We grow walnuts in our summer cottage. Growing walnuts from nuts Growing walnuts at home

Walnut is a very popular plant that is widely used in medicine, cooking, and even in magic. Walnut grows actively in regions with warm and temperate climates. This tree with dense foliage grows in almost every garden plot, which is an excellent protection from the heat.

How to plant walnuts in the garden is a question that interests many gardeners. It's very easy, although many people don't know how to do it correctly.

Two ways to plant nuts in the garden

There are two ways to plant a walnut - using a seedling and a fruit. This plant can also be grown from seeds.

The simplest and most reliable way is to plant a ready-made seedling, which can be purchased at the market or in a specialized store. But it is very difficult to predict whether a future tree will bear good fruit, or whether it will bear fruit at all.

Planting a nut - subtleties

You can prepare the planting material yourself by looking for a walnut tree with well-ripened fruits. They need to be taken for future planting. The important thing is that such seeds will not require adaptation to new climatic conditions.

It is better to collect fruits for planting in October. At this moment, the tree bears fruit and drops its fruits. The nuts should have a green skin with a slight yellowish tint. The fruits are selected that are healthy and uniform in shape, without dents or other damage. The shell must be hard. For cultivation, it is better to collect fallen fruits. Well, if you like the ones on the tree, you can knock them down with a stick. To successfully plant a walnut at home, you only need large and healthy seeds. They must be ripe.

If there are cracks in the outside of the pericarp and the seeds are detached from the shell, they can be considered ripe. It is best to plant the seeds immediately after collection, in the fall, since they will no longer be suitable next year. First, the nut is cleared of the pericarp. Then dig a hole about a meter deep. It is recommended to mix the dug soil with humus, which will increase its nutritional value.

You don’t have to peel the nuts from their original skins; it’s not important. But experienced gardeners noted that purified planting material it germinates faster and has a higher germination rate. The nut is carefully broken with a hammer, separating the outer shell, but it is very important not to damage the inner skin of the fruit. When cleaning nuts, it is better to use rubber gloves, which will protect against the formation of dark spots on your hands. By the way, they take a very long time to come off.

We immerse the cleaned planting material in water. Those seeds that have fallen to the bottom are suitable for cultivation. These fruits with a whole kernel can produce good sprouts. In order for the plant to be planted correctly, the seeds must undergo a stratification procedure. They are placed in a cool place, ensuring stable temperature regime within 5 degrees for 3-4 months.

One thing to remember important rule When planting a walnut, it is recommended to plant the seed at the depth of its length. This largely depends on climatic conditions. In areas with harsh climates, seeds are planted much deeper. Nuts are planted in the soil at a depth of up to 25 cm with the seam facing up. After they germinate, only the strongest seedling is left.

Planting a nut seedling

Many novice gardeners are interested in how to plant a walnut seedling correctly. To do this, you will need a two-year-old plant. It must be a seedling of any height with a strong trunk with a diameter of at least 1 cm. You need to dig up the plant for planting so that the lateral roots remain intact. It is better to cut the vertical root to 1/3 of its length. The cut area must be treated with clay. The plant is deepened so that the root collar is 3-4 cm higher above the ground. Then the hole with the plant is covered with earth, compacted thoroughly and excess branches are removed.

To get a fruit-bearing tree, it is better to buy a ready-made seedling, which root system will be “mothballed”.

Such a seedling can be planted in any weather conditions, even during drought. The root system of the plant is already saturated with nutrients. Therefore, after planting, the tree will begin to actively develop. The survival rate of such seedlings is very high.

Walnut is a slow-growing plant that requires proper care and attention. It takes a lot of work to get it to bear fruit.

Walnut is a well-known crop, its fruits unusual shape familiar to everyone from childhood. In addition to their pleasant specific taste, walnuts are distinguished by a high content of beneficial microelements and vitamins, have a general strengthening effect on the human body, and are also widely used in cooking.

And although everyone ate walnuts, few people know that you can grow a full-fledged fruit-bearing tree from an ordinary nut. This is not difficult to do, but during the growing process it is worth taking into account several features of the agricultural technology of this crop.

Selection and preparation of seed material

Choosing seeds for growing walnuts is not an easy task. It is best to stock up on seed material in autumn period when you are most likely to find freshly harvested nuts on the counter. From these, you should select several large, intact, well-ripened specimens. At the same time, we should not forget that very often walnuts go on sale pre-roasted or dried at high temperatures in industrial conditions, such seeds are not suitable for germination. The type of nut to sow depends on where the future tree will grow. For growing decorative indoor plants, this is not important - seeds of any variety are suitable, and for cultivation in open ground - only the fruits of zoned plants. This is due to the fact that southern trees will not withstand harsh climatic conditions middle zone, and their northern brothers adapted to them will die in the too hot climate of the southern regions. Pre-sowing preparation walnuts are carried out in the following order:

  • The seeds are placed flat in a suitable sized container ( Plastic container, wooden box).
  • The nuts are covered with wet sand.
  • The containers with seed material are placed in a cool place with a temperature of 0 to +5 °C (freeze-free basement or cellar, bottom shelf of the refrigerator). Stratification time is 3–4 months.
  • At least once every 3–4 weeks, the container with seeds is taken out to ventilate and moisten the sand.
    After the allotted period, the seeds prepared in this way are removed from the sand and they are started to be sown in the ground.

Sowing rules

The best time to plant walnuts is the second half of April. For this purpose, you should choose a voluminous pot or tub. The soil for planting must be fertile, with good aeration. You can prepare it yourself from turf land, peat and humus mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Next, sowing work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The planting container is filled 1/3 with a drainage layer.
  • The prepared soil mixture is poured over the drainage layer.
  • The nut is planted to a depth of 7–8 cm with the end part (where the groove is) down.
  • The soil is moistened abundantly.
  • The container is placed in a warm, well-lit place. To speed up germination, crops can be covered with glass or polyethylene.

The first shoots appear after 10–12 days. Their further development depends on how well their care is organized.

Features of caring for seedlings

look after walnut It’s not difficult, but there are some points worth paying special attention to:

A year after sowing, young nut seedlings are transplanted: domestic ones - into a container bigger size, street - to the garden, to a pre-selected area. Young trees grown to bear fruit by seed method, begin 5–7 years after sowing.

Transplantation and crown formation

Since in nature the walnut has the shape of a powerful spreading tree, it can be limited in size using formative pruning. The crown of a tub tree can be given any shape by carrying out the procedure for 3–4 years, starting from the second year of development. Subsequently, old, too thin and weakened shoots, as well as “tops” (branches growing vertically), are pruned. A similar sanitary and cosmetic procedure is carried out twice a year - in early spring and late autumn.

In the first 3–4 years, the walnut is recommended to be replanted annually into a pot, the volume of which is 8–10 cm larger than the previous one. During the procedure, the root system is cut off by one tenth, selecting old and rotten roots. Trees that have reached five years of age are replanted once every 3–5 years, annually adding fresh fertile soil under the base of the trunk.

When planting a walnut tree in open ground The issue of choosing a location for it deserves special attention. It is highly not recommended to plant walnuts near residential buildings and outbuildings, since the powerful root system that grows over the years can damage even a solid foundation. Also, you should not plan long-term plantings near a walnut tree - in its shade dense crown Not all plants are able to survive.

So, following the recommendations outlined above, from a small, familiar walnut, you can grow it into a charming indoor plant for interior decoration, as well as a mighty walnut tree, capable of living for more than 600 years and delighting more than one generation with a harvest of delicious fruits.

Walnut is a fairly unpretentious tree. It loves light and moisture, so it grows best in southern latitudes, but recently it has taken root well in the Moscow region. There were even some frost-resistant varieties, successfully grown in Siberia and the Urals. Having learned how to grow a tree from a walnut fruit, in just a few years you will be able to harvest your first harvest.

Preparation of planting material

Of all the fruits, only large ones with pronounced varietal qualities are suitable for planting. It is best to take nuts with strong, intact shells. Before planting, they are stored in a cool, dry place.

Start preparing the fruit for planting approximately 12-14 weeks in advance. To do this, place it in a box with damp sand and leave it at a temperature no higher than +7 °C. Make sure that the room maintains constant low temperature, and the sand always remained wet.

You can prepare the fruits in another way. Soak them in water for 3 days cold water, do not forget to change it daily. After this, leave the fruits for another 3 days in the growth stimulator.

Growing a seedling

It is best to plant walnuts in the ground in early May. At the same time, place the fruit in a planting groove 7-10 cm deep, placing it on the edge. In this position, the roots will immediately grow in the desired direction. Cover the ground above the walnut with a finger-thick layer of sand. The first shoots will appear in about 10 days. The exact timing of emergence of seedlings depends on the variety, climatic and weather conditions. Prepare a larger number of seedlings so that you can later choose the healthiest and strongest trees.

Planting a tree

After just a year, the seedling can be transferred to its place of permanent “residence”. To do this, carefully dig it out along with a lump of earth. Be sure to keep the taproot length at least 35-40 cm.

Typically, seedlings grown from a fruit do not retain all the properties of the mother variety, so they are planted in places where shade or protection from dust is required. To obtain quality walnuts Such trees have to be grafted. Due to the peculiarities of the tree structure and bark, this operation can be quite problematic, so the ability to graft a walnut is considered a sign of special horticultural skill. In some rare cases, trees grown from walnut, without any grafting, surpass the characteristics of the mother tree. Unfortunately, you can determine how lucky you are only after the first fruits have ripened.

Even beginners in gardening can start growing walnuts. This tree is not picky and grows quietly on different soils. The only problem that gardeners face is that the nut does not tolerate prolonged winter frosts. Mostly young trees are affected; adults tolerate the cold well.

Growing a walnut from a fruit is a convenient and proven method

Many gardeners wonder how to germinate walnuts. The best option reproduction - from the fruit, because the crop does not produce root shoots and reluctantly germinates when taken from cuttings. The main advantage of such planting is that the young plant will fully retain the varietal qualities of the parent tree.

Selection of planting material

The choice of planting material is an important stage in nut germination. After this, the nut itself is selected. You need to make sure it taste qualities. It's worth trying a couple of nuts from the tree; usually the entire harvest has the same taste. Inspect the nut itself for damage and disease. Recommendations for selection:

  1. You only need to plant fruits with intact shells, without cracks or breaks. There should be no traces of mold on it.
  2. The weight of the nut should be felt in your hand. If the shell is very light, then the kernel is shriveled or underdeveloped.
  3. The presence of holes in the shell indicates damage to the kernel by moths or other pests.

You can grow a walnut tree only from fresh fruits; last year’s fruits will not work. Because of this, you should not purchase nuts for planting in stores or from hand. It is unknown where and how these walnuts were stored, and how much time has passed since they were collected. It is best to collect planting material yourself.

For planting, you should select an ideally whole and high-quality nut

Preparing nuts for planting

After the walnuts have been collected and sorted, you need to take the largest of them and put them in a deep container. Seed material is poured warm water, with potassium permanganate diluted in it. Good, full-bodied nuts sink to the bottom, and those that remain on the surface are not suitable for planting.

Before planting walnuts from the fruit, you need to carefully treat the nuts from pests. The fruits are left to soak for 2–3 hours. During this time, the shells swell with water and open slightly. This will make it easier to peck the sprout and speed up the process. Potassium permanganate will disinfect planting material.

Planting nuts

There are two options for growing a walnut from a nut. Each of them is quite effective. The choice remains with the gardener. Before you plant a walnut tree, you need to know all the intricacies of this process.

Method one

Walnuts are planted in the ground in the fall. This method does not require pre-soaking, but only treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. Plantings should be at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other. 3-4 fruits are placed in the holes at a distance of 6 cm from each other. They are covered with earth and watered abundantly with settled water. The embedding depth is 5–7 cm. The hole is covered with straw or fallen leaves. In the spring, the strongest and healthiest of the sprouted plants is selected, and the rest are removed.

Before planting, nuts are treated with potassium permanganate

Method two

The second way to grow nuts from nuts is to plant the soaked fruits in a deep container filled with calcined river sand. 5–10 nuts are placed at once, depending on the volume of the container. They are covered with 2–3 cm of sand on top. With such germination, planting material needs stratification - imitation natural conditions growth. To do this, the surface of the sand is covered with a layer of snow. The container is covered with polyethylene and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 months. From time to time it is necessary to moisten the sand, and melted snow is best suited. After a while, the container is taken out and placed in a warm, well-lit place. After a few weeks, the first shoots hatch and are planted in the ground at a distance of 3–4 m from each other.

The result of germination largely depends on the quality of the planting material and the maintenance of its growing conditions.

When transplanting sprouted nuts, you need to carefully handle the roots. If they are damaged, the plant will lag behind in growth, develop incorrectly, or even die. What happens next to the seedlings depends on the quality of care for them.

You need to know how to plant a walnut correctly so that it can develop and not harm other plants. Due to the dense crown, practically nothing can grow normally under the tree except weeds. Walnut trees are light-loving, so they need to be planted so that over time they do not shade each other. It must be taken into account that the root system of an adult tree is very developed, and they cannot be planted near a house or other buildings. Roots can damage the foundation.

Caring for seedlings after transplantation

After the young tree has found its permanent place in the garden, it still requires care. You need to water the plant abundantly. This also applies to mature trees; they need moisture for fruit formation. A seedling up to 1 m tall requires 40–50 liters of water.

In addition to watering, walnuts require:

  • fertilization with organic and mineral substances;
  • loosening the soil around the trunk within a radius of 0.5 m;
  • mulching the surface of the earth with sawdust, pine needles or mowed grass.

These measures allow the roots of the plant to breathe and develop normally, and fertilizers make it possible to obtain all the substances necessary for growth and fruit formation.

Hazelnuts are grown in a similar way. These two crops are similar in their requirements for growing conditions and feeding, but walnuts also need pruning.

It is necessary to remove dry and diseased branches, shoots directed inside the crown. A properly trimmed nut develops normally and bears fruit well.

If you managed to grow a tree, then wait for the nut harvest in the fall. Depending on the early maturity of the variety, the timing ranges from mid-September to the end of October. You can pick up fallen nuts under a tree or knock them off the branches yourself using special devices - long sticks up to 4 m in length.

Hello, dear friends!

The climate has changed significantly and amateurs began to grow walnuts from seeds in the Moscow region, along with peaches and decorative yuccas. The powerful roots of the nut penetrate deep into the soil and become inaccessible to winter frosts, which made the southern culture attractive for cultivation in the Central region.

How to grow walnuts from seeds

To obtain complete, high-quality and healthy seedlings, only large, ripe nuts with intact shells are selected. Good planting material is quite difficult to find even in hypermarkets, so it is better to look for high-quality Kuban nuts in vegetable stalls.

Sowing is carried out in autumn and spring, after keeping the seeds for three days in water, then in a growth stimulator “Zircon” or similar for the same amount of time. When soaking nuts, the liquid is changed daily, draining the old one, since an excess of essential and tannins from the shells is formed in the container, the concentration of which can harm the germination of kernels.

After a week water procedure nuts are planted in containers, positioned sideways, buried 6-8 cm in moistened soil, on top of which a sandy “cushion” as thick as a finger is made and covered with polyethylene.

It is impossible to predict the approximate germination time of seeds from the store; they can sprout in ten days, a month or six months, because the time of their collection, shelf life and other components that affect the rate of germination are unknown. Without the use of stimulants, a naturally ripened seed that fell naturally in the fall already sprouts in the open in May. Nuts planted artificially in March delight with seedlings in containers already on the 10th day.

Purchased seeds can be saved until mass planting in the spring by burying them in moistened sand and storing them in a cool vestibule in the corridor where potatoes are usually stored or in the basement. A month before the May planting, the nuts are taken out into the light, warm room, change or transfer to another sand and spill with a growth stimulant to speed up the process of formation of new life.

At the gardener's request, germinated seedlings are transferred to open area or grow indoors until October planting. When cultivating seedlings in closed ground conditions, it is necessary to transplant the young plants twice per season into containers two fingers larger in diameter than the previous ones.

A walnut obtained from a seed has a valuable property - often the seedlings are superior in all characteristics to the mother tree. The usefulness of grafting is undeniable in terms of guaranteed production of fruit-bearing specimens during mass cultivation; it is practically not carried out at the amateur level. Due to the peculiarities of the wood structure and walnut bark, it is difficult to implement even for an experienced gardener and is considered the highest skill. In Krasnodar private nurseries, where the valuable crop is grown in most regions, instead of grafting, they use the old-fashioned method - from three one-year-old seedlings, the strongest and most correctly formed are selected, rejecting the weak and lethargic ones.

Conducting growing walnuts from seeds in compliance with agricultural technology, with timely fertilizing and careful care, a nut sprouted in April, planted in May on a planned plot, already in September grows into a 15-centimeter ready seedling, managing to grow roots over 35 cm in length.

With a good owner, walnuts grown from seeds bear fruit 4-5 seasons after planting, three years ahead of generally accepted agricultural standards.

See you later, friends!