Canna: planting an amazingly beautiful flower and caring for it at home. Growing cannas at home: choosing a pot, watering, care. Canna: planting and growing in open ground Canna flowers growing in an apartment

Growing canna is a universal matter, since this incredibly beautiful flower can decorate both your garden or a garden bed, as well as a gallery. indoor plants, or balcony.

Canna is a very spectacular, luxurious plant that looks very much like an iris. There are about fifty species of these plants in nature. They are most common in the countries of Central and South America, as well as India, Australia, Hawaii and other regions.

Canna stems and leaves are considered feed raw materials, and the starch-rich rhizome can even be eaten by humans; it is often used to produce “Queensland arrowroot,” a type of starch.

When choosing a place in the garden or in the garden to grow canna, you should understand that it should be the center of attention so that the flower is noticeable. Kanna has wonderful big ones decorative flowers, rich color and inflorescences large sizes, which will make it an indispensable decoration winter garden. And of course, canna will rightfully take its rightful place among your home plants grown in an apartment on a windowsill or on a balcony.

By flowering time Cannes is divided into:

  1. early - begin to bloom in June;
  2. late - such flowers begin to bloom from mid-July or from the beginning of August until night frosts.

Classification of cannas by groups as follows:

  1. orchid-shaped flowers - have a stem about 2 meters high and flowers 14 cm in height, the edge of the flower is corrugated, the leaves are green or green-violet in color;
  2. Crozy - the stem is about one and a half meters long, and the flowers are up to 10 cm, respectively, the edges are bent, the leaves have a color similar to the orchid-shaped cannas, slightly with a bluish bloom;
  3. deciduous small-flowered cannas - the stem can reach a height of up to 3 meters, the flowers are 6 cm, respectively, the petals are narrow, and the leaves can be green, green-violet or simply purple.

Stages and conditions of growing cannas

Growing and caring for cannas consists of the following components during one season: approximately in March or April you need to germinate the rhizomes and plant them in open ground at the beginning of summer. If you are growing a flower at home, plant the roots in a pot in March, replant in new pot the plant follows every year.

The next stage is flowering. It can start from mid-summer until September and end with the appearance of frost. Cannas reproduce by dividing germinating rhizomes or seeds. Around October, the roots need to be pulled out of the ground and stored.

Cannas are fertilized throughout the entire growth period.

Soil for growing canna should be rich in humus, have nutritional properties, and before planting the plant it should be well processed and loosened. Cannas are best grown in sunny place, and also well protected from the wind, which canna does not like very much.

In order for the plant to grow better, it should be constantly weeded, loosened and watered. If the flower is dry or wilted, it needs to be removed so that the others bloom better. Root system need to be well developed and the first flower stalks should be removed.

Cannes - plant perennial and heat-loving, you should not allow it to freeze so that it does not die. At the first cold weather, canna bushes are earthed up so that the root collars cannot freeze and cause the plant to rot.

Peculiarities of canna propagation and their transplantation

Canna tubers should be planted at a depth of about 10 cm and at a distance of 30 cm from each other. With the onset of spring, the rhizomes are divided into freely divisible parts, each of which has a bud. If you plant roots with leaves, then you should pre-moisten the hole well, and if without leaves, then water regularly so that they appear as quickly as possible.

The best thing water cannas in hot weather, thanks to this the soil dries quickly and is able to cement. Also, in very hot weather, the soil should be loosened almost daily.

A propagation by dividing rhizomes it happens like this:

  1. you need to divide the roots in mid-spring;
  2. sprinkle the division site with crushed coal;
  3. treat the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  4. place them in a warm place and spray them warm water so that they do not rot, but grow;
  5. During germination, the youngest roots should be sprinkled with sand for several meters;
  6. After a month, place all the rest in the greenhouse soil, maintaining a temperature of about 24 degrees, and sprinkle earth on top;
  7. when the foliage grows, when the leaves begin to interfere with each other, transplant the plant into pots with a prepared soil mixture based on compost, humus and sand;
  8. keep the cannas in this position until transplanting into open ground, maintaining a temperature of about 16 degrees and providing them good lighting;
  9. For health purposes, you can water the plant with potassium permanganate once every ten days.

Cannes can also be propagate using seeds, but this will take a lot of time. However, if you have time and would like to do this, then the algorithm of actions will be something like this:

  1. scarify the seeds, pierce the shell and keep them in the snow for a couple of hours;
  2. pour boiling water over the seeds;
  3. keep them in warm water within 3 hours;
  4. sow them in boxes at a temperature of 22 degrees, planting time - February;
  5. sprouts that appeared in March, dive into pots and take them to the greenhouse; they should be kept at a temperature of 16 degrees;
  6. at the end of May - beginning of June, transplant the seeds into open ground and within a year the flowers will bloom.

How to properly water and fertilize cannes

Cannes is a must water with plenty of warm water, the plant should be fed during the entire growth period until the leaves die off around autumn. Fertilizer irrigation is often used, when the plant is treated with mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion; this should be done 3-4 times a week.

Every time before watering the plant, do not forget to loosen the soil and remove weeds from it. To make flowering better, you can make it for cannas hot manure bedding. To do this, dig a hole 70 cm deep and fill it three-quarters with manure, and then 20 cm with earth. The heat generated will make the flower more luxuriant.

Cleaning and storing cannas in cold weather

The roots of the plant should be dug up at the first frost or in sunny autumn weather. After digging them up, they are dried and stored in sand, peat or soil, with the stems cut off at a height of about 20 centimeters. If there are a lot of roots, they need to be sprinkled with substrate and stored in a cool place at a temperature of up to 8 degrees, and as they are preserved, remove the rotten parts. They can also be covered 20 cm with sawdust or sand.

Many argue that cannas no need to shake off when digging and with a whole earthen coma, they should be dried and stored until spring so that they ripen better. And the earth will not allow the roots to dry out, and will not allow the young shoots to be lost. The roots need to be cleaned already during division.

Provided the plant is kept in room conditions they need to be watered once every two weeks.

Features of growing cannas

Growing cannas has a number of its own characteristics. This plant is not resistant to frost or cold, but it easily tolerates planting in pots even in winter.

Another feature of cannas is that they can also be grown, just like an aquatic plant. Suitable for this purpose plants of such groups as:

  1. Longwood;
  2. C.Indika;
  3. Canna glauca.

They can grow submerged in 20 cm of water for a whole year.

Cannas are returned to air only when the possibility of frost is completely absent. They are placed directly in pots in a pool under water, and in cold weather they are kept in a greenhouse. They should be kept at a temperature of 15 degrees. Please note that the potting soil must contain clay, or you can simply treat the inside of the pot itself with clay.

How to deal with diseases and pests

They are extremely dangerous for cannas. contagious bacterial diseases, in which the buds and leaves turn black or become spotted. In case of such diseases, flowers must be disposed of, since the disease is incurable. It appears due to excess moisture. Even though cannas love water very much, you cannot overdo it with it.

Caterpillars, slugs, butterflies and root nematodes, which also appear as a result of waterlogging of the flower, are considered dangerous pests for the plant. If insecticides are used, they can be controlled.

Elands are also subjected to rust fungus or gray rot, the cause of this disease is also waterlogging of the soil. The plant becomes covered with this disease rusty spots and rots.

Sometimes plants can become sick with variegation virus, when black spots appear on the leaves or begin to curl and shrink. The disease can be cured by removing diseased parts from the plant.

Also, cannas with fungal diseases can change the shade of the leaves; this is treated with potassium permanganate.

So, if you follow all the rules of care for canna flowers, water and fertilize on time, you will certainly be glad that your home or garden is decorated with such an extraordinary lush flowering this flower.

Beautiful bushes of luxurious canna

Canna flowers are distinguished by a variety of colors and shades, as well as a sharply asymmetrical shape. Many gardeners prefer to grow such a difficult-to-care plant in the country or keep it at home as a spectacular ornamental crop.

Description of the best varieties and types of cannas

Canna belongs to the monotypic family Cannaceae and is included in the order Zingiberaceae. Today there are about twelve species, which in natural conditions distributed throughout Central and South America.

The flower naturally grows in open and sunny areas, preferring moist and humus-rich soils. The flower catalog includes an incredible number of varieties, but Only the brightest and longest-blooming cannas gained the greatest popularity, which are easy to grow in home gardening conditions.

Name of species or variety

Species or variety description


A slow-growing perennial with an erect, smooth stem and powerful rhizome. The height of the aboveground part is 1.5-2.0 m. The foliage is elliptical, broadly lanceolate, leathery, dense, smooth, entire, light green in color with red stripes, up to half a meter long. Flowers are not numerous, tubular type, with a diameter of no more than 8.0-10 cm, waxy, pinkish-fawn and red in color, collected in racemose inflorescences


An evergreen perennial up to one and a half meters high, with a vertical rhizome. The foliage is lanceolate, oblong, narrowed at the base, up to 50-60 cm long. Flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, yellowish-gray in color, with small attractive bracts

Includes all modern garden hybrid forms, differing in size and color. They are especially popular among flower growers large-flowered varieties, belonging to the “Crosie” group, as well as the “Humbold” variety with bright orange flowers and red-brown foliage and the unpretentious “Tropicana Durban”

It has an above-ground part no more than one and a half meters high. It grows naturally in China. The foliage is distinguished by its oval-elongated shape, bright green color, and up to half a meter long. Flowers are reddish-orange in color, no more than 8.0-10 cm in diameter, collected in attractive inflorescences


The stem part of the decorative crop is 1.2-1.4 m high. The flowers are large, up to 10-12 cm in diameter, purple-red in color, collected in relatively long inflorescences. Reddish-purple foliage

"German Titov"

The stem part is erect, strong, no more than 1.1-1.3 m high. The flowers are relatively large, light beige-pink, collected in relatively long inflorescences. Reddish-green foliage

"Clara Buisson"

The above-ground part is represented by upright stems no more than 1.1-1.2 m high. The flowers are bright, reddish-orange in color, collected in attractive and relatively long inflorescences

"Andenken en Pfitzer"

The above-ground part is represented by erect, strong stems up to 1.2-1.4 m high. The flowers have an attractive orange color with quite pronounced touches of red at the base. Brown-purple foliage

"Sunny Beauty"

The height of the above-ground part does not exceed a meter, with fairly good foliage. The flowers are light beige-yellow or cream in color, collected in relatively long and attractive inflorescences


The bushes are represented by stems no more than one and a half meters high. Flowers are juicy and rich orange color, up to 10-12 cm long. Flowering is very abundant and long lasting. Varietal feature is to maintain decorative value throughout the season thanks to bronze-brown foliage


The medium-sized plant produces stunningly beautiful creamy-yellow flowers with numerous and clearly visible brownish-pink splashes


The medium-sized plant is distinguished by bright red flowers with a pronounced yellow border. The foliage is green in color, quite wide, with slight wavy edges. Flowering continues until mid-October


A feature of the varietal color is the interesting distribution of different shades across the petals. The main color is red. There is also edging and veining yellow color. The height of the plant does not exceed 1.2-1.3 m. The foliage of the aboveground part is good. The foliage is rich green.


The variety is very highly valued by flower growers and landscape designers for its incredibly attractive and bright yellow petals with pronounced oblong inclusions. orange-red color. The flower diameter does not exceed 12-13 cm with a total stem height of 80-90 cm

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Methods and features of eland propagation

Obtaining a new plant in home gardening is most often done by sowing seeds, but propagation by dividing the rhizome is also practiced. Both methods require strict adherence to technology:

  • seeds, collected from a seed pod, are quite large and have a hard, dense shell, so it is necessary to produce pre-sowing preparation in the form of soaking or stratification. Before soaking, the seeds are briefly scalded with boiling water or frozen for two hours in the refrigerator. Sowing of seeds is carried out in mid-February, subject to a temperature regime of 22-23°C. Shoots appear in about three weeks. After the formation of three true leaves, the seedlings need to be planted in separate seedling pots and grown in a bright room at a temperature of 16-17°C. Before planting in flower beds, hardening procedures are carried out. Disembarkation flower seedlings into open ground is possible after a stable temperature has been established and the threat of late spring frosts. Flowering occurs in the year of sowing;
  • propagation by rhizome is the main method of propagation of any species of such ornamental plants. Division is carried out in March-April or immediately before planting in flower beds. The separated roots should be planted in the spring. The division of tubers is carried out depending on the number of distantly located buds using a sharp and clean blade or knife. It is recommended to pickle separated rhizomes in a weak solution based on potassium permanganate, which helps destroy pathogenic microflora. All cuts must be sprinkled with crushed charcoal or wood ash.

For the purpose of growing, the resulting cuttings should be placed in individual planting containers filled with a nutritious soil substrate based on compost, humus and medium-grained sand.

How to plant cannes in spring (video)

Planting and caring for cannas in open ground

To get long and bright flowering, the ornamental crop must be properly cared for throughout the season.

Selecting and preparing a place for growing in the garden

To achieve the most abundant and long flowering, it is recommended to choose the right area for planting. The place for growing should be sunny and well heated. The crop cannot be planted in lowlands and areas exposed negative impact strong gusts of cold northern wind. The flower garden must be properly prepared in advance by digging to the depth of a spade and removing all weeds and debris.

The plant prefers areas that are fertile, rich in organic matter and warm soil. The best soil for cultivation is soil consisting of humus, leaf soil, coarse sand and peat in equal proportions. A prerequisite is the installation of reliable and high-quality drainage.

Technology and planting timing

It is advisable to plant the plant in a permanent place in the second half of May, after the risk of return of spring frosts has passed. Failure to comply with planting deadlines often becomes the main reason for delays in the development of eland or complete absence flower formation. It is best to plant the plant on a hot “litter”, which performed in accordance with the following technology:

  • preparing planting holes with a diameter of about half a meter;
  • filling the bottom of pre-prepared planting holes with a 20-centimeter layer of fresh, high-quality manure;
  • backfilling with nutritious soil substrate 25 cm high;
  • high-quality soil moistening in the planting pit with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • placing the rhizome on top of moistened soil with a depth of no more than 6-8 cm and sprinkling it with a nutritious soil substrate.

The standard distance between planted plants and between rows should not be less than half a meter. Flowering occurs approximately one and a half to two months after planting. planting material to a permanent place in open ground.

Watering and fertilizing

Cannas belong to the category of moisture-loving crops, so it is necessary to provide abundant irrigation with warm and soft water. Feeding is carried out throughout the entire period of growth and development, but at the stage of foliage dying, watering and fertilizing should be gradually reduced and then stopped altogether.

Experienced flower growers Frequent fertilizing watering with complex mineral fertilizers or diluted mullein infusion is practiced once a month. The fertilizing rate is 40-50 g of a mixture based on 12 g of nitrogen, 25 g of phosphorus, 10 g of potassium fertilizer for each square meter flower garden Watering must be combined with loosening and weeding activities.

Protection from diseases and pests

Rarely cannas are affected by bacteriosis, accompanied by blackening and subsequent death of buds or the appearance of blackening spots on the foliage. A bacterial infection is incurable and is often caused by excess moisture.

Severe waterlogging of the soil also causes damage to rust fungus, to destroy which special preparations or a solution based on potassium permanganate, diluted at the rate of 4.0 g per bucket of warm water, are used. You can spray the plant periodically "Vertimecom" or "Mauricom".

How to store cannes (video)

Why cannas don't bloom and how to solve the problem

Sometimes with visible good care Cannas don't bloom. In this case requires attention to care. In home floriculture, the main factors may be the lack of temperature levels necessary for growth and development, as well as improper watering and fertilizing, or uncomfortable air humidity.

Plants can also be damaged by aphids, cutworms, spider mites, rust and mosaic, which weakens the culture and does not allow it to bloom. In this case, it is necessary to properly balance care, as well as carry out the entire range of preventive and therapeutic measures.

Canna after flowering

After daytime temperatures drop almost to zero, the leaves are cut off and the flowers are dug up, leaving an earthen coma around the tuber. After flowering, you can dig up the planting material for winter storage or plant it in flower pots, and then place it on a well-lit windowsill at home. During this period, watering must be reduced to once or twice a month. Feeding is completely excluded.

How to store tubers in winter after digging them up in autumn

Wintering in open ground it is not always successful, which is why you need to dig up the tubers before winter and put them in storage. To properly preserve planting material, you need to ensure temperature regime at the level of 8-12 o C.

It is best to store tubers or rhizomes in a cool, dry basement. Right choice storage and compliance with optimal temperature and humidity indicators have a positive effect on the quality characteristics of planting material, as well as flowering productivity indicators in the next season.

Rules and features of home care

Canna is photophilous, so place flower pot It is only necessary in a sunny place, for which a window sill located on the south or west side of the room is optimal.

At home, caring for a flower is not at all difficult. Irrigation measures are carried out with settled water as necessary. room temperature. A couple of times a month, watering is combined with liquid feeding with fertilizers, suitable for growing indoors flowering perennials. Periodically, you need to inspect the perennial for damage by diseases and pests, and, if necessary, carry out preventive or therapeutic measures.

Features of growing cannas (video)

Beautiful cannas look great in mono-bouquets and as spectacular decoration flower beds or flower beds in combination with low-growing ornamental plants. Recently, cannas are increasingly used in the summer decoration of terraces and balconies, and are also planted as part of flower arrangements on the lawns.

With its decorativeness perennial canna, attracts many lovers exotic plants. Canna flowering begins in summer and lasts until frost. garden plot This entire period is decorated with bright, elegant flowers and lush leaves. Cannas in the garden can be planted singly, in groups, in beds with smaller plants, such as low-growing ones, and other annuals and perennials. Flowers will decorate a green lawn, alley, or pond.

It is better to decorate a large area with tall varietal cannes, which differ not only in the height of the bush, but also in the color of the leaves and flowers.

Conditions for growing cannas in the garden

Garden cannas are quite resilient plants that tolerate drought and heat without difficulty, but growing them still requires some effort. So, conditions for growing cannas in the garden:

  • rhizomes need to be germinated;
  • the seat must be well and carefully prepared;
  • During drought, cannas need to be watered regularly;
  • cannas need to be fed;
  • Store cannas properly in winter.

Growing cannas in open ground has its own secrets, agricultural techniques, and once you learn them, you will get a fireworks display of flowers on your site.

Blooming canna in the garden

Primer for cannes

Since to store cannas in winter you need to dig up the rhizomes with a lump of earth, you will have to start dividing the rhizomes at the end of March. The tubers are inspected and sent for germination in boxes with sawdust or peat in a room with high humidity or in a greenhouse. Rhizomes with sprouts (8-10 cm) are divided into parts and planted one at a time in pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm. When planting in pots, you can use a substrate consisting of leaf soil or a mixture of decomposed manure and greenhouse soil in a 2:1 ratio. Next, the pots are transferred to a room with a temperature of 16-18 ºC, where they will remain until planted in a permanent place in the garden. Be sure to harden the cannes before planting, and you need to start doing this two weeks before planting the cannes in open ground.

Planting cannas in the garden

Fertilizing and watering canna

Cannas should be fed with complete mineral fertilizer at least three times during the growing season. After watering, loosening is carried out. During dry periods, cannas are watered 2-3 times a week. Rhizomes will ripen better if you begin to reduce watering at the end of summer and stop completely before digging.

Garden canna flowering

The first inflorescences will appear 1.5-2 months after planting. It is better to cut off these inflorescences to allow the root system to develop well and grow healthy, powerful roots. Removing faded flowers in time, before fruit formation, will help preserve the decorative appearance of the plant and preserve strength for further flowering. Cannas bloom until frost.

Diseases and pests of cannas

Growing canna

Types and varieties of cannes

Tall varieties of canna

On a spacious lawn area It is better to plant the following tall varieties of cannes (height 1-1.5 m):

  • America, Red Futurity - varieties with purple leaves and red flowers;
  • Fire Bird and President - these varieties have red flowers and green leaves;
  • Kron and King Midas are varieties with bluish-green leaves and yellow flowers.

You can line groups of these cannas with silver, then they definitely won’t get lost among the greenery. Cannas are spectacular even in the evening if you place garden lamps next to them.

Located in the central part of the ground floor, the cannes will look even more beautiful. Especially if you drop them off different levels: tall with dark red and short cannas with soft pink flowers.

Low-growing canna varieties

Low-growing varieties of cannas (50-90 cm) can be planted on small lawns, placed in flowerpots on the recreation area or at the entrance to the house:

  • City of Portland,
  • Carpet,
  • Lucifer,
  • Pfitzer's Chinese Coral,
  • Hungaria,
  • Valentina Tereshkova.

The unquenchable flame will remind you of canna varieties with flower colors that contain a combination of yellow and red strokes:

  • Picasso,
  • Gold Lucifer,
  • Parthenite,
  • Lucifer.

They are beautiful against the background and will enliven walls made of large stones.

Often cannas began to be planted in. Such cannes all year round grow immersed 10-20 cm in water. Only in the summer in a reservoir in the open air, and at sub-zero temperatures they are transferred to, where the temperature is +15 ºC, and immersed in water. Sufficient lighting is required for flowering. If natural is not enough, then artificial lighting of the cannas is necessary, then the plants will continue flowering and form new shoots.

Growing canna in the garden

Canna varieties for ponds

If there is no winter garden, the rhizomes should be washed, dried in the fall and stored in peat or sand during the winter. The following canna varieties can grow in water:

  • Brilliant,
  • Lucifer,
  • Canna indica,
  • hybrids of the Lonqwood group.

And if you create an original composition of cannas and nymphs in a pond, then everyone who loves unusual plants will be delighted.

Where do the drops on canna leaves come from? They also say that eland cries. Since canna is a tropical plant, it is endowed with guttation, i.e. ability to release excess moisture - drops appear on the leaves. So, with the help of canna you will find out the weather forecast. Large drops on the leaves will indicate high humidity air, indicating possible precipitation during the day or night.

One of the most unusual and spectacular bulbous plants is canna. Canna flowers can decorate any composition, combine with almost any other plants, and also look beautiful in single plantings.

Canna varieties

"Livadia"- flowers reaching no more than 1 m in height. The inflorescences are red-crimson, 25 cm in diameter, the leaves are large, purple. Flowering occurs in July.

"America"- flowers of this variety grow up to 1.2 - 1.4 m. The inflorescences are purple-red, 10 - 12 cm in diameter, the leaves are purple. Flowering occurs in the first ten days of July.

"The president"- flowers up to 1 m high. Red inflorescences, 15 cm in diameter. Green leaves. Flowering in July.

"Richard Wallace"- flowers growing up to 1 m in height. The inflorescences are yellow, with red streaks and dots scattered throughout the inner surface of the petals. The length of the inflorescences is 20–25 cm. The leaves are green. Flowering in early to mid July.

"Suevia"- flowers up to 1 m high. Lemon-colored inflorescences, 12–15 cm in diameter. Leaves are rich green. Flowering in the second decade of July.

"Andenken en Pfitzer"- height 1.1 - 1.4 m. Inflorescences are bright orange, with red strokes, 30 cm long. Leaves are purple.

"Cleopatra" - low-growing variety with large yellow inflorescences and red strokes on the petals. The leaves are dark green, with bronze and red stripes. The height of the plant reaches 80 cm. This variety is ideal for container planting.

"Golden Lucifer"- a flower 50–60 cm high. The inflorescence is light yellow, with numerous red dots on the petals. Leaves are green in color.

Planting canna seeds for seedlings

Growing garden canna from seeds is a fascinating, but painstaking task. This method is usually used by breeders and experimentation enthusiasts. Are you not afraid of difficulties? Then proceed as follows:

  1. The first step is to soften the dense seed shell, which prevents germination. To do this, scald the seeds with boiling water and soak for 3-4 hours in warm water or put them in the refrigerator for an hour or two.
  2. Fill the seedling container with a light, moist substrate.
  3. Plant canna seeds to a depth of 1.5–2 cm and sow under soft, diffused light at a temperature of +22–23 °C. The first shoots will hatch after 20–30 days.
  4. When the seedlings form 3–4 leaves, plant them in individual pots and keep them in a bright, cool (about +16 °C) room until planting.
  5. At the end of May and beginning of June, the grown bushes are planted in flower beds. Most of them will bloom only next year, but the strongest ones can form buds as early as August of the current season.

Preparing soil for cannas at home

Cannas prefer soil that is loose and nutritious, rich organic fertilizers and sufficiently hydrated. If there is a stream flowing on your site, try to find a place free of stones, fill it with fertile soil and plant cannas. Along these streams beautiful creatures will feel very good.

Cannas also thrive on plowed virgin lands; such soils have a good turf layer. The main condition for growing on such lands will be sufficient watering and fertilizing, since cannas are very moisture-loving plants that require fertilizing. If you provide your canna plants with proper care, they will thank you in return. Namely, they will help to improve your virgin plot, since after their cultivation the soil becomes loose and there are practically no weeds left.

Planting cannes in open ground

Cannas are considered a favorite plant as urban specialists. landscape design, and owners of country estates. Depending on the climate, the plant is planted both in open ground and seedlings are pre-grown in a greenhouse.

To disinfect canna seeds, use crushed coal powder or a solution of potassium permanganate. Plants are planted in open ground in the southern regions. Places chosen are sunny, protected from the north side from the wind. According to the time of year, this is the month of April. There are no special requirements for the soil. It should be loose and prevent stagnation of water, drain well, and be sufficiently fertilized. First, a groove is dug in the ground. The depth is no more than 10 cm. Plants are placed at a distance of up to half a meter. Cover with a layer of earth.

Caring for canna at home

A lot depends on the cultivation and planting of cannas, but also a lot depends on how correctly and efficiently the plant was cared for when it was grown. In fact, the process of caring for a canna does not involve anything difficult or abstruse. Care includes the following:

  • Regular moderate watering.
  • Removing weeds growing near the flower.
  • Feeding the plant with fertilizers.
  • Systematic loosening of the soil around the stem.

Uniform watering is very important, since watering in small quantities leads to the fact that the plant does not have enough moisture and it simply begins to dry out, and if the moisture is higher than normal, then fungal diseases appear, which can lead to the complete death of the flower.

Latest articles about gardening

To grow large plant With bright and voluminous flowers, it is necessary to periodically fertilize the soil where the canna grows. This is done during the growing season of the plant. It is best to use mineral fertilizers in liquid form.

It is clear that over time the flowers fade, and these dried inflorescences must be picked in time. This will preserve the aesthetic appearance of the plant and prevent unnecessary waste of sap contained in the stems to maintain a wilted flower.

As soon as the flower ends its flowering period, you need to pour a mound of earth around the stem. This procedure will prevent damage to the root collar during the onset of the first frost.

Feeding canna at home

The first time cannas will need to be fed during planting. For this purpose, mineral fertilizers are most often used, in particular nitrogen fertilizers, which will give the plant strength for growth, and phosphorus fertilizers, which will strengthen it and ensure the full development of its above-ground part.

To keep the roots as warm as possible, planting holes are dug deep and wide (45x45 cm) and covered horse manure, if not, then pour a 10 cm layer of humus. A layer of earth (5 cm) is placed on top, which is mixed in advance with the used mineral fertilizers. Tubers are placed on all this and, sprinkled with soil no more than 5 cm, watered generously with warm water. You can lay a centimeter layer of compost on top of the soil. Then every month you will need to pay phosphate fertilizers along with watering.

Canna propagation by division of rhizomes

Most reliable way to get flowering in the same year - propagate the plant by dividing the rhizomes (tubers). Do this in March-early April. Each division is a separate tuber; if they are located very close to each other, then it is better to leave both. Treat the cut area with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or crushed coal. It is better to grow tubers in boxes with sand.

The bud (tuber) is placed horizontally, sprinkled with sand, and sprayed with warm water from time to time. Germinate at a temperature of 20-24 ºC, you can slightly warm the soil from below. When the buds sprout and the first leaf appears, provide good lighting and an air temperature of 16ºC. Water once every 10 days with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 10 liters of water). Appearance yellow leaves indicates a fungal infection - increase the manganese concentration. You can do without growing, but if planted directly into the soil, the cannas may not take root or may not bloom that year.

Canna diseases and pests

Cannas are practically not affected by pests and can only occasionally be subject to bacterial diseases, which are accompanied by blackening and death of buds, as well as the appearance of white and then blackening spots on the leaves.

Bacteriosis develops in conditions of excess moisture, and they are incurable: the affected plants can only be thrown away. Leaves are sometimes damaged by butterfly caterpillars. In this case, insecticides should be used. To prevent root nematodes, the soil around the plants must be treated with special preparations.

Preparing cannes for winter

Garden cannas also do not need large quantities water, so watering should be gradually reduced and then stopped altogether. Before the first frosts, the cannas need to be hilled up high to protect the root collars from freezing, otherwise they may rot in winter, and immediately after the first frosts, the canna stems should be cut at a height of 15-20 cm, and the rhizomes should be removed along with a lump of earth.

It's beautiful and popular perennial flower, decorating many flower beds and pre-house areas. What varieties of canna plants are there, planting and care in open ground, rules for wintering a flower - this is what a novice gardener should know.

Garden cannes - planting and care

Garden canna flowers have many varieties - the most common of which are:

All varieties of canna grow and bloom well in mid-latitudes; their planting and care in open ground is no different. For this plant, you need to choose a bright, sunny and not at all windy place in the garden. The soil should be well cultivated, loosened and nutritious. It is worth mixing sand and peat into ordinary black soil, so the flowers will feel much better.

When to plant cannas in open ground in spring?

Cold air is detrimental to this flower, so planting canna in the ground in the spring is done strictly after the end of frost, that is, at a time of year when you are already sure that there will be no more frosts and the plant does not risk freezing. In warmer latitudes this is approximately mid-April, in cooler climates - in the middle, or better yet, at the end of May.

Preparing cannes for planting in the spring consists of the following steps:

  1. At the end of February we carefully inspect the tubers. If suddenly dried or rotten areas have formed on them, we cut them off and treat the cut areas with charcoal.
  2. Next, we divide the rhizomes into a maximum of 5 parts according to the number of eyes.
  3. Then we plant the rhizomes in pots where the roots of the plant sprout.
  4. After the first leaves of the plant appear, you can wait for warm weather.

Caring for cannes outdoors

Caring for cannas in spring and summer in open ground does not involve anything complicated:

  • timely and abundant watering;
  • weed removal;
  • feeding once a month.

Canna's peduncles are very tall, but they do not need a bandage - their stems are very hard and strong. Everyone is looking forward to the plant blooming, but the first inflorescences of the canna should be removed - this will help the flower to take root well in the open ground. It is important to remove dead canna flowers immediately. When cold weather begins, cannas should be hilled to a height of approximately 10 cm.

With the onset of frost, canna leaves begin to turn black, and it is at this time that the plant should be dug out of the ground and prepared for storage. The flower stems are cut almost to the root, and the media are treated with fungicides. There is no need to remove soil from the roots; we dry them well and place them in a paper bag or box. winter storage. Cannas should be stored in a cool and dry place.

When do cannas bloom outdoors?

Blooming is the most awaited moment in flower growing, and cannas are no exception. When does canna bloom in the garden, if planting and care in the open ground is carried out according to all the rules? This is influenced by many factors - air humidity and temperature, moisture supply, lighting. In more northern areas, cannas may not bloom due to too short and cool summers.

If canna was planted in open ground in May, and the plant was already large in size, favorable environment The peduncle may appear as early as a month, in June. But there are different types Cannas - early and late, some of them can bloom towards the end of summer, so there is no need to worry if you do not see the beginning of flowering in the coming months after planting.

There are several possible reasons, why canna does not bloom in open ground. Some of them are easily eliminated, while others can be difficult to deal with.