Athletics for children 6 years old. Athletics for children: harm and benefit. What are the benefits of athletics?

Athletics is considered to be the “queen of sports”, despite the fact that it is essentially the simplest and natural look physical activity. The child will start doing it even before you take him to the section - he runs, barely learning to walk, climbs the steps or jumps on a trampoline. Is this sport too “simple”, and how useful is it?

Who is athletics suitable for?

Any mother can answer this question; you just have to watch the baby a little. It is suitable for active children who not only run around a lot, but also try to organize their peers, and are clear leaders or ringleaders in all children's pranks.

Activity, but not excessive; athletics is difficult for a hyperactive child, because it requires not only energy, but also concentration and attentiveness. If your child is difficult to discipline, then you should hold off on the section. If you think that athletics can “curb” and “tame” a hyperactive child, you are mistaken.

Hyperactivity is more a psychological trait than a physical one. And if your child has difficulty concentrating, then this sport can make the situation worse. Because during classes the child will experience sports excitement and strong emotions, and this promises even greater overexcitation.

When should classes start?

When a child learns to control his emotions, concentrate his attention and set his first goals. Athletics is not just running or jumping, it is a sport that requires determination and real struggle with an opponent, even if not in the ring.

Experienced coaches note that athletics, despite its simplicity, is not suitable for preschoolers.

“Many parents think that even 4-year-olds can participate in our section, so what’s so difficult about running, for example, a cross-country race? But in fact, such kids waste their and our time in vain; they do not yet understand all the rules of discipline. For example, we spend a lot of time teaching them how to start correctly, some step over the line, others take off ahead of time, and others, on the contrary, cannot react quickly. We can develop this simple skill for about six months, while a first-grader will learn it already in the second or third training,” says the coach of the athletics section at the regional sports school, Oleg Maslov.

So, you can send your child to classes at three years old, but their benefits will be minimal. The most suitable age to start classes is 7-8 years. For a young schoolchild, training will not just be fun, but a serious activity that requires strict adherence to the rules. A first-grader will quickly understand the value of every second on a runner's distance, will start accurately and accelerate before the finish, which is beyond the power of a three-year-old, who would be more than happy to simply play with a stopwatch.

Often, potential runners and jumpers are chosen right in physical education class - those guys who show the best results in school competitions are boldly invited to the athletics section. Moreover, it is not too late to “get involved” in such a sport even at the age of 13, when most sections will already refuse to admit a child to classes.

Long jump, running or shot put?

At school physical education lessons, children do a little bit of all types of athletics at once, but if you decide to send your child to a sports school, you will have to choose a specific direction:

  • Steeplechase
  • Various jumps
  • projectile throwing
  • All-around
  • Relay races
  • Race walking

Here you can rely on the child’s opinion. After the first physical education lessons, the child will understand that he can do better. It is worth paying attention to the physical form of the future athlete, as well as his build.

  • Does the young athlete have long legs? Then he has a direct path to becoming a vaulter, especially with a pole.
  • Is your baby small and quite slender? Light weight is his key to victory in running disciplines.
  • Beyond his years strong child, even if slightly overweight, throwing a projectile is suitable.
  • The kid feels great in a team, constantly strives to take a leadership position, then his sport is relay races.

What are the benefits of athletics?

We will not talk about how this sport is good for physical development, you yourself understand that the little athlete will be stronger, faster and healthier than his peers. But this sport has additional advantages.

  • availability, classes can take place in a regular gym or on a sports ground near a school; no sophisticated equipment is required.
  • Finding an experienced trainer is very easy, it can even be a school teacher, not required here highly qualified, as we say, in boxing.
  • Athletes do not have dangerous injuries as often, relatively hand-to-hand combat, alpine skiing or gymnastics, athletics is a completely safe sport.
  • good sneakers and tracksuit- that’s all the equipment, the child won’t need an expensive helmet or skates.

Choosing the right shoes for a little athlete is a very responsible task! If he can go to physical education classes in ordinary rag sneakers, then athletics require “professional” shoes. That's what they're called - athletics or running shoes. The manufacturer does not matter; it is important that the shoes minimize the load on the joints.

Will he become a champion?

Have you ever thought about the victories of the little athlete and imagined him on the podium? Don’t lie, it’s a normal desire of parents to rejoice at their child’s successes. But athletics is not so spectacular and perspective view sports, such as team games or figure skating. But it also has its advantages: a successful athlete will defend the honor of a school or even a city at competitions, and this guarantees the loyalty of teachers.

Of course, when sending your child to a section, you should think not about medals, but about what this sport will personally give him physically and emotionally. Remember that professional sport, even something as “simple” as athletics, carries a risk of injury and childhood disappointment when defeated. Don’t set your child up to “be the best and the first,” let him play sports for fun, without a race for awards.

Athletics, truly the “queen” of sports disciplines, do you doubt it? Then we invite you to watch a video about the beauty and grace of this sport.

What would suit your baby: running, jumping or something else?

Top 10 unusual species sports for children. Part 1

The benefits of athletics for your child

With the beginning academic year Mothers of first-graders and older schoolchildren are thinking about sports clubs for their children. Of course, the question immediately arises: where exactly should the child be sent? Try starting with athletics. This sport is the simplest and most natural. Who among us hasn’t run a race in the yard and played tag? Of course, there are children who do not like activity, who quickly become exhausted and sit quietly on the sidelines - activities will be difficult for such people. The desire to overcome obstacles and compete with other children are the main features of a “potential track and field athlete.”

Undoubtedly, at the head of all these qualities - love of running. If your child cannot sit in one place and rushes around you at cosmic speed, athletics will definitely interest him. And the opportunity to record the time it takes him to cover distances, improving his results time after time, will inspire him and give him an incentive to move on. Shuttle running, cross-country, 100-meter dashes, low starts - all this will seem like an exciting game and the training time will fly by.

Athletics is not only running, but also relay races, squats, and long jumps. In general, this is a system of exercises developed by professional trainers for the comprehensive physical development of a child. And in good weather there is a wonderful opportunity to practice outside, which, of course, will further strengthen young athletes.

At the same time, athletics is not only an individual sport, but also a team sport. The need to compete will develop leadership qualities in your child, and participation in relay races and interaction with teammates will teach your child to communicate. Here is the joy of victories, and concern for the participants, and support in case of failure.

You can choose different disciplines:
- long and high jumps;

Middle and long distance running;


Race walking;

Shot throw.

After just a few lessons, the trainer will tell you what suits your child best. The choice depends on his individual characteristics: build, mentality, interests.

Benefits of Athletics

: low trauma (abrasions and scratches, of course, do not count), as well as relatively low costs for classes. You don’t need any special equipment, the main thing is comfortable clothes and shoes in which the child will be comfortable while practicing. But although the likelihood of injury is small, it is still not completely excluded. As in any other sport, dislocations, bruises, and sprains occur in athletics.

You can bring children to training at any age, starting from nine years old. Before this age, children are still too young to physical activity. Later please! After all, it’s never “too late” in athletics - and at the age of 13-25 you can also achieve good results. If you wish, you yourself can accompany the novice athlete. There's no doubt that going for a run together will benefit both of you.

Prospects in athletics are not the same as, for example, in figure skating, football, hockey and other “fashionable” sports these days. But competitions are often held where the participation of athletes is paid for - and the prizes are guaranteed to be worthy. In addition, athletics will ensure participation in cross-country events of various sizes (from regional to city), where your child will represent his school. And in case of good results, he is guaranteed success with teachers.

When sending their child to the sports section, many parents already see the shine Olympic gold and broken world records. We must clearly realize that sport high achievements- This is a big health risk. And getting an injury that will put an end to your career will lead to serious disappointment and will force you to reconsider your life attitudes.

So send your child to sports clubs, first of all, for health, and not for outstanding results. Athletics will be a great start in your child's life. In the process of training, he will acquire good physical shape, good health, agility and endurance.

Svetlana Alekseeva



Athletics is often called the "queen of sports." Indeed, it is difficult to find a sport that could compete in popularity with athletics, the history of which dates back to the times Ancient Greece. Athletics was included in the program of the first Olympic Games. And the games themselves at that time consisted mainly of disciplines of this sport. At first, the Olympians competed in a race over a distance of 192 meters (this was the length of the Olympic stadium in Ancient Greece). Later, the program included running in both directions - back and forth. Later, competitions in sports pentathlon and relay races appeared. A mandatory attribute of the relay race was a burning torch, which the participant passed on to the next athlete.

Athletics was also popular in European countries, in particular in Britain. Competitions in high and long jumps, throwing and running were held here already in the 12th century. Most of the championships of that time became the basis for modern athletics disciplines. Interest in athletics began with new strength in 1859, when the Olympic Games were revived in Greece. Athletics took center stage in the national championship.


Athletics covers several sporting disciplines. Among them are running at different distances, jumping, projectile throwing, race walking, and marathon. All these types of athletics are united by accessibility: running, throwing and race walking can be practiced at any age.

Health Benefits

The health benefits of athletics are obvious. In the process of regular training or running to improve your health, all muscle groups develop. Proper breathing helps saturate organs and tissues with oxygen, improves blood circulation, which is necessary for the prevention of many diseases. The body is constantly in good shape. Athletics is considered the most accessible sport that can be practiced at any age. Regular training does not require large material costs, since beginner athletes only need the appropriate uniform and shoes in terms of sports equipment and accessories.

Athletics for children

Athletics classes are especially useful for children and teenagers, as they develop endurance, speed, and good reaction. You can start playing athletics at school age – from 9-10 years old. And you can start training at the age of 15 - there are no strict age restrictions in this case. The main thing is that the child’s body is adapted to intense sports loads.

Selecting a discipline

Often parents independently decide for their child what sport to engage in. When choosing athletics disciplines, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child himself, as well as some other criteria, for example, a child under 7 years old is unlikely to be able to seriously engage in workout. If a girl or boy is tall and has long legs, then long or high jumps can be considered. It is better for short children to take up middle- or long-distance running, since most champion athletes in this discipline are short and light weight. In general, in athletics, as in any sport, it is important personal qualities. Drive, concentration, willpower and the desire to win will help novice athletes overcome difficulties in any sports discipline.

Text: Bogdan Zorin

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- Summer Olympic sports
- Extreme sports
- Volleyball: a game worth a billion
- Boxing: from fist fights to a sport
- Marathon: test of endurance
- Basketball - promoted by gymnasts
- Swimming: combining business with pleasure
- On a bicycle for excellent well-being
- Football: records and fans

Athletics is a combination of several sports such as running, jumping and throwing. Initially, athletics exercises were carried out to strengthen physical fitness. Today this sport is the most popular. If you love athletics, you can get to know them better by visiting athletics schools.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the section Athletics for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all athletics sections, athletics clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. The search for a suitable place for athletics in Moscow can be done directly on the map or using the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each of the sports sections, the following are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

Athletics for children is the most natural sport. Having barely learned to walk, the baby immediately strives to master running and various types jumping, and all these activities help not only to throw out excess energy, but to develop the body. For the human body, running has a general strengthening property that promotes harmonious development the whole body as a whole, and not some separate part of it. In addition, endurance is strengthened, which is a very important property for any person.

Children's athletics: shouldn't we give up the child?

Athletics for children is very useful and necessary, but it is important that your child has an aptitude for it. Fortunately, this sport allows you to independently determine, by observing your child, whether your baby is suitable for such activities. So, take a closer look at the following factors:

  • the child is active, loves to run and jump;
  • the child is often the ringleader of children's games;
  • The baby’s favorite pastime is to participate in strength and agility competitions with other children;
  • your baby strives for leadership and knows how to endure failures;
  • the child is harmoniously developed and physically strong.

If all of this, or most of these facts, are true, then your baby is quite suitable for this kind of activity. It is important to understand that physical activity and hyperactivity are different things. It is not worth sending a hyperactive child to such a section - it will exhaust both him and his coach. This phenomenon most likely relates to mental sphere life, and athletics cannot influence this positively.

Athletics section for children

If athletics at school usually uses a variety of areas of this very voluminous concept, then specialized sports schools in athletics require the choice of a specific direction. There are several of them:

  • running exercises;
  • jumps: high, long, pole, triple jump;
  • race walking;
  • throwing projectiles: discus, hammer, spear, cannonball;
  • all-around and relay races.

Of course, you need to choose exclusively together with your child, guided by his abilities and interests. Due to the fact that athletics is familiar to the child at school, it makes sense to find out what he likes most or talk to his physical education teacher.

It is worth understanding that his physique and heredity play an important role (you can often guess how a baby will grow up based on the physique of his parents). For example, any jumps (both high and long) are best suited for long-legged children. But the best runners are light, thin-boned and short guys. If your child is overweight, it will be quite difficult for him to achieve success in this sport, but classes can help your child control his weight.

If your child is inclined to team activities, you can send him to the relay running section - this is where the leading role is given to the coordination of the entire team.

The advantages of athletics, which children usually love, also include the fact that this sport costs parents less than others. All you need is a high-quality sports suit and special athletics sneakers, which reduce the load on the joints and protect the baby from the risk of injury. Don’t forget that you should send your child to such sections between the ages of 7-8 and 11 years old - this is the ideal age for both an amateur and a professional start.

The ancient Greeks - and it was from their language that the words came to us athletics And gymnastics- Since time immemorial, they knew a lot about sports competitions. Just look at the Olympics - everyone remembers very well that the Hellenes are the founders of these vibrant competitions. Athletics and gymnastics are among the most widespread, accessible and popular sports today. Domestic athletes of this particular “profile” have left a big mark on the history of world sports: just look at the names of Valery Brumel, Larisa Latynina, Nikolai Andrianov, Alexey Nemov and many others.

The children of our city have a chance to write their name in history or simply improve their physical health: specialized sections and studios open their doors for them. Experienced athletes-teachers and leaders are engaged in high-quality training of young athletes and gymnasts, allowing them to develop harmoniously and live up to the saying “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

The benefits of athletics and gymnastics are many: they are a great way to improve physical endurance, flexibility, develop personal qualities, cope with stress and anxiety, gain the will and desire to win. Of course, in order to achieve serious results, the guys need to train hard every day, despite reluctance and fatigue. We must remember that only work combined with abilities and self-confidence will give the desired results.