How to save money on travel. How you can save on travel. Save on various travel expenses

Sometimes buying a tour turns out to be cheaper than purchasing flights, hotels and insurance separately. Do you know why tours are so profitable? Tour operators buy the services included in the package - hotel rooms, transfers and flight tickets (often charter) - in advance and at reduced prices. It turns out to be really profitable, however, tour destinations are often limited. Usually it's a beach holiday, not four days in Stockholm or a week in Northern Italy.

If you often travel or hang out on travel forums, you have probably heard about special closed and cheap rates from airlines, hotels and car rental services.

These are not fairy tales, they really exist, and it is them that tour operators include in travel packages. Moreover, the tour operator cannot sell a ticket from such a package separately: this is prohibited by the tariff rules.

There is another reason for hotels to lower their prices. Imagine: you are the owner of a large five-star hotel. You look at the program with a check-in plan and see that in the coming months your hotel will be half empty: it’s not the season, prices are high, you haven’t signed contracts with tour operators - there can be many reasons. There is only one fact: there are no guests in sight, something needs to be done about it. At the same time, you cannot set prices on the Internet like in neighboring three-star hotels: this will have a bad impact on business and reputation.

What to do? The same as the owners of similar hotels in similar situations: send a “dynamic” price to hotel booking services with one condition - sell only as a package. So that no one asks why this room is worth five stars as if it were three.

In general, secret rates or big discounts exist, but neither airlines nor hoteliers like to publicize them. Sometimes you can find something in promotions, but more often than not these super deals go into travel packages - if, of course, they sell tours to the desired city. But what should those who don’t want to buy a tour or plan to fly to places where tours are not sold do?

Technologies that help you save

It's simple. Since service providers do not want to publicly display prices with discounts, it means that they need to be “glued together”, combining a promotional ticket and a hotel discount in one package. Then we won’t see the separate cost of a flight or hotel room, but we will still get our super price. This technology is called “dynamic packaging”.

Dynamic packages can hardly be called a new product on the market: some popular services in Europe and the USA have them, and experienced Western travelers have long been using this method of saving. This service can be called differently: Bundle deal or Vacation Packages, but the essence is the same. A "deal" or "package" includes an air ticket and a hotel, a ticket, a hotel and a car rental, a ticket and a car, or a hotel and a car. Basic option considered “Flight + hotel”.

A logical question: why doesn’t everyone offer this option? Russian services, selling tickets and hotels? The fact is that such “gluing” is enough complex technology, which not every company can create. When you click the “Find a flight” or “Find a hotel” button, you launch tens of thousands of searches in the system across databases on servers in different countries. You need to get an answer as quickly as possible; few people are ready to wait longer than 10 seconds. This already requires quite serious development.

Now imagine that disparate searches need to be combined in order to eventually give you both an air ticket and a hotel room in one package, and at a low price, with all the discounts and hidden tariffs. Oh yes, and you need to do it very quickly. To create a system that is capable of this, you need not only serious financial investments and a large staff of developers, but also experience, competencies and special conditions from partners, which only large market players can achieve.

How does Flight + Hotel work?

One of these players is the OneTwoTrip travel service, which has a “Flight + Hotel” service. Find suitable option travel will definitely work out: the system searches for rooms in 300,000 hotels and tickets from 700 airlines, so there are results for almost any destination. Let's check whether you can actually travel cheaper using this service.

The process is similar to a regular search for a hotel or plane ticket: you choose where and where you are going to fly, indicate the dates of travel and the number of people. Additionally, you can choose a class of service on the plane: economy, business or premium.

The service offers you a list of hotels and one of the available low-cost flights. If for one reason or another the flight does not suit you, at the next stage you can choose another flight option.

Sorting by price, discount or user rating will help you choose the right hotel. By sorting by price, you have a chance to catch good deals for very little money. You can choose to sort by discount, then the system will show how much you win compared to purchasing tickets separately and booking a hotel.

Here we are promised 24% savings. Just keep in mind that the price is shown per traveler.

Let's check if everything is really so good. We are looking for air tickets from Moscow to Milan for the same dates, from September 4 to 10.

Sometimes buying a tour turns out to be cheaper than purchasing flights, hotels and insurance separately. Do you know why tours are so profitable? Tour operators buy the services included in the package - hotel rooms, transfers and flight tickets (often charter) - in advance and at reduced prices. It turns out to be really profitable, however, tour destinations are often limited. Usually it's a beach holiday, not four days in Stockholm or a week in Northern Italy.

If you often travel or hang out on travel forums, you have probably heard about special closed and cheap rates from airlines, hotels and car rental services.

These are not fairy tales, they really exist, and it is them that tour operators include in travel packages. Moreover, the tour operator cannot sell a ticket from such a package separately: this is prohibited by the tariff rules.

There is another reason for hotels to lower their prices. Imagine: you are the owner of a large five-star hotel. You look at the program with a check-in plan and see that in the coming months your hotel will be half empty: it’s not the season, prices are high, you haven’t signed contracts with tour operators - there can be many reasons. There is only one fact: there are no guests in sight, something needs to be done about it. At the same time, you cannot set prices on the Internet like in neighboring three-star hotels: this will have a bad impact on business and reputation.

What to do? The same as the owners of similar hotels in similar situations: send a “dynamic” price to hotel booking services with one condition - sell only as a package. So that no one asks why this room is worth five stars as if it were three.

In general, secret rates or big discounts exist, but neither airlines nor hoteliers like to publicize them. Sometimes you can find something in promotions, but more often than not these super deals go into travel packages - if, of course, they sell tours to the desired city. But what should those who don’t want to buy a tour or plan to fly to places where tours are not sold do?

Technologies that help you save

It's simple. Since service providers do not want to publicly display prices with discounts, it means that they need to be “glued together”, combining a promotional ticket and a hotel discount in one package. Then we won’t see the separate cost of a flight or hotel room, but we will still get our super price. This technology is called “dynamic packaging”.

Dynamic packages can hardly be called a new product on the market: some popular services in Europe and the USA have them, and experienced Western travelers have long been using this method of saving. This service can be called differently: Bundle deal or Vacation Packages, but the essence is the same. A "deal" or "package" includes an air ticket and a hotel, a ticket, a hotel and a car rental, a ticket and a car, or a hotel and a car. The basic option is “Flight + hotel”.

A logical question: why don’t all Russian services that sell tickets and hotels offer a similar option? The fact is that such “gluing” is a rather complex technology that not every company can create. When you click the “Find a flight” or “Find a hotel” button, you launch tens of thousands of searches in the system across databases on servers in different countries. You need to get an answer as quickly as possible; few people are ready to wait longer than 10 seconds. This already requires quite serious development.

Now imagine that disparate searches need to be combined in order to eventually give you both an air ticket and a hotel room in one package, and at a low price, with all the discounts and hidden tariffs. Oh yes, and you need to do it very quickly. To create a system that is capable of this, you need not only serious financial investments and a large staff of developers, but also experience, competencies and special conditions from partners, which only large market players can achieve.

How does Flight + Hotel work?

One of these players is the OneTwoTrip travel service, which has a “Flight + Hotel” service. You will certainly be able to find a suitable travel option: the system searches for rooms in 300,000 hotels and tickets from 700 airlines, so there are results for almost any destination. Let's check whether you can actually travel cheaper using this service.

The process is similar to a regular search for a hotel or plane ticket: you choose where and where you are going to fly, indicate the dates of travel and the number of people. Additionally, you can choose a class of service on the plane: economy, business or premium.

The service offers you a list of hotels and one of the available low-cost flights. If for one reason or another the flight does not suit you, at the next stage you can choose another flight option.

Sorting by price, discount or user rating will help you choose the right hotel. By sorting by price, you have a chance to catch good deals for very little money. You can choose to sort by discount, then the system will show how much you win compared to purchasing tickets separately and booking a hotel.

Here we are promised 24% savings. Just keep in mind that the price is shown per traveler.

Let's check if everything is really so good. We are looking for air tickets from Moscow to Milan for the same dates, from September 4 to 10.

Personal experience 08/03/18 132,716 107

When I travel, I spend less than at home

A little about extreme savings when traveling

Sometimes there is not only little money, but no money at all. In my experience, sometimes traveling can be cheaper than spending the winter in Moscow.

Anna Efremova

student, traveled to 25 countries

I am young, healthy and not rich. As a student, I visited Italy, France, Luxembourg, Germany, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Belgium, Holland and other countries that are considered expensive. When I travel, I save on travel, accommodation, food, water and museums.

This article is not a comprehensive source of travel tips. This personal experience, which will be useful to those who deny themselves travel without understanding how much they can cost. And also for those who are ready to sacrifice comfort for the sake of impressions.


Now I buy air tickets 2-3 months before departure, I don’t choose a seat for an additional fee, I don’t include insurance during the flight in the price and I don’t take more than 10 kg of checked baggage with me, so it’s budget-friendly.

From Russia I often fly with Pobeda, because it has the cheapest tickets. When flying around Europe, I choose the low-cost airline Rainair. I spend every winter in India, where I fly domestically with the low-cost carrier Indy-Go. India has more than 100 airports and very developed domestic air traffic. A ticket from Chandigarh to Madurai, which is 2800 km across the entire country, cost me about 4000 RUR this winter.

I unfollowed airline stocks because I hadn't gotten any real benefit from them in years. Now I just monitor websites selling air tickets 2-3 months before departure and look for great deals.

Most often, I create a complex “bus-plane” or “train-low-cost” route. I wrote about this in detail in the article I like to travel for a long time and make transfers in unfamiliar cities - this embellishes the trip, and sometimes becomes its best part.

For example, once I got from Moscow to Milan for 2650 RUR. I took the train to Vilnius for 1250 RUR, spent the night for free with a young couple of couchsurfers and flew to Italy on a Rainier plane for 1400 RUR. As a result, I also made close friends, whom I now visit sometimes.

Whenever possible, I fly to Europe on Turkish Airlines with two 24-hour layovers in Istanbul. For a ticket to the European capital and back I pay about 14,000 RUR, and as a gift I receive two days in Istanbul. In one day I manage to walk around the historical center, eat the famous “wet” burger on Taksim Square, meet old friends, make new acquaintances, drink tea 4 times, ride a ferry along the Bosphorus Strait, buy home Turkish sweets and rose water and sleep in airport.

Road from the airport

From any airport you usually need to somehow get to the city. I go to the airport website and read what public transport I can use to get to the nearest cities.

Usually, on the website of any airport there is always a map of stops, bus and train schedules, and fares.

In Istanbul From Ataturk Airport you can directly go down to the metro. The token costs 4 liras (about 60 R). To get to the city center, you will have to buy two tokens. For comparison: a taxi will cost 60-70 liras (900-1050 RUR), according to The Istanbul Insider website for 2017.

To Paris Most flights from Russia land at Charles De Gaulle Airport. There I take line B of the RER commuter train and pay 10 € (728 RUR) for a ticket to Gare du Nord. At the station, using the same ticket, I change to the Paris metro and go where I need to go. A bus from the airport to Grand Opera Square costs 12 € (873 RUR), and a taxi costs 50-55 € ( 3639 -4002.9 R).

In Riga There is bus number 22 between the airport and the city center, the ride takes about 15 minutes - the city is very small. I buy a ticket in advance at a newspaper kiosk for 1.15 € (84 RUR), because the driver costs 2 € (146 RUR). If desired, you can get from the airport to the center of Riga on foot, the walk is only 9 km.

In Vilnius I walk to the airport. It is only 6 km from the station. Once I had to take the train - it costs 70 cents and takes 7 minutes.

Moving within the country

By bus. In Europe it is cheap to travel by bus. The Flix-bus company has the most routes. A ticket from Berlin to Munich costs 10 € (728 RUR), from Milan to Rome - 14 € (1019 RUR), from Paris to Bordeaux - 10 € (728 RUR).

I studied in Germany in the small city of Trier. I got there from Russia like this: I flew to Luxembourg and took the Flix-bus bus for 9 € (655 RUR) to the town where my university was located. It turned out cheaper than flying to Frankfurt and taking the bus for 17 € (1237 RUR) or taking the train for 20 € (1456 RUR).

By train. When choosing a mode of transport, I take into account the specifics of the country. Trains in Europe are expensive: a ticket for the Genoa - Milan train (150 km, 2 hours travel time) costs from 13.45 € (979 RUR), and for the Frankfurt - Cologne train (170 km, 2 hours travel time) prices start at 35. 90 € (2613 RUR). In Europe, it is cheaper to travel between cities by bus or Blablacar.

In India, on the contrary, trains are the most economical transport. A seated ticket from Rishikesh to Pathankot costs 145 rupees (Rs 130). The distance between these cities is 450 km, the train takes 11 hours. I traveled from Mumbai to Udaipur (760 km) for 250 rupees (230 R) on a reserved seat carriage. All of India travels by train, so 35 hours on the Gwalior-Goa train introduced me to this country better than pre-studied literature about the local culture.

When I arrive in a country, I always check with the locals on how to get from point A to point B, and I almost always find cheap alternatives.

Two years ago I was on Baikal and decided to drive along the Circum-Baikal railway(CBZD). In summer, travel agencies offer train tickets from 3,300 RUR to citizens of the Russian Federation and from 4,600 RUR to foreigners. But the little-known train “Matanya” runs along the same route. The ticket costs 100 RUR for the entire 89 km of the Circum-Baikal Railway.

Hitch-hiking. There is only one free way to get around - hitchhiking. There are websites to help hitchhikers, my favorite is They explain in detail how to choose a suitable place, and the map shows “points” tested by others. Getting out of big cities is the hardest thing, and this site has helped me out many times, telling me where I’m most likely to be picked up.

There is also a smartphone application called Hitchhiking Maps. It lists 18,420 hitchhiking spots in Europe. I study each place in street view mode, it also shows the average waiting time for a car, there are comments from travelers and a comparative rating. There are green, yellow and red dots.

On Blablacar. I often use Usually this is the most cheap way get from one city to another, but not the most reliable. The driver may pick up and not arrive at the appointed time.

Sometimes I use groups on VKontakte like “I’ll give you a free ride!” or "Fellow travelers - blah-go-car", where drivers (mostly truckers) lay out their routes and name the number free seats in the car. This is a kind of “planned hitchhiking”: everything is free, but no one guarantees the safety of the trip.


Free on Couchsurfing. The community at is the legend of free overnight stays. Over the course of several years, I stayed with 50 strangers. Many of them became my friends and no one caused harm.

Free, but working part-time. In Europe and Russia, you can look for housing in exchange for work: for example, live in a hostel and for this help with cleaning or administrative matters. Hostels in St. Petersburg sometimes offer you to live in an 8-bed room and work at the reception, for example, 2 days a week.

In a group

Traveling with the whole family can be a lot of fun and interesting, but it also comes with a hefty expense. Here are twenty tips to help you enjoy your vacation while still protecting your budget. Take them into account when planning your trip - and you will not be disappointed.

Choose cheaper destinations

Get ready for adventure! For example, in Western Europe prices are higher than in the East. IN Latin America It’s also quite cheap to live in Asia, with a good exchange rate. Conversely, New York, Miami or Los Angeles are great cities, but not for those who care about saving money. If you want to see the United States, choose small, cheap cities like Tampa, Atlanta, Memphis or Kansas. This also applies to other countries: sometimes the not-so-obvious route can be extremely interesting. Consider this option!

Travel out of season

Prices drop when the season ends. Of course, family vacations need to fit around your school schedule, but you can get your bearings! It is better to go to Europe for spring break than in summer, or go to the Caribbean during the summer season - they are more popular in winter. Your vacation will be no worse, you will be able to save money, and the absence of crowds of tourists will be an additional advantage.

Stay in Business Hotels on the Weekend

In hotels designed for business people, there are discounts on weekends as the rooms are idle. It is worth considering this feature if you are traveling only on Saturday and Sunday.

Compare the prices of a car trip and a plane flight

If your destination is no more than six hours away, the flight will not be any faster - check-in for the flight and possible delays will take additional time. In addition, it is cheaper to get there by car. Moreover, during your vacation you can also travel by car. It's convenient and simple, so you should never forget about this opportunity.

Choose free roads

If there are roads in the region that charge tolls, try to plan your route in advance so that you do not have to deal with this problem. Unforeseen expenses for paying for the route can result in a serious amount.

Book your flight in advance

Book your tickets at least twenty-one days before departure if you are planning a trip within your own country, and thirty-four days in advance if you are flying to another country. If you want to book a ticket six months in advance, you will have to pay more, and tickets also become more expensive at the last minute. Keep an eye on airline prices to see when the best time to buy tickets is. Sign up for deals and discounts to find out about the best moment.

Fly on cheaper days

Research has shown that flights on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are usually cheaper, so plan ahead when you fly. Sometimes it matters what day you make the reservation. According to some reports, it is cheaper to buy tickets on a weekday on weekends.

Consider all airports

When choosing a flight, consider all options, as some airports have more low prices than in the largest and most popular. If the airport is far away, take into account the cost of getting there along with the cost of the ticket.

Calculate all expenses and baggage costs

The cheapest flight may not be as good a deal if you have to pay extra for luggage. Consider other options - other airlines may have better deals or you can purchase a membership card. For example, sometimes you can take one suitcase with you for free, but there are airlines that even pay for hand luggage. Be sure to remember such subtleties! It’s a shame to arrive at the airport and find out that you have to pay a significant amount for a suitcase.

Compare hotel prices

Book hotels by best price of the possible. Sometimes great deals come up at the last minute. Consider whether you need a free breakfast - sometimes, when it is included in the price, it is not very profitable, and sometimes, on the contrary, it turns out to be cheaper than if you go to a cafe.

Don't call the hotel phone

Avoid additional expenses that will appear when using a phone in your room. Use mobile.

Turn off roaming or buy a profitable package

Communication costs increase abroad, so you should consider roaming in advance. If you don't need it, disable it in advance. If you plan to make calls, buy a package that will allow you to save on communication costs.

Go to the store

Buy healthy snacks, water and juices to eat in your hotel room. It's cheaper than paying for a minibar or eating out exclusively every day. Making sandwiches is not at all difficult, and the savings are significant.

Have breakfast

Most important technique food is the cheapest, yet it fills you with the energy you need to get to know a new city. If you skip breakfast, you will suffer from pangs of hunger and will have to spend money on snacks. Start your day with a hearty meal - and you'll not only save money, but you'll also feel much better all day long.

Splurge on lunch

If you consider yourself a foodie, splurge on lunch because prices are thirty percent lower than in the evening. For example, in New York at lunchtime, even in the most luxurious restaurants you can eat relatively inexpensively.

You can ask the hotel staff about the best things to do in the area. Some hotels offer discounts on activities and excursions to guests. Sometimes they will tell you where to find a great restaurant. One way or another, you can find out something interesting if you decide to ask a local resident.

Take your card with you

Sometimes using the card you can get better deals, better discounts, and more affordable tickets to museums and events.

Don't pay full price for tickets

If you book tickets for events and concerts in advance, you can get some nice discounts. Check ticket prices before you go on holiday if you want a cultural experience without paying more than you need to.

Sign up for discount offers in the city you're visiting

Two weeks before your departure, start checking out discounts at your destination. This will help you get acquainted with all the great offers in advance.

Find an information center

You should familiarize yourself with the tourist center of the city you are traveling to in advance: there is information about all the attractions, and there are often great deals on tickets to museums and events. This will all help you save money.

Summer is just around the corner, which means that many are already thinking about their long-awaited vacation.

Traveling on vacation is always a significant burden on the budget, so, especially in order to help you reduce expenses, we have prepared these 40 proven ways to save money while traveling without sacrificing comfort. Relax with pleasure and don’t overpay!

At the end of the article, read information about the competition, participate and win valuable prizes!

  1. Book your flights in advance and monitor special offers from airline companies; they periodically hold sales - seasonal, holiday, etc.
  2. Research the availability of low-cost carriers(low-cost airlines) in the direction you need - they are available both in Europe and America, and in Asia.
  3. Use metasearch engines for air tickets for all airlines (for example Often with their help you can get better prices than the airlines themselves offer.
  4. Earn airline miles(for flights and for spending using co-branded cards) and fly or stay in hotels for free. Many major airlines have such programs (Aeroflot, Lufthansa, Emirates, etc.).
  5. Get visas yourself- information on correct design There are plenty of documents on the Internet. Agencies, as a rule, do not provide any guarantees, but simply perform courier functions in delivering your documents to the consulate.
  6. Travel light take a minimum of luggage with you. The cost of air tickets for low-cost airlines most often includes only hand luggage, and you will have to pay for luggage separately. Why do you need heavy bags on a trip and 4 pairs of shoes for 10 days?
  7. Look into the issue of airport transfers. Some airlines offer a transfer to the city along with the ticket, which is not always, but is often cheaper than buying a ticket or ordering a taxi at the airport upon arrival.
  8. If you plan to take a taxi from the airport, don’t be lazy to chat with other passengers, it is quite possible that you will be able to team up and save 50% of the fare.
  9. Night travel on trains and buses, as well as on ferries, especially first and VIP class - a good opportunity to simultaneously save time and money on a hotel. In general, there are slipper buses - recumbent, soft shelves, like on trains. On many intercity buses there is wi-fi, so you can also do business.
  10. Transport tickets on local websites, are sometimes cheaper than in English. We have repeatedly bought cheap train tickets in Germany, Austria and France, as well as ferries in Finland.
  11. To search for housing, use not only booking sites, such as, but also metasearch engines (for example
  12. When traveling to Asia, book accommodation for 1-2 days, and on the spot look for a cheaper (does not mean worse) option. Not all hotels/guesthouses provide their data to search engines.
  13. Instead of big hotels, choose hostels and guesthouses– for a room of comparable quality you will pay significantly less. Why pay for a swimming pool, fitness and a plasma panel at the reception if you only plan to spend the night at the hotel?
  14. Use couchsurfing. If not for housing (although often a room offered by a couchsurfer, especially in Asia, maybe), then at least for meetings and dinner together. Locals always know non-tourist places where you can try the most. In addition, they are often up to date with events in their city , they can suggest what and at what time is best to visit, so it will be more possibilities learn about the life of other nations. Well, at the same time there will be an opportunity to practice foreign language, so you’ll also save on courses :)
  15. Pay attention to apartment rentals(, especially if you are traveling to one place for a more or less long period of time in or. Along with saving money, this is also an opportunity to communicate with locals, and in addition, you will not live in a standard hotel room, but in a cozy, furnished apartment.
  16. If you are a student, teacher or under thirty years of age, get yourself an international IDIC, ITIC or IYTC, respectively. With an international ID you can get good discounts, especially in Europe and the USA.
  17. Take advantage of discounts. Groupon is widespread in both Europe and America, as well as in major cities in Asia. More than once we have bought not only very profitable coupons for cafes and restaurants, but also successfully used them in other areas - we went to, went to, visited attractions and spas, and even booked hotels with good discounts.
  18. For local calls, sending SMS and mobile Internet, connect to your local operator. In Asia, communications are generally very cheap, but even in Europe it will be more profitable than using roaming.
  19. For free calls use Skype. You can also send SMS through it at prices comparable to Russian ones (about 2 rubles). You can link your Skype account to your mobile phone number, so calls and SMS from Skype will appear as incoming calls from your usual number.
  20. It is beneficial to use for calls to RussiaSipnet. The cost is cheaper than Skype, there are no connection fees, and calls to landlines in Moscow and St. Petersburg from anywhere in the world are currently free (in general, this is a temporary promotion, but it has lasted for more than two years).
  21. If you plan to travel around Europe by buses and trains, do not delay purchasing tickets - you do not have to buy them at the box office at the place of arrival, everything can be done in advance via the Internet. Firstly, it will most likely be cheaper, and secondly, you will save time; in addition, on the desired day there may no longer be tickets at the box office. But even if you find yourself in such a situation, don’t get confused - this is a good reason to go on a trip.
  22. When booking a car, as in the case of air tickets, use aggregators (for example, The rule also applies here - “the sooner, the cheaper”, in addition, the price greatly depends on the duration of the rental, for example, often renting a car for 6 days costs the same as for 7.
  23. Cost of motorbike rental in Asia Depends even more on the length of the lease. Most often, rental companies have daily and monthly rates, so renting a bike for 12 days can cost the same as for a month. Sometimes it is cheaper to rent a bike for 2 weeks, even if you need it for example for 8-9 days and just return it earlier, the rate for half a month will be more profitable than when calculating a daily rental for 8 days. Same with bicycles, kayaks and boats.
  24. In many European cities parking is often paid, but almost everywhere there are supermarkets where you can leave your car for free.
  25. Paper maps are a thing of the past. Install maps in your smartphone and save on purchasing atlases and mobile traffic when using Google Maps.
  26. If sometimes you still want to take a walk around the old city with a map, you don’t have to buy it - in non-profit tourist centers marked with the letter “i” you will most often be given a free map of the city, with tourist attractions marked.
  27. If you plan to travel a lot by public transport Yes, find out about the travel card system. For example, in Paris and even if we stayed for 5 days, it was more profitable for us to issue weekly passes than to buy a ticket each time. In Germany, domestic trains have group fares, for example a ticket for 2-5 people. So, if there are three of you traveling (and sometimes even two of you), it is more profitable to buy one such ticket than separately for each. In Hong Kong, you can get a special travel card, put a certain amount on it and use it to pay for any transport, even a taxi - this is, firstly, more convenient, and secondly, cheaper. In addition, you can pay by card in some stores.
  28. For shopping lovers we recommend combine vacations with sales seasons. Prices at European and American sales are always more pleasing than at sales in Russia.
  29. There are entire villages of outlet stores in Europe for lovers of branded clothing, and in Asia, for example, in Hong Kong, such clothing is actually cheaper, even without sales. Similarly with equipment, for example, it is profitable to buy photographic equipment in the USA, Singapore and Hong Kong.
  30. If you make large purchases, check the possibilities of tax refund in this country (Tax Free).
  31. Purchasing a tour in Asian countries, for example, to neighboring islands, a coffee plantation, or just around the surrounding area in a Russian travel agency or with a Russian guide, it can cost 1.5-2 times more. Unfortunately, enterprising compatriots like to punish with a ruble for ignorance of the language, so don’t be lazy, learn English.
  32. Entrance fees in entertainment, and even, sometimes, in national parks, to observation platforms, waterfalls, etc., are often more expensive on weekends, and besides, on these days there are many local vacationers. If you are on vacation and it makes no difference to you, go to such places on weekdays.
  33. To most places where tours and excursions are usually sold, you can get there on your own, by rented or public transport - it will not always take longer and will always be cheaper.
  34. If you are traveling to any, especially Asian, country for a long time, learn basic words and expressions in the local language. At a minimum, this will please the natives, and perhaps also save you money when buying food and goods at markets.
  35. Training in various skills– surfing, kiting, etc. in a local school or with a local instructor may turn out to be much cheaper than in an English-speaking or, especially, a Russian one.
  36. Always take out travel insurance, even if this is not required by the country's visa rules. Appeal for medical care may turn out to be an order of magnitude more expensive than the cost of the insurance policy.
  37. If you are traveling to Europe or, it may be more profitable to take euros or dollars with you, but for a trip to Asian countries, it makes no sense to take currency with you - on a double exchange you will most likely lose more than on the commission for withdrawing cash from the card, in addition, some banks and They provide the opportunity to withdraw money from the card without commission all over the world. Also, from many banks, using cards you can get discounts when paying at certain points or cashback on certain types of goods and services (for example, when paying in restaurants or at gas stations).
  38. Meet national cuisine not only in tourist restaurants, but also in ordinary cafes - there you will not overpay for design and interior, and will get an idea of ​​​​real local cuisine. The main sign that the establishment is worthwhile is large number visitors inside. If your budget does not allow you to eat in a cafe, pay attention to food courts in large shopping complexes - in addition to fast food, there are usually large selection local cuisine.
  39. Choose local and seasonal dishes. If you're on the coast, why order pork when seafood and fish are cheaper and fresher? In Asia, salads and shakes made from apples and oranges are cheaper.
  40. Souvenirs in tourist places and at the airport are usually more expensive. Most often, almost everything the same can be bought in large supermarkets, at prices 1.5-2 times lower.

We hope these tips will help you save your vacation budget or spend it more efficiently. What proven ways do you have to save money while traveling? Tell us about them in the comments!

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