On cucumbers, the leaves wither at the bottom and dry out. What to do if the edges of cucumber leaves dry out? Cucumbers love warmth

    If the cucumber leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, then you need to turn the leaf over and see if it is an aphid. Aphids feed on plant sap, which is why cucumber leaves turn yellow and dry. noticed aphids on cucumbers - take immediate action, as aphids attack quickly enough healthy bushes cucumbers, moving to new and fresh leaves. Can be used to fight it soap solution, with which to spray the affected plants. Can also be used chemicals protection, such as Iskra, Agravertin, Fitoverm and other preparations against aphids.

    It is possible that the leaves turn yellow and dry out due to damage false powdery mildew (peronosporosis). This is a fungal disease. In order not to lose the harvest, you need to take measures, for example, use drugs to combat this disease. For example, the practically safe drug Fitosporin, which not only fights fungal diseases, but is also a plant food. I use Fitosporin myself, and you can ask about other drugs in specialized stores.

    The leaves dry out (at first wither) from lack of moisture in the heat. Usually the lower leaves are affected first.

    In autumn (or already in August) the leaves dry out when they are affected by diseases due to the fact that temperature regime becomes unfavorable - low temperatures.

    Insect pests may also appear on the leaves. Most effective way- spraying with insecticides, one of the safest is fitoverm.

    Cucumbers also have fungal diseases:

    Powdery mildew - treatment - Topaz and colloidal sulfur.

    Downy mildew, it must be treated with oxychome 0.4%, amistar, fast.

    If the leaves and tops of the cucumber begin to dry, then a mite pest has most likely appeared. I got my recipe from my grandmother. For prevention and treatment, she always used an infusion of onion peels. Cucumbers bore fruit in abundance until late autumn. I do this: I stuff 3 liter jar Pour 1/2 of the onion peel with water and leave for three days. I add 50 grams of onion infusion to ten liters of water and water the cucumbers from a watering can or you can spray them. The result will not keep you waiting long. I also spray indoor plants.

    The main reasons why cucumber leaves may dry out in the garden:

    • insufficient watering;
    • various plant diseases (one of the most common is downy mildew);

    Inspect the dried leaves and try to visually determine the cause. Try increasing watering and see the results.

    Drying and wilting of leaves at the peak of the summer season occurs in many garden crops and the reason is most often always a banal lack of moisture. Cucumber is not only a heat-loving vegetable, cucumber requires abundant watering. It seems that we are watering in sufficient quantities, because we water the cucumbers every day, but here there is one snag. Lack of water forces the plant to form a root system at the very surface of the earth, but sometimes we loosen the soil and this is where we damage the root system, which is why little water flows through the roots and the cucumber begins to dry out. It is correct to water not a little every day, but 3 times a week, but abundantly. The most optimal thing is to water the plants one at a time: today we water the beds with cucumbers, tomorrow we water the beds with tomatoes, then it’s the turn of other crops. And then there is less work and watering is done correctly.

    My cucumber leaves also began to dry out when on very hot and dry days I watered them less than once a day. Then the watering became more frequent, and the cucumbers quickly recovered. So, if cucumber leaves dry out, this does not always mean that there are pests. Perhaps you just need to water more frequently. Plus, cucumbers love water!

    There are many reasons for this. Here are just two of them:

    Dry leaves are caused by the fungus Pythium, which affects the entire plant - it begins to wilt. You need to look for root rot. This disease is made worse by draining the soil, so make sure organic compost is added to the soil before planting to improve drainage.

    There is a fungal disease that is caused by the fungus Vertfcillium. Symptoms include leaf wilting and brown stems and roots. Eventually, this disease can cause the entire plant to weaken and die. This problem often occurs in soil where tomatoes, potatoes, and other members of the nightshade family have been planted.

    The lowest leaves turn yellow and dry, and this is natural, but if the upper leaves on the cucumbers also begin to dry, then it is either powdery mildew (this disease occurs due to sudden temperature changes or when you water the cucumbers cold water from the tap).

    Water the cucumbers with water that you collected in the morning or at lunchtime. If you water abundantly even every other day, the leaves will stop drying.

    To combat powdery mildew, you need to spray the plant with a special anti-disease drug.

    The most common cause of drying cucumber leaves is insufficient watering. Cucumbers love water very much, so on hot days they need to be watered daily, but in no case, not at midday.

    Watering is carried out in the late evening or early morning.

    Fungal diseases are possible, against which the drug Fitosporin is good.

    Perhaps an aphid has appeared, it can be seen on back side cucumber leaves. Fitoferm helps a lot in pest control.

    In general, there are 2 options:

    Option 1 - not enough moisture

    Option 2 - any plant diseases

    Most often there is one reason to blame. I advise you to water the cucumbers 2 times a day (morning and evening), but in moderation. It should help if the problem is watering.

What to do if the leaves on the cucumbers begin to turn yellow and dry out

Natural causes

Sooner or later, cucumber leaves turn yellow for natural reasons; it is impossible to influence them. In some situations, you can prevent and prolong the life of cucumber vines.

  1. The lower leaves turn yellow and wither during the growth and development of cucumbers. This is a natural phenomenon. The lower leaves take a lot for themselves nutrients. But as the shoots grow, they no longer have enough food. Due to its deficiency, they turn yellow and gradually die off. To facilitate plant growth, the leaves closest to the ground are removed when there are at least 6-7 leaves on the vine. Next, every 10-14 days the lower leaves are torn off. But, if the growth of the crop slows down and new leaves do not develop, then there is no need to tear off the lower ones. The basic rule is this: if 2-3 leaves have grown, then the lower ones are removed; if not, then they should not be torn off. The cucumber must have enough green mass for photosynthesis and growth. This is especially important in a greenhouse.
  2. Prolonged cold and rainy weather . The lashes acquire a uniform yellow-green tint. This is most often observed in open ground cucumbers. If the cold weather drags on (below 17°C for more than 7-10 days), then the cucumber leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off. The only thing that can be done in this case is to install a temporary greenhouse and feed the cucumbers. This practically never happens in a greenhouse. When fed, they recover and continue the growing season.
  3. The vines complete the growing season. The lower leaves around the edges begin to dry out, and the leaf blade itself becomes yellow. The process begins with the lower leaves, but gradually covers all shoots. As soon as the first signs of wilting appear and the yield has decreased, fertilize with organic matter or, at worst, add a double dose of nitrogen and calimag. Then you can extend the growing season and get a second wave of greens harvest. If urgent measures are not taken, the process will become irreversible and no feeding will help - the plants will dry out.

The last two reasons are quite difficult to influence. The main thing here is not to waste time.

Improper care of cucumbers

Ranks first among all problems. The crop is very demanding on agricultural technology, and even minor deviations can lead to problems.

Improper watering

The problem occurs with both insufficient and excessive watering, as well as watering with cold water.

  1. In case of lack of moisture Yellowing begins on the lower leaves and quickly spreads throughout the plant. Cucumber leaves acquire yellow tint. As moisture deficiency increases, they turn yellowish-green, then greenish-yellow, yellow, and eventually dry out. Already at the first signs of lack of moisture, the leaves droop and lose turgor, becoming soft and rag-like to the touch. To correct the situation, water the cucumbers immediately. In case of severe wilting, watering is carried out in 2-3 doses.

  2. Excess moisture manifests itself in the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves, which are barely noticeable at first, but then acquire a bright yellow color and gradually merge. Excessive watering, especially in a greenhouse, is almost always accompanied by the appearance of diseases, most often various rots. If greenhouse cucumbers become waterlogged, watering is stopped for 2-5 days (depending on the weather), and the greenhouse is thoroughly ventilated. IN open ground cucumbers are much less likely to suffer from waterlogging, since under natural conditions most of the moisture evaporates. But during daily heavy rains, a film tunnel is made in the cucumber bed, leaving it open at the ends. Watering is stopped.

  3. Watering with cold water causes difficulty in absorbing moisture from the soil and can lead to the death of sucking roots. In gardening communities, water is usually taken from a well at a depth of several meters. Ground water very cold and unsuitable for watering. Before watering, it should sit and warm up for several hours. When watering with cold water, it is not consumed by the plant, the cucumbers lack moisture, and the cucumber leaves turn yellow. Of course, this is a temporary phenomenon, but such watering retards the development of cucumbers and leads to the fall of the ovaries and greens. Cold water cools the soil, which is extremely undesirable for cucumbers.

The optimal watering regime for the crop is once every 2-3 days, and daily in hot weather. The water consumption rate is 10 l/m2. In cloudy and cold weather, watering is carried out once every 3-4 days.

Lack of batteries

Cucumbers are consumed extremely. Their deficiency immediately affects the condition of cucumber leaves.

  1. Lack of nitrogen. Young leaves are small, light green with a yellowish tint, the rest become light green with a yellowish tint, the tips turn yellow. With a lack of nitrogen, the lower end of the green plant (where the flower was) narrows and bends like a beak. The opposite end thickens. Cucumbers can be fed with any nitrogen fertilizer, manure (1 liter of manure infusion per bucket of water) or herbal infusion (1 liter/5 liters of water). For hybrids, the fertilizer consumption rate is doubled.

  2. If the cucumber leaves not only turn yellow, but begin to curl down and dry out, this is an acute nitrogen deficiency in the soil. This phenomenon occurs especially often on poor soils. At the same time, the green plants turn yellow and fall off. To correct the situation, fertilize with nitrogen mineral fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate). After 5-8 days, fertilizing is repeated. The first feeding is done on the leaves (foliar), the second time the cucumbers are watered at the root. In case of acute nitrogen deficiency, feeding with organic matter is not recommended, since it enriches the soil, while mineral fertilizers contain elements that are already suitable for plant nutrition and are absorbed very quickly. After eliminating the sharp shortage of nitrogen, they switch to the usual regime of fertilizing with organic matter.
  3. Potassium deficiency. A brown border appears along the edge of the leaf, and green leaves become pear-shaped. Feeding with potassium sulfate or ash. Cucumbers are potassium lovers and tolerate a lot of this element, so the norms for potassium fertilizing of the crop are high: 3 tbsp. spoons of potassium fertilizer per 10 liters of water. Take 1-1.5 cups of ash per 10 liters. The drug Kalimag is very effective, which also contains magnesium, which is also often lacking in cucumbers.

  4. Magnesium deficiency. The leaf acquires a marble color: the veins remain green, and between them the leaf blade turns yellow, but the leaves themselves do not droop, curl or dry out. It is necessary to carry out foliar feeding Pour Kalimag (10-15 g/bucket of water) or dolomite flour (1 glass/bucket) under the root.

Insufficient lighting

It is mainly seedlings grown at home that suffer from lack of light. Cucumbers tolerate shading well, but apartments are too dark for them, and if there is no sun on the windowsill for at least 3-4 hours a day, cucumbers turn yellow. With strong shading, seedlings begin to turn yellow already at the cotyledon leaf stage. The leaves become uniform yellow, and if the room is also dry, then their ends dry out and curl a little. The plant itself does not die, but its growth slows down or stops completely.

Seedlings should be grown in good light.

If there is insufficient lighting, seedlings are illuminated for 2-4 hours a day if they grow in a north-east or north-west window. If the window sill is poorly lit (north window) or in prolonged cloudy weather when growing seedlings on any windowsill, they are illuminated for 5-8 hours.

In greenhouse conditions, dense plantings suffer from lack of light. The lower cucumber leaves, to which practically no light reaches, turn yellow and fall off. Along with yellowing of leaves, diseases develop in such thickets. Usually, not one, but several diseases appear.

For the normal development of cucumbers, they are thinned out, excess vines are removed, and the lower, diseased and dried leaves are cut off. Properly formed cucumbers in a greenhouse not only do not experience a lack of light, but also need shading.

In open ground, cucumbers do not suffer from lack of light. On the contrary, it is recommended to shade them or even grow them under trees.

Cucumbers loosened

The plants initially look healthy, but the next day the leaves begin to turn yellow. If the roots are not severely damaged, then only the lower leaves turn yellow, but if the damage is significant, then the leaf blades dry out and the crop dies.

If the cucumber leaves have just turned yellow, then water the cucumbers with Kornevin (5 g of the drug per 5 liters of water) as soon as the first signs of yellowing appear and 2 days after the first watering. If the damage is severe, cucumbers cannot be saved.

When growing cucumbers, they are not loosened because their roots are very delicate. At the slightest damage, they die and the plants then take a long time to grow new roots.

If the soil is too dense, then mulch it. As a last resort, the ground is pierced with a pitchfork at a distance of 20-30 cm from the plants. But loosening cucumbers, even superficially, is not recommended.

Growing cucumbers through seedlings

Cucumber seedlings are grown only in peat pots. Under no circumstances should you dive it. Plants are planted in the ground along with the container in which it grows.

If the roots are still damaged, the cucumber leaves turn yellow, but do not curl. Yellowing spreads evenly throughout the entire leaf blade. Plants are watered with a solution of Kornevin or Heteroauxin.

Yellowing of cucumbers caused by pests and diseases

Any always affects the condition of the plants. Most often, the first signs appear on the leaves, and then damage appears on the greens and vines.

  1. Downy mildew. Yellow oily spots appear on the leaves on the upper side, which then merge. A white-purple coating of mycelium appears on the underside. The spots begin to dry, the leaf blade turns brown, gradually dries out and begins to crumble. At the first signs of disease, cucumbers are treated with Abiga Peak, Previkur, Consento, or the biological product Trichodermin. The treatment is carried out at least 2 times, changing the drug, otherwise the pathogen will become accustomed to active substance. Greenhouse cucumbers are especially affected by powdery mildew.

  2. Angular spot (bacteriosis). Yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaves, and droplets of cloudy pink liquid appear on the underside. Gradually, the stains dry out, crack and fall out, leaving behind holes. The leaf dries up. Then the disease spreads to greens. At the first signs of disease, cucumbers are treated with copper preparations: HOM, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture.

  3. Anthracnose. Primarily appears on the leaves. Vague yellow spots form on them, then merge. The leaf blade looks burnt. The edges of the leaves curl slightly upward and crumble. To prevent the development of the disease, treatment is carried out with Alirin B, Fitosporin or copper-containing preparations.

  4. Cucumber mosaic virus. Pale yellow spots or streaks appear on the leaves. Gradually the veins become yellowish. The leaves become corrugated and gradually die off. The disease spreads quickly and can spread to other cultivated plants. Treatment with Farmayod. As the disease progresses, the cucumbers are removed.

  5. Spider mite damage to cucumbers. The pest causes significant damage to cucumbers. Lives and feeds only on the underside of leaves. It pierces the skin and feeds on plant sap. Light spots appear on the leaves, which then become discolored. There are gradually more and more such points. If the damage is severe, the leaf turns yellow-brown, dries out and falls off. Initially, mites infect the lower leaves, and as they dry out, they move up the vines. A characteristic feature The damage caused by the pest is the web with which it entangles the plant. In case of minor damage, treat with biological preparations Bitoxibacillin, Akarin, Fitoverm. In case of severe damage, spray with Apollo and Sunmite acaricides. All treatments are carried out only on the underside of the leaves.

  6. Melon aphid attack. The pest feeds on any parts of the plant, but gives preference to leaves. Aphids curl cucumber leaves. They turn yellow, wrinkle and dry out. If you unfold the leaf, you can see a colony of insects in it. Damaged lashes dry out and die, the plant begins to shed its ovaries. When in large numbers, aphids can destroy borage. For

Cucumbers are a very difficult crop to grow. Ability to receive good harvest cucumbers are expensive, this requires high level professionalism and practical experience. Particularly a lot of effort needs to be spent on proper preparation and growing seedlings, as well as for the prevention and treatment of diseases of this vegetable. What to do if the edges of cucumber leaves dry out?

Finding out the reason

Cucumber is a rather whimsical plant and very capricious. It requires careful care and compliance with the watering and feeding regime. Growing seedlings is not an easy task and requires certain skills. The slightest deviations from the regime immediately affect the appearance of the seedlings, the leaves wither and dry out. The most common illnesses:

  • yellowing of leaves;
  • the edges of the leaves dry out;
  • yellowing of seedlings in a greenhouse.

Such diseases can be caused by several reasons, which are recommended to be known in advance. First of all, external factors are important:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • lighting.

Yellowing and wilting can also be caused by harmful insects that feed on plant juices and the root system. External factors have a significant impact on the development of any plant. To garden culture If it hasn't dried out, it needs to be watered, that's understandable. But when there is too much moisture in the soil, it also has a detrimental effect on the root system, and it begins to rot. If measures are not taken, the plant dies.

It should also be remembered that cucumber leaves are afraid of straight sun rays. Ultraviolet rays can cause foliage burns. Bad seeds can be a fatal cause of yellowing leaves. When this happens, nothing can be done; the crop is doomed to destruction.

First of all, you should pay attention to watering; very often it is unregulated watering that causes yellowing of the leaves. It may be necessary to apply more fertilizers, but this is a double-edged sword, since you can overdo it with them, and then the result will be sharply negative. Important fertilizers for young shoots are nitrogen and manganese.

It is quite possible that the seedlings do not have enough space, so it is recommended to transplant some of the seedlings into a separate container. Not all plants like to be replanted, especially cucumbers, so it is better to do this in advance, then there is a chance that the young shoots will not die. It is important to pay attention to where young plants grow. If there are cold drafts, then these are not the most best conditions. As already said: cucumbers are tender heat-loving plants and the cold “breeze” is an undesirable factor for them.

Diseases and pests

Spider mites are a formidable enemy of vegetables in the garden. It occurs quite often, so you need to know how to deal with it. The simplest and effective means Soap solution is used to combat this pest. The plant is not afraid of this mixture, but for insects it is fatal. Also, a similar composition is suitable for combating aphids. “Iskra” and “Fitoverm” are also used. Another serious attack is the leaf roller; it can only be eliminated with the help of fungicides.

The plant is often exposed to various fungal diseases; the most dangerous enemies are:

  • sprout fly;
  • white-winged greenhouse aphid;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fusarium;
  • brown rot;
  • melon aphid;
  • spider mite

The last two pests “love” cucumber seedlings the most. Seedlings are also susceptible to infection by a fungus - powdery mildew. It looks as if the leaves were sprinkled with flour, while the leaves turn yellow and curl into tubes. Root rot is also a formidable opponent. Most often occurs in swampy or waterlogged areas. Powdery mildew reveals itself as light spots on the leaves, they grow steadily and “eat up” the entire leaf, it dries and turns yellow. The following chemicals are suitable for prevention against powdery mildew:

  • "Topsin";
  • "Balleton";
  • "Kratan."

You should carefully monitor the dosage; for young plants, too high a concentration can be destructive. Powdery mildew is a disease that is provoked by a fungus; the chemical “Fitostorin” is effective against it. In Russia, cucumbers most often suffer from peronosporosis. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to choose varieties that can effectively resist this scourge.

Fusarium wilt is a pathology that occurs in a greenhouse and is extremely dangerous. The fungus passes through the capillaries and “clogs” all the ducts. Inevitably, seedlings and plants die. You can fight Fusarium wilt only if you change the soil to 100%. If blossom end rot appears, you should think about proper watering. The best option- water the seedlings twice a day in the morning and in the evening. It is recommended to pre-settle the water.

A pest such as the greenhouse whitefly is very afraid of the “Confidor” composition, and the “Strela” product is effective in the fight against the germ fly. If root rot occurs, you should check the soil and drainage, it is possible that it may become waterlogged and rot. root system.

Improper care

There are soils that are too acidic, in which case the topic of reducing acidity is relevant, since the ideal soil is neutral. Sometimes slaked lime comes in handy. It is a natural product and has a universal effect. Heavy chemicals are often harmful to both plants and humans. An important reason for dry seedling edges is an imbalance of microelements in the soil. Cucumbers primarily require the following microelements:

  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • sulfur;
  • nitrogen.

If there is a shortage of any of these elements, then the plant begins to wither and wither. Everything is good in moderation, and if these beneficial components are present in excess, then this will also have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the plants, pigment spots appear, and the root system may be damaged. Equally harmful to seedlings overwatering, and presence too large quantity moisture in the soil.

If the edges of young shoots have noticeably turned yellow, then it is possible that the pots of seedlings have been standing in sunlight for too short a time. When the cassette containers are small, this can also have a detrimental effect on the development of seedlings. Negatively affects low temperature, while the most acceptable temperature is just above twenty degrees Celsius. If the temperature is below +18 degrees, the metabolism of nutrients may be disrupted. If the seedlings are not planted in the ground in time, they will become overgrown, which is also not good news. This factor will certainly negatively affect the quality of the crop.

Watering seedlings with too cold water can provoke various diseases, in which the leaves soften and a yellow coating forms on them. When growing cucumber seedlings, it is very important to monitor the temperature; it should not fall below 25 degrees. In cloudy times, seedlings require additional lighting with lamps. If the plant outgrows, it must be replanted urgently, otherwise it will die. It is also important to plant plants on time; overgrown plants will not take root well in the soil when the weather is favorable.

If the summer is not successful, the weather is damp and cold, then this is bad news for cucumbers. The appearance of defective ovaries and their rotting is possible. In this case, preventive spraying should be done with one percent Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride. There is also a risk of overloading the ovaries, which also affects full development.

Eliminating the consequences

To get high yield cucumbers, followed with special attention treat the soil. Cucumbers have extreme sensitivity to the quality of the soil, as well as the high concentration of fertilizers in it. When plant growth just begins, nitrogen compounds should be added in large quantities, they will provide good flowering. Fertilizing with urea is also required; it is diluted in a concentration of 10 grams per bucket of water (that is, one teaspoon per ten liters).

By the color of the leaves it is easy to determine whether there is enough nitrogen in the soil; the leaves become lighter and growth slows down.

Another important element is potassium. Its lack also leads to a slowdown in growth, while the fruits themselves dry out and have a narrowed appearance at the edges, resembling the shape of a pear. In this case, the edges of the leaves are surrounded by a lightened border, and they often also wilt. It is very easy to determine from the leaves how good the soil is for these plants. The middle of the sheet begins to swell and the edges curl slightly. It is best to treat such ailments ahead of time. It is essential to have detailed information about them. Yellowing of the cotyledon leaves indicates a lack of lighting.

It should also be remembered that the presence high concentration fertilizers leads to ammonia intoxication of the plant. As a result, the foliage turns yellow and dies. Bordeaux solution will help bring the plant back to life. The compositions “Acrobat” and “Bravo” can be effective. Without proper crop rotation it is impossible to grow full-fledged crops. It makes more sense to grow one crop (cucumbers) every three years. In greenhouses, the soil is changed every year and treated with various biofungicides (“EMM-1”, “Baikal”). These compounds effectively eliminate the threat of pathogenic microorganisms. You should constantly add fertilizers and mineral compounds. The simplest and most effective feeding is adding ash and a special herbal infusion to the holes.

If this operation is not performed, the crop may simply die. Seeds are treated with “Aliirin-B” and “Gamair”. Five tablets of each composition are usually diluted per liter of water.

It is a priori clear that pathogens of various diseases are present in the soil. Therefore, a “Gaokkladina” tablet should be placed in a seedling container with a volume of about 850 ml along with the seed. This is an effective biofungicide based on the trichoderma fungus. Fungal spores are very useful; they drive out all pests. It is important to follow the instructions strictly and install the tablet as prescribed. After planting, about a week later, the seedlings should be watered with a solution of Aliirin and Gamair. Such procedures highly effectively protect future cucumbers from infection.

For more information on what to do when cucumber leaves dry, watch the following video.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse allows you to somewhat speed up the process of ripening greens. Therefore, you can try your favorite vegetable earlier than usual. However, some gardeners are faced with a situation where the leaves of cucumber bushes begin to dry out. This article will tell you what to do when the leaves of cucumbers dry in a greenhouse.


The main reasons that in most cases lead to cucumber bushes drying out in a greenhouse are:

It is also worth noting that plant leaves may begin to turn yellow and dry out due to the formation of a large number of ovaries, as well as when they are insufficiently pollinated. In addition, this condition of the bushes may be a consequence of the natural process of biological aging. This process begins after the harvest has ripened.

Remember that to save plants and their harvest, you need to correctly identify the root cause. Further actions to solve the problem will directly depend on it.

Video “Growing in a greenhouse”

From the video you will learn how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse and achieve a good harvest.

Disorders in care

One of common reasons which lead to the greenhouse cucumber starting to dry out is incorrect managed care. Typically, the pathology of this plan manifests itself in the following two situations:

  • violations of the water regime;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil.

Let's look at each case in more detail.

Very often, the answer to the question of why cucumber bushes dry out in a greenhouse lies precisely in the improperly organized water regime. After all, it is the watering conditions that are most often violated by inexperienced gardeners or summer residents who visit their garden only on weekends.

The leaves on cucumber bushes may dry out if the plant does not receive enough moisture necessary for growth and development. This usually happens in hot weather. Subject to availability high temperature air inside the greenhouse, it is necessary to water the plantings every day. Watering is carried out twice a day:

  • In the morning it is recommended to irrigate the bushes only a little;
  • In the evening, abundant watering is carried out.

If it is not possible to water the plants every day, then you can water procedures once every 2-3 days. In this case, water should be applied at the root and in sufficiently large volumes.

When growing cucumbers in greenhouse structures, remember that they can only be watered warm water. Cannot be used here cold water taken from a well or borehole. Such water must be heated in an old bathtub, barrel or tank.

If you find that the cucumber bushes have begun to wilt and dry out, you need to increase the frequency of watering. In a situation where such actions did not bring the desired result, it is necessary to look for a different reason.

The second reason why the leaves of greenhouse cucumbers began to dry out may be a lack of minerals in the soil. Most often, the soil is low in nitrogen. Nitrogen deficiency can be determined by the following signs:

  • the leaf blade begins to turn yellow;
  • over time, the leaf completely acquires a yellow color;
  • after that it begins to dry and curl.

Nutrient deficiencies may result from:

If you are sure that the care of your plants is correct and they have enough of everything, then you should look for the cause in diseases and pests.

Plants can be affected by these diseases different stages of its development. The following can lead to such negative developments:

  • crop rotation violations. If cucumber bushes were planted in an area where nightshades previously grew, then the risk of developing fungal infections increases significantly;
  • a sharp change in day and night temperature regimes;
  • watering plantings with cold water;

At first, weakened plants begin to get sick, and then the infection spreads to healthy neighboring bushes. An infected cucumber bush needs urgent treatment with special means.

In addition to the diseases described above, cucumber leaves in a greenhouse can also dry out due to other pathogens. However, they attack cucumbers much less frequently.

How to fight

What to do if the leaves of greenhouse cucumbers begin to turn yellow and dry out? First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of this condition. As we have already determined, the reasons for this can be very diverse. Therefore, methods of combating the disease will differ in each individual situation. In principle, the algorithm of actions will be the same in any case. It must include the following items:

If the reason lies in a violation of the rules for caring for plantings, then you simply need to normalize the water regime or add the necessary fertilizers to the soil. Things are more complicated with pests and diseases. What to do if the infection has already spread throughout the plantings? To eliminate fungal infections, bushes should be treated:

  • copper sulfate;
  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • fungicides: Fitosporin or Kuproxate;
  • acaricides: Aktara, Agravertin, Actellik, Fitoverm, etc.;
  • folk remedies (use of various tinctures based on chalk, wood ash and crushed coal).

During spraying, you need to stop watering the bushes, as well as applying fertilizers.

Insects often serve as carriers of various pathogens. Therefore, their destruction will reduce the risk of infection of healthy plants.

To combat insects you should use:


In order not to look for various ailments on cucumber bushes in a greenhouse, experts advise that preventive measures be mandatory. They, together with proper care guarantee almost 100% health of this crop.

In this case, the following preventive measures can help prevent the appearance of yellow, withering and drying leaves:

Carrying out preventive measures, as well as strict adherence to all agrotechnical rules, will allow you to grow healthy and strong cucumber bushes in the greenhouse that will bear fruit well. And regular monitoring of plantings will identify any deviations from the norm of plant growth and quickly return them to normal normal condition.

Video “Pest Control”

From the video you will learn how to deal with pests and diseases of cucumbers.