No Man's Sky guide: what to do on the first planet. No Man's Sky - Tips for Successful Space Exploration

No Man's Sky- a game about a journey to the center of the galaxy, about the discovery and study of many space objects with procedurally generated life forms and landscapes, as well as survival in unpredictable conditions. The game has an incredible number of planets, and the field to explore is so huge that many players wonder where to start.

From this guide you will learn where to start the game and what is needed for a successful start.

Fix the aircraft

You play as an astronaut who crash lands on an unknown planet. To prevent your adventure from ending before it even begins, you need to repair the damage to aircraft. To do this:

  • Open the "Starship" tab. The computer will automatically analyze the damage and show you what resources (indicating quantities) and technologies are needed to eliminate them. Collecting these elements will be your first task.
  • Carefully inspect the wreckage of the device and cargo containers randomly scattered around your ship. In them you can find some necessary resources and supplies.
  • From any destructible objects you can obtain resources to repair the device: aluminum, iron, etc. Initially, you have a special multifunctional tool - a multitool, similar to a hair dryer, to destroy stones, trees and other objects of local nature in order to obtain the necessary resources. However, this fissioner, which is also a weapon, requires constant recharging based on isotopes, the most common of which is carbon. It can be obtained from plants or animals; it will be required in large quantities. But if you cringe at the thought of having to split beautiful flower or kill an alien animal, use plutonium.

Later, the starship can be replaced at the station or improved, made durable, super-fast and indestructible in battle, and for this, of course, new resources will be needed. Collect everything that fits in your inventory, even if at the moment there is no need for this.

The inventory, or rather the exosuit, may become overcrowded. To solve this problem, there is a function to transfer resources to a starship by pressing one key. Very convenient: empty your pockets and collect the necessary resource further.

Explore your first planet

After repairing the ship, many players are in such a hurry to fly into space that they forget to explore their first planet. Be prepared to face an aggressive environment. The atmosphere on the planet can be toxic, radiation exceeds all reasonable standards, and cute-looking creatures turn out to be hostile. You may also be exposed to extreme temperatures. Remember that your hero is mortal, and monitor the readings of external influences at the bottom left of the monitor. If the readings reach a critical level, urgently return to the starship or look for shelter, where you can recover.

Give me a name yours planet, so that other players, flying up to it, know that a person has already set foot here. You can name and rename everything you explore in this game.

Turn on your scanner and get to know the local flora and fauna. Look for local stations with intelligent creatures, learn their language and purchase unique items and weapons. To find shelter, you don’t have to get out of the spaceship and walk kilometers in search of buildings; you can fly around a new space object on a low-level flight, looking for an orange beam directed upward.

Enjoy your journey, astronauts!

One way or another they remain behind the scenes. To help you better understand the game mechanics, we've collected 14 of the most useful tips, which will be useful to the newly minted explorer of the galactic expanses.

1. Get to the space station as quickly as possible

After you repair your first ship early in the game and leave the planet, try to short terms get to the nearest space station, because there is usually a merchant on it.

From him you can find out the prices for all the resources available in the game, which allows you to understand which of them are worth paying attention to first of all during a visit to the next planet.

It is worth noting that each system has its own pricing policy, so it is best to visit the space station before directly studying the planets in orbit around the star. This will allow you to make more profit from collecting resources.

2. Don't forget to trade with traveling merchants

You can make an exchange not only at special stations, but also in outer space, because merchant ships periodically come into view. Usually they fly peacefully about their business and are not active, but you can also trade with them.

Their prices are comparable to station prices, but may vary slightly. They are ready to purchase not only resources, but also rare artifacts found on the planets.

3. Use sprinting

At first glance it seems that this is obvious, but there is no clear mention of this possibility in the game itself. In order for the character to move faster, you need to press the melee button, and then hold down the button for using the jet pack, and then he will switch from running to sprinting, after which he will make a sharp dash over a fairly large distance.

4. Don't buy a new ship, better find one on the planet

The game's economy is designed in such a way that each subsequent starship costs much more than all previous ones.

At the beginning of the game, when there are not so many resources and money in stock, you should avoid such expensive purchases, because in the game it is possible to get a ship with minimal investment, having found it on one of the planets. Yes, yes, instead of spending money on a purchase, it is easier to simply catch a signal on one of the celestial bodies, and then use it to find the crashed ship. Of course, the signal will not always lead exactly to him, but the chance is not entirely small.

Having found one of them, you need to carry out repairs. It is done in the same way as in the case of the very first ship that you receive at an early stage of the game. It is inexpensive, and therefore it more than compensates for the time spent on searching.

5. Monitor the amount of resources

Always try to be aware of the approximate reserves of resources, since from time to time any of them may be required in large quantities. For example, if you have a lot of titanium, you should pay attention to other rare metals so that it doesn’t turn out that the entire hold is filled with titanium alone.

6. Invest in a better multi-tool

A space explorer's best friend is his Multi-tool. With its help, you collect resources, scan the area, and protect your person from dangerous life forms. That is why you should not skimp on improving this super-useful device.

First of all, you should try to increase the number of slots in it, since it determines how many functions you can “hang” on a multi-tool. At the very beginning there are 6 slots, with 3 of them already occupied by lasers for collecting resources, a scanner and an analyzing device.

It's a good idea to save up some money and buy a multi-tool with more slots as early as possible. You can find it from merchants at space stations.

7. Transfer resources to the ship without leaving the planet

One of the not-so-obvious functions of the interface makes it possible to transfer resources collected on the planet without having to leave it. This allows you to collect more materials in less time, since there is no need to return to orbit and land again.

To transfer resources to a ship, in the PlayStation 4 version you need to select a resource in the menu and hold down “triangle”.

8. Use the ship for more than just landing

Interesting places are often scattered across the entire surface of the planet, so full exploration may take a while. However, do not forget that there is no need to travel significant distances on foot, because you have your own spacecraft, which is quite suitable for flying in the atmosphere of any planet. This greatly speeds up the research process.

9. Monitor the condition of your equipment

Gathering resources is half the battle. To successfully advance through the game you will need equipment. It also consumes resources and gradually becomes unusable. Before planting, it is worth checking their condition and carrying out repairs if necessary.

You should especially carefully monitor the multi-tool, exo-suit and spaceship to avoid forced stops for repairs and maintenance.

10. Call the ship to you, rather than run to it yourself

Another handy feature in No Man's Sky allows you to call a ship to the player's current location.

It is extremely useful when you have wandered far from the landing site and do not want to run back. However, this can only be done if there is a special lighthouse nearby, which can be found near the settlement. You will also need a special bypass chip (Bypass Chip), it can be created in the inventory menu.

11. Analysis is a good way to make money

During the game you can find many various forms life. All of them can be studied and analyzed using the multi-tool, and this activity is another way to earn in-game currency.

When you see another ridiculous creature, go up to it and conduct an analysis using your visor. After the process is completed, the animal will appear in the menu under the Discovery tab. The same can be done with plants. After each study completed, your account will receive cash depending on the rarity and uniqueness of the find.

12. After receiving the hyper-drive, immediately fly to the mapping station

The first thing you should do after receiving an engine that can go into hyper-jump mode is fly to the Atlas Station. They are marked with red icons on the navigation map. Upon arrival, you will receive a special item that will be useful to you to advance in the story.

13. Feed animals to obtain rare materials

This may seem strange, but some of the creatures you meet in No Man's Sky can be fed. In return for such a favor, they will share valuable resources with you or show you the way to them.

– the game is not so much about space flights as it is about research. Well, since we are not playing for, say, a photographer who is exploring something in order to take a good picture, but for a completely selfish, lonely astronaut who does not complain about altruism, then we must have corresponding thoughts. In other words, on the surface, as well as in the depths of planetary ores, we will mine all kinds of resources, as well as simply steal them, fighting off the security robots guarding them (or even letting the robots themselves go after the resources).
So that players do not relax, so that they do not get bored of flying on one tank to the very center of the universe, the developers came up with a system for extracting resources, without which we will not be able to travel far. In general, this, of course, is not Minecraft, where the excavation of anything useful is elevated to an absolute level, but you will have to do a lot of digging, or rather shooting with a special resource-extracting blaster.

Why do we need these same resources? Firstly, for the most basic things: for refueling our spaceship, and for refueling the blaster itself, which is refueled with carbon or other red minerals. Secondly, we will be able to improve both the blaster and the spaceship, which will also bring a fresh spirit to the game, although without improvement, let’s be honest, it is quite possible to go through the entire Deserted Sky. In total, we counted 22 resources in No Man’s Sky. That's what we'll talk about now.

But before that, a little clarification needs to be made. The fact is that resources here can be obtained not only peacefully, but also militarily, by organizing wars in space with other spaceships (mainly space bandits), from which you can always get some portion of random resources. But this is not the main element of the game, which is, nevertheless, peaceful and, if I may say so, more “miner” than “bandit”.

There are 22 in total in No Man's Sky natural resources, both known to science and fictional

So, your main tool, as already mentioned, will be a blaster, with the help of which, cheerfully and easily, you will extract resources, which, after splitting, will immediately fly into your inventory. Well, so that you don’t overdo it, this very inventory will not be very spacious. Well, so that you don’t suddenly find yourself in the middle of airless space without a pinch of salt in your pocket and gas in your lighter, we hasten to inform you that the planets will be at a fairly close distance from each other, so you won’t even have time to get bored during the flight. Therefore, we fly up to the planet, select the most successful site, from your point of view, land and begin mining.


So, one of the main and most common resources will be minerals from the oxide group. The main substance is iron. It should be mined in ferruginous deposits of rocks, at the base of cliffs, and just huge boulders, as well as on asteroids. At the same time, you need to understand that an asteroid is a small thing, and you won’t be able to find the entire periodic table there, but you can easily get hold of iron. Iron is one of the main components you will need. It is used to improve items, and to create new ones, and simply for pumping up all sorts of different things.

Titanium. For titanium, we need to fly either to the red “hot” planets, or destroy the robot guards. Titanium is quite a rare thing, so it won’t be easy. Don’t expect any relaxation on hot planets or in battles with guards. You need to look for crystal formations yellow, which, however, are sometimes found on ordinary planets with more comfortable temperatures. And, if at the start of the game titanium is not needed at all, then when it comes to high technology, you can’t go anywhere without him. In addition to improvements, titanium can be used to recharge a protective shield.

Zinc. Where would we be without zinc - one of the main components of ferruginous meteorites that systematically fall to Earth from space. There is a lot of zinc in space - this is a fact, and you will also have to mine it. It is better to fly for it to planets with abundant flora. In deserts there will be problems with zinc. Why with flora? Yes, because we need large, bushy plants with yellow flowers. Zinc is actually extracted from them. This material is also used to improve all sorts of characteristics of all kinds of equipment, and it can also be used as a recharge for a protective field.


Things have gotten much worse here. The first essential substance from this family is chrysonite. It can be extracted from crystalline formations of blue and blue color on all kinds of planets. Chryzonite is used to improve items and study all kinds of technologies. Inexpensive, not rare, but, on the other hand, a frequently used metal.

Platinum. It was decided to classify platinum as silicates. It can be extracted from quite rare plants with blue inflorescences. These flowers grow anywhere, and we personally have not been able to track the pattern, as, for example, with titanium, which is mainly found where it is hot, or iron, which is abundant in asteroids. Used this metal in small but valuable portions when studying technologies, improvements to our multi-tool, and also when improving technical characteristics spaceship.

Resource extraction occurs by firing from a universal blaster

Eridium. This material can be found more often than in other places in difficult, difficult, rocky terrain, and is indicated by holographic cubes. It is used in almost all the same areas where platinum is used, but a little more often.


Where would we be without them? The main isotope, without which you can’t go anywhere at all, is carbon, of course. It is generally extracted from almost all plants that you can find on the planets. Using carbon, you can charge your blaster, refuel your spaceship, and also replenish your spacesuit with energy. The most frequently encountered and no less frequently used resource.

Plutonium. It is found abundantly on Pluto (just kidding), as well as in special spiky, spiky formations, most often located inside caves, although it is also found on the surface of planets. This is one of the most important resources in the technical craft. Also, with the help of plutonium, you can create fuel to refuel your power suit and run the spaceship engines. It is also suitable for charging weapons.
Tamium9 is a fairly rare resource, mined from spiky red-colored plants on asteroids and planets. Tamium9 will be needed to study serious technologies, for example, to study the hyper-drive. It can also be used as a main component to create fuel to start an engine. In general, red plants are definitely worth hunting for.

Neutral substances.

Now we will tell you about a group of substances that are united by the fact that they are not assigned to any group, and are collectively called “neutral”.
Nickel. This commonly found resource can be obtained from animals and is also abundant on asteroids. Widely used in crafting everything possible.

Iridium. This metal, like iron, can be found in blocks of stone, rocks, and other rocks. Sometimes its deposits can be marked with the already known holographic cube mark. It is especially readily bought by traders who pay a considerable price. Iridium can also be found on asteroids rich in the Tamium9 resource. Not the most commonly encountered substance.

Emeril. Hollowed out of rocks. Widely used in the production of everything possible.

Gold. Of course, where would we be without him? Gold can be found on asteroids (especially ferruginous ones) as well as in rock layers, where in general, as we see, many miracles are found. It is highly valued among traders and is also used in crafts.

Copper. It is mined in the same place where gold is found: on asteroids and in rock formations. Used exclusively for crafting. It is not valued very highly by traders.
Aluminum. The same rock formations and the same asteroids. There is no point in wearing it for traders. Used in crafts, as well as to improve perks.

Some resources are useless in production, but are extremely valuable to traders


If you thought that Gold or Iridium was not easy to find, then now we will tell you about what real Not Easy is.
Potassium. This substance, which explodes well in water, by the way, for some reason it was decided to be classified as precious. It is extracted from bubble-like formations. A very rare metal, extremely valuable in trade. If your inventory is full and the potassium won't fit, throw away everything you can, but don't leave until you've hollowed out all the potassium in the area.

Radnox. This substance can be extracted from the same rocks. This is an even rarer, and even more valuable metal in trade. Finding it is extremely difficult, and you will really have to shoot a blaster at the bases of mountains and climb caves in order to pick up at least a little of this very radnox.
Omegon. This is a black-violet, extremely precious resource, which is one of the elements of the so-called dark matter. It is very difficult to find, information about its location is extremely unreliable, and the only thing that can be said for sure is that it can be bought from traders.

Well, we’ll finish with rafting, but not the kind where the timber floats down the river to the sawmill, but the most cosmic ones.

Lemmium. This is one of the representatives of the family of heavy metals. Used to create a transport vehicle. Very valuable in trade. Information about its occurrence is extremely fragmentary, but there are rumors that it can be found in rock formations and on ferruginous meteorites.

Terumin. Light metal alloy. Very expensive and rare. Used in crafting. In particular, it can be used to simultaneously strengthen and lighten the weight of a spacecraft.

Herox. The alloy with such a dissonant name is also extremely valuable in trade, and has completely different properties. It is unknown where to get it. So far, the only way to get this alloy is to buy it from some wealthy merchants.

Magmox. This is the final resource in No Man's Sky: a glowing, red-orange substance that is extremely valuable in trade. Used in production. Has a strong magnetic field.

This is, at the moment, an exhaustive list of metals and simply minerals that are available in No Man’s Sky. Why at the moment? Because, there is an opinion, the developers will come up with something new, some new technology, for which you will definitely need a special resource, and it’s good if you don’t have to buy it for real money in some DLC or through the internal store. Well, that's all. Happy flying.

You find yourself alone on an unfamiliar planet. All your appliances are broken and you have no idea what's going on. Let's fix this.

Explore the crash site

When you wake up in a strange new world and all of your exosuit's systems are in order, a robotic female voice (not GLaDOS!) will tell you how badly damaged the equipment is. The suit is functional, but the multitool will have to be repaired. Your spaceship will be nearby, but it will not move from its place for some time.

Look around the crash site, open all the containers and take resources from them. If one of them requires an Atlas Pass, you're out of luck and will have to move on in the game until you find its blueprint.

There must be at least one damaged mechanism nearby. Interact with him to study technology blueprints for your exosuit, multitool or starship. You probably won't have enough resources to put the knowledge you've gained into practice, but now that you've picked up the blueprint, you'll have it forever.

You can also interact with the emergency beacon located near you. Your first choice will determine the further development of the game. By accepting the Atlas' instructions, you will follow the story path. By choosing free exploration, you will be left to your own devices, traveling through galaxies in sandbox mode.

Repairing a multitool

Let's get down to fixing our tool, necessary for survival and further play - the multitool.

With the help of a scanner, you can find nearby resources instead of wandering around blindly. The analyzing visor allows you to study plants, animals and minerals, and load data about them into the library to obtain units - the local currency. Let's deal with them right away.

The scanner requires 25 carbon, and the visor requires 25 iron. These are the two most common elements in the game, so they should be nearby. Look for plants (or animals, monster) from which you can get carbon, and from some rocks you can get iron. As you get closer to the object, a hint will appear on the screen with the name of the element that can be mined. Shoot at him with a multitool and collect the necessary resources.

Since you are just starting out, you will have very few slots in your inventory, so try to collect what you need at this stage. There is a whole universe open to you, so while there is no punishment for exploring and collecting everything that a curious eye falls on, focus on repairing the multitool and the ship.

Depending on how long you take to mine the required amount of resources, your suit's life support system may begin to drain. You'll need isotopes to charge it, which can be identified by a red icon with a white lightning bolt. You can also use carbon as a cheap and impractical fuel, or look for tamium-9 in red plants or plutonium in red crystals.

Try not to be greedy when collecting resources, otherwise you risk attracting the attention of the guards. These little robots act as guards in this game and make sure you don't take too much from one place.

They will scan you with blue beams of light as a warning. If you continue your evil deeds, they will start attacking you. There is no particular point in fighting with them (although, if you still decide, you can get titanium from them). They will gradually call for reinforcements, and eventually they will kill you. Instead, it's better to run away. Get out of their sight, or hide in the spaceship. As soon as you break away from them safe distance, they will stop being interested in you.

Now that the carbon and iron are collected, it's time to repair the multitool.

Test your scanner to understand what's around you, and train yourself to use the analysis visor on everything - by uploading data, you'll get large number money.

Starship repair

Now let's take care of your ship. The take-off accelerator and impulse engine were smashed into rubbish. Remember or write down the names of the resources needed for repairs so that you don’t have to return several times, since the path ahead is not close.

Takeoff booster

This is what distinguishes your spaceship from an ordinary rattletrap. To bring it back to life, you will need shea leaves. You should already have one in your ship's inventory. The rest can be crafted from the iron left over from the last race for a multitool. If there is none left, you can always get some from the stones nearby. We'll talk about how to fill it a little later. Let's take a look at the pulse motor first.

Pulse motor

It is with its help that you can move between planets and space stations. Repairing it will be a little more difficult. You will need geridium, zinc and two more shea leaves. You already know how to make sheets, so you’ll figure it out. Geridium is an element dark blue, which can be found on the planet's surface in large rectangular clusters. When scanning, you will see a blue icon with a bulb, most likely pointing specifically to it.

Zinc can be obtained from yellow flowers, which will be displayed with a yellow icon when scanned. Since you've been moving around the planet for a while, look for lightning signs to collect isotopes, which will be useful to recharge the suit and ship once you repair it.

While your resource gathering expedition is not over, there are still some things worth paying attention to. Remember the blue icon with a flask? It can also mark damaged mechanisms for you, inside which you will find blueprints to improve your equipment.

You can also stumble upon knowledge stones, marked by the scanner as a purple icon. They will teach you words of the alien language that you will later use to interact with the aliens and solve puzzles.

When you have collected everything you need, return to the ship and complete the repairs. Fill the take-off booster with plutonium, which you most likely found in supply boxes or in red crystal formations. Once it reaches more than 50 percent, you will be ready to take off. There is no need to worry about recharging the pulse motor at this stage. It requires Tamium-9 - a precious resource that is very difficult to find on the planet, but there is plenty of it in space. You will find much more of it than you can use.

Now that all your toys work and you know how to collect resources and make things, you are free to explore the universe and do it however you want. However, if you are not yet drawn to space, there is also something to do on the planets.

Talk to the animals

If your starting planet has any fauna, you can feed the animals to make them friendlier to you. Most often, the result will be that they will start following you everywhere, and you can also play with them while running. Save some geridium to start interacting with them. Be sure to scan them with your visor to understand who you are dealing with: a predator or a timid individual who does not want to harm you.

Once you become friends, these animals will happily dance around you and light up your day with their smiles that appear above their heads. They will also point you to nearby resources and occasionally give you rare items as gifts.

Talk to aliens

Expand vocabulary by studying knowledge stones, alien ruins and monoliths - this will come in handy during your travels. The more unfamiliar words you study, the better you will be able to parse unfamiliar speech, which means the greater the chance that when communicating with the monolith and representatives of the unearthly race you will choose correct option answer.

Create technologies

As you explore the planet's surface, you'll come across technology blueprints in damaged machinery and wall-mounted analysis stations in colonial outposts and space stations. If you come across ones that already existed, or for which there are enough resources, then update! Upgrades are never superfluous.

One of the most useful technologies, which you will come across at the beginning of the game, is an improvement in the scanner range. This way you will be able to see more things around you, and finding rare resources, words and technologies will become a little easier.

Add slots to the exoskeleton

Your main opponent in No Man's Sky There will always be inventory capacity. A quick way to get rid of this problem is to add more slots to your exosuit.

The easiest way to do this is to find the capsules. If you're lucky, you'll even spot them from the air while traveling around the planet by ship. Otherwise, you can look for signal scanners near alien bases. They are easy to find as they emit a red column of light directed into the sky.

Make some bypass plutonium and iron chips to gain access to the signal scanner. Use them to seek shelter. Your task is to find the capsules, so if you end up finding a shelter, you will have to look further.

Inside the capsule you will see a station to improve the capacity of the exosuit. The first upgrade will be free, and each subsequent upgrade will cost 10,000 units more than the previous one. If you scan everything with the analysis visor, then you should have a decent amount of money even at the beginning of the game.

Go to space

When you're ready, point your starship skyward and slam on the throttle as you rocket into orbit.

Coming out of the atmosphere, you will see asteroids. Click LMB to shoot them with your ship's photon cannon and collect resources from them. Small metal asteroids are most likely composed of Tamiya-9. Use it to fill the tank of your pulse engine and begin your journey, going wherever your heart desires.

There's no telling how you'll react to this, but at the time of writing, No Man's Sky's top award is "The Most Controversial Video Game of All Time." Opinions on Metacritic are mixed, with thousands complaining about "missing features" that would be more appropriate in the upcoming “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare,” while the rest of us, meanwhile, are content to watch funny creatures.

No matter what you think, Hello Games has accomplished quite outstanding achievement. A mixture of inaccessible interviews and enticing trailers (along with algorithms that truly decorate the universe around them) make it clear that No Man's Sky is, in fact, an opportunity to explore the breadth and depth of space itself.

The game starts with a broken ship that needs repairs and the value of accepting the creatures and aliens of the galaxy. You most likely know how to hunt, gather things, but I bet you don't know how...

16. Take a forward jump

First of all, it's very simple. Let's hope Hello Games doesn't write this off as a bug and remove it, because jumping with advancement is the most quick way walk outside the ship.

To do this, simply press R1 while moving to perform a melee attack and immediately hit while holding X to create a backpack. When the character moves forward and the backpack lights up and starts working, you will fly faster and further than with normal jumps.

You'll see your character shake out, indicating that this way of playing isn't going to bode well, but it's hard to deny its effectiveness.

15. Climb onto any surface (even vertical mountain cliffs)

If you fly straight into a wall, it will be difficult to do this by accident.

Better yet, point your pack at any wall/rock, keep holding X, and it will go into another mode where you supposedly “climb” to the surface without wasting fuel.

You can use this to avoid caves and/or deep tunnels where you can get lost. Or just to fly up high and scan creatures from afar.

14. Turn on the flashlight

Another simple feature that I forgot to mention: by clicking on the cross, you can turn the flashlight on and off.

Ideal for caves and dimly lit areas. You won't be able to use it to scare away creatures or blind annoying Guardians, but it can be used to go deeper.

Plug in a pair of headphones, light a flashlight, and get ready for some intergalactic cave exploration: it just doesn't get any better.

13. Avoid demolition every 5 minutes

Escape the planet with pockets full of shiny objects and treasure, only to be shot at in the sky?

It happens to the best of us.

These seemingly random hostile encounters are actually caused by the fact that you have so much trinkets. They're designed to make the player the target of a space pirate's looting, but unless you upgrade your cruiser with better shields and guns, chances are you'll be constantly shot down for minutes on end, sent flying into the atmosphere.

This can be corrected by making yourself less “valuable”, i.e. exchanging their acquisitions before takeoff. Then there is every chance that you will be able to sneak into the space station with these objects, but that is the risk.

12. Buy almost any ship you see

When you finally get out of the first planet and move on to a nearby star system, you can land on the various space stations that float around. You can bargain inside merchant ships if you don’t go left or right and through all sorts of doors, but wait for other ships to land.

Go upstairs and get in touch with them, so you will have the opportunity to trade items with the pilots and even the ships themselves. This is a pretty good space age feature: pick a specific ship you like when it lands and take it from the owner's paws/hands within seconds.

Just make sure there are enough units to help you with...

11. Earn a million units in minutes (what do the gold stars mean)

Not only do gold stars when trading indicate that a certain item is worth a lot of money, you can most often purchase said materials from pilots who have landed on the space station.

“Buy low, sell high” - this saying has been around in trading since time immemorial, but here it makes much more sense. First, go to the right of the station and see what resources the gold stars have, and then return to the hangar and wait for the ships.

Talk to the pilots and buy necessary materials(at a greatly reduced price) and then return to the first trading terminal and sell them for a hefty profit.

As one user notes, he was able to “earn 2 million every 15 minutes,” which is quite unusual. Luckily, many of the more expensive ships tend to cost around three million, so it's best to save up.

10. Shoot asteroids for Resources

I did this just out of frustration, but when flying from place to place, feel free to unload your cannons or lasers on the asteroids you encounter along the way.

They quickly explode with Resources that would take centuries to extract using a tool. Theranium9 is the most common, but you'll still need it to start engines and accelerate (so be sure to stock up on it), and you'll also find huge nickel and aluminum meteors.

Bonus (fun) tip: Hold circle to get full speed and blast one of the big meteors. A couple of seconds after the collision, fire off some plasma blasts and move on: they will create a hole as you get close, allowing you to get straight to the other side in one fell swoop.

Ideal for escaping from pursuers.

9. Get more inventory slots

The space inventory is very limited at the beginning, there will only be a poor update.

In fact, to get any inventory upgrades for your Exo Suit, you need to find special cocoons similar to the ones in the image. They can be hidden behind question marks on planets, and if you have an AtlasPass V1 on any space station, grab it on the left and go through the previously locked door.

Inside, you can upgrade your suit at the station of each new system, but be careful: each upgrade costs 10,000 units, so check the cash before activating.

8. Make friends with creatures to find rare Resources

We came up with the idea of ​​feeding the creatures here, because not only will they follow you and - depending on their mood/abilities - help you in battle, but the main reason for befriending them is to find rarer materials.

Simply walk up to any creature that doesn't immediately try to bite, and you'll see a "Feed" sign. Different animals require different foods (all of them are resource types like plutonium, iron, etc.), and once you feed them, a "smiley face" icon will appear.

Now just stand back and watch what is happening: more and more often, your newfound friend will rush off in a random direction to unearth a more valuable product.

Big, slow creatures will find things for you too, and it's so adorable. Just think of the new Multi-Tool you'll get at the end of all this...

7. Collect your inventory in form for bonuses

In the game No Man's Sky, connecting upgrades into forms will bring additional chips.

Now we turn on our ingenuity and think about which improvement items will be in the same “family”. For example, take a plasma cannon from a ship, add an extra damage upgrade nearby, but only in an L-shape or T-shape, add a few more upgrades, and you get a total bonus.

Many items will have to be broken down and reassembled since you won't be able to move them, but next time you can think about what to add to the suit, ship or Multi-Tool and find something more suitable for the kit.

6. Sprint from L3 (and scan from R3)

PC owners will use the button replacement in their games, but on PS4 there are minor issues with the Accessibility settings.

"No Man's Sky" is the first game in about ten years that requires you to press the right button, despite the fact that the preview indicated the left button. Strange.

But it's still easy to change. Go to Settings > Accessibility(Accessibility) > Enable Custom Button Assignments and swap the buttons. You can now sprint from L3 and scan from R3.

Keep in mind that changing the accessibility feature changes the L3/R3 for each game.

5. Scan dead creatures

Now, this doesn't mean I'm advocating the destruction of life on every planet you come across... But sometimes it's more fun to throw a grenade into a pool of tiny, round creatures and send them flying. I have everything.

Although there are other advantages. As one user noted, if you want to scan any faster creatures, like birds or smaller animals, just circle them a few times and look at their carcasses for a second instead of killing them.

4. Reload weapons with drag-n-drop components

If you're on foot, it's entirely plausible to bend your knee and take a moment to reload your weapon or suit with precious resources. But in battle, that is, when you are torn from all sides in an interstellar air battle, you have to go to the menu, select a part of the ship where there is a large amount of ammunition, select a component and click on these not the best systems.

There is a small fix though. Instead of going to the components that need replenishing, find the ingredient first (e.g. Carbon/Plutonium), press X to move it and X again on what needs replenishing.

This will save precious seconds when switching between menus, which may at least just save you from another flight into the sky.

3. Do you need carbon to communicate with aliens? He already exists

There will be many times where you'll interact with Gek, Korvax, or Vikir to get multiple answers to a question... and screw it up because you don't know what they're saying.

While you can't ask to repeat a question, you can talk to these seated characters multiple times, with enough carbon provided for you to do so. To replenish your supplies, find plants that always stand in the office of these creatures.

At space stations, in particular, there is always enough for a couple more interactions with them.

2. Break your way out of any cave

You must have access to at least the Plasma Grenade upgrade to your Multi-Tool, and then terraforming the landscape will be possible.

There's almost nothing physics-based in No Man's Sky, so you don't have to worry about tunnels collapsing. Just point your weapon at the rocks or any part of the cave, hit L1 and make any number of holes leading straight to the other side .

You can also shoot underwater, so if you find yourself in a dead end with nowhere to run, just work your way through.

I somehow shot up several times to get back to the surface. No Man's Sky is similar to the original Red Faction or any 3D Worms game in terms of terrain deformation, so make some noise and see what you can find.

1. Summon the ship to you

Okay, okay, not exactly to your location every time, but don't be afraid to leave your ship too far away and know that it can be called back more often than you think.

As you explore, you'll randomly come across small terminals near outposts and bases that require "Bypass Chips" to activate.

Equip one of these chips with both iron and plutonium, then use it to summon your ship without having to go back across the lands.

These beacons appear quite often, make your way there and explore, rest assured that your ship will find you anyway.

Any other tips? Share them below in the comments!