects by their own thermal radiation. The thermal imager allows you to convert infrared radiation into electrical signals, which are then, in turn, after amplification and automatic processing, converted into a visible image of objects.

Thermohygrometer is a measuring device that simultaneously performs the functions of measuring temperature and humidity.

Line defect detector is a universal measuring device that allows you to determine the location and direction of cable lines and metal pipelines on the ground, as well as determine the location and nature of their damage.

pH meter is a measuring device designed to measure the hydrogen index (pH indicator).

Frequency meter– a measuring device for determining the frequency of a periodic process or the frequencies of the harmonic components of the signal spectrum.

Sound level meter– a device for measuring sound vibrations.

Table: Units of measurement and designations of some physical quantities.

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