How to use ammonia as a fertilizer. Ammonia for the garden. What doses are needed

Many of us are familiar with ammonia with medical point vision. But not everyone realizes that this drug can also be used in the garden. Recently, this application has become very popular, since its effectiveness is confirmed in practice. Many summer residents are beginning to wonder how to properly use this drug so as not to harm the plants, but, on the contrary, to have a beneficial effect on them.

Benefits of use

In order to process cabbage, you need to take ten liters of water and 80-100 milliliters of ammonia. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the plants once every few days. But if the slugs are already infested, then the solution can be poured directly from the watering can onto the head of cabbage. Pests should soon leave your garden bed.

Advantages and disadvantages of using ammonia

Ammonia has already become truly universal garden fertilizer, and the benefits of its use are beyond doubt. Unlike other nitrogen-containing fertilizers, it is completely harmless to both humans and domestic animals. At the same time, ammonia is both a fertilizer and a means of pest control.

However, this drug also has negative sides. For example, if there is an oversaturation with it, problems with plant growth may occur. In this regard, it is not recommended to fertilize more than once a week. If ammonia is used for treatment, then solutions of low concentration should be prepared, and gradually increase it over time. Otherwise, instead of the expected miracle, you may get the opposite effect, and your garden crop will not give you the joy that you so expected from it.

Many gardeners use ammonia for their gardens and vegetable gardens. The use of solutions with ammonia gives amazing results. After all, ammonia is a nitrogenous substance that is used in our garden to feed plants with nitrogen. Ammonia, which is contained in ammonia, is more easily absorbed by plants, more quickly and with better quality. Plants need nitrogen to grow green mass, so it must be used at the beginning of the summer season, when green mass growth is needed.

Ammonia The application in the garden is simply huge! This includes fertilizing and treating the garden and vegetable garden against diseases and pests. Today, we will tell you about the most popular ways to use ammonia for plants.

Ammonia for indoor flowers

IN winter period our indoor flowers that grow on window sills, where it can be cold or drafty, or, on the contrary, too hot due to heating, the flowers feel quite bad. Therefore, they need to be fed, especially in the second half of winter. In addition, whiteflies can appear in indoor flowers, spider mite or other pests. Therefore, to disinfect and fertilize with nitrogen, you need to make a soft, delicate solution using ammonia.

Excess nitrogen can burn the roots of plants, so you need to water with such solutions away from the roots of indoor flowers and other plants, especially shrubs.

For indoor flowers, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia in a bucket of water. The solution turns out to be very weak and gentle. But this is quite enough for watering, fertilizing and disinfection. Then we water the flowers with ammonia and this solution so that pests do not multiply there, at the same time we obtain disinfection from pests.

Nitrogenous fertilizers quickly reach the roots indoor plants they begin to grow faster.

Also make the solution stronger and wash the windows where the indoor flowers are with this solution. Pests can be found there. Indoor flowers respond well to this feeding.

Novice flower growers decide whether it is possible to water indoor flowers with ammonia? Can! But provided that you have no diseases and you feel well. For some types of diseases, especially asthma (ammonium causes bronchospasms and can provoke a severe attack), you should not use this remedy, much less increase the dosage!

Ammonia for the garden and vegetable garden

You can use ammonia in the garden in two ways:

  • Disinfection and control of pests such as beetles, mole crickets, whiteflies, aphids, various larvae;
  • Fertilizing seedlings and plants (enriching the soil with nitrogen).

Use of ammonia in the garden in spring:

  • At a steady temperature of +10 degrees, you need to spill soil in those places where plants do not grow, but pests happily breed and multiply - a greenhouse, compost heaps, lawn grass. We make a very saturated solution - dilute 40 grams (small bottle) in 1 bucket of water and water the soil. This solution is very concentrated, it burns all the larvae of mole crickets and beetles.
  • With further warming, we water the radishes prepared for planting. This must be done in advance, the day before sowing, so as not to burn the seeds.
  • Before planting seedlings in the greenhouse, water the soil and soil between the beds with ammonia solution.
  • Be sure to pour a concentrated solution of ammonia warm beds where pest larvae can overwinter.
  • Shrubs such as currants, raspberries, gooseberries during warming can be shed with a solution of ammonia, against various larvae, raspberries, gooseberries during warming. Shrubs are watered at a distance of 20 cm from the roots, poured around the rhizomes so as not to burn the roots.
  • When watering the soil early spring the problem with slugs is being solved.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

For feeding and fertilizing, ammonia should be diluted more weakly. 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Use this fertilizer when the leaves of the plants become pale green and the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow. If the plants are pale green, no beautiful flowers, does not bear fruit, which means there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. This happens often with. Water about a liter under each tomato, cucumber, and eggplant bush and do this 3 times, every 10 days. Then the growth of vegetables in the garden improves.

Ammonia for seedlings can be used to improve growth. Nitrogen gives growth and vegetation.

You can also shed the distance between the rows - it is important and natural. In a greenhouse, when planting seedlings, spilling along the paths will repel aphids from the greenhouses.

With the constant use of ammonia at the beginning of the summer season, they lead to the following results:

  • increase in green mass;
  • prevention of pests (mole crickets, aphids, wasps, ants);
  • active flowering of the crop;
  • eliminating the need for feeding by other means;
  • plant safety.

Nitrogen fertilizing is very important for most plants. This element is quickly absorbed. It is imperative to use an aqueous solution of ammonia when growing such garden crops, How:

  • strawberries and garden strawberries;
  • geranium;
  • onion;

The rest of the plants in the garden do not need this fertilizer as much.

Ammonia for strawberries

To feed strawberries you need to dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia per 10 liters of water and pour the strawberries with this solution before fruiting. Watering in the center of the bush is protection against weevils, pests and fungal diseases. With this feeding of strawberries, the berries will be sweet, the leaves will be emerald, and will not be damaged by insects. The active nitrogen compound also helps prevent yellowing of the leaves.

You only need to use ammonia for strawberries 3 times during the entire summer period. Remember that after regular spraying with ammonia, it is not recommended to apply additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

  • Remember that ammonia is dangerous for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Inhaling the vapors of this drug, even in small doses, can significantly worsen the health of such people.
  • It is strictly forbidden to mix ammonia with certain drugs, for example, chlorine. With this connection, the toxicity of the resulting vapors increases significantly.
  • Ammonia can only be combined with iodine and soap.
  • When working with ammonia, your hands must be protected with rubber gloves. Prepare clothing so that there are no exposed skin areas.
  • When watering strawberries with ammonia, do not allow the solution to come into contact with your eyes or face. If the solution gets on open areas skin, they should be washed immediately with soap and water. Afterwards you need to consult a doctor.
  • Remember that all berries should be washed thoroughly after this treatment. You should definitely warn everyone who will feast on your berry harvest about this.

Greetings, friends, to the site, advice for gardeners. Ammonia is an excellent helper in gardening problems. And it may well act as an ambulance medical care if the plants on the site begin to wither.
Fertilizing with ammonia

Do not forget that ammonia is an ammonia tincture, i.e. is a nitrogenous compound. And thanks to this, the use of ammonia in the garden is completely justified, since for plants this product is a rich source of nitrogen, which is so necessary for normal growth and development.

To determine that a plant has a nitrogen deficiency, you need to examine its leaves. A signal of a deficiency will be pallor and drying of the leaf blade, since nitrogen takes part in the formation of chlorophyll.

The use of ammonia for plants as a fertilizer is as follows. For a regular ten-liter bucket you need to take three spoons of ammonia. Stir the water thoroughly and water the plants at the roots, being careful not to get on the surface of the leaves.

An aqueous solution of ammonia is absorbed by plants very easily. At the same time, this feeding option can also be used in cases where the plant does not show signs of an obvious lack of an element.

After all, on almost every garden plot there are such “residents” as cucumbers, onions, clematis, hydrangeas various types other crops that are very responsive to nitrogen application. And it is simply impossible to “overfeed” them.

Ammonia is an excellent protection against pests

Ammonia has a horrifyingly pungent odor, and gardeners actively use this property in pest control. Treating plants with ammonia repels many insects.

Here is a list of those who dislike the smell of ammonia the most:

Carrot and onion fly.
Secretive proboscis.
Midges living in indoor flowers.

For a bucket of water (10 liters) you need to take 50 milliliters of ammonia. Then mix thoroughly and add a small amount of grated soap - you can use both regular laundry soap and baby soap.

The main thing is that it does not have any extraneous active aromas. Soap is necessary so that the solution sticks better to the surface of the leaves. For the plant, such spraying will be an excellent feed, and will completely destroy aphids.


The mole cricket especially loves beds with cabbage, and can also spoil young and still quite tender tomato seedlings.

To prepare a solution for ten liters of water, you only need to take ten milliliters of ammonia. When planting, simply water the plant at the root. This will be enough to scare away the mole cricket for the entire season.

Carrot and onion fly

The onion and carrot flies do not like the smell of ammonia. In this case, only five milliliters of the drug is taken per bucket of water. The solution must be thoroughly mixed and watered.

Secretive Proboscis

Another insect that absolutely cannot stand the ammonia aroma. For a ten-liter bucket of water you need to take 25 milliliters of ammonia. Watering onions and garlic should only be done at the beginning of summer once a week.


The following concentration will help against wireworms - 10 milliliters per bucket of water. Tomatoes need to be watered when planting, 0.5 liters per bush.

Midges living in indoor flowers

To get rid of annoying midges in home flowers, you can also water them with ammonia water. You need to prepare a very weak solution and water the plants.

This is how ammonia is used against plant pests, but ammonia water can also be used to protect yourself. To do this, prepare a weak solution, which then needs to be sprayed around you using a spray bottle. This will repel many flying insects.

During the period of growth, flowering and formation of ovaries, plants especially need support and protection. Such a popular and proven remedy as ammonia is used in the garden to solve several problems at the same time. It helps saturate the soil with nitrogen, promotes the growth of green mass by plants, and repels pests. An aqueous solution prepared from this universal preparation is used throughout the warm season. To use fertilizer effectively, you need to know how to properly use ammonia in gardening.

Description and chemical composition

Ammonia, or aqueous ammonia solution at a concentration of 10%, is available as a liquid in bottles. Active ingredient, ammonia (NH3), is a colorless gas. Its peculiarity is sharp, caustic, bad smell, resembling urine. The aqueous form of the solution is used both in gardening (as part of fertilizers and protective products) and for medical purposes.

In everyday life, people call this drug ammonia, ammonia, ammonia water. In fact, the name “ammonia” belongs to ammonium nitrate (NH4Cl). This chemical is used to a limited extent in large-scale agricultural technology for processing large areas. It is not used at all in small private farms. Thus, ammonia and ammonia are one and the same, and ammonia itself, or ammonium nitrate, is separate chemical compound.

The use of ammonia in gardening

The use of ammonia solution for plants has two main directions. It is used as a powerful nitrogen fertilizer and a handy remedy in the fight against common pests. In practice, this means that both functions are performed simultaneously, making it easier to grow fruits and vegetables. Feeding with ammonia can be done either in the form of watering plants at the roots, or by wetting their green parts.

The preparation contains nitrogen in a form accessible to plants, so it is easily and quickly absorbed without going through lengthy stages of transformation in the soil. Why is ammonia used in the garden: it is used to water almost all vegetables and many trees. Flowers and decorative foliage crops are especially responsive to this drug. It is also used as a universal foliar fertilizer, which easily penetrates plant cells through the surface of leaf blades. This is especially true for those flowers, trees and shrubs that require a long period of time to transport fertilizer through root system to ground units.

It is convenient to use ammonia to destroy and repel common insect pests such as different types aphids, secretive proboscis, caterpillars, slugs and snails. In the garden it is used to get rid of ground pests in the form of spraying, and with the help of root watering you can destroy underground species of insects, for example, mole crickets, wireworms, larvae and soil flies.

As a fertilizer

The main reason for fertilizing vegetable and garden plants ammonia is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. This can have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the plantings. Nitrogen is involved in photosynthesis and affects the production of chlorophyll in plant cells. If there is a shortage of it, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and fruit ovaries do not form. Crops that do not have enough nitrogen during the period of active growth stop in their development and may die.

Watering the beds will give noticeable results in just 4-5 days. Spraying allows you to speed up this process and support plants that are experiencing acute nitrogen starvation. Ammonia solution is a suitable fertilizer for such urgent cases. The specimens processed by him come to life and transform before our eyes.

Ammonia solution in the country will be useful in the following situations:

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes require nitrogen throughout the entire period of growth and development. They need to be fed with the drug in small and medium dosages.
  • You can water root vegetables with an ammonia solution: potatoes, carrots, beets, radishes. For these vegetables, it makes sense to use root fertilizers during the growing season and flowering, and later, during the growth of underground parts, they will no longer be so effective.
  • For cabbage, peppers, pumpkins, and zucchini, nitrogen fertilizer is always a welcome supplement, to which these plants respond very positively. The drug can be applied using both the root and air methods, as well as alternating these types of treatments.
  • Top dressing ornamental plants ammonia is carried out during the growing season and flowering. They can be treated by root method and spraying. It is better to water beautifully flowering and especially decorative deciduous species with ammonia water regularly; they are very responsive to all types of procedures with nitrogen preparations. But at first the dosage should be small, otherwise the flowers will burn, that is, they will devote all their energy to the growing season and slow down the formation of buds.
  • To grow seedlings, ammonia is used in the form of watering at the root and spraying with a weak solution. The dosage should be increased gradually, observing the reaction of the seedlings. They show it very quickly and clearly.
  • To rehabilitate mineral-poor or tired soil, preventive treatments are carried out throughout the summer season, as well as in the fall, after harvesting.

Pest control agent

To protect plants and preserve the harvest, ammonia is used both in the form of spraying and watering. Measures that are suitable for pest control also help to support the plantings with nitrogen fertilization. In case of extensive damage to beds by insects, a combination of treatments is needed different methods: adding the solution to the soil and spraying alternately.

Watering is done at the root of the plant, as well as at a distance of half a meter around it. It is better to cultivate slightly moist soil rather than completely dry soil. It is necessary to water abundantly until the soil near the plants is completely wetted. For aerial treatment, the plantings are sprayed from a spray bottle.

Summer residents often water the green mass from above using a watering can with a small divider. This way you can reduce the amount of ammonia that gets on the skin and respiratory tract of the gardener.

Some large specimens, for example, cabbage, do not need to be sprayed, but rather washed with a solution to ensure that the entire surface of the green mass is covered with the preparation. Garden sprayer with strong pressure - no best option, it forms a cloud of fine water dust, from which the drug quickly evaporates. You may also accidentally inhale toxic ammonia.

You need to know what pests ammonia water helps against:

  1. Flying and crawling insects: ants, wasps, larvae Colorado potato beetle They are afraid of the smell of ammonia. They can be easily repelled by spraying green matter, but the effect will be temporary. Once the smell dissipates, the pesky pests may return. The problem is solved by regular procedures.
  2. Colonies of voracious aphids, which love to settle on the youngest and most tender shoots of vegetable and garden crops, are completely destroyed as a result of treatment. It is reliable and safe way get rid of insects.
  3. Snails, slugs and caterpillars, which pose a danger to tender young plants during the active growing season, cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia, even in small concentrations. But after a single treatment they return quite quickly, so it is important to repeat the procedure.
  4. Underground pests: mole crickets, wireworms, soil flies, including onion and carrot flies, are also sensitive to the drug. Ammonia is capable of destroying both adult flying flies and larvae located in the top layer of soil.

Start work on fertilizing garden and garden plantings nitrogen in the form of ammonia water is needed already at the stage of sowing seeds or planting seedlings. The dosage for the first treatments is taken as low as possible so that the plants do not experience shock. Gradually the concentration needs to be increased, but taking into account the frequency of treatments and the reaction of the plants. Exceeding the maximum dosage of the drug once may cause burns to the root system.

Too much high level Nitrogen content in the soil leads to the so-called fat loss: vigorous growth of leaves, late and weak formation of ovaries. The maximum permissible concentration of ammonia in the working solution: 120-150 ml per 10 liters of water.

For a small garden, it is convenient to dilute ammonia in a bucket of water. The drug does not tolerate combinations with chlorine, so the water should be soft, preferably natural. If you have to use tap water, it should be boiled and then left for several days. The prepared product must be used immediately; the working solution cannot be stored, as the ammonia will begin to evaporate.

  • In case of obvious nitrogen starvation of plants, you need to prepare a strong solution at the rate of 80-85 ml per 10 liters of water. At the same time, foliar treatment gives the fastest results.
  • For preventive regular treatment, a low concentration is suitable, 45-50 ml of ammonia solution per 10 liters of water. With this composition you can water and spray any garden and vegetable crops once every 2 weeks. There is no need to worry about excess nitrogen, and insects will not have time to damage the plantings with such a frequency of application.
  • Even a weak ammonia solution helps get rid of soil pests. For 10 liters of water take 20 ml of ammonia. You can water the ground not only under the plantings, but also around the beds, at a distance of 50-70 cm from them.
  • To protect against flying and crawling pests using the foliar method, prepare a solution of 50 ml of ammonia, 50 ml of any liquid soap and 10 liters of water. The active substance is needed so that the drug lingers on the surface of the stems and leaves. This also helps to distribute the product evenly.

It is not required to feed seedlings and young plants. large quantity working solution. For the first treatment, you need to use half the dosage of the drug, and then carefully monitor the reaction of young shoots. If they look healthy and strong, nitrogen fertilization can be continued.

General instructions by application:

  1. Add 6 ml (1.5-2 teaspoons) of ammonia solution per liter of water and stir.
  2. You need to water the seedlings not on dry soil, but after slightly moistening the substrate in the pots with plain water.
  3. This procedure can be repeated once every 10-14 days, depending on the condition of the plants.
  4. When planting seedlings in open ground Pour 0.5 liters of solution into the prepared hole for each plant. This will help protect the plantings from pests and create favorable conditions for growth and nutrition.


It is no coincidence that ammonia has such a repulsive odor. This product is toxic to humans; it can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin and especially in the bronchi. When adding ammonia to the soil, you need to use rubber gloves and closed clothing. A respirator will reliably protect the respiratory tract while working with the drug. If the substance is accidentally ingested, drink plenty of clean water and induce vomiting. After finishing work, change clothes, take a shower and wash your hair.

It is advisable to treat plants in warm, dry and windless weather. Evening time is ideal for such procedures; in this case, the risk of sunburn on the leaves from drops of liquid is eliminated.

Please note that ammonia damages some objects and surfaces, especially paint and varnish coatings.

An affordable and versatile product that combines a number of useful functions, can be found in pharmacies, garden stores. Subject to the precautionary rules and permissible concentrations, ammonia is safe for humans and plants; it does not contribute to the accumulation in fruits harmful substances. This drug is considered a panacea for the health of most gardeners and garden crops.

Ammonia(ammonium nitrate, NH4CL) is the most available source of nitrogen for plants. Nitrogen is necessary for all plants for proper growth and development. This is basic nutrient. Below we will talk about application ammonia for the garden.

Description and features of use

Ammonia, aka ammonia, Can find in any pharmacy. Regular release form: 10% solution(sometimes concentrated 25% solution) in 40 ml bottles. Ammonia is colorless, but has a characteristic pungent odor.

Plants absorb nitrates in large quantities, but ammonia is an exception. Plants do not accumulate it in their tissues, and therefore Can feel free to use ammonia as a top dressing.

Ammonia It is also good because it begins to act immediately. Organic fertilizers require time for the process of decomposition under the influence of microorganisms to begin. Only after this the plants will receive the necessary nitrogen. To obtain nitrogen from ammonia, the participation of microorganisms is not required; it is perfectly absorbed by itself.

Reference! Ammonium and aqueous ammonia ions are medium-strength alkalis. Alkalis help prevent acidification of the soil so that liming is not necessary. If the planted plants do not like acidic soil, applying organic fertilizers together with ammonia will create comfortable conditions for them.

How to spray and water

Processing held in the evening, after glaze or early in the morning, always in cloudy weather. Ammonia- an extremely volatile compound, so to use it you need to choose a type of watering can that produces not a stream, but separate thin streams. Using the first type of watering cans will lead to wasteful consumption of the substance. If necessary process large area or individual fruits, the sprayer is switched to spray mode.

Houseplants, as well as seedlings, watered from a watering can without a nozzle. At watering it is important to ensure that solution did not fall on the leaves and stems, but only on the ground, since ammonia causes chemical burns when it gets on greens. For prevention, it is best immediately after watering with ammonia Spray the plants with water: even if a drop of alcohol gets on them, it will be washed off.

Benefits of use

For plants Nitrogen is a key nutritional element. They cannot absorb it from the air, but they are able to absorb nitrogen contained in the soil. If the soil is rich in nitrogen, plants grow faster, bloom luxuriantly, become covered with dense foliage and bear fruit well. Indicates a lack of nitrogen the following factors:

  • leaves turn yellow, lower leaves become pale;
  • the plant is stunted, with a thin stem and small leaves;
  • slow growth and lack of flowering;
  • the plant is sickly, with reduced immunity, and is not resistant to even light frosts.

Important! If plants do not have enough nitrogen during the growing season, you can not count on a large harvest.

If you notice one or more of the listed signs, you need to urgently feed the plants with nitrogen. Of course for this Can use saltpeter, but it accumulates in tissues, so ammonia will the best solution. In addition, ammonia repels insects with its odor.

Although all plants need nitrogen, their ability to absorb it varies. Ammonia nitrogen is most absorbed by seedlings. Among already mature plants, the main consumers of ammonia are cucumbers and tomatoes, garlic and onion, and also bell pepper. As for flowers, ammonia works well on all bulbs, clematis, dahlias, peonies, nasturtiums, rose bushes, zinnias and pansies(violets). Special case - strawberry. She also needs ammonia, but not because of nitrogen, which she poorly assimilates, but to protect the berries from pests.

Application as fertilizer

As stated above, ammonia Can or spray plants or water their. Compound solution will depend not only on the goal processing, but also on the chosen method:

  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of concentrated solution per 1 liter of water (maximum dose). Used at the first sign of nitrogen deficiency as an emergency aid ( watering).
  2. 3 tbsp. spoons of concentrated solution per bucket of water (10 l). Used for fruits and vegetables ( watering).
  3. 25 ml (≈2 tablespoons) per bucket of water. Used for flowers and bulbous vegetables ( watering).
  4. 50 ml (≈4 tablespoons) per bucket of water (10 l). Used for vegetables (spraying).
  5. 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Used for seedlings ( watering) fertilizing flower crops (spraying).

For seedlings

First you need to process the seedling containers. This will protect crops from pests (ants, wasps) and fungal diseases. Two weeks after picking, when the second pair of true leaves appears on the seedlings, they need to be watered solution, prepared according to recipe No. 5.

For onions and garlic

Prepares before landing solution according to recipe No. 2 and is used at the rate of half a liter per well. When the plants go into arrows, you need to wait a week and then spray them every day solution No. 4. There may be too much nitrogen. An excess will be indicated by a change in the color of the foliage: it becomes dark and glossy. In this case, you need to stop spraying. Also if onion grown not for feathers, but for bulbs, carry out only two or three sprayings, and then switch to watering with solution №3.

For cucumbers and nightshades

First feeding carried out 3-4 days after disembarkation solution according to recipe No. 2. During the period of bud formation and flowering, foliar application will be required. feeding solution №4.

For flowers

For flowers, ammonia prepared according to recipe No. 1, 3 or 5 is suitable. Annual flowers watered before disembarking in the same way as onion and garlic. Perennials are watered after the leaves bloom. Before the buds appear, the plants are sprayed solution No. 5 once every two weeks. If few buds are formed, watered No. 3. Repeat a week later watering. If there is a lack of nitrogen during the flowering period, you need to apply solution No. 1, preliminary watering plants with plain water.

For strawberries

In this case ammonia used as soon as the leaves bloom (recipe No. 2), then the plantings are treated every two weeks (recipe No. 3). In both cases you need water space between the rows, it is advisable to do this at sunset.

Advice! There is a universal fertilizing recipe that is suitable for all fruit and vegetable crops. To prepare it, you need to dilute 50 milliliters of ammonia in 4 liters of water. For weaker concentrations, use a tablespoon per bucket of water, and for the strongest concentrations, use a teaspoon per liter.

For prevention, once a week water weakly concentrated solution all trees, bushes and vegetable beds. If necessary, increase the dose.

Watch the video! Ammonia for the garden and vegetable garden

Pest control product

Ammonia not only has unpleasant smell, repels insects, but is also toxic substance, capable of truly fighting pests.

Top dressing already allows you to achieve the desired effect, but Can carry out a separate insecticidal processing against specific harmful species. Best ammonia has proven itself in the fight against ants and wasps.

Ants and wasps are capable of causing enormous damage to fruits, but, fortunately, they cannot tolerate the ammonia smell even in minimal concentrations. Thus, using ammonia Can save fruit and berry crops. To ensure that volatile ammonia remains on the surface, fatty acids contained in soap are used. Solution prepares like this:

  1. Grate laundry soap (100 or 200 grams is enough). If you don’t have laundry soap, baby soap will do.
  2. Pour the grated soap into a liter of distilled water, wait until it is completely dissolution.
  3. Pour soapy water into a bucket of plain water in a thin stream, stirring continuously until gray flakes stop separating and soap bubbles appear on the surface.
  4. Once this stage has been reached, you can immediately, without precautions, pour the remaining soap into the bucket. solution.
  5. Add a bottle of concentrated ammonia. If the concentration is less than 25%, you need to recalculate the required dose per bucket.
  6. Use the prepared mixture immediately.

Although ammonia does not accumulate in plant tissue, it can remain on the surface of fruits. But I think everyone knows that you need to wash fruits and vegetables before eating.

In addition to fighting ants and wasps, ammonia protects garden from the following pests:

  • Weevil. Solution according to recipe No. 4, water once a week until results appear;
  • Onion/carrot fly. Solution No. 4, shed the space between the rows once;
  • Medvedka. For prevention, water the cabbage ( solution milliliter ammonia per liter of water) when planting at the rate of half a liter per hole;
  • Fruit fly. Recipe No. 5, once;
  • Wireworm. Solution No. 5, the same as from the mole cricket. Watering at the rate of half a liter per bush;
  • Secretive proboscis. Recipe No. 3. First processing after the arrows appear, the second – two weeks after the first.
  • Aphid. Processing solution against ants and wasps Once is enough, but if necessary, Can Spray the plants again after two weeks.

Safety of use

Ammonia is a dangerous poison. It can enter the body through inhalation, through mucous membranes and through the skin.

Couples ammonia cause serious damage to human body, when using you need to consider that:

  1. Sharply inhaling ammonia, Can, provoke respiratory arrest. To prevent this, all work is carried out in well-ventilated areas.
  2. Ammonia can dramatically increase blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
  3. Under no circumstances should you mix ammonia and chlorine-containing substances;
  4. Ammonia Causes burns upon contact with skin.

All work with ammonia must be carried out wearing rubber gloves, a plastic apron, a respirator mask, safety glasses and a plastic headgear.

The first signs of ammonia poisoning are nausea, vomiting and a burning sensation. If they appear, you should immediately drink warm milk and seek medical help.

At processing indoor plants to protect decorative coverings from the destructive effects of ammonia fumes, it is necessary to spray and watering outside: on open balcony or on the veranda. However, you should not stand against the wind.

Important! When using ammonia in a greenhouse, extreme caution must be taken. Carry out work only in stable warm weather, ensuring sufficient ventilation.

In capable hands ammonia becomes a real helper in the garden: an effective fertilizer and means of combating pests. You just need to follow the rules of use and proportions, and the plants will delight you with a rich harvest.

Watch the video! Fertilizing with ammonia