We replace broken glass in an interior door. Replacing glass in an interior door yourself: advice from experienced people How you can replace glass in interior doors

Interior door leaves with glass inserts of different shapes and sizes are a popular interior design option today. Sometimes the question may arise about how to replace glass in interior door with your own hands if it is damaged. You need to take this nuance seriously and carefully study the replacement procedure, otherwise the design will not have an attractive and aesthetic appearance.

Design and name of interior door elements

Inserting new glass into the opening will not be difficult if you prepare necessary tools and materials to carry out the mission and follow step-by-step instructions.

To make your own glass replacement in door design, you should stock up the right tools and materials. These include:

This is a minimum set of tools and materials that should be on hand when replacing glass in interior doors yourself.

Types of glass

Today on construction market There is no option for replacing glass in doorways. Before you decide on your own to replace the damaged glass in the door structure, you need to study some types of materials and bet on the one that best suits your wishes. You can pay attention to the following glass for doors:

In fact, each of the above types of glass is suitable for installation in interior doors. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of each of them and betting on the one that is most suitable in all respects.

Regular glass

Among the advantages, the following facts can be noted:

  1. The cost of such glass is affordable to everyone.
  2. Installation does not require additional knowledge and equipment to cut the required part.

Among the shortcomings, we can name only one: ordinary glass requires additional finishing after installation, which means the purchase of additional materials.

Design of sliding doors with glass

Such glass is covered with a decorative film, which can be ordered or picked up in a store along with the main material.

In general, if you prepare all the necessary raw materials, then this option is quite worthy of attention.

Decorative glass

This type of material for work has the following advantages:

  • exquisite design solutions, among which everyone will find an option for themselves;
  • Installation is as simple as with conventional glass.

Among the disadvantages, the following facts can be noted:

Turning a blind eye to the shortcomings, this glass option for an interior door is worthy of attention.

Organic glass

The advantages are:

  • this type of insert into an interior door has high strength;
  • the cost of the material is average between ordinary glass and decorative.


Design options for doors with glass

Having thought about what pricing policy is suitable and what skills you have for installing glass in an interior door, you can bet on a certain option. After purchasing, you can begin the process of installing new glass to replace the damaged one.

Preparing for glass replacement

Step by step instructions:

Features of door parsing

When replacing glass in a door, remove the door from its hinges.

The process of removing doors from hinges

This will help ensure safety during the procedure. The structure should be placed on a flat surface to make it convenient to do the work. And the surface, in turn, should be covered with dense material that will protect flooring from damage. The door structure will have to be disassembled in any case. And this stage of work should be approached with caution and responsibility. Before you begin replacing the glass yourself, you need to measure the size of the glass.

The complexity of the process depends on how non-standard the shape of the glass is. When the stage of disassembling the doors and removing the old damaged glass has come to an end, you can proceed to further actions.

Preparing a place for glass

When the upper part of the door structure is removed, it is necessary to prepare the place where the glass will be placed. Before replacing glass in an interior door, you need to:

These actions will improve the quality of work on replacing damaged glass in the door leaf with a new one.

Glass installation

Once the canvas is ready, glass replacement can begin with confidence. Carrying out the main task is quite simple.

The main thing is to perform the procedure in the correct order and use high-quality accompanying materials.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Applying silicone (sealant) at all fastening points. The easiest way to do it correctly along the entire perimeter is to carry out the procedure using a construction gun, which will accurately distribute the sealant over the surface.

  2. Then you need to take a piece of glass previously adjusted to size and stretch a protective gasket over it.
  3. After which the glass is mounted into the structure of the prepared door base. Glass is the most fragile material among all that are used in the process of replacing a damaged structure. Therefore, you should not make any effort if the glass does not fit into the door grooves well. It would be better to cut the gasket or the glass itself, adjusting it to the desired size.
  4. When the glass is inserted into the opening, you need to apply silicone (sealant) again on the other side using a construction gun.
  5. Afterwards you need to fix the upper part of the door structure with beads. When working with glazing beads, you should act carefully; they should fit tightly to each other.
  6. The glazing beads are fixed by attaching decorative nails on top, which will give an aesthetic appearance to the structure and make the overall picture of the apartment’s interior doors look like new.
  7. When the nails are fixed, you should wait several hours so that the silicone sets well and does not become a cause bad work door handles or did not spoil the appearance of the structure at all with drips. Indeed, in this case it will be difficult to change anything; you will have to start work on replacing the glass again or completely replace the door structure.
  8. After several hours have passed, you can begin a process such as installing the doors in their original place. You should first lubricate the moving structural elements, then fix the door in the opening.

    The process of installing a door on hinges

Watch the video: replacing broken glass on an interior door.

Replacing damaged glass with your own hands is easy. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the process of selecting materials and the actual installation of glass in the opening of the door structure.

In modern living spaces, a door does more than just separate rooms - it is considered part of the interior. Broken or old glass on an interior door is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as a result of which the interior loses its original harmony; in addition, leaving the glass in the door broken can harm the inhabitants of the home. You will learn how to replace glass in an interior door with your own hands in this article.

Studying the material

Before you begin the insert replacement procedure itself, you need to figure out what type of glass you are dealing with.

Decorative glass insert

This door insert is the most expensive, and not all manufacturers use it. Such glass can be directly called ideal option, because it does not require any modification. The only drawback of this design is that finding an insert with the same decorative elements It won't be that easy.

Important! Very often, door owners do not find inserts with the same design, and as a result, they replace the glass in all their interior doors, spending quite a small amount of money on this replacement.

Ordinary glass tab

This material is an ideal alternative to an expensive decorative insert; however, this material entails additional modification, which involves covering it with special films for decoration. You can buy a glass tab in almost every hardware store.

Important! If you compare this glass with the one described above, the price will be approximately half as much.


Both types of tabs described above have one serious drawback - fragility. If you treat such material carelessly, it can easily break even before you fix the glass in the door. Plexiglas (monolithic polycarbonate) does not have this drawback. Simply put, it is ordinary transparent plastic that is very easy to scratch.

Important! Just like ordinary glass, monolithic polycarbonate will need additional modification to give it a decorative look - it needs to be covered with a special decorative film, which, at the same time, will also serve as protection against minor scratches and subsequent clouding of the plexiglass.

Plywood or fibreboard (Fibreboard)

This option is the most budget-friendly. You can replace broken or darkened glass by folding the fiberboard in half back sides to each other. Another option for using this material is to paste it with an opaque film on laminated fiberboard.

Important! This option cannot be called durable and attractive, but it is the cheapest.

Glass replacement

The glass in your interior door has broken, what should you do? Once you have dealt with the material, you can safely remove the insert and proceed to replacing it.

How to remove old glass?

If your glass is broken, it is better to wear shoes with thick soles before work - this will protect you from getting splinters into your feet.

You can remove the old glass by following this algorithm:

  • Study the method of attaching glass to the interior door leaf. Each manufacturer has its own.
  • Wear gloves and loosen the fastening using a chisel and hammer.

Important! For greater safety, it is better to loosen the top beads first.

  • Carefully remove the glass.

Important! If the glass is broken, it is better to get rid of the large fragments first, and only then the small ones. For greater safety, it is better to put them in a tight bag so that others do not get hurt. If, in addition to the glass, the rubber lining is also damaged, you will have to purchase a rubberized tape.

Standard insert option

This option involves the use of quarters, which users often confuse with glazing beads, but this is not entirely correct. So, if you have this particular door leaf, then you can immediately say that you are very lucky, because the process of replacing the insert in this case is very simple.

You can install glass in the door as follows:

  • Remove old glass.

Important! If the old glass tab is broken, after removing it, you need to carefully sweep all the fragments from the floor so as not to step on them while working.

  • Take all the necessary measurements and purchase a new decorative or regular insert from the store.
  • If it is decorative, inserting it is quite simple. To do this, you need to insert it where the old glass stood and secure the glazing beads.
  • If the insert is ordinary, you first need to cover it with a special self-adhesive film. Next, you need to insert this glass in the same way as decorative glass.

Important! Before gluing the film, you need to familiarize yourself with two rules:

  • Before proceeding to gluing it, the surface of the glass needs to be moistened with a little soapy water.
  • During gluing, the film must be carefully smoothed and get rid of air bubbles - a spatula will do this job perfectly.

Non-standard option

Unfortunately, not all doors have this simple design, as described above. There are also models where glazing beads are simply not used. In this case, you will have to disassemble the door completely, into separate parts. This technology Replacing glass in an interior door with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Examine the ends of the door leaf for the presence of screws and confirmations.
  2. Remove the door itself and place it on the floor.
  3. Get rid of plugs and fasteners.
  4. Remove the long side of the door, and then remove the glass insert itself.
  5. Install new glass and assemble everything as it was, observing the reverse order of the algorithm.

Important! Any decor that was on the old glass insert can be glued to the new one using liquid nails.

The glass in the interior door broke? This does not mean that your interior glass doors cannot be restored. It is quite possible to replace the glass yourself, and the door will be as good as new. It all depends on how brave a person you are to take on such a job. Working with glass requires certain skills. Safety precautions must be followed. The ability to replace glass at home depends on what kind of glass was originally installed. Important aspects are: the method of fixing the glass and the type of door. Let's figure out what can be done in each specific case.

The procedure for replacing rectangular glass is not complicated. The main thing is to do everything methodically and according to the instructions.

  • Splinters can be dangerous. Carefully remove the fragments from the door and collect them from the floor. To remove the fragments from the door, slightly loosen the glazing beads (see below for information on how to remove the glazing beads). Observe safety precautions: wear work gloves. Reminder: Before throwing away broken glass, measure its thickness.
  • Remove the door from its hinges and place it on a flat, horizontal surface. If possible, do the work in the workshop rather than in the living room.
  • If the glass was secured with glazing beads, carefully unscrew the screws that hold them in place. If the screws are decorative, you should save them. Check regular screws for rust and replace any that are unusable. Most often, glazing beads are secured with nails. Then you will need pliers and a chisel. Use a chisel to pry up the glazing bead and gradually loosen it. In this case, the head of the nail becomes accessible for gripping with pliers. Thus, remove all the nails and remove the glazing beads.
  • It is advisable to save the decorative glazing beads to secure the new glass. Beads on interior doors are rarely subject to rotting, as happens on window glass. Problems that may occur: scratched or broken glazing beads. Usually scratches can be painted over with varnish. It is also possible to glue broken glazing beads, and paint the gluing areas with varnish or cover them with a wax pencil in color.
  • Remove old caulk (or sealant) using a chisel, knife or awl.
  • Measure the height and width of the glass opening. Make sure the glass is strictly rectangular shape, measuring the height and width in different places opening. If the error is small, it can be neglected by specifying a shorter length and width when ordering. Insufficient tightness is compensated by silicone and glazing beads. Large errors (more than 5 mm) will require ordering trapezoidal glass. The results and speed of subsequent work depend on the accuracy of your measurements. Therefore, treat this procedure scrupulously.
  • For glass that has been inserted into a groove. Add to the height the depth of the cells in which the glass stood at the top and bottom. And add the depth of the cells on the left and right to the width. It is important that the glass size is 1-2 mm smaller than required, this will make insertion into the grooves easier. It’s worse if you specify a size larger than necessary: ​​the glass will have to be cut.
  • Order glass from a special workshop. You may want to replace broken glass with frosted glass, a print, a mirror, or a stained glass window. Look at photos of interior doors with glass in various variations before making a choice. When choosing, consider which room the door is in: glass with film must be inserted into the nursery.
  • It happens that there is a forgotten piece of glass in the garage that is almost the right size. You need to reduce it a little. When cutting glass, be sure to wear safety glasses: even small fragments can seriously damage your eyes. When finished working with glass, clean thoroughly. After cutting the glass, file the edge.
  • Attach glazing beads to one side of the door. Insert glass. If there are grooves, it is advisable to apply silicone to them in advance for stability and tightness. Secure the glass with glazing beads on the other side.

It is advisable to paint new glazing beads the same color as the door. Use stains or special varnish.

Replacing glass with larger opening

Let's assume that after the glass shards are removed, you want to make a door upgrade: change the shape or size of the doorway. It is quite possible to replace the glass in an interior door with an enlarged opening with your own hands.

  • Remove the door from its hinges and position it horizontally. Remove the glazing beads and glass (if the glass was not broken). The glazing beads, alas, are not useful, so you don’t have to be careful when dismantling them. It is advisable not to damage the door leaf, especially in the place that you do not plan to cut.
  • Draw the future opening on the door. In this case, adhere to the rule: the remaining part of the door should not be less than 15 cm on the sides and top, and not less than 40 cm at the bottom.
  • They begin to cut the opening from the corners using a drill. The pressure should not be too strong.
  • After making holes in the corners, cut out the remaining parts of the opening with a jigsaw.
  • Close the opening in a hollow door (or a door with a filler) with end inserts. You can use timber or pieces from the cut out part of the door as inserts.
  • Measure the height and width of the opening to order glass. You also measure the thickness of the door to order glazing beads. The width of the bead is calculated as follows. Subtract the glass thickness from the door thickness and divide by two.
  • Order glass or cut it out required size yourself (see instructions above).
  • Install glazing beads on one side of the door.
  • Install the glass in the opening.
  • Cover the glass with glazing beads on the other side.
  • Paint the glazing beads (or the entire door) with a special varnish or stain.

Collapsible door

This option is available for self-replacement, unless, of course, the door design is too complicated. The glass replacement process is not complicated. It is difficult to disassemble and reassemble such a door. But if you still decide, proceed as follows.

  • Unscrew all the screws.
  • Carefully disassemble the structure. If there are a lot of parts, draw an assembly diagram. You can also place the parts in a certain order to avoid confusion during assembly.
  • You measure, order and insert new glass (or glasses).
  • Reassemble the structure.

Sometimes the design of a door can be quite puzzling. It is advisable to set the difficulty before you begin the disassembly process. Because you risk doing more harm than good. It is better to order professionals to insert glass into the interior door. The price of the issue will be less than if specialists fix your unqualified repairs.

Sliding interior door

To replace glass or mirror in sliding door You will also need to disassemble the entire door. And again, if you are not completely confident in your abilities, entrust the process to professional sliding door assemblers. If you want to carry out the entire replacement process yourself, be sure to do it with a partner.

  1. First, remove the door from the profile grooves.
  2. The glass or mirror in a sliding door is protected with a special film. This makes it easier to remove, since the fragments do not fall apart. Carefully measure the broken glass and order a replacement (be sure to indicate the presence of a protective film in your order). In addition to glass, you may need to order a silicone seal for insertion if the old one fails.
  3. When putting the seal on the glass, remember the rule: it should be 5mm shorter than the width of the mirror. To do this, take measurements in advance and cut the desired length.
  4. If glass is installed between other types of filler (chipboard or MDF), connect these types to each other horizontal surface.
  5. The horizontal profile must be hammered onto the assembled filling using a mallet. Proceed with caution! It is not uncommon for glass to break during this process.

Installation of the vertical profile and rollers is carried out according to standard scheme sliding door assemblies.

What you can't do on your own

Types of glass that are difficult or impossible to install at home: triplex, glass with photo printing, some types of stained glass. Of course, a lot depends on the size of the glass and the complexity of its installation. But the main reason is not even the fastening, but the cost of these types of glass. An unskilled approach to installation can result in broken glass and financial costs.

Another option that is difficult to do at home. The glass is fixed in the door using hidden wedges, which are inserted into a special groove. This is the so-called hidden glass fixation. It is better to entrust the process of removing wedges to specialists.

You cannot replace the glass in a radius door, whether it is corrugated or intricately shaped, on your own. Such a replacement will have to be ordered from specialists. Moreover, the work is not done at home. Sometimes only the manufacturer can install glass in an interior door.

When glass breaks in an interior door, this does not mean that it cannot be repaired with my own hands. Working with glass is very dangerous, so if you decide to replace it yourself, you must be extremely careful.

  • Glass replacement: classic rectangle
  • Replacement of glass with enlargement of the doorway
  • Replacing broken glass in a collapsible interior door
  • What you can’t do yourself when replacing broken glass

Glass replacement: classic rectangle

Replacing broken rectangular glass is not at all difficult; the main thing is to clearly and methodically follow the following instructions:

  • Carefully remove the fragments from the opening and collect them from the floor. For convenience, you can loosen a little fastening called spatula. The work requires compliance with personal safety precautions, so you must first put on gloves;

Attention! Before throwing the removed glass into the trash, you need to measure its thickness.

Replacement of glass with enlargement of the doorway

Let's assume that you decide to slightly change the shape of the opening and improve the appearance. It’s easy to do a door upgrade yourself:

  • The process of removing the door and removing the fragments is similar to the previous option. You will no longer need the glazing beads, so it is not necessary to be careful when dismantling them. The main thing is not to damage the canvas;
  • on the door leaf itself, draw with a pencil the future shape of the glass insert;

Important! It is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules and requirements for the door leaf: on the sides the leaf must be no less than 15 cm, and at the bottom no less than 40 cm.

Replacing broken glass in a collapsible interior door

The replacement process is simple, but more labor-intensive and is only available in cases where the design is not too complex. The difficulty is that it will be quite difficult to first disassemble the structure, and then put it back together correctly.

If you have the desire and you absolutely want to replace the broken glass with your own hands, follow the instructions:

  • unscrew all bolts and screws on the door;
  • begin to carefully disassemble the structure;

Important! Since there are a lot of parts in this type, in order not to get confused during assembly, it is advisable to number all the elements. This will make it easier to assemble it later.

  • measure all the necessary fabrics correctly;
  • order new ones;
  • install and assemble the structure.

Advice! Some models of collapsible doors are equipped with a very complex design, so before you start disassembling, carefully evaluate your capabilities.

What you can’t do yourself when replacing broken glass

This section must be studied carefully, since there are moments in the replacement process that cannot be done with your own hands.

For example, it is impossible to replace broken glass on your own if it is with photo printing, stained glass or triplex. It’s not even a matter of the complexity of the fastening or the size, it’s just that it is very fragile and expensive; if you make a mistake or it bursts, this can lead to big expenses for you.

Another nuance is fastening using special hidden wedges inserted into the groove, referred to as hidden fixation. It is better not to start removing hidden wedges yourself. Let an experienced master do this.

Replacing glass in an interior door is not considered a particularly difficult task, but it must be done accurately and carefully. The fragile insert requires skills in handling the material and the appropriate tools, so it is better to order cutting from specialists. Trading construction organizations They provide such services directly when purchasing glass decor.

Glass inserts are most often changed for the following reasons:

  1. Broken glass must be removed, even if it did not fall out. A sudden movement when closing the door will result in possible personal injury.
  2. Aging of decorative inserts affects their appearance and also often leads to replacement.
  3. Installing glass doors in your living room is an easy way to freshen up your interior. The repair option only includes replacing the glass in the panel or changing the size of the frame.
  4. The glass insert may be accidentally stained or scratched. You can replace the glass if it's easier than cleaning it up.

Preliminary stage

To repair a damaged door with a glass panel, you need to carry out preparatory work. Before installing a new insert:

  • remove protruding fragments from the frame (most often they are easy to remove with a little effort);
  • remove the fabric from the loops and lay it on a flat surface;
  • inspect the door and try to determine how the insert is installed;
  • If the glass is not broken, then dismantle it.

In old apartments, glass was inserted into the door frame using putty. To repair interior doors and replace broken glass, you need to use a knife or screwdriver to pry off the bead holding the insert. After this, pull out the nails with pliers, remove the glass part and clean the opening from any remaining paint and putty.

To work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. glass cutter;
  2. hammer;
  3. small nails;
  4. silicone sealant.

Often the glazing beads also need to be replaced. You can buy them at a hardware store, in the lumber department.


Door glazing is done using different types material:

  • transparent - often complemented by pasting with decorative films with patterns imitating stained glass;
  • matte - rarely requires additional finishing;
  • with a pattern, corrugated and stained glass are decorative species glass, it is better to entrust cutting them to specialists;
  • tinted or mirrored.

Selection of material

Frosted or corrugated glass is used where a view of the room from the outside is undesirable: in the bathroom, bathroom, bedroom. These types of material have a greater thickness than transparent window glass: it reaches 4-6 mm. Home handyman will not always be able to cope with cutting on his own. Therefore, after dismantling the old glass, it is recommended to take the dimensions of the opening for insertion and order a replacement from the workshop of a construction company.

For the living room, decorative glass for doors is often selected: with an engraved pattern made using complex technology and surface treatment with a sandblasting unit, stained glass, consisting of colored pieces connected together. If desired, you can use both corrugated and frosted glass, if the interior design is not particularly luxurious or is made in a minimalist style.

Both transparent and any other can be installed in the kitchen. Budget option- simple window glass covered with film, or decorative curtains on a glazed structure.

Options for replacement

If it is not possible to quickly insert decorative glass into doors instead of broken glass, there is an option to replace it with other materials. For temporary insertion you can use:

  1. plywood or fiberboard covered with a film that matches the veneered surface of the canvas;
  2. plexiglass (monolithic polycarbonate);
  3. window glass covered with stained glass film.

These materials are not the best decor for a door, so in the future you will have to make repairs again and insert new glass into the opening.

How to replace glass in an interior door

In economy class doors, the insert is removed and installed from above, through a special groove. The seal is silicone sealant: do not forget to thoroughly clean the frame from any remaining residue. Before replacing a glass part, you need to find out its dimensions.

The glass in inexpensive models has a rectangular shape, so it is enough to determine the dimensions of the opening for the glass in width and length. When taking measurements, it is important not to forget about the allowances that are needed to secure the insert in the grooves. Measuring the allowance is simple: slide the ruler into the groove. Add the resulting value to the length and width of the opening.

It is advisable to cut the glass as precisely as possible so that it fits easily into the mounting gaps. Before installing glass in the interior door, fill the grooves with sealant.

Doors more complex design To replace the glass you will have to disassemble it. To do this, you need to find bolts on the sides, closed with special decorative plugs. By unscrewing the bolts, you can remove part of the blade and remove the insert. Take measurements taking into account allowances.

When inserting glass into a kitchen door with a panel, the master must find the dowels in the top and lower parts canvases. They need to be removed and 1 side of the frame removed. Pull the glass panel out of the groove, take measurements and cut out a replacement part. Assemble the structure in reverse order. Place the dowels on glue.

How to insert rectangular glass

Rectangular inserts can also be found in interior or kitchen doors old apartments, and in expensive products in new buildings. Inserting glass into an old-style door is easy:

  • after dismantling the bead and cleaning the recesses, measure the opening taking into account the groove;
  • cut a rectangle to size and insert it into the opening, applying a little sealant there;
  • install the glazing bead in place and secure with nails.

Inexpensive plastic, laminated and veneered products come with inserts on fastenings with glazing beads. In such a case, repairs are carried out as indicated for old-style doors, removing the strips around the perimeter of the opening on only one side of the door. It is advisable to save the nails that secure the glazing bead and use them when installing the planks in place. To prevent rattling of the newly inserted glass, before the procedure, silicone sealant should be applied to the recess between the blade and the slats.

Options for doors with complex designs sometimes include permanent fastenings: a groove with hidden wedges. Such a product will have to be taken to a workshop for a proprietary replacement: it is impossible to do this with your own hands. According to user reviews, repairing a complex structure with hidden fixation is more expensive than purchasing another door, so it makes sense to find out the details from a sales consultant in advance.

Installing custom forms yourself

Manufacturers produce unusual door models with glass of complex shapes. They are beautiful, but repairing them will not be possible without the help of a specialist. When replacing glass in an interior door with your own hands, you need to start by inspecting the fastening of the insert: if it is too complicated, then you should immediately call a specialist to your home. But if there are removable elements, as a rule, you can replace the insert yourself:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on a piece of cardboard. Its size should be sufficient to completely close the opening.
  2. Outline the outline of the opening as accurately as possible, do not forget to take into account allowances for installation.
  3. The template must be cut out and fitted into the opening. It must fit exactly to the size of the frame.
  4. A template for glass of complex shapes must be taken to a cutting workshop.
  5. All that remains is to insert the finished parts into the grooves coated with sealant and secure with decorative overlays.

In sliding structures

A sliding door can consist of a large glass panel and a thin frame around the perimeter or look like a swing door: with inserts in wood or plastic panel. In any case, the canvas must be removed from the awnings and laid on the floor. To remove a heavy object from the profile grooves, you will need an assistant to slide the sashes.

If the door consists of a frame and glass, you will need to disassemble it completely. You can find bolts on the edge of the framing structure and remove them. The edge of the glass is protected by a silicone seal, which must be removed and stored if it is not damaged. If the integrity of the material is compromised, it must be ordered together with glass door.

Take measurements along the length and width of the canvas. It does not shatter into fragments, but only becomes covered with cracks, so the task is easy to cope with. When ordering glass from a workshop, you must specify that the required material is protective film(or triplex, as for car windows). After receiving the ordered product, all that remains is to insert it into the frame, first putting the seal on the edges. When installing, cut the silicone tape so that it is 5 mm smaller than the glass on each side.

When installing a glass element between MDF panels the canvas is collected on a horizontal surface. To install glass, overlays that are attached to nails are most often used. When installing the insert and driving small fasteners into wooden door you need to act carefully so as not to break the glass: one wrong move will lead to repeated repairs. Raise the assembled canvas and install it in the profile runners for the sliding door.