DIY bottle chair. How to make a chair from plastic bottles with your own hands for your home, loggia or cottage. Crafts from plastic bottle caps

Plastic bottles are an excellent material for creativity and improvised means to solve many problems. Whatever they make of them. And a variety of boxes, scoops, buckets, brooches, and curtains. They are laid instead of pipes in dachas, they are used to decorate flower beds, etc. My son and I decided to make an armchair, since it seemed to us that there was clearly not enough such furniture in the decor of our apartment. We now understand that we got a little carried away, not taking into account the modest dimensions of our room, but five months ago we began to enthusiastically collect plastic bottles.

As we accumulated them, we cut them accordingly and put them into “blocks” of two pieces. It looked like this: they cut off the neck of one bottle and, turning it over, installed it in the lower part. Then the second bottle was sent neck to neck.

The result was these blanks for the future chair, which are much more compact and convenient to store than the bottles themselves.

In total, our chair needed about ninety two-liter plastic bottles. Along the way, we stocked up on tape and stretch film.

When we had enough blocks, we started assembling. It will not be possible to clearly demonstrate this process, since at the time of writing the material the chair was already assembled, but I will try to simply tell you. Moreover, there is nothing complicated about it, and your imagination can tell you completely different, more interesting forms.
For the sedushka, we first prepared larger blocks based on the existing ones, tightly wrapping each four “bottles” out of sixteen with tape. Then, using the same tape, we combined the resulting four enlarged blocks into one.
Next came the turn of the “sides” and the back. They are made from the same single modules, only taller - not from two, but from three and five bottles. The extension scheme is quite simple. We cut off the bottom from the top bottle and install it inside, as we did with the neck before. After this, we again place the next bottle upside down. And so on…

By the way, when testing the seat for strength, we discovered that the blocks inside were diverging. It was this moment that gave us the idea of ​​stretch film. However, I think that in this case it was possible to get by with tape. But we had the film, and therefore we swaddled the base blocks with it.
We carefully taped the finished sides and back to the seat and, unable to resist the temptation, completely covered the resulting structure with stretch film. And this is what we got in the end.

This is the basis, so to speak. The chair, of course, is a bit hard and needs improvement. You can “upholster” it and sew a cover on it. My chair is currently covered with a blanket and is waiting to be moved to the country, but my son and I are thinking about a bar counter made of plastic bottles for the kitchen. And what? It may very well be ;)

Sulatskaya Irina

If a person has a creative streak, there is no such thing as “garbage” for him. For him, any production is waste-free. From small scraps of fabric we will sew a doll or a blanket in the patchwork style. We will make snowflakes, flowers, and a garland from paper. Ribbons and lace, glass and plastic – everything has a use. Craftsmen can even create furniture. And not only from wood, but also from such a material that would seem completely unsuitable for this purpose, like a plastic bottle. So let's see how you can make plastic furniture.

Start collecting bottles. You can’t even imagine what flights of fancy you can allow yourself when creating plastic products! This article will focus exclusively on furniture. Get ready, an amazing master class awaits you.

We will provide you with several interesting ideas. You can clearly see how to make furniture from plastic bottles in the photos that will accompany our story.

Furniture made from plastic bottles: armchair

The first idea is a chair.

Using this chair as an example, we will show the basic principle of fastening bottles. Study it carefully, we will need it when creating other things.

It is clear that to create furniture, you will need a considerable number of bottles. However, this depends on the size of the furniture. The photo shows the assembly diagram. It is universal. To make it clearer, we will describe the entire process that is depicted.

Take the bottle and cut it in half. Turn the top over and insert it into the bottom. Then insert the whole bottle there and cover only bottom from another one. It turns out something like a “log”. It's quite strong. When a sufficient number of “logs” are collected, they can turn into not only a chair, but also an entire sofa. But more on that later.

We fasten our “logs” (it would be more correct to call them modules) in the amount of four pieces. To secure them together, we simply wrap them with transparent tape. From four such parts we assemble a larger module and also fasten it with tape.

The back and sides of the chair are made by extending the same modules to the required length and fastening them with tape (see photo).

By the way, scotch tape can be replaced with special cling film. It is not difficult to find in any hardware department. The film connects the parts more firmly than tape.

That's all, actually. The chair is ready. You just need to sew a cover for it from a suitable fabric. Depends on the case appearance chairs, so when choosing fabric, take this into account. For convenience, place under the seat soft material such as foam rubber or padding polyester.


Using the same principle as we made a chair, you can make a sofa. Of course, you will need much more bottles here than for a chair. But they will need to be assembled according to exactly the same pattern. Having folded the “logs” - modules of four pieces each, we also carefully wrap them with tape. Don’t skimp on adhesive tape, because we need a reliable and durable structure that can serve us for many years, so it’s better not to skimp on it. Just as in the previous description, modules consisting of four bottles are assembled into larger modules.

They continue to increase the modules to the sizes required for the sofa. It is preferable to cover the sofa with foam rubber or padding polyester, because this cushioned furniture. And sew him a suitable cover from a beautiful fabric.

This sofa is a prime example of what country furniture made from plastic bottles can be not only beautiful, but also functional.

More details in the video:

Furniture made from plastic bottles: table

A table is the simplest version of furniture made from plastic bottles.

It consists of forty bottles with a capacity of two liters. We also need a finished countertop. You can buy it or cut it yourself from plywood, in which case do not forget to varnish it. You can also use a tabletop from an old broken table.

We screw bottle caps onto the underside of the tabletop using bolts. Correctly calculate the distance between the corks; it should be equal to the diameter of the bottle.

As you understand, each of the legs consists of two bottles held together at the bottoms. They are fastened with glue and after complete drying they are simply screwed into the lids located under the tabletop.

Since the table looks quite simple, and there is no provision for sewing a cover, it is more suitable for the garden.

Our article presents only a small part of the ideas that can be brought to life using unnecessary plastic bottles. You can find many other crafts made from plastic bottles - furniture, toys, figurines of birds and animals, and even jewelry in our other articles.


Additional video lessons

In this material we will tell you how quickly and easily make your own plastic furniture for the garden from plastic bottles. With the help of visual master class with photos you can easily make a comfortable sofa , for example, for the garden - so convenient furniture made from plastic bottles will serve you for a long time (the frame made of bottles is durable, and can quickly be completely replaced and reupholster the sofa with fabric not difficult). Be sure to involve your child to help you while you work. Do DIY ottomans , tables and sofas made from bottles are a very exciting and useful activity for a child’s development (and you can start by creating simple crafts from plastic bottles according to lessons with photos, which you can find in the article DIY crafts from plastic bottles).

Why is it needed? plastic garden furniture? This is the most the best option, for the setting country house, summer cafes, as well as various outdoor events. Plastic furniture popular for outdoor presentations for the cold market, and our company will help you make your business more comfortable and attractive. Furniture is provided for your choice different designs and color palette. The main irrefutable advantage of plastic garden furniture is its extreme mobility, and when carrying out various outdoor events, convenient transportability is the key to your peace of mind and confidence! Is it possible to make furniture from plastic bottles with your own hands? Below you can find a master class on making such furniture.
To make your own chair You will need about 260 plastic bottles, for a single bed - approximately 780 plastic bottles, for a double sofa - 500-600 plastic bottles. Use only two-liter plastic bottles for work. Part C of the bottle must correspond to part B of the neck. To craftable modules from bottles were strong and elastic, they must be wrapped with thick tape with sufficient pressure and tightened well, making sure that the shape of the module is square and not deformed. Combine 16 modules bottles with each other, as in the photo.

The products we offer are the best and highest quality in all of Russia, because the manufacturing companies have many years of experience and an excellent reputation in the sales market. Plastic furniture, which is provided in our catalogs, is particularly wear-resistant, this is very important, because outdoor furniture is susceptible to various destructive factors. This allows you to use it much longer than its analogues.
Range of furniture uses made of plastic, practically unlimited! It can be found at stadiums, beaches and cottages. Plastic furniture is used not only for arranging summer cafes and snack bars, but even for the most ordinary apartments!

Why is it increasingly possible to hear that many consumers choose plastic furniture for their garden or for furnishing their own homes (designer plastic tables and chairs bright colors)? The answer is very simple! Plastic is very easy to care for and is not at all fussy about external factors. Also, such furniture looks very aesthetically pleasing and modern. The advantages include its low cost.

Plastic furniture for summer cottages Made conscientiously and of good quality. But if you decide to compare it with the Italian analogue of plastic furniture, you will not discover that hidden chic and good quality that simply cannot be expressed in words.
Furniture for arranging outdoor areas and for the beach does not have much luxury or gloss, and attracts its customers precisely with its simplicity and convenience.

Furniture made from plastic bottles is increasingly being installed in garden houses and at the dachas. Many people are happy to post non-standard models and in city apartments: in children's rooms, on loggias and even in living rooms, made in the style of extravagant Art Nouveau. The demand for such furniture is determined by low cost and ease of manufacture; for example, you can build a chair from plastic bottles with your own hands in one evening. The functionality of the product will not differ from that purchased in the store. And if its appearance seems too unsightly, you can always cover the chair beautiful case or re-upholstery.

You should start making furniture from bottles by determining a suitable design. The chair can be built similar to a classic model with armrests and a back, in the form of a rocking chair, or you can choose an original shape for it. The first option is the most popular, since such furniture is the easiest to make. Depending on the desired size, you may need from 90 to 250 empty bottles for the job.

At the initial stage, it is useful to draw up a small project, sketch out a schematic drawing, it should take into account the quantity free space, which can be used for furniture, as well as types of structures that will be convenient to place here.

Enterprising craftsmen have come up with several ways to make chairs from plastic bottles. You can build a product from vertically installed elements - if executed correctly, such a model looks quite respectable. You can also combine plastic containers with wood or wire, cover them with foam rubber and cover them with fabric. Combined options well suited for interiors decorated in high-tech style. Upholstered types of furniture will appeal to lovers of comfort and coziness.

Materials and tools

Making a regular chair is a long and labor-intensive process, and in addition, it is financially expensive. You need to cut out parts from wood or plywood and assemble them, which requires at least a jigsaw, wood glue, nails, a hammer, self-tapping screws, and screws. To make a simple chair from plastic containers yourself, you will need to stock up on a minimum amount of necessary materials, most of which are literally at hand:

  • directly bottles of the same color, design and size (from 90 to 200 pieces, depending on the desired dimensions of the finished product);
  • strong tape, cling film or stretch film;
  • knife and scissors;
  • fabric for creating covers;
  • foam rubber for softness;
  • sheets of cardboard and wire for the frame (if necessary).

All the above materials and tools are intended for the manufacture simple chair. Depending on the design of the intended product, various additional elements may be required. For example, to make the body of a rocking chair you will need parts cut from chipboard or fiberboard.

Manufacturing stages

Having decided on the desired type of furniture, you can proceed to its manufacture. It is necessary to calculate the required number of bottles in advance and prepare them. Some fans of recycling things collect basic material gradually. After waiting until a certain amount of empty containers is collected, they combine the bottles into a block. The resulting modules are stored in a suitable place - a garage, closet, basement. After a sufficient number of plastic bottles have been collected, they proceed to the formation of the furniture itself.

Drawing creation and preparatory work

When preparing a drawing, it is desirable to estimate as accurately as possible the space that the piece of furniture being manufactured will occupy. This way you will be able to correctly determine the height of the chair and its width, the depth of the seat, and the dimensions of the armrests. Then compare the obtained dimensions with the dimensions of the materials available. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the auxiliary elements - tape, film, covers. After creating a frame from plastic, the structure is supplemented with soft foam rubber, the seat is given rigidity through the use of plywood or chipboard, the furniture is decorated with fabric, although this does not significantly affect the occupied space.

To make a chair, you will need to create several sketches that, to scale, depict the desired piece of furniture from different angles. The drawing can be done schematically. Having previously indicated the length, width, height of all elements and plotted these parameters on the drawings, you can calculate how much material will be needed to bring the idea to life. When making a chair, you need to periodically (after creating each individual element) check the drawing.

When preparing for work, all plastic must be washed, cleared of stickers and dried naturally.

Making blocks from bottles

As soon as everything necessary materials assembled for the manufacture of chairs, preparatory work completed, you can proceed to the first stage. To make the blocks from which the frame is then made, you will need several bottles and tape. The whole procedure looks like this step by step:

  1. Two thirds of all plastic bottles should be cut in half. The part with the neck is directed with the lid down and inserted into the other half with the bottom. Then a whole bottle is installed into the resulting structure, onto the top of which the lower part of another cut container must be placed. The neck of the second bottle goes to waste. The result is a rather hard plastic element, reminiscent of a loaf.
  2. Having made a sufficient (according to calculations) number of such blanks, they should be connected into a single module using tape. For better stability, all bottles should be placed with their necks down.
  3. It is necessary to wrap the structure with adhesive film as tightly as possible. This way it will be possible to obtain an element that does not deform during subsequent use.

At the end of the work, you should have several finished blocks: a base, two armrests, a backrest. At this stage, it is necessary to measure all parts of the future chair and check the parameters reflected in the drawing. If some parts turn out to be smaller or larger in size, the block structure is unwound, adjustments are made, and everything is reassembled.

Cut off the neck of the bottle

Connect the whole bottle and the cut part, secure with tape

Connect the prepared elements with tape

For the base you need 4 blocks of 6 elements each


You need to start assembling a chair from bottles by installing blocks in the form of a rectangle or square on the floor. Referring to the diagram, you need to fasten them with wire. This will create the foundation for the future product. The same blocks should be laid on top of it, but they should be placed across. If it is necessary to assemble in several rows, you can stack the elements in checkerboard pattern. Next, you need to raise the rows to the height at which the seat is supposed to be built.

In order to make the structure stronger, it is recommended to install “risers” one or two bottles high in the corners of the base. They are formed from rounded blocks 10–12 elements thick. To fasten all modules, tape or cling film is used. The same round blocks are used to decorate the armrests. The back is created last - it can be made round or square, as desired.

Glue blocks with two elements to the base

Starting from level 4-5, add only backrest and armrest blocks

Ready product

Upholstery and soft seat

To upholster a chair made from plastic bottles, you will need foam rubber, which, if necessary, can be folded in several layers. You can make an additional cushion on the seat, similar to those chairs that are sold in stores. The same can be done for the back of the product.

The chair is covered with a suitable fabric over the foam pads. If you don’t have time to create a full-fledged cover, you can simply throw a blanket over the product. If possible and desired, furniture can be decorated with flock, nubuck, chintz, artificial leather, jacquard. If the product is intended for a summer house or garage, you should not use expensive materials - the cover can be sewn, for example, from old blankets. But at this stage, every craftsman who assembles a chair from plastic bottles with his own hands is free to let his imagination fly.

Make a cover and put foam in it

What else can be made from bottles

You can construct a lot of useful and interesting things from plastic containers. They are great not only for making various furniture. New master classes and technologies for creating crafts, interior elements (vases, curtains, stands, boxes) and products for the dacha and country house are constantly appearing: bird feeders, gutters, flower beds, garden figurines, lampshades, watering devices, washbasins.

IN household Plastic bottles are also used to create greenhouses and country greenhouses. Small summer buildings can be built by first collecting the required amount of material. Experienced craftsmen can even make a boat that will be no worse than an inflatable rubber or wooden one.

Furniture made from plastic containers is cheap, convenient and lightweight; it can be moved from one place to another without any problems. She is not afraid of heat, cold, or rain. That is why more and more new product options are appearing: shelves, cabinets, cabinets, poufs, chairs, stools, tables, sofas, beds.

Original stool

You can make a comfortable stool from bottles that will appeal to both adults and children. The creation process is also understandable for novice craftsmen. To work, you need identical 2-liter plastic bottles (5-7 of them will be needed), tape or film, plywood or thick cardboard, and universal glue. If you want to make the stool more stable, you need to first pour water into the containers or pour sand into them. The creation of an original product is carried out according to a step-by-step algorithm:

  1. The prepared elements are placed on the floor with their necks up so that the end result is a round block.
  2. The entire bundle is fixed with tape or film.
  3. A round or square seat is cut out of plywood or a piece of thick cardboard according to the width of the resulting stool leg and attached to the bottles using glue.

If the seat turns out to be hard, it can be covered with foam rubber. The finished structure is decorated with fabric, self-adhesive wallpaper, and plain white paper. Using last option You should allow your child to paint the stool with funny faces or some other figures.

Connect plastic bottles with tape

Cut two circles from plywood

Secure to bottles with self-tapping screws

Wrap the structure with padding polyester

Add soft seat filling

Cut out the parts for the case


Fix on a stool

Comfortable chair with backrest

To make a chair out of plastic bottles, you need to proceed in much the same way as when making a chair. From three containers - a whole one and two cut ones - you need to assemble 16 blanks. Then connect them into blocks, first fastening 2 bottles together, then 4. So until all 16 elements form a single module.

Then the back is formed. Make her better thickness in two bottles, length - at the discretion of the master. Each row is held together with tape; the latter can be arranged in one container for beauty. The plastic backrest is attached to the seat.

You shouldn’t skimp on adhesive tape: the more of it, the more reliable the design.

Table made of plastic bottles

If you want to furnish your entire dacha with plastic furniture, the next product after an armchair, stool and chair can be a table. It will require 1.5 liter bottles, identical in shape and color. For the countertop you need to prepare a piece of plywood or use ready-made option, left over from old furniture. You need to assemble a block from prepared plastic elements required thickness, give it the shape of a circle, rectangle or square.

Next, you need to turn the cover over and mark the points where it will be attached to the screws. It is better to arrange them in a circle - the tabletop will be located, as it were, on a plastic palisade. Fasteners should be selected in length so that they sharp ends did not look out from under the table cover. Or screw them in from the front side, and then cover the caps with putty. work surface paint or decorate with wallpaper.

The bottles are glued together in pairs at the bottoms. The upper part of the pair will be without a lid, the lower one will be closed. Then each of the legs is screwed into a lid fixed to the tabletop. To strengthen the structure, you can tie the necks of the upper and lower elements with wire. The plastic table is ready.

Prepare wooden table top, glue the corks, screw in the bottles


Masters and beginners alike use crafts made from plastic bottles for the interior, as garden decor and in the form of practical furniture. Colored plastic bottle caps are an excellent material for mosaic panels on walls and fences. Best ideas With detailed instructions and the photo can be easily implemented at the dacha, turning a bare area into a “clearing of fairy tales”, and filling the house with useful little things.

One of the craziest hands on the Runet, Roman Ursu, presented a crazy video in which he showed 70 ways to use plastic bottles.

Advantages of crafts made from plastic containers

A well-made souvenir or trinket will eventually develop into a hobby, if there are no limits to your imagination. Summer residents who have moved from simple fences on wire to buildings that delight in scale never cease to amaze.

From available material, which many throw away, someone builds:

  • greenhouse;
  • carport;
  • summer shower or bath;
  • country toilet or shed;
  • summer gazebo or sun canopy;
  • a mansion for children or a playground;
  • sandbox with decorative sides;
  • various temporary buildings on the site.

Over time, plastic becomes a real environmental disaster - it is difficult to recycle. But once you involve everyone who cares in cleaning the area, there will be a whole mountain of empty PET bottles for building a greenhouse, cascading flower bed or vertical gardening. The only drawback is that it takes a long time to collect identical containers, since containers are produced in different colors and volumes.

For creating original decoration required:

  • interesting idea;
  • ready-made role model (illustration);
  • material for crafts with tools;
  • step-by-step training plan guide.

In the hands of a true master, plastic bottles take on a second life, becoming functional objects. It is better to make souvenirs on a seasonal basis. For example, New Year's toys are made in winter, practical country houses- in the summer, and in the spring and autumn it remains to build a “clearing of fairy tales” near the house for the children.

Furniture and interior items made from plastic bottles

Furniture made from plastic bottles looks like a masterpiece that is not accessible to everyone. They will require a lot of plastic containers of the same type. Sofas and poufs impress with their design and comfort, not inferior to real furniture. There is nothing complicated if the sofa is made in blocks - seat, back, sides. If the container is not enough, the sofa blocks can be made one at a time. It’s better when you collect bottles from one drink, for example, two-liter kvass or lemonade.

The principle of “assembling” furniture from bottles is simple - they are placed in layers and tightly wrapped with tape. To make the furniture softer and more springy, a little air is released from each bottle and twisted tightly. At the place where the cap is, cut out a cap from another bottle and tape it with tape. It turns out to be a block with a bottom on both sides - this is the basis of the furniture.

Then it all depends on your imagination, the type of furniture and the number of bottles available. We wrapped 7 containers of the same volume with tape to create the base for an ottoman. What its appearance and style will be depends on the master. For a soft seat, you will need a round pillow or a block of foam rubber that fits the size of the top. The cover is cut to the size of the ottoman in the form of a cylinder, and it is convenient to insert a zipper along the side seams, but it is easier to sew the upholstery tightly.

For construction coffee table You will need 4 racks of plastic bottles and a plywood board as a table top, which can be hidden with a long tablecloth. In a similar way, they make a convenient stand for a laptop or an external table for the garden. For large furniture (sofa, chaise lounge or chair) made from plastic bottles, you will need a lot of patience and raw material.

Useful little things for the home from plastic bottles

Flowers and vases

Decorating a schoolchild's bedroom or children's room with crafts from plastic containers is not difficult. You can build a whole bouquet of artificial flowers. Place the resulting chrysanthemums, daisies or roses in a vase made of the same material, adding LED light bulbs to the middle insulated wire. This is what a night light of extraordinary beauty will look like, where the faint light shimmers in the plastic petals.

Advice: To give the leaves a special shape, use heating the blanks and folding the corners with tongs!

To place a homemade bouquet you will need a suitable vessel; simply cutting off part of the bottle is not aesthetically pleasing. The edges of the cut are marked with a ruler to make the cut, securing the result by heating the bends. A small transparent bottle is cut off to the very top, and about half of a large container is cut off. We choose a material with a ribbed or “waist” in the middle to create an interesting base.

Then we do it as our imagination allows, but we bend the edges beautifully. The fringed cut is obtained from vertical or diagonal cuts in the plastic base. The resulting strips are evenly folded to the outside.

Note! It is important that all the notches and the depth of the slot are absolutely identical, then the entire product will come out neat.

Depending on which edge is desired, the strips of the vase (the edges of any other product) are secured in different ways:

  • curly bend;
  • staplers;
  • fusing;
  • gluing with transparent polymers.

Flower pots, flower pots and containers for seedlings

Colored plastic containers in the form of bottles and bottles of different sizes are suitable as containers for growing live plants. It is very easy to make a fragrant balcony from 3-liter tanks - a cascade of hanging petunias. Fragrant flowers hanging from cut containers will help make your dream of a beautiful piece of paradise come true.

Cut in half large bottles and the tanks are hung with both the bottom down and the lid. It is recommended to place large pebbles at the bottom for drainage. Excess water after watering will go to the plants in the lower rows. In the same containers, plants are grown without soil - hydroponic method with the addition of fertilizers. Fresh greens and seedlings (in urban and dacha conditions) are also germinated in prepared plastic bottles.

Advice: Use the compact form and ability to hang containers for vertical gardening with automatic watering. In the absence of the owners, watering cans with water immersed in the ground will cope with moistening the plants.

Traps and feeders

Using plastic bottles you can repel pests or attract birds to your site. For this purpose, the tank is used as a feeder, and at the roots fruit trees place traps from bottles of chemicals. From double plastic containers, craftsmen construct traps for wasps, where they fly into sweet water and can't get back.

Equipment for a summer cottage

At the dacha a quick fix» It’s easy to make crafts from plastic bottles in the form of an impromptu washbasin by hanging a full bottle upside down. Just unscrew the lid a little and a small stream of water will help you wash your face and hands. It is also worth making a bench and organizing lighting with beautiful owls or plastic gnomes. Any garden decor for inspiration - with interesting illustrations.

Multifunctional items for the home

Make an original cosmetic bag from 2 bottoms of plastic bottles, sewing the edges together with a zipper. This box can be used as a multifunctional item - a piggy bank, a case for large beads, hairpins or jewelry.

It is convenient to knit from such a ball, suspended somewhere nearby, by pulling the thread from the ball inserted inside. It’s easier to find nail polish or a lipstick collection in a makeshift zippered box.

New Year's decor

Original all seasonal flower beds

The summer season is passing, and living flower beds are being replaced by homemade plastic flowers that are no less beautiful than real ones. Their advantage is the ability to decorate the territory at any time. These flower beds pale in comparison to living plants, but in early spring and in late autumn only they attract admiring glances.

For daisies you will need small ones plastic containers white(petals), yellow (centers) and green (leaves). You will also need an awl and a candle (for heating), “liquid nails,” scissors and stiff wire in green insulation.

We cut the base of the white bottle to the center, marking 16 segments - these are the petals. We bend the neat edges over the candle flame, and also make 2-3 chamomile corollas, which we connect in the center with an awl. Here the stem with leaves is fixed on a green wire, closing with the middle. We fill the center of the flower with a yellow basket with small cuts from 2 finely dissected circles with a fringe bent over the candle. We supplement the flower with green sepals from the bottom, collect all the parts and fix them together.

From the remaining pieces of green plastic, cut out leaves with a hole at the base (for stringing) and give them the desired shape, heating them over a candle flame. We attach the leaves to the wire handle; they should bend around it slightly. All that remains is for the chamomile to make several “companions” and find a worthy place for the bouquet.

All seasonal flower beds include mosaic compositions made from containers filled with earth. Made from lids wall panels. "Butterfly" or " ladybug» – in different versions.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the playground

An incredibly beautiful bird with plastic plumage – a whole “clearing of fairy tales”. These are the peacock or firebird, swans, pigeons, bullfinches and parrots. All of them are made from empty PET bottles according to the general principle:

  1. Design an aesthetic bird's head with eyes and beak;
  2. Construct the torso and neck;
  3. String plastic plumage;
  4. Provide with wings and tail;
  5. Place on paws or secure to selected surface.

Plastic swans can be fenced off by a blue “lake” of upside down plastic bottles. Outlandish birds will decorate the trees in the corner of the garden, which is reserved for children's games. You can choose a themed decor, for example, a desert island with palm trees and parrots.

The material is collected throughout the year, but it’s easier to involve neighbors and acquaintances in the “ecological” cleaning project. There are special containers for plastic in the yards - it’s much easier to collect.

Preparation for work - removing labels and glue residues from plastic bottles; it is important to rinse well and discard the deformed material.

If vertical fences are built, they need to be filled. Depending on the idea, sand, stone chips or dry soil are poured into PET bottles, burying them 1/3 of the way down.

For selected purposes, plastics of varying elasticity are used. Heat treatment required for filigree work (flowers). It is important not to overheat the fragments cut into strips.

Fairy-tale characters sometimes require additional painting. For example, it is better to cover pink piglets for a playground with an aerosol from a spray can and secure them with transparent acrylic paint.

Plastic bottles are an excellent material in the right hands. Using them as a basis, it’s easy to teach children a lesson in environmental education and fill your home or yard with practical things. With a creative approach, the color, volume and shape of plastic bottles themselves will prompt new ideas for an exciting creative process.

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