Photo of a hydrogen atom taken by the Japanese. A photo of one atom has won a scientific photography competition, and here's how it became possible. Letters made from xenon pixels

In fact, the author of the RTCh has gone so far in his “reflections” that it is time to provoke a heavy counter-argumentation, namely, data from an experiment by Japanese scientists to photograph the hydrogen atom, which became known on November 4, 2010. The image clearly shows the atomic shape, confirming both the discreteness and roundness of atoms: “A group of scientists and specialists from the University of Tokyo photographed for the first time in the world an individual hydrogen atom - the lightest and smallest of all atoms, news agencies report.

The photo was taken using one of the latest technologies– a special scanning electron microscope. Using this device, a separate vanadium atom was photographed along with a hydrogen atom.
The diameter of a hydrogen atom is one ten-billionth of a meter. Previously it was believed that it was almost impossible to photograph it with modern equipment. Hydrogen is the most common substance. Its share in the entire Universe is approximately 90%.

According to scientists, other elementary particles can be captured in the same way. “Now we can see all the atoms that make up our world,” said Professor Yuichi Ikuhara. “This is a breakthrough to new forms of production, when in the future it will be possible to make decisions at the level of individual atoms and molecules.”

Hydrogen atom, relative colors

A group of scientists from Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, the USA and France took pictures of the hydrogen atom. These images, obtained using a photoionization microscope, show an electron density distribution that is completely consistent with the results of theoretical calculations. The work of the international team is presented on the pages of Physical Review Letters.

The essence of the photoionization method is the sequential ionization of hydrogen atoms, that is, the removal of an electron from them due to electromagnetic irradiation. The separated electrons are directed to the sensitive matrix through a positively charged ring, and the position of the electron at the moment of collision with the matrix reflects the position of the electron at the moment of ionization of the atom. The charged ring, which deflects electrons to the side, acts as a lens and with its help the image is magnified millions of times.

This method, described in 2004, had already been used to take “photos” of individual molecules, but physicists went further and used a photoionization microscope to study hydrogen atoms. Since the impact of one electron produces only one point, the researchers accumulated about 20 thousand individual electrons from different atoms and compiled an average image of the electron shells.

According to the laws of quantum mechanics, the electron in an atom does not have any specific position by itself. Only when an atom interacts with external environment an electron, with one probability or another, appears in a certain neighborhood of the atomic nucleus: the region in which the probability of detecting an electron is maximum is called the electron shell. New images show differences between atoms of different energy states; Scientists were able to clearly demonstrate the shape of electron shells predicted by quantum mechanics.

With the help of other devices, scanning tunneling microscopes, individual atoms can not only be seen, but also moved to the desired location. About a month ago, this technique allowed IBM engineers to draw a cartoon, each frame of which is composed of atoms: such artistic experiments do not have any practical effect, but demonstrate the fundamental possibility of manipulating atoms. For applied purposes, it is no longer atomic assembly that is used, but chemical processes with self-organization of nanostructures or self-limitation of the growth of monatomic layers on the substrate.

A hydrogen atom capturing electron clouds. And although modern physicists, using accelerators, can even determine the shape of a proton, the hydrogen atom, apparently, will remain the smallest object, the image of which makes sense to call a photograph. presents a review modern methods photographing the microworld.

Strictly speaking, there is almost no ordinary photography left these days. The images that we habitually call photographs and can be found, for example, in any photo report of, are actually computer models. Photosensitive matrix in special device(by tradition, it continues to be called a “camera”) determines the spatial distribution of light intensity in several different spectral ranges, the control electronics stores this data in digital form, and then another electronic circuit Based on this data, it gives commands to transistors in the liquid crystal display. Film, paper, special solutions for their processing - all this has become exotic. And if we remember the literal meaning of the word, then photography is “light painting”. So what can we say that scientists managed take a photo atom, is possible only with a fair amount of convention.

More than half of all astronomical images have long been taken by infrared, ultraviolet and X-ray telescopes. Electron microscopes irradiate not with light, but with a beam of electrons, while atomic force microscopes even scan the relief of the sample with a needle. There are X-ray microscopes and magnetic resonance imaging scanners. All these devices give us accurate images of various objects, and despite the fact that, of course, there is no need to talk about “light painting” here, we will still allow ourselves to call such images photographs.

Experiments by physicists to determine the shape of the proton or the distribution of quarks inside particles will remain behind the scenes; our story will be limited to the scale of atoms.

Optics never gets old

As it turned out in the second half of the 20th century, optical microscopes still have room for improvement. A decisive moment in biological and medical research was the advent of fluorescent dyes and methods that allow the selective labeling of certain substances. It wasn't just new paint", it was a real revolution.

Contrary to popular belief, fluorescence is not a glow in the dark at all (the latter is called luminescence). This is the phenomenon of absorption of quanta of a certain energy (say, blue light) with the subsequent emission of other quanta of lower energy and, accordingly, other light (when blue is absorbed, green ones will be emitted). If you install a light filter that transmits only the quanta emitted by the dye and blocks the light that causes fluorescence, you can see a dark background with bright spots of dyes, and the dyes, in turn, can color the sample extremely selectively.

For example, you can color the cytoskeleton of a nerve cell in red, the synapses in green, and the nucleus in blue. You can make a fluorescent label that will allow you to detect protein receptors on the membrane or molecules synthesized by the cell under certain conditions. The immunohistochemical staining method has revolutionized biological science. And when genetic engineers learned to make transgenic animals with fluorescent proteins, this method experienced a rebirth: for example, mice with neurons painted in different colors became a reality.

In addition, engineers came up with (and practiced) the method of so-called confocal microscopy. Its essence lies in the fact that the microscope focuses on a very thin layer, and a special diaphragm cuts off the illumination created by objects outside this layer. Such a microscope can sequentially scan a sample from top to bottom and obtain a stack of images, which is a ready-made basis for a three-dimensional model.

The use of lasers and sophisticated optical beam control systems has solved the problem of dyes fading and drying of delicate biological samples under bright light: the laser beam scans the sample only when it is necessary for imaging. And in order not to waste time and effort examining a large specimen through an eyepiece with a narrow field of view, engineers suggested automatic system scanning: you can put a glass with a sample on the stage of a modern microscope, and the device will independently take a large-scale panorama of the entire sample. At the same time, in in the right places it will focus and then stitch many frames together.

Some microscopes can contain live mice, rats, or at least small invertebrate animals. Others provide a slight magnification, but are combined with an X-ray machine. To eliminate interference from vibrations, many are mounted on special tables weighing several tons inside rooms with a carefully controlled microclimate. The cost of such systems exceeds the cost of other electron microscopes, and competitions for the most beautiful frame have long become a tradition. In addition, the improvement of optics continues: from search the best varieties glass and selecting optimal lens combinations, engineers moved on to ways to focus light.

We have specifically listed a number of technical details in order to show that progress in the field of biological research has long been associated with progress in other areas. If there were no computers that could automatically count the number of stained cells in several hundred photographs, supermicroscopes would be of little use. And without fluorescent dyes, all millions of cells would be indistinguishable from each other, so it would be almost impossible to monitor the formation of new ones or the death of old ones.

In fact, the first microscope was a clamp with a spherical lens attached to it. An analogue of such a microscope can be a simple playing card with a hole made in it and a drop of water. According to some sources similar devices used by gold miners in Kolyma already in the last century.

Beyond the diffraction limit

Optical microscopes have a fundamental disadvantage. The fact is that using the shape of light waves it is impossible to reconstruct the shape of those objects that turned out to be much shorter than the wavelength: with the same success you can try to examine the fine texture of the material with your hand in a thick welding glove.

The limitations created by diffraction have been partially overcome, without violating the laws of physics. Two circumstances help optical microscopes dive under the diffraction barrier: the fact that during fluorescence quanta are emitted by individual dye molecules (which can be quite far apart from each other), and the fact that by superposing light waves it is possible to obtain a bright spot with a diameter smaller than wavelength.

When superimposed on each other, light waves can cancel each other out, so the sample illumination parameters are set so that the smallest possible area falls into the bright area. In combination with mathematical algorithms that allow, for example, to remove ghosting in the image, such directional lighting provides a sharp increase in the quality of shooting. It becomes possible, for example, to examine intracellular structures using an optical microscope and even (by combining the described method with confocal microscopy) to obtain three-dimensional images of them.

Electron microscope to electronic instruments

In order to discover atoms and molecules, scientists did not have to look at them - molecular theory did not need to see the object. But microbiology became possible only after the invention of the microscope. Therefore, at first, microscopes were associated specifically with medicine and biology: physicists and chemists who studied significantly smaller objects made do with other means. When they wanted to look at the microworld, diffraction limitations became a serious problem, especially since the fluorescence microscopy methods described above were still unknown. And there is little sense in increasing the resolution from 500 to 100 nanometers if the object that needs to be examined is even smaller!

Knowing that electrons can behave both as a wave and as a particle, physicists from Germany created an electron lens in 1926. The idea behind it was very simple and understandable to any schoolchild: since the electromagnetic field deflects electrons, it can be used to change the shape of a beam of these particles, pulling them apart in different directions, or, conversely, to reduce the diameter of the beam. Five years later, in 1931, Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll built the world's first electron microscope. In the device, the sample was first illuminated by a beam of electrons, and then an electron lens expanded the beam that passed through before it fell on a special luminescent screen. The first microscope provided a magnification of only 400 times, but replacing light with electrons opened the way to photography with a magnification of hundreds of thousands of times: the designers only had to overcome a few technical obstacles.

An electron microscope made it possible to examine the structure of cells in a quality previously unattainable. But from this image it is impossible to understand the age of the cells and the presence of certain proteins in them, and this information is very necessary for scientists.

Electron microscopes now allow close-up photographs of viruses. There are various modifications of devices that allow not only to illuminate thin sections, but also to examine them in “reflected light” (in reflected electrons, of course). We will not talk in detail about all the variants of microscopes, but we note that recently researchers have learned to reconstruct an image from a diffraction pattern.

Touch, not look

Another revolution occurred through a further departure from the principle of “light and see.” An atomic force microscope, as well as a scanning tunneling microscope, no longer shines anything on the surface of samples. Instead, a particularly thin needle moves across the surface, which literally bounces even on irregularities the size of an individual atom.

Without going into details of all such methods, we note the main thing: the needle of a tunnel microscope can not only be moved along the surface, but also used to rearrange atoms from place to place. This is how scientists create inscriptions, drawings and even cartoons in which a drawn boy plays with an atom. A real xenon atom dragged by the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope.

The microscope is called a tunnel microscope because it uses the effect of a tunneling current flowing through a needle: electrons pass through the gap between the needle and the surface due to the tunneling effect predicted by quantum mechanics. This device requires a vacuum to operate.

An atomic force microscope (AFM) is much less demanding on environmental conditions - it can (with a number of restrictions) operate without pumping out air. In a certain sense, AFM is the nanotechnological successor to the gramophone. A needle mounted on a thin and flexible cantilever bracket ( cantilever and there is a “bracket”), moves along the surface without applying voltage to it and follows the relief of the sample in the same way as a gramophone needle follows along the grooves of a gramophone record. The bending of the cantilever causes the mirror mounted on it to deflect; the mirror deflects the laser beam, and this allows one to very accurately determine the shape of the sample under study. The main thing is to have a fairly accurate system for moving the needle, as well as a supply of needles that must be perfectly sharp. The radius of curvature at the tips of such needles may not exceed one nanometer.

AFM allows you to see individual atoms and molecules, but, like a tunneling microscope, it does not allow you to look beneath the surface of a sample. In other words, scientists have to choose between being able to see atoms and being able to study the entire object. However, even for optical microscopes the insides of the samples being studied are not always accessible, because minerals or metals usually do not transmit light well. In addition, there are still difficulties with photographing atoms - these objects appear as simple balls, the shape of electron clouds is not visible in such images.

Synchrotron radiation, which occurs when charged particles accelerated by accelerators are decelerated, makes it possible to study the fossilized remains of prehistoric animals. By rotating the sample under X-rays, we can obtain three-dimensional tomograms - this is how, for example, the brain was found inside the skull of fish that went extinct 300 million years ago. It is possible to do without rotation if the transmitted radiation is recorded by recording the X-rays scattered due to diffraction.

And this is not all the possibilities that X-ray radiation opens up. When irradiated with it, many materials fluoresce, and by the nature of the fluorescence one can determine chemical composition substances: in this way, scientists color ancient artifacts, the works of Archimedes erased in the Middle Ages, or color the feathers of long-extinct birds.

Atoms pose

Against the backdrop of all the possibilities that X-ray or optical fluorescence methods provide, a new method of photographing individual atoms no longer seems like such a big breakthrough in science. The essence of the method that made it possible to obtain the images presented this week is as follows: electrons are stripped from ionized atoms and sent to a special detector. Each act of ionization removes an electron from a certain position and gives one point in the “photograph”. Having accumulated several thousand such points, scientists formed a picture showing the most likely locations for detecting an electron around the nucleus of an atom, and this, by definition, is an electron cloud.

In conclusion, the ability to see individual atoms with their electron clouds is rather the icing on the cake of modern microscopy. It was important for scientists to study the structure of materials, study cells and crystals, and the resulting development of technology made it possible to reach the hydrogen atom. Anything less is already the sphere of interest of specialists in elementary particle physics. And biologists, materials scientists and geologists still have room to improve microscopes, even with rather modest magnification compared to the background of atoms. Neurophysiologists, for example, have long wanted to have a device capable of seeing individual cells inside a living brain, and the creators of Mars rovers would sell their souls for an electron microscope that could fit on board a spacecraft and could work on Mars.

Trurl began to catch atoms, scrape electrons from them, knead protons so that only his fingers flickered, prepared a proton dough, laid out electrons around it and - for the next atom; Not even five minutes had passed before he was holding a block of pure gold in his hands: he handed it to his muzzle, and she, having tried the block on her tooth and nodded her head, said:
- And indeed it’s gold, but I can’t chase atoms like that. I'm too big.
- It’s okay, we’ll give you a special device! - Trurl persuaded him.

Stanislaw Lem, Cyberiad

Is it possible, using a microscope, to see an atom, distinguish it from another atom, observe the destruction or formation of a chemical bond, and see how one molecule transforms into another? Yes, if it is not a simple microscope, but an atomic force one. And you don’t have to limit yourself to observation. We live in a time when the atomic force microscope is no longer just a window into the microworld. Today, the instrument can be used to move atoms, break chemical bonds, study the stretching limit of single molecules—and even study the human genome.

Letters made from xenon pixels

Looking at atoms wasn't always so easy. The history of the atomic force microscope began in 1979, when Gerd Karl Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, working at the IBM Research Center in Zurich, began creating an instrument that would allow the study of surfaces at atomic resolution. To come up with such a device, the researchers decided to use the tunneling effect - the ability of electrons to overcome seemingly impenetrable barriers. The idea was to determine the position of atoms in the sample by measuring the strength of the tunneling current arising between the scanning probe and the surface under study.

Binnig and Rohrer succeeded, and they went down in history as the inventors of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM), and in 1986 they received the Nobel Prize in Physics. The scanning tunneling microscope has made a real revolution in physics and chemistry.

In 1990, Don Eigler and Erhard Schweitzer, working at the IBM Research Center in California, showed that STM can be used not only to observe atoms, but to manipulate them. Using a scanning tunneling microscope probe, they created perhaps the most popular image symbolizing the transition of chemists to working with individual atoms - they painted three letters on a nickel surface with 35 xenon atoms (Fig. 1).

Binnig did not rest on his laurels - in the year he received the Nobel Prize, together with Christopher Gerber and Kelvin Quaite, who also worked at the IBM Zurich Research Center, he began work on another device for studying the microworld, devoid of the disadvantages inherent in STM. The fact is that with the help of a scanning tunneling microscope it was impossible to study dielectric surfaces, but only conductors and semiconductors, and to analyze the latter, it was necessary to create a significant vacuum between them and the microscope probe. Realizing that creating a new device was easier than upgrading an existing one, Binnig, Gerber and Quaite invented the atomic force microscope, or AFM. The principle of its operation is radically different: to obtain information about the surface, they measure not the current strength that arises between the microscope probe and the sample being studied, but the value of the attractive forces that arise between them, that is, weak non-chemical interactions - van der Waals forces.

First working model AFM was designed relatively simply. The researchers moved a diamond probe over the surface of the sample, connected to a flexible micromechanical sensor - a cantilever made of gold foil (attraction arises between the probe and the atom, the cantilever bends depending on the force of attraction and deforms the piezoelectric). The degree of bending of the cantilever was determined using piezoelectric sensors - in a similar way that the grooves and ridges of a vinyl record are converted into an audio recording. The design of the atomic force microscope allowed it to detect attractive forces of up to 10–18 newtons. A year after creating a working prototype, the researchers were able to obtain an image of the graphite surface topography with a resolution of 2.5 angstroms.

Over the three decades that have passed since then, AFM has been used to study almost any chemical object - from the surface of a ceramic material to living cells and individual molecules, both in a static and dynamic state. Atomic force microscopy has become the workhorse of chemists and materials scientists, and the number of studies using this method is constantly growing (Fig. 2).

Over the years, researchers have selected conditions for both contact and non-contact study of objects using atomic force microscopy. The contact method is described above and is based on van der Waals interaction between the cantilever and the surface. When operating in non-contact mode, the piezovibrator excites oscillations of the probe at a certain frequency (most often resonant). The force acting from the surface causes both the amplitude and phase of the probe's oscillations to change. Despite some disadvantages of the non-contact method (primarily sensitivity to external noise), it eliminates the influence of the probe on the object under study, and therefore is more interesting for chemists.

Lively on probes, in pursuit of connections

Atomic force microscopy became non-contact in 1998 thanks to the work of Binnig’s student, Franz Josef Gissibl. It was he who proposed using a quartz reference oscillator of a stable frequency as a cantilever. 11 years later, researchers from the IBM laboratory in Zurich undertook another modification of non-contact AFM: the role of a sensor probe was not played by a sharp diamond crystal, but by a single molecule - carbon monoxide. This made it possible to move to subatomic resolution, as demonstrated by Leo Gross from the Zurich department of IBM. In 2009, using AFM, he made visible not atoms, but chemical bonds, obtaining a fairly clear and unambiguously readable “picture” for the pentacene molecule (Fig. 3; Science, 2009, 325, 5944, 1110–1114, doi: 10.1126/science.1176210).

Convinced that chemical bonds could be seen using AFM, Leo Gross decided to go further and use an atomic force microscope to measure bond lengths and orders - key parameters for understanding the chemical structure, and therefore the properties of substances.

Recall that differences in bond orders indicate different electron densities and different interatomic distances between two atoms (simply put, a double bond is shorter than a single bond). In ethane, the carbon-carbon bond order is equal to one, in ethylene - two, and in the classical aromatic molecule - benzene - the carbon-carbon bond order is greater than one, but less than two, and is considered equal to 1.5.

Determining the bond order is much more difficult when moving from simple aromatic systems to planar or bulk polycondensed cyclic systems. Thus, the order of bonds in fullerenes, consisting of condensed five- and six-membered carbon rings, can take any value from one to two. The same uncertainty is theoretically inherent in polycyclic aromatic compounds.

In 2012, Leo Gross, together with Fabian Mohn, showed that an atomic force microscope with a non-contact metal probe modified with carbon monoxide can measure differences in the charge distribution of atoms and interatomic distances - that is, parameters associated with bond order ( Science, 2012, 337, 6100, 1326–1329, doi: 10.1126/science.1225621).

To do this, they studied two types of chemical bonds in fullerene - a carbon-carbon bond, common to the two six-membered carbon-containing rings of the C60 fullerene, and a carbon-carbon bond, common to the five- and six-membered rings. An atomic force microscope has shown that the condensation of six-membered rings produces a bond that is shorter and of greater order than the condensation of cyclic fragments C 6 and C 5 . The study of the features of chemical bonding in hexabenzocoronene, where six more C 6 rings are symmetrically located around the central C 6 ring, confirmed the results of quantum chemical modeling, according to which the order C-C connections central ring (in Fig. 4 the letter i) must be greater than the bonds connecting this ring with peripheral cycles (in Fig. 4 the letter j). Similar results were obtained for a more complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing nine six-membered rings.

Bond orders and interatomic distances were, of course, of interest to organic chemists, but it was more important to those who studied the theory of chemical bonds, predicting reactivity and studying mechanisms chemical reactions. However, both synthetic chemists and specialists in studying the structure of natural compounds were in for a surprise: it turned out that the atomic force microscope can be used to determine the structure of molecules in the same way as NMR or IR spectroscopy. Moreover, it provides a clear answer to questions that these methods cannot handle.

From photography to cinema

In 2010, the same Leo Gross and Rainer Ebel were able to unambiguously establish the structure of a natural compound - cephalandol A, isolated from a bacterium Dermacoccus abyssi(Nature Chemistry, 2010, 2, 821–825, doi: 10.1038/nchem.765). The composition of cephalandol A was previously established using mass spectrometry, but analysis of the NMR spectra of this compound did not give a clear answer to the question of its structure: four options were possible. Using an atomic force microscope, the researchers immediately eliminated two of the four structures, and from the remaining two right choice made by comparing the results obtained using AFM and quantum chemical simulations. The task turned out to be difficult: unlike pentacene, fullerene and coronenes, cephalandol A contains not only carbon and hydrogen atoms, in addition, this molecule does not have a plane of symmetry (Fig. 5) - but this problem was also solved.

Further confirmation that the atomic force microscope can be used as an analytical tool was obtained in the group of Oscar Kustanza, who at that time worked at the School of Engineering at Osaka University. He showed how to use AFM to distinguish atoms that differ from each other much less than carbon and hydrogen ( Nature, 2007, 446, 64–67, doi: 10.1038/nature05530). Kustants examined the surface of an alloy consisting of silicon, tin and lead with a known content of each element. As a result of numerous experiments, he found that the force generated between the tip of the AFM probe and different atoms differs (Fig. 6). For example, the strongest interaction was observed when probing silicon, and the weakest interaction was observed when probing lead.

It is assumed that in the future, the results of atomic force microscopy for recognizing individual atoms will be processed in the same way as NMR results - by comparing relative values. Since the exact composition of the sensor tip is difficult to control, the absolute value of the force between the sensor and various surface atoms depends on the experimental conditions and the brand of the device, but the ratio of these forces for any composition and shape of the sensor remains constant for each chemical element.

In 2013, the first examples of using AFM to obtain images of individual molecules before and after chemical reactions appeared: a “photoset” is created from the products and intermediates of the reaction, which can then be mounted in a kind of documentary (Science, 2013, 340, 6139, 1434–1437; doi: 10.1126/science.1238187 ).

Felix Fischer and Michael Crommie from the University of California at Berkeley applied silver to the surface 1,2-bis[(2-ethynylphenyl)ethynyl]benzene, imaged the molecules and heated the surface to initiate cyclization. Half of the original molecules turned into polycyclic aromatic structures consisting of fused five six-membered and two five-membered rings. Another quarter of the molecules formed structures consisting of four six-membered rings connected through one four-membered ring, and two five-membered rings (Fig. 7). The remaining products were oligomeric structures and, in minor quantities, polycyclic isomers.

These results surprised the researchers twice. Firstly, only two main products were formed during the reaction. Secondly, their structure was surprising. Fisher notes that chemical intuition and experience made it possible to draw dozens of possible reaction products, but none of them corresponded to the compounds that formed on the surface. Perhaps the course of atypical chemical processes contributed to the interaction of the starting substances with the substrate.

Naturally, after the first serious successes in the study of chemical bonds, some researchers decided to use AFM to observe weaker and less studied intermolecular interactions, in particular hydrogen bonding. However, work in this area is just beginning, and the results are contradictory. Thus, some publications report that atomic force microscopy made it possible to observe hydrogen bonding ( Science, 2013, 342, 6158, 611–614, doi: 10.1126/science.1242603), others argue that these are just artifacts caused by design features device, and the experimental results need to be interpreted more carefully ( Physical Review Letters, 2014, 113, 186102, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.186102). Perhaps the final answer to the question of whether hydrogen and other intermolecular interactions can be observed using atomic force microscopy will be obtained already in this decade. To do this, it is necessary to increase the AFM resolution at least several times more and learn to obtain images without interference ( Physical Review B, 2014, 90, 085421, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.085421).

Single molecule synthesis

In skillful hands, both STM and AFM transform from devices capable of studying matter into devices capable of purposefully changing the structure of matter. With the help of these devices, it has already been possible to obtain “the smallest chemical laboratories”, in which a substrate is used instead of a flask, and individual molecules are used instead of moles or millimoles of reacting substances.

For example, in 2016, an international team of scientists led by Takashi Kumagai used non-contact atomic force microscopy to convert the porphycene molecule from one form to another ( Nature Chemistry, 2016, 8, 935–940, doi: 10.1038/nchem.2552). Porphycene can be considered a modification of porphyrin, the internal ring of which contains four nitrogen atoms and two hydrogen atoms. The vibrations of the AFM probe transferred enough energy to the porphycene molecule to transfer these hydrogens from one nitrogen atom to another, and the result was a “mirror image” of this molecule (Fig. 8).

The team led by the indefatigable Leo Gross also showed that it was possible to initiate the reaction of a single molecule - they converted dibromomanthracene into a ten-membered cyclic diyne (Fig. 9; Nature Chemistry, 2015, 7, 623–628, doi: 10.1038/nchem.2300 ). Unlike Kumagai et al., they used a scanning tunneling microscope to activate the molecule, and the result of the reaction was monitored using an atomic force microscope.

The combined use of a scanning tunneling microscope and an atomic force microscope has even made it possible to obtain a molecule that cannot be synthesized using classical techniques and methods ( Nature Nanotechnology, 2017, 12, 308–311, doi: 10.1038/nnano.2016.305 ). This is triangulene, an unstable aromatic diradical whose existence was predicted six decades ago, but all attempts at synthesis failed (Fig. 10). Chemists from Niko Pavlicek's group obtained the desired compound by removing two hydrogen atoms from its precursor using STM and confirming the synthetic result using AFM.

It is assumed that the number of works devoted to the use of atomic force microscopy in organic chemistry, will still grow. Currently, more and more scientists are trying to replicate on the surface reactions that are well known in “solution chemistry.” But perhaps synthetic chemists will begin to reproduce in solution the reactions that were originally carried out on the surface using AFM.

From nonliving to living

Cantilevers and probes of atomic force microscopes can be used not only for analytical studies or the synthesis of exotic molecules, but also for solving applied problems. There are already known cases of using AFM in medicine, for example, for the early diagnosis of cancer, and here the pioneer is the same Christopher Gerber, who had a hand in developing the principle of atomic force microscopy and the creation of AFM.

Thus, Gerber was able to teach AFM to detect point mutations in ribonucleic acid in melanoma (on material obtained as a result of a biopsy). To do this, the gold cantilever of an atomic force microscope was modified with oligonucleotides that can enter into intermolecular interaction with RNA, and the strength of this interaction can also be measured due to the piezoelectric effect. The sensitivity of the AFM sensor is so high that they are already trying to use it to study the effectiveness of the popular genome editing method CRISPR-Cas9. This is where technologies created by different generations researchers.

To paraphrase a classic of one of the political theories, we can say that we already see the limitless possibilities and inexhaustibility of atomic force microscopy and are hardly able to imagine what lies ahead in connection with the further development of these technologies. But today, scanning tunneling microscopes and atomic force microscopes give us the opportunity to see and touch atoms. We can say that this is not only an extension of our eyes, allowing us to look into the microcosm of atoms and molecules, but also new eyes, new fingers, capable of touching and controlling this microcosm.

Physicists from the USA managed to capture individual atoms in photographs with record resolution, Day.Az reports with reference to

Scientists from Cornell University in the USA managed to capture individual atoms in photographs with record resolution - less than half an angstrom (0.39 Å). Previous photographs had half the resolution - 0.98 Å.

Powerful electron microscopes that can see atoms have existed for half a century, but their resolution is limited by the wavelength of visible light, which is larger than the diameter of the average atom.

Therefore, scientists use a certain analogue of lenses that focus and magnify images in electron microscopes - this is a magnetic field. However, fluctuations magnetic field distort the obtained result. To remove distortions, additional devices are used that correct the magnetic field, but at the same time increase the complexity of the electron microscope design.

Previously, physicists at Cornell University developed the Electron Microscope Pixel Array Detector (EMPAD), which replaces a complex system of generators that focuses incoming electrons into one small matrix with a resolution of 128x128 pixels that are sensitive to individual electrons. Each pixel records the angle of reflection of the electron; Knowing it, scientists use the technique of ptyakography to reconstruct the characteristics of the electrons, including the coordinates of the point from which it was released.

Atoms in the highest resolution

David A. Muller et al. Nature, 2018.

In the summer of 2018, physicists decided to improve the quality of the resulting images to a record resolution to date. The scientists attached a sheet of 2D material, molybdenum sulfide MoS2, to a moving beam and fired electron beams by rotating the beam at different angles to the electron source. Using EMPAD and ptaycography, scientists determined the distances between individual molybdenum atoms and obtained an image with a record resolution of 0.39 Å.

“We basically created the smallest line in the world,” explains Sol Gruner, one of the authors of the experiment. In the resulting image, it was possible to discern sulfur atoms with a record resolution of 0.39 Å. Moreover, it was even possible to discern a place where one such atom was missing (indicated by an arrow).

Sulfur atoms in record resolution

An atom (from the Greek “indivisible”) is once the smallest particle of a substance of microscopic size, the smallest part of a chemical element that bears its properties. The components of an atom - protons, neutrons, electrons - no longer have these properties and form them together. Covalent atoms form molecules. Scientists study the features of the atom, and although they are already quite well studied, they do not miss the opportunity to find something new - in particular, in the field of creating new materials and new atoms (continuing the periodic table). 99.9% of the mass of an atom is in the nucleus.

Don't be put off by the title. The black hole, accidentally created by employees of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, turned out to be only the size of one atom, so nothing threatens us. And the name “black hole” only remotely describes the phenomenon observed by researchers. We have repeatedly told you about the world's most powerful X-ray laser, called