How to clean your hands of nuts at home. How to wash your hands after eating walnuts and how to quickly clear the juice. Best Way to Remove Green Envelope from Nuts

Those who grow and collect walnuts on their own know that after harvesting they must be cleared of their green shells. In the process, your hands quickly turn yellow, then brown, and then almost black, and you can’t just wash them off. Return the skin's whiteness and familiar look quite difficult, but over the years and centuries of peeling nuts, people have accumulated enough ways to speed up the solution to this problem.

Why green walnut skins stain your hands and how to avoid it

Young walnuts differ from fully ripe kernels in their sweetish taste; they make wonderful jam, so those who have the opportunity to harvest from a tree often prefer this option. Its significant disadvantage is that the nuts have to be peeled from their green skins. In the process, it releases juice, which contains a high concentration of the natural dye juglone, which is absorbed into the skin.

From unripe walnuts you have to remove the green skin

It is so durable that it is used in the production of hair dyes and in the textile industry. There he is valued for his ability to resist all sorts of soap solutions. Interestingly, brown-black spots on the skin of the hands, similar to traces left by iodine, do not appear immediately, but an hour and a half after cleaning is completed. If nothing special is done, the spots stay on the skin from a week to two, depending on its individual characteristics.

The natural dye juglone contained in the peel is “responsible” for the appearance of stains on hands during the peeling process of walnuts.

To avoid staining (or at least reduce the intensity of the color), wear rubber gloves before shelling nuts. And not ordinary household ones, but denser and higher quality ones. But practice shows that sometimes even they do not save. Therefore, there are no preventive measures that give a 100% guaranteed result.

Cleaning walnuts with gloves (for example, medical gloves) helps to avoid the appearance of dark spots on your hands or at least reduce the intensity of their appearance

Video: personal experience in removing stains from hands after peeling walnuts to the shell

Effective methods of dealing with the problem: what and how to cleanse the skin

It is recommended to sanitize your hands after peeling walnuts in any case, even if they seem clean. The effectiveness of the method in each specific case depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. Each time after a “cleaning” session, you need to thickly apply a nourishing, softening or restoring cream to your hands; ideally, put rubber and fabric gloves on top and do this for at least an hour.

You should not resort to cleaning your hands in any way if there are abrasions, wounds, scratches on the skin, or any unhealed mechanical damage, as well as allergic manifestations.

How to try to remove yellowness quickly: detergents and chemicals

The most effective, but at the same time the most dangerous option for the skin. It's enough for someone to spend general cleaning in the apartment, clean the bathtub or toilet without rubber gloves, wash something by hand. The desired effect is provided washing powder, others detergents. Study the composition first - it is rare, but it happens that it contains hydrochloric acid. This product, of course, cannot be used without gloves. Bleach is less aggressive, but for very sensitive skin it is also excluded.

When washing by hand, the mechanical effect on stains is complemented by the cleansing effect of the powder itself.

If this does not help, resort to stain removers. Start with products specifically formulated for delicate fabrics and oxygen bleaches. They must first be diluted according to the instructions; hands should be kept in the solution for no more than 10 minutes. But even they can provoke serious allergies - redness, itching, rash, skin irritation.

When preparing a bleach solution, do not increase the concentration of the active substance and do not hold your hands in it longer than recommended - this will not help to get a faster and more pronounced effect.

The well-known “Whiteness” is guaranteed to give an effect. But when you are planning to use this product, think about whether you really need clean brushes desperately and right now. It could very well end in a chemical burn. And in some cases, no negative effects on the skin are noted. Cotton pad, soaked in bleach diluted according to the instructions for soaking, wipe the stains for 20–30 seconds. They disappear without a trace and literally before our eyes.

“Whiteness” is guaranteed to remove stains, but in some cases - along with the skin

Lemon and other folk remedies

Natural "bleaches" juice of green walnuts and others folk remedies enough:

  • Lemon. Cut the fruit into rings and wipe the most pronounced stains with them. After 2–3 hours, pour the juice from two lemons into a liter of warm water, dip your brushes into the resulting bath, and sit until it cools down. Such manipulations are repeated daily, 2–5 procedures are enough. If there are no lemons, you can dissolve citric acid in water - a sachet per liter.

    The effectiveness of lemon in fighting stains is due to the presence citric acid- it acts as a light chemical peel, dissolving the surface cells of the epidermis that have absorbed the pigment

  • Unripe green grapes. They work the same way as with lemon. The berries are cut, the stains are wiped, and after a while a bath is made (about 50 ml of juice per liter of water). If there are a lot of grapes, they are crushed into a pulp and the hands are kept in it.

    To combat stains left on hands after peeling walnuts, use only green grapes; red berries can also stain the skin, making the situation worse

  • Sea salt. Baths (a handful of salt in 1.5 liters of warm water) lasting 10–15 minutes are done every 3–4 hours. In between, be sure to apply cream to your hands. A similar effect can be achieved by swimming in the sea for a long time, especially if you then rub your hands with fine sand.

    Many people know that it is recommended to cover fresh stains, for example from wine, with salt - it seems to absorb particles of natural dye; in the case of green walnut skins, the mechanism of action is similar

  • Potato. The starch contained in it neutralizes iodine, which is part of juglone. But there are also other substances that starch cannot discolor. The method is especially effective against fresh stains. The peeled tuber must be grated on a fine grater or crushed in a blender; hands are immersed in the resulting pulp for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to rub them for several minutes with a hard washcloth or sponge made of natural fibers. In order for the spots to noticeably lighten, 1-3 procedures are enough, all of them can be carried out during the day with an interval of 3-4 hours.

    Grated potatoes are the safest way to clean your hands from dark stains left after peeling green walnuts.

  • Ammonia. Ammonia is a well-known “antagonist” of iodine to chemists. Simply moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe the skin without overdoing it. The procedure is repeated no more than twice a day, usually 2-4 “sessions” are enough. A significant drawback is the very pungent smell. You can get a persistent migraine. After finishing the procedure, ventilate the room and wash your hands thoroughly. In the absence of ammonia, it is replaced with gasoline, acetone, kerosene, and nail polish remover. These substances also have a specific “aroma”, so ventilation and hand washing are necessary here too.

    Not every woman can bear the pungent smell of ammonia, even for the sake of clean hands.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. It only works on fresh stains. The skin is generously moistened with peroxide, and rubber gloves are put on for 15 minutes. Then wash your hands well with laundry soap, scrubbing with a washcloth in the process. Carry out no more than 2-3 procedures per day, usually this is enough. Please note that peroxide has a negative effect not only on the skin, but also on the nails - they often begin to peel off and cracks appear.

    The whitening properties of hydrogen peroxide have been known for a long time - many women have turned blonde with its help

If we don’t wash it, we’ll wipe it off: mechanical peeling

Exfoliates stained epithelial cells from the surface of the skin, restoring its natural color. At the same time, in normal conditions It is not recommended to overuse peeling and do it no more than once every 3-4 days. IN extreme situation You can resort to mechanical cleaning several times a day. For this, both purchased and homemade scrubs are used (based on coffee grounds, salt, sugar, baking soda, oatmeal), pumice. Two to three days of intensive procedures are usually enough to cope with the problem.

Homemade hand scrubs are not inferior in effectiveness to store-bought ones - they operate on the same principle

For greater effectiveness of the procedure, before mechanical cleaning steam your hands by holding them in a hot bath for 5–7 minutes. Afterwards, it is recommended to wash your hands with laundry soap.

High-quality laundry soap, made in accordance with GOST, cleans any stains better than toilet soap

Video: testing different methods for cleaning hands from stains caused by green walnuts

Many people love to eat nuts. True, if you do not buy fruits in a store, but pick them from a tree, you will have to peel them. It’s a seemingly simple procedure, but the consequences in the form of brown spots on your hands and clothes often turn out to be a bonus to obtaining a healthy and tasty product. Let's look at popular methods that allow you to wash away traces of juice as quickly as possible and with minimal effort. nut peel.

Why are stains so annoying?

The brown pigment of nut juice is very durable

The juice of nut peels contains a lot of juglone - a brown coloring substance, a component of iodine and other useful substances found in fruits. Moreover, all types of nuts contain it, but with different concentrations. The most juglone is found in the peel of the walnut, and since it is the most popular type of the walnut family in our area, the problem of removing brown marks from the skin of the hands after peeling these fruits becomes particularly relevant.

Features of nut peel stains on the skin

It is unlikely that you will be able to wash your hands after peeling nuts using soap alone.

This is interesting. Manufacturers of hair coloring products add juglone to dyes and tonics for greater color durability.

Traces of juglone have the insidious property of not appearing immediately, but after some time, after the juice of the peel gets on the skin. Such spots take quite a long time to disappear, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. To do this they need contacts with environment different properties: from interaction with liquid to sunburn or scrubbing.

This is interesting. It is peeling, that is, removing the colored layer of the epidermis, that is the most effective way to remove traces of juglone, but before that it is still worth neutralizing the brightness of the pigment.

7 Best Ways to Quickly Clean Your Hands from Walnut Juice

To prevent peel juice from getting on your skin, you need to wear gloves when peeling nuts.

If you have to peel nuts, then take care of the condition of your hands in advance, that is, wear rubber gloves. If trouble in the form of contact with the juice of young nuts has already occurred, then there are two types of ways to eliminate it.

This is interesting. Whatever method of skin whitening after contact with nut peel juice you choose, after treatment you must smear your hands with a softening cream with an anti-inflammatory effect to restore the moisture balance.

Aggressive methods

Usually, such methods are resorted to in cases where there is a desperate need to have clean hands, and there is absolutely no time to wipe off stains.

"Whiteness" or oxygen bleaches

“Belizna” removes traces of nut peel juice in just a couple of minutes

Simply soak a cotton pad or soft cloth in the product and wipe away the brown marks - they will disappear in a couple of minutes.

This is interesting. Everyone's skin sensitivity is different, so the result of such cleansing may be allergic reaction or even a chemical burn.


Ammonia solution is an iodine antagonist

Ammonia is an antagonist of iodine, so moisten a cotton pad with ammonia, wipe the stains, and nothing will remain of brown marks.

This is interesting. Alternatively, you can use kerosene, gasoline or acetone. Just keep in mind that the consequence of such cleansing will be bad smell, which is quite difficult to get rid of. In other words, you will have to wash your hands with toilet soap at least 5-6 times.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide negatively affects the condition of the skin and nails


  1. Wet your hands generously with peroxide.
  2. We put on gloves.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. We scrub our hands well with laundry soap applied to a hard washcloth.
  5. Wash off with water.

This is interesting. Peroxide has a very negative effect not only on the skin, but also on the nails. And as a result of treatment with a hard washcloth, microdamages may appear.

Gentle ways


Lemon juice is good for skin whitening

This is interesting. Instead of lemon juice, you can use a solution of citric acid - 1 part powder to 4 parts water.


  1. Squeeze half a lemon into a bowl.
  2. We give up.
  3. After 5–7 minutes, scrub the skin with a hard washcloth.

This is interesting. If the contamination is severe, the procedure may have to be repeated.

Unripe grapes

Unripe grapes contain a lot of acid, which neutralizes the brown pigment

The operating principle of this method is based on the reaction of dyes with acid.


  1. Squeeze the juice of the berries into a bowl.
  2. We lower our hands for 5–7 minutes.
  3. It’s good to rub it with a washcloth.


Sea salt is the best exfoliant for skin

Exfoliation is a great way to remove brown marks from your skin. You can use baking soda, sea salt, and corn grits as a scrub.

In autumn, walnuts ripen, the taste of which is significantly different from those stored throughout the year. It is during this period that many lovers of young nuts risk getting their hands dirty with the peel. After contact with it, the skin acquires a brown-black tint with yellowness, which is almost impossible to cope with. Therefore, the question of how to wash your hands from nuts worries all those who like to eat them. As practice shows, using just soap and water for these purposes does not give a significant result. This problem has existed for a long time, so gradually methods have emerged to help cope with it.

The simplest methods

The green peel of the nuts contains persistent juglone. It is used in the creation of many modern hair coloring products. The green peel also contains iodine. Most in an accessible way is to use a slice of lemon. Since washing your hands of nuts is not an easy task, you should rub the skin until it becomes lighter.

It is very good to clean your hands using grated potatoes. To do this, you need to rub it, and then place your hands in this mass. You can also use unripe grapes to cleanse your hands. Green colour. And since it’s not always possible to wash your hands of a nut after just one use, you can try combining several methods. That is, choose the ones that are more acceptable to you and use them one by one.

Chemical methods for cleaning skin

Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide also help. To do this, you need to wet your palms with one of the mentioned products, put on cotton gloves and wait a while. After this, you need to wash your hands well with soap, preferably laundry soap. So how to wash your hands from a nut with any mild remedy will not work, better later use cream to improve skin condition.

And the most radical method is to use products that are designed for washing and bleaching laundry. It should be remembered that potent products can damage the skin or cause irritation. Since washing your hands of a green walnut is an activity that requires not only enthusiasm, but also accuracy. Only after cleansing the skin of your hands in this way, you also need to wash them with soap and then generously spread the cream. This will allow you to restore as much as possible the skin damaged by exposure to juglone and then the cleanser.

You can also wipe your hands with ammonia, and then use water and soap. How else can you wash your hands of nuts? You can do a little laundry by soaking the item in a solution of ammonia. In this case, you need to use 1 gram of the substance per glass of water. After this, you should wash the item in soapy water by hand.

How to preserve the skin of your hands

No cleaning method will add beauty. This should be taken into account before dealing with nuts. Therefore, it is best to carry out all manipulations with gloves. The strongest coloring pigment accumulates around and under the nails. Therefore, all those who prefer a light manicure will need to forget about it for a while. And the reason for applying bright varnish is banal: to paint your nails.

You will need to really work hard to lighten your cuticles. But women prefer to do the washing by hand. After it, the skin really brightens significantly. If the situation concerns not preservation for the winter, but just a one-time meal, then you should not clean it at all. green nuts. Those of them are also tasty if the peel has already burst on its own and can be removed with light pressure.

In addition, there is no need to delay cleansing your skin. After all, the more time passes after contact with nuts, the more difficult it is to return your hands to their original appearance. But in any case, when working with people, you should take care of your hands and do not peel nuts without gloves. Since washing your hands of walnuts is a long task and if the skin is heavily soiled, it may not be successful.

How to prevent yourself from the problem of darkened hands

People always pay attention to their hands. And what kind of opinion can a client develop about the company if he shows up to work with his hands dark color? Therefore, if necessary, clean a large number of If you want to eat nuts, you should buy several pairs of gloves in advance. And if one of them breaks, you can instantly replace it with another, since washing your hands of a green walnut is an activity that requires time and effort.

Do not forget that any emergency method has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Even contact with a cracked peel, from which juice splashes, will not add beauty and freshness to them. Of course, you can try to peel the nuts carefully. But this is only possible in the case of practically mature specimens. Those of them that are covered in a uniform, dense peel have to be peeled with a knife. And in this case, it is simply impossible to avoid getting juice on your hands.

But you don’t need to deny yourself the opportunity to eat young nuts if you have one. The human body is extremely complex, so if you want to try something, you need to do it. And denying yourself in the name of the beauty of your hands is completely wrong. A rational approach is to prevent darkening of the skin.

Think about how you feel about nuts. Surely among you there are many lovers of this product, enriched with vitamins and microelements, and simply an excellent delicacy. Walnut is considered one of the most popular plants, and the best-selling nut, and not only in our country. It is eaten after peeling, added to salads, soups, snacks, and used for serving. festive table. Don't forget that walnuts are a storehouse of nutrients. Many centuries ago, this plant was brought to Europe from Greece, where it took root well. By the way, it was the Greek origin that gave the fruit its name. All those who have encountered the cultivation of walnuts will probably own experience We felt how difficult it is to wash your hands after harvesting. We will talk about how to wash your hands from nuts as effectively as possible in this material.

Why are your hands dirty?

Have you ever wondered why your hands are still dirty after peeling nuts? So, before looking for the answer to the question of how to wash your hands of walnuts, you first need to understand the root cause of what is happening. Hands become dirty after contact with unripe fruits, especially during peeling. Getting rid of black spots is very problematic, so it is better to wear rubber gloves on your hands if possible.

The composition of walnuts is enriched with the content of the pigmented substance juglone - this is a natural dye that is difficult to wash off not only from clothes, but also from hands. The most interesting thing is that, once on the skin, the substance does not appear immediately - only after some time you notice dark spots on your skin. The juglone content in mature hearths is minimal, so they do not stain hands.

Ways to wash your hands

So how can you wash your hands of walnuts? We want to give you a few valuable advice and recommendations to help cope with this problem. When collecting nuts in the forest, people often encounter stains on their hands. The first thing that comes to mind is to use modern chemicals and cleaning products, but in most cases they do not give any result - you cannot cope with this matter without heavy artillery. Don’t know how to quickly wash your hands of nuts? Pay attention to simple and accessible folk methods.


Freshly squeezed lemon juice is an assistant to every housewife, not only in the kitchen, but also in removing difficult stubborn stains. You can use it to remove grease stains, ink stains and wash your hands after eating nuts. If you don’t know how to quickly wash your hands of nuts, use lemon. Dissolve the juice of one lemon in warm water, pour the resulting mixture into a shallow basin and try to wipe your hands with it. In such a difficult task, arm yourself with a rough washcloth - rub your hands without sparing, because this is the only way you can get rid of stains.

You can do it a little differently if you don’t know how to wash your hands of nuts. Cut the lemon in half and lemon juice rub your palms, leaving them in this state for several minutes. After this, be sure to wash your hands with warm running water and be sure to moisturize them with a nourishing cream, preventing irritation and dryness.


Did you know that grapes are in no way inferior to citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C content? That is why it can be used perfectly to remove stains on hands and clothes. For all those who have tried all the methods and don’t know how to wash their hands after nuts, we recommend paying attention to grapes.

Grape juice should be rubbed into the skin of your hands until the spots begin to disappear. You can take grapes in your palm and start crushing them - the effect will be noticeable within a few minutes.


How to wash your hands of nuts if you don’t have any exotic fruits on hand? Surely in every house there are potatoes, at least a couple of tubers. So, the potatoes should be peeled and grated on a coarse grater until the consistency of mush is obtained. Potato juice enriched with starch is another excellent remedy in the fight against dark spots on the hands.

The resulting pulp must be added to warm water. Use the resulting solution using a washcloth, trying to wipe off the stains. True, this method may not help everyone - you need to be prepared for this.

Sea salt

Sea salt is an excellent bath product. If you still don’t know how to wash nuts off your hands, pay attention to this option. To prepare the bath, a small amount of sea salt should be dissolved in hot water. Baths should be taken as needed, that is, until the stains are completely removed.

Hydrogen peroxide

Here’s another effective way when you don’t know how to wash your hands of green nuts. But this method only works in the case of newly formed stains. Hydrogen peroxide can certainly be found in every family medicine cabinet. A small amount of peroxide should be poured onto a cotton pad and rubbed into the areas that have come into contact with the nuts. If stains have already begun to appear on your hands, the shade of which is becoming more and more expressive, using a solution of hydrogen peroxide is already useless; this is no longer something that can be used to wash your hands of nuts. This is why it is so important to start cleansing your skin immediately.


How to wash your hands from a nut, and exactly brown spots? With a cotton pad soaked in ammonia, you should rub the already formed stains with careful massaging movements until they are completely whitened. Important point: Carry out this process only outside, as otherwise you may feel dizzy and even get a headache.

Household chemicals

If we talk about household chemicals, there are products that help eliminate dark spots, but they tend to damage the skin. After using them, the skin on your hands becomes dry and cracking is possible. That is why they must be used with extreme caution. Such products that demonstrate effectiveness include: gasoline, kerosene, whiteness, bleaching agents.

Again, we repeat, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on the already injured skin of your hands, as this can lead to the formation of ulcers. After you treat your hands with one product or another, be sure to rinse them thoroughly under running water. running water, and then apply a rich nourishing cream.

To consolidate the effect, you can use ordinary laundry soap. To gently remove stains, you can use the following mask: before going to bed, generously smear your hands with cream, wrap them in cellophane and leave them in this position overnight. You can be sure: in the morning the spots will become much lighter, and for some they will disappear completely.

How can you wash your hands of nuts? In rare cases, the use of bleaches and baking soda is allowed - these are quite effective, but aggressive agents, so after using them it is necessary to moisturize and soften the irritated skin of the hands.

Let's sum it up

As part of this material, we talked about how to wash your hands from a nut, namely a green nut, we looked at the simplest, most accessible and very effective ways. We tried to present to the attention of readers only those means for the implementation of which you can use household chemicals, products that every modern housewife can find in her home. And, of course, finally we want to give useful advice: nuts should be collected and peeled while wearing household gloves - the active substance will certainly not leak through them. You can buy gloves at every hardware store - with their help you will protect your hands not only from stains, but also from irritation.

In the process of peeling walnuts that have not had time to ripen, the skin of the hands is often stained with a stable Brown color. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to wash it off with ordinary soap. Therefore, it is recommended to use any of the methods well known among the people. You don't need any special means to wash your hands. All means are available and available to every housewife.

This method undoubtedly allows you to quickly wash your hands of walnuts. But considering

aggressiveness of chemical bleaches, it is recommended to abandon this idea. Potent components will not only remove the natural dye from your hands, but will also leave a severe burn. Therefore, it is better for those with delicate skin to refrain from washing their hands with aggressive substances, even those used in everyday life.

Lemon juice

Natural citrus juice helps wash your hands after peeling walnuts. Of course, the process is not fast, but the end result is quite effective. To get your hands in order after peeling nuts, you need to generously lubricate the dirty areas with lemon juice or citric acid solution and wait 2-3 minutes. Then rub your hands with a hard washcloth and rinse warm water. In most cases, one procedure is not enough. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to repeat the process two or three times.

Iodine and starch

How to wash your hands at home after eating walnuts quickly and painlessly? We just need to remember the school chemistry course, in which we were taught that iodine becomes discolored under the influence of starch.

To apply this knowledge in practice you need to do the following:

  • Take two or three medium-sized potatoes.
  • Grate the potatoes.
  • Place your hands in the mixture for a few minutes.
  • Rub your hands with a stiff brush.

You should not count on quick results, since the nut coloring agent contains not only starch. In juglone, that's what it's called coloring matter, there are other components that do not enter into chemical reaction with starch. A visible effect can be achieved if the stains are fresh.

Another way to quickly remove brown nut stains from your hands is to use peroxide.

hydrogen. This is a well-known bleaching agent often used by girls to bleach their skin and hair. This method cannot be called absolutely safe since peroxide can cause burns to the skin. To clean your hands, generously lubricate your skin with peroxide and put on rubber gloves.

After 15-20 minutes, remove the gloves and wash your hands with warm water and laundry soap. And in order to restore the softness of the skin after the procedure, generously lubricate your hands with caring cream or oil.

You can replace peroxide with green grape juice. Unripe berries contain a sufficient amount of acid, which has an excellent effect on juglone.


To effectively clean your hands after handling walnuts in green peel, scrubbing is recommended. According to many girls and cosmetologists, this the best option, facilitating the safe cleansing of hands from any, even the most persistent, contaminants.

First, you need to steam your hands in hot water. And then use any scrub available at home to cleanse. It could be soda sea ​​salt, corn grits. A ready-made scrub will also work. After cleansing, the skin of your hands should be nourished with moisturizer.

Is juglone healthy?

Of course, if you want to have beautiful, neat-looking hands, you will have to use one of the methods suggested above for washing off brown stains from nut peels. But, if brown spots on your hands don’t bother you, it’s worth finding out whether juglone, a coloring substance made from nuts, has any value?

It turns out that this composition has:

  • Antitumor properties.
  • General strengthening.
  • Adaptogenic.
  • Bactricidal.
  • Fungicidal.
  • Anti-inflammatory property.

Knowing about the healing qualities of juglone, it is recommended to use the tincture on the green peel of walnuts for many diseases. In the process of banal cleaning of nuts, the coloring matter from the shell of the fruit can promote the healing of wounds, cuts, and burns.

You can learn more about how to wash your hands after peeling green walnuts from the video.


People know several ways to wash their hands after peeling nut shells. Some of them are very aggressive and can cause burns to the skin. Others will not only cleanse their hands, but also nourish the skin with useful substances. The safest and most effective are potatoes, lemon juice and green grapes. These products will not harm the skin, but will perfectly remove brown nut stains.