Stretch ceiling remove water. How to drain water from a stretch ceiling yourself. PVC film ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a tribute to modern fashion. Not only does it look stunning indoors, but it has practical value in case of a flood. It is not uncommon for neighbors upstairs to not take care of their plumbing and water begins to seep through the joints of concrete floors into your apartment. Or perhaps you live on the top floor and during the next rainstorm the roof of the house began to leak. This threatens to ruin new renovation And expensive furniture, but if you have a suspended ceiling installed, it will not allow undesirable consequences. It is enough to know how to drain water from stretch ceiling, basic techniques and clearly follow the sequence of work.

Will any ceiling save you from a flood?

Some ceiling installers are full of praise for their products, and all boast water retention properties. But this is only partly true. The fact is that the material from which the canvas is made plays a huge role. If it is a seamless fabric-based ceiling, then in its manufacture a complex weave fabric with additional impregnation with a polyurethane composition is used. This impregnation is designed to provide waterproof properties to the fabric, but this is not always effective.

It can withstand the onslaught of water for some time, but over time it will still begin to ooze. As a result, such a ceiling will have to be completely replaced, since after the water there will be stains and unsightly yellowish stains on it that cannot be washed off. Therefore, we do not recommend installing fabric-based ceilings in rooms with a high probability of flooding, i.e. in bathrooms and kitchens.

PVC ceilings are just right for these rooms, but it doesn’t matter. The polyvinyl chloride film does not allow a drop of water to pass through and can withstand 100 liters of water at once, only by stretching greatly and forming a huge bubble. This film will not tear, as it is very durable. There is a risk of rupture if the room is flooded hot water, under the influence of which the film will stretch even more and may touch some sharp object or corner of furniture, then the film will tear.

But, as a rule, a flood of hot water is rare, and by the time the water finds its way to the lower floor, it will have time to cool down. Vinyl film, after removing water, tends to restore its original properties.

How to drain water from a suspended ceiling yourself

If the flood occurred during the daytime, then the main thing is to immediately turn off the power to the apartment. Everyone knows that water is an excellent conductor and when it gets on electrical appliance a short circuit and fire may occur, not to mention the fact that a person who begins to drain water from the ceiling will suffer an electric shock, and this is sometimes fatal. Next, call the company that installed your ceiling. According to the contract, they are obliged to drain the water free of charge. But it is not always possible to do this if at the moment the company no longer exists. This is the case if you happen to hire a fly-by-night company. Then call any other company that installs suspended ceilings. They arrive quickly to such calls, but you will have to pay about 4,000 rubles for their services.

But what to do if the flood happened at night or on a weekend, because this usually happens when you least expect it. You will have to act yourself, and also provide for undesirable consequences such as film breakthrough. Therefore, it is necessary to remove valuables as much as possible and cover the furniture with film. You need to prepare containers for water, the more the better. It’s better to call someone else for help; it will be difficult to drain the water and change the buckets yourself. If the bubble has formed in the bathroom, it will be a little easier - just lower the hose into the bathroom.

First step. We determine the place for draining the water. Ideally, this would be a hole for a lamp. If the ceiling is solid or there is no way to remove the lighting fixture, then you need to get to the bubble through one of the corners. Estimate the approximate amount of water so you know how much container you need to prepare. It is not difficult for specialists to determine the volume of the bubble; they make a certain calculation.

Second step. Remove the masking tape covering the technological gap and carefully remove the corner of the ceiling from the baguette.

If we operate through a lamp, then it must first be removed.

Next, you need to take a longer hose and lower it into the bosom of the bubble through a corner or hole for the lamp, then gradually drain the water using suction, and while your assistant runs to pour out the water, you bend the hose while waiting for the empty container.

If you don’t have a hose at hand, you can pull the film back to the water level and make it flow out through the hole, as you can see in this photo.

Third step. The water has been safely drained, now we have to wait until morning or Monday to call the experts with a heat gun. With its help, specialists will dry the film and ceiling to avoid mold formation.

Then the film will be placed in its rightful place, and with the help of the same gun or industrial hair dryer will return the original appearance of the stretch ceiling. In the case when you do not have the means to call the experts, then after draining you need to leave the corner open for several days so that everything inside dries out properly. After returning the film to its place, treat the edges with a regular hairdryer. This method is suitable if the flood was not catastrophic and the film practically did not stretch.

You can see the entire process of saving the ceiling in this video.

Common mistakes

Due to inexperience and the desire to do everything quickly, we tend to make some mistakes.

  1. Inexperienced people are very tempted to puncture the bubble and drain the water through the resulting hole. Under no circumstances should this be done. Under enormous water pressure, even the smallest hole will burst into a big gust that cannot be corrected. Only replacing the ceiling with a new one will correct the situation.
  2. Don't drive the wave. I really want to push the accumulated water towards the hole for the lighting fixture with my hands. This should not be done, otherwise you can scratch the ceiling or drive water into places where it will be more difficult to get it out. Over time, the moisture accumulated in secluded corners will begin to bloom and fungus will appear. We don't need this at all.

To avoid accidentally damaging the stretch ceiling, the best solution will entrust the work to specialists. Moreover, if you have to dismantle the film to drain it, which may tear during the removal process. Usually, after a flood, it flows onto the ceiling along with water. construction waste, plaster, some stones. Specialists can easily remove the ceiling, clean it, dry the film and base covering, and then return the room to its previous appearance. The cost of the work will depend on the complexity of the process, but as we have already said, you can turn to your “native” company for help to eliminate flooding for free.

Who among us has not encountered an apartment flood, except those who live in a private house or on the top floor of a high-rise building. The neighbors above may have pipes burst, or they may simply forget to turn off the water in the bathroom; to put it simply, there can be many reasons for home flooding. When streams of water pour from the ceiling or flow down the walls, there is nothing to rejoice at, this is not just a reason for financial expenses, but also significant “damage” to nervous system. And even if conscientious neighbors decide to reimburse all repair costs: they will undertake the restoration of plaster, wallpapering and laying damaged parquet flooring, then they are unlikely to allocate money for the purchase of new household, video or audio equipment that has ceased to function due to “ excess moisture."

What remains to be done now? Hoping that everything is fine with the neighbors’ heating system, and their pipes will never burst or leak, and continue to live like on a volcano? There is a way out of this situation - these are suspended ceilings, they will be able to accumulate water for a long time and not allow it to pass through.

First actions

If the neighbors above begin to flood, the first thing you need to do is try to stop the leak, to do this you need to contact the neighbors or call the DEZ. Once water has stopped accumulating in the ceiling, there are two options. The first is to call specialists from the company that installed such a ceiling so that they free it from the “water burden” or try to do it yourself. If you call a specialist, you can be sure that he will do everything quickly and correctly, however, this option requires some financial costs. In the second case, there will be no financial costs, but you will need to spend own strength and time.

In order to drain the water without turning to specialists, you need to carefully insert a hose into the technological hole under any lighting fixture and drain the water. It is very important not to damage the canvas from the inside during this procedure. It is important to remember that fabric ceilings are not able to retain water, so if they flood, they will have to be replaced.

How to carry out the procedure:

  1. Prepare a stepladder or floor for stability.
  2. Remove the lamp to reveal a hole for draining water.
  3. Place a hose about 3-4 meters into the hole and drain the water into a container. Then, when the hose no longer helps, you must direct the water to the hole yourself with your hands. Typically, this procedure is carried out by three people - one pulls the canvas and also regulates the outflow of water, the second monitors the filling of the container, and the third must empty the entire container.

If there is no lamp on the ceiling, then the water is drained through the corner closest to the bubble. Remember that you cannot make holes in the canvas yourself - this will not restore it in the future, and there is also a risk that all the water will spill into the room.

  1. You can use a convenient, non-sharp tool and carefully remove the edge of the canvas from the fastener.
  2. Then you need to insert a flexible hose into the resulting hole and drain as much liquid as possible. It is recommended to hold the bubble so that all the water does not spread over the entire surface.

What are the next steps?

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When you have done everything correctly and removed water from the stretch ceiling, you must dry it to prevent mold and unpleasant odors. A special heat gun is used for drying, so you cannot dry it yourself. To do this, you need to call a master who will thoroughly dry the canvas and also restore the shape of the ceiling. Then you will need to replace the blade.

Draining water from a suspended ceiling - video

Stretch ceilings have long ceased to be perceived as a luxury, and are found almost everywhere. This is facilitated by their excellent decorative qualities and comparative ease of installation. It may sound strange, but during operation sometimes situations arise when water has to be drained from the surface of the tension film.

There are several potential possible options how water gets on a suspended ceiling:

  • A sewer or water pipe has broken. In most cases, we are talking about an accident with neighbors above, so such situations most often occur in apartment buildings. Moreover, it could be private house with two or more floors, or when the ceiling space above the tension fabric is used for laying pipes.
  • Some household appliance broke down on the floor above. Home helpers like washing machine, refrigerator, air conditioner and dishwasher use water in their work. In the event of a rupture of the internal pipeline, the liquid first falls on the floor in the room itself, and then begins to spread to the floor below.
  • Problems with the roof. Similar situations occur in private houses or on the upper floors of high-rise buildings. If the roof leaks, then in the event of heavy rain or melting snow, water rushes into the home.
  • Heating circuit leaking. Start heating season often accompanied by the detection of defects that appeared during system downtime. After leaking, the coolant may end up inside the stretch ceiling.

Water in the suspended ceiling

Along with water, a lot of dirt usually gets onto the decorative canvas - damp putty, rust, pieces of plaster. Because of this, the likelihood of surface deposition increases. mechanical damage: therefore, it is not recommended to delay the elimination of the accident.

The reaction of the tension system to water largely depends on the material used to make the decorative fabric:

  • Fabric. They are made on the basis of polyester fibers, which have many tiny pores. Therefore, if there is leakage from above, such a sheet simply begins to leak, and all the water ends up in the room. In addition, polyester has virtually no elasticity. As a result, if the speed of liquid entering from above exceeds the speed of its flow out through micropores, sooner or later the panel breaks or comes out of the fastening profile and falls to the floor.
  • PVC film. According to the manufacturers, these fabrics are able to withstand loads of up to 100 kg/m². The duration of the confrontation can be measured from several days to a month. Here everything will depend on the quality of the material and the volume of accumulated water. Liquid retention is favored by the elasticity of the material, which makes it possible to reduce the increased load on the fastening profile by an order of magnitude. As a result, a suspended PVC ceiling after flooding takes on the appearance of a surface with a convexity (pear). Usually this formation is located closer to the center.

Flooded PVC stretch ceiling

If you carry out the water draining procedure correctly, the room will remain completely dry, and the canvas itself will again acquire a functional appearance. It should be noted that effective resistance to water by a tension film is only possible if the flowing liquid is not very hot. The fabric will not be able to hold water at temperatures above +50 degrees for a long time.

The procedure for eliminating an accident largely depends on its scale, the characteristics of the premises and the skills of the performer.

Regardless of which method of draining water from a suspended ceiling is chosen, the first thing you need to do is the following:

If you lack confidence in your abilities, it is recommended to contact the specialists who installed the system. As a rule, they also provide services for draining water and restoring sheets after a flood. However, it often happens that the accident occurred on the weekend or in the evening. Leaving the “bubble” for several days until the installers arrive is not always wise: there is no guarantee that the fastening will hold up until then. And sitting without light all this time is also not an option. In such cases, it is recommended to drain the water yourself.

In the process of preparing to eliminate a flood yourself, you must do the following:

This is the most favorable option for draining the liquid accumulated inside the tension film.

In such a situation, you must act as follows:

  1. Remove the lighting fixture closest to the bulb. A stepladder or table is used as a stand. Since the draining procedure takes at least 30 minutes, it is necessary to stand on the most comfortable and stable device. Using smooth movements, unscrew the lamp, and then the entire lighting fixture. As a result, a hole should form in the tension fabric. If the installation of the lamps was carried out independently, there will be no problems with this operation.

    If water has accumulated near the lamp, then it is necessary to remove it and drain it through the resulting hole.

  2. If there is a lot of water, it will flow directly from the technical hole. Therefore, it is necessary to keep water containers ready and have time to substitute them.

    Draining water from suspended ceilings

  3. To drain a large volume of liquid, you can also use a hose by inserting its end through the hole into the bubble. You must act carefully, filling the buckets supplied by your assistant one by one. The recommended hose length is at least 2.5 m.

    Draining water from a suspended ceiling using a hose

  4. The entire volume of liquid will not drain by itself. To remove the remaining water, carefully adjust it to the hole and pour it into a container. A similar algorithm of action is also used in cases where the volume of the bubble is small. Try to control the sag of the ceiling and do not stretch the canvas too much.

    To drain all the water, you will need to push it towards the hole.

It is most convenient when this work is performed by three people. The task of one is to pull the film and adjust the flow speed, the second is to fill the buckets. The third person will pour the water down the drain.

You can see more details about this method of draining water in the video:

Most simple options suspended ceilings are not equipped with lamps, so there is no ready-made hole for drainage. It also sometimes happens that the pear forms far from the lighting fixture (driving it halfway across the room is dangerous). In this case, the water is drained through the corner section closest to the bubble.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

You can see more details about this method of draining water from a tension fabric in the video:

Considering the delicacy of the procedure for freeing the tension fabric from accumulated water, before starting work it is better to arm yourself with the following recommendations:

  • All methods of draining water from a suspended ceiling have long been invented. Therefore, you should not invent a wheel trying to simplify the procedure. For example, some “kulibins” make holes directly in the bladder itself. The result is always the same: the material suddenly bursts and the entire volume of liquid spills onto the floor. This causes a loss not only to the property of the apartment, but also to the neighbors below.
  • It is forbidden to attempt to drive the pear closer to the lamp or edge. The result of such actions is the formation of additional sagging, each of which will have to be eliminated separately.
  • It should be remembered that the above methods of draining water are relevant only for those cases when the cold water . If an accident occurs on a hot pipeline or sewer system, it can only be eliminated by completely dismantling the canvas.
  • When starting to drain the water, it is necessary to accurately determine the volume of accumulated water. As a rule, it turns out to be an order of magnitude greater than initially thought. Therefore, it is better to prepare containers with a reserve.

After all the water has been drained, it is necessary to give the stretch ceiling its original appearance. The algorithm of actions depends on the scale of the accident and the material used to make the fabric.


If there is a slight leak, the lamp or the removed edge can be immediately put back. To achieve straightening of the stretched section of the film, it is heated gas gun or a hair dryer. You need to act carefully, ensuring uniformity of blowing hot air. After large-scale pouring, in addition to water, a lot of dirt accumulates on the film - damp putty, plaster, etc. This debris can be removed by dismantling the canvas (at least on one side).

To straighten a stretched section of a stretch ceiling, you need to heat it with a gas gun or a hair dryer.

When removing PVC film, special care must be taken, acting slowly and without being too harsh. To wipe the removed fabric, a soft cloth or microfiber is usually used. Next, hang it indoors and wait for it to dry (sometimes this takes up to a week).

To insert the film back, you need to align the bent profile by tightening the screws. A spatula is used as a tool for threading the canvas (it is better to wrap it in a paper napkin). To eliminate sagging, the heating method described above is used.

One of the most popular methods of finishing the ceiling is a stretch fabric, which has a number of advantages, it is easy and quick to install, takes a minimum of time, installation is possible without damaging the renovations already made in the apartment. Such finishing leaves behind a minimum of waste, but the most attractive is the opportunity to emphasize the interior design, carry out zoning and take into account the main stylistic idea.

When choosing, you should take into account the fact that neighbors above can flood, and therefore preference should be given to durable PVC film, which retains water for a long time. Despite the duration of water retention due to the strength of the material, it is recommended to drain the water from the stretch ceiling as quickly as possible. This can be done by calling the specialists who did the installation or by yourself, armed with a bucket and a rag.

In most cases, a flood occurs unexpectedly and at the most inopportune time. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to call a specialist to eliminate flooding, since this can happen late, on a weekend or holiday. Despite the fact that the fabric can retain water for a long time, it is still recommended to act immediately to eliminate related problems. If the ceiling does not hold water and it leaks, then we can draw the following conclusion - it was manufactured poorly. If water appears in a suspended ceiling, what should you do first? Necessary:

  • turn off the electricity to avoid a short circuit in the wiring;
  • valuables in the form of household appliances move to another room;
  • Cover furniture, especially upholstered ones, with plastic bags;
  • Prepare containers to collect liquid.

These actions must be completed first. It is also recommended to notify your neighbors; perhaps the water leak has not yet been eliminated; in this case, you should not proceed to draining the water from the ceiling. After the above actions have been completed, you can proceed directly to the actions of draining water from a sagging stretch ceiling.

How to drain water from a suspended ceiling correctly: common mistakes

It is quite possible to drain water from a suspended ceiling yourself, especially if the situation is critical or there is no way to wait for specialists to arrive. The procedure for draining the water itself is not complicated and almost anyone can do it, the main thing is not to do it typical mistakes, which will subsequently lead to disastrous consequences and the need to completely replace the canvas, as well as repair the floor.

In most cases, a person is not able to correctly estimate the volume of water accumulated inside. And this must be done as accurately as possible in order to prepare empty containers for collection, otherwise the water will simply spill throughout the room, which already entails other consequences.

Some people have a desire to pierce the sagging bubble and drain all the water from there. At first glance, this may seem like the right decision, but even the most insignificant small cut or puncture will lead to the fabric immediately unraveling and all the accumulated water gushing out. It is strictly forbidden to puncture the bubble, regardless of its size. In addition, it will no longer be able to protect against water if the neighbors flood next time.

Correctly determining the volume of accumulated liquid is very important, since during the draining process there will be no time to look for additional containers, and therefore you should prepare in advance.

Using a luminaire mounting ring to drain water from a suspended ceiling

Unfortunately, not all modern suspended ceilings have a special valve in their design, which is used to drain liquid in case of flooding. In this case, it is necessary to use other methods that will help simultaneously remove all the water and preserve the canvas for further use. Great solution is to use a mounting ring for, through which you can drain all the liquid.

Important! Before carrying out work, it is necessary to turn off the power to the apartment to avoid a strong electric shock, since water is a very good conductor of electricity.

To drain water from a suspended ceiling through the mounting rings installed for lamps, additional tools will be required, namely:

  • ladder;
  • empty containers prepared in advance for water;
  • drain hose.

The first thing to do is to remove the chandelier or lamp installed in the mounting ring. Then install the hose into this ring, first directing its second end into an empty container or bucket. After this, with careful movements it is necessary to lift the bubble with the accumulated liquid and redirect it to the mounting ring. It will be very difficult for one person to do such a job, since it will be necessary to hold the hose, change containers under it and direct water from the bubble to the hole. To carry out this procedure you will need at least two people. The work process itself will not cause any difficulties, and therefore calling a specialist to eliminate the flood in the presence of a stretch ceiling is not necessary.

Draining water over the edge of the suspended ceiling surface

It also happens that the ceiling canvas does not have special holes for the chandelier. In this case, you can drain through the edge of the canvas closest to the bubble. To perform this procedure, it is advisable to involve assistants so as not to spill water on the floor and damage the canvas itself. The first thing you need to do is delete everything finishing materials from the edge of the canvas, remove the baseboard and masking tape. The next step is to release the edge from the frame as carefully and carefully as possible; it is important to hold the canvas so that the water does not spill.

To drain, you can also use a hose, carefully inserting it into the cavity; alternatively, you can place empty containers directly to the edge of the canvas and thus drain the accumulated liquid. You should not smooth out the bubble too actively with your hands; these actions can lead to water spreading over the entire surface of the canvas and in the future this will cause dampness and mold formation. The entire procedure must be carried out extremely carefully and slowly so as not to damage the tension fabric.

Help from specialists in drying a stretch ceiling after a flood

After flooding, the stretch ceiling fabric becomes deformed and has an unattractive sagging appearance after all the liquid has been eliminated. Don’t despair, it’s not at all difficult to return the ceiling to its original appearance with a perfectly flat and smooth surface, however, you will have to turn to specialists for help. In most cases, companies involved in installing suspended ceilings provide warranty service. If the warranty period has not expired, then you need to contact the company employees who will carry out the drying special equipment and return the ceiling to a smooth surface.

If warranty period has already expired or the installation was carried out by craftsmen who do not represent the interests of a particular company, then a professional drying procedure can be ordered from any of the companies that install suspended ceilings. Specialists use special heat guns for drying and leveling the fabric.

Alternatively, you can try to dry the canvas yourself, using a special hair dryer or a regular one, turning it on at full power. After heat treatment, the ceiling acquires a smooth and even surface, without damage to appearance and interior design.

Draining water from a suspended ceiling on video

In the event of a flood and the formation of a bubble on the stretch ceiling, do not despair and panic. It is important to understand that high-quality installation guarantees water retention for a sufficiently long time. You can drain the water yourself without damaging the ceiling. The procedure for eliminating water itself is not complicated, the main thing is to follow the instructions in the video, which clearly demonstrates the entire process of work. But to return it to its original perfectly smooth appearance, you will need the help of specialists who perform drying using special equipment.

Photos demonstrating proper drainage of water

After flooding, it is recommended to short terms drain the water. You shouldn’t wait for specialists to arrive, because the whole process takes a little time and is not complicated. The main thing is to involve several assistants in this matter. Using the photo, you can study in more detail how the entire process of removing water occurs and, following the prompts, perform the same actions. The quality of suspended ceiling fabrics is quite high, and therefore can easily hold large volumes of water. In addition, the canvas can be completely restored and returned to its original appearance, the main thing is not to make typical mistakes that could lead to the need for its complete replacement.

remove the lamp

push the hose through

pour water into a container

Recently, suspended ceilings have become increasingly popular. This is explained by the fact that it is not only beautiful and functional, if PVC film is used, then this design will save you from flooding and you will not have to buy new furniture or make repairs.

Some people believe that if in their apartment reinforced concrete floor, then they are protected from leaks, but this is not the case. You may be flooded by your upstairs neighbors, and if you live on the top floor, you may be in trouble due to roof leaks.

Water always finds cracks between floor slabs, through which it leaks into the rooms below, this is due to the fact that often builders do not attach much importance to waterproofing the floor.

Usually moisture begins to penetrate along the walls of the room, but it can also appear in the center, it all depends on where the joint between the slabs is located.

By installing a suspended ceiling in a room, you will not only create a beautiful finish, but you will also be able to protect it from moisture penetration from neighbors above. Manufacturers indicate that square meter PVC sheets can hold about 80-100 liters of water.

Fabric sheets are impregnated with special substances, so they can also retain a small amount of moisture, but over time it begins to seep out.

How to drain the water?

Draining water from such a ceiling is not difficult, so you can do everything yourself. The fact that water gets on the film will be indicated by its gradual retraction and a bubble begins to form in this place. To drain water There are two simple and accessible ways.

Before you start draining the water, be sure to turn off the electricity in the room and remove all equipment so as not to accidentally damage it.

First way

If you have spotlights installed on your stretch ceiling, then water can be drained from the stretch ceiling through the holes that are in their mounting. After you remove the lamp, you will see that there is a small hole under it into which the wire is routed and the lamp is inserted.

You need to carefully lift the resulting bubble and slowly move it towards the indicated hole. In this place you must first install a container to collect water and all you have to do is drain the water from the suspended ceiling.

To perform this work, you need to invite an assistant, since you will not be able to move the water bubble in the desired direction on your own.

Second way

Got on the canvas water can be removed by performing partial dismantling of the ceiling around the perimeter of the room. In this case, in one place of the room you will have to remove the baseboard, and then detach part of the film from the guide profile. Now you need to carefully move the water bubble in the required direction and drain all the liquid into a previously prepared container.

To make it easier to install the film in place, use a regular hair dryer.
With its help, the canvas is dried, heated and stretched a little, after which it is inserted into the profile and the plinth is installed.

This work must be done carefully and slowly, then after your actions there will be no traces left on the coating.

You cannot drain water from a stretch ceiling by rolling the ceiling, as this will damage the film and you will have to replace the entire coating.

Common mistakes

Often, when people independently eliminate the consequences of a flood on a suspended ceiling, they make typical mistakes:

  • Forget turn off the electricity immediately, this must be done immediately, otherwise a short circuit may occur.
  • Under no circumstances should the fabric be pierced., since it is in a stretched state and is stretched even more under the weight of water. After a puncture, in this place you get not the expected small hole, but a serious cut, after which you will have to change the entire canvas.
  • Some people try to distribute the trapped water over the entire surface of the film, but this cannot be done. This will make it more difficult for you to drain it, and some of the water will remain, which may cause mold development.
  • With the help home hair dryer you can dry a small part of the canvas, but if the flood was serious, then for drying and full recovery film, you will have to use a heat gun.
  • It is necessary to establish the cause of the flood, assess its scale, stop the flow of water and only then begin to eliminate the consequences.
  • If the flooding was serious, then the best thing to do is complete dismantling films, dry the base, treat it with antiseptics and antifungal drugs, and then install the suspended ceiling again.

If the flood was not severe, then it will take 1-7 days to dry the ceiling and base. Before installing the lamps, be sure to make sure they are working, and if you do not have the appropriate skills, it is better to invite a specialist.

Teach that only pure tap water does not leave stains or streaks on the canvas. Usually, plaster gets onto the film along with water; soapy water from washing machine, if you live on the top floor, then dirty rainwater leaks.

If the flood was serious, then It is best to completely remove the film, wash it carefully and dry it, if you have the skills and a heat gun, you can do this yourself; in other cases, it is better to seek help from specialists.


If such a situation arises, the easiest way would be to call specialists who have not only the necessary skills, but also equipment, so they will drain the water from the stretch ceiling and restore its original appearance quickly and efficiently.

If you want and know how to do it yourself, then all work must be done slowly and carefully so as not to damage the canvas. Any home craftsman can cope with minor flooding of a stretch ceiling on his own.

Useful video

How to drain water from a suspended ceiling video: