In what facilities is water purified? Facilities for wastewater treatment of a private house. What is a bioseptic

Human activity, like that of any other living creature, is certainly accompanied by the release of a considerable amount of waste. In modern conditions, almost all of them are carried away into the distance by the waters of sewer rivers. Finally, it is almost impossible to imagine our civilization without a huge number of factories and other enterprises, which also produce large amounts of wastewater.

About the wastewater treatment process

Wastewater treatment is a process after which the wastewater is suitable for use for technical purposes or for return to the environment without harming the latter. In short, the method depends on further use liquids. For example, wastewater from sinks is not the same as the contents of the drain pits where the contents of the toilet are discharged.

Why is this so important?

In April 1993, more than 400,000 people in Milwaukee were hospitalized as a result of cryptosporidium in their drinking water. After this incident, which received a powerful response from the WHO, the world community became much more careful about the liquid that flows from taps under the guise of “drinking water.” This opinion only became stronger after the publication of some cases of epidemics in India, as a result of which hundreds of people died. But it was a matter of ordinary E. coli that got into the water supply from poorly treated wastewater! So wastewater treatment is an extremely important process that saves people's lives and health.

Any contaminants radically change the taste, color and smell of the liquid, not to mention its suitability for food or technical purposes. The most dangerous are industrial effluents, since they often contain concentrations of heavy metals and other substances that are tens and hundreds of times higher than the most “optimistic” MPCs. Of course, in this case everything depends on the specific production that discharges wastewater. The sewer system of an average city may seem like a “spring” in comparison, since at least it does not contain radioactive isotopes or huge amounts of heavy metals.

Classification of waste

Dangerous contaminants that make water unsuitable for drinking and domestic use can be classified as physical, chemical, and biological factors. The release of radioactive isotopes stands out. Accordingly, the classification of pollution will be identical to the reasons that cause it:

  • Mechanical factors. Characterized by sharp increase the smallest mechanical suspension in a liquid.
  • Chemical. The water contains an increased content of any chemical compounds. It does not matter whether these substances can have negative impact on the health of the human body.
  • Biological and bacteriological (domestic wastewater). A very dangerous type of pollution, since in this case the content of microorganisms in the water is exceeded. At the very beginning of the article, we already said what this entails.
  • Thermal pollution. This is the name given to the discharge of water from cooling ponds at thermal power plants and nuclear power plants into rivers and other bodies of water. This species should not be taken lightly, since such phenomena lead to the mass death of endemic species adapted to the low water temperatures that are characteristic of our area.
  • Radioactive. Radioactive isotopes are found in water and bottom sediments. This happens when the wastewater system at some industrial plants or nuclear power plants is faulty.

Characteristics of the main types of waste

In our conditions, three types of wastewater are most common:

  • Impurities of inorganic origin, including even non-toxic compounds.
  • Substances of organic origin.
  • Mixed effluents.

Waste from metallurgical production is very dangerous, as it contains huge amounts of heavy metals and other toxic compounds. They change the physical properties of water. In those bodies of water where this poison enters, all living things die, including trees and other vegetation along the banks. Organics are dumped by oil refineries and similar industries. The wastewater contains not only relatively safe oil, but also extremely toxic phenols and similar substances. In addition, livestock-type enterprises should not be discounted.

They throw out a huge amount of organic matter. The latter causes a sharp deterioration in the organoleptic properties of water. In reservoirs where wastewater from enterprises ends up, there is a sharp development of microscopic algae, blooming, and the oxygen content in the liquid drops to a minimum. Fish and other aquatic organisms die. Electronics production, including etching of printed circuit boards and the production of various types of radio engineering products, produces mixed wastewater. They contain dyes, heavy metals, acetone, phenols and other compounds.

Danger of oil products getting into water

Currently, scientists around the world are sounding the alarm as gigantic amounts of oil are leaking into the World Ocean. It forms a thin film on the surface of the water, which can sometimes be seen only by rainbow stains. This not only leads to a significant deterioration in the organoleptic properties of the liquid, but also to a sharp decrease in the supply of oxygen, which enters the ocean through diffusion. Again, hydrobionts suffer, and the lack of this substance especially affects corals, the number of which in the seas and oceans is falling catastrophically every year. Just 10 mg of oil and petroleum products make water absolutely unsuitable for drinking and living beings.

Phenols, which we have repeatedly mentioned above, are extremely dangerous. They are present in the wastewater of almost all industrial enterprises. This especially applies to those of them involved in the production of coke. In the presence of these substances, mass death of the inhabitants of ponds, rivers, seas and oceans occurs, and the water itself acquires an extremely unpleasant, putrid odor.

What substances do they contain?

The following effluents enter wastewater treatment plants:

  • Proteins - 28%.
  • Carbohydrates - 17.5%.
  • Fatty acids - 10%.
  • Oils, fats - 27%.
  • Detergents - 7%.

As you can see, the main share of pollutants is organic matter. In industrial conditions, it is pointless to discuss any particular composition of wastewater, since in each case it is different. In particular, in some cases, supposedly purified “water” is dumped directly into the river (!), which is appearance and the composition resembles used motor oil.

Main sources of pollution

As a rule, industrial and social facilities, as well as livestock and poultry farms, are to blame for environmental pollution. Solid waste that is generated during open-pit mining of mineral deposits, as well as wastewater generated during wood processing, is very dangerous. Water and railway transport produce a lot of biological waste. When released into water sources, they cause contamination with E. coli or worm eggs. It is especially dangerous when there is some kind of medical facility upstream of the river.

General information about the cleaning process

Processing includes the following methods:

  • Mechanical. This includes filtration, which all wastewater treatment plants use, as well as sedimentation.
  • Physical. These are electrolysis, aeration, and treatment of wastewater with ultraviolet radiation.
  • Chemical methods. Special compounds are used to precipitate and disinfect substances that may be contained in wastewater.
  • Biological wastewater treatment. In this case, plants that assimilate organic matter are used, as well as some types of protozoa, snails and fish.

General processing

Before processing begins preparatory work. More precisely, wastewater analysis. Chemical laboratory specialists determine exactly what pollutants they contain. This helps you choose best strategy to neutralize them. The general wastewater treatment procedure involves screening out: solids, bacteria, algae, plants, inorganic impurities and organic matter. Removing solids is the easiest step. It involves filtration and sedimentation by settling. It is much more difficult to purify wastewater from thin suspensions that are not retained by conventional filter materials.

One of the simplest and cheapest methods, which nevertheless provides a high degree of purification, is the use of activated carbon. Filters with this material are used in almost all enterprises whose management takes protection seriously environment.

How does activated carbon work?

The main advantage of coal is its high absorption capacity. Simply put, on the surface of the particles of this substance there are such a number of pores that they can retain such an amount of water polluting compounds, which is several times greater than the volume of the coal itself. It is the process of trapping and binding polluting reagents that is called absorption. It should be noted that coal was used to purify drinking water even before our era. Active research and production of this material began during the two world wars. Factors affecting absorption are particle size, surface area, structure of the bound substance, acidity of the medium (pH factor), temperature of the wastewater.

What substances can activated carbon bind?

Charcoal absorbs many substances, ranging from non-ferrous metals to complex organic compounds (for example, phenols). Of course, it will not protect against radioactive compounds, but the main types of inorganic and organic impurities can be removed with its help.

Coagulation of pollutants

In some cases, special liquids containing particles of colloidal substances can be used for cleaning. What are they for? It's simple - microscopic particles, combining with molecules of pollutants, cause them to precipitate. The phenomenon is known as coagulation. Some treatment plants also use electrolysis. The method is similar to the previous one, since the ions produced during this process also contribute to the precipitation of contaminants.

In contrast, modern researchers are increasingly proposing methods that use bulky molecules that can bind and precipitate pollutants more efficiently. This process is called flocculation.

Chemical compounds used

More about the settling method

Be that as it may, the bound organic matter falls out in the form of flakes or gel. These sewage sludges can be easily captured using a simple mechanical filter. This method works best with relatively dense particles (such as silt and other heavy organic matter), while lighter particles (such as microscopic algae) are better removed by settling. The settling tank must be large enough so that it fills as slowly as possible. This is due to the fact that the normal process requires at least four hours. After organic and inorganic impurities settle to the bottom, the water can be considered conditionally purified and suitable for use for technical purposes. This method is most often used when pre-treatment drains.

Then comes the turn of aeration. The water enters giant vats, where it enters compressed air under high pressure, released into the liquid through sprayers. Have you ever seen how a compressor works in a regular aquarium? In this case, almost the same thing happens. Aeration allows you to saturate the water with oxygen and remove remaining organic impurities into sediment. After such treatment, the liquid is most often supplied to special ponds planted with higher aquatic vegetation (biological wastewater treatment). And only then is the water considered suitable for use for technical purposes. It can be used to water plantings of vegetables and fruits, and also be thrown into natural bodies of water.

Sewage treatment is an indispensable process as it makes sewage waste safe for people and the environment. Today, technological progress has a negative impact on the water resources of our planet, so every drop counts. For this reason, treatment methods have been developed that help reuse wastewater to irrigate land or simply replenish the soil. In today's article we will discuss with you the main methods of filtering sewer fluid.

First, let's find out what the concept of wastewater refers to? For this understanding, it is customary to take all the liquid, with and without impurities, that is discharged into the sewer system. Its important characteristic is the presence of contamination obtained in a certain field of application. It is worth considering that precipitation liquid is also taken into account here.

Types of pollution

Wastewater treatment involves a process that takes place with the correct selection of equipment. It is worth considering that its important component is compliance with a certain type of pollution. It is for this reason that let's find out their types that may be in wastewater:

  • Mineral contamination. This type includes all inorganic components, such as salt, earth, etc.
  • Organic matter. This is a sewage liquid containing in its composition the remains of the world of flora and fauna. Their composition usually consists of organic chemicals and polymers.
  • Biological components. They are represented by bacteria and various other microorganisms.

Attention! In most cases, a sewer drain contains all three components. If this is household waste, then organic matter will be related to mineral substances as 3 to 2. As for bioorganisms, their quantity depends on the environment.

Standards for cleaning

Any water treatment plant is required to perform a certain level of processing. It is worth noting that the regulated strict standards are prescribed only for the industrial sector. In addition, the ratio of each type of impurity is fixed by law. For example, iron after processing should be present in an amount of no more than 0.1 mg per liter.

The requirements for household waste are more lenient. But this is no reason to relax. One of the most important rules for managing wastewater on a private property is that untreated wastewater cannot enter the environment. For violation of this regulation, the owner of the house will be held administratively liable.

Important! Today, the state regulates only the maximum possible amount of impurities in water. On at the moment– this only applies to draining into a reservoir. But remember that the inspection can also make these claims regarding the discharge of runoff into the soil.

Wastewater treatment methods

Based on the variety of methods for filtering and purifying wastewater, today they can be divided into types. Namely, there are two types of wastewater treatment methods:

  • Destructive species;
  • Recovery methods.

For the first characteristic feature there is a process of dividing wastewater into simple components, which can later be easily removed, for example, in the form of gas. The second types select all valuable substances from the sewer liquid in order to process them in the future.

The cleaning process - how to do it

Technological progress does not stand still, and therefore every day new ideas and methods appear to purify wastewater. After all, do not forget that this is an additional water resource. In this section we will look at each of the types separately, but first let’s list them:

  • Mechanical;
  • Biological;
  • Physico-chemical;
  • Disinfection method;
  • Thermal recycling.

Let us consider in detail the methods of wastewater treatment.

Mechanical method

This is one of the simplest options. The process itself involves removing from the wastewater all components that do not dissolve. What are these components? These primarily include solid particles and fat. Sewage water is passed through a sieve and sedimentation tank, which then only allows liquid with small particles to pass through.

The most the best option Mechanical treatment of sewage water is considered to be a membrane method. Its main feature is nothing more than best process cleansing. The main thing is not to forget that this type filtration gives a result of 70% and is the start for the biological method.

Biological purification process

Wastewater treatment with biological substances is carried out through the functioning of bacteria and microorganisms in the system. Their main feature is the ability to oxidize solid particles. The basis for the creation of this method was the microflora of natural water sources. Studies have proven that wastewater gets rid of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are dangerous to the environment. Bacteria are of the following types:

  • Anaerobic microorganisms that can function without air;
  • Aerobic types cannot work without oxygen.

If cleaning is carried out using air, that is, aerobic bacteria, then it is possible to install a biofilter or aeration tank. These designs have high cleaning efficiency and can combat activated sludge. With anaerobic microorganisms, a fermentation process occurs, which converts organic substances into methane and carbon dioxide.

For such cleaning, biofilters and aeration tanks with activated sludge are used. They have a high degree of purification and are more effective than biofilters for wastewater treatment. In aeration tanks, water is aerated and undergoes deep biological purification. In addition, the result is activated sludge, which is good fertilizer. Anaerobic wastewater treatment is carried out without oxygen. When exposed to anaerobic bacteria, the fermentation process occurs and organic matter is converted into methane and carbon dioxide. It is worth noting that the second method is slightly cheaper.

Attention! IN modern devices two types of microorganisms are used, which can easily be used even in industrial sewers.

Physico-chemical method

These wastewater treatment methods are very effective and are based on the teachings of the sciences of chemistry and physics. These types include:

  • Electrolysis is a very popular method in industrial plants. The basis of the treatment process involves the destruction of the organic components of water to obtain inorganics.
  • Coagulation is the purification of water, which is carried out when components stick together under the influence of forces. The result of the process is the formation of an aggregate.
  • Precipitation of metal hydroxide flakes- this action is the result of the influence of coagulants, which cause sediment to form. The formed flocs are engaged in wastewater treatment.

The physico-chemical process has large number advantages, for example, the removal of toxins and impurities that are not able to oxidize. It's also worth adding that this method provides a very high cleaning percentage. This method can easily automate the dimensions of filtering structures, which will reduce the sensitivity of the action.


This method is reproduced using exposure to ultraviolet rays, chlorine or ozone. Typically, the method is used to disinfect water before discharging it into a reservoir. The most effective process is considered to be using rays, as it is safe. It is worth considering that their effect can have a detrimental effect on bacteria and various viral microbes.

A type of cleaning based on chlorination involves disinfection of all microorganisms with chlorine. The main disadvantage of this mechanism is the creation of toxins and carcinogenic compounds. It is for this reason that you should be very careful when using this method.

Ozonation is treatment with ozone. Everyone knows that this is a type of gas that contains three molecules of oxygen, thereby forming a powerful oxidizing agent that kills microbes. It is important to say that this method is very expensive, so it is used very rarely in everyday life. The main scope of its use is in industrial production.

Thermal recycling

Thermal treatment of sewage waste is carried out in situations where other methods do not produce results. The principle of operation is to spray liquid into a combustion fuel torch. This is very effective method, but due to its price and volume it is found mainly in production.

Attention! Modern treatment facilities carry out the process in several steps, so they are often programmed to use several methods.

So, the purification process sewer water– this is a mandatory condition for the operation of the wastewater disposal system. It is worth not losing sight of the fact that these requirements are regulated by sanitary and legislative standards.

According to environmental standards at each suburban area A local sewerage system must be installed that treats and disposes of domestic wastewater. Domestic wastewater treatment can be carried out with small devices or a whole complex of various devices. Read on to learn how to build a wastewater treatment plant yourself.

Existing wastewater treatment methods

Currently, household wastewater treatment is carried out in the following ways:

  • mechanical. This method involves cleaning wastewater from large particles: sand, grease, and so on. For cleaning mechanically such structures as a regular grate or sieve, a sand trap, and a settling tank are used;

  • biological. This method is based on the work of microorganisms (which is where it got its name) that feed various types pollution. As a result of biological treatment, impurities contained in wastewater are decomposed into water and gas, which is discharged through a special pipe.

Biological treatment can be carried out using:

  • biofilter, which is installed in a septic tank, collection or filter well. Cleaning is carried out by anaerobic bacteria;

  • air filter. In this cleaning element, cleaning is carried out using aerobic bacteria, which require access to air to work.

In industrial treatment plants, treatment methods such as physico-chemical or chemical can be used, which are based on the interaction of contaminants with special substances.

How to make sewage treatment plants yourself

Domestic wastewater treatment plants can be purchased at specialized stores or made independently. Each system must have:

  • a coarse mechanical filter, which is installed before the septic tank or sump;
  • biological wastewater treatment plant;
  • purified water receiver.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning installations allow you to remove large particles from wastewater: sand, grease, oil films, and so on. To properly build a mechanical cleaning system, you must:

  1. at the exit from sewer system install a rake grill at home. This will remove the largest particles from the incoming water;

  1. Then the water, purified from large impurities, must enter the sand trap for mechanical cleaning from smaller impurities.

If in household wastewater If there is a large amount of fat deposits, the system is supplemented with a grease trap.

Biological treatment

After rough wastewater treatment, you can begin biological treatment. For this purpose, the local treatment plant system is equipped with the following types devices:

  • septic tank with biofilter. Depending on the size and cost of the device, there are several chambers located inside the septic tank. The first and second chambers are used as settling tanks in which particles that are not caught during the process settle. mechanical cleaning. The third chamber is equipped with a biofilter. The biofilter itself may consist of slag, gravel, crushed stone and other similar materials. When water passes through the biofilter, wastewater is purified by approximately 90%;

  • aeration tank or metatank. In completely sealed devices, final wastewater treatment is carried out. The aeration tank may also consist of several compartments, for example, primary treatment and secondary treatment. There must be a settling tank between the treatment compartments.

If a single-chamber aeration tank is installed in the system, then installation of an additional settling tank is required for final cleaning.

How to make the settings correctly treatment facilities provided by the diagram, look at the video.


Where to organize the discharge of domestic wastewater after treatment? Purified water can be:

  • reuse, but exclusively for household needs: washing paths, cars, windows, floors, etc., as well as for watering plants. For this purpose, water from treatment facilities must fall into a special receiver (collection well, barrel, etc.);
  • discharge into drains and natural reservoirs located near the summer cottage;
  • put into the ground.

If recycling of water is not intended, and there are no reservoirs nearby, then you can build:

  • filter well;

A filter well is a small container without a bottom. To set it up you need:

  • concrete rings, plastic frame or brick. The well itself is constructed from these materials as a receiving tank;
  • gravel, crushed stone, sand. Materials are required so that the water undergoes additional purification and does not harm the plants on the site;
  • pipes for connecting the device with;
  • a cover to give the well an aesthetic appearance, and also placed for safety purposes.

According to the rules environmental safety the filter well is installed at a distance of: 10 m from a residential building, 25 m from drinking well and 5 m - 7 m from cultural plantings.

For faster filtration of treated wastewater, a filtration field can be constructed. A significant disadvantage of such a structure is its large size, which allows it to be used in areas with sufficient free space.

To build a filtration field you will need:

  • sand or gravel, which are used as an additional element of the cleaning system;
  • pipes with holes laid throughout the entire area of ​​the site and making up the drainage network;
  • covering material, for example geotextile.

Thus, the local cleaning system is developed by the user independently or with the help of specialists. Each system must have mechanical and biological treatment options selected by the user. When choosing devices for cleaning, you need to be guided not only by the type of equipment and the functions performed, but also by the size based on the daily consumption of water by everyone living in the house.

Sewage treatment facilities OS, WWTP, BOS.

One of the main methods of protection natural environment Anti-pollution is the prevention of untreated water and other harmful components from entering water bodies. Modern treatment facilities are a set of engineering and technical solutions for the consistent filtration and disinfection of contaminated wastewater for the purpose of its reuse in production or for discharge into natural reservoirs. For this purpose, a number of methods and technologies have been developed, which will be discussed below.

Read more about wastewater treatment technology

Since centralized drainage systems are not installed in all places, and some industrial enterprises require preliminary preparation wastewater, today local sewerage facilities are very often installed. They are also in demand in private houses, country cottage towns and detached residential complexes, industrial enterprises, and workshops.

Wastewater differs by source of pollution: domestic, industrial and surface (originating from precipitation). Domestic waste are called economic-fecal. They consist of contaminated water removed from showers, toilets, kitchens, canteens and hospitals. The main pollutants are physiological and household waste.

Industrial wastewater includes water masses that were formed during:

  • performing various production and technological operations;
  • washing raw materials and finished products;
  • cooling equipment.

This type also includes water pumped out from the subsoil during mining. The main source of pollution here is industrial waste. They may contain toxic, potentially hazardous substances, as well as waste that can be recovered and used as secondary raw materials.

Surface (atmospheric) wastewater most often contains only mineral contaminants; minimal requirements are imposed on their purification. In addition, wastewater is classified based on the concentration of various pollutants. These characteristics influence the choice of method and number of purification steps. To determine the composition of the equipment, the need for construction, as well as the capacity of various types of structures, a calculation of wastewater treatment production is performed.

Main cleaning steps

At the first stage, mechanical wastewater treatment is carried out, the purpose of which is filtration from various insoluble impurities. For this purpose, special self-cleaning gratings and sieves are used. The retained waste, together with other sludge, is sent for further processing or taken to landfills along with municipal solid waste.

In a sand trap, small particles of sand, slag and other similar mineral elements are deposited under the influence of gravity. At the same time, the filtered composition is suitable for further use after processing. The remaining undissolved substances are reliably retained in special settling tanks and septic tanks, and fats and petroleum products are extracted using grease traps, oil traps and flotators. At the mechanical treatment stage, up to three-quarters of mineral contaminants are removed from waste streams. This ensures uniform supply of liquid to the next stages of processing.

After this they are used biological methods cleaning performed using microorganisms and protozoa. The first structure where water enters at the biological stage is special primary settling tanks, in which suspended organic matter settles. At the same time, another type of settling tank is used, in which activated sludge is removed from the bottom. Biological treatment allows you to remove more than 90% of organic contaminants.

At the physicochemical stage, purification from dissolved impurities occurs. This is done using special techniques and reagents. Coagulation, filtration, and sedimentation are used here. Along with them they are used various technologies additional processing, including: hyperfiltration, sorption, ion exchange, removal of nitrogen-containing substances and phosphates.

The last stage of treatment is considered to be chlorine disinfection of the liquid from remaining bacterial contaminants. The diagram below shows in detail all the stages described, indicating the equipment that is used in each stage. It is important to note that treatment methods vary from plant to plant depending on the presence of certain contaminants in the wastewater.

Features and requirements for the arrangement of treatment facilities

Domestic wastewater is classified as monotonous in composition, since the concentration of pollutants depends only on the volume of water consumed by residents. They contain insoluble contaminants, emulsions, foams and suspensions, various colloidal particles, as well as other elements. The main part of them are mineral and soluble substances. Used for cleaning household waste basic set treatment facilities, the operating principle of which is described above.

In general, domestic sewers are considered simpler, since they are constructed to treat wastewater from one or more private houses and outbuildings. They are not subject to high performance requirements. For this purpose, specially designed installations are used to ensure biological treatment drains.

Thanks to them, in suburban housing it became possible not only to equip a shower, bath or toilet, but also to connect various household appliances. Typically, such installations are easy to install and operate and do not require additional components.

For industrial wastewater, the composition and degree of pollution vary depending on the nature of production, as well as the options for using water to ensure technological process. In the production of food products, wastewater is characterized by high contamination with organic substances, therefore the main method of purification of such water is considered to be biological. The best option is to use the aerobic and anaerobic method or a combination of them.

In other industries, the main problem is the treatment of oil and grease-containing wastewater. For such enterprises, special oil separators or grease traps are used. But water circulation systems for purifying contaminated water are considered the safest for the environment. Such local treatment complexes are installed at car washes, as well as at manufacturing plants. They allow you to organize a closed cycle of water use without discharging it into external bodies of water.

To determine the method of organizing cleaning and selecting a specific facility, special systems and methods are used (there are many enterprises, so the process must be individualized). The price of equipment and installation work is of no small importance. The best option Only specialists will help you choose for each case.

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Uncontrolled release of wastewater provokes irreparable environmental consequences.


According to its structure, the wastewater drainage network industrial enterprise much more complicated than ordinary sewerage in a private or even apartment building. The components of an industrial sewer system are as follows.

Communication network for the disposal of domestic and fecal waters.

Waste water network from production.

Disposal of clean and conditionally clean wastewater (storm drainage).

Large enterprises have their own treatment complexes, taking into account the specifics of production. For example, effluent from tanneries must sit for a long time to prevent the waste from clogging the city sewer system. Wastewater from chemical plants is treated to avoid environmental pollution.

Cleaning sewers at an industrial enterprise is a difficult and lengthy process. Small enterprises do not have permanent treatment plants. Wastewater is discharged into settling tanks, then using the services of companies equipped with special equipment. This equipment is very convenient and maneuverable; it can work on sites with inconvenient access roads, as well as pump out wastewater from considerable depths. The use of a vacuum loader is an environmentally friendly process, since the loader pumps out all wastewater, including those with hazardous impurities.

Thus, there is no standard, typical industrial sewerage scheme. When designing sewer network Engineers need to consider the following factors.

Wastewater volume.

The nature of the wastewater.

Chemical composition and temperature. . Possibility of reuse in production.

Potential for extracting valuable chemicals.

Methods and degree of purification.

Most often, industrial sewerage is connected to a centralized city system. This is one of the most profitable options. By diluting industrial wastewater with domestic wastewater, subsequent treatment becomes much easier. However, the discharge of industrial wastewater into city sewers is strictly regulated. For this reason it is so important right choice and installation of treatment facilities. If wastewater contains only inorganic impurities, it is advisable to collect them in special tanks. After settling, they are suitable for reuse in the production process. Some enterprises have installed installations that make it possible to extract valuable substances from wastewater (wool fat, non-ferrous metals, etc.). As a rule, membrane treatment is used, which allows solving two problems simultaneously: high-quality wastewater purification and obtaining valuable raw materials that can be put back into production.

Storm sewer

The tasks of “storm drains” at industrial enterprises boil down to the following.

  • . Roof water drainage.
  • . Collection of water from washing complexes.
  • . Accumulation of water coming from roads.

The storm sewer system of an industrial enterprise can be connected to the citywide network if the water does not contain insoluble inorganic impurities and similar chemical compounds. If water contains insoluble impurities, it must be mechanically purified. If the throughput of the city sewer network is poor, special tanks are installed on the territory of the enterprise, from which wastewater is uniformly discharged into the general network.

Operating modes

There are 2 types of modes of industrial sewer systems.

Gravity - using the natural terrain to transport wastewater. The main advantage of this method of transportation is minimal energy consumption.

Pressure - transportation of wastewater to treatment devices and further to the discharge point is carried out using pumps.

The specifics of the work of many enterprises do not allow choosing any specific mode. Most often, there is a combination of both methods of wastewater disposal.

Care issues

Sewer cleaning - current issue for all industries, and there can be no exceptions here. Lack of careful care can lead to unpredictable consequences. The specifics of cleaning are as follows.

The effluents of most enterprises contain toxic and suspended organic substances. This means that it is impossible to do without specialized equipment that professional companies are equipped with.

The work of cleaning an industrial sewer system is an individual, non-standard process. Wastewater has different chemical composition, and under no circumstances should they be mixed. In each case, it is necessary to develop an individual cleaning algorithm. Basics of a professional approach to sewer cleaning In order for the enterprise to function stably and not be idle, preventive sewer cleaning must be carried out at least once a year. If everything is done correctly, the risk of blockages is minimal. On the contrary, if prevention is neglected, the settling of dirt and industrial waste on the pipes gradually leads to a complete loss of their permeability. One-time removal of a blockage is only a half-measure. A professional approach involves eliminating the exact cause of the blockage.

All cleaning activities are divided into 2 large groups.

Urgent (clearing an already formed blockage).

Preventive (the patency of the pipes has so far been only partially impaired).

The work differs from each other in speed and degree of efficiency. Prevention can take several days, while the time frame for emergency clearance of a blockage is much more compressed.

Cleaning methods

Chemical, thermochemical. Involves the use of synthetic compounds to dissolve blockages. The method is highly effective, but the selection is incorrect chemicals can lead to pipe damage (thinning or even loss of integrity).

Mechanical. It is used when blockages are too strong or if the blockage is caused by a foreign object getting into the pipe. For mechanical cleaning, a cable with an attachment is used.

Hydrodynamic. Elimination of blockages is carried out with a water jet, which is supplied under strong pressure. The pressure value is 150-300 atmospheres.

Depending on the size of the blockage, the pressure value and the type of nozzle are selected. This is an effective and, at the same time, gentle method that gives good results even with low temperatures. The risk of pipe damage, regardless of the material of manufacture, is almost zero. . Pneumohydropulse.


When cleaning drainage systems, special hydrodynamic machines are used. There are 2 types of hydrodynamic machines.

Powerful units that are moved by trucks.

Small devices for internal sewerage.

Equipment configurations depend on the specific model, manufacturer and price segment. However, any model includes a water tank, a system of hoses and nozzles. Correct selection This or that nozzle makes it possible to effectively clean the pipe from contamination.

There are different types of nozzles.

. "Chain carousel". With its help, it is possible to remove foreign objects that have fallen into the sewer. . Bottom nozzles - clean pipes from silt and sand.

Punching - used to eliminate neglected contaminants.

Rotary - for removing fat deposits.

Complex - universal option. It is used to eliminate various types of pollution.

Chemical, thermochemical methods Thermal method (dissolution of clogging hot water) is especially effective for eliminating fat plugs. It is also used when cleaning storm drains in the cold season. Cannot be used if pipes are made of PP and PVC. Chemical method involves the use of certified chemicals, which, for greater efficiency, are pre-foamed using special equipment. In addition to cleaning agents, they are also used chemical compounds with a disinfecting effect.

Pneumohydropulse method

This is an effective and environmentally friendly way. It is carried out using special equipment. Short, numerous pulses are supplied to the pipeline. When a sound wave passes through a liquid medium, cavitation bubbles are formed. When the bubbles collapse, a shock wave is formed, the power of which is sufficient to tear off contamination particles from the pipe. The power of the device is enough to remove any blockages and dirt. The machines are also equipped with special sludge pumps and tanks with a capacity of about 14 thousand liters, which makes it possible to clean pipes on a very large scale. Comprehensive work to eliminate blockages involves the use of at least two types of cleaning. One is to directly remove the blockage, the other is to eliminate the root cause.

When choosing a particular technique, such factors are taken into account.

Dimensions of the blockage. . The material from which the pipes are made.

Degree of wear and tear of communications.

Cleaning the sewer is a task that requires special knowledge and skills. Therefore, maintenance of industrial drainage systems should be entrusted to professionals.

Updated: June 29, 2017