DIY growing chair drawings. Chair hunchbacked horse drawings. Types of Adjustable Chairs for Children

Furniture for a children's room should be of high quality, environmentally friendly, and hypoallergenic. But many manufacturers do not pay attention to the increased requirements for children's furniture - they use low-quality materials and make the fastenings unreliable. Using such furniture may harm your child. This is why some parents come to the conclusion that it is worth doing children's table and a DIY chair. Moreover, assembling it is not so difficult.


Of course, when choosing material for children's furniture, you should opt for natural solid wood. Wooden table and the chair will not only be a decoration in the children's room, but also environmentally friendly, will not cause allergies, and will become practical pieces of furniture.

It is better to make a table and chair from beech wood. It is easy to process and does not release resin. But how budget option Pine or birch are quite suitable, but they need to be deresined, since the resin is unsafe for a child, and it can ruin clothes.

Plywood, like the most cheap material, is also quite acceptable in manufacturing high chair. It can easily bear the weight of a child, is lightweight, and can be easily processed.

Chipboard is a very fragile material and can only be suitable for a tabletop.

Alternatively, you can build at a dacha in the zone playground table and chair from plastic bottles. In this case, there is practically no need to invest money, and when exposed to weather conditions There will be nothing for such a kit.


First you need to do detailed drawings with all sizes. Please note that when planning furniture for a child you cannot do sharp corners, about which a child can get hurt during active games.

If you're not entirely sure about stability, make a 1:1 scale model out of cardboard before making parts out of wood.

To fasten parts together, you can use spikes and glue, but for the reliability of the structure it is better to use self-tapping screws and corners various shapes.

Material processing

Before assembly, all parts must be processed. To do this, you can use an electric planer, or sand the wood with sandpaper.

Then you can treat it with various dyes such as stain, rather than simply highlight the texture of the wood or paint it.

If you want to varnish your products, it is better to choose one based on turpentine. It does not contain toxic substances, and will not harm your child’s health. After you have coated the parts with varnish, you need to sand it with sandpaper. And then cover with a finishing layer of varnish. In this case, the wood will be well protected, and the shine will not disappear for many years.

Making a regular chair and table

To assemble a regular chair, we need to cut out the following parts:

  1. Short legs - 2 pieces, length 25 cm, cross-section 3.3 x 3.8 cm.
  2. Long legs - 2 pieces, height 53 cm, cross-section 3.3x3.8 cm.
  3. Back - 1 piece, size 10x30 cm.
  4. Seat - 1 piece, size 30x30 cm.

Crossbars for tying a chair under the seat - 2 pieces, 25.7 cm long, 2 pieces 25.2 cm long.

In this case, the legs should have a narrowing from the middle of the chair. For long ones, reduce the thickness towards the top to 1.9 cm, and short ones - towards the bottom to 2.4 cm. This is necessary so that the front legs do not interfere with the legs, and the back is at a slight angle.

First, we attach the rear legs; to do this, we screw the crossbar between them with self-tapping screws. We do the same with the front ones and fasten them together.

Then we screw the back. We check that all details are clear horizontal mount. Otherwise, the aesthetic appearance of the chair will not be very good.

At the end of the assembly, screw the seat.

For the table we need 4 legs, a frame made from the same block. We make them from a block and the table top is made from plywood or chipboard. The sizes here depend on your wishes and the height of the child.

We assemble the frame, attach the legs to the corners and screw the tabletop on top. The table is ready. The size of the screw must be carefully selected, otherwise you can drill right through the tabletop, which will ruin the aesthetic appearance and may injure your child.

Making a chair from plywood

Since plywood is easy to process. It is easy to make a carved chair out of it.

In order to make it you will need:

  • Sheet of plywood, 8 mm thick.
  • Drill, jigsaw.
  • Drill, screws.
  • Sandpaper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Colorless varnish based on turpentine.

Based on our dimensions, we transfer the drawing of the chair onto a sheet of plywood. Can be cut with a jigsaw unusual shape holes that will give interesting view high chair.

In order for the sides of the chair to be completely identical, you must first cut out one, then trace it on a sheet of plywood so that the second side wall completely coincided with the first one.

You can make them in the form of an elephant. It will work out original design high chair.

After all the parts are cut out, the sections must be carefully sanded using sandpaper.

We assemble the chair, to do this we attach the seat and back with glue, and secure everything with self-tapping screws.

We coat the chair with varnish.

Making a high chair for feeding a baby

The simplest model of this chair is a transformer, which can easily be folded into a separate small table and a chair.

We make the base from solid wood, the back and seat of the chair from plywood. The tabletop is made of laminated chipboard.

We will need wooden block, section 20x40 mm, laminated chipboard, size 200x340 for the table top on the chair and 450x380 mm on the table, plywood for the seat. In the absence of laminated chipboard, countertops can also be made from plywood.

First we assemble the table. We make two frames from the bars. We connect them with crossbars so that later the chair legs can be inserted between them. Screw the tabletop.

The chair is made in the same way as a regular chair, only we use plywood for the seat and back, onto which you can sew an oilcloth cover and insert foam rubber for softness. This will make it easy to wash the high chair if your baby gets it dirty with food, and will not allow the foam rubber to get wet.

Other types

You can also make garden furniture from plastic bottles. To do this, select bottles of the same size. A 1 liter capacity is quite sufficient for a child. We wrap it with tape to form a seat. To ensure a smooth surface, cover wooden box. All that remains is to sew a leatherette cover, and an excellent stool for the garden is ready.

How to decorate

Even the best quality handmade furniture may not please your child. Therefore, it needs to be decorated. You can use different methods for this.

Bright paint. This is the simplest method. Before varnishing, you can paint the table and chair with bright paint, thereby attracting the child’s attention.

If you have the ability to draw, you can draw various cartoon characters or simply apply a child's drawing.

If your chair does not look very beautiful, but is reliable, then all the flaws can be hidden by sewing a fabric cover. It can always be washed if necessary.

Another method of decorating a chair is stickers. You can buy them ready-made or make them yourself from self-adhesive film using a stencil.


You can make any chairs and tables with your own hands, as long as your imagination and ability to use tools is enough.

A growing chair, a very practical piece of furniture in families where there is small child. Such a seat is not only practical, but also very useful from an orthopedic point of view; its tilt does not allow the sitter to take an incorrect position, which will cause the spine to develop correctly.

In addition, making such a chair yourself will not be difficult; you will need a minimum of materials, tools, and skills. Let's look at the diagram and list of things needed for such work.

Required materials

To collect beautiful chair, the height of the seat of which can be changed depending on the height of the child, you need to acquire the following materials:

  • half sheet of plywood, thickness 22mm. This piece will be needed to make the seat;
  • 2 pieces of plywood sheet, 22mm thick;
  • plywood sheet 16mm thick. To make backrests as well as footrests;
  • paint of any color;
  • nuts, bolts, screws;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • brushes;
  • milling cutter;
  • sandpaper;
  • jigsaw;
  • wood glue.

Preparation of the drawing

It is necessary to make a diagram, and then a drawing and patterns for each part of the chair. It is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • inclined elements, correct angles;
  • precise measurements of all parts;
  • opposite details should be calculated in mirror image;
  • on thick paper you need to make patterns for each element, according to the measurements specified in GOST standards.

Build process

When the preparation is completed, you can begin to assemble your product. The work stage consists of the following sequence:

  • Processing with a router the first part - the footrest, after cutting it out from the pattern. It is necessary to make a reserve of approximately 3mm;
  • the remaining parts are prepared in a similar manner. They can be stacked on top of each other to ensure order;
  • process each with a milling cutter;
  • Glue all the parts of the legs together with glue. As a result, the finished rack stand should come out;
  • wait until the glue dries completely. The duration may be indicated on the packaging;
  • You need to use a router to make grooves inside the legs, on top. The size of the grooves should be 1cm deep, 2.4cm wide;
  • inside the resulting grooves, drill through hole. It will serve to strengthen the child’s footrest;
  • Next, you need to cut out the runners, which will secure the stand. You will need four identical pieces;
  • the resulting parts are glued to the slats;
  • you need to wait until they dry;
  • a hole is made in each runner for a bolt, with its help it will be possible to adjust the position of the seat;
  • All that remains is to cut out (in any possible shape, with any angles) the following details:
      • for the back,
      • seats;
  • all parts are processed with sandpaper;
  • After processing, cover them with several layers of paint, and then varnish. Wait until completely dry;
  • remains last stage– assembly of all parts with each other. To do this you need to use bolts.

The final stage is a strength test; if it is successful, you can use the chair. This design will allow you to do this for many years, until the child becomes an adult.

The health of the child is the most important concern of every parent. It consists of many factors: proper nutrition, sound sleep, mental and physical development. A child's spine is subject to change over the years, so it is important to ensure that it is correct formation and development. The “Humpbacked Horse” chair can help with this.

Its advantages are that it allows the child to sit only straight, and it is almost impossible to keep his back crooked on it. The undoubted advantage of the chair is that it can be adjusted depending on the age and height of the child. That's why it is called a "growing" chair. In addition, you can do it yourself without much expense.

What materials and tools will be needed

To make the “Humpbacked Horse” chair with your own hands at home, you will need the following materials:

  • For the seat - a sheet of plywood about 20–22 mm thick (half a whole sheet will be enough for work);
  • For racks - plywood with a thickness of at least 22 mm (but expect that each part of the racks needs to be multiplied by 2, since they are glued together for strength and thickening);
  • For the backrest and footrest - a sheet of plywood approximately 16 mm thick;
  • For decoration - paint, varnish for coating;
  • If you want a soft seat, you will need foam rubber and fabric for upholstery (for small children it is better to use oilcloth material so that you can quickly wash the chair);
  • Metal fittings for fastening (bolts, nuts).

TIP: Instead of plywood, you can use treated smooth wood, but then the cost of the chair increases several times. In addition, it is more convenient to work with plywood for those people who do not have much experience in self-production furniture.

You will also need the following items for production:

  • Thick paper for diagrams;
  • Pen, simple pencil;
  • Centimeter tape;
  • Brushes or rollers for paint and varnish;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Router and copy cutter;
  • Glue (special for wood).

Making a project for the growing chair “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

When making a drawing, it is important to observe the measurements and angles of the inclined elements, otherwise the resulting furniture will not have an orthopedic effect.

When designing a product, use the document GOST 19301.2–94. In it you can find the parameters that must be observed in the manufacture of children's furniture, in particular chairs.

All details should be drawn on cardboard only in real size, so that later they can be conveniently transferred to plywood. And don’t forget that some parts of the chair (side legs) should be mirrored.

How to assemble a chair

After preparing the pattern, you can begin cutting out and assembling the “Humpbacked Horse” chair with your own hands, drawings of which can be found on the Internet. Take your time. This process may take 2-4 days, or even a whole week, but the results will be worth your time.

Stages of work:

  • Transfer the first leg piece onto the plywood. Do not forget to leave a margin of approximately 5 mm to avoid errors when cutting. Using a copy cutter, process the part to perfection;
  • If everything turned out well, cut out 3 more leg parts. Stack them all, and then process all the parts at once with a copy cutter, focusing on the top one, already processed;
  • After that, use wood glue to glue two legs together. The result should be a pair of mirror stands. Leave them until completely dry;
  • On the inner surface of the legs, use a router to make grooves 2.4 cm wide and 1 cm deep;
  • In the center of the grooves it is necessary to make holes through for the footrest and seat;
  • Cut out 4 sliders that will secure the stands. Make grooves in the center of each, then slats will be glued into them (they also need to be made);
  • Glue the runners and slats, leave until completely dry;
  • Cut a hole in the slider for the bolt. It will help secure the position in the finished chair;
  • Cut out pieces for the back, legs and seat. They can be of various shapes: both with straight and rounded corners;
  • Sand all parts with sandpaper, then paint and varnish, wait until dry;
  • Assemble the chair using bolts. Check the reliability of the design. “The Little Humpbacked Horse” is ready for use.

Every parent knows that even the baby’s favorite thing sooner or later becomes too big. With clothes everything is clear, but with furniture such an opportunity may not happen. Especially if you think about it in advance. This category includes a growing chair for a child. It is very convenient when something purchased once becomes indispensable for several years. The editors of the site will tell you how to choose the right item, assemble it and make it yourself.

A chair is not just a piece of furniture. His right choice determines the posture and forms the skeleton of a small family member. Any doctor will confirm the importance that is present in a person’s life from a very early age. An adjustable chair will eliminate the need to spend money on a new one for several years. He will grow together with his young owner, being responsible for the development of his skeletal system.

An adjustable chair can not only change height while maintaining correct position sitting on it. The position of the backrest can also be corrected. It can be changed and fixed at different angles. An adjustable growing chair is an investment of material resources, first of all, in. These expenses more than pay off in the medium term.

Advantages and disadvantages of children's growing chairs

The main advantage of the achievement under discussion furniture production− versatility. Some models are suitable for use from 5 to 18 years. Some variations are suitable for very young children. These are possible starting from six months. Another plus is unpretentiousness and versatility. The chair doesn’t care at all whether it’s in the workroom, the playroom, or the dining room.

A quality product, if treated properly, will last a long time. For many years it may not require replacement. Maximum - preventive maintenance. This is facilitated by following the manufacturer’s recommendations on maximum weight, care and other nuances.

Sitting on such a chair, the child gets less tired. The chair supports the ideal position of his back. In the most advanced designs, every detail is adjustable. Even very small and, at first glance, insignificant. This one is ergonomic.

This whole bouquet of advantages determines the characteristic, which is one of the main disadvantages - the price. High quality chairs made from environmentally friendly material are expensive. Another drawback is the assortment. Due to the fact that products are manufactured according to certain rules, taking into account established standards, their variations appearance limited in quantity. They are similar to each other. However, you can fit them into any .

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In the article we will look in detail at why a corner is needed, design options, what to look for when choosing a corner for children of different ages how to do it yourself.

Types of Adjustable Chairs for Children

  1. Age of the young owner. Models for preschoolers and schoolchildren are produced separately.
  2. Material used in production. The most common are plastic, wood and metal.
  3. Product design. There are different types on the market: from the simplest, with a minimum of functions, to advanced ones, with a limiter, a wide seat and other bells and whistles.

By age: growing chairs for schoolchildren and preschoolers

Children's chairs of this kind are sometimes called, with particular tenderness, out-of-place chairs. If they are intended for preschoolers, then their design is necessarily equipped with a limiter, the purpose of which is to ensure maximum safety.

The older generation is more comfortable sitting on larger structures. Having started going to school, a person spends a lot of time doing things, so such growth is necessarily orthopedic. It relieves stress from the spine.

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It will not only decorate a child’s room, but will also help to properly organize the space. What such a bed is, popular models and average prices are in our review.

According to the material of manufacture

The most advantageous option is . It is affordable, aesthetically pleasing, and will fit into any environment. Solid wood is a raw material that is reliable in its physical properties and environmentally friendly by definition. Stylish and safe wooden product is the most popular among consumers.

Plastic is used on more budget models. They are fragile and less durable. The most expensive specimens have additional features: a soft seat, a more liberated designer’s imagination. Only used in production natural materials, no plastic or other substitutes.

By design

As mentioned above, within the average price category it is almost impossible to find a chair that is radically different from another member of the family. Doctors recommend purchasing only. Manufacturers follow the demand that is generated by this call.

Thanks to this, all chairs that grow with the child are safe, stable, maximally ergonomic and equipped with the details necessary for the greatest comfort of their target audience. At the end, all this gives the result in the form of typicality. The design of expensive Premium class chairs may differ more or less. But individuality can often manifest itself in the little things that shape the style of the chair, and not its fundamental feature.

Popular models of growing chairs from leading manufacturers

Leading manufacturers therefore have such status. They always know exactly what their client needs. In a situation with a transformable chair, it is important for their client to grow up healthy, strong and smart. To do this you need to sit correctly. This postulate is the starting point for those who make furniture for children, which serves them for many years as an assistant monitoring the health of the owner. Among the most recognizable models of fairly high quality, several can be distinguished.

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In the review, we will look at the features of making furniture with your own hands, popular models from different manufacturers and their advantages and disadvantages, average prices, recommendations and advice from experts on the right choice.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

A chair that grows with the child, capable of adjusting the posture position in terms of height and depth of the seat, is equipped with a footrest.

The reliability of the design is guaranteed by the use of fittings and fasteners from European manufacturers. The back has an anatomical curve. Teflon pads are installed on the supports in order to reduce the ability to slide.

Recommended for ages 36 months and older. up to 15 years, with a maximum user weight of up to 100 kg. There are 4 positions in total, but the footrest has 11, due to which the child can choose the most comfortable sitting position. The weight of the chair itself is 6.4 kg, dimensions are 84x50x47 cm.

Pay attention! This model can be used for babies from 6 months old by purchasing special pads, limiters, and a removable table.

You can also purchase a soft insert for babies. You can buy a growing chair for a child “The Little Humpbacked Horse” to order in various colors from 5,000 rubles. Removable table - from 500 rubles. Here are a few reviews about this model.

Review of the growing chair “The Little Humpbacked Horse”:

Another review about the growing chair “The Little Humpbacked Horse”:


Made from natural solid wood, most often birch. Designed for a child from a very early age until he reaches adulthood.

Easy to maintain, reliable. Presented in a wide range color scheme. Intended for children from 6 months. up to 16 years old. The model weighs 7 kg. It’s practically weightless for an adult, and even a child over 5 years old can move it independently.

The seat, like the previous model, is hard. But purchasing a special soft one can solve this problem. However, models of this brand are presented in a higher price category. You can purchase it from 6,700 rubles, with additional paint coating- from 7200 rubles, set of pads - from 950 rubles, organizer - from 1200 rubles.

Review of the Kid-Fix chair:

More details on Otzovik:

Review of the Kid-Fix high chair for children:


An ergonomic product that almost grows with the baby, made in classic design. A special insert allows you to place even babies on it. But such accessories are purchased separately from the chair itself.

This must be taken into account when purchasing it. The cost of a model from this brand starts from 2,700 rubles. However, such a price from this manufacturer is extremely rare and not in all stores. Typically, a model can be purchased from 10,000 rubles. An insert for sitting babies costs from 6,500 rubles, a removable tray from 3,000 rubles, cushion pads from 2,300 rubles.

As you can see, the chair itself can be classified as cheap. However, the accessories purchased for it have an impressive price. If you can sew the pads yourself, then you will have to buy a table. However, if you adapt, you can feed your baby for. But this is a matter of convenience and taste of everyone. To make your choice, you should read reviews about a similar model.

Review of the Stokke children's chair:

More details on Otzovik:

Another review of the Stokke chair:

More details on Otzovik:

Another review about the Stokke children's chair:

More details on Otzovik:


Universal transformable chair. Both small children and teenagers feel equally comfortable in it, since the chair can be easily adjusted to a common table. The design was created with children's taste preferences in mind. This is not a hindrance to perfectly complement any environment.

Like the models described above, this chair from Kotakota is intended for use by children from 6 months to 18 years old, weighing no more than 100 kg. The height of the seat, as well as the footrests, is adjustable. But please note that the seat depth is adjustable using a stepless system, which gives more possibilities adjusting it to the anatomical features of the child. However, the likelihood of rapid breakdown is also higher than that of the chairs described above.

You can purchase this model in a wide range of colors that will succinctly fit into almost any interior. The cost of the “Kotakota” chair is from 6,000 rubles. To get a better idea of ​​how good this model is, check out the mixed reviews for this model.

Review of the Kotakota high chair:

More details on Yandex.Market:

More details on Otzovik:

Another review of the “Kotakota” high chair:

More details on Otzovik:

The editors of the online magazine site draw attention to the following important characteristics that you need to rely on when choosing a growing chair:

  1. Purpose. This refers to the age at which the child will use the furniture. Are limiters, additional holding devices and other structural details needed?
  2. Material, from which the chair is made. The tree takes a leading position in this matter. He should be given preference. Plastic is not reliable. Metal is cold and formal.
  3. Product weight. The structure must be mobile, so that it can be quickly moved within the living space, including by a teenage child.
  4. Price. Orthopedic products can't be cheap. This is the case when high price ensures the reliability of the investment and maximum return from it.
  5. Brand. Most reliable option− These are well-known manufacturers with a narrow specialization.

How to make a growing chair with your own hands - nuances

This section does not provide content detailed instructions on chair modeling. Just a few recommendations that must be followed when implementing it:

  1. Necessary tools: marking, gluing, cutting (wood), painting and sandpaper - something like this should look like a gentleman's.
  2. It is necessary to choose plywood or treated wood as the material for the main structure.


You have to create a growing chair with your own hands if there are children in the house. It is important to monitor their posture (most problems arise at this age, because the child’s bones are not fully strengthened). A huge number of similar designs are sold on the market, but not all of them are suitable for a child. Therefore, it will be easier to buy the material and do all the work with your own hands, taking into account the age of the child.

How to make a growing chair with your own hands

Making such a chair is quite simple if a person has experience in assembling furniture. But if this is your first job, you need to be careful when creating design drawings. It is in this step that an inexperienced person can make a mistake.

Attention! The choice of material and preparation are also important. necessary tools. The entire structure will be made according to the child’s size.

Benefits of growing stool

The growing chair (often also called the humpbacked horse design) has the following advantages:

  1. Will preserve the child’s posture (such chairs are considered orthopedic).
  2. Can be used when the child is six months old.
  3. Saves your budget. But ready-made structures are expensive.

Materials and tools

Not every material is suitable for creating baby chair. Treated wood or plywood are best. When creating a chair, remember that choosing the wrong material will make it heavy and large. This is inappropriate and uncomfortable for children. Therefore, it is best to stick to plywood.

To create a chair you need the following tools:

Measurements and diagrams

The work will begin with the creation of drawings. It is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the structural parts and their angle of inclination.

To create racks, you need plywood more than 2 cm. According to calculations, each plywood requires 2 blanks (then they will be glued together). The main parts of the chair (seat and back) are made from 1.5 or 2 cm plywood.

Attention! The dimensions of the backrest depend on the size of the person’s back (this should also include the shoulders). Same with the armrests and seat. But perhaps a person wants the back to be at the level of the head or neck. Then calculations are made according to wishes.