Kalinin State Medical Institute. Tver Medical University - Tvergmu. Requirements for admission to Tver State Medical University

Tver State Medical University is the largest educational, research and treatment center in the Tver region.

In 1936, the Leningrad State Dental Institute was created, in July 1954 the university was transferred to Kalinin and reorganized into the Kalinin State Dental Institute medical school. It is from this time that the university traces its history on Tver land. Since 1994, the university was named Tver State Medical Academy, in 2015 it was renamed Tver State Medical University. Since 1962, Tver State Medical University has been training specialists for foreign countries. Today more than 1000 students study at the university foreign students, residents, interns and graduate students from 45 countries. Tver State Medical University is traditionally at the top of the all-Russian ranking, which evaluates the quality of admission to universities in the Russian Federation.

The university is widely introducing innovative educational technologies, including e-learning, distance learning technologies, and simulation learning.

Among the most important achievements of the university recent years in the scientific field - the creation and implementation of nanotechnologies in surgery and dentistry, the opening of scientific laboratories for adolescent medicine and clinical genetics, the introduction of telemedicine technologies into scientific activities, the creation of an international School of Public Health, conducting clinical trials of medical devices and drugs, and the creation of small innovative enterprises.

Medical, educational and scientific activities of employees of clinical departments are carried out on the basis of most medical organizations in Tver and the Tver region. Students also do internships there.

International cooperation is one of the strategic directions of the university’s activities, important for the necessary successful integration into the international educational and scientific space. The leading foreign partner of Tver State Medical University has been the University of Saarland (Germany) for many years. The agreement on joint activities of the two universities, concluded in 1995, made it possible to begin the implementation of a long-term and comprehensive cooperation project in a number of important areas, among which currently we should especially note medical genetics, endoscopic surgery, pediatric cardiology, and ophthalmology. One of the areas of international activity of the Tver State Medical University is the holding of a Russian-German summer school in medicine together with the University of Saarland.

One of the leading specialized universities in the Russian Federation, Tver State University currently has the following faculties: Dental, General Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Pediatric, Higher Nursing Education. In addition, there are the Faculty of Postgraduate Education and the Department of Training for Foreign Citizens. The specialty of secondary vocational education is also very popular. Additional and postgraduate education can be obtained through internship and residency, and doctoral and postgraduate studies are intended to train teachers in medicine itself. highly qualified, all this is provided by the TSMA training programs.


To properly train doctors at TSMU, faculties work according to programs that meet the educational standard of higher professional education. Educational process conducted at 45 clinical and theoretical departments, plus one independent course. 390 teachers work here. Forty departments of the TSMA are headed by doctors of medical sciences.

Ten clinical disciplines are taught in the educational-medical (outpatient) and scientific-practical complexes of the academy. Practical classes of many theoretical departments are conducted in their own museums. Surgeons also have their own operating room with laboratory animals.

Sequence of training

Freshmen and sophomores study theoretical and medical-biological disciplines: chemistry, biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, histology, after which they begin to study the diseased organism and the development of the disease at the departments of pathological physiology and anatomy. At the same time, students are introduced to the sacrament of examination and proper communication with patients - from the third year, training takes place mostly in clinical departments. Surgery, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology are studied.

In the following courses - senior ones - disciplines of a narrower profile appear - dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, nervous and infectious diseases, psychiatry. In the sixth year, the results are summed up through state certification - a three-stage exam: test control, testing of practical skills, then an oral interview and solving problems based on situations. After this, they are sent to an internship or residency to continue training in their chosen specialty.

Faculty of Pediatrics

The faculty has 44 departments, of which four are specialized. The teaching staff of specialized departments consists of 26 people, including four professors and 11 associate professors. 85 percent of the teachers have In the entire faculty there are much more than 300 employees, 50 doctors and almost 200 candidates of medical sciences, three honored scientists of Russia, 11 honored doctors, four honored workers of the Higher School of the Russian Federation and many other honored people. There are more than ten corresponding members of the academies of sciences alone.

Technically, the faculty is almost fully equipped with computer equipment, printers, scanners, multimedia projectors, as well as purely medical equipment, such as ECG and phantoms for resuscitation. All children's and adult medical institutions in the city became clinical bases for the faculty. The personnel trained by the faculty equip both Tverskaya and all neighboring regions. Graduates work in the Kaluga, Bryansk, Pskov, and Moscow regions.

Faculty of Pharmacy

A pharmacist is a specialist who thoroughly understands medicines, as well as in dosages for use and their composition. In the Russian Federation, a pharmacist is a specialist highest category, to whom consultants, pharmacists and other pharmacy employees report. Today, a pharmacist is a leader, although he can prepare and dispense medicines better than many.

But in Europe it’s quite the opposite: there the pharmacist reports and helps the pharmacist, who is usually no lower than a master’s degree. In Russia, medical schools train pharmacists. Therefore, it is difficult for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy to study, like all doctors, and confirming the level of education abroad will cost a huge amount of effort, even if it is a TSMA diploma.


Training takes place at the clinical and theoretical departments. In total, the Tver State Medical Academy has 64 of them. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has a course in this specialty at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. Training is organized in the same way at the departments of biochemistry, internal medicine, pediatric dentistry and some others. There is a department for anesthesiologists and resuscitators


Maternity hospital No. 1 in the city of Tver knows how practical basis Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology TSMA. Classes here are held with fourth, fifth and sixth year students of the medical, dental and pediatric faculties. In addition, students also practice in all other maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics.

The department is also based on the regional oncology clinic and the gynecological department of city hospital No. 4. The teaching staff is highly professional: 42 candidates and three doctors of medical sciences since the founding of the department. Many defended dissertations indicate the high level of scientific work achieved by the Tver State Medical Academy and its medical faculty in particular.

Resuscitation and anesthesiology

This course was organized in 1987 at the Department of Urology, then urology and hospital surgery were combined, after which in 2002 anesthesiology and resuscitation were taught for some time at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, and in 2010 a separate department was created. Fifth and sixth year students of the Faculty of Medicine study here. Rendering emergency care, if the patient’s condition is life-threatening, it is studied with special attention.

For this purpose, the Tver State Medical Academy created an educational and training center at the Department of Extreme and Military Medicine. The office, equipped with modern equipment, mannequins and phantoms, allows you to simulate almost all types of life-threatening conditions, as well as make the most objective assessments regarding the mastery of techniques, skills, and emergency care skills. Modern computer programs help with this.


Tver city and surrounding areas populated areas Every year they willingly supply applicants to the medical academy, and everyone who is lucky enough to become students will certainly be related to this department. She is truly strong and equipped last word technology - computer classes, laboratories.

In addition to teaching, the staff of the department works tirelessly for the glory that the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State Medical Academy" has earned: it publishes textbooks, collections of situational problems, an annotated Russian-English dictionary in biology for students and students of medical universities, examination tests for students of all faculties in biology .

IN large quantities teaching aids are published, articles are written for periodicals. International, republican and regional conferences are held. An interactive atlas on biology is being compiled. Dissertations of all levels are defended. It is home to some of the most interesting speakers at conventions, conferences and symposiums, as well as creative developers who have received patents for their inventions. Tver State Medical Academy (TSMA) highly values ​​the work of the Department of Biology.


There are two main types of training at the Department of Dentistry: medical practice (practical healthcare) and general educational. Here, the most effective treatment and prosthetics are widely introduced into practice, a program for the prevention and treatment of diseases in the field of dentistry is carried out, new and modern materials for prosthetics, as well as for dental treatment.

The training base for practice is the Diagnostic Center of the TGMA, its clinic and clinic. This is the largest treatment and preventive, scientific, practical, diagnostic and dental enterprise. This Center also serves as a base for advanced training of doctors of various profiles from Tver and many other regions of Russia. It's very high level modern equipment. Contracts are concluded with organizations, enterprises, individuals and insurance companies for dental prosthetics and comprehensive treatment.

Clinical base

The Academy equipped its brainchild with the most modern equipment for diagnostics in absolutely all areas: ultrasound, laboratory tests, radiology, velometry, decimetry, endoscopic studies and so on. The teaching staff of the TSMA in gynecology, cardiology, surgery, traumatology, urology, dermatovenerology, enterogastrology and many other specialties work at receptions and consultations. This Center is used by patients from 17 districts of the region and, of course, Tver itself.

The State Medical Academy is proud that there are no analogues to diagnostic and therapeutic equipment not only in Tver and the region, but also far beyond its borders. These include X-ray equipment, such as a densitometer that diagnoses osteoporosis. This includes ultrasound equipment complete with the Sequoia apparatus, a magnetic-nuclear installation in the rehabilitation department, a single-needle and membrane plasmapheresis apparatus created for the military-industrial industry, endoscopic equipment, and a complex of devices diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. There are excellently equipped clinical and biochemical laboratories.

Address and how to get there

The academy building is located at: st. Sovetskaya, 4, Tver. You can get to it by public transport along the following routes:

  • trolleybuses No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 - to the “Circus” stop;
  • bus number 20 - to the stop "Cathedral Square";
  • minibuses: No. 1, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 52, 54, 223 - to the “Medical Academy” stop.

Tver State Medical University (TverSMU)- an educational institution founded in 1936 in Leningrad as a dental institute, and then in 1954 transferred to the city of Kalinin, on the basis of which the Tver State Medical Academy was founded. In 2015, the educational institution received the status of a university and is now an advanced research center that cooperates with many foreign universities and research institutes, and also has its own clinic and dentistry.

Advantages of Tver State Medical University

Historically, Tver State Medical University was a dental institute that trained qualified dentists. Therefore, it was this faculty that subsequently became the strongest academically. It is noteworthy that students of the Faculty of Dentistry undergo practical training in a university clinic with 200 dental chairs.
In addition to qualified dentists, Tver State Medical University successfully graduates doctors in the specialties of general medicine, pharmacy, pediatrics, as well as highly specialized specialists - neurologists, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, radiologists and psychiatrists. Tver State Medical University has partnerships with many city clinics and dispensaries, which allows students to undergo practical training and university staff to engage in scientific work.
In the national ranking of universities, Tver State Medical University took 5th place in the category “Medical Universities” among 48 pharmaceutical and medical educational institutions. Today, Tver State Medical University is a large research institute that deals with research work commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Department of Health of the Tver Region. The university conducts research in such medical fields as cardiology, nephrology, pulmonology, gynecology and dermatovenerology. Interestingly, Tver State Medical University has its own electronic labor exchange, where students and graduates of the university can post their resumes, and employers can post current vacancies.

Requirements for admission to Tver State Medical University

Applicants entering bachelor's or specialist's programs must provide admissions committee document on secondary general or vocational education along with a statement of grades. Candidates wishing to enroll in a master's or postgraduate program must have a higher education diploma and a supplement to it. Foreign applicants must first translate the education document into Russian and have it certified by a notary, as well as provide a certificate of recognition of foreign education.

To study in Russian-language programs, a foreigner must know the language at least at an intermediate level. The future student will have to pass entrance examinations in several subjects, including the Russian language. It is noteworthy that exams can also be conducted on English depending on the wishes of the applicant himself.

Russian applicants have the opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Examination (biology, chemistry, Russian language) in preparatory courses lasting 4 months. Teachers supervise the process of students mastering the material in the form of individual consultations and tests. After completing the program, students can take a practice exam with error analysis.

Acceptance of applications for study at Tver State Medical University for citizens of the Russian Federation, entering the budget based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university, begins on June 20 and ends on July 14. Acceptance of applications for the paid department ends on August 8 for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam, and on July 14 for those who take internal exams at the university. The admissions campaign for foreign applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam starts on July 2 and ends on July 26; for those taking exams, applications close on July 14.

Tuition fees at Tver State Medical University

Tver State Medical University allocates a certain number of budget places for applicants who have successfully passed the Unified State Exam or internal university exams. Along with citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign applicants from near and far abroad can apply for budget places. Candidates who did not score required quantity points for admission to the budget, they can apply for a contract. Bachelor's degree training will cost around 113 thousand rubles. per year, the cost of specialty programs varies from 126 thousand to 175 thousand rubles. per year. To gain practical experience in residency, you will have to pay at least 160 thousand rubles. per year. Postgraduate studies will cost from 130 thousand rubles. per year.

Scholarships at Tver State Medical University

State-funded students of Tver State Medical University who succeed in their studies receive a state scholarship. The amount of cash incentives for future specialists is 2,850 rubles. per month. Specialty students who pass the session with excellent marks receive an increased scholarship - 3,350 rubles. per month. Monetary incentives are also awarded for achievements in sports, social and research activities - specialty students can receive an increased scholarship in the region of 9,500 thousand rubles. per month. Graduate students should expect RUB 7,400. per month, and for residents - 7,850 rubles. per month.
If desired, public sector and contract students can apply for scholarships and grants paid by non-governmental organizations and private foundations. Tver State Medical University encourages talented students to take part in various scientific competitions, helping young scientists obtain a grant to implement their project. One of these competitions is “UMNIK”, the winner of which receives a grant of 500 thousand rubles. TverSMU staff offer students assistance in registering their scientific projects in order to adequately represent the university at the competition. It is noteworthy that more than 35 young scientists from Tver State Medical University have already received this grant.

Arrangement of Tver State Medical University

The building of the Tver State Medical University is located in the historical center of the city and is one of the most remarkable architectural compositions of Tver. Today Tver State Medical University is a strong research center with 6 faculties: pediatrics, general medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy and postgraduate education.
In addition to medical laboratories for practical classes and a theoretical building, the structure of the university includes a canteen, an editorial and publishing center, a university museum, a sports and recreational camp and a library, which presents more than 500 thousand periodicals and textbooks, as well as an electronic catalog of books on medical science. subject. In addition, the university has its own clinic and dentistry, where professors and teachers of Tver State Medical University provide consultations, and university students also do internships.
Tver State Medical University cooperates with many foreign educational institutions and research centers. Thanks to close partnerships, the university successfully operates a scientific and practical center for endoscopic surgery, a laboratory of molecular genetics, a center for modern innovative technologies in ophthalmology, and a project to create dental implantology was launched jointly with the Baikon Medical Center (USA).
Tver State Medical University has 4 dormitories to accommodate non-resident and foreign students. The cost of living in a student residence varies from 640 rubles. up to 730 rub. per month. Tver State Medical University offers accommodation in corridor and apartment-type dormitories.

Photos of Tver State Medical University

The result of the successful activities of the society was the creation on September 1, 1902 in St. Petersburg of a dental school, the founder and head of which was the doctor of medicine, consultant at the Clinical Institute of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna I.A. Pashutin. The school's activities were interrupted by the First World War and Civil War. But already in the fall of the war of 1918, a dental subdepartment was established at the Commissariat of Health, which was faced with the extremely urgent task of training qualified personnel in the field of dentistry. And in 1919, the Institute of Public Dentistry was opened on the basis of the school (director - E.N. Anderson). In 1924, the institute was formally closed, but the 1st dental outpatient clinic was opened in its premises; the organization of its work was entrusted to Dr. Z.B. Piryatinsky. Working next to him were his comrades and like-minded people, pioneers and creators of Soviet dentistry: G.L. Efron, M.A. Minker, B.I. Gaukhman, I.Ya. Gepstein. According to surviving archival documents, in 1926 the outpatient clinic was reorganized into a scientific and practical dental clinic, and in 1927, on its basis, a scientific and practical dental institute was created, at which a dental technical school operated from 1932. The institute played a significant role in the development of Soviet dentistry. In 1933, the successor to this institute was the Leningrad Dental Institute of the city health department. In 1935, the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR issued an order to create on the territory Russian Federation network of dental institutes. In 1936, a higher educational institution was opened - the Leningrad State Dental Institute. Honored Doctor of the RSFSR Associate Professor Z.B. was appointed the first director of the institute. Piryatinsky, who then headed it for many years. The Institute was located in the very center of Leningrad and had a sufficient specialized clinical base for that time: 25 departments were located in a dental complex for 45 dental chairs with an auditorium for 100 seats and training rooms; in a surgical dental hospital with 30 beds, in hospitals and dental clinics in the city. A dormitory for students with 200 beds also appeared. For the first time, the Leningrad Dental Institute accepted 150 people with a four-year training period. During this period, the most prominent scientists worked at the institute, enriching domestic medical science - Professor S.S. Averbukh, I.A. Begelman, S.S. Weil, R.I. Weil, R.I. Gavrilov, I.S. Kudrin, M.L. Klyachko, N.A. Karpov, A.Ya. Katz, A.A. Limberg, S.E. Manoilov, S.K. Rosenthal, A.A. Smorodintsev, I.S. Rubinov; associate professors P.V. Naumov, A.I. Ugolev, T.T. Shkolyar and many others. After the difficult war years, the evacuation of the institute in 1942 to Krasnoyarsk, re-evacuation after the lifting of the blockade in June 1944 and the resumption of work as a faculty of the 2nd Leningrad Medical Institute, from September 1945 the institute returned to its pre-war status. In the 1949/50 academic year, the duration of study increased to five years, and enrollment reached 200 people. The Institute became known as the Leningrad Medical Dental Institute, and was headed by the head of the Department of Pathological Physiology, Professor R.I. Gavrilov. The post-war period of the institute’s activities in the northern capital is a time of active training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, conducting scientific research, and conferences. Before the transfer to the city of Kalinin, the Leningrad Medical Dental Institute trained 1,512 doctors. During the Leningrad period, the institute’s staff published 730 scientific works, including 18 textbooks. In 1946, a book by A.A., written during the blockade, was published. Limberg “Mathematical foundations of local plasticity on the surface of the human body”, which was awarded the State Prize. On July 1, 1954, Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1323 “On the transfer of some higher educational institutions of Moscow and Leningrad to other cities” was issued, and on July 9 and 11 followed orders of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 124 and No. 357. In accordance with them, the Leningrad State Medical Dental Institute was reorganized from July 10, 1954 into the Kalinin State Medical Institute, which received two faculties - medical and dental. They decided to locate the institute in the building of the former Tver men's gymnasium, built in the first half of the 19th century, as a large manor complex with a front yard. It is located opposite the Traveling Catherine Palace and almost mirrors the features of its composition; its architecture is designed in the dryish tones of late classicism, characteristic of official buildings in the last years of the reign of Nicholas I. The colossal work of transferring the institute from Leningrad to Kalinin was selflessly carried out by a team of like-minded people led by rector R.I. Gavrilov (1954-1957): I.S. Kudrin, who became the first vice-rector for educational and scientific work (1954-1956). P.V. Naumov, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry (1955-1961), R.D. Novoselov, associate professor O.A. Sidorov, who headed the medical faculty, E.K. Zhukov, T.T. Shkolyar, O.A. Naumova, P.I. Tofilo and many, many others. Already on November 16, 1955, under the leadership of R.D. Novoselov opened a clinic with 75 dental chairs and an auditorium for 100 people, for the first time in the country allowing dental students to study at its clinical base. In the first academic year the institute had 13 departments, staffed by eight professors, seven associate professors, and 27 assistants; of which 16 are candidates of medical sciences. The Leningraders who came to Kalinin formed the backbone of the teaching staff: they tried in every possible way to preserve and develop the traditions of their school. In 1962, the institute began training doctors for the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America (rector - A.N. Kushnev, 1958-1964). In 1964-1973 (rector - Professor R.D. Novoselov), the theoretical and clinical base expanded and the enrollment of students increased: up to 350 people at the medical faculty, up to 200 at the dental faculty and up to 50 foreign students. In 1965, the institute’s scientific sonnet was granted the right to accept dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. In 1972, construction of the theoretical building began. Since 1974, the newly built regional clinical hospital with 1,100 beds has become the educational base of the institute. At the turn of the 1970s-1980s (rector - Professor O.A. Dunaevsky, 1974-1986), the institute became one of the leading medical universities in Russia. During these years, 31 professors worked (including two honored scientists - E.I. Gavrilov and L.N. Sidarenko, one laureate of the USSR State Prize - A.M. Shabanov). In 1977, a theoretical building with 2,400 seats was put into operation. By the 50th anniversary in 1986, the institute had trained 12,680 doctors, including 373 for foreign countries. For services in the training of qualified specialists, the development of medical science and healthcare, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 1, 1986, the Kalinin State Medical Institute was awarded Order of Friendship of Peoples. In 1992, the city of Kalinin was renamed Tver, and the institute became known as the Tver State Medical Institute. In 1994, according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, the order of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia and the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation, the institute received the name “Tver State Medical Academy” ( TGMA). The first license of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for higher education TGMA received on March 6, 1994. Classes in the student classroom Postgraduate and additional education is implemented in internship (28 specialties) and residency (52 specialties), and training of scientific personnel is carried out through graduate school (32 specialties) and doctoral studies (4 specialties). Number of specialists continuing their postgraduate education at the academy is more than 2000 people annually. Let us present some figures regarding the composition of the academy’s teachers working in its 65 departments: out of 577 teachers, 86 doctors of science and 347 candidates of science, two corresponding members Russian Academy medical sciences, five Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, five Honored Workers of Higher School of the Russian Federation, four Honorary Workers of Higher Professional Education, 17 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation and more than 30 academicians and corresponding members of domestic and foreign public academies. Training is carried out at the request of practical healthcare and retraining of specialists in 92 specialties. The educational, scientific and medical activities of employees of clinical departments are carried out on the basis of most hospitals, dispensaries and clinics of the city and region, while more than 6,200 hospital beds are used. Over the past two decades, the Academy has been systematically training specialists for targeted recruitment on the basis of agreements with the administration of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation. Long-term agreements (for the period until 2014) on targeted training were concluded with 14 regions of the Russian Federation. A research center was created at the academy. Distance technologies are being actively introduced into training at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. The structure of the academy also includes: an editorial and publishing center, a library, an academy museum, a canteen, four student dormitories with 1,840 seats, and a sports and recreation camp. The large-circulation newspaper of the TSMA “Academia” and the academic publication “Verkhnevolzhsky Medical Journal” are published. The Academy is proud of its traditions. Some of them are rooted in the Leningrad period of the university, others are born again - after all, the life of any higher educational institution is not limited to the educational process. Annual initiation into students and ceremonial graduation, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Victory Day are of particular importance for the students and teaching staff of the academy. Construction labor teams are primarily engaged in arranging the academy’s buildings and maintaining order in it. The “Mercy” squad, which supervises the elderly people of the city, cultivates in students the qualities of a real doctor. The “Raznogolosie” literary club gathers young poetic talents, organizes creative evenings, and produces literary collections. At the center of culture and arts, professional teachers teach medical students vocals, dance and acting skills. By 2011, the “Rescuer” team had ten years of experience, which provides assistance to victims of emergencies and ensures the safety of public events. Volleyball and basketball, athletics and football, shooting, swimming and polyathlon - in these sports, the academy's teams regularly take prizes in competitions at various levels. The Tver Medical Academy is famous for the names of famous scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of medical science. Among them is E.I. Gavrilov, P.V. Naumov, R.D. Novoselov, T.T. Shkolyar, I.B. Shulutko, I.S. Novitsky, B.C. Semenov, I.S. Kudrin, A.P. Smooth and many, many others. Their students are the successors and creators of scientific schools and scientific directions. Students of the university head educational and scientific teams of many universities and research institutes in Russia and many countries around the world. Among them are State Prize laureates, professors, honored scientists of the Russian Federation, heads of departments, famous doctors and scientists from Russia and other countries of the world. The Academy is a large educational, scientific and medical institution in which fundamental, exploratory, methodological and applied scientific research is carried out , and according to the results of ratings it is among the ten best medical universities in Russia. Every year, the academy carries out research work on orders from the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Department of Health of the Tver Region. Being the developer and implementer of the Tver regional program “Human Health”, the Academy, after a competitive selection, was included in the State Scientific and Technical Program of the Russian Federation “Health of the Population of Russia”. The program “Social protection and development of the health of children in the Tver region” was highly praised by specialists at an international competition and in 1993 received a grant from the US State Department. TGMA is a participant in the international program for the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases CINDI (Countrywide Integrated Noncommunicable Disease Intervention Programm), conducted in Russia with the beginning of the 1980s. The Academy cooperates with many international organizations and major universities in the world, hosts active participation in projects of the European Commission. One of the sides of this cooperation was the creation, together with German colleagues, of an educational, scientific and practical center for endoscopic surgery (Department of Hospital Surgery), a center for modern innovative technologies in ophthalmology (Department of Eye Diseases), and a laboratory of molecular genetics (Department of Pathophysiology ). An innovative training center for dental implantology, Bicon Dental Implants, has been opened, a joint project with the American medical center Bicon, a Russian-German scientific program in the field of pediatric cardiology has been developed (Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Faculty). The staff of TSMA carefully preserves traditions, its long history and makes plans. development for the near future. This is the strengthening of the material and technical base, the creation of a university innovation system, the conclusion of cooperation agreements with foreign universities and participation in the implementation of national and international projects.

Tver State Medical Academy

Tver State Medical Academy
International name

Tver State Medical Academy

Year founded



Kalinkin Mikhail Nikolaevich


Davydov Boris Nikolaevich


Russia Tver

Legal address

Tver State Medical Academy (TSMA)- state budget educational institution higher professional education "Tver State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, located in Tver.

Abbreviated name: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Tver State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia.



President - Davydov Boris Nikolaevich, rector - Kalinkin Mikhail Nikolaevich. According to the data of the year, the academy has 479 teachers, including 55 professors and 149 associate professors.

Educational activities

According to the federal portal " Russian education", as of 2011, the academy had 2,636 full-time students and 304 part-time students. The Academy provides training in the following specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, preventive dentistry (secondary vocational education).

International activities

The Academy interacts with many educational and scientific institutions of foreign countries, as well as international organizations. The most significant successes were achieved in the following areas:

  • organization of the Russian-German educational, scientific and practical center for endoscopic surgery (Department of Hospital Surgery);
  • creation of a Russian-German center for modern innovative technologies in ophthalmology (Department of Eye Diseases);
  • creation, together with German colleagues, of a laboratory of molecular genetics (Department of General Pathology);
  • Russian-German scientific program in the field of pediatric cardiology (Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Pediatrics);
  • opening of a representative office of the TSMA at the University of Saarland (Germany);
  • a joint project with the Baikon Medical Center (USA) to create a dental implantology unit.

The number of foreign organizations with which TGMA maintains partnerships includes: University of Saarland (Germany), University of Vadodara (India), Medical Academy of Lublin (Poland), Russian Center for International Education (India), Russian Educational Center (Sri Lanka), Baikon Medical Center (USA).

An integral element of the international activities of the TSMA is the training of medical specialists for foreign countries. Since 1962, students, residents, graduate students, and clinical specialists from 56 countries have studied at the TSMA. Currently, about ¼ of all TSMA students are foreign citizens. Since 2001, teaching has been conducted using English.

TSMA in ratings

The official website of the Tver Medical Academy (www.tvergma.ru) is one of the most informative Internet resources among medical universities in Russia. According to an independent assessment by the National Research University Higher School of Economics jointly with RIA Novosti, commissioned by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Social Navigator project, the website of the Tver Medical Academy is included in the group of the most transparent and open websites for applicants (monitorings, and years).

  • The theoretical building of the academy (Sovetskaya St., 2–6) previously belonged to the 2nd Imperial Men's Gymnasium, the construction of which was carried out in - . architect K. B. Heidenreich. Located opposite the Imperial Travel Palace, it seems to mirror the features of its composition.
  • Previously, in the building at st. Sovetskaya, house 4 was the location of the USSR NKVD Directorate for the Kalinin Region. In particular, this building is notorious for the fact that it was here, in March-April of the year, that more than 6,000 captured Poles were shot.
  • On April 21, 2011, by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Association “Golden Book of St. Petersburg” (Minutes No. 7(4)/62), the Tver State Medical Academy was awarded the title of Laureate of the Golden Book of St. Petersburg and included it in the Chronicle of Glory of the Great City.




  • Organizations awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1936
  • Academy of Tver
  • Medical higher education institutions

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