Procedure for using a fire extinguisher. Method of vertical extinguishing, fire localization. Sequence of actions when using a fire extinguisher

fire extinguisher OHP-10 you need:

1. Raise the handle up and throw it all the way, then shake it

fire extinguisher several times and direct the resulting stream of foam

directly onto the burning part of the surface.

2. Raise the handle up, throw it all the way, then turn it over

bottom part burning surface.

3. Raise the handle up, throw it all the way, then turn it over

fire extinguisher upside down and direct the resulting stream of foam towards

the top of the burning surface.

4. If there are burning electric lights on a vertical surface

wires, first of all extinguish them as the main source of combustion.

After extinguishing burning clothing on a victim, you must:

1. Lubricate the burn surface with whale, badger, bear

fat or sprinkle with starch, soda, flour, then close the burn

surface with a dry sterile sheet, give the victim 2-3

analgin tablets and offer plenty of fluids.

2. Try to remove remnants of clothing and dirt, open burn wounds

bubbles, wash the burn surface with a weak solution

potassium permanganate, cover the damaged surface with a clean cloth

and until the ambulance arrives, provide the victim with peace.

3. Cover the burn surface with a dry, sterile sheet or

diaper, fill with snow, ice or cold water polyethylene

packages, plastic bottles and apply them to the burn surface

over a dry sheet or diaper, give to the victim

painkillers, provide the victim with complete rest until

When the ambulance arrives, offer plenty of fluids.

Aviation events are divided into:




ground incidents


An aircraft accident is:


Aviation failure is:

1. an aviation accident that did not result in the death of members

crew and passengers, but leading to complete destruction or

severe damage to the aircraft, as a result of which

restoring it is technically and economically impossible


2. an aircraft accident that resulted in the death of members

crew or passengers in case of destruction, damage or loss

aircraft, as well as death of people from injuries received,

occurring within 30 days from the date of the incident.

3. an aircraft accident that was not followed by the death of members

crew and passengers, resulting in damage to the aircraft,

repair of which is possible and economically feasible.

An aviation incident is:

1. an event in which the health of at least one of the persons present

on board, damage caused or circumstances of the incident

indicate that an accident almost occurred.

2. an event related to the flight operation of an aircraft,

which could create or created a threat to his integrity and/or life

persons on board, but did not end in aviation


3. events not related to aviation, but related to operation


A fire extinguisher is a primary fire-fighting equipment designed to eliminate fires at the initial stage. The device operates on the principle of releasing a fire extinguishing medium to a burning object. The substance is in a cylinder under pressure and is released from it by pressing the trigger lever.

In accordance with safety rules, fire-fighting equipment must be located in every enterprise, institution and other facility where people may be present. Knowledge about what types of fire extinguishers there are and how to use them helps save not only property, but also human life. In this article we will look at the main types of fire extinguishers, their characteristics and rules for using a fire extinguisher.

Operating instructions for water type fire extinguishers

Designed to localize fires of solid materials and liquids (fires of classes A and B). The cylinder contains an aqueous solution, which includes fluorine-containing and other chemically active components. It is prohibited to use this product to extinguish electrical networks, live equipment and highly flammable liquids (the fire will grow). The product is marked with the abbreviation “OV”. Dignity of this equipment is sanitary and environmental safety for people and environment.

IN rules for using a fire extinguisher water type, the instructions provide the following actions:

1. The filling is removed.

2. The safety pin is pulled out on the locking and trigger mechanism.

3. The hose is directed towards the burning material (substance) and the lever is pressed.

Once the fire is contained, the fire extinguisher is returned for maintenance and refilling. Safety regulations when working with this device require that before starting its operation you must ensure that there are no open sources of electricity.

Procedure for using an air-foam fire extinguisher

An air-foam fire extinguisher, compared to a water one, copes better with eliminating fires of categories A and B. Thus, the device can be used to extinguish liquids that have an oily, flammable structure (petroleum products). The foam coming out of the nozzle blocks the flow of oxygen into the burning substance, thereby localizing the fire object. However, they are prohibited from extinguishing electrical equipment, cables, and wires that may be connected to the power supply network. In addition, this device cannot be used when extinguishing products and buildings made using alkali metals(aluminum, magnesium, etc.).

To quickly begin extinguishing a fire, you should know how to use a fire extinguisher this type:

1. Break the seal, unfold the handle (cover) locking mechanism 180 degrees.

2. Turn the fire extinguisher upside down. (This is necessary to mix the acid and alkaline components of the charge, resulting in foaming.)

3. Remove the handset and point it at the fire object, after which you can press the lever.

After the fire has been extinguished, the device is transferred for inspection, refilling and sealing. In this case, the solution remaining after using the device is removed naturally.

A powder fire extinguisher is a universal type of fire-fighting equipment used to extinguish most fires. In addition to localizing class A and B fires, the device is designed to extinguish fires of categories C (combustion of gaseous substances) and E (fire of electrical equipment under voltage up to 1 kV). However, it is unsuitable for extinguishing substances that can burn without oxygen.

The cylinder, which is marked with the abbreviation “OP,” contains a powder composition. Its components are finely dispersed mineral salts, hydrophobic elements, and other additives that help keep the powder composition in working condition. The principle of operation is based on covering the fire site with fire retardant powder, isolating the burning material or substance from the flow of oxygen.

Instructions for fire extinguishers powder type is identical rules for using fire extinguishers water type: removing the seal - removing the pin - directing the hose towards the flame - pressing and holding the lever. To use the device correctly, you should take into account what existing Features of the use of powder type fire extinguishers. Thus, it is not recommended to use the device in small enclosed spaces, since a toxic dust curtain is formed. And the surface of the material on which the powder has fallen cannot be restored.

This equipment is considered the most effective in extinguishing fires of categories B and E. Ignition of flammable liquids, electrical installations under voltage up to 10 kV is quickly localized thanks to snow-like flakes flying out of the fire extinguisher socket. The extinguishing agent (carbon dioxide) has a low temperature. Covering the burning surface, the flakes absorb oxygen, replacing it with carbon dioxide.

The fire extinguisher is not used to extinguish materials that can burn without oxygen, as well as objects (equipment, pipelines) with high operating temperature. The marking “OU” is applied to the body of the carbon dioxide cylinder.

Fire extinguisher instructions carbon dioxide type includes the following actions:

  1. Removing the seal and pulling out the pins.
  2. The bell of the device is directed to the source of fire.
  3. The lever is pressed and held the entire time the fire is being extinguished.

According to safety rules, it is prohibited to touch the bell with a bare hand, as this will lead to frostbite of the extremities. For the same reason, the device is not used to extinguish clothes that are burning on a person.

How to use an air emulsion fire extinguisher

The devices are used to eliminate fires of classes A, B, E. Localization of the fire occurs by spraying a fire extinguishing emulsion on the source of fire. The principle of operation of the fire extinguisher is based on pushing out the emulsion air pressure, pumped compressed air. An emulsion is an aqueous solution with special additives. Coming out of the nozzle, the substance is crushed into finely dispersed particles that cover the surface of the ignition object, preventing the penetration of air. Moreover, the devices are capable of extinguishing electrical equipment operating under voltage up to 10 kV.

The procedure for using these fire extinguishers is similar to using water and powder devices. The main advantage of water-emulsion devices in sanitary and environmental safety for people and the environment. In addition, the fire extinguishing area is significantly larger than that of other types of fire extinguishers, and extinguished items and materials are easy to clean.

Maintenance and storage

Maintenance of fire extinguishers consists of carrying out a set of activities, including diagnostics, repair and recharging of devices. After 5 years, each cylinder is discharged and inspected for the integrity and operability of all mechanisms. After which it is charged again and given for storage.

The fire extinguisher is important device, helping to cope with fires, preventing the spread of fire. It must be present in all public places. Every person simply must know how to use a fire extinguisher correctly, as this information can save lives. Today there are several fire extinguishers that are similar in principle of use.

Basic rules on how to use a regular and car fire extinguisher

Each type of device has its own application features, but several can be distinguished general principles uses that should definitely be taken into account:

  1. The device should be prepared for operation, for which it is necessary to break the seal and pull out the pin. To activate the fire extinguisher, all you have to do is press the lever.
  2. It is important to extinguish a fire by standing on the side where the wind is blowing. This is necessary in order to harmful substances, which are in the contents of the fire extinguisher, do not enter the respiratory tract.
  3. The jet should be directed at the base of the surface covered with fire, and not, as many people think, into the flame itself. If a vertical surface is burning, then extinguishing should be done moving from bottom to top.
  4. Be sure to check that the flame has gone out completely and that there are no other sources of fire.
  5. After using the fire extinguisher, be sure to send it for recharging.

How to use a foam fire extinguisher?

This type of device is intended for extinguishing solid materials and substances, as well as flammable liquids and gas liquids. However, it cannot be used if metal or substances that burn without air are burning. Since the foam in the fire extinguisher conducts electrical energy, they cannot be stewed electrical devices. A foam fire extinguisher will be able to extinguish fires in areas whose area is no more than 1 m2.

How to use a foam fire extinguisher:

  • turn the locking device handle 180 degrees;
  • turn the fire extinguisher over so that the bottom is pointing up and the tube is facing the fire;
  • Press the lever until the foam starts to release.

It is necessary to invert the fire extinguisher, since this is necessary to mix the acid solution with the alkali, since without this foam will not form.

How to use a powder fire extinguisher?

This is the most popular type of device that can be used to extinguish solid substances, electrical installations, solvents, petroleum products, PLHIV and gas liquids. Inside the fire extinguisher there are crushed mineral salts and hydrophobic additives. When using a powder fire extinguisher, there are some things to consider. First, it is important to look to see if there are any kinks in the hose. Secondly, pay attention to the label, which indicates the fire class. The best device is the “A B C E” type. Thirdly, when extinguishing electrical installations, please note that the charge should be applied in portions, observing intervals of 3-5 seconds. To use a powder fire extinguisher, you need to pull the pin, direct the jet towards the fire, and then press the lever.

How to use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher?

This type of device is suitable for all cases, with the exception of metals and substances that burn without air. The inside of the fire extinguisher is filled with liquefied carbon dioxide. Since carbon dioxide fire extinguisher creates a strong cooling effect, it is not suitable for extinguishing equipment with high temperatures. Never touch the bell bare hands. The method of using a fire extinguisher is no different from the types discussed above. After extinguishing, be sure to ventilate the room.

To use a fire extinguisher, you must study the rules for its use in advance and know for which fire classes it can be used. It is worth remembering that large-volume fire extinguishers are quite heavy and if you do not have confidence in your physical strength, you should not take risks.

Rules for using a fire extinguisher in pictures

Pull the pin

Remove the seal and pull out the pin.

Direct the bell

Point the nozzle or hose at the source of the fire.

Press the lever

Press the lever all the way. Put out the fire.

Main types and purposes of fire extinguishers

Powder fire extinguishers

Powder-charged fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish fires of class ABC and electrical installations (E) under voltage up to 1000V.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers charged with CO2 are designed to extinguish fires of class BC and electrical installations (E) under voltage up to 10,000V.

Air foam fire extinguishers

Fire extinguishers charged with a foaming agent solution are designed to extinguish fires of ABC class. NOT suitable for extinguishing live electrical installations!

Types of fire extinguishers and their use

A fire extinguisher will help protect yourself and your loved ones from possible damage to your property and health. It is worth purchasing a fire extinguisher and placing it at home even if it is not needed; its cost is not comparable to the cost of losing all your property due to a fire. However, it is not enough to simply buy and install a fire extinguisher; you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using the fire extinguisher and find out what classes of fires it can be used to extinguish. During a fire, you will have no time to do this. Do not use a fire extinguisher when a small fire has grown into a fire, or when there is heavy smoke in the room. Before using a fire extinguisher, you must make sure that there is no threat to your safety.

Powder fire extinguishers


Powder-charged fire extinguishers are the most versatile for extinguishing different classes of fires. Depending on the type of powder, fire extinguishers are intended for the following classes of fires: ABC, ALL, EVERYWHERE. These fire extinguishers are successfully used to extinguish fires of almost all classes: fire solids, flammable liquids, gases, as well as electrical equipment under voltage not exceeding 1000V. And when burning metals and metal-containing substances (class D).

Operating principle

When the powder gets on a burning substance, it blocks its access to oxygen.


Wide range of applications, good fire extinguishing ability.


Lack of cooling effect may result in re-ignition of the burning substance.

A cloud of fire extinguishing powder impairs visibility in the fire zone and complicates extinguishing.

Inhalation large quantity powder may cause poor health.

Contamination of surfaces with powder can cause damage to equipment.

The hygroscopicity of the powder charge contributes to the formation of lumps and caking of the powder, which can lead to the failure of the fire extinguisher.


1. Remove the seal

2. Pull the pin

4. Press the lever all the way

Attention! At the very beginning of extinguishing, you should not get too close to the source of fire, as due to the high speed of powder release, scattering of burning materials may occur.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers


Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are used to extinguish fires of ALL classes. Electrical installations under voltage up to 10000V.

Operating principle

The charge of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is liquefied carbon dioxide. Extinguishing a fire is achieved by reducing the temperature of the fire and displacing oxygen with non-flammable carbon dioxide.


No traces of contamination after use, can be used for extinguishing electrical installations up to 10,000V.


The fire extinguisher charge, liquefied carbon dioxide, is hazardous to health if inhaled in large quantities.

Strong temperature changes can affect the strength of structures when exposed to a fire extinguishing agent.

Possible occurrence of static discharges when powder escapes from a fire extinguisher on which a polymer nozzle is installed.

Upon contact with metal parts When using a fire extinguisher, there is a danger of frostbite.

Dependence of the efficiency of the fire extinguishing charge on the ambient temperature.


1. Remove the seal

2. Pull the pin

4. Press the lever all the way

Attention! When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, do not touch metal parts or the fire extinguisher socket to avoid frostbite.

Self-activating fire extinguishers


They are used to extinguish fires at an early stage of development without human intervention. Effective for extinguishing fires of classes A, B, C and live electrical equipment (class E).

Operating principle

When spraying a fire extinguishing agent in the area of ​​a fire, it cools the burning substance and displaces oxygen. Depending on the type, the extinguishing charge covers the surface with a layer of thin film, preventing the access of oxygen and thereby interrupting the combustion reaction.


Effectiveness of extinguishing fires at an early stage.

Lack of human factor

Ease of maintenance and ease of installation


When using a powder charge, surface contamination may cause damage to the equipment.


The simple design of automatic fire extinguishers does not require special skills when using.

When used in manual mode, depending on the type of fire extinguisher, it must be thrown or placed in close proximity to the fire. To operate, the device must be in contact with an open flame.

To use the fire extinguisher in automatic mode, it must be placed in the area of ​​possible fire using the bracket included in the delivery package.

Attention!Automatic fire extinguishers must be placed in an area of ​​possible fire so that the device is in contact with an open flame.

Air foam fire extinguishers


Fire extinguishers with an air-foam charge are designed to extinguish liquid, solid, and wooden substances. Fire extinguishers of this type are not intended for extinguishing live electrical installations, since the charge contains water.

Operating principle

The foaming agent solution used as a charge for the fire extinguisher is expelled using compressed gas. Foam is formed using a medium expansion foam nozzle installed at the outlet of the fire extinguisher hose. When foam hits a burning substance, it blocks oxygen from reaching it and stops combustion. Air-foam fire extinguishers are operated at temperatures from +5 to +50°C.


The operating time of ORP fire extinguishers significantly exceeds that of other fire extinguishers.


It is prohibited to use fire extinguishers of this type to extinguish highly heated or molten substances, as well as substances that cause a violent reaction with water.

Storage is possible only at positive temperatures.

The water contained in the charge can lead to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, as well as to electric shock.


1. Remove the seal

2. Pull the pin

4. Press the lever all the way

Attention! ORP fire extinguishers cannot be used to extinguish live electrical installations.

Rules for using a barrel when extinguishing a fire

After the position has been taken and the necessary supply of hoses has been prepared for moving forward with the barrel, the gunner reports to the commander about the readiness of the barrel for action and the possibility of supplying water (foam) from the pump.

The further task of the fireman is to ensure that the fire at the position assigned to him is extinguished as quickly as possible and with the least amount of extinguishing agents (water, foam, etc.). Success now depends mainly on the degree of skill and energy of the shooter's actions.

There are a number of generally accepted rules that have been tested in practice. The trunk operator should remember these rules when working with the trunk.

1. To ensure better penetration of a stream of water (or foam) onto burning objects (structures, materials), you need to get as close to them as possible and take a position at or above the combustion source. A close approach to the source of combustion is also necessary for the purpose of best use jet force. It must be taken into account that the first half of the jet is the strongest.

2. Water should be applied only to visible burning structures and objects, and not to smoke. Firing a stream of smoke will not extinguish the fire, but will only cause inappropriate and sometimes harmful consumption of water.

3. You need to act with a jet towards the greatest spread of fire and at the same time maneuver the jet so as to limit its spread in all other directions.

4. It is necessary to move forward with the barrel as quickly as possible, but without leaving the fire unextinguished along the way. Moving forward, you need to extinguish the fire, directing the stream to the places where the burning is strongest.

5. When moving forward with the barrel, the sleeves must not be damaged (fabric burning, punctures, acids or caustic substances). To this end, it is necessary to carefully extinguish the fire where the hose line will pass, and do not pull the hoses through areas where there are various structures with protruding nails or any sharp metal surfaces.

6. The jet should be directed not at the flames, but directly at burning objects (structures, materials)

to the places where the fire is most intense.

7. When extinguishing fire on vertical planes (walls, partitions, supports), the jet should be directed from top to bottom so that the water flowing from above helps extinguish the fire below.

8. When extinguishing a fire on the surface horizontal structures on different planes (floor and ceiling of the same floor), the stream of water should first be directed upward (in this case to the ceiling) in order to stop the spread of fire to the overlying floors, protect yourself from falling ceiling structures if they burn, and use the water flowing from above for extinguishing fire on the floor surface.

9. It is necessary to direct the jet towards the spread of fire and, first of all, to those parts of the structure whose combustion or change in strength when heated can cause the collapse of the entire structure or part of the structure.

10. In case of fires in hidden structures (in hollow partitions, in the voids of floors and coverings, in interfloor spaces, etc.), fire extinguishing is carried out with simultaneous dismantling of the structures.

11. Extinguishing fire in vertical hollow structures, ventilation ducts and hollow coatings must be done from above. With horizontal hollow structures (for example, inter-field spaces), the jet is directed towards the fire from the side where it can spread first, from the side of the greatest extent of the voids.

12. If there are metal parts (beams, columns, trusses) in structures (floors, supports, stairs, etc.) special attention the need to protect them with jets of water to avoid destruction.

If, before being applied, water jets are applied to the fire site, metal parts The building structures, as well as the concrete, reinforced concrete and brick roof vaults turned out to be very hot, they need to be cooled gradually, since rapid cooling can cause deformation or collapse of the structures.

You can recognize the degree of heating of metal or other structures by briefly directing jets of water at them. In case of strong heating, contact of water with metal structure causes rapid vaporization.

13. In cases where there are openings or openings in the ceilings or walls at the position of the barrel (doors, windows, hatches, openings for the passage of shafts, etc.), they must be protected with a jet, maneuvering it so that the fire cannot spread through these openings and openings to other rooms both horizontally and vertically.

14. If there is a danger of collapse of structures (for example, ceilings) at the barrel position, the barrel operator must immediately report this to the commander, and if there is a clear threat of collapse, change the place of work with the barrel. The safest from the point of view of collapse are door and window openings in main walls, platforms stairwells, zones, as well as firewalls (when positioned on the roof).

15. When working with a barrel intended to protect adjacent premises and individual parts of the building from fire, the jet must be directed to those of them that are most at risk, and first of all, to their upper parts.

16. When opening or dismantling structures, rescuing people and evacuating property, people involved in these works should be protected from the effects of high temperature and fire.

17. If it is necessary to extend the hose line near the barrel in order to move forward with it, you need to stop the pump or reduce the pressure, then make a crease in the hose near the barrel, unlock the barrel and extend the sleeve. When operating several trunks through a branch, you can extend hoses at one of the trunks without stopping the pump, without reducing the pressure, but by closing the corresponding valve on the branch.

18. When working with the barrel, the jet should be directed like this. so as not to splash anyone.

19. When changing the position of the active barrel, you need to move the barrel down or block it.

20. When working on steep roofs, at high heights and on ladders, you must securely secure yourself and secure the hose line.

21. Do not touch or direct a stream of water (foam) at electrical wires and electrical installations that are under voltage.

22. If there are fragile or glass containers, extinguishing the fire should be done not with a compact, but with a spray jet.

23. When protecting tanks with flammable liquids and cylinders with compressed gases from fire, the heating surfaces of the tanks (cylinders) must be cooled evenly.

The strongest cooling should be in the places where the foam is supplied. This is done in order to reduce the decomposition of the foam due to the temperature of the heated walls of the tank.

24. When operating foam and water nozzles simultaneously, it is not recommended to direct a stream of water to the foam supply points.

25. If when working in conditions low temperatures it is necessary to temporarily stop the water supply, it is necessary, without blocking the trunk, to bring it outside to a place so that the stream does not fall on fire-fighting equipment or neighboring buildings; When working with trunks on the roof, do not pour water on the roof surface to avoid icing. If the roof becomes icy, it will make it difficult for fire department personnel to move across it and can lead to accidents.

26. When working with a foam barrel, you must:

when extinguishing a fire in a container with petroleum products, apply a jet only after good foam comes out of the barrel;

apply foam to the burning surface of the liquid so that the foam does not burrow into the thickness of the liquid;

direct the foam to one point so that it, spreading, gradually covers the entire burning surface of the liquid;

at. When extinguishing a fire of solid materials with foam, maneuver the barrel so that the entire burning surface is covered with a layer of foam.