What is the best fire protection for wood? Which wood preservative is best to choose?

Wood is easily attacked by fungus and insects, and it ignites easily. Which fire protection is best for wood? Let's try to understand this issue.

Wood treatment products must contain substances that provide protection against damage by microorganisms and protect against fire. Wood is also exposed to changes in temperature, humidity, and mechanical stress, and therefore needs special protection.

Fire bioprotection can protect wood from biological pests and flames. If you treat wood with such means, you can reduce the risk of mold and fire.

Types of fire protection according to the method of their application:

  • covering;
  • impregnating (the most popular, since after the treatment you can clearly see the texture of the wood).

Choosing the right product

Senezh impregnations have proven themselves well. There are “Senezh Ognebio Prof” and “Senezh Ognebio” in the line. The product “Senezh Ognebio” is able to protect against fire, flame spread, blue staining, rot, mold, and insects that spoil wood.

The average duration of fire protection is three years, the product belongs to the second group of fire retardant effectiveness, average term biosecurity - twenty years. Product consumption - 600 g/sq. m. for the second group.

The product “Senezh Ognebio Prof” protects against ignition, burning, and flame spread. It will also effectively protect against insects that spoil the tree, middle period fire protection - five years, the average period of bioprotection - twenty years.

This product belongs to the first (second) group. Substance consumption for the second group is 300g/sq.m. m, for the first – 600 g/sq. m.

We list the most popular brands of fire protection:

  • "Senezh";
  • "Good Master";
  • "Neomid";
  • "FOREST";

Product Features

There are different packaging of goods. You should not take it with a reserve, since this product can always be purchased in the store, and if it is stored for a long time, it loses some of its properties.

Fire protection can also be called impregnation. It can be produced in the form of paste, varnish, enamel, impregnation. If you intend to use putty or paste, then it has a smell; it is better to use it in places that will then be subjected to additional finishing, since it slightly spoils appearance products. Impregnation has almost no ability to change the smell or texture of wood.

If you need to treat a wooden structure, then when choosing a product, give preference to water-soluble fire and bioprotection. It is often used because it is safer.

When choosing a product, it is worth considering whether there is permission from the SES for the use of this composition in residential premises, how much money is spent per 1 sq. m. m, fire protection efficiency group of the product, salt or non-salt type of product, the need for further surface treatment, application method.

Application methods:

  • combined - the tree is immediately impregnated with protection;
  • sequential - the wood is treated with fire retardants, then it is treated with antiseptic substances.

Otherwise, fire bioprotection can be called fire retardants. These are highly specialized products used for processing. The wood is treated before construction begins. Needs to be wiped down scaffolding, scaffolding, various wooden elements, as well as details of the house frame.

About operating principles

Operating principle of fire bioprotection:

  • refractory substances in combination with salts of silicon, phosphoric, boric acids, there are salt-free options;
  • forming an impenetrable dense film;
  • To reduce the access of oxygen to the object, fireproofing impregnation is capable of releasing non-flammable gases.

Fire protection is necessary when constructing residential and commercial buildings. Also, with its help, it is necessary to properly treat buildings that belong to the category with a high degree of fire occurrence.

This product is used to treat railway cars, ships, vessels, and barges. When performing restoration work, it is also necessary to use comprehensive protection.

The benefits of using fire protection

The advantage of using fire protection is its complex effect. If you treat wood externally with fire-resistant impregnation, you can effectively fight insects. This is due to the compounds that make up the product. Insects do not breed in wood if it is treated with antiseptic substances.

When choosing, you can give preference to products that belong to the first group of fire protection effectiveness. Consider the purpose of the material - will it be used for interior decoration whether they need to treat the supporting structure. To prevent the product from changing its color, choose colorless analogues.

The effectiveness and duration of drying are influenced by the method of application and the composition of the product. In some products it is permissible to use a larger amount of the product to provide improved fire protection.

Pay attention to how fire protection affects the material. It may swell on the surface, decompose into gaseous compounds, or the outer coating may melt.

Which products are better to choose?

The most common and affordable impregnations are those containing carbon, phosphorus, and boron salts. However, they are easily washed out with water; they need to be used more to process 1 square meter. m.

In addition, their service life is up to five years, and then it will be necessary to apply a new impregnation. At the same time, salt stains remain on the surface after treatment. If you use such an impregnation, then in the future it will not be possible to coat the wood with paints and varnishes.

It is better to choose salt-free impregnations. They are able to inhibit combustion processes. The bioprotection of materials treated with such means will last for a maximum of twenty years, fire retardant properties last up to fifteen years. The impregnations contain no toxic substances that could harm human health.

To ensure that the substance is well absorbed, the wood is dried. If there is an old paintwork, then before applying fire bioprotection it should be cleaned.

Impregnation is applied in several layers. The packaging indicates how much to use per 1 square meter. m. Apply one layer, then allow to dry, and the second layer is applied after twelve to twenty-four hours.

During manufacturing and in the process of production and assembly of wooden log houses, one often has to face the problem of bioprotection of wood from rot and putrefactive fungus and subsequent rotting of the wood. On this page we will answer this topic.

Rot fungus (wood rot) is one of those wood pests that can seriously damage the structure of any tree, and during construction, all wood wooden log house at home or in a bathhouse. Mainly against wood rotting, produced various compositions By bioprotection of wood from rot, mold, pests and rot and various antiseptic impregnations for the care of log cabins. The fungus eats mainly wood natural humidity(freshly cut). The results of the vital activity of the fungus can manifest themselves from brown, loose areas on boards and timber, scattered over the entire surface of the wood, to porous depressions and dips that can multiply along the surface of the boards and lumber, and deep into any log. Damage in a fungus-infected tree is obvious by the time it can be recognized by external signs. Action must be taken immediately. First of all, it is necessary to ensure bioprotection of fresh wood against rot. Typically, professionals use NEOMID 46 bio wood protection at the initial stage of building a wooden house.

Primary bioprotection of wood NEOMID 46 is intended for temporary? but effective antiseptic treatment of wooden log houses for the period of settling and drying of the log house walls. It is recommended for protecting wood during storage and transportation. Wood bioprotection Neomid 46 has a broad and strong effect against mold, wood-destroying, wood-staining fungi, insects and algae for up to 9 months.

Photo is an excellent tool for biosecurity wooden houses, log cabins and bathhouses made of timber - antiseptic agent Neomid 440 eco. Many experts in the field of bioprotection of wood – wooden houses, log cabins and bathhouses – recommend buying it.

In the future, after drying out wooden houses (baths), usually a year after installing the roof of the log house, it is necessary to provide better and more durable bioprotection of the wood of the wooden log house. For these purposes, it is good to use a strong bioprotection - impregnation NEOMID 440 for the external walls of the house and NEOMID 400 for interior walls log house or bathhouse. To bioprotect the bathhouse wood, a special wood protection product NEOMID 200 is produced.

Almost all inexpensive bioprotective agents belong to the category of materials that are not resistant to water, therefore, to protect against leaching, impregnated with them wooden structures However, in the future it should be coated with bioprotective decorative paints, varnishes, waxes or oils that tint the wood and protect it from loss of presentation due to aging of the wood.

Expert advice - which one is better to choose and buy for a log house and bathhouse?

Wooden houses, bathhouses and other structures must be treated with antiseptic impregnations after construction. This work process cannot be ignored, otherwise biological agents will soon appear on the surface of the material, which short term will destroy the entire structure. Among the large assortment of antiseptics on the market, you need to choose those that have already proven themselves only with positive side. For example, impregnations from the Neomid company. They produce products for wooden structures not so long ago, but already have a lot of positive reviews from consumers.

The Neomid company strictly monitors the quality of its products. They produce various compositions for wooden house construction, pursuing various goals, including providing protection for wood from biological pests.

Wooden material should only be processed using a hard and synthetic brush. It is necessary to apply the composition, lightly rubbing it into the surface, thereby ensuring deep penetration. To eliminate insects, this method of treatment will not be enough. It is also necessary to pour impregnation into the flight holes in order to get out the insects inside. It is advisable to carry out additional treatment after a week to eliminate surviving pests.

Antiseptic impregnations of the Neomid company

The Neomid antiseptic line contains the following compositions:

  1. Neomid 100 Anti-bug. This is a concentrated impregnation to provide protection to wooden material from insects. It can be used to treat the internal and external walls of a log house. It does not change the structure of the material, while penetrating deep into its surface. The treated wood can later be painted and glued. This composition is capable of destroying biological pests at any stage of their development.
  2. Neomid 400. This is an antiseptic composition intended for indoor work. It is manufactured at water based, does not contain toxic components. Capable of providing treated wood material for 25 years reliable protection from the formation of wood-staining and wood-destroying fungi. It can also stop biological damage that has already begun. It does not affect the structure of the wood; decorative work can be carried out in the future.
  3. Neomid 430 Eco. This non-washable antiseptic composition is recommended for use on wood exposed to harsh atmospheric conditions. It provides treated wood enhanced protection, not afraid of contact with water. Therefore, it is mainly used for processing lower crowns log houses, gazebos, terraces, etc. But it can be used not only outside buildings. but also indoors. For example, in the bathroom or basement. Neomid 430 Eco is able to protect the treated material from insects, wood-staining and wood-destroying biological agents, moss, algae, etc. for 35 years. It is worth considering that after processing the wood may acquire a greenish tint, which will gradually turn gray or brown.
  4. Neomid 440. Colorless antiseptic composition created for processing wooden material outside the room. It is capable of providing treated wood with reliable protection against the appearance of biological damage and due to the destruction of the material for 25 years. If the wood is not covered with decorative glazing film-forming compounds, then the period of protective action of the product may be shorter.

Before processing wooden house any type, the question arises: Which antiseptic for wood is better to choose? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Each manufacturer praises its product, and the price is determined by the “promotion of the brand.” Real reviews about the compositions can be read on numerous forums. Manufacturers' websites do not always provide reliable information. In this article, we analyzed the most popular antiseptics, which received the highest rankings among user reviews, and identified the best among each type.

User reviews highlight, first of all, inexpensive but effective timber houses for construction: Vllti, Senezh, Neomid, Tikkurila, Sodolin. But in each group there are means that are effective in one or another area of ​​wood protection. Universal antiseptics are not as effective, so it is better to use targeted ones.

Fungus protection

The fungus settles on wood in a humid environment and quickly covers all the lower links and floor joists with spores. User reviews indicate the effectiveness of two products in such cases: PAF-LST antiseptic paste, manufacturer St. Petersburg, and Homeenpoisto1 from Tikkuril. Their price starts from 110 rubles/l.

There are also many reviews about the effectiveness of the “old-fashioned methods” using copper sulfate and processing machine oil. You can fumigate a room with sulfur, but this method is not safe, since sulfur dioxide can kill a person, the choice is always up to the owner.

Bioprotection of wood in a humid environment (ground, precipitation)

The most positive reviews in these conditions are about antiseptics from the Moscow manufacturer Senezh: Ultra, Bio. Neomid 440 and Valtti Aquacolor performed well.

These deep impregnation products are capable of creating an impenetrable protective layer in the tree after the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber and other lumber. The antiseptic should be applied to a dried and cleaned surface in 2-3 layers. Before each subsequent one, the previous one is allowed to dry for up to 7 hours. Complete drying of the product occurs after 12 hours. Consumption from 1 l per 10 m2.

Antiseptics for wet environments are produced in containers from 0.5 to 50 liters. The price starts from 70 rubles.

Antiseptic for lumber with natural moisture

Manufacturers use similar products. They usually have deep penetration with a non-washable structure. Penetrating into new raw materials, they slightly change its color to light greenish. According to reviews the best choice means: Finesta, BS-13, Senezh Trans, Senezh Eurotrans, Neomid 460. Which one is better is difficult to judge.

Coatings are mainly purchased by manufacturers in bulk. Produced in containers from 10 to 200 liters. Price for 10 liters - from 250 rubles.

Protection of unbarked wood

Unbarked wood is round timber with the bark still intact. This is purchased directly from sawmills and is cheaper than finished logs. It is easy to store such material in a dry and ventilated area. But not everyone can afford such warehouses. For preservation, deep-impregnation antiseptics are used, but not all are suitable. According to the review rating, the most economical and accessible remedy Neomid 420. Antiseptic costs from 100 rubles.

There are many more folk antiseptics, when the log is soaked in various oils or lubricated with bleach and quicklime. But if the question arises: which antiseptic for wood is better, you still need to use a specialized product.

Primer-type antiseptics

Such primers are used for application under paint, varnish, etc. They are not particularly liked to be used, since their penetration is too small and their service life is not longer. Moreover, if you leave a primed surface without a finishing coat for more than 7 days outside the house, it will simply be washed away by precipitation.

Among the primers, the most positive reviews about Pinotex Base, Pinotex Wood Primer, Valtti Pohjuste, Valtti Aquabase. Users praise the smooth application, quick drying and good adhesion to wood. The varnish and paints on such a primer will not begin to peel off after 1-2 years, and the choice of product line is wide. The price of primer antiseptics starts from 110 rubles.

Bioprotective tinted antiseptic

Using a tinted antiseptic, you can achieve an even color of the walls. They are used as an alternative to tinted varnish, for example, for the construction of a house made of profiled timber . Which one is better depends on the skill and skill of the master. But when applying varnish it is difficult to achieve an even layer; the result is a “camouflage” of color. This effect can be avoided by using a tinted antiseptic and covering it with a transparent varnish.

Of course, almost any antiseptic can be tinted, but Pinotex Classic proved to be the best. By tinting you can achieve more than 50 shades. The coating costs from 150 rubles/l.

Bioprotective antiseptic with UV filter

Ultraviolet rays cause more damage to wood. In addition, paint on walls without UV protection quickly fades and loses a number of its properties. According to reviews, very few inexpensive and effective antiseptics have been developed for ultraviolet radiation. Among the most effective are Neomid Bio Color and Pinotex Ultra.

These compositions are also good because they can be tinted to add decor to the walls. And in addition to the sun, the compositions protect wood from microorganisms. The products cost from 170 rubles/l, but with them you no longer need to apply an additional bioantiseptic.

Antiseptics for terraces, gazebos and open areas

Close to any private wooden house Many courtyard buildings are being built. Typically, the same type of material is used for a wooden house, so the buildings fit harmoniously into the site. Such buildings also need treatment.

For processing, specialized compounds are used that are resistant to leaching and can withstand temperature changes. The most good feedback about Pinotex Natural and Pinotex Terrace Oil. Their price starts from 350 rubles, but their quality and durability put them at the top of the rating.

Antiseptic for painted and old wood

Similar ones are used for houses that are already painted. Of course, it is ineffective, since it does not penetrate deep into the wood, but only creates protective film. Reviews say that if possible, it is better to rent old paint and only then process the wood.

But if there is no money and time for painstaking work, then you can use the following compositions? Valtti Techno or Homeenpoisto 1. The compositions will temporarily save the old building, but the treatment will need to be carried out every year. They cost from 110 rubles/l.

Wood bleaching

If the treatment is not carried out on time, the tree will quickly turn blue. Special means can save the situation. They are applied with a brush to a specific damaged area and after 1-2 hours the wood brightens and returns to its original color. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. Neomid 500 and Senezh Neo are considered the most effective in this regard. Their price starts from 170 rubles/l.

Wood is one of the most popular construction and finishing materials. A house built of wood creates an excellent microclimate with optimal humidity: it is warm in winter and cool in summer. This material has a small disadvantage - without necessary protection it will become covered with fungus and mold, which will make it unsuitable for performing its functions.

Every specialist in the construction industry will tell you that to protect wooden buildings you need to use special antiseptics, which contain special substances that protect wood from fungus and mold. To see this for yourself, you can read reviews on the Internet about how to protect a wooden surface.

Types of antiseptics

Before choosing one or another material to protect a wooden surface, you need to find out what types of these products are available on the market. In general, an antiseptic is a water-repellent composition that does not allow microorganisms that feed on wood to gain a foothold in the environment of this building material.

There are three main groups of this material:

  • Water-soluble compounds - used for preventive protection of buildings that do not have direct contact with high humidity;
  • Solvent-based compounds are a universal material that protects wood both indoors and outdoors. After it dries, a dense film is formed, which reliably protects the building from moisture;
  • Combined compositions are capable of protecting not only from fungus and mold, but also, for example, from fire, that is, they include the properties of fire retardants.

Modern technologies for the production of such impregnations do not use harmful chemicals, so this material will not emit a pungent odor. This liquid is colorless so as not to hide the natural structure of the wood. Without much experience in repair work, can be easily treated with an antiseptic wooden walls, floors or ceilings with your own hands.

Senezh company products

The Russian company Senezh has been specializing for many years in the production of impregnations that protect wooden buildings from a variety of harmful influences in any climatic environment. Their materials are among the best on the domestic market.

Why you should choose Senezh products:

  • products from this manufacturer not only protect the material from fungus, mold, fire, etc., but also, after drying, emphasize the natural structure of the wood, making it more attractive;
  • after the Senezh impregnations have dried, you can be sure that the tree will now last for many years, no matter what the influence environment it wouldn't be. This is achieved due to the fact that the film formed after the work is able to “breathe”;
  • favorable prices available to every consumer;
  • excellent composition and specifications, relatively low consumption per m2.

What Senezh products can you choose:

  • Senezh Aquadecor - is a composition made on an alkyd-acrylate base with the addition linseed oil. It is diluted with plain tap water and can be easily applied with your own hands. Consumption is 120-180 grams per m2. The price of such material is 490 rubles per container of 0.9 kg;
  • Senezh Sauna - protects saunas and baths from fungus and mold, is made on a heat-resistant acrylate base, to which special biocides are added that are not subject to heating. The consumption of such material is 120-180 grams per m2. The average price in a store for a package of 0.9 kilograms is 490 rubles;
  • Senezh Ecobio is an economical option for quickly protecting wood from harmful atmospheric influences. The composition of this antiseptic is a simple aqueous solution with the addition of targeted inorganic components. The average consumption is 270 grams per m2. 5 kilograms of this protective solution can be bought in construction stores for 350 rubles.

Which solution is best to choose depends on the specific purposes and location of the wood building. After consulting with a Senezh company specialist, you can choose best option for all your needs. To make sure of the positive reputation of this company, you can read various reviews on the Internet.

Products of the company Pirilax Lux

Working in the market of protective impregnations for natural building materials Since 1993, Pirilax Lux has acquired vast experience, which now allows them to produce high quality products using modern technologies.

The main advantages of Pirilax Lux are as follows:

  • low material consumption due to high adhesive characteristics of the product;
  • all Pirilax Lux compositions are universal, they can be used for both internal and external protection;
  • Only environmentally friendly components are used in production, so after drying, people and animals will not suffer any harm;
  • Pirilax Lux solutions not only destroy mold and mildew that have formed, but also protect surfaces from their reappearance in the future;
  • The material can be applied even at sub-zero temperatures down to minus 15 degrees;
    Easy to use, you can apply it yourself with minimal skin protection.

The company’s most popular antiseptics are:

  • Pirilax Lux is a protective material that includes a complex of fire retardant substances, natural essential oil and functional additives. The average consumption per m2 is 100 grams. The price of one kilogram of products in the store is 375 rubles;
  • Pirilax Lux Classic - designed to destroy and protect harmful organisms on the surface of wood. Extends the service life of the material. Consumption when applying it yourself is 100 grams per m2. The price in the store for 3.5 kg is 820 rubles.
  • Pirilax Lux Terma - used for processing wood inside baths and saunas. Better than competitors protects them from elevated temperatures and prevents mold and mildew from developing in conditions that are favorable to them. Material consumption per m2, on average, is 100 grams. The average price in stores is 200 rubles per kilogram.

Neomid products

The Neomid company has been producing construction chemicals since 2005. Starting from a small assortment, the organization now offers a huge range of different protective substances for the most different coatings. In total, the company's line includes about 1000 items.

Review of NEOMID protective materials products

  • The best professionals in the construction industry choose the products of this company for their work;
  • In the production of products, exclusively innovative technologies are used, which allow achieving the best possible results;
    The widest range in which everyone will find exactly what they need;
  • The warranty on Neomid impregnations is 30 years.

The high quality of Neomid’s products is evidenced not only by the experience of professionals, but also by numerous positive reviews on the Internet and the absence of negative ones. The main advantage of this company’s products is their low price, which makes wood protection even more affordable.

After reading this article, you can choose for yourself which is the best antiseptic to protect your own wooden house or bathhouse. On the Internet, you can familiarize yourself in more detail with the characteristics of other antiseptics in order to choose exactly the material that meets all your requirements, so that you can apply it to the surface with your own hands and protect it from destruction.

How does fire bioprotection for wood work?

What is wood fire protection and how does it work? Fire and bioprotection is a general name for wood processing products of various compositions and principles of action, which can protect it from rapid fire, as well as damage from rot, fungi and insects.

Science today can do a lot, but, unfortunately, not everything. A means that completely protects wood from fire has not yet been invented. Treatment with fire-bioprotection only makes it more difficult to ignite and prevents harmful microorganisms from actively developing. Such products contain two main components - a fire retardant and an antiseptic.

Fire is the main enemy of wooden buildings, so fire bioprotection manufacturers focus their main efforts on the effectiveness of fire retardants - substances that impede the combustion process. In addition to flame retardants, protective composition As a rule, an antiseptic is included that protects wooden structures from rot, mold, and insects. Today, there are formulations on sale that contain only fire retardants or only antiseptics, and there is a combined fire-bioprotection that includes both components.

There are several types of fire protection in Moscow; they may differ:

  • based on the principle of fire protection;
  • by method of application;
  • by breeding method;
  • according to the degree of effectiveness of fire protection;
  • by consumption per sq.m.;
  • by penetration depth;
  • by coloring ability.

Classification of fire-bioprotective compounds

Types based on the principle of fire protection

The action of a fire-bioprotective composition can be based on any of three fundamental physical processes:

  • melting of substances included in fire retardants, such as silicon salt, phosphoric or boric acid, to form a non-flammable protective substance;
  • decomposition of substances, accompanied by the release of gas (ammonia, sulfur dioxide), which displaces oxygen, which, in turn, complicates combustion;
  • swelling of the protective shell, leading to the fact that the contact of fire with the wooden surface becomes minimal (organophosphorus compounds).

Types of fire protection by method of application

Depending on how fire protection is applied to wood, there are:

  • impregnating compositions - act from the inside;
  • coating compositions - form a protective layer on the surface (pastes, varnishes, enamels, putties).

The main difference between them lies in the aesthetic qualities of the processed structures. After application, impregnating compounds do not change the smell and wood grain (sometimes even emphasize it), that is, the wood retains its natural appearance. Coverings, on the contrary, greatly deteriorate the appearance of the tree and differ unpleasant smell, therefore they are used for processing wooden load-bearing structures, which will then be hidden under the finishing.

Classification of fire protection according to dilution method

Fire-retardant compounds are divided into: water-soluble and organic-soluble. Water-soluble protection - compositions for the dissolution of which a water solution is used. They, in turn, are divided into two categories:

  • saline;
  • non-salt.

Salt fire protection is low in cost. And this is perhaps its only advantage. But there are enough disadvantages:

  • increased consumption and low degree of protection;
  • After applying the salt composition to the wood, it will no longer be possible to cover the structure with paint and varnish;
  • such fire-bioprotection is valid for no more than five years;
  • in case of overdose and non-compliance with recommendations for wooden surfaces whitish stains appear.

In addition, the salt composition is easily washed out with water, and when high humidity its effectiveness decreases significantly, so such materials are used exclusively for interior work.

Non-salt fire protection is made on the basis of compounds of boric, carbonic or phosphoric acids and has the following advantages:

  • long period of action, which according to the “bio” parameter is 20 years, and according to the “fire” parameter - 15 years;
  • versatility of use - can be used both indoors and to protect outdoor wooden structures
  • structures treated with such compounds can be coated with varnish or paint;
  • non-toxic, safe for humans and animals.

The main disadvantage is more high price fire protection of this type. Although quality, practicality and long-lasting effect in this case completely compensate for the extra costs.

Organosoluble compositions are produced on the basis of solvents. After applying the composition, a durable, thin film is formed on wooden surfaces, which perfectly repels liquids and also effectively increases the thermal stability of lumber. The main disadvantage of such compositions is the toxicity of some of the components included in their composition, therefore their use inside buildings is strictly not recommended. In addition, some organosoluble remedies are “narrow profile”.

Efficiency of fire and bioprotection

Fire protection is also divided into several types according to the degree of effectiveness. When purchasing fire-bioprotective compounds, you should pay attention to the protective effectiveness group indicated on the product label. There are two of them - 1 and 2. Index 2 indicates that after treatment with this composition, wooden structures become difficult to ignite. If the task is to give the wood the properties of fire resistance (the maximum possible resistance to open flame), then fire bioprotection from the warehouse should be purchased with the marking “1”.

It should be noted that the number of layers can change the degree of protection. For example, by applying 6 layers of a weaker composition of group 2, you can obtain a level of resistance of group 1. And vice versa, after applying just one layer of protection of the 1st group, you will get a 2nd level of fire resistance.

Penetration depth, flow rate

Composition consumption per sq.m is an important economic indicator that should be paid to Special attention at the time of buying. You should look not only at the cost for a specific packaging, but also estimate required amount in terms of square meter processed area. For example, inexpensive salt formulations have a consumption 2-3 times higher than relatively expensive non-salt products - as a result, the apparent savings are reduced to zero.

Based on absorption depth, there are two categories of fire protection:

  • capillary (surface) compositions - penetrate into the fibers no deeper than 6 mm;
  • deep penetration compounds are capable of saturating wood to 12 mm or more.

It is more profitable to use surface fire protection, since it can be easily applied to structures with any available painting tool (brush, roller, spray gun). Such compositions in wood internal stresses do not create, which means the strength of the material does not decrease. Deep penetration protection (in most cases salt type) requires application special equipment, therefore, this type of fire-bioprotection is rarely purchased wholesale and retail.

Some features of using fire bioprotection

In order for the composition to protect the wood to the maximum after application, the surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, various spots paints or oils.

Fire protection should be applied to structures only after they have been finished by planing or sanding; the moisture content of the wood should not exceed 30 percent.

Surfaces should be coated with the composition when positive temperature, since in cold weather water freezes in the capillaries of wood, which prevents the penetration of fire and bioprotection.

Also, work should not be carried out in high humidity or in the rain.

Purchase of fire protection

What should you pay attention to when purchasing fire protection? In this case, it is very important that such a criterion as the cost of fire bioprotection should not play a role when choosing a composition main role. The main points that the consumer should pay attention to are:

  • specifics of application according to the certificate available from the seller (external or interior work, possible toxicity);
  • product consumption per square meter;
  • depth of impregnation;
  • application technique;
  • fire safety group;
  • duration of fire bioprotection;
  • the ability of the composition (and how much) to change the shade of wood.

Currently available for sale big choice fire and biological protection products from both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Practice shows that Russian compounds are absolutely no worse, and their price is significantly lower. Regardless of which composition you choose, you should understand and correctly decipher the letter code on the packaging.

  • "B" - composition contains boric acid, increasing its fire retardant properties;
  • “D” - with direct fire, a film is formed on the surface of the wood, slowing down the combustion process;
  • "M" - fire bioprotection includes copper sulfate, protecting structures not only from fire, but also from mold and mildew;
  • "C" - the product contains calcium-enriched soda, which is considered one of best defenses from fire;
  • "F" - contains sodium fluoride ( toxic substance), protecting the tree from fungus and insects - when working, you should use a respirator and thick rubber gloves;
  • “X” is a fairly poisonous compound used against wood borers and bark beetles;
  • "HA" - the composition emits a gas that envelops the fire and contributes to its extinction.

It should be understood that each fire protection means is characterized by a different specialization, and their effectiveness in relation to various problems is not the same. Drugs can be especially effective either in the “fire” or in the “bio” direction. Practice shows that it is best to use complex processing so that the products complement each other organically.