How to wash your hands from green nuts. How to wash your hands after eating walnuts. the best ways to quickly wash your hands of walnut juice

Many people love to eat nuts. True, if you do not buy fruits in a store, but pick them from a tree, you will have to peel them. It’s a seemingly simple procedure, but the consequences in the form of brown spots on your hands and clothes often turn out to be a bonus to obtaining a healthy and tasty product. Let's look at popular methods that allow you to wash away traces of juice as quickly as possible and with minimal effort. nut peel.

Why are stains so annoying?

The brown pigment of nut juice is very durable

The juice of nut peels contains a lot of juglone - brown coloring matter, a component of iodine and other beneficial substances found in fruits. Moreover, all types of nuts contain it, but with different concentrations. Most juglone is in the peel walnut, and since it is the most popular type of the nut family in our area, the problem of removing brown marks from the skin of the hands after cleansing these fruits becomes particularly relevant.

Features of nut peel stains on the skin

It is unlikely that you will be able to wash your hands after cleaning nuts using soap alone.

This is interesting. Manufacturers of hair coloring products add juglone to dyes and tonics for greater color durability.

Traces of juglone have the insidious property of not appearing immediately, but after some time, after the juice of the peel gets on the skin. Such spots take quite a long time to disappear, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. To do this they need contacts with environment different properties: from interaction with liquid to sunburn or scrubbing.

This is interesting. It is peeling, that is, removing the colored layer of the epidermis, that is the most effective way to remove traces of juglone, but before that it is still worth neutralizing the brightness of the pigment.

7 Best Ways to Quickly Clean Your Hands from Walnut Juice

To prevent peel juice from getting on your skin, you need to wear gloves when peeling nuts.

If you have to peel nuts, then take care of the condition of your hands in advance, that is, wear rubber gloves. If trouble in the form of contact with the juice of young nuts has already occurred, then there are two types of ways to eliminate it.

This is interesting. Whatever method of skin whitening after contact with nut peel juice you choose, after treatment you must smear your hands with a softening cream with an anti-inflammatory effect to restore the moisture balance.

Aggressive methods

Usually, such methods are resorted to in cases where there is a desperate need to have clean hands, and there is absolutely no time to wipe off stains.

"Whiteness" or oxygen bleaches

“Belizna” removes traces of nut peel juice in just a couple of minutes

Simply soak a cotton pad or soft cloth in the product and wipe away the brown marks - they will disappear in a couple of minutes.

This is interesting. Everyone's skin sensitivity is different, so the result of such cleansing may be allergic reaction or even a chemical burn.


Ammonia solution is an iodine antagonist

Ammonia is an antagonist of iodine, so moisten a cotton pad with ammonia, wipe the stains, and nothing will remain of brown marks.

This is interesting. Alternatively, you can use kerosene, gasoline or acetone. Just keep in mind that the consequence of such cleansing will be bad smell, which is quite difficult to get rid of. In other words, you will have to wash your hands with toilet soap at least 5-6 times.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide negatively affects the condition of the skin and nails


  1. Wet your hands generously with peroxide.
  2. We put on gloves.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. We scrub our hands well with laundry soap applied to a hard washcloth.
  5. Wash off with water.

This is interesting. Peroxide has a very negative effect not only on the skin, but also on the nails. And as a result of treatment with a hard washcloth, microdamages may appear.

Gentle ways


Lemon juice is good for skin whitening

This is interesting. You can use a solution instead of lemon juice citric acid- 1 part powder to 4 parts water.


  1. Squeeze half a lemon into a bowl.
  2. We give up.
  3. After 5–7 minutes, scrub the skin with a hard washcloth.

This is interesting. If the contamination is severe, the procedure may have to be repeated.

Unripe grapes

Unripe grapes contain a lot of acid, which neutralizes the brown pigment

The operating principle of this method is based on the reaction of dyes with acid.


  1. Squeeze the juice of the berries into a bowl.
  2. We lower our hands for 5–7 minutes.
  3. It’s good to rub it with a washcloth.


Sea salt is the best exfoliant for skin

Exfoliation is a great way to remove brown marks from your skin. You can use baking soda, sea salt, and corn grits as a scrub.

» Walnut

Walnut is considered one of the most popular plants. It is easy to care for, and its fruits are extremely beneficial for the human body. Many centuries ago it was brought to Europe from Greece, which is how it got its name. Once the harvest is ripe, harvesting begins, after which it is very difficult to wash your hands. We’ll talk below about how to properly pick fruits and wash your hands after eating nuts.

People who have at least once collected walnuts, or even forest nuts, have encountered such a problem as the appearance of permanent brown spots on the skin of their hands. Household chemicals do not always help with this problem.

The simplest thing you can do to help your hands is to collect nuts while wearing gloves. It is best if they are rubber ones, because they do not allow the juice of the nut containing the pigment to pass through.

How can you wash your hands?

Today there is a wide range of household chemicals that can help clean your hands.

But not everyone can help in removing the pigment from a walnut. However, at home, folk recipes will help you wash your hands:

  1. Lemon is the safest and most effective means . You need to make warm lemon water, pour it into a basin and rub with a rough washcloth. dirty hands. You can make it simpler and rub your hands with regular lemon. After this, it will be good to wipe your hands with a nourishing cream so that the skin does not dry out.
  2. Grapes have the same effect as citrus. Grape juice should be rubbed into the skin of your hands for a long time until the dirt recedes.
  3. Make a paste out of raw potatoes and lower it into warm water . Wash your hands in this mixture and rub the dye stains with a washcloth. But this method may not help everyone.
  4. Sea salt. You can make a bath out of it and do this every few hours until your hands regain their previous appearance.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide can only affect newly formed stains.. Pour the peroxide onto the sponge and wash it off. If a brown spot has already appeared, then it is simply useless to fight it with this remedy.
  6. Ammonia can help with brown spots. Wipe with a cotton wool using massaging movements until complete bleaching. The process must take place on fresh air so as not to get a headache.

As for household chemicals, they help well, but they can greatly harm the skin, so you need to be careful. Such means include:

  • household bleach;
  • bleaching agents;
  • kerosene;
  • petrol.

Besides these there are also others household products. However, it is still not worth it to strongly influence the skin with them, because they can become rough, and this will lead to the appearance of ulcers. After your hands have been treated with one or another product, you should rinse them with water as soon as possible., and then lubricate your hands with nourishing cream or oil.

An effective method would be peeling or sugaring, but after this procedure you need to moisturize them with cream.

To improve and consolidate the effect, it will be good to use laundry soap.

To remove stains more gently, you can make a mask like this: before going to bed, generously smear your hands with cream, wrap them in plastic bags and put on mittens. By morning, the spots will turn pale and begin to gradually disappear.

Why are your hands dirty after peeling a walnut?

Hands become dirty from direct contact with unripe green walnuts, especially during peeling. Cleaning the skin of the hands after peeling the husks of unripe fruits is challenging task . Why is this happening?

Walnuts contain the pigmented substance Juglone, which is a dye that is extremely difficult to wash off. The most interesting, If the dye gets on the skin, it does not appear immediately, only after some time can staining occur.

Ripe walnuts have virtually no Juglone, so they do not stain your hands.

Walnut ripening time

Walnuts are harvested only when they begin to ripen - the green pericarp splits and the fruits fall out on their own.

There is no need to pick the fruits ahead of time, because only a truly ripe walnut will be of high quality.

When they are ripe, then they have little water in the core, are well cleaned and dry well. Because the fruits do not ripen at the same period, then harvesting must be done several times. It is necessary to harvest the crop only taking into account its ripening. Nuts begin to ripen in Russia at the end of August - beginning of September. Fruit harvesting should be completed in mid-September.

To make the task easier, it is best to hire several people so that the collection process goes faster and the nuts retain their freshness and last longer.

Collection rules

Collecting nuts is not as easy as it seems. Basic rules for collecting walnuts:

  • Fallen fruits must be collected no later than 24 hours so that they do not spoil. Next, clean them a little and dry them.
  • In no case do not knock down fruits that are not yet ripe with a stick. If you do this, then ripe and unripe nuts fall off.
  • Those fruits that are not yet fully ripe must be put in a dark room until fully ripe. It is advisable if it is cool there.
  • If you knock nuts with a stick, then the entire harvest can be harvested in a day. This will help you save time, and most of the crop will be saved from being eaten by pests.
  • Soft shell walnuts can easily get damaged or break on the ground when falling. There are specialized accessories for this. You can make such a device yourself: attach a small bag with a solid hole in the mountain to an oblong stick.

If you collect nuts on time, you can preserve the quantity and quality of the harvest to the maximum. It is also important to properly store nuts and protect them from diseases, bacteria and rodents.

How to crack a walnut

Cracking the fruit is not an easy task and it takes a lot of effort to get the coveted kernels. There are different ways to open a nut.:

  • Open the nuts using the door. To do this, you need to place a nut between the jamb and the door and slam it sharply. However, do not overdo it, otherwise you will end up with crumbs instead of nuts.
  • Separating a whole nut using a knife. To do this, insert the tip of the knife into the gap between the two halves of the shell. Next, rotate the tip until a split occurs. However, there are also disadvantages of this method: only a small part can break off, through which it is difficult to get the nucleoli.
  • A kitchen hammer is no less effective.. Walnuts are placed on cutting board and hit with a hammer. Again, you need to be careful here, because if you hit it too hard, you can get a mess mixed with shells.

  • Hardware stores sell special device for cracking nuts - nut cracker. It will help you easily obtain precious kernels. If you don’t have a nut cracker, you can also use a gas wrench, pliers, pliers, or a garlic press.

All of these methods can damage your fingers.

How to chop walnuts so that there is a whole kernel? For this you need to take a specialized board with a notch, in which you can put a nut. To prevent nut scraps from scattering all over the kitchen, you can place it in a bag or sack.

You can also remove the kernels walnuts by softening with water. To do this, you need to boil water and put the fruits there. After an hour, remove the nuts and carefully separate the shells.

An equally effective way would be crack walnuts using high temperatures . To do this, you need to keep them in the oven at a temperature of 200C. This procedure will make it much easier to separate the kernels from the nut shell.


Walnuts have long been a favorite treat for adults and children. Separating, picking and peeling fruits with gloves is not the best interesting job , but now it won’t take a trace to wash your hands of brown stains. There are a lot of options for washing your hands from ripe nuts, the main thing is to choose the appropriate method, depending on your skin type. The main thing you should not forget is to apply a nourishing cream after each scrubbing, because... The skin of the hands is quite delicate and requires special careful care.

And in order for walnuts to crack well, they need to be chosen correctly in the store. For this you need to take one or two fruits and squeeze them properly. If they start to crack, then most likely you will not have any special problems with cleaning.

One of healthy products nuts given by nature are nuts that have beneficial substances and excellent taste qualities. These fruits are to the taste of both adults and children, who get special pleasure from picking them during the ripening period. Popular types of nuts found on store shelves and markets include: peanuts, cashews, coconut, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, pecans and Brazil nuts. However, the most favorite species, growing in most CIS countries, is the walnut, which is familiar to us from childhood. It is its green shell, covering the shell of young fruits, that can significantly stain hands and clothes, thereby causing a lot of inconvenience. It is very difficult to cope with such pollution, but using several effective methods, you can wash your hands and clothes from the corrosive juice without any problems.

Why do walnuts get your hands dirty?

Of all the types of nuts, walnuts are the ones that can stain your hands. Brown color, when trying to remove the green peel from barely ripened fruits. Fresh young walnuts are distinguished by a sweeter taste of the kernel, which has previously been freed from the protective brown film.

The green skin of walnuts can leave stubborn juice stains on your hands.

The thick green peel of the walnut has a large amount of juice containing the natural dye Juglone. It is this that causes the appearance of red and difficult to wash off stains that appear after some time on the skin of the hands and clothes. Such contaminants can last about a week if no attempts are made to remove them.

Such walnut stains are very difficult to wash off in the usual way.

If you want to protect yourself from the effects of nut peel juice, it is enough to use rubber gloves that can provide the necessary protection, unlike fabric ones. The effect of juice on the skin becomes noticeable only after some time, which does not allow timely measures to be taken to remove it as quickly as possible. For this reason, it is advisable to disinfect your hands immediately after cleaning. green nuts, regardless of whether they look clean or not.

Rubber gloves will save your hands from getting dirty

Despite the rich variety detergents, not everyone can cope with walnut stains. The fact is that, being a natural dye that is part of most popular hair dyes, the substance juglone has enviable resistance to most brands soap solutions. In addition, many detergents are very aggressive towards the skin of the hands and can provide the required effect only if they are combined with mechanical action. Sand, pumice and scrub can be used as excipients.

Pumice will help remove stubborn dirt from your hands.

But even their use will not provide the required result after a single application. It is for this reason that it is advisable to use detergents in the most extreme cases. And timely prevention against the occurrence of stains from nut juice is a more acceptable option, eliminating the need for subsequent control of complex stains.

If you accidentally get dirty with nut juice, you don’t have to worry about your health. It doesn't do any harm to the human body and, after some time, such pollution will disappear on its own.

Effective ways to quickly wash hands stained with green nut peels

If brown spots still appear on your hands after peeling young walnuts, several proven methods will help you get rid of them folk remedies that do not harm the skin.

How to remove stains with lemon juice

  1. Take a fresh lemon and cut it in half.
  2. In places where the fruit is cut, thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas of your hands.
  3. After a few hours, take a shallow container, squeeze lemon juice into it, dilute it warm water and put your hands in the resulting solution for a while.
  4. Before going to bed, apply nourishing cream to your hands.
  5. The next day it is recommended to repeat the described procedures.

This method will not get rid of stains in one go. However, after the first application, the spots will become noticeably lighter, and repeating the procedure will not leave a trace of them.

Lemon juice will help get rid of stains on your hands

Sour grape juice from unripe fruits

Grape juice can also effectively remove walnut juice stains.

  1. It is enough to rub your hands with individual grapes.
  2. Then make a bath of freshly squeezed juice diluted with warm water.
  3. After completing the treatment, wash your hands with laundry soap.

This method is comparable in effectiveness to using lemon juice.

Grape juice can also clean your hands from walnut stains

Unfortunately, washing such stains with juices does not always ensure their complete removal. In this case, you can apply one of the indicated juices to your hands, then wrap them in plastic, then put on mittens. After an hour, wash off the composition with water at room temperature.

An equally effective way to remove stains on your hands is to spring cleaning. Hand contact with detergents designed to clean a variety of surfaces will remove stains the same day. However, it is recommended to begin such cleaning immediately after completing the process of cleaning young nut fruits.

general cleaning will remove stains from hands within one day

Attention! Some household chemicals are very aggressive and can harm the skin of your hands.

How to Remove Sea Salt Stains

Hand baths with sea salt also have a good cleansing effect. However, it is advisable to repeat this procedure after 3-4 hours, until the contamination completely disappears. Moreover, between such water treatments It is necessary to apply nourishing cream to the skin of your hands.

Sea salt hand bath will help get rid of brown spots

How to clean with ammonia

Using ammonia can also get rid of brown spots on your hands.

  1. Soak a cotton pad with alcohol.
  2. Rub stains off your hands using circular motions.

ammonia will help clean your hands from difficult stains

Attention! Given the specific smell of this substance, it is advisable to thoroughly ventilate the room after completing the procedure.

Hydrogen peroxide as a way to cleanse your hands

Using peroxide, you can only get rid of fresh juice stains on your hands that have not yet darkened. Take cotton wool and, having soaked it with liquid, wipe off the walnut juice that has got on open areas skin.

Hydrogen peroxide will effectively cleanse your hands of walnut juice

The heavier artillery used when cleaning hands from heavy dirt is a variety of stain removers. However, their help should be resorted to only in extreme cases, due to the existing risk of harming the skin. Even using substances designed specifically for delicate fabrics can cause skin redness and irritation.

The softest and most gentle way to get rid of brown spots on your hands is to use a nourishing cream.

  1. Apply it overnight to dirty areas of your hands.
  2. Wrap your hands in cellophane and put on mittens.

Nourishing hand cream will reduce the color intensity of walnut stains

By morning the color of the spots will become much lighter.

After using one or another method, it is advisable to wash your hands with laundry soap, which allows you to achieve maximum effect due to a number of specific properties.

How to wash your hands of walnuts: video version

How to remove walnut juice stains from clothes and towels

Detergent "Vanish"

If a stain from walnut juice accidentally gets on clothes, it is easy to wash it off. In this case, you can use the “Vanish” stain remover, intended for both colored and snow-white fabrics.

Vanish stain remover will make your things clean

  1. Apply the product directly to the contaminated area of ​​fabric.
  2. Let it saturate the fabric.
  3. Lightly scrub the stain with a brush or cloth.
  4. Rinse off the substance with clean warm water.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice also has a good effect.

  1. They should rub the stain.
  2. Then leave the item in this state for a while.
  3. And then wash in the usual way.

Lemon juice will help wash clothes

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

You can use a product prepared using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

  • 5 parts peroxide
  • 1 part ammonia
  • 5 parts water
  1. Apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated fabric.
  2. Leave it in this liquid for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product in warm, clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help with washing nut stains

Boiling water

You can try to remove such fresh stains using regular boiling water.

  1. Take the affected clothing or towel and stretch it over a container of suitable size.
  2. Then pour boiling water over the stain in a thin stream until the stain completely disappears.

Boiling water will help remove fresh stains from walnut juice

If white fabric is dirty, you can use a variety of bleaches. However, you should not give preference to chlorine substances that can harm the structure of fabric fibers. Qualitative washing powder, used in combination with similar products, will also help get rid of walnut juice stains.

For colored fabrics, you can use store-bought stain removers, which must be used according to the instructions. However, as experience shows, such stains can be easily removed even with normal washing.

Regular washing will help get rid of walnut stains.

Using these simple remedies, you can clean your hands of stubborn brown stains that appear after peeling walnuts without harming your skin. However, it is still advisable to carry out the nut cleaning procedure with gloves to prevent the possibility of such contamination. If juice gets on your clothes, it is enough to resort to normal machine washable, or use one of the methods suggested in this article.

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Think about how you feel about nuts. Surely among you there are many lovers of this product, enriched with vitamins and microelements, and simply an excellent delicacy. Walnut is considered one of the most popular plants, and the best-selling nut, and not only in our country. It is eaten after peeling, added to salads, soups, snacks, and used for serving. festive table. Don't forget that walnuts are a storehouse of nutrients. Many centuries ago, this plant was brought to Europe from Greece, where it took root well. By the way, it was the Greek origin that gave the fruit its name. All those who have encountered the cultivation of walnuts will probably own experience We felt how difficult it is to wash your hands after harvesting. We will talk about how to wash your hands from nuts as effectively as possible in this material.

Why are your hands dirty?

Have you ever wondered why your hands are still dirty after peeling nuts? So, before looking for the answer to the question of how to wash your hands of walnuts, you first need to understand the root cause of what is happening. Hands become dirty after contact with unripe fruits, especially during peeling. Getting rid of black spots is very problematic, so it is better to wear rubber gloves on your hands if possible.

The composition of walnuts is enriched with the content of the pigmented substance juglone - this is a natural dye that is difficult to wash off not only from clothes, but also from hands. The most interesting thing is that, once on the skin, the substance does not appear immediately - only after some time you notice dark spots on your skin. The juglone content in mature hearths is minimal, so they do not stain your hands.

Ways to wash your hands

So how can you wash your hands of walnuts? We want to give you a few valuable advice and recommendations to help cope with this problem. When collecting nuts in the forest, people often encounter stains on their hands. The first thing that comes to mind is to use modern chemicals and cleaning products, but in most cases they do not give any result - you cannot cope with this matter without heavy artillery. Don’t know how to quickly wash your hands of nuts? Pay attention to simple and accessible folk methods.


Freshly squeezed lemon juice is an assistant to every housewife, not only in the kitchen, but also in removing difficult stubborn stains. You can use it to remove grease stains, ink stains and wash your hands after eating nuts. If you don’t know how to quickly wash your hands of nuts, use lemon. Dissolve the juice of one lemon in warm water, pour the resulting mixture into a shallow basin and try to wipe your hands with it. In such a difficult task, arm yourself with a rough washcloth - rub your hands without sparing, because this is the only way you can get rid of stains.

You can do it a little differently if you don’t know how to wash your hands of nuts. Cut the lemon in half and lemon juice rub your palms, leaving them in this state for several minutes. After this, be sure to wash your hands with warm running water and be sure to moisturize them with a nourishing cream, preventing irritation and dryness.


Did you know that grapes are in no way inferior to citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C content? That is why it can be used perfectly to remove stains on hands and clothes. For all those who have tried all the methods and don’t know how to wash their hands after nuts, we recommend paying attention to grapes.

Grape juice should be rubbed into the skin of your hands until the spots begin to disappear. You can take grapes in your palm and start crushing them - the effect will be noticeable within a few minutes.


How to wash your hands of nuts if you don’t have any exotic fruits on hand? Surely in every house there are potatoes, at least a couple of tubers. So, the potatoes should be peeled and grated on a coarse grater until the consistency of mush is obtained. Potato juice enriched with starch is another excellent remedy in the fight against dark spots on the hands.

The resulting slurry must be added to warm water. Use the resulting solution using a washcloth, trying to wipe off the stains. True, this method may not help everyone - you need to be prepared for this.

Sea salt

Sea salt is an excellent bath product. If you still don’t know how to wash nuts off your hands, pay attention to this option. To prepare a bath, a small amount sea ​​salt should be dissolved in hot water. Baths should be taken as needed, that is, until the stains are completely removed.

Hydrogen peroxide

Here’s another effective way when you don’t know how to wash your hands of green nuts. But this method only works in the case of newly formed stains. Hydrogen peroxide can certainly be found in every family medicine cabinet. A small amount of peroxide should be poured onto a cotton pad and rubbed into the areas that have come into contact with the nuts. If stains have already begun to appear on your hands, the shade of which is becoming more and more expressive, using a solution of hydrogen peroxide is already useless; this is no longer something that can be used to wash your hands of nuts. This is why it is so important to start cleansing your skin immediately.


How to wash your hands from a nut, especially brown stains? Cotton pad, soaked in ammonia, you should rub the already formed stains with careful massaging movements until they are completely whitened. Important point: Carry out this process only outside, as otherwise you may feel dizzy and even get a headache.

Household chemicals

If we talk about household chemicals, there are products that help eliminate dark spots, but they tend to damage the skin. After using them, the skin on your hands becomes dry and cracking is possible. That is why they must be used with extreme caution. Such products that demonstrate effectiveness include: gasoline, kerosene, whiteness, bleaching agents.

Again, we repeat, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on the already injured skin of your hands, as this can lead to the formation of ulcers. After you treat your hands with one product or another, be sure to rinse them thoroughly under running water and then apply a rich, nourishing cream.

To consolidate the effect, you can use ordinary laundry soap. To gently remove stains, you can use the following mask: before going to bed, generously smear your hands with cream, wrap them in cellophane and leave them in this position overnight. You can rest assured: in the morning the spots will become much lighter, and for some they will disappear altogether.

How can you wash your hands of nuts? In rare cases, the use of bleaches and baking soda is allowed - these are quite effective, but aggressive agents, so after using them it is necessary to moisturize and soften the irritated skin of the hands.

Let's sum it up

As part of this material, we talked about how to wash your hands from a nut, namely a green nut, we looked at the simplest, most accessible and very effective ways. We tried to present to the attention of readers only those products for the implementation of which you can use household chemicals, products that are found in the home of every modern housewife. And, of course, finally we want to give useful advice: nuts should be collected and peeled while wearing household gloves - the active substance will certainly not leak through them. You can buy gloves at every hardware store - with their help you will protect your hands not only from stains, but also from irritation.

A problem that is increasingly encountered less and less often, most people have been familiar with since childhood - how to quickly wash your hands of nuts. Nowadays, children and adults have fewer and fewer reasons to pick nuts on the street, because we can easily buy all our favorite products, including nuts, in stores and supermarkets. And the great growth of megalopolises and cities is making trees less and less accessible to us.

First you need to understand that many types of nuts contain dyes, they all act in a similar way. But our most common one is the walnut, so we will describe the problems associated with this particular nut, but since all nuts are similar, many methods can be used to wash other nuts.

Hands get dirty mainly when directly interacting with young green walnuts (when cleaning them), because it is very difficult to wash your hands after eating green walnuts. And the whole point is that it contains the so-called Juglone - this is a natural dye that is very difficult to wash off. It is important that if the dye gets on your skin, you will not see it immediately, but only after a certain time, this is the whole insidiousness of this substance. You also need to know that there is almost no juglone (dye) in ripe nuts and nuts on the ground.

It is the young fruits that you need to be wary of, since it is much more difficult to wash your hands of a green walnut, because the green shell contains a lot of juice with dye. Therefore, it is advisable to peel the nut with gloves. You need to choose rubber gloves so that your hands are well protected and the juice cannot pass through them.

Interesting: The natural dye found in walnuts is so strong that many hair dye companies use it.

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of different detergents, including skin cleansers. But, despite all their diversity, most of them will not be able to wash their hands of young walnuts. And some will wash only slightly. To help us cope with this, the so-called folk remedies will help us:

  1. The first and most common way is using lemon. The most common, but the least effective and the safest. First you need to heat water in a container, then you need to squeeze a lemon (usually half) into it; dirty hands need to be washed directly in this water with a washcloth (make sure that the water does not cool down). Gradually you need to switch to lemons yourself and rub dirty places with them. You can, of course, do without water and start scrubbing immediately with lemon.
  2. Unripe grapes also act like lemons. It is enough just to rub the dirty place with it for a long time.
  3. It is recommended to grate raw potatoes, and then throw the resulting pulp into water, in which you need to scrub off the dye. But the effectiveness of this method is highly questionable.

What else to wash your hands after cleaning walnuts are industrial and chemical substances, they are very effective, but they can seriously damage the skin, so they must be used very carefully. These are substances such as:

  1. Bleaching
  2. Bleaching powders
  3. Kerosene
  4. Petrol

You can use other similar products, but we do not recommend rubbing the skin with them too much. In addition, after using them, you need to rinse your hand as soon as possible so as not to cause severe irritation.

Another way to wash your hands of nuts is by steaming or peeling. But after this you need to moisturize your skin with cream. But it is worth considering the fact that walnut stains are very difficult to discolor.

Cleaning your hands from nuts: Video