Strong painkillers for tooth pain. List and description of the best tablets for toothache - fast and effective, painkillers and anti-inflammatory. Mullein for toothache

Author of the article: Lukanina Lyubov Valerievna ( | ) - dentist-therapist, periodontist. Specializes in the fields of: endodontics, aesthetic and functional restoration, professional hygiene and periodontology.

There can be two causes of acute toothache. The first is the appearance and development of pulpitis, against the background of which an inflammatory process develops in the nerves of the tooth. The second reason is when the infection penetrates beyond the tooth itself, forming a purulent abscess at the roots. In this article we will tell you what pain reliever for toothache and how it can be used.

There is a special category that is aimed at reducing sensations by eliminating the inflammatory process. The second category relieves pain by blocking the entry of specific pain nerve impulses into the brain. All medications used in the process of eliminating toothache come in three subcategories. These are strong pain-relieving capsules, tablets, Paracetamol and Aspirin preparations, antibiotics.


To relieve pain, you need to take medications based on ketoprofen, ibuprofen, as well as nimesulide and ketorolac. These are the most effective medicinal non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can cope with quite severe pain.

  1. Nurofen. The most popular pain reliever, characterized by a strong effect. The drug is available in dosages of 200 and 400 mg. Tablets and capsules should not be used by pregnant women and children under 6 years of age. The drug should be taken with caution in the presence of diseases of different parts of the intestines and stomach.
  2. Ketonal. This product contains the main active ingredient ketoprofen. For severe pain, this is the most effective remedy. The product is available in dosages of 100 and 150 mg; the greater the amount of the main component, the stronger the effect and duration of action. The drug is prohibited for use by pregnant women and children under 18 years of age. It is also not recommended to take painkillers for asthmatics and people with stomach diseases.
  3. or Ketorol. These are two drugs with the same composition, which belong to the category of non-steroidal modern anti-inflammatory tablets. If you need to relieve pain, you won’t find better treatments than these. You can take pills only in special extreme cases, when the pain becomes unbearable.
  4. or Nise. These are nimesulide medications. They have a strong analgesic effect and a minimum number of contraindications. They can be taken for high and low intensity pain.

So, if the pain is tolerable, you should use medications containing ibuprofen, for example, Nurofen. For high intensity pain, use Ketorolac or Nimesulide.

Paracetamol for pain

The drugs do not act against the inflammatory process. Like modern analgesics made on the basis of standard NSAIDs, the tablets prevent the transmission of pain impulses of varying intensity to the brain. The effect is that the pain does not go away - the brain just does not recognize it.

Among the most popular Paracetamol products, we highlight Panadol and Efferalgan. Taken by adults in a dosage of 500 mg per. For acute pain, the dosage can be doubled. The advantage of Paracetamol is that it can be used throughout pregnancy.

Aspirin and Analgesics

Aspirin and the well-known drugs help very well. These are affordable, fairly effective medications. When used correctly, they relieve pain fairly quickly. The usual single dosage of Analgin is 500 mg at a time. The drug should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, as well as by people suffering from various forms of asthma and having blood diseases.

Aspirin is able to slightly alleviate the general syndrome, as it is characterized by a weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics act directly on bacteria harmful to the body. For acute pain, medications will not help; they do not block incoming impulses or relieve inflammation.

Antibiotics are taken if there is no acute pain or inflammation. If there is slight discomfort and you are willing to tolerate it for a while, you can undergo a course of antibiotic treatment.

Rinse for toothache

If for some reason it is not possible to take tablets for toothache, if there are certain contraindications, or if you simply don’t have the right drug on hand, the discomfort can be removed with regular rinses. Decoctions from medicinal herbs will help you quickly cope with various negative sensations that can be caused by the inflammatory process in the tooth area.

Pharmacy products

Various inexpensive products help very well in the form of a therapeutic rinse. pharmaceutical products, infusions. You can buy regular ones. They consist of useful components such as camphor, mint, valerian. It is necessary to soak a piece of cotton wool with the medicinal composition and place it in the cavity of the affected tooth in which a carious hole has formed. Repeat until the pain completely disappears. On average, a tampon is changed every 10 minutes, since it quickly becomes completely saturated with saliva and the overall analgesic effect is reduced.

For rinsing, you can use a decoction of sage, mint, eucalyptus, calamus root, St. John's wort, oregano and calendula. All herbal infusions for rinsing should be cooled or warm, as cold products will not have a positive effect.

For acute pain, you can use a solution of 2% lidocaine. You will need to take a cotton ball, soak it in this solution, and apply it to the sore tooth. Should be used 4-5 times a day. If the inflammation process has spread to nearby tissues, it will have no effect.

Essential oils

Conventional anesthesia can be used as local anesthesia. essential oils– sea buckthorn, fir or clove. The method of application here is exactly the same. A small piece of cotton wool is moistened in the prepared oil and applied to the tooth or adjacent gums. This is an ideal method for eliminating teething pain.

A simple pain reliever for toothache

A fairly effective remedy can be found in an ordinary kitchen. We are talking about baking soda and standard table salt. All these are natural anti-inflammatory antiseptics, different rinses with which reduce total quantity pathogenic microbes and help relieve severe tissue swelling.

To prepare a useful anti-inflammatory composition, you will need to take a teaspoon of each product and pour 200 ml of boiling water. As soon as the temperature of the resulting solution is slightly above room temperature, you can rinse.

Experts also advise preparing an effective solution for pain using salt. You need to take the following components:

  1. Large spoon of salt.
  2. 10 ml of 10% ammonia.
  3. Pharmaceutical camphor alcohol in a volume of 10 grams.

Everything mixes up very well in a liter clean water room temperature. A cotton pad is moistened in the resulting solution and placed on the tooth. This is an ideal pain reliever that also relieves inflammation at the same time.

Use of alcohol products

You can use a variety of alcohol tinctures that you have on hand. The most important thing during the rinsing process is not to swallow the product; it is enough to simply hold the liquid in your mouth for a short time and spit. As alcohol tinctures, you can use not only pharmaceutical products, but also cognac and vodka.

Other effective remedies

If numerous carious inflammations are present, a small amount of clove oil can be dropped into the oral cavity. That's enough effective remedy, which is quite often used in the field of modern dentistry. If you don’t have clove oil on hand, but have regular seasoning, you can use it by simply chewing a couple of sprigs of this magical remedy.

Folk remedies for toothache

Toothache is a fairly serious problem that people have faced throughout the centuries. Dental problems affect everyone, regardless of age or social status. People who take care of their oral cavity and visit a specialist in a timely manner, as well as for preventive purposes, are much less likely to encounter toothache.

Wasn't there before medicines, only natural ones were used folk remedies. There are many remedies whose effects even scientists cannot explain. Here are the simplest and at the same time effective methods of traditional medicine for toothache.

Treatment with lard

This simple pain reliever for toothache is one of those mysterious remedies. To relieve discomfort and restore your normal lifestyle, you will need to take a small piece of lard and place it between your cheek and the sore tooth. Unsalted lard should be used as a remedy. You can use salted water after washing thoroughly.

Rusty nail

This is another exotic remedy for toothache. This item is used to prepare a special medicinal ointment. To obtain the remedy, you need to perform the following steps: Take a rusty nail, the older the better. The nail becomes red-hot. The item is placed in a pan where ordinary linden honey has been preheated. The whole thing is heated until the mixture turns black as tar.

Once the composition has cooled a little, it can be used to lubricate the area around the sore tooth. Painful sensations usually go away fairly quickly, but if an abscess or purulent abscess has formed as a result of inflammation, the composition should be used for several days until the fistula opens. Once the pus is completely removed, everything discomfort will disappear.

Garlic and onion

These products are in every person's refrigerator. You need to take a piece of one of them and apply it to the tooth. Garlic and onions are able to provide an ideal antiseptic effect, so all pain and inflammation go away very quickly.

Propolis for toothache

Propolis will help get rid of severe toothache. You can use the product in the form of plates or as an alcohol tincture. Along with the anti-inflammatory effect, the drug gives a strong anesthetic effect, so literally after a couple of days of use, the pain in the area of ​​the inflamed tooth completely goes away.

If an alcohol tincture is used, a few drops are poured into a glass of water and the resulting mixture is rinsed. You can also simply soak a cotton swab in the mixture and apply it to the cavity eaten away by caries.

Summing up

All painkillers presented should be used while waiting for a doctor's appointment. These remedies and medications will not eliminate caries and inflammation will appear again. All this is only a temporary effect, which does not relieve you from visiting the dentist at all.

If none of the above remedies help, which happens quite often, if there is severe swelling or a rise in temperature, you should get ready and go to a 24-hour dental clinic. After removing the initial pain and inflammation, you need to make an appointment with a professional dentist and spare no expense and time for complete and high-quality dental treatment.

Sources used:

  • Medicines in dentistry. Directory / L.N. Maksimovskaya, P.I. Roshchina. - M.: Medicine, 2001.
  • Professional oral hygiene in modern dentistry / Oksana Almazovna Gulyaeva, Rais Timergaleevich Bulyakov und Tatyana Stepanovna Chemikosova. - M.: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014.
  • National Library of Medicine (USA)

Taking medications during toothache helps relieve pain syndrome, but this temporary solution, facilitating the general condition.

Sometimes tooth pain is accompanied by associated symptoms: inflammation of the gums or cheeks, fever, malaise.

Not always It turns out to quickly visit the dentist’s office. In such cases, painkillers help, because if possible reduce intensity pain, then there's no point in enduring pain.

List of the best and strongest painkillers for toothache

Before make a choice effective drug for toothache, it is worth noting that the painkiller is produced V various forms:

  • Pills- easy to use and quite effective. They're fast affect the epicenter of pain and within a few hours dulls unpleasant sensations.
  • Powder- enough gentle on the stomach, having anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
  • Toothpaste- an effective remedy if the cause of tooth pain lies not in caries, A in hypersensitivity enamels. Paste for sensitive teeth does not require a separate application algorithm; just brush your teeth at least twice a day and the result will not be long in coming.
  • Gel- renders local anesthetic effect and relieves pain for a long time.

Important! Painkillers are given temporary relief, but do not replace treatment with a dentist.

Drug names

List of strong and effective painkillers:

The list of drugs is much wider. Some medications take off sharp pain, others - pain low intensity, and some drugs relieve pain moderate intensity.

How to take the drug Ketanov

Ketanov has proven itself well among ordinary consumers. It is specially designed for quick impact and relief of even pronounced pain. Of course, before taking any medicine, it is advisable consult a specialist, but if this is not possible, then it is necessary to take responsibility for compliance permissible dosage drugs.

Ketanov — one of the strongest painkillers, used even in the postoperative period. This medicine should not be abused to avoid addiction. Instructions for use and dosage are sufficient simple And clear:

  • at medium intensity pain for adults to take 1 tablet (10 mg) every 12 hours, children 0.5 tablets;
  • at acute pain syndrome adults - 1 tablet (10 mg) every 6 hours, children 0.5 tablets also every 6 hours, as needed.

Attention! Reception medical supplies requires careful read the instructions.

Daily dose of the drug should not exceed 90 mg for adults and 60 mg for the older generation ( over 65 years old).

Photo 1. Ketanov is available in the form of film-coated tablets, each of which contains 10 mg of ketorolac tromethamine.

Nurofen for severe toothache

The active ingredient of Nurofen is Ibuprofen. It provides pain relief anti-inflammatory And antipyretic impact by blocking the production of certain enzymes. And also in some modifications Nurofen (for example, Nurofen Plus or Nurofen Plus N) contains a strong substance - codeine, which is also involved in the process of pain relief.

The medication is taken only after reading the instructions. For a gentler effect on the stomach, it is better to take tablets during or after eating.

  • for adults and children over 12 years old, for pain of moderate intensity, the optimal dosage is: 1 tablet (200 mg) 3-4 times a day; for acute pain, to accelerate the effect, for adults the dosage can be increased to 2 tablets (400 mg) 3 times a day;
  • children from 6 to 12 years, with body weight more than 20 kg, let's say reception 1 tablet (200 mg) 3-4 times a day.

Recommended daily intake for adults - 1200 mg (6 tablets), and for children - 800 mg (4 tablets). The interval between taking the medicine is at least 6 hours. Nurofen is recommended to be taken for a short time and, if for 2-3 days improvements not identified, worth it immediately contact a specialist.

How to relieve pain with Analgin

This drug more than a dozen years saves those who suffer from pain syndrome. This is a popular remedy that is found in almost every first aid kit.

Analgin is effective in the fight against toothache. But it’s better to know in what cases it can be taken, and which one is better to contact? to other drugs.

The active ingredient of Analgin is methimizole sodium. It has an acidic structure and has a detrimental effect on enamel. In case of enamel damage or minor caries, it is better do not put the tablet on the tooth, because for quite short term preparation will further increase the affected area, as if “eating” the enamel. But if a filling falls out or a piece of a tooth breaks off, Analgin will help reduce discomfort.

Due to the extensive list of contraindications and side effects, this is an anesthetic not recommended for long-term use. Daily norm Analgina - maximum 4 tablets with acute pain. The effect of the tablets occurs approximately in 30 minutes and doesn't last long. Drug injections more efficient And fast-acting.

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Nise tablets

Nise is a popular pain reliever that can be purchased without a prescription for quite low price , which attracts consumers.

Nimesulide- the active ingredient in the drug Nise, it helps reduce and relieve pain. The medicine is most effective in treating pain weak And medium intensity, dulls the sharp, too, but the result is not always perfect. Sometimes with acute pain, the aching sensation remains constantly.

Adults and children with body weight more than 40 kg, it is permissible to use medicine 1 tablet twice a day. If the pain returns quickly, you can reduce the time between taking the drug, but the daily dose should not exceed 4 tablets.

There are Nise tablets dispersible And ordinary. Both are accepted after eating.

Regular ones are simply washed down with water, and dispersible ones dissolve in a teaspoon of water And taken orally as a solution. Duration of the course of taking the medicine - no more than 10 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Any medications have an effect on the body person, including and negative. Organs are the first to be affected gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver And nervous system. Typically, side effects occur when non-compliance treatment regimens and misuse drugs.

Taking painkillers necessary, but at the same time quite dangerous.


  • individual intolerance components;
  • pregnancy And lactation period;
  • peptic ulcer Gastrointestinal tract;
  • renal, hepatic or cardiac failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hematopoietic disorder;
  • childhood.

Reference! Contraindications are indicated in the instructions to any drug.

If you have already tried to relieve this unpleasant feeling in every way, but nothing helps, it’s time to take toothache pills. This is an emergency measure when it is not possible to immediately consult a specialist for treatment. You should be careful in choosing it and taking the dosage, and it is best to have remedies for toothache in your home medicine cabinet.

When do you need a magic pill?

Causes of toothache

The tablet may be needed for the following problems and dental diseases:

  • Pulpitis;
  • Periodontitis - in acute form or acute stage;
  • Caries - medium and especially deep;
  • Enamel sensitivity;
  • Injuries with damage to periodontal ligaments, formation of cracks, etc.;
  • Sinusitis.

In all cases, the patient will need quick help and quality treatment, but remedies for toothache are also necessary and are often included in the treatment plan.

If the pain comes back

Every person needs to numb a tooth for a while at least once in their life, for example, after removing a root molar. But when this unpleasant feeling appears again and again, this is a reason to think about it. Therefore, let’s look at dental diseases in more detail; relapses can occur:

  • Osteomyelitis. This is a dangerous inflammation of the jaw bone tissue, the treatment of which cannot be delayed.
  • Deep caries. At this stage of the development of the disease, pain occurs from almost any irritant - mechanical, chemical, temperature.
  • Pulpitis. If the pulp or nerve is inflamed, you really need a strong painkiller for toothache, as this is the most sensitive part of any molar.
  • Periodontitis. Surrounding the root soft fabrics become inflamed, and purulent fistulas are often observed among the side effects.
  • Periostitis. This is a disease in which the periosteum suffers - it becomes inflamed when periodontitis remains untreated.


Even depending on the intensity of the sensations, you can already judge at what stage this disease is. If they do not particularly bother you, it is better to wait until you see a doctor than to treat the condition with emergency methods.

Thinning enamel

Although this coating is durable, due to certain circumstances, for example, due to excessive use of highly abrasive toothpastes, it can become significantly thinner. Therefore, the molars become very sensitive, which causes significant discomfort. Intensive rinsing helps relieve this condition.


This is already an inflammatory process of a pulsating nature, which can even lead to loosening of the teeth. On initial stages anti-inflammatory rinses are required, then see a specialist, otherwise there is a risk of losing some molars.


The pulp contains nerves and lymphatic vessels, so when it becomes inflamed, the patient experiences prolonged and fairly intense pain. If they start to radiate to the jaw or temple, it is better to think about how to quickly relieve this condition before seeing a doctor.


This condition appears if caries or pulpitis is ignored for a long time. It is easy to understand that this is periodontitis by the increasing pain with clear localization. When pressed while eating, it can intensify significantly and become unbearable. Several treatment options are possible - the use of tablets, gels, injections, as an addition - folk remedies. The last resort is removal, but timely contact with a qualified doctor will save you from such an unpleasant outcome.

Medicines for toothache

An important clarification - painkillers for toothache, due to possible side effects, should be taken strictly depending on age, that is, strong medications are strictly prohibited for children. Let's look at the most popular tablets for adults.


It also relieves inflammation and pain well thanks to the codeine in the composition; it is recommended for periodontitis, periodontitis, and pulpitis. Similar effective tablets for toothache are Ibuprofen, Solpaflex, Profinal and a number of others.


This the best remedy with pulpitis and periodontitis in the acute stage. It will help quickly and efficiently, and at the same time there is an anti-inflammatory effect.


This is an ideal medicine for pain in the acute stage, especially with pulpitis and periodontitis. It begins to act within half an hour after administration; a new tablet can be taken only six hours after the previous one. In any case, this cannot be done often; there should be no long courses of treatment.


This toothache remedy has a long-term anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect in the form of tablets or injections. At the same time, it must be taken carefully, exactly according to the instructions. There are a number of contraindications, for example, asthma, ulcers, pregnancy.


This analgesic is effective accessible remedy for toothache, which contains Analgin, it is also an antipyretic like Spazmalgon or Trigan. Like all strong medicines, there are clear restrictions on the number of tablets taken at a time and during the day.


This remedy helps with toothache and is recommended for pulpitis, periodontitis, and some other diseases of the oral cavity.

Preparations based on metamizole sodium

If you need tablets for toothache, the list can be continued for a long time, but there is a group of drugs that causes particular concern. They may help, but safety plays a huge role here and it is impossible to ignore this factor. We are talking about such a component as metamizole sodium, which underlies the well-known Analgin.

The problem is that this substance can cause agranulocytosis, this is a serious disease that changes the composition of the blood and greatly weakens the immune system. In the majority developed countries Analgin has not been produced or sold for a long time, unfortunately, in our country it is freely available and quite affordable. However, today there are much more effective painkillers.

You should not take products based on metamizole sodium during pregnancy and lactation, people suffering from blood diseases, alcoholism, liver or kidney failure. Other similar tablets that should be treated with extreme caution are Spazmalgon, Tempalgin, Pentalgin-N, Bral.

Help with various types pain

Today, there are so many medications available against toothache that it is necessary to navigate them. For example, if this does not cause much trouble, and there is a busy work day ahead, just take an Aspirin or Paracetamol tablet. It works for about three hours, but in the meantime you can make an appointment with a specialist.

Well, if you are going on a business trip very soon, and you are ready to climb the wall, you will have to resort to Promedol or Morphine. True, these drugs are made on the basis of opiates, that is, they require a prescription from a doctor, but the effect is really strong.

Aching painful sensations are relieved by taking No-shpa, but Papaverine together with Analgin creates the opportunity for the patient to get enough sleep. Although, as already mentioned, frequent use of Analgin is extremely undesirable, before use you need to make sure that you have no contraindications.

Nise, Ketanov, Aktasulide, Ibuklin cope with shooting pain. The last drug is good because it has few side effects and is not contraindicated for children. In this case, the main condition is not to abuse the dosage, strictly follow it in accordance with the instructions.

Medicines for children

It is very important to soothe a toothache in a child, since children are always more sensitive to any such sensations and need support. But, on the other hand, they cannot take all the strong medications mentioned above; their composition is not designed for a still fragile immune system. Therefore, we take into account the means that really help, but do it delicately.

Monitor the quality of your child’s oral hygiene; in case of inflammation and for prevention, regular rinsing is needed. This can be a solution of salt, baking soda, or sage infusion.

It happens that ordinary dental floss saves you from pain - if a child complains, carefully examine the condition of the oral cavity; perhaps it is due to foreign objects stuck in the teeth. Just carefully remove what caused the pain, and it will quickly disappear.

Another likely cause of pain is the eruption of new molars. Products such as Kalgel, Anestezin, Vanillin are excellent options for numbing gums during this period. Also pay attention to whether new carious manifestations have appeared recently. You can urgently take Nurofen, Panadol syrup, Efferalgan.

Drugs during pregnancy

Toothache during pregnancy can also be treated with the following medications:

  • Papaverine;
  • Drotaverine;
  • No-shpa;
  • Riabal.

In the first trimester, it is allowed, but with great caution, a remedy that can quickly relieve toothache is Grippostad, containing paracetamol, caffeine, and ascorbic acid.

Nurofen and Ibuprofen can also be taken, but if other methods are no longer able to alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman. And in the second trimester hopeless situation You can drink Ketanov for toothache once.

Sometimes, for those who suffer from toothache, tablets are an extremely undesirable option, so a special product with a freezing effect would be a good solution for them. These are gels that quickly relieve pain, and most importantly, they have virtually no contraindications.

For example, Dentol is a universal drug that will help even a child’s teething, because this is always a painful process. And Metrogyl Denta is useful for periodontal disease, stomatitis, periodontitis, tooth pain, and inflammatory processes.

The drug Kamistad also has no age restrictions; it contains lidocaine hydrochloride. However, there are contraindications for use by pregnant and lactating women, those who suffer from hypertension, kidney and liver failure.

What dentists say

The first thing you need to understand is that in order to cure toothache, it is important to understand its cause. It is best to consult a specialist, but if this is not possible, be careful when choosing medications and follow several important rules:

  1. Heating the affected area is contraindicated. Best option- on the contrary, cooling with a piece of ice will reduce the intensity of blood flow to the tooth;
  2. The best rinse for teeth, namely a soda solution, must be poured with boiling water to achieve a good result;
  3. Try not to lie down during the day, so the blood flow will be less intense in the jaw area and the pain will not be as intense.

Folk recipes

If you have not yet decided how to relieve toothache most effectively, but at the same time safely, take a closer look at folk wisdom. Perhaps these recipes will not help with very strong discomfort, but they are quite suitable if they are mild and of medium intensity:

  • Sage decoction. It’s better for a specialist to tell you what pills to take, but such a simple rinse is not contraindicated for anyone. To prepare, take dry leaves of the plant, brew with boiling water, and leave for about 10 minutes. The procedure must be carried out at intervals of 5 minutes until the pain completely stops. A prerequisite is that the broth must be warm;
  • Spruce/pine decoction. You need one small branch per 1 liter of water. Such medications for toothache should be used as often as you see fit until the symptoms go away;
  • Mumiyo. If you have a cavity in your mouth, it is always very unpleasant, especially with a deep form, when the best tablets are difficult to cope with. But there are several options to solve this - take a piece of mumiyo and place it in this cavity; a cotton swab dipped in strong black tea helps a lot.

If toothache catches you at work, at night or on a holiday, we will tell you how to relieve this symptom and wait comfortably for an appointment with the dentist, choosing the appropriate drug for severe or moderate dentalgia.

But do not forget that dentistry is an area of ​​medicine where pharmacological treatment is practically not used. And for toothache there is only one cure - surgical removal of the source of infection in the diseased tooth, followed by its restoration with artificial materials.

Painkillers: the opinion of dentists

Dentists are not particularly fond of painkillers: when carrying out a simple dental procedure, they suggest doing without them and, if possible, use dental treatment methods without a drill.

This is due to the pharmacodynamics of analgesics. By inhibiting the production of “pain enzymes”, prostaglandins at the site of inflammation, analgesics simultaneously affect other organs and systems of our body, which leads to side effects:

  • disruption of water-salt metabolism, which causes excess fluid to accumulate in the body;
  • surges in blood pressure;
  • changes in the threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • dehydration of the mucous membranes of the eyes, blurred vision;
  • increased risk of blood clots and blood clotting disorders.

For this reason, we recommend starting the fight against toothache by rinsing with a solution of salt or soda (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water), and only then start taking tablets.

Tablets for mild and moderate dentalgia

Taking a loading dose of an analgesic reduces the pain sensitivity threshold: so, during the next attack, the painkiller may be ineffective, and the anesthetic injection may not have an effect.

In order not to harm yourself before the inevitable trip to the dentist, it is advisable to limit yourself to taking one of the medications for mild to moderate toothache. They will help relieve an attack of chronic pulpitis, inflammation of the gums and caries.


Inexpensive, safe and effective pain reliever, non-narcotic analgesic.

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) blocks pain receptors at the level nervous system and does not affect pain centers in the brain. This means that it does not have the side effects characteristic of mega-powerful painkillers - it does not depress breathing and does not affect the functioning of the heart.

A paracetamol tablet will relieve you of aching pain in a tooth with medium and deep caries.


Analogues: Nurofen, Imet

Tablets for dentalgia from the group of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to pain relief, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen will help with tooth pain, accompanied by hyperthermia and inflammation of the periodontal tissues.

Aching pain will be relieved by one tablet with 200 mg of the active ingredient, ibuprofen. If necessary, the dose is increased to 400 mg, but not more than 800 mg per day.


Analogs: Askofen, Excedrin

A “head pain” tablet, which is found in every first aid kit, will also help with toothache!

Citramon contains paracetamol and aspirin, which mutually enhance each other's analgesic effect, plus caffeine, which will tone the blood vessels and relieve drowsiness - a side effect of analgesics.

For dentalgia, it is recommended to take 2 Citramon tablets at once. But it is strictly forbidden to combine this drug with alcohol and alcohol-containing tinctures: even a few grams of alcohol with Citramon, Askofen or Excedrin can provoke gastric bleeding.


One of the most popular painkillers in everyday life: as research shows, about 80 billion aspirin tablets are consumed annually in the world!

Acetylsalicylic acid, unlike other NSAIDs, acts on the problem area in the tooth, focally – reduces the severity of inflammation and relieves pain. Her tablets will relieve unpleasant symptoms of pulpitis, inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth.

A combination of two analgesics at once - paracetamol and diclofenac, which enhances the analgesic effect. Fanigan, among other things, also has an anti-edematous effect: it unloads collagen and fibrin fibers, which swell during inflammation.

Fanigan's tablet can be taken for dentalgia, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the face, as well as for enlarged lymph nodes and sore throat caused by the eruption of the 8th wisdom tooth.

Analgesic tablets are acid-based, and most of them have irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before taking a painkiller, it is advisable to eat something; if the tooth hurts badly, “put” at least yogurt on the bottom of the stomach.

Extra remedies for severe toothache

The heavy artillery of painkillers - tablets Ketanov, Nimesulide, Tempalgin and Flamidez - should be used only in extreme cases, when toothache is truly unbearable. For example, with acute pulpitis and periodontitis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - diseases that are characterized by attacks of pulsating, severe dentalgia at night.


Analogues: Ketorol, Dolak, Ketalgin, Toradol

One of the strongest painkillers, ketorolac (the active ingredient of Ketanov tablets) is used in the postoperative period, for injuries and severe toothache caused by periodontitis, pericoronitis or pulpitis.

Like other NSAIDs, ketorolac blocks the production of pain enzymes - prostaglandins, but slows down kidney function. Less blood is filtered and more harmful substances accumulate in the body, so people with kidney failure should not take Ketanov.

A single dose of the drug is 1 tablet of 10 mg, for severe pain, take every 4-6 hours, but not more than 90 mg, 9 tablets per day.


Analogs: Analgin, Baralgin

The active ingredient in “green tablets” is metamizole sodium, which has a strong analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Tempalgin also contains a tranquilizer - the sedative tempidon, which will help you relax and fall asleep after an exhausting attack of toothache at night.

By the way, metamizole sodium does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not affect water-salt metabolism in the body. Therefore, it is suitable for elderly people and patients prone to gastrointestinal disorders.


A combined drug from the NSAID group, it consists of the analgesics diclofenac and paracetamol, as well as the decongestant serratiopeptidase.

Flamidez has a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, and helps relieve swelling. Dentists prescribe Flamidez tablets to relieve pain after tooth extraction, in the complex treatment of alveolar abscesses, purulent inflammation in the root periosteum.

Dosage – 1 tablet twice or thrice a day.

Analogs: Nise, Nimid

A synthetic drug from the NSAID group with strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

A Nimesulide tablet can be taken in case of acute pain, during a night attack of dentalgia, after tooth extraction and radiating pain due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

The drug does not have a toxic effect with long-term use and is often prescribed to older people. The exception is patients with heart failure, bronchial asthma and liver diseases - they cannot take Nimesulide.

All strong analgesics are prohibited for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

It is impossible to experiment and combine the use of several drugs per day - for example, Aspirin tablets, and after 4 hours Ketanov, according to the principle of “what is more effective”! This can cause hepatic coma and kidney dysfunction.


If the budget for “symptomatic therapy” is running out, take pills from the “list of necessary and vital medicines RF": Paracetamol (about 40 rubles), Ibuprofen (38 rubles), Acetylsalicylic acid (from 20 rubles) or Ketorolac (26 rubles).

Drugs from foreign manufacturers will cost more: Nise - from 200 rubles, Aspirin Cardio - from 80 rubles, Tempalgin - 130 rubles, Ketanov - about 60 rubles, Nurofen - 90 rubles.

All medications have contraindications. Before use, carefully read the instructions and consult your doctor.

An analgesic will relieve you of toothache for several hours, but will not eliminate its cause. Only a good dentist can do this. We recommend contacting him in order to avoid the recurrence of even more severe attacks of dentalgia.

Are you familiar with toothache? This insidious signal indicates dental pathologies. Most of the planet's inhabitants have encountered such unpleasant manifestations. You should not hope that the problem will disappear with complete inaction. Dentists note: the longer the patient self-medicates, endures pain, and tries to relieve the symptom in an amateurish way, the more serious the consequences will be.

A painful impulse or aching pain around the clock can be signs of completely different disorders.


Why does toothache occur?

Damage to enamel

Tooth sensitivity increases when the surface layer of enamel is damaged. In this case, discomfort intensifies when eating food with a strong taste, and reacts to cold and too hot food. The pain is weak, aching, long-lasting. Short-term impulses occur less frequently under the influence of irritating factors.

Caries and pulpitis

With initial caries, discomfort occurs, which is rarely paid attention to. The general sensitivity of the tooth increases, but it is moderately disturbing. Pain comes with deep lesions, impulses are especially noticeable if pulpitis has begun. Sharp spasms are localized in one place, and a person can accurately point to the source of the discomfort. Any touch, sudden turning of the head, or brushing teeth causes pain. If measures are not taken in time, gumboil begins.

Gingivitis and periodontitis

Aching pain spreads across the gums, it is difficult to determine the exact source. The sensation intensifies when chewing structured food. There is redness of the gum tissue and bleeding.

Injuries, consequences of treatment, growth of the last molars

With a mechanical shock, pain occurs immediately after the injury: various complications and damage to the root system or crown are possible. In rare cases, after treatment, an atypical reaction of the body may occur, which is complicated by poor healing. Infection of tissues or incomplete cleaning of the carious cavity is also possible.

Particular pain, which subsides from time to time and arises again, accompanies the eruption of a “wisdom tooth,” which injures the gums during growth.

For toothache of any etiology, it is prohibited:

  • Warming up. Do not apply a heating pad or a warm compress - such measures will accelerate the development of abscesses.
  • When rinsing, do not take cold or hot solution- additional irritation will provoke a new attack.
  • Applying randomly selected herbs or analgesics to the sore spot can complicate the situation. And, if the tooth is damaged, then its unprofessional treatment will cause serious problems: the pain will intensify, the inflammation will progress, and the onset of sepsis is possible.

Tablets will help the patient for a while. Medicines are divided into several subgroups, each of which will be optimal choice in different situations. During a preventive examination with a dentist, it is worth asking what emergency measures will be safe in your case.

Analgesics: effective tablets for toothache

A nuance: painkillers do not cure! They only relieve pain temporarily. The problem remains. If you do not start looking for the cause of toothache, then at best you will need urgent tooth extraction. Suppuration and destruction of bone tissue are considered severe complications - then surgical intervention under general anesthesia is indicated.

The general rule is: do not exceed the dose of pain medication. The intake of a large number of active substances into the body can provoke allergic reactions, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and inconsistency in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Analgesics will relieve pain for several hours.


It contains analgin, supplemented with an antispasmodic - pitofenone hydrochloride, its effect is close to papaverine. Has analgesic and antispastic effects. The medicine is not recommended for children under 15 years of age, pregnant women, patients with bronchial asthma and those who suffer from disorders of the hematopoietic process.


It soothes aching toothache, but is powerless against acute attacks of pulpitis and periodontitis, it only muffles strong pulsating bursts. The main active ingredient is purified metamizole sodium. The medicine is included in a course of therapy in combination with a number of antispasmodics.

Additionally, the drug has a sedative effect: it eliminates anxiety. This is facilitated by tempidon, which can slightly reduce blood pressure. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution in hypotensive patients. Substances enhance each other's effects.

The calming effect is noticeable within half an hour, and the analgesic effect is noticeable after about an hour. Progressive dentists consider the product somewhat outdated, since it is similar to analgin, which was popular in the middle of the last century. But its affordable cost and effectiveness in uncomplicated situations contribute to the popularity of the medicine.


The drug remains one of the most popular drugs that relieve attacks of pain of various etiologies, including dental ones. When the remedy begins to act, the muscle tissue relaxes and the nerve endings are not irritated. As a result, painful impulses are blocked, toothache subsides for 5-12 hours.

If the sensations are strong, you can take 2 tablets, but an adult weighing more than 50 kg should not take more than 5 tablets per day. The maximum possible period of admission is 3 days. For adolescents weighing from 30 to 50 kg, a single dose is 1 tablet. The minimum pause between the use of spasmalgon is 4 hours.


Available in the form of capsules and tablets for oral use, there are soluble options. Positioned as a medicine with enhanced analgesic effect. The medicine contains paracetamol, caffeine, and also codeine phosphate hemihydrate, which helps to quickly stop coughing during colds.

Each of the indicated forms is taken according to the instructions, which prescribe the dosage and methods of administration of the drug.


It will help relieve acute pain, mild aching, acute impulse or pulsating manifestations. Will cope with all types of odontalgia. It is considered an analgesic, non-narcotic drug. No prescription required to purchase.

Homeopathic medicines are effective: Aconite, Coffea, Arnica.

If allergic reactions, arrhythmia, tachycardia, or dizziness occur, you should stop taking any painkillers.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are tablets for severe toothache

The latest generations of pain medications can not only relieve the irritating symptom, but also act as anti-inflammatory agents.


Ketanov is sold in tablets or injection solutions without a prescription. This unique powerful analgesic will help relieve severe pain and will be useful in the postoperative period. Helps after complicated traumatic tooth extraction, during exacerbations of pulpitis or periodontitis. Modern pharmaceuticals have created a drug that is equal in potency to morphine, but is not addictive and does not have a destructive effect on the body.

The drug does not have sedative properties, so after taking there is no drowsiness or apathy, the drug does not affect a person’s business activity.

The medicine contains a number of components, the main active ingredient is ketorolac. Its effectiveness has been proven: the substance begins to act a few minutes after it enters the blood. Thanks to the influence of this component, prostaglandins, which are catalysts for inflammatory processes and the “culprits” of pain, are not produced in the mucous membranes and deep tissues of the gums. Complete relief occurs within 30-40 minutes.

Toothache is relieved, and other accompanying unpleasant sensations are relieved: itching, burning, aching in the jaw. Within 7 hours you can relax and forget about the pain; you can take the medicine again if symptoms return.

The drug is capable of providing analgesic, moderate antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. If you temporarily avoid putting pressure on the problem area, the patient can relax for several hours. A visit to the doctor is required the next day.


This medicine will help relieve not only dental pain, but also the accompanying discomfort. The drug is available in different dosages and is intended for different age groups. Without a prescription, you can buy suppositories, tasty suspensions and syrups for younger patients, traditional or effervescent tablets at the pharmacy.

The active substance is ibuprofen, which is one of the best anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. Its effectiveness is explained simply: the components act directly on the site of inflammation and block the development of specific proteins that support the body’s atypical reaction.

Ibuprofen helps produce interferon, which increases tissue resistance to infectious lesions - this is especially important in the postoperative period, after tooth extraction. Nurofen is well tolerated and adverse reactions occur rarely.

The medicine has many analogues from the NSAID group with similar characteristics: Ibuprofen, Profen, Profinal, Solpaflex, Markofen. Each of the products has additional characteristics or limitations, so you should carefully read the instructions before using the drug.


Over-the-counter drug, the active ingredient is nimesulide. Both dosed powders and tablet forms are popular. This medicine will prove to be an excellent assistant, relieving any manifestations of toothache, aching gums, discomfort due to jaw neuralgia, and manifestations of other dental diseases.

This option is often prescribed by dentists, since the product has a minimum of contraindications and will relieve painful suffering for a long time. The action begins within half an hour, the next dose is desirable only after 12 hours.

Effective analogues: Nise, Nimesulide, Nemulex, Aponil.


Its base is dexketoprofen. You should not take more than 3 tablets per day, since the medicine has a powerful prolonged analgesic effect. The interval between doses should not be less than 8 hours. The medicine is not recommended for minors, pregnant women and people over 70 years of age. Quickly relieves the condition of severe impulse toothaches.

How to temporarily “freeze” a painful area of ​​gum

Modern dentistry has a wide range of tools that can alleviate the patient’s condition. Freezing analgesics will help relieve pain due to gum disease, neuralgia, in the postoperative period, or survive for several hours before an appointment at the clinic.

There are a number of sprays that can relieve gum and tooth sensitivity.

  1. Lidocaine- an excellent local drug, acts locally, “freezes” the source of pain in 2-3 minutes. The medicine blocks the sensitivity of nerve endings in a given area, nerve cells do not generate impulse signals, and a reaction is not formed. It is standardly available in cans, has a 10% concentration, and requires 2-3 sprays for the effect. Additional components include peppermint oil and propylene glycol. Lidocaine is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Givalex has a bacteriostatic effect on pathogenic microflora. It will help to numb the area of ​​the gum next to the problematic tooth due to the presence of chlorobutanol hemihydrate, and choline salicylate will reduce the activity of cyclooxygenase, which stimulates the inflammatory process. The drug can also be classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Gel preparations:

  • Metrogil Denta. This gel will help relieve pain in children over 6 years of age and adults. The drug is applied to the painful area twice a day. It does not wash off, you can eat and drink after 30-40 minutes.
  • Kamistad. The combined local anesthetic is also an anti-inflammatory agent. It contains lidocaine, which blocks the creation of a pain impulse. When treating the area, a temporary loss of tissue sensitivity occurs. Dentists prescribe the gel for stomatitis, gingivitis, teething (including milk teeth); it is possible to use the gel as a short-term aid before visiting a doctor.
  • Dentol Recommended for children and adults. Well tolerated by patients of any age. The effect of the gel begins a minute after application.
  • Holisal. The active substance is a derivative of salicylic acid. Approved for use after 12 years. The dose for an adult is 1 cm and for adolescents - 0.5 cm of a column of gel.

What medications for toothache should pregnant women choose?

During the period of bearing a child, it is worth taking a very responsible approach to the process of treatment and selection of medications. If you feel discomfort, then it is wiser to limit yourself to rinsing with soda or chamomile infusion. Or apply a compress based on diluted honey to your cheek.

When the pain tires and becomes unbearable, it is possible to use no-shpa as an antispasmodic before consulting a doctor. Dentists also recommend papaverine to relieve spasms. The dosage should not exceed that specified in the instructions.

Paracetamol, which is part of many NSAIDs, will have an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect. These tablets do not affect the development of the fetus and soothe irritated tissues. But for severe pain, tablets are ineffective. In an acute case, you should go to the emergency dental clinic to consult a doctor immediately.

In the first trimester, if you experience significant pain and are unable to immediately see a dentist, you can choose Nurofen in a pediatric dosage. Or choose another drug based on Ibuprofen.

The use of dental drops that act locally is indicated. It is advisable to consult a doctor about the dosage and duration of the course.

If the case is serious, the pain is barely bearable, then from the second trimester one-time use of Ketanov is allowed. Until the 3rd trimester, you can take its analogue Ketorol.

Drugs for toothache in childhood

Pain during teething can be relieved with special gels recommended by the doctor. The use of Dentol is acceptable. If children have problems school age, then the use of Kamistad gel is permitted.

Nise or another Ibuprofen-based drug should be chosen in an adapted dosage. Children's teas or syrups are produced. Nurofen will help during severe toothache and will have an anti-inflammatory effect during the period when baby or molars are erupting. Also, irritation and mild pain will be removed by Panadol, the main active substance which is paracetamol. After 7 years you can take Solpadeine.

But first you should try to relieve the symptom using gentle and safe methods:

  • Rinse your mouth with soda solution, dilute Furacilin tablets, use a composition based on tea tree- 2 drops per 200 ml.
  • Brew sage or chamomile (tablespoon per glass of boiling water).

The use of dental drops is allowed. Parents should take into account that the drug is based on ethyl alcohol. The solution is ineffective against caries.

Medicines for toothache: quick effect

Often the effectiveness depends on the form of the medicine. Therefore, solutions made from effervescent tablets and powdered teas act faster. The absorption of this drug occurs quickly, the effect begins literally a few minutes after administration.

  • Solpadeine and Solpadeine Active - analgesics and antipyretics. Approved for use by adolescents over 12 years of age and adults without allergic reactions to components. One tablet is dissolved in 100-150 ml of water. The pain will subside in 5-10 minutes.
  • Efferalgan Contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and children weighing less than 13 kg. One dose is dissolved in a glass of water. Half a tablet is enough for preschoolers. The therapeutic effect is high, complete pain relief is achieved in 10-20 minutes.
  • Effervescent tablets Nurofen Can be used with caution even by pregnant women. The medicine is approved for children over 6 years of age. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for the drug.
  • Next, a film-coated tablet preparation containing ibuprofen plus paracetamol. Therefore it acts quickly and effectively.
  • Powder Nimesil dissolves in warm water, acts quickly, blocks receptors that perceive pain impulses and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Freezing gels and sprays will help effectively relieve pain and inflammation.

In acute cases or during dental procedures, injections into the gums are used. Ultracaine, Septonest, Mepivastezin will act quickly, the patient will lose sensitivity after 10 minutes.

Any painkiller tablets, sprays or ointments eliminate the symptom for a while. Put away underlying reasons When pain occurs, these medications are powerless. Therefore, dentists urge responsible patients not to delay solving the problem! If you endure the pain for several days, serious complications are likely to occur. Dentists note that the chances of saving a tooth are greater if you consult a doctor immediately after you feel discomfort. Soreness can be the result of neuralgia or arthrosis - such ailments should be treated without delay, using specialized medications. Long-term use of analgesics can only complicate the situation, and the disease will become chronic.