Setting goals for the week, month and year. How to make a list of goals you set for yourself. Unobvious goals are revealed to you here.

Do you know why so many goals are not met? Because they are placed incorrectly. We all want something, we have plans and dreams. But any desire must be made into a goal. And it should be such that you can definitely achieve it.

I want to tell you about setting SMART goals. Every manager knows what this is. But not all of us are managers, so let's figure out what SMART is and how to set a goal so that it can be realized.

SMART is an acronym formed by the first letters of English words:

  • specific;
  • measurable;
  • attainable;
  • significant (relevant);
  • time-bounded

The word smart itself translated into Russian means “smart”. Thus, correct positioning goals means that the goal must be specific, measurable, achievable, meaningful and related to a specific time frame.

To make it clearer, I propose to analyze everything using an example.

GOAL: Buying an apartment

Specific goal

It is not enough to simply say: I want an apartment. Specify what kind of apartment you want. Maybe the studio is enough for you or do you want to aim for three rubles? Determine what things in the apartment are important to you: the presence of balconies or loggias, a separate dressing room or a large corridor? Write down all the details, allow yourself to truly want this apartment!

TARGET:Buying a 2-room apartment in the city center, with 2 balconies and a dressing room.

Measurable Goal

Can you achieve this goal? Will you have the money for the apartment you want? Calculate the required amount and enter it in to understand how measurable your goal is.

The goal cannot be realized: I want an apartment for 5 million, I have 300 thousand, and I will find the rest. Are you planning to dig up treasure? Or borrow? First, see if you can .

Be sure to balance your strengths and capabilities with your goal. You'll be pleasantly surprised how much you can do without making a mistake.

TARGET:Purchase of a 2-room apartment in the city center, with 2 loggias and a dressing room for 3 million rubles, with a mortgage.

Achievable goal

Is it possible to achieve this goal? In our case, the example with an apartment is well achievable - receiving the keys or completing repairs can be considered the fulfillment of the goal. It’s more difficult with abstract goals, for example “Learn English.” Here you need to indicate what achievable result you should act on. Perhaps it will be: freely reading blogs in English or maintaining small talk while traveling, or maybe you will aim at mastering a technical language for work?

Either way, set yourself an ambitious but achievable goal. Only then will she motivate you!


Down payment: 300 thousand

I can pay up to 40 thousand per month.

Meaningful goal

A goal must be truly meaningful to you for you to achieve it. You must understand what achieving this particular goal will give you.

Not long ago in telegram channel DO and DREAM I wrote that I refused to buy an apartment because I realized that I really wanted a house. You will also determine whether this goal is really meaningful to you. Or maybe it is imposed by society or advertising? Check how your goal is coordinated with yours ? If it's stillyour aim, Wonderful! We have one more step left.

TARGET:Purchase of a renovated 2-room apartment in the city center, with 2 loggias and a dressing room for 3 million rubles, with a mortgage.

Down payment: 300 thousand

I can pay up to 40 thousand per month.

Timed goal

Goals need a time limit. This is the only way you will understand when your dream will come true. And if the situation allows you to fulfill your dream earlier (suddenly additional income appears ;)), you will be even more inspired. If, on the contrary, you are delayed somewhere, you will have additional motivation to complete the goal on time. Just don't set it to any time. You already have all the information to estimate the completion time goal.

With our goal, I did this: I went to the site , entered the data into the mortgage calculator and looked at how many years the mortgage would be repaid.

TARGET:Purchase of a renovated 2-room apartment in the city center, with 2 loggias and a dressing room for 3 million rubles, with a mortgage.

Down payment: 300 thousand

I can pay up to 40 thousand per month.

I will pay off the mortgage in 9 years.

This goal motivates me and makes me happy!

Look, our goal already looks like a plan, let's compare it with the original version of goal setting:

Apartment purchase

See how much the goal has changed? Now in front of you is no longer just a goal, but step-by-step strategy for execution. It is clear what kind of apartment it is, how much it will cost, whether it is possible to buy it and whether there is enough money for it.

Set all your goals for the year according to SMART so that they are definitely fulfilled!

And that is not all! Do you want to participate in free trainings on finance and earnings marathons? Then subscribe to my Instagram. There, among other things, I tell and show how I achieve goals with the help of Personal Financial plan and crazy motivation. IN Join our Success Club and know that you will succeed!

Beginning of the year - better time for setting goals. We are still full of strength, energy and determination to change our lives for the better in the new year.

But it’s not enough to say to yourself: “This year I will live better/lose weight/quit smoking/earn more…”. The effectiveness of such “goals” is practically zero.

If you really If you want to change your life this year, then first you need Right set goals. It's not as simple as it seems. To achieve the desired result, you need to spend a certain amount of effort and time setting goals and planning to achieve them. Today we will learn how to set goals, and the next post will be devoted to planning them.

So, set goals for the year.

First you need to sum up the results of the past year, noting the main achievements and defeats, and make the appropriate ones. Think about what wishes you would like to fulfill in the new year (just don’t listen to the inner critic who will tell you that everything will not work out and you will not achieve success). Dream, paint a bright picture of your future. Write down all your desires.

And now the most crucial moment - setting goals. We take a piece of paper with our desires and turn them into goals according to the “SMART” system, according to which the goal should be:

Specific - specific,

Measurable - measurable,

Attainable - achievable,

Relevant - significant,

Time-bounded - designated in time.

Let's now look at a specific example of how to set a goal. I really want to learn English. Usually at the beginning of the year I made a promise to myself that this year I would definitely study English, but... unfortunately, my patience and diligence only lasted for a maximum of 2 weeks.

This year I set myself a goal: “ Until the end of 2011, I speak English fluently: I read and speak without a dictionary».

My goal fully complies with the SMART principle:

  • Specificity. I didn’t write that I wanted to learn English, but set a goal to be fluent in it.
  • Measurable. The achievement of my goal can be measured because I indicated specific parameters - I read and speak without a dictionary.
  • Achievable. When setting goals, it is very important to realistically assess your capabilities. If you set a goal to “buy a car” and your salary is only $200, then your expectations will not be met. Better think about what you can do this year to increase your income - this will be a small goal, which is a stepping stone to achieving the main goal.
  • Significant. The goal must correspond to your true desires. Otherwise, you simply won’t have the motivation, strength and energy to achieve it.
  • Marked in time. Be sure to indicate the time frame for achieving the goal. This will be an additional and very effective incentive.

So, work through each goal and write it down (preferably in a planner so you can see your plans for the year every day).

A correctly set goal is already 80% of its achievement. But you shouldn’t relax after setting goals - you also need to make an effort to achieve them and create detailed plan. We will talk about how to do this in the article “

One of best advice which can be given to you: “look into the future with confidence - in the direction of your dreams” and set the right goals in life.

Most of us live like the wind - moving back and forth, from one day to the next.

But I believe that our life is not just an accident, and that we all have to participate in its “design”. You can call it lifestyle design.

Since the release of the movie "The Bucket List" starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, even more people have started writing down a list of their own goals.

Setting goals isn't just about writing a list. This is the starting point towards designing the life we ​​live. Perhaps it’s time for you to think about all the big and small things that you would like to accomplish in your life.

Every year, usually in December, people make a list of things they would like to achieve in the next year. However, these are short-term in nature. 100 life goals will set you more ambitious goals. Some of them will be short-term, while others may take your entire life to complete. Some tasks you can start and do right away, others will take more time.

100 Life Goals should be so exciting to you personally that you will have trouble falling asleep at night! If you are not excited about your goals, then you will not strive for them at a high enough level.

I'll give you an example of 100 life goals (both basic and "exotic"), but I highly recommend making your own list. So, be patient...

100 goals of human life

  1. Create a family.
  2. Maintain excellent health.
  3. Learn to speak English language(With the help of a native speaker or on your own).
  4. Visit a new country in the world every year. Visit all continents.
  5. Invent and patent a new idea.
  6. Receive an honorary degree.
  7. Make a significant positive contribution to peace.
  8. Go on a trip by ship.
  9. See the earth from space + Get the experience of weightlessness.
  10. Take a parachute jump.
  11. Take part in a marathon.
  12. Create a passive source of income.
  13. Change someone's life forever.
  14. Participate in the Olympics (or World Championships).
  15. Make a pilgrimage to Israel.
  16. Help 10 people achieve their life goal.
  17. Give a birth to a baby. Raise a child.
  18. Be a vegetarian for a month.
  19. Read the entire Bible.
  20. Have lunch with a famous person.
  21. Speak at a conference (+give a speech in front of more than 100 people).
  22. Write and publish a book.
  23. Write a song.
  24. Launch a website on the Internet.
  25. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
  26. Create your own business.
  27. Climb to the top of the mountain.
  28. Learn to play tennis.
  29. Learn digital photography and learn how to take photographs.
  30. Donate blood.
  31. Get rid of bad habits (Alcohol, smoking).
  32. Get acquainted with interesting person of the opposite sex.
  33. Own your own 5 hectares of land.
  34. Feed the sharks.
  35. Find a job you love that won't stress you out.
  36. Go scuba diving (diving or perhaps even sailing in a submarine).
  37. Ride a camel or ride an elephant.
  38. Fly in a helicopter or hot air balloon.
  39. Swim with dolphins.
  40. See the 100 best films of all time.
  41. Visit the Oscars.
  42. Lose weight.
  43. Take a trip to Disneyland with your family.
  44. Take a ride in a limousine.
  45. Read 100 best books of all times.
  46. Canoe in the Amazon.
  47. Visit all the games of the season of your favorite football/basketball/hockey/etc. teams.
  48. Visit all the largest cities in the country.
  49. Live without TV for a while.
  50. Seclude yourself and live like a monk for a month.
  51. Memorize the poem “If…” by Rudyard Kipling.
  52. Have your own home.
  53. Live without a car for some time.
  54. Take a flight in a fighter jet.
  55. Learn to milk a cow (don't laugh, it can be a learning experience!).
  56. Become a foster parent.
  57. Take a trip to Australia.
  58. Learn belly dancing.
  59. Found a non-profit organization aimed at helping people.
  60. Learn how to do home renovations (and do them).
  61. Organize a tour of Europe.
  62. Learn rock climbing.
  63. Learn to sew/knit.
  64. Take care of the garden.
  65. Go on a hike in the wild.
  66. Master a martial art (possibly become a black belt).
  67. Play in a local theater.
  68. Star in a film.
  69. Go on a trip to the Galapagos Islands.
  70. Learn archery.
  71. Learn to use a computer confidently (or help your girlfriend or mother with this)
  72. Take singing lessons.
  73. Taste dishes of French, Mexican, Japanese, Indian and other cuisines.
  74. Write a poem about your life.
  75. Learn to ride horses.
  76. Take a gondola ride in Venice.
  77. Learn to operate a boat or boat.
  78. Learn to dance waltz, tap dance, etc.
  79. Post a video on YouTube that gets 1 million views.
  80. Visit the headquarters of Google, Apple, Facebook or others.
  81. Live on an island + Live in a hut.
  82. Get a full body massage.
  83. For a month, drink only water and juice with meals.
  84. Become the owner of a % of the shares of a profitable company.
  85. Have zero personal debt.
  86. Build a tree house for your children.
  87. Invest in gold and/or real estate.
  88. Volunteer at a hospital.
  89. Go on a trip around the world.
  90. Get a dog.
  91. Learn to drive a racing car.
  92. Publish family tree.
  93. Achieve financial freedom: have enough passive income to cover all your expenses.
  94. Witness the birth of your grandchildren.
  95. Visit Fiji/Tahiti, Monaco, South Africa.
  96. Participate in sled dog races in the Arctic.
  97. Learn to surf.
  98. Make a split.
  99. Go skiing with the whole family in Aspen.
  100. Have a professional photo shoot.
  101. Live in another country for one month.
  102. Visit Niagara Falls, the Eiffel Tower, the North Pole, the pyramids in Egypt, the Roman Colosseum, the Great the Chinese wall, Stonehenge, Sistine Chapel in Italy.
  103. Take a nature survival course.
  104. Own your own private jet.
  105. Be happy in this life.
  106. …. your goals...


The question may arise: why are 100 goals in life so many? Setting so many goals can really test your motivation and talents in many areas and areas of your life. Life is so multifaceted, and goals should demonstrate your discipline and responsible attitude towards it.

You are the one who takes control of your life. And goals are like a GPS in life. They give direction and will help you choose where to go in this life. Your vision of an ideal future can become reality.

When you set 100 life goals and then evaluate your achievements, you will be able to see what you have accomplished and what you are truly capable of. The very process of achieving goals will give you confidence and faith in yourself. Once you have achieved one goal, you will try to achieve other goals, perhaps higher ones.

You will see the great progress you have made when you look back after some time. Goals are the starting point for success. Just start...

And a good start, as you yourself know, is half the success!

Productive, bright life impossible without overcoming obstacles and achievements. A common practice is setting oneself tasks, the solution of which automatically brings new emotions and colors to life. Today on the site there is a list of 100 goals for the year, the achievement of which will raise the life of any person to a new level.

So, here is a list of tasks that pushes the boundaries of life efficiency in a variety of areas: business, self-development, creativity, education, family, travel, shopping, sports, finance. Of course, you shouldn’t grab all of these goals; it’s enough to choose a few from what interests you, or from the area where you feel the most incompetence and have a gap in knowledge/skills.

100 goals for the year

  1. Start your own business (registration as an individual entrepreneur or private enterprise);
  2. Increase business income by 5 times;
  3. Recruit a team to develop a business project;
  4. Learn to delegate powers;
  5. Create a company website;
  6. Create and develop a company group on social networks;
  7. Run a successful PR campaign on the Internet;
  8. Learn a foreign language;

    Goals for 2020: how, why, why

  9. Read a book in a foreign language;
  10. Take a public speaking course;
  11. Master horse riding;
  12. Master auto-training;
  13. Master and regularly do meditation;
  14. Master speed reading techniques;
  15. Master mnemonics for effective memorization of important information;
  16. Master daily planning;
  17. Take neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) courses;
  18. Write five fictional stories;
  19. Write and publish your own book;
  20. Learn to draw;
  21. Learn to play guitar;
  22. Take an educational course in algebra and geometry;
  23. Master Excel;
  24. Study the school physics course at a high level;
  25. Study the school chemistry course at a high level;
  26. Take a detailed course on the history of your own country;
  27. Take advanced training courses in the area where you earn money;
  28. Take a course with a family psychologist;
  29. Make a loved one's dream come true;
  30. Give a monthly surprise to your loved one;
  31. Have a date in nature;
  32. Find a small hobby that interests you and your child;
  33. Catch the beginning of conflict situations in the family within a month;
  34. Take a road trip around interesting places in your own region of residence, which you have not yet been to;
  35. Take at least two trips to other countries;
  36. Learn to do one hundred push-ups per set;
  37. Learn to do twenty pull-ups on the horizontal bar per set;
  38. Learn any dance;
  39. Learn to juggle;

  40. What goals should I set?

    Learn to swim;

  41. Sign up for a gym and attend training at least 3 times a week;
  42. Improve results in basic exercises with a barbell (bench press, squats, deadlift);
  43. Prepare for and run a marathon;
  44. Sign up for yoga;
  45. Start running training;
  46. Take self-defense courses;
  47. Enroll in the martial arts section;
  48. Perform in amateur competitions in any type of martial arts;
  49. Do the splits;
  50. Jump with a parachute;
  51. Perform a bungee jump;
  52. Remove excess weight;
  53. Build an athletic figure;
  54. Gain muscle mass;
  55. Get a tattoo;
  56. Cure all teeth;
  57. Improve vision;
  58. Pass a comprehensive medical check;
  59. Learn and use proper nutrition;
  60. Drink at least 5 glasses of clean water a day;
  61. Insure life and health;
  62. To buy a car;
  63. Buy a sports bike;
  64. Buy a new laptop;
  65. Change 50% of your wardrobe;
  66. Throw away things from the house that have not been used for at least six months;
  67. Buy a new mobile phone;
  68. Read the Bible;
  69. Read the Koran;
  70. Read a book on atheism;
  71. View lectures on human evolution;
  72. Create a personal mantra and practice it daily for a month;
  73. Read five popular science books;
  74. Read five famous classic works in a year;
  75. Read five contemporary novels in a year;
  76. Go to the theater for a “loud” production;
  77. Attend a concert of your favorite contemporary singer;
  78. Visit the museum using the services of a guide;
  79. Visit all distant relatives in a year;
  80. Give a gift to a friend for no reason;
  81. Call all the friends you haven’t talked to for a long time;
  82. Open a savings account where you can save at least 25% of your income every month;
  83. Do monthly charity work;
  84. Practice freewriting for a month;
  85. Cycle 50 km in a day;
  86. Go to the bathhouse/sauna/swimming pool weekly;
  87. Start keeping track of expenses;
  88. Listen to a course of lectures on marketing;
  89. Plan a month and live according to this plan;
  90. Overcome any two fears in a year;
  91. Write down on paper a description of an ideal day and try to live the same way for one day;
  92. Go shopping for a month ready list and buy only from it;
  93. Learn to cook three new dishes;
  94. Drink coffee at the best establishment in a neighboring city;
  95. Stay overnight at a hotel in a neighboring town;
  96. Shoot with a firearm;
  97. Shoot with a bow or crossbow;
  98. Get new sensations: do not drink in a festive group where everyone drinks alcohol;
  99. Get new sensations: scream several times in the forest at the top of your lungs;
  100. Get new sensations: eat three new, unfamiliar dishes.

It is advisable to compile such a list yourself, but if you do not have such experience, you can use a ready-made one. However, if you adopt someone else’s list (even from this publication), then do not forget to modernize it for yourself. For example, 20 pull-ups and 100 push-ups for an overweight woman with no fitness experience in one year.

And further. The main thing is not just to have a list of 100 goals for the year, the main thing is to monitor the achievement of the goals. You have to work every day! And try to have fun, create anticipation and anticipation for the moment of achieving your next goal. This way you will learn to enjoy the process itself and the efficiency of your life will increase many times over.

Beginning of the year, birthday, mid-year- the perfect time to make new plans and promise yourself to fulfill them. But in real life What happens is that we very quickly forget about our promises. So a year passes and everything repeats again.

According to statistics, 25% of New Year's plans “die” in the first weeks of January. Another 25% (total 50%) “die” by the end of January. Ultimately, 75% of our plans and goals die by the end of March. 77% of people set the same goals every year as they did the last 5 years.

Today I am happy to share with you how I set goals for the year for my family and achieve them. I’ll say right away that I don’t achieve all my goals (this is normal), but I manage to accomplish most of them in a year.

1. The process takes more than one day

I start making plans for the year somewhere in December, usually finishing by the end of the January holidays, when I have a lot of personal time to properly think and discuss (and approve) everything with my wife.

2. I always start from the end

I always start with what I want to achieve for my family in 30 years - where we want to live, how much money we want to have (save, earn), what kind of life style we want to maintain, what kind of health we want to have, etc. And this always very specific goals - not just “I want to be rich, healthy and live at sea.” Each goal has very clear dates, characteristics and numbers.

Next, I spin these goals down, etc. I get goals for 10 years, 5 years, 3 years and one year. Remember, there are no final goals after which you will find happiness)))). Goals move and change throughout life and that's normal. You just get older, wiser, more experienced, and your priorities change.

3. There are different goals

I don’t have a main goal, like “earn 10 million dollars,” because... focusing everything on one goal while ignoring others important aspects, you may lose all meaning in life. Well, you will have a million dollars, but there will be no family and health - and what next?! The same health problems can destroy your financial condition, your relationships, your career, etc.

Therefore, I set goals for the following super-important directions (columns) in my life:
- my health and that of my loved ones;
- work and career;
- family relationships, children and loved ones (friends, parents, etc.);
— financial goals;
- mental development;
- life style (how, where, with whom my wife and I want our lives to be spent).

Throwing all your energy into, for example, making money, is the same as lifting one in the gym right leg:))) In the end there will be no point, and you will only harm yourself!

4. Next I cut the sheet into 12 squares

For example, in January I plan to take my family to the sea (this goal has not changed for many years, but I have been preparing for it the entire previous year), I plan to go to the gym so many times, walk so many kilometers, etc., according to finances - I plan to earn so much and save/invest, I plan to read, etc.

For example, in 11 months of this year I walked more than 1,500 km - probably more than in the previous 10 years combined)))). Last year I read 25 books - this is an absolute record for me, considering that I have two children, sports, a main job and a million other worries. All because I broke big goals into super-small steps that don’t require hellish effort and stress.

📌 See the list of some books I have read.

Weekly plan

Next, every Sunday, I take my plan for the year, look at the desired square of the month and ask myself: “What should I do in the next week to get closer to achieving my goals for this month?” This is how I get a plan for the week, broken down by day, which lies on my desk every day. I start and end my day with it, knowing exactly what I need to do today, tomorrow and every day of the week.

Writing down goals on paper

Despite the huge number of goal tracking applications, despite the presence of my beloved Excel, I write down my goals on paper. I don’t know why, but for me paper has some kind of invisible power! But the point, in any case, is that goals should be written down somewhere!

By the way, research shows that the likelihood of achieving goals written down on paper is 42% higher.

Implementation of a plan

Plans without action are dreams. The most important part of any plan is its execution. A huge number of people make plans, but never implement them.

As I said earlier, I break down my goals into micro-steps, micro-actions

This makes them easier to complete, they don’t seem so difficult, and by putting a plus sign after completing a small goal, you get a mega charge of motivation! This gives you strength to move on and not give up on your goal halfway.

Instead of “Damn! It’s unrealistic to walk 1000 km a year!” Every day you will say to yourself something like “Great! Today I walked 3 km! Since the beginning of the year it’s already 256 km!” (1000 km / 365 days = only 2.7 km per day = that's 10 minutes per day!)

There shouldn't be too many mega goals.

Goals can be different - big and small, in the “comfort zone” and outside it. The more goals you have, the less likely you are to achieve anything. Therefore, in my head, I set goals for “Big and super-important” goals, and for those that have already become a habit (do exercises, go to the gym, walk, etc.), but which also need to be completed . There should not be many large and super-important goals - optimally no more than three!

I constantly discuss our goals with my wife.

I constantly say that we do this or that, or don’t do this or that, because our common goal, which we approved together, is such and such. This removes a lot of misunderstandings, it constantly keeps family ship on course, preventing it from deviating even when the wind is blowing in a different direction.


One of the most effective ways for me it’s to argue with someone for money))). Funny, but it works! I usually "argue" with my father. I call him and tell him if I don’t do this or that by such and such a date, I will give a stranger on the street $100. If I complete my goal, the reward is saved money. The person you argue with never loses. In my case this method works 100%. However, I use it only for those purposes that I really need to do, but I really don’t want to!

I keep my goals in sight

As you can see, I constantly review my goals. Every day. I start my day with this and end it. Moreover, once every six months, when I do, I review them to see if they are adequate, where I am, what else needs to be done, what goals are slowing me down and why, etc.

By the way, one of the most common reasons the reason that people throw goals is that the goals are thrown somewhere and do not catch the eye. As a result, they are remembered only in December, during summing up the results.

I take pauses