Quest game in search of treasure camp. Sports entertainment "in search of pirate treasure"

Target: promote the development of thinking and cognitive activity, creative and communication abilities.


1) introducing children to collective play activities;
2) developing in children the skill of working in groups, the ability to make collective decisions in the process of discussing tips;
3) identification of leaders.

Form: game.

Methods : joint creative activity.

Equipment : creative tasks and questions for each station, visual aids, details, route sheets for each team, GPS navigators, diplomas.

Playing the game:

    Presenter's opening remarks.

    Competition tasks.

    Summing up and rewarding.

Progress of the event

Teacher: Guys, today we have a very unusual activity. We will go on an interesting journey - a journey of scholars. But before we start the game, we need to divide into 3 teams. Now choose the captain and name of your team. We will travel through stations. The captains will begin the movement. Please come to me. Take 10 big steps forward, turn right, go to the classroom library, find 6 envelopes, select 1. (the envelopes contain directions to a particular station and symbols, where to find this station). Now each team will receive a route sheet. There will be 6 stations on your way. So you hit the road. At each station you will be given hints to complete the next stage. The team that completes all stages first wins. This team will be given the final clue where to look for the treasure. At the end of the journey, the teams must make a report on the route traveled: tell which tasks seemed simple, which caused difficulties, and which they liked best.Are you ready to travel? I wish you good luck!

Team route sheet

The envelopes contain riddles, encrypted station names and symbols that show the way to the desired station. There are two copies of these envelopes at each station.Letters in envelopes. ***

The school has the following subject:

They divide and multiply there,

Add, subtract,

Everything is solved there,

The equations are made up. (Station “Mathematical”)

We learned parts of speech

We studied cases.

The composition of the word was analyzed,

And then they wrote a dictation. (Station “Russian Language Lovers”)

I have no time to be sick, friends, I play football and hockey. And I am very proud of myself, What gives me health... (Sportivnaya station)

Using the Russian alphabet, decipher the name of the station

(Station “Igrovoy”) (Station “Literary”) (Station “Khudozhestvennaya”)

Competition tasks

Station "Mathematical" 1 Math riddles » . 1 point for correct answer* The blacksmith shoed three horses. How many horseshoes did he have to make? (12)* Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled and pulled the turnip and finally pulled it out. How many eyes were looking at the turnip? (12)* Near the dining room, where the skiers who came from a hike were having lunch, there were 20 skis, and 20 poles were stuck in the snow. How many skiers went on the trip? (10)* In the Russian folk tale “The Crystal Mountain,” Ivan Tsarevich fought three snakes in turn. The first of them had 2 times fewer goals than the second, and the second had 2 times fewer goals than the third. Total number The snakes have 21 heads. How many heads did each snake have before meeting Ivan Tsarevich? (3, 6, 12)

2. “Mathematical fantasies” . 3 points

The figures were cut out in advance and given to the children. white sheet paper and glue

additional education children

"Center children's creativity»

Teen club at your place of residence


Terrain game

"Treasure Hunters"

Compiled by:

Selivanova Irina Fedorovna –

teacher-organizer of a teenage club
"Sun »

Nizhnevartovsk city

"Treasure Hunters"

Type: Terrain game.

Form: Competition.

The game is held on the territory of school No. 29 (p/k "Sun"), includes V its program of sports competitions, competitions, intellectual tasks.

The game requires a lot of preparation. Special attention it is necessary to devote attention to preparing a map of the area where the research will be carried out game. ParticipantsIt is prohibited to go through the course route before the start of the game.

Teaching opportunities: Game "Treasure Hunters" promotes the development in children sense of collectivism, responsibility to comrades on command develops physical qualities such as: strength, agility, endurance, test yourself on intelligence, gain new knowledge.

Age: Anyone can take part in this game. But you should pay attention so that the command forces were equal.

Set of roles: At the stages there are judges - 7 people, a jury, fans.


    Rope - 1.5 m, 5 pcs.;

    5 sheets of paper, calculator;

    Simple pencil 5 pcs.;

    Target and darts;

    Hoop 1 pc.;

    Skittles 6 pcs.;

    Cards with riddles;


    Basketball 1;

    Small ball 2;

    Route sheet 5;

    Plates with the names of the stages;

Step by step description:

1. Station: “Getting ready for the road”;

2. Station: “Difficulties of treasure hunters”;

3. Station: “Don’t yawn, answer the questions”;

4. Station: “Pokhodnaya”;

5. Station: “Musical”;

6. Station: “Legends” pirate treasures";

7. Station: “Deciphering the map”;

8. Station: “Treasure Search.”

Preparatory stage. The better you are draw a map, the easier it will be to find treasure Post signs at stages With title. Indicate the time it takes to complete each stage.

Game by stations "Treasure Hunters".

The game starts with the general club lineup, on which teams are announced, and route sheets are issued.

Leading: Dear guys! You all probably love adventure and follow with interest adventures of heroes of books and films. Today I I suggest you go in search of the treasure yourself. Who knows what the people who go in search of treasure are called?Children: Treasure hunters.

Leading: Right. Now each of you will try yourself in the role of a treasure hunter, but in It is difficult to find the treasure alone, so we will travel in teams. I want the teams to come out And introduced themselves. Each team presents its name, emblem, motto.

Leading: Now the teams will go to the stations. Stations are listed on route sheets. Commanders for them will lead your treasure hunters. On Each station you must earn a piece of the map. But I want to warn you that the seventh stage is the last one, only after you have completed all 6 stages. The stages may not be completed in order. A scattered But stage 7 is the last, and I will help you glue the map and indicate the place, Where treasure Only one team will win, the one that finds the treasure first.

Station: “Getting ready for the road”

1 Competition "Rope". Teams are invited With Using one string, pull it through the elements of your clothing. Everyone should be in this connection. Pull the rope out without breaking it And give to the card keeper.

2 Competition. Make up as many words as possible (noun, in units case.) from the letters found in the word TREASURE DIGGERS.

Station: “Legends of Pirate Treasures.”

1 Contest. "Broadcast in a circle lasso." Everyone stands in a circle, holds hands and does not open hands, They pass the lasso and place it on everyone's head.

2 Competition. "Snake". All players stand one after another and grab the player in front by the belt. There are pins placed along the distance, which you need to run around alternately from the right, from the left (snake) to the flag and back again.

Station: Pokhodnaya.

1 Competition. "Penguins". At the leader’s signal, the participants must alternately carry the ball to the pin and back, holding it between their legs.

2 Competition. Game with small ball. Team members become in one line and pass the ball to each other with their chins, from first to last and back, without helping with their hands.

Station: “Difficulties of treasure hunters.”

1 Competition. The team must shoot darts at the target to score 200 points.

2 Competition. "Crossing in a hoop." The first participant runs in the hoop to the pin, returns, takes the second one in the hoop, the two of them run to the pin, return for the third, and so on until the last. Everyone returns to the start wearing a hoop.

Station: “Don’t yawn, answer the questions.”

1 Competition. Riddles.

There is a sparkle on the table,

Plays in the rays of the sun,

And how will he get water?

Flowers will bloom brightly. (Vase).

A hundred naked brothers

Gathered in one bundle,

They ride on a stick

They throw garbage. (Broom).

The silver horn turned into a pie,

Looked down at the ground -

Hovered like a ruddy little ball. (Month).

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but a storyteller. (Book)

No windows, no doors -

The room is full of people. (Cucumber).

2 Competition. Anagrams. RODOAKP - a gift. VBAUSOT - bus. MOSOX - space.

Station: "Musical".

1 Competition. The team stands in a circle tightly behind each other and squats smoothly. In this position, moving in a circle, you need to remember and perform three songs, 1 verse or chorus each, on the themes: “Love”, “Childhood”, “Spring”.

2 Competition. Arrange according to eye color from dark to light.

Station: “Deciphering the map.”

Glue the map. Turn over and shade with a simple pencil. Find an unshaded place in the form of a cross- Place of the treasure.

Station: “Treasure Search.”

Run in search of treasure.

Brief tips for conducting. In order not to mark the location of the treasure on the map, you can draw a cross in wax on the back in the right place. It will not be visible until you shade it with a simple pencil. The area marked with wax will not be painted over.

Class hour

Treasure Hunters Island

    Diversify children's leisure time during school holidays


    To provide a modern understanding of the diversity of human knowledge


    Development of skills to work individually and in a group;

    development logical thinking and introspection.


    Develop tolerance, the ability to work in a team, and listen to the opinions of others.


Pirate's letter, notes, quiz questions, certificates and diplomas

1. Organizational moment.

1. Letter from a pirate.

Hello dear treasure hunters!!!

What gifts, treasures did you want???

Then the first note is in the possession of the person who came up with all this, but he won’t just give it to you!!!

Answer his questions first!!!

And so, dear lovers of treasures and adventures, of course you want to receive the first note - the key to the treasure, but first answer 3 very simple questions, and if you cannot answer, you will have to endure trials for each wrong answer.

    A ninth grader leaves a big house. Carrying an object in his hand. A neighbor meets him. Asks: “Six?”, “No, seven!”, “What are we talking about?” (Guitar)– 15 squats.

    He walked, but did not wear his shoes. I decided to help him, but I only made it worse, now he can’t walk even with my help. What are we talking about? (Alarm clock) – 20 jumps in place.

    The girl who jumped. Who is this (Snow Maiden) – 25 forward bends.

Start note. Note No. 1 is located where the most sits main man for every student, but this is not the school principal.

For educational process always looks
She is the director's right hand,
Discipline at school is great
She is fair and strict.

Note No. 1.

The second note is on the way to the place we go to all the time in the summer,

But now we can go, if only we put on our jackets and hats.

Note No. 2

Note number three is located in a place, thanks to which the school is always warm, but in the summer everything is fine there, but for some reason it does not work.

Note No. 3

To get to note number four you need to solve the riddle.

When they point together
Order and comfort
Everything that is not needed at all
People give it to me.

Note No. 4

You, of course, really want to receive the next note, then go to where biology lessons are held, but only in the spring.

Note No. 5

Of course, you have not lost hope of finding the treasure and then hurry to find the next note in a place where ice and a game from the riddle will soon appear.

They are racing the puck here with all their might.
And they throw everything at the gate.
Here on the field there is ice everywhere,
We are glad to have such a game!

Note No. 6

For note number 7, run to where it’s unpleasant to go, but you always ask for time off from classes and go.

Note No. 7

Note No. 8 be where you are every break, showing each other unusual body movements in order to surprise and delight your classmates.

Note No. 8

Note No. 9 is with the one who came up with all this, but she won’t just give it away, but will ask riddles, but if you don’t answer, then accept the test.

    What do a fireman and a father of a family have in common? (Both guard the family hearth) – 15 squats.

    Tell me, children, why don’t mother kangaroos like rainy days? (Because then the children sit at home all day) – 20 jumping jacks.

    Which chain cannot be lifted? (Mountain) – 25 slopes in different directions.

Note No. 9

In order to receive note No. 10, you need to go there, I don’t know where, bring something I don’t know what! JOKE! Hurry to where you rush every morning, except Sunday and June, July, August! The note is for OVI.

Note No. 10

The next note is a hint to be where it all began!

Note No. 11

Hurry to the repository of human knowledge and find the final note!


Of course, you won, we had no doubt about it! The most active, dexterous, and skillful of you will receive diplomas and certificates for your portfolio!

But the one who started all this has a separate prize, but only the best can get it!

To guess what kind of prize it is and get it, ask the presenter questions, but only those to which she can answer “yes” or “no”!

Summing up. Rewarding.

Team game - traveling through stations. The stations are located in different places schools. At the first stage, teams create a travel map. At the second stage, in accordance with their route, the teams visit the stations one by one and carry out the tasks of the station rangers ( fairy-tale heroes), receiving a token for a correctly completed task. At the third stage, teams look for a “treasure” (sweet prize) using an encrypted note.



Travel game “In Search of Treasure”

Compiled by: teacher primary classes BOUSOSH No. 13 st. Vasyurinskaya

Volynko Galina Alekseevna

Leading: Today is an unusual day. Fate decreed that the stars in the sky aligned in a very favorable way. Today is an exceptionally good day. It involves discoveries, challenges and surprises. Do you like surprises? Do you like solving riddles? Aren't you afraid of challenges? Dear guys, today this mysterious message arrived at our camp in a hot air balloon.

I invite all children

Get on the road soon!

The path is not to Antarctica, not to Africa -

To all girls and boys!

Tests await you

Difficult tasks.

If you want to find a treasure

Hurry up and hit the road!

I didn't understand anything. What is this talking about? What is a "treasure"? How do you know where to go to find the treasure? There are some cards right here. Oh, what is this? They are damaged! What to do? Go with your squads and try to restore these ancient maps to find out how to find the treasure. And after breakfast, gather together for a meeting to agree on how to proceed.


Leading: Did everyone manage to restore the treasure hunt map? Are you ready to hit the road? Since you will be looking for the path to the treasure with the whole squad, what qualities will you need? Let's discuss the rules:

  1. Together, everyone should follow the course.
  2. If you arrive at the place ahead of time, then stop 10 steps and clap your hands together, warning that you have arrived.
  3. Collect as many treasure chest keys as possible and get ready for the lineup.

Routes (1 squad: 1,2,3,4; 2nd squad: 2,3,4,1; 3 squad: 3,4,1,2; 4 squad: 4,1,2,3).

Mysterious forest. (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Fairy):Hello kids: girls and boys! Why did you come here and not get dusty at all? Do you want to get the key? You need to be smart!

But the condition is this: in order to receive the task, you need to present a portrait of friendship. Here are some colorful paints for you.

Each of them is special: the pink one was named so because it has the color of a rose. What other plants give names to shades of flowers? (lilac - lilac, cherry - cherry, raspberry - raspberry, pistachio - pistachio, lemon - lemon, peach - peach, olive - olive, mustard - mustard, coffee - coffee, cornflower - cornflower, lettuce - light green, carrot - carrot).

Choose any color for yourself and, using water and a fingerprint, depict yourself as a flower in the general bouquet of friendship of the squad. (On the prepared sheets, children use their fingerprints to depict the “Bouquet of Friendship”).

I accept the pass and ask you riddles. There will be exactly 10 of them. The key will be given to you when you can guess at least 7 riddles. Choose one of the smartest people - he will voice the answer, and you give him a hint.

1-2 squad

1. Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)

2. What time of year is it now? (summer)

3. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May)

4. Not heat, not fire, but if you take it in your hands, it will scorch. (Nettle)

5. What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

The ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

6. I thought it was a cat. He shouted: “Scram!”

It turned out to be... (Lynx)

7. How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)

8. Which literary character owns the running shoes and the magic staff? (To Little Muk)

9. Sits on a spoon with its legs dangling. (Noodles)

10. Who drank the water and became a little goat? (Brother Ivanushka)

3-4 squad

  1. Birds flew over the site: a pigeon, a pike, two tits. How many birds are there in total?(3)
  2. List the winter months (December, January, February)
  3. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow. (teeth, tongue)
  4. In the middle of the yard golden head. (Sunflower)
  5. She herself is a little light, but her tail is rich, from branch to branch hop-hop, nut after nut click-click. (Squirrel)
  6. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich)
  7. What do a horseman and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)
  8. What medicine did Malvina want to give Buratino? (Castor oil)
  9. It curls around the nose, but is not easy to handle. (Smell)
  10. Who caught the pike in the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”? (Emelya)

Cave of Wonders (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Gnome):Hello! We are glad to see you in our cave. May good luck accompany you! You will receive the key when you name two given words.

If only you don’t go astray and support each other, help each other and all together play the game “Don’t say anything, just show with your hands.” Are you ready?

Don’t say anything, just show with your hands: far, high, low, wide, narrow, to the left, close, in front, behind the mountains, under water. Well done!

Now you will receive the task. Listen carefully, don't miss anything. The key will be yours if you complete the puzzle picture in 5 minutes.

(Putting together a picture from a puzzle)

Peak of Questions (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Znayka):Hello children! You've climbed high. And we didn’t even get lost! What do you need here? Have you come to us for the key?

If you act together, then you will be able to break the whole into parts and assemble it from the parts. Here's a warm-up test for you before the main task: assemble a word from letters, and stand so that you can read it (get it in your hands letters 1. – stream, 2. – victory, 3. – curtain, 4. – piggy bank).

Well done! Now I see that you will definitely not go astray. Get the task and say two keywords to get one clue.

Children receive two texts and guess two words. If you have time, play the game “Broken Phone”

1 squad

An arrow flew and hit the swamp. And in this swamp someone caught her. (Frog Princess)

2 squad

  1. Oh, people don't like me. They don’t like my voice, my eyes are round and glow at night. They think that I bring trouble, but this is not true. I am of great benefit - I catch mice and preserve the harvest. Who am I? (Owl)
  2. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

I wish the evening was approaching

And the long-awaited hour has come

For me in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairytale ball. (Cinderella)

3 squad

  1. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

She approached the apple tree. The branches bowed down to her, and the apples fell towards her. She treated him strong man, and he married her. And she began to live well, without knowing the hard times. (Khavroshechka)

4 squad

  1. And everyone is afraid of me, that’s why they tell so many stories about me. They don’t like the fact that I love the dark and rest upside down. I am not like a bird or an animal, but I am not an enemy to man. Who am I? (Bat)
  2. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

Things were bad for the poor duckling. Once, in the evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, a whole flock of beautiful big birds, the duckling has never seen such beautiful ones: all white as snow, with long, flexible necks.

These were swans. (Ugly duckling)

Treasure Island (10 min.)

Station Master (Pirate):Greetings, friends. I'm very glad to see you. Well, answer in unison, don’t be silent, what do you want to get? I’m ready to give you the key and tell you the task. But first, don’t be lazy, bring me some water. You see there - in the distance bucket costs? You will be distributed in a chain, and, passing drop by drop, transfer all the water to second bucket (In the bucket lid. They need to be passed along the chain and put into another bucket) Well, you did the job, now use these droplets to add 1st squad - ship, 2nd squad - car, 3rd squad - plane, 4th squad - helicopter.

Now you will receive the task. I have a wonderful bag in my hands. There are wonderful objects inside it. Guess which ones literary works They? For three correct answers you will receive a key. (Two packages - each contains a set of itemsfor one squad. One person answers, others help him.)

1-2 squad – shoe, arrow, mirror, telephone(“Cinderella”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess ...” or “The Mirror and the Monkey”, “Telephone”)

3-4 squad – soap, saucer, needle, thermometer(“Moidodyr”, “The Scarlet Flower” or “Fedorino’s Grief”, “Koschei the Immortal” or “Vaselisa the Wise”, “Doctor Aibolit”)


Leading: You have walked all the way along the map, and you have found a wonderful treasure. Didn't find it? The head of our camp will help you, and you will help her. Beginning camps are blindfolded and a box with certificates is brought in. Tell the boss where to go to get to the box. And now the head of our camp will present you with your well-deserved awards.


Leading: Where is the treasure? Let's see if there's anything else hidden inside? One, two, three, open the door! It's empty here! What a disappointment! Wait, I see a note: If you want to find the treasure, hit the road again. Shall we get the treasure? Forward without fear and doubt! Go, search and come back. (The notes are written on paper of different colors for the units, the first is issued, the second is hidden)

1 squad : Go out into the yard to the birch tree. Take 20 steps to the gate.

1 squad : Look for your treasure from the good fairy of all school textbooks.

2 squad : Go to the place where the muscles are pumped. Take 10 steps towards the stairs.

2 squad : Look for your treasure from the mistress with all the products of the school.

3 squad : Go to the place of honor in the school. From the highest place, take 10 steps to the left.

3 squad : Look for your treasure from the fairies of purity in the school.

4th squad: Go out onto the platform to the chestnut tree. Take 20 steps to the left.

4th squad: Look for your treasure from the biggest leader of the camp.


Well, here you are!

I'm glad you found the treasure!

Everyone is just great!

The journey is over.

Was it easy for you to cope with the search? How did you manage to overcome all the obstacles along the way?

Show your level of participation with applause. The harder you tried, the louder you clap! 1 squad!, 2!, 3!, 4! Well done!

Travel game “Treasure”

Rules of the game: The game consists of 2 stages. At the first stage, the team collects chests (10 pieces), which at the end of the game must be exchanged for a key. At the second stage, the team collects clues that will need to be used to guess the password word. All competitions are completed within a certain period of time. At each stage, 1 person participates, and the team monitors the time, supports and advises.

Stage 1.

1. Labyrinth

In the playroom, a ball of thread is wound across the tables and chairs. At the start there is a chest tied to a string, and at the finish - scissors. The child must temporarily run the scissors along the thread to the chest, cut the string and pick up the chest.

2. Swamp

There are circles (bumps) with numbers from 1 to 20 laid out on the floor. On some of them the words are written: “only” (3), “attentive” (7), “will receive” (10), “chest” (12), “in” (15), “end” (18), “game” (20). You need to move to the other side only along them, otherwise you will drown. On the other side there are 20 cards with words, including the ones you need. You need to make a phrase out of them (in the order the words appear on the bumps) and glue them with tape. On the back it will be written where to look for the chest. (The chest is in the bottom drawer of the teacher's desk).

3. Lock and keys

The room is locked. A bunch of keys is connected to an apple. Two members of the team need to eat the apple, without using their hands. Take the key, open the lock, take the chest from the room.

4. Guess the riddle in 1 minute. “We are very dependent on it, but it is not on us. We go with it, but we can turn back, but it cannot. And every moment it becomes less and less" (time)

5. Float

There is a chest in a cut-off plastic bottle with a mark on the foam. You need to pour water into it with a spoon. You can pick up the chest only when the float reaches the mark.

6. Chips with numbers float in a basin of water. You need to catch the chip with a spoon, holding it in your teeth. The chip must be transferred to another player in the spoon. The player carries this piece through the team's obstacles. The team tells the number to two other players who are near the tree with the capsules. They need to cut off the desired capsule. There is a chest in it.

7. There are bags hanging on the tree, one of them contains a chest. A bag of pine cones, a jar of water, a bag of leaves, a jar of coins.

8. Each team member must find a special task and complete it.

9. The team must knock down all the wooden pins.

10. Guess the riddle in 1 minute. “Sometimes there are two of me, and I can’t tell the difference between us, except that I can be heard and he can’t. As soon as I take a few steps to the side, it disappears. And I’m racking my brain: who is it?” (mirror reflection). (For younger children, you can use simple riddles: “What sprouts in the field, What are they filling pies with, What did Antoshka want to eat? We call her...” (potato).

Individual tasks:


How often have we walked here?

Now the task before you is -


Stands calmly in the shade.

He looks at the kids.


Where the water falls like a waterfall,


When April takes its toll,
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me.



































26, 3, 6, 5, 19, 12, 1, 33 19, 20, 6, 15, 12, 1


We tumble on it,

It doesn't matter if we fall.

I'm so happy to lie here

Because it's...


In black and white
They write every now and then.
Rub with a rag -
Blank page.


Find hidden objects in the pictures.


Find 5 differences in the pictures.


Guess the rebus.


Resonant, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
Jumping loudly in the yard.

Find the biggest one.


They left me in the forest
They forced me to hang around for the whole century:
In a rabbit earflap - in winter,
And in the summer with a shaved head.

Stage 2

2. Listen to the poem and find a word that does not have the letter “s”.

The sun has set behind the village,

Tits are sleeping, jays are sleeping,

A mustachioed catfish sleeps in the river,

The forest, the steppe, and the garden are sleeping.

The herd is sleeping, the shepherd and the dog,

The dream took him to his country


Answer: the word "river". Hint - print.

3. Caches

The team is given a map of the area, on which the areas where caches are located are marked. In each cache, the team finds a clue word that needs to be crossed out from the list of suggested words. If all the caches are found, then all words except the correct one will be crossed out from the list, which will be useful when guessing the key word at the end of the game. (information)

4. You need to find a clue in the tent with balls. (Mouse).

5. There are a lot of folded pieces of paper in the box; find a clue among them - sheets of paper with letters (mat).

6. The ball needs to be burst with a dart. (Mo)

7. Hoop and airplanes. The paper airplane needs to hit the hoop 5 times. (Nor)

8. Threes are daring. Participants get to the place like frog travelers. At the meeting point they must construct a means for carrying objects (then)

9. There are 9 squares with different signs drawn on the board. For a few seconds, the child looks and remembers their location, and then must reproduce everything from memory. (Your clue is on the table)

10.Pour water into the bottle so that the hint appears. Two people carry water in a glass using two sticks. The third person pours water into a bottle. (p)

What you need:

10 chests, thread, scissors, 40 circles, lock with key, 2 tents, apple, 2 riddles, plastic bottle, polystyrene foam, basin, coins, 2 spoons, obstacles, capsules with numbers (10), 2 bags (cones, leaves), 2 cans (water, pieces of paper), wooden skittles, individual tasks, 14 stars, riddle, mirror, map + 5 words + a set of words, balls, pieces of paper with letters without, balloon(2) darts, hoop, paper airplanes, exercise book, task with pictures, newspaper, gymnastic sticks, glass.

We are very dependent on it, but it is not on us. We go with it, but we can turn back, but it cannot. And every moment it becomes less and less.


Sometimes there are two of me, and I can’t tell the difference between us, except that I can be heard and he can’t. As soon as I take a few steps to the side, it disappears. And I’m racking my brain: who is it?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10








Here is our beautiful front entrance.

How often have we walked here?

Now the task before you is -

Find the way to the island of wonders on the veranda!

Stands calmly in the shade.

He looks at the kids.

Two standing stumps and a board on them,

Look for the scroll, it is with them!

Where the water falls like a waterfall,

There is a loophole with a hint again.

When April takes its toll,
And the streams run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me. (Search)






























They left me in the forest
They forced me to hang around for the whole century:
In a rabbit earflap - in winter,
And in the summer with a shaved head. (search)

Find 5 differences in the pictures.

Guess the rebus.

Resonant, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
Jumping loudly in the yard.

Find the biggest one.

Guess the rebus.













Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kachkina (Kovalenko)
Entertainment script “Everyone on a treasure hunt!”

Entertainment script

for children of senior preschool age

"Everything is on treasure hunt


To develop in preschoolers the ability to use basic types of movement in play situations;

To cultivate in children a sense of curiosity, courage, camaraderie, justice, and organization;

Bring joy to the kids.

Equipment: pirate costume, attributes for decorating an impromptu ship (shells, pebbles, souvenirs, swimming ring, life jackets, audio recording "Sea Surf", balls according to the number of children, hoops, basin, ball, candy according to the number of children, cardboard pennies (diameter 5 cm, balloons according to the number of children, a chest with chocolate coins, 10 keys with tasks, a mysterious message, a pirate flag.

To turn the hall into a real pirate ship, fly a pirate flag, geographical maps, globes, binoculars, shells, pebbles, souvenirs, swimming ring, life jackets, etc. Simulate a sail.

In advance, ask parents to dress their children in a pirate style, for which vests, vests, bandanas, wide belts are suitable, draw tattoos, etc.

Prepare "treasure" (a chest with chocolate coins for each child).

Sign the keys:

Key No. 1 - You will find the second key by guessing the riddle (You will definitely lock me from the outside, from the inside. You can’t live without me, believe me. I’m the entrance to the apartment)

"Cargo to the ship").

Key No. 3 - You will find the fourth key by answering the question. (Cook's place of work)

"Sweet Tree").

Key No. 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle


Key No. 7 You will find the eighth key where dreams occur.

Key No. 8 It's time to "Field of Miracles"(contest "Field of Miracles").

Key No. 9 The last key! (It has four legs)

Key No. 10 You will find the path to the treasure by folding the picture (competition "Puzzle").

Hide clues in the kindergarten for games:

Key No. 2 - in the hallway,

Key No. 4 - in the kitchen (dining room,

Key No. 6 - in the bathroom,

Key No. 8 - in the bedroom,

Key No. 10 - under the teacher's table,

"Treasure"- in the closet.

The captain of the pirate ship, Jack, sends an invitation to the children.

Pirates senior group "Traffic light"! You are sentenced to unbridled fun, as well as to gain skills in the pirate business. Come, I'll be waiting!

When everyone arrives on the ship, Jack hands over a bottle with a message.

Mysterious message

Dear friends!

Today, when you have become real pirates, I can tell you my secret.

A long time ago I hid a chest with treasures on a distant island.

The path to them is not easy, and only a real pirate can get to this island.

Only the most faithful comrades can go on a journey.

Be careful and attentive and follow directions carefully.

I will leave ten keys for you.

By collecting them all, you can find treasures!

Pirate Black Corsair.

P.S. Just keep your mouth shut.

Jack. The recruitment of a crew of pirates begins. In order to join the crew, you must take the pirate oath!

You end each of my sentences with the phrase "Because we are pirates!".

Pirate's Oath.

Jack. Raising anchor, we set off to the seas!

We are fearless guys...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. There is a menacing wave at sea, hurricanes and storms, but we are sailing somewhere...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We love the inhabitants of all the animals seas: octopus, dolphins, stingrays...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sharpened our knives; whoever didn’t hide, tremble! Only we are not to blame...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sail straight to the island, there we'll find treasures! Let's live richly, friends...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. Caramba! Whistle everyone up! Our ship sets off on a long voyage to looking for adventure.

In order to find the treasure. You must find 10 clue keys, I hand you Key No. 1 - You will find the second key by solving the riddle (You will definitely lock me up from the outside, from the inside. You can’t live without me, believe me. I’m the entrance to the apartment.)

Key No. 2 - You will receive the third key when you deliver the cargo to the ship (competition "Cargo to the ship").

Contest "Cargo to the ship"

Pirates must "load the cargo onto the ship". Children carry cargo onto the ship along an improvised gangway.

Carry the ball on your palm so that it does not fall.

Carry the ball while jumping on one leg.

Carry three balls together with each other's backs turned friend: one ball in each hand, and the third is sandwiched between the backs. You need to move forward with an extra step.

Carry the ball without using your hands. (Pressing between legs, kicking, rolling.)

In gratitude for the loading, Jack gives Key No. 3. You will find the fourth key by answering the question (Cook's place of work)

Key No. 4 - Pirates love to eat, it’s time for you to harvest too (competition "Sweet Tree").

The pirates got hungry and decided to eat. They saw interesting fruits on the tree branches.

There are candies hanging on a tree in the area.

Task: Jumping up, pick the candy and put it in a container.

Jack hands over Key No. 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle (This is not a kitchen or a bedroom, but a bathhouse for everyone, friends.)

Key #6 - To get the seventh key, feed the predators. (Jumping "Predators")

Contest "Predators"

It's time to feed the animals with the harvest.

An empty container with a picture of a wild animal pre-pasted on it is placed on the floor. Children move a few steps away from the container and try to throw in candy.

Task: get the candy into the container.

Jack hands over Key No. 7. You will find the eighth key where dreams are seen.

Key No. 8 It's time to "Field of Miracles"(contest "Field of Miracles").

Contest "Field of Miracles".

At night, the pirates entered the clearing. And we saw gold coins! The pirates rushed to collect them.

IN different parts coins are scattered around the hall. (Cut from 5 cm cardboard.) One by one, the pirates are blindfolded and each must find one coin.

Task: Find a coin while blindfolded. The rest of the players must call the shots "seeker" where should he go go: to the right, to the left, forward, backward, sit down. Key number 9. Look for the last key! (It has four legs)

Key No. 10. Find the path to the treasure by putting together a picture (competition "Puzzle").

(contest "Puzzle").

The guys collect puzzles with the last message on them.

The chest is not buried in the ground,

And it lies behind the door.

There are hangers and shelves here,

It's like there are floors in a house.

Pants, blouses, T-shirts -

Everything is in order.

("treasure" hidden in a closet or in a cubicle)

The children find the treasure, but the cunning Jack snatches the chest and runs away to his ship. The children run after him and beg him with magic words to give up the treasure. Jack gives up the treasure and sends the children home in boats.

Game "Boat"

We tie 6 on the hoop balloons, each boat is designed for 4 people.

Task: do not let the balloons on your boat burst, but sink yours

Publications on the topic:

Synopsis of the physical education lesson “Searching for Pinocchio” Summary of the subject physical education lesson “Searching for Pinocchio” Goals: - To consolidate the ability to walk on toes, jumping, and in a half-squat. -Improve.

Summary of GCD for FEMP “In Search of Vasilisa the Beautiful” Goal: to consolidate ordinal and quantitative counting within eight, knowledge of numbers within eight, consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.

Abstract of GCD in mathematics “Treasure Search” Topic: mathematics lesson "Treasure Search." Objectives: educational - strengthen counting skills within 20; learn to compose and solve.

Summary of OD in the middle group “Search for the Golden Key” Objectives: - to develop children’s ability to classify shapes according to 2 properties (color, shape) - to practice ordinal counting up to 5 - to consolidate knowledge.

Summary of the art lesson “In search of a wonderful adventure” Goal: To teach children to distinguish and name a person’s emotional state: joy, surprise, sadness, anger. Objectives: 1) Educational: -Display.

"In search of treasure."

Game - competition


    uniting the children's team;

    teach you to make decisions quickly;

    show the need to sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of the team.


    introducing children to collective play activities;

    developing in children the skill of working in groups, the ability to make collective decisions in the process of discussing tips;

    identifying leaders.

Equipment: hoops, glue, 7 cards, A3 paper, prizes, tasks on sheets, signs with the names of stations.

Progress of the event

Presenter. The island is small area sushi surrounded on all sides by water. We can say that this is a small dot lost in the ocean. We will get to this island by ship. On a mysterious island, unforgettable adventures await you with the pirates and their leader. Pirate cocked hats, cutlasses, old maps with buried treasure, old Billy Bones' riddles and a search for a chest of gold coins.

Are you ready for adventure? (children's answer)

Then join our coastal brotherhood!

Hidden on this mysterious island is an ancient map that shows the path that leads to a treasure chest. But getting to the treasure will not be so easy! Since the map is cut into several parts and hidden throughout the island. There will be many obstacles on the island, as a result of which you will have to stop and complete various tasks.

Each team selects a captain and comes up with a team name. You run around the island and look for stations. At the stations you will need to complete a task to get a piece of the map. In terms of time, you need to complete the task as quickly as possible and run to look for the next station. Then, as you visit all the stations, you will have all the parts of the map. You will need to collect a map and go along the indicated route in search of treasure. Whichever team gets to the treasure first gets it.

Station 1. Swamp. - Guys, you have arrived at a station calledSwamp. To get part of the map, you need to solve riddles about the inhabitants of the swamp.

1. Jumps through the swamp

Green frog.

Green legs.

Her name is... (frog).

2. She lives in the reeds,

Her house is among the swamps,

Where the frogs are.

Tsap! - and there is no wah. (Heron)

3. There’s someone’s house on the branch here.

There are no doors or windows in it.

But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.

This is the name of the house... (Nest)

4. It may break,

It might cook

And if he wants, he will hit the bird

Might turn . (Egg)

5. Reeds grow by the river,

A baby lives in the reeds.

He has green skin

And with a green face. (Little Frog)

6. This is an old friend of ours,

He lives on the roof of the house.

He flies to hunt

For frogs in the swamp . (Stork)

7. People live under water.

Walks backwards. (Cancer)

8. In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream)

9. There is something in this swamp.

You will pass along them by jumping.

There are tubercles in the swamp -

Small islands.

These little islands

Everyone calls ... (bumps).


Station 2. Box meetings.

Box meetings.

Box meets are fun sporting events. They are called “meetings” because they are held as a “counter relay race”. And they are “boxed” becauseAll relay races use only one apparatus - ordinarymatchbox (no matches!).

In box relays, like all others, several teams from two to ten participate. The most optimal number of teams is three. With so many of them, it is very convenient to determine the winners both at each stage and based on the results of the entire competition.If the team completes the task first, it is awarded 3 points, the second - 2 points, the third - one . Whoever has more points after all stages is the winner of the “Box Matches”.

In box relays, as in all head-to-head relays, teams must consist of an even number of players: 4, 6, 8 or 10. In this case, half of the team must be on one line of the playing distance, and the other half on the other line. The distance between these lines is 5 meters (10 meters for older children). The challenge for players in head-to-head relays is simple: carry a box one way and pass it to a teammate to carry it back. When the last team member delivers the boxes to the place where the movement began, the stage is completed.

And in totalStages in "Box Encounters" 6:

1. Carry the box, placing it on the top of your head.

2. Carry the box, placing it on your shoulder like a shoulder strap.

3. Carry the box, placing its end on your clenched fist.

4. Carry the box, placing it on your back in the lumbar area.

5. Carry the box, placing it on your foot in the area of ​​the instep.

6. Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck (the ends of the box should rest against the chin and neck).

Of course, if a box falls while moving, the relay participant must stop, put it back in place and only after that, continue on your way.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).Station 3. Cave. - Guys, you have arrived at the station calledCave. To get through the cave. You need to complete the following task. The team forms a column and stands still. Only two people are moving here, holding a hoop in their hands. They pass it through the entire team. One of the participants then stands at the back of the column, the other takes the first one as his partner. The path through the cave is repeated until the last one passes through it.- Well done! Guys, you crossed the cave and get part of the map.(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 4. INTELLIGENCE. (Quiz)

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledIntelligence

    If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?(It’s impossible, because in 72 hours, that is, in 3 days, it will be 12 o’clock at night again, and the sun doesn’t shine at night, unless it happens above the Arctic Circle on a polar day)

    Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative?("Are you sleeping?")

    If a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on 2 legs? (2 kg)

    Why do they say “the buffoon”?(Because the jester had dried peas in his rattle)

    There were 4 birch trees, on each birch there were 4 large branches, on each large branch - 4 small branches, on each small branch - 4 apples. How many apples are there in total?(None: apples don’t grow on birch trees)

    Is there a year in this century that will not change if written in numbers and turned “upside down”?(1961)

    Where does the water stand?(In a glass)

    The miller came to the mill. In each of the 4 corners I saw 3 bags, on each bag sat 3 cats, and each cat had 3 kittens with it. The question is, how many feet were there in the mill?(Two: cats have paws)

    What could it be: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

    (Rider on a horse)

    Which city is sweet?(Raisin)

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 5. Tavern.

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledTavern .

I’m going to read the assignments to you now, and you have to guess what it’s about. After you answer all the questions, you will receive a piece of the map. - So, listen carefully!


  • 1.I really like this thing.

2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults.

3. Once she had a hare mask inside with an elastic band.

4. It looks like a grenade.

5. She has a string that you need to pull.


    1. They come in different colors.

2. The entire floor of our house was covered with them.

3. One day, mom got them confused in her head, and she couldn’t get them out.

4. They are like snowflakes, falling and falling.

5. My dad makes them with a hole punch.


    1. This is something so long.

2. My mother decorated my suit with this.

3. It is so colorful and shiny.

4. It can be easily torn.

5. It is made from foil.


    1. When I was little, I never heard them.

2. They are only in Moscow.

3. And at this time everyone gets up and clinks their glasses.

4. They are always shown on TV.

5. Actually, they have arrows.


    1. My dad says that they could set the house on fire.

2. I have a whole pack.

3. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands.

4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some people do it.

5. They burn and throw sparks everywhere.

(Bengal candles)

    1. I tried it once while my mother wasn’t looking.

2. And we had it in the sideboard for six months.

3. There first “Bang-bang”, and then “P-sh-sh”.

4. The most important thing is to make sure it doesn’t run away.

5. Our traffic jam almost broke a mirror.


- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 6. Mixed up newspapers. (This assignment requires several newspapers.)

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledMixed up newspapers.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 7. Zoological quiz.

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledZoology quiz . To get a piece of the map, you need to answer the following questions.

Who can hear with their feet? (Answer: grasshopper)

Who runs the fastest? (Answer: cheetah)

Who has a lip to the ground? (Answer: elephant)

Who flies without wings? (Answer:flying squirrel )

Who is the most toothy and clawed? (Answer:armadillo )

Who has a house made of thin air? (Answer:lizards - pongolins )

Whose tongue is longer than the body? (Answer:chameleon )

Who is the dead one that bites? (Answer:crocodile caiman )

Who has a nose like a cucumber? (Answer:monkey - kahau )

ANSWERS: grasshopper, cheetah, elephant, flying squirrel, armadillo, lizards - pongolins, chameleon,

crocodile caiman, monkey - kahau.

Logical task.

    How many days will it take for a snail to reach the top of a tree 15 meters high if it manages to climb 5 meters during the day, and during sleep it will fall down 4 meters?

ANSWER: 11 days.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

The teams go around all the stations and collect pieces of the map. Having collected the map, they go to the last 8th station in search of treasure. The location of the treasure is indicated on the map. The team that finds the treasure first takes it.