Dimensions of a double bed: how not to make mistakes when buying furniture from European and Russian factories. Comfortable bed: how to choose the size How wide is a double bed

It is important to know the size of the bed, for example, when planning a room or choosing a mattress. After reading this article, you will learn what standards of sleeping furniture exist and what of them should be taken into account when purchasing.

All double beds can be divided into two subtypes: standard and non-standard products.

Standard products are usually divided into four categories: single, one-and-a-half, double, children's.

Each country has its own standard product parameters. Let's take a closer look at our most common products and their dimensions.

Standard according to Russian GOST

The Russian standard can be considered the most understandable and familiar system for measuring the size of sleeping places.

A typical double bed has a width of 1.4 to 2 meters. Products with a larger width are usually classified as non-standard dimensions. They will be less common and have a higher cost. The length standard for products varies from 2 meters to 2.1 meters. It is the same for all types of standard adult beds.

Products of slightly smaller dimensions are usually called one-and-a-half beds. The sizes of one-and-a-half beds can vary from 1.2 to 1.6 meters in width and from 2 to 2.1 meters in length. This product can be suitable for sleeping two people.

A standard single bed has a width of 0.7 to 1 meter and a length of 2-2.1 meters. This the bed will do for a comfortable sleep for an adult.

The convenience of standard size beds lies in the ease of choosing a mattress for this product and the price, which will be on average lower than for non-standard models.

Depending on the height of the bed, there are three main categories:

  • low models up to 0.45 meters;
  • standard up to 0.65 meters;
  • high from 0.7 meters.

The height of the bed should correspond to the height of the person. With the correct height, your legs will be at right angles when sitting.

European standards

European manufacturers treat issues of comfort with some trepidation. Therefore, the dimensions of their products are slightly different. Double beds of standard size from European manufacturers are ten to fifteen centimeters wider than those of domestic ones.

The same can be said about one-and-a-half and single products. As for the length, there is no difference.

Double and triple beds from 1.8 meters wide are considered a product of increased comfort. They have the original names “King-size” and “Super-Kingsize”.

Standards of different countries of manufacture

Each country of manufacture has its own size standards. It is worth talking about the size of the sleeping place and being extremely attentive to the issues of selecting mattresses.

Another feature can be the size measurement system. In some countries it is a meter scale, in others it is an inch scale. So the size of a double bed in Australia will be 72 by 80 inches, in the UK 72 by 80 inches, in the USA 76 by 80 inches.

Such parameters are completely different from the standards that are common in Europe. This is largely due to the different measurement system.

Standard bed sizes

Modern manufacturers produce a huge number of beds of standard sizes. Special attention should be given when choosing a product correct selection mattress. Remember that the size of the bed does not always correspond to the size of the sleeping place. It largely depends on the material from which it is made, the type of frame and the presence of additional mechanisms.

If you are purchasing an imported bed, please note that different countries may have different sizing systems. This can somewhat complicate the process of selecting a mattress for a bed. Try to match the country of manufacture, then there should be no difficulty in getting into the size chart.

Single bed dimensions

For Russian products and manufacturers from CIS countries there is single standard bed length parameters. So the length of a sleeping place for an adult will be from 2 to 2.1 meters.

The width of a single bed varies between 0.7-1 meters. Western analogues will be 10 -15 centimeters wider in width. The length standard for American manufacturers will also be increased. Keep this in mind when purchasing such a product, since choosing a mattress for it will not be so easy.

Dimensions of a one-and-a-half bed

Beds with a width of 1 to 1.5 meters will already be classified as one-and-a-half. This is a single parameter for all post-Soviet countries. This approach to the measurement system will help you easily select products from one country of origin and select a suitable mattress for it, without the need for additional overpayments.

American manufacturers have three steps of sizes of one-and-a-half beds. The smallest is 1.9 meters long and 1.22 wide. The average product is 1.32 wide and 1.9 meters long. Large size 2.03 meters long and 1.52 meters wide. It is no longer possible to select a standard mattress from a domestic manufacturer for such models.

Double bed dimensions

As for the dimensions of a double bed, domestic manufacturers have provided a spread from 1.6 meters to 2 meters in width. These are completely different products, for which it is nevertheless quite easy to choose a mattress among manufacturers from the CIS.

Beds made in the USA are another matter. Two types of products are produced here: length 1.93 and 1.97 with a width of 2.03 meters. The second type is 1.82 meters long and 2.13 meters wide.

A European double bed starts from a width of 1.8 meters. Such a difference in standards makes it impossible to match a European mattress to an American bed and vice versa.

How to choose the optimal bed dimensions

There are many criteria to consider when choosing a bed size. One of the selection criteria is the type of room in which the furniture will be installed. If you buy the most big bed, try not to let it interfere with free movement around the room. Be sure to study its dimensions, because the standard indicators may deviate significantly up or down.

The second most important selection criterion is the comfort level of the product. To determine convenient indicators, pay attention to the sensitivity of sleep and the dimensions of the person for whom the sleeping place is intended. No person's arms or legs should hang from the bed.


The golden rule when determining is to count from a person’s height. The length of the product should be 15 or 20 centimeters greater than the height of the person who will sleep on it. It would be nice if this difference were even greater. In this case, you will be able to fully stretch your arms and legs.

If this indicator is significantly higher than the standard, you should pay attention to non-standard products.


As for the width, everything is strictly optional. But the minimum sleeping requirement for an adult is 0.7 meters. That is, a sleeping place for two must be at least 1.4 meters wide. You can safely accommodate a child on a two-meter bed.


The height of the bed is calculated based on height indicators. When sitting, your legs should rest on the floor at a right angle. The taller the person, the higher the product should be chosen.
The height of the bed varies from 0.2 to 0.9 meters.

Non-standard models

Along with standard products, the modern furniture market offers a significant selection of interesting and unusual models. Round beds look very stylish. Of course, such a product requires large spaces. These products are very suitable for tall people, for whom it is difficult to find a sleeping place within the standard.

If you cannot boast of such bedroom dimensions, but really want an original model, take a closer look at oval products. There are corner and even square beds. When choosing such a product, remember that its price will be much higher. An additional expense item will be ordering a mattress according to individual dimensions, the cost of which will be ten or even twenty percent higher than standard products.

For small room dimensions and in cases of arranging an additional bed, pay attention to a small chair-bed.

The modern furniture market is able to satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers. A properly selected bed will allow you to enjoy a comfortable and cozy sleep for many years, which will help you fully restore your strength and fully relax your body.

We took care of your time and wrote interesting information about the size of a single bed. About the sizes of beds for children under 3 years old, up to 12 years old, for a teenager and for an adult. You will learn about the sizes of mattresses, blankets and bedspreads for a single bed, and how to buy a quality bed, and what requirements to adhere to when choosing.

A good night's sleep, what could be better for modern man? Sleep gives the body vigor, strength and energy for the whole next day. Physical fitness indicators depend on it, immune system and people's mood. A high-quality sleeping place, its suitable dimensions and properties contribute to the development of the above-mentioned indicators.

Therefore, the topic of our conversation today is the size of a single bed. You will learn for yourself:

  • Standards for single beds;
  • Sizes of baby cots;
  • Single bed sizes for teenagers;
  • Suitable sizes single beds for an adult;
  • Sizes of mattresses for single beds;
  • About bed linen for single beds;
  • Size of blanket, sheet and bedspread;
  • How to safely buy a single bed?

You will find out and be able to easily choose the size of your future single bed. Learn how to select bedding and all the decorative components of your bed.

Factories and factories must produce furniture according to standards. They meet consumer requirements. Why are standards taken into account?

  1. To make it easy to choose required size single bed.
  2. Improve the work of the factory. Making furniture for the average person.
  3. Selection of furniture for the size of the room.

Based on these principles, we created an always up-to-date size chart for beds, with the following parameters:

  • Length for one bed is from 190 to 220 cm.
  • Width for one bed is from 70 to 100 cm.

Photo: Standard sizes of a single bed

Anything wider than 100 cm is a one-and-a-half bed. The height of the beds is from 30 cm from the floor. Varies upon request upon personal order. According to standards, it reaches up to 50 cm.

When choosing a sleeping place, the buyer pays attention not only to the build quality and design. He looks at functionality, design and looks for suitable dimensions.

The most popular sleeping option:

  • Length 200-210 cm.
  • Width 80-90 cm.

Photo: Standard dimensions of a single bed 200-210 x 80-90

Helpful tip: If you want to make the choice of sizes error-free, add +20 cm to your height parameters. Do the same with the width. For example, a person’s height is 170 cm + 20 cm length = 190 cm bed length. Waist (roughly speaking) 60 cm + 20 = 80 cm width. This formula always works. You will be able to sit comfortably and sleep on the crib. Round the resulting information to the standard.

When selecting sizes, pay attention to:

  • Room area;
  • Height, weight of the future owner;
  • Favorite sleeping positions.

Do not forget that our CIS standards are very different from American and European ones. Please keep this in mind when ordering from other countries.

Sizes of children's single bed for children, for teenagers

The main factor in choosing a children's bed is the age of the child. You need to purchase furniture for children based on their age at a given time.

Age groups of children and sleeping space dimensions in accordance with them:

  • Children under three years old: Bed size 120 by 60 cm.

  • Schoolchildren up to 12 years old: Bed size 160 by 70 cm.

  • Teenagers from 14 years old: Bed size 195 by 80 cm.

We recommend choosing beds from natural wood. It is environmentally friendly, safe and reliable. Looks like wooden design stylish. Can serve not only as a place to sleep, but also to be work surface, locker.

When choosing cribs for children and newborns, pay attention to height and safety. The height of the sides should be from 75 cm to 90 cm. This will reduce the risk that the baby can get out or fall out of the crib.

When buying a bed for adult children, make a choice together. This way, you will get to know your child’s tastes without quarreling over a bad purchase.

Photo: Single bed in a children's room

Everyone dreams of a calm and pleasant sleep. In the morning, vigor will make the day bright and positive. The size of the bed greatly influences this mood process. At correct parameters bed, your sleep will become sound and deep. The body will be able to completely relax in a natural position.

Standard bed sizes for an adult:

  • Length 200-210 cm.
  • Width 90-100 cm.

Photo: Single bed Length 200-210 cm. Width 90-100 cm.

Suitable sizes: 190 by 90, 200 by 90, 200 by 80. These parameters are suitable for one person with any body size.

The structure of the bed should be as strong as possible. When choosing a sleeping place, consider your height and weight. For heavier people, you should choose a bed made of oak or steel. Then your sleep will become stronger, and the bed will last for more than a year.

Sizes of mattresses for a single bed

Photo: Sizes of mattresses for a single bed for children and adults

Photo: Sizes of mattresses for a standard bed

Quality, properties, filling of the mattress - this is important when choosing. But having made a mistake with the sizes, even the most best coverage will not improve your sleep. A mattress that is too large will not fit into the bed shell. The little one will slide and you will fall through. And poorly chosen material and color of the bed will remain for many years

Before choosing a specific model, decide on the dimensions. Standard size of a mattress for a single bed:

  • Length: 195 cm
  • Width: 90 cm.

Suitable sizes are 190 cm by 90, 195 by 90, 200 by 80 cm.

Remember, if your bed is made to order, the mattress must also be ordered.

For larger people, many manufacturers provide non-standard dimensions. Such as 210 by 100 cm, 215 by 95. The length of 200 cm remains universal and comfortable. The width of 90 cm will prevent you from falling while sleeping.

Bedding sizes for a single bed

Coming home and touching the sleeping surface, many people forget about everything in the world. I want to immediately lie down, close my eyes and fall asleep soundly.

Choose pleasant bed colors. Pastel, beige, faded - best option for a sound sleep. Pay attention to the fabric and cutting material. Let it be soft and without intrusive design.

Standard for a set of linen for a single bed:

  • Duvet cover 135 by 200 cm.
  • Bed sheet 110 by 200 cm.
  • Pillowcase 50 x 70 cm (70 x 70).

Photo: Sizes of bed linen for the bed

Photo: Sizes of bed linen for a bed Russia and Euro standards

Blanket sizes for a single bed

The blanket should not be too heavy or rough. We do not recommend buying a blanket with feather filling. It is completely impractical, allergenic and cannot be washed automatically.

Most standard sizes single blanket:

  • Length 210-220 cm.
  • Width 130-160 cm.

Sizes of sheets for a single bed

A sheet is a component of bed linen. Expensive material that is hand-sewn is often sold separately. According to the standards of the CIS countries, our sheets have the following parameters:

  • Length 200 cm, 205 cm.
  • Width 100 cm, 120 cm.

They are universal and suitable even for a single bed.

Modern sheets with elastic bands. There is an elastic band at each corner that helps keep the cover on the mattress. Its dimensions are:

  • Length 190-200 cm
  • Width 90-100 cm.
  • Height 34 cm (mattress height)

But it’s still more convenient and easier to use a regular canvas without any rubber bands. The elastic band is not practical for ironing, it takes a long time to put on, and leaves stripes on the made bed.

How to buy a single bed and not make a mistake?

Before going to a furniture store, or ordering a product from a carpenter, you need to consider the following:

  1. Room area. We remind you that in a small room, a huge bed will look ridiculous. Take up extra space. Therefore, if you are 160 cm tall, do not chase a bed that is 210 cm long. If you are tall, consider how to arrange the furniture so that it looks dignified and stylish.
  2. Dimensions of the bed itself. Choose furniture that suits your height, weight, age. For a child, consider the height of the bed from the floor. This will make your sleep sound and safe. The legs will not stick out on different sides or rest against the sides. And the body will be able to completely relax.
  3. Select all components correctly. Calculate what parameters of the mattress and bed linen you need. Don't buy covers that are too big. The size must be exactly under the bed.

We thank you for reading our article. Get enough sleep, wake up and be awake in the morning, afternoon and evening. The correct size of beds and mattresses will help ensure quality and deep sleep. Don’t skimp on your health, and if you don’t want to spend a lot of money, make a sleeping place yourself!

August 7, 2018
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and styling floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

When choosing a double bed, dimensions are the main aspect to consider. The comfort of rest directly depends on them, since if there is not enough space, then it is unlikely to be possible to ensure a full, healthy sleep. In the review, we will analyze all the important parameters and different systems for determining bed sizes.

Basic parameters

First, let's look at the main dimensions that are important when choosing a bed and understand the standards. It is important to understand the meaning of each parameter.

What sizes are considered standard?

Let's start with the fact that each country has its own standards. We will proceed from the norms adopted in our country. These are not strict indicators listed in GOST, because people differ very much in their anthropometric data, so the design is selected individually.

Remember that in most European countries, like us, the metric system is used, while in the UK, USA, Australia and a number of other countries everything is measured in feet.

As for the standards, they are as follows:

Illustration Description

Bed width. It ranges from 140 to 200 cm with a gradation of 20 cm. As practice shows, the most convenient options are 160 and 180 cm, they provide comfortable sleep for two people.

Mattress length. Another important aspect, although everything is quite simple here: the vast majority of designs sold on our market have a bed length of 200 cm.

Bed height. This parameter is calculated from the level of the mattress to the floor. That is, the body itself is not taken into account, it is important that there is approximately 45-55 cm from the level of the sleeping place to the floor; this option is convenient for most people.

In general, when determining specific sizes, you should consider three factors:

  • The size of the room and the area that can be allocated for a bed. The design should not clutter up the space or interfere with movement around the room.
  • Anthropometric data of sleeping people. Since we are analyzing double structures, we need to take into account the parameters of two people, and most often the dimensions of the larger partner are taken as a basis.
  • Habits and preferences of people. Some people sleep stretched out, while others need much more space. It is important to analyze all such aspects in advance in order to understand which option is most preferable.


This indicator determines how freely sleepers can lie on a double bed. Let's consider the possible options:

Illustration Description

140 cm. The most compact double design, which is suitable for those who do not have impressive dimensions and sleep quite peacefully. The bed takes up little space, which is important for small spaces where every centimeter counts.

160 cm. Perhaps this is the most common solution and the most popular in our country. The design already has quite comfortable dimensions and allows two adults to sit comfortably, while it does not take up much more space than the first option, which is important in city apartments.

180 cm. An even more spacious solution, if we rely on the European standard, then such a bed is called “queen size”. There is even more space here and you can sit very freely, which is important for those who sleep restlessly and toss and turn a lot.

200 cm. This bed is called “king size”, based on the European classification. A spacious solution that allows you to lie on the mattress both lengthwise and crosswise, because it has a square shape.

Naturally, such a design takes up a lot of space.

There are even wider beds, but they are most often made to order or in limited editions.


Now let's look at this aspect, it's even simpler here:

Illustration Description

190 cm. These solutions are suitable for people of small stature - up to 170 cm and less. They are distinguished by the fact that they take up less space and at the same time provide comfortable sleep for people with a height of up to 170 cm.

200 cm. The most common solution that provides comfortable rest for most people. Ideal for anyone up to 180 cm tall, although taller people often sleep on such beds.

220 cm. Designed for people up to two meters tall, so if one of the sleepers is tall, then you should choose this solution.

If you can’t find the optimal bed for your height, then use a few simple tricks:

Illustration Description

Use a bed without a headboard. This allows you to move the pillow further away, since there is no wood or other element in the way.

Use Euro pillows. They are much smaller than domestic ones due to their narrow shape, but at the same time provide the necessary comfort for sleeping.

Order a custom made bed. This will allow you to get a design that will meet all your needs.


This is also an important parameter on which the comfort of using the bed largely depends. There are three main options:

Illustration Description

Low models. In them, the sleeping place is located at a height of 25-35 cm from the floor, the bed is often an impromptu podium. This is not the most convenient option, but modern interiors it looks great, so it's quite common.

Medium Height Options. The most popular and widespread solution, in which the sleeping place is located approximately 45-55 cm from the floor level. These beds are very comfortable for people different heights, which is why they became so widespread.

Tall structures. This type of furniture is raised 70-90 cm above the floor and is used in classic settings, as well as in cases where there are problems with the back or musculoskeletal system - such beds are much more comfortable to get up from.

Important aspects

We looked at standard solutions common in our country. Now let's look at a number of important aspects that you need to know when choosing bed sizes in modern conditions.

Mattress sizes

If we consider standard solutions, there are only two length options - 190 and 200 cm, and three widths: 160, 180 and 200 cm, these are the parameters in which products are made by most domestic manufacturers.

When buying a bed, check the country of its manufacture. While there are usually no problems with European models, options from countries where dimensions are calculated in feet do not match our mattresses, which causes many problems.

  • If the bed is old, take measurements manually. It is necessary to accurately determine the parameters of the frame in which the mattress is placed in order to understand what dimensions are needed.
  • The mattress may be slightly smaller than the frame. But the difference should not be more than 1 cm; if the difference is greater, the element will not hold securely and will move during use.
  • If you are making a bed yourself, it is better to initially decide what kind of mattress is used. And then do everything according to it, which will allow you to achieve maximum accuracy. After all, if you make a structure that doesn’t fit the dimensions, then you won’t be able to remake it, and it doesn’t matter what you used: solid wood, MDF, chipboard or metal - you’ll have to damage the frame.

European standards and standards of other countries

Since our measurement system is similar, the beds are approximately the same; the following solutions are common in Europe:

  • Standard beds 160 cm wide. Everything is the same as with us, this option occupies a leading position in sales and is the most common.

  • Square designs. It is impossible not to mention this solution, which is very popular in European countries. The design with a 200x200 mattress is in great demand for its comfort and large size. Models without a headboard are often used so that you can lay on them as you please.

As for other states, the most important thing to find out right away is the measurement system. If it is in centimeters, everything is fine, the models will be the same as ours, but if it is in feet, then there will be differences and quite significant ones. Therefore, it is worth buying both the mattress and the bed in a single metric system to eliminate problems.

Non-standard models

In addition to the classic rectangular and square designs, there are other solutions that should be discussed:

  • Round beds. Interesting solution, which looks stylish and original, but takes up quite a lot of space. For a comfortable position for two people, the diameter of the mattress on such a design should be 200-220 cm. Often included in the design drawer, as in the photo below, this is convenient solution for storing bed linen and accessories.

  • Oval models. They have an elongated shape, which allows them to be placed in a narrower opening and not make the diameter very large, so that two people can fit. These beds have all the advantages round designs and at the same time more practical due to their shape.

  • Round structures installed in a corner or against a wall. They have a side or headboard adjacent to the surface, which allows you to place the bed not in the middle of the room, thereby saving space.

What else you need to know before buying

First of all you need to choose optimal sizes bed linen. In order for it to lie well, the sheet must be larger than the sleeping area; as for the pillowcases, they are matched to the pillows, and the duvet cover to the blanket being used. Below are all the laundry standards.

In addition to sizes great value has the material of making the bed. The main options are:

  • laminated chipboard. The cheapest, but also the most unreliable solution, which lasts the least and is easily damaged. It does not tolerate moisture well, causing the slabs to swell.
  • MDF. More quality option, but its characteristics are far from ideal. MDF has a more uniform and dense structure, due to which it has improved strength indicators.

  • Solid wood. The most popular solution, characterized by reliability, safety and aesthetic appeal. Used for production different breeds wood: from inexpensive pine to durable oak or expensive exotic species.

  • Metal. The most durable and durable solution, characterized by a long service life and original appearance. Forged beds that are made by hand look especially impressive.


Choice correct sizes beds are an important aspect on which comfort directly depends, so carefully study the information in the article and use it when purchasing furniture. The video will tell additional information, and if you have any questions, ask them in the comments under this review.

August 7, 2018

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We can immediately say that the standards are different, since in the indicated regions different metric systems:

  • in the USA - in feet and inches;
  • in Europe - in meters and centimeters;
  • in Russia - in meters and centimeters.

If in Europe a single bed corresponds to a mattress width of 90 - 100 cm, then the American counterpart will have parameters equal to 99 cm and labeled Twin. Also in Europe, for example, for a single bed, only the length is standard, and the width can vary. Also, for comparison, we can say that in the USA, double bed widths include bed widths from 135 cm, and in Europe from 140 cm. In England, in addition to the usual single and double beds, there are also standards for king beds, and the width of such products is from 150 cm, which is not the limit. Also in England there is a size: “royal super”, which means a width of 200 cm. In the United States of America there is also an unusual standard, which sounds like “Olympic royal” (width 168 cm, length 203 cm), as well as “California royal” (width 152 cm, length 213 cm) and “Eastern royal "(width 193 cm, length 203 cm). What is noteworthy is that even in Australia itself, a bed with a width of 160 cm already belongs to the category of “royal single”. And in addition I would like to say one more thing about small features European standards, when single beds are classified as “extra small” with a width of 75 cm, “small” with a width of 80 cm, and “large” with a width of 100 cm.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that people most like to sleep luxuriously in America (USA), while in Europe people are much more modest. But in Russia we have something in between, on the one hand, and we don’t always have money for an ordinary bed, but we love the wide range, both to look at and try. I personally even had the opportunity to sleep on a king-size bed for some long time (more than two meters exactly), and now I have two aspirations, firstly, to acquire such a bed in the end, and secondly, I want to know where bedding of this size is bought linen. I didn’t make it myself, the maid did it, and now I’m tormented by guesses about the true size of such a set of bedding. But you also need a blanket.

Here are the standard bed sizes we are used to:

  • single beds width from 70 to 110 cm.
  • one and a half- standard length 200-210 cm, width from 110 to 160 cm.
  • double- standard length 200-210 cm, width from 160 cm to 200 cm, and more.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that in reality, the question turns out to be much deeper than it might initially seem. Here I have provided data based on the results of a sample analysis carried out using information found via the Internet. Please do not evaluate my work strictly, because this is what I managed to accomplish in almost an hour of pure working time. If, for example, I had the opportunity to work on a permanent basis in a large furniture center, then, of course, I would be able to answer the question more accurately, since professional activity definitely leaves an imprint. Yes, for example, even a four-year period of working in a taxi allowed me to understand cars and people much better. And ten years spent at Telecom made me a signalman and an IT specialist.


And one more small touch. Indeed, when purchasing imported furniture, for example, from a catalogue, you can be quite surprised by the product you receive, so it is better not to lose your vigilance when choosing and placing an order. And from this point of view, of course it is necessary to show increased attention to this issue - to standards and sizes.


Beds exceeding a width of two meters have the word “Royal” in their name. For example, "Royal Super" or "Royal Standard".

Buying for an apartment new furniture, we don’t always take into account the size of the place where we have to sleep. But this is important for proper rest. Remember what position you are used to taking in your sleep. Those who like to curl up need little space. But for those who are used to sleeping with their backs spread wide, it is much more. In addition, as people age, they need more personal space - even at night.

Available today different countries beds belong to one of the two size systems existing in the world - English (in inches and feet) and metric - in the meters and centimeters we are used to. The first system is accepted among manufacturers in the USA, the second is used by most manufacturers from European countries.

Choosing the optimal length

If the future owner of the bed is of medium or small height, there is no reason to worry. The standard bed sizes (i.e., about 2 meters long) allow him to sit quite comfortably. Tall customers require more space in length.

The length of the bed that suits you specifically is determined very simply - by adding an additional 30 cm to your own height. But if you prefer large pillows or sleep “stretched out”, add another 10 cm.

The standard bed sizes that are most often found are 1.9 m or 2 m. Manufacturers very rarely offer an intermediate size (1.95 m). And an exotic novelty - beds made of bamboo - will probably suit everyone. Their usual length is 2.2 m. Manufacturers, as a rule, are ready to accommodate clients of non-standard height - lengthen the selected specimen. But this will require additional costs.

Now about the width of the beds. They are usually called single, one-and-a-half or double. The names themselves indicate who they are intended for - one person, an adult with a child, or two adults. But it should be taken into account that we all have different habits and builds, and the size of the bed, for example, for the same “one and a half” can vary greatly. This is exactly what we will talk about in more detail below.

Single beds

Their width (we are considering domestic products) can be 70, 80 and 90 centimeters. These sizes of a single bed allow a child or a not too large adult to fit comfortably. You won’t have to toss and turn or suffer from cramped conditions in such a bed.

European standards set the size of a single bed a little larger in width - from 90 to 100 cm. An American-made analogue in the system of measures adopted there will be marked with the designation Twin and have dimensions of 190 cm in length and 90 in width. In our country, such beds are called teenage beds. If you want an American-made bed for one, but longer, look for the Twin X-Long or Extra Long label. Its length is about 203 cm.

Single beds

“One and a half beds” are beds that are too narrow for two and unusually comfortable for one. Their width, as a rule, is from 100 to 140 cm. Although, probably, young and slender newlyweds who prefer to sleep in an embrace will not find the size of beds “for one and a half people” to be so small.

Domestic single beds are more similar in size to European double beds with their usual width of 140-160 cm. If you select an analogue from America for comparison, then the dimensions of the Full model (or, in other words, Double) are most suitable. It is 190 cm long and 137.2 cm wide. The dimensions of the Queen model beds are truly “royal” (203.2 cm long and 152.4 cm wide).

Double beds

For this category of products, a width of at least 140 cm is accepted, otherwise the bed will be very cramped. For a comfortable sleep in the presence of the “other half,” a width of 160 cm is sufficient - especially if you have a mattress with independent springs. This size is now the most commonly accepted. There are also more spacious models - 170 cm wide. And for people of fragile build or those with cramped bedrooms, a double bed with dimensions of 155-150 cm wide is suitable.

If the standard sizes are not suitable for some reason, you can negotiate with the manufacturer and order individual option(in 5 cm increments). But be prepared for the fact that the mattress and bed linen will most likely also have to be ordered separately.

A European double bed can be much larger in size - it can be 180 cm wide or two meters wide. In the USA, such lodges are called “royal”. The most spacious products are Western King or California King standard. They are 182.9 cm wide and 213.36 cm long. And the “royal” King or Standard King models are even wider (over 193 or 198 cm, respectively). Their length is slightly less - 203.2 cm.

How to choose a bed size

Once in furniture store and finding yourself in the world of luxurious sleep items, it’s easy to get confused. Therefore, with the most important points You should decide at home.

One of these fundamental issues is the width of the bed. How are you used to (or are you going to) sleep - alone, hugging your loved one closely, together, but so that everyone has enough space, or “in the company” of an infant?

The length of the bed you buy depends on the height of whichever of the two is taller. Add 30 cm to this figure - and the issue is resolved. The place where the bed will be placed must be prepared in advance, carefully measuring the space to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Selecting the country of origin

Since, in addition to the bed frame, you have to select a mattress and bed linen, you should adhere to a single system of measures. That is, you should not take a European-made mattress for a bed made in America. American inches and our centimeters do not fit well with each other, the numbers always turn out to be fractional, and it is very difficult to achieve an exact match.

So if you suddenly like a bed that comes from the USA, try to look for other accessories (especially the mattress) from the same production. Because Italian, for example, no matter how beautiful it is, will still differ in size.

Of course, there is always a special order option left in stock, but this is already quite expensive.

How to choose a bed “for yourself”

If you still find it difficult to make a choice, try lying down on the model you like right in the store. Imagine yourself at home, relaxing on a purchased bed. If the bed is intended for sleeping one person, then take a position lying on your back with your elbows bent and connected at the chest index fingers. Are you comfortable? Are your elbows hanging down to your sides? Then this is your bed size - feel free to take it.

If you are tall, you may have to order an individual mattress, which will increase the cost of the purchase by about 10%. But the bed frame must also correspond to it, which should be remembered. If the models the right size Not on sale, you can contact the factory.

Another option is to buy a ready-made model custom size- for example, California King. Its advantage, in addition to its solid dimensions, is the absence of a backrest on the leg side.

Choosing a bed for a child

IN at different ages the child spends from a third to a half of the day in bed. He sleeps and plays in it, sometimes watches TV or reads. Therefore, the sleeping place should be comfortable.

When choosing a children's bed, it is important to take into account age and even gender. The dimensions, material and design of the sleeping place - everything matters for the baby’s comfortable sleep, a feeling of peace and protection.

The advice of pediatricians is to choose a sleeping place for your baby to grow into, and, unlike adults, an extra thirty centimeters at the head of the bed will not be enough. The children's bed has larger dimensions relative to the child's height.

You should add at least 20-25 cm to the “length” of the lying child on both sides - from the top of the head to the head of the bed and from the legs to the edge of the bed. If the space is tight, the sleeping position will be uncomfortable, which can lead to constant lack of sleep. On the contrary, too large a place for sleeping seems uncomfortable to small children and provokes anxiety.

Dimensions of a sleeping bed for a child according to GOST

In cribs for the smallest (up to 3 years), the size of the bed should be 120x60 cm, and the height of each side wall should be no more than 95 cm. For foreign manufacturers, the size of the children's bed may be larger by 5-10 cm in both another dimension.

Teenage - 180, 90 and 50 cm, respectively.

When is it time to change the bed?

Over the age of 18 - before adulthood - a person, as a rule, “masters” at least three beds. First, a baby crib with high sides. The sides become lower as they grow older, then disappear completely.

Usually by the age of three the question of purchasing another bed is raised. Sometimes this can be a whole set of furniture designed to serve the child for the next ten years.

In adolescence, it's time for the next purchase. This is either a teenage bed of quite a “respectable” size, or a furniture set that is no longer of a “children’s” design

Let's consider the generally accepted gradation of this children's furniture by age and size.

Cots for babies from 0 to 3 years

Sometimes - up to 2 years. Beds for such babies come in three types: in the form of cradles, playpens and side beds.

Cradles are used for up to six months; these are the tiniest first cribs. As soon as the baby learns to roll over and tries to rise up by holding the sides (after 4 months), it is better to abandon the cradle for safety reasons. The usual sizes of cradles are 65-90 cm in length and 30-45 cm in width. The height at which the sleeping place is located ranges from 50 to 70 cm.

Side beds are available in different size groups. For infants up to 9 months, their dimensions are approximately 90x55 cm or 90x60 cm. A more practical and versatile model with dimensions of 120x60 cm, it will last until the age of two. Such structures are usually 80 cm in height. The kit includes an additional side and, most often, attachments to the parents’ bed.

Playpen beds allow babies to stand up, holding onto the sides, and entertain themselves in the absence of their mother. They are usually taken for children under 3 years of age. While the baby is not yet getting up, the bottom of the crib is attached higher - it’s more convenient for the mother. It starts to move, and there is a risk that it will fall out - the bed is lowered closer to the floor, the sides are placed at a height of 60-65 cm.

Beds for schoolchildren and preschoolers

Such furniture differs from adult furniture not only in size, but also in design. Models intended for preschoolers do not have sharp corners, the colors are chosen bright, a bed-car, a bed-carriage or even a whole ship is possible

Loft beds with built-in tables, wardrobes or even a sports corner are becoming popular. The required bed size for a preschooler is 150×75 cm.

The dimensions of the furniture set for a child aged 6-10 years are about 150 cm in height, the sleeping place can be located at a level of approximately 130 cm. The height of the free space above the child’s head during sleep should not be less than 70 cm. Sleeping place a schoolchild occupies 170×70 cm.

Teenage bed sizes - standard

They are practically the same as those of an adult. The length is like a full-fledged sofa (190 cm), maybe 2 m, the width is usually 80 cm (110 cm for a furniture set). The height of the complex can reach 180 cm, if the ceilings in the apartment allow.

Domestic manufacturers offer minimal (75 cm) and ordinary (90 cm) width options for a separate teenage bed. In European models, this size is larger - up to 100 cm. The maximum is a double size for teenagers (120 cm), which is rare.

The height of a bed for a teenager can be 45 cm (on legs, i.e. a regular model) and up to 90 cm if the design includes drawers at the bottom.

If there are two children in a family, it will help out the parents and solve the problem free space in the apartment bunk bed, the size of which should be suitable for children in height and age - this is necessary condition comfortable sleep. When purchasing, the standards for the size of sleeping places for children must be observed. If a family purchases a bunk bed, its length and width dimensions will be the same as those of a regular bed, and the height of such a structure should be 165-175 cm. The distance from the floor to the bottom place is 30-50 cm, depending on age, There should be at least 85 - 90 cm between tiers.