What can you tell fortunes for Christmas? Fortune telling for Christmas. Fortune telling about your future life partner

The desire to know their future has never left people. Line up perfect life, to protect yourself from misfortunes, to know in advance is the main motivation in fortune-telling, apart from banal curiosity and the desire to pass the time cheerfully. Fortune telling can only be done during certain periods of time, and Christmastide fits these wishes.

The main thing in the article

How to tell fortunes for Christmas at home?

You can look into the future at Christmas on the night from the sixth to the seventh of January. At this time, the border between the worlds is quite thin, and you can ask otherworldly forces about the future, ask for help. It’s easy to tell fortunes at home using items that are always at hand.

  • You can actually tell fortunes using an onion or a gold ring to find out the name of your future husband.
  • To see your betrothed, you should use rods for a bridge or eat salty food.
  • There are also many fortune tellings using improvised objects: glasses, mirrors, bread crumbs, candles.

When is the right time to tell fortunes at Christmas?

If you want the prediction to be as accurate as possible, you need to clearly know the correct dates for fortune telling. Starting from the evening of January 6, and until January 18 there is a period called Christmastide , in which girls traditionally tell fortunes about the future, the groom, and wealth. You can’t guess every day, but only:

  • from the evening of January 6 to the morning of January 7
  • from the evening of January 13
  • on Epiphany evening - January 18.
    However, it is believed that the most truthful fortune-telling will be on Christmas evening.

What will you need for fortune telling on Christmas night?

For fortune telling on Christmas night, you will need the necessary equipment for the fortune telling you have chosen, preparation of the fortuneteller and good imagination.

  • Get over your fear.
  • Remove the hair clips, they should be loose.
  • Untie all kinds of knots that are on the clothing (belts and waistbands are also considered knots).
  • Remove all jewelry.
  • Protect the room from extraneous sounds during fortune telling.
  • You cannot cross your arms and legs so as not to lose contact with the otherworldly.
  • It is necessary to clearly formulate the question of interest.

Christmas fortune telling for the future

Fortune telling by lines in a book

Take any book, concentrate on what you want to learn. Open the book to any page and read the lines. The answer to your question is in these lines.

Fortune telling using cups

Prepare three cups: with water, sugar, and a ring. Close your eyes and, turning around yourself three times clockwise, stretch left hand and take a cup.

  1. A cup of water promises a calm and passive year, not particularly eventful.
  2. If you choose the one with sugar, then the year will be fun, with a lot of good impressions and good luck in business.
  3. A ring in a cup promises an appearance in life young man or imminent marriage.

Card fortune telling for Christmas


Take a bath or shower and put on clean pajamas. Select kings of all suits from a deck of cards and place them under your pillow. Ask your betrothed to come to you in a dream:

  • dream about the king of spades - your husband will be terribly jealous and older than you,
  • hearts - younger than you and rich,
  • Crusader - the groom will be a military man,
  • diamond - the one you love will love you.

On request

Shuffle the cards while thinking about your desire. Then draw one card from the deck at random.

  • peaks - the wish will not come true;
  • clubs - unlikely;
  • tambourines - it will come true, but you need to make an effort;
  • worms - will definitely come true.

Is it possible to tell fortunes at Christmas using playing cards?

Playing cards originated from fortune telling tarot cards. Of course they are slightly modified. There are no major arcana in them, except for the Jester (Joker). The suits were replaced:

  • clubs are former wands,
  • swords were replaced with pikes,
  • pentacles turned into diamonds,
  • cups became hearts.

At Christmas you can tell fortunes with playing cards, but the deck must be new and after fortune telling you cannot play with such cards.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed and marriage

Survey of passers-by

This fortune telling does not require special equipment. Walk down the street, looking for the first male passerby. Find out the name. This will be your groom's name.

Prophetic dream about a betrothed

There are several options for inducing a prophetic dream.

  1. Buy a new comb the day before. Before going to bed, comb your hair, repeating “Mummer, come, comb me” and place the comb under the pillow. In a dream, the groom will come to comb your hair.
  2. Eat something salty before going to bed, saying, “Whoever is my betrothed will bring me a drink.” Then immediately go to bed and remember the groom in your dreams.

Fortune telling with four glasses

By this fortune telling you will find out the character of the groom.

  • You will need four glasses, filled with clean water.
  • Next, arm yourself with a teaspoon: put sweet honey in the first glass, a little salt in the second, and a little salt in the third. lemon juice, add a little wine to the last one.
  • Stir the contents, cover the glasses with a cloth or napkins so as not to see the filler.
  • Now it is necessary for someone to rearrange the glasses.
  • After that, without hesitation, grab one of them and take a sip.
  • If you choose honey water, then in the future you will have a kind husband and a sweet life, salty water - to tears and sadness, water with sourness promises a joyless married life, and a glass of alcohol - to a husband who loves to drink.

Christmas fortune telling for children

In addition to the future betrothed, a woman is also concerned about the number of children in the family and the gender of the child.

Fortune telling with a ring in water

  • Fill a bowl or glass with water and put it in wedding ring.
  • Next, the bowl should be put out in the cold. Let it sit there overnight and check the results in the morning.
  • If the water is frozen and the surface is smooth, don’t expect children this year.
  • If you see a bumpy surface, you will be pregnant with a boy, and if there is a depression on the surface, you will be pregnant with a girl.

If the night suitable for fortune telling is not frosty, you can use the freezer.

Fortune telling needle

  • You will need white thread and a needle.
  • Thread the needle, take the thread by the tip with your right hand, and guide it so that the end of the needle is in the center of your left palm, slightly higher from it.
  • Watch the needle. Rocking across the palm predicts a girl, rocking along the palm predicts a boy.
  • If the needle stops and then suddenly starts swinging again, it means it tells you the gender of the next child.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas by shadow?

Shadow divination is most popular at Christmas.

  1. Find old newspaper and begin to knead it in your hands, while formulating the question of interest.
  2. Then the newspaper needs to be transferred to a container and set on fire.
  3. When it burns, turn off the light and light the candle.
  4. Rotate the container with the burnt newspaper in front of the candle until you see a shape in the outline of the shadow.

House means a change of residence or marriage, ring promises a wedding is just around the corner, pig- troubles. In general, interpret such figures as your mind tells you. This is reminiscent of deciphering a dream - dreaming about sweets promises happiness for someone, because they are associated with childhood, and bad luck for someone, because the lady wants to lose money. overweight and is afraid to eat candy.

Fortune telling for Christmas with a mirror

Using such an attribute for fortune-telling as a mirror, the girls tried to look for the image of the future groom in it. This fortune telling is quite creepy, so the girl must be psychologically prepared.

  1. Find two medium sized mirrors.
  2. Place mirrors opposite each other to create a kind of corridor of mirrors.
  3. Light a church candle to the left and right of each mirror.
  4. After waiting until midnight, turn to the mirror: “Betrothed, show yourself to me.”
  5. Next, peer into the mirror.
  6. As soon as you see the outlines of a man approaching you, look at his appearance and say “mind me” or read the Lord’s Prayer.
  7. The main thing is not to let the essence out of the mirror, it is dangerous.

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds, nutshells and eggs?

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

By telling fortunes on coffee grounds, you can warm up, enjoy the aroma, and find out the future.

  1. Brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot.
  2. Pour into a light cup, mentally formulating the question that is tormenting you. Don't add sugar to coffee!
  3. Drink your coffee in even sips, concentrating on the question. If you decide to tell fortunes in a group, then you cannot talk to each other.
  4. The cup should be kept in right hand, the handle should be on the right.
  5. Leave a couple of teaspoons of liquid at the bottom.
  6. Take the cup in your other hand, beat the liquid clockwise and tip it onto the saucer. Wait a few seconds for the pattern to form.
  • Square – life stability
  • Solid cross - unfortunately
  • Circle with spots - to add to the family
  • Dashes - changes are coming
  • Zigzag - an interesting trip
  • Angel – help from the spirit world
  • Dagger - dangerous enemies
  • Horseshoe - good luck
  • Crow - trouble in the family
  • Cat - problems in the material sphere
  • Eagle - victory in business
  • Rose - wedding.

Fortune telling on a nut boat

  • Decide on the problem you want to ask about.
  • Write on small pieces of paper possible options permissions.
  • Pour water into the container and attach pieces of paper around the circumference.
  • Take half a walnut shell and place a burning candle in it.
  • Place the boat in the container. Whichever piece of paper with the answer he sets on fire will come true.

Fortune telling with an egg

Prepare a glass of water room temperature. Beat the egg white in there. chicken egg and see what shape it takes. Interpret the figures like deciphering dreams. Protein that sinks to the bottom promises difficult times.

Fortune telling for Christmas with candles and wax

  1. For this fortune telling, prepare two candles, a tablespoon and a container of cold water.
  2. Chop one candle into pieces and place them in a spoon.
  3. Light the second one under the spoon to melt the wax.
  4. Quickly pour the liquid wax into the container, making sure that the flow is not interrupted.
  5. Interpret the future based on the figures formed, looking at them from all sides.
  • Stripes - for moving
  • Yama is a disease
  • Mushroom - you will live a long life
  • Damn - happy youth
  • Ring - for marriage
  • Bell - to alarming events
  • Flower - to the suitor
  • Star - good luck
  • Egg - for a new thing
  • Apple - to good health.

Christmas fortune telling on paper

They tell fortunes on paper the night before Christmas to find out their financial situation next year.

  1. Cut approximately twenty pieces of paper, trying to keep them the same size.
  2. Leave some of the pieces of paper blank; on the rest, draw symbols of different currencies.
  3. Place all pieces of paper in a bag or fabric bag. Stir.
  4. Next, reach into the bag and pull out a handful of pieces of paper.
  5. If pure ones prevail, the year will be financially difficult.
  6. If, on the contrary, more with “currency”, then financial success awaits you.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas on a ring?

Write the names of the men you know on small pieces of paper and place them randomly on the table. IN gold ring thread the thread and move it over the names. Above whose name the ring begins to swing actively, he is in love with you.

Simple ways to tell fortunes for Christmas

Fortune telling with cereals

For this fortune telling, you need a jar of cereal.

  • Think of a question, then take a handful of cereal from the jar with your left hand.
  • Now count the number of grains.
  • The answer is yes if the number is even, the answer is no if it is odd.

Fortune telling for 12 wishes

Write your twelve wishes on small pieces of paper and hide them under your pillow at night. In the morning, without putting your feet out of bed, pull out the first three. This year they will be fulfilled.

Fortune telling by cat

Make a wish and call the cat into the room. Look with which paw the cat crossed the threshold. With the right one, the dream will come true, with the left one, it won’t happen.

Fortune telling for Christmas online: how to tell fortunes and is it worth believing?

In times of the predominance of computer technology in all spheres of our lives, many no longer guess the old fashioned way, but trust it to the Internet. There are many sites offering fortune telling online. In order not to wait until the morning, as in the case of fortune telling, when you need to write the names of your betrothed and hide them under the pillow, you can enter them online in a few minutes, put them under the virtual pillow and find out the name of the groom.

You can also cast wax online, throw a shoe, and tell fortunes using Tarot cards.

The advantage is that no props are needed and the result is instant. The downside is that there is no atmosphere of mystery and magic.

Believe it or not - decide for yourself. This is easy to check if you analyze your life this year and what fortune telling online predicted for you.

List of sites where you can tell fortunes:

Christmas fortune telling and superstitions

During fortune telling, everything does not always go according to plan. It happens that objects break, candles go out, cards fall out of the deck. These superstitions foretell certain events in the future.

  • If during fortune telling with a mirror it breaks or cracks, it means the spirits do not want to come into contact. It is necessary to either postpone fortune telling or appease the spirits.
  • If the candles go out during fortune telling, it is an unkind sign. Spirits do not want to communicate with you, it is better to stop fortune telling.
  • Fortune telling should be done in thin, clean clothes without ribbons or knots.
  • Do not cross your arms and legs.
  • It is easier to summon a spirit in a house or apartment where someone died this year.
  • If the answer to a question is unclear, then asking twice is forbidden, so as not to anger the spirits.

There are a great many variations of fortune telling for Christmas, there is plenty to choose from. Fortune telling evenings with company are a fun way to spend time interesting thing. Enchant a good future - it’s wonderful, but if a bad one happens, don’t be sad. Perhaps the spirits just want to warn you. And it’s up to you to decide how to get around the troubles.

Magic comes to life in the dark, when the thin line between ours and ours is best felt. other world, right then different ways fortune telling is the most effective. Although this statement is controversial, it has the right to exist, as do the fortune-telling rituals, the methods and advice of which are contained here. These are bright, mysterious, magical and magical rituals. Sometimes, even the church changes its anger to mercy towards fortune-tellers, since it is believed that the evil spirits will weaken and the heavens will open, which is why the ability to predict fate ceases to be a demonic activity.

When can you guess?

Let's talk separately about fortune telling for the winter holidays, and then for all the others.

It is believed that Christmas Eve (the evening before the holiday) is the most the right time to experience the magic of winter. It is then that astral spirits and ghosts penetrate the physical world, making contact and communicating the facts of our future. Therefore, everyone is trying to look behind the veil of years, lifting the veil of mystery with the help of Christmas fortune telling. This happens in the evening-night from January 6 to January 7.

Another suitable period for winter attempts to look into your future is considered to be the period between January 8 and January 18. At this time, they are also guessing, recognizing their betrothed (name, hair color, character, class), an imminent or distant wedding, the number of children, a successful or unsuccessful marriage.

Vasiliev's evening is recognized as special when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even prophetic. This is January 13th. No less successful in fortune telling is January 18 - Epiphany Eve.

But it’s not only in winter that fortune telling is especially powerful; believe me, you can tell fortunes on any day, the main thing is to prepare well for the ritual.

Preparing for fortune telling

In order for everything to go exactly as in ancient times with our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, we should:

  • get in a serious mood;
  • loosen your hair (remove hairpins, bobby pins, elastic bands, undo your braids);
  • untie all the knots that are on the clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);
  • remove bracelets and rings (these are not just jewelry, but amulets that protect against external intrusion and close the energy of the owner);
  • mentally isolate yourself from the real world;
    formulate exactly what you expect from fortune telling, what question you want answered.

Settings for successful fortune telling

Until January 14, the so-called holy evening, garbage is not swept out of houses, in order to then collect it together and burn it separately in the yard. This way, negative energy will leave the home - illnesses, the evil eye, quarrels, troubles and everything else that has accumulated over the year. This is necessary so that the wish you make will certainly come true on the night when the heavens open and the springs are filled with healing power.

At this time you can also go out into the field and at midnight enjoy the incredible beauty of the heights. But such admiration is available only to natures leading a righteous life. When doing fortune telling, it is advisable to adhere to several rules that will make it prophetic.

1. The room where the ritual is performed (in the bathhouse, room, in the hallway or in the hayloft) should be extremely quiet.

2. Whispering among each other, turning on the TV, talking on the phone, listening to music are not allowed, since they do not allow concentration, representing unsafe shocks and breaks in contact at the moment of establishing communication with the other world. They also make it difficult to clearly formulate the question and focus on the task.

3. During fortune telling, you cannot keep your arms and legs crossed. This provokes channel overlap or overlap of several “sources” of communication.

The last point assumes action on the principle of a bent hose, when water begins to flow drop by drop or does not flow at all. Just as a fortuneteller cannot penetrate to the source of information through the barriers of crossed legs and arms.

Fortune telling with cups

You need to take several cups - according to the number of people present. Then pour water into one of them and put in the others:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • ring;
  • bread;
  • coin

Closing their eyes, the fortune tellers choose one vessel for themselves. What is in them will become their future: water - fate without change, salt - misfortune, onions - bitter tears, sugar - joy, bread - prosperity in the house, money - profit and wealth, ring - marriage.

Fortune telling with candles

For fortune telling with candles you will need candles for the number of people and the same number of shells from walnuts. The candles are lit, placed in shells and placed in a suitable container of water. Leave to float until the candle has completely melted. The girl who burns it first will get married very soon, ahead of the gathered friends. And so - in order. But if the shell sank, it means that the unhappy woman will never see marriage at all.

Fortune telling by name

The girl goes out at exactly 00.00 on the night street and asks the name of the man who met her first. The name spoken will become the name of her future betrothed.

Fortune telling with wax

Take two candles: put one in a spoon (a portion is enough), and light the second and move it from below, trying to melt the wax. Then the contents are poured into a glass filled with water. Illuminating it with the remaining cinder, they interpret their future based on the formed patterns.

Fortune telling with grains or cereals

For fortune telling with grains or cereals, you will need a jar or any convenient container filled with grain or cereals. The left palm is held open above it (side down). Then, concentrating on the question, they ask it. Scoop up a handful of grain and pour it onto the table surface, count the quantity. If the number comes out even, this means that the answer to the question will be “yes,” if it’s odd, it means “no.”

Fortune telling with a ring

This ritual of fortune telling with a ring is performed in the corridor or hallway (preferably in front door, which leads outside). They take the wedding ring of a married woman and take turns rolling it. The girl who has it heading straight to the exit will soon get married.

Fortune telling with a glass and a ring

Water is poured into the container and a ring (preferably a wedding ring or your own, worn on the finger) is lowered to the bottom. They expose it all to the cold (on the balcony, in the corridor, on the terrace, etc.). At night, they take the glass into the house and count the number of bumps and depressions on the icy surface - they should appear clearly. The pits indicate how many girls the fortuneteller with the glass and ring will have, the tubercles indicate the number of boys.

Fortune telling with a book

To do this, you will need a book taken at random: you should go to the shelf, extend your right hand and take the first tome you come across. Then ask your question out loud (or silently but clearly formulate), an arbitrary page and line number. Open the book to in the right place and read the dropped prediction. This is fate’s answer to fortune telling with a book.

Fortune telling with a needle or ring

Fortune telling with a needle or ring was very common in ancient times in Rus'; now this type of fortune telling is also often practiced.

You should stick the needle into the wool fabric and place the engagement ring in the glass. Then hang one or the other on a thread and slowly lower it over the man’s palm. This simple device allows you to find out the gender of the unborn child. If circular rotation is observed, a girl is expected, if pendulum-shaped, a boy is expected. Complete immobility means childlessness.

Fortune telling before bed

Dreams are the gateway to subtle matters where the past and the future intersect. Our ancestors have long used this and used it to tell fortunes before going to bed. According to ancient legends, it is necessary to eat over-salted dishes in the evening. Then, when you go to bed, make a wish to see your betrothed - he should give you a glass of water.

Fortune telling with twigs

Another option is to place a small bridge made of twigs under the pillow. It is believed that the future groom will appear at night and help the girl cross over.

Fortune telling by the window

When everyone is asleep, you need to turn off the lights, sit in front of the closed window and listen: if they pass by with fun and whistling, it means family life will be bright and rich, if on the contrary - poor.

Fortune telling with a comb

Hang a comb in a room or barn. The next morning, check what color strands appear there. They will look like your betrothed's hair.

Fortune telling with a mirror

Fortune telling with a mirror is considered the most mystical. You need to sit in absolute darkness in front of a mirror with a candle in the middle of the night. An important condition is that there should be no one else in the room. You must look carefully at the reflective surface. After about 5 minutes it will fade. Then the betrothed, or rather the devil who has taken his guise, will be reflected behind the glass. The girl must begin to shun him so that he disappears, saying “Forget me!” Otherwise, evil spirits will materialize.

Fortune telling with wax

You need to pour water into a plate and put your ring without a stone there. Then melt the wax and pour it into the center of the ring. Pay attention to the form it has taken. A flower means marriage, an animal means an enemy, a person means a friend, a star means good luck, stripes mean travel.

Fortune telling with paper

Take a newspaper and crumple it in such a way that it turns out not to be a ball, but an indefinite figure with an outline. It should be burned on top of an inverted plate. The remaining ashes are a prediction for the future. Judge by the pattern in which it folds.

Fortune telling with a chain

When everyone is asleep, you need to take gold chain, rub between your palms, hold in your right hand, shake and throw on the table. A circle has formed - closed troubles are expected, a stripe - luck, a knot - difficulties and illnesses, a triangle - love success, a bow - a wedding, a snake - betrayal, a heart - love.

Fortune telling with a homemade boat

Fill the basin with water, leaving some free space. Then they hang paper strips with names or various events on the sides. You will also need half walnut with the end of a small candle in the center. This is an improvised boat that is lowered into the middle of the “reservoir”. Wherever it floats, it will come true.

Fortune telling with the king of diamonds

You will need a corresponding card, which you need to hide under your pillow and wish upon the man you want to see as your husband. Then go to bed. What you dream about next night will turn out to be your future. This night all dreams are prophetic.

Fortune telling for Christmas: rules and the most common types.

Slavic fortune-telling was traditionally carried out on Christmastide. On the night of January 6-7, any prediction, even one made by chance, is considered the most accurate. The Christmas spirits do not refuse to answer questions until January 19th. But after Baptism evil spirits hides away, and a mere mortal who does not have magical powers, getting a prediction becomes problematic.

Where do fortune telling take place at Christmas?

  • Since evil spirits are looking for hidden, deserted places for their refuge, fortune-telling is very often carried out:
  1. in the baths
  2. in the attics
  3. in abandoned houses
  • In modern homes, corners, thresholds or doors are suitable for performing the ritual, that is, what is considered the zone of transition of matter from one space to another.
  • The most fearless ones use the cemetery for these purposes.
  • A mirror is considered an excellent guide to visiting the world of spirits.

Fortune telling for Christmas: rules

  • In order not to interfere with otherworldly forces to read fate and ensure a clean energy flow communications, before the ritual:
  1. Take down the cross
  2. Get rid of knots on belts and bracelets
  3. Let your hair down
  4. Remove all church paraphernalia
  5. Turn out the lights, light the candles
  • When starting the ritual, do not cross your limbs - this also distorts the energy flow

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed and love

Using a card deck

  • Preparing a fresh deck of cards
  • We take out jacks and kings
  • Place them under your pillow before going to bed
  • We say: “I command my betrothed to dream that he will appear to me in the form of cards.”
  • We don’t talk to anyone until we go to sleep.
  • After waking up, take out one card from under the pillow
  1. The appearance of the king suggests that the betrothed will be more mature than the fortuneteller
  2. A dropped jack promises a young or one-year-old groom
  3. If the suit appears on the card:
  • Chervovaya - the betrothed is in the immediate environment
  • Peak - predicts a wealthy spouse
  • Krestovaya - you will meet the groom by chance
  • Bubnovaya - you will find your loved one thanks to friends or relatives

Ritual "Bridge"

  1. Prepare a box of matches
  2. Cleanse them of sulfur
  3. When alone, make a bridge of matches under your pillow.
  4. When going to bed, say: “My betrothed, come to me, lead me across the bridge that I built.”
  • The main thing when you wake up in the morning is to remember the main signs of your loved one.
  • It could be a specific sign: hair color, accent, shoulder straps, mole, scar
  • In the future, it is precisely the state that the girl feels when she wakes up that will help her feel her betrothed

Using a ring

We prepare:

  • Gold ring, preferably without stones
  • Glass of water
  • A candle
  1. After sunset, choose a quiet room
  2. Turn off the lights and all electrical appliances
  3. Light a candle
  4. Place a glass of water in front of her
  5. We lower the ring into it
  6. We try not to think about anything
  7. We peer into the water calmly, without tension
  8. After some time, the image of the betrothed will appear in the depths of the water

Using coins

You will need:

  • Photo of your loved one
  • 10 coins of any denomination
  • 2 candles
  1. In the center round table place two candles at a distance of 20 cm from each other
  2. Between them we place the photograph facing the fortuneteller
  3. Let us mentally concentrate on the question: “Is my future with my loved one?”
  4. Throw coins in the photo with your right hand
Eagles Tails Solution
1 9 The attitude must be changed, otherwise separation threatens
2 8 Bad events are expected that will lead to misunderstandings with the chosen one
3 7 There can be nothing in common with this person. This is not your destiny
4 6 Soon a sign will be given that will make it possible to establish a harmonious relationship. Don't miss it, otherwise you may be separated
5 5 Relationships on the verge of breaking up: you should devote more time to each other
6 4 He doesn't love you
7 3 Expect the birth of a new family member in a relationship with this person
8 2 You can only solve a financial problem together. Don't leave your other half in difficult situation, along with his loss, luck will leave you
9 1 Your loved one spends a lot of time on financial problems. They will soon be decided, and you will come to the forefront of your chosen one.
10 0 You are loved very much by a person who does not deserve your indifference. Change your attitude towards him and a happy, harmonious relationship is guaranteed for many happy years
0 10 Real sincere feelings await in the coming period, which are not afraid of obstacles

Christmas fortune telling for the future

Interesting ways Christmastide fortune telling

Along a metal chain

  1. At exactly 24:00 on the night of January 6-7, sit in the center of any room
  2. Turn out the lights
  3. Light a candle
  4. Squeeze the metal chain in your hands
  5. Mentally ask a question about the future
  6. When you feel the warmth, throw it in front of you
  • The accepted form of decoration has the following interpretations:
Form Solution
Flat strip Luck and advancement in all endeavors
Circle or oval Unpleasant problems await, the resolution of which will take a long time
Nodes Not a good sign. Complete financial collapse is possible. Problems with health and personal relationships. The number of problems is proportional to the number of nodes formed
Cloud Positive interpretation. Everything that is planned will come true
Triangle Great love and luck awaits
Snake Possible betrayal by the person closest to you
Bow For single people - a wedding. The family is expecting a new addition
Heart Mutual love is somewhere nearby
Indeterminate form Temporarily closed information. Spirits don't want to talk about the future. This is neither bad nor good. Neutral sign

Using paper

  1. Take a sheet of newspaper
  2. Crumple it up in a chaotic manner
  3. Place on a flat plate
  4. Come to the level light wall on which there are no drawings
  5. Turn out the lights
  6. Set the paper on fire
  7. The shadow of the paper on the wall will tell exactly about all the events expected this year. The result is a living moving picture, like a cartoon. It is important to pay very close attention to this moment, not missing all the details of the “movie”. Perhaps understanding of what we saw will come a little later
  8. When the fire goes out, take the lit candle
  9. Point it at the remaining piece of paper so that its shadow remains on the wall - this will be the final result of the current year
  • For example, in a live picture, we see passionate love (flowers, kisses, sex, wedding, etc.), and the result is a stroller with a child

The best simple fortune telling for Christmas

  1. Coin
  2. A little salt
  3. Ring
  4. Sugar
  5. Handkerchief
  • Place into cups, covering with a piece of cloth.
  • Mixing the bowls
  • Choose any glass

We are looking for a solution to the symbol we come across using the table

Fortune telling can be approached in different ways. But even the church does not deny that real miracles happen on the night before Christmas. On this great night, the heavenly space opens up. If just before dawn you go out into the street and turn with a great desire into the starry space to fulfill your cherished dream, the opened space will be a sign that the dream is destined to come true. Many people dream, some believe, and some laugh skeptically. But those who managed to see this miracle - the opening heavens, confidently confirm that it happened. What I could only dream about came true after what I saw. But be very careful. The wish will definitely come true! But are you sure that this is exactly what you want?

Since ancient times, the Slavs have used bereginya dolls for protection and fulfillment of desires. It is also very harmless and effective way achieving the goal. You can learn more about these amulets in my articles published earlier: and

Video: Fortune telling for Christmas at home: simple

Why do you need to guess?

Firstly, in order to make your life more diverse, because it is believed that fortune telling is magic, which is shrouded in secrets and is accessible only to initiates. Why not spend some time on the mysterious side of our lives? Secondly, with the help of fortune telling you can really find out the future. This does not always work out, perhaps coincidences play a role here, but the result often comes to life. And thirdly, this is necessary in order to learn to believe in miracles. There's so much around pressing problems that darken life, and such a fairy tale as fortune telling will help dilute the flow of everyday activities with something amazing. So let's get started.

Fortune telling on paper

You need to take a container with a flat bottom (for example, an unnecessary plate), first writing on clean slate(A4 or notebook): “What awaits me this year?” and crushing it. After this, find a wall in the house on which clear shadow lines are visible, and stand in front of it. Place the prepared paper on a plate so that its shape is reflected on the wall and set it on fire. While it is burning, you need to carefully examine the shadow: see what it reminds you of. After this, throw away the ashes and think about what what you saw could symbolize. Our brain is the best teller of the future.

Wax will tell about the future

Christmas ones have many variations. We will look at one of the easiest to organize. You need to take the colors and melt it on the fire (separating the rope from it the day before) and prepare a container with water. While it melts, think about the question you want to answer. When the candle is completely melted, repeat your thoughts in a whisper and pour the wax into the water. It will take on bizarre forms in which you will definitely see an honest answer!

Book of the Future

This is a fairly prosaic method that requires a maximum of 5 minutes. There should be silence around. Concentrate on the question, imagine it. Without opening your eyes, imagine the number. Then open the book to any page and count the line whose number was presented. The next and next three sentences are the answer to the question. Surprisingly, this fortune telling especially works on Stendhal’s book “The Red and the Black.”

On the water

The methods we have listed are simple fortune telling for Christmas. This one will be a little more difficult and longer to organize. Pour into container cold water. Look at it and concentrate on the question of interest (it should imply a “yes” or “no” answer) for about 2 minutes. After this, place the bowl in freezer, and forget about it until the morning. When the sun comes out, take it out and look: if the water is frozen in the form of a hole, then the answer is “no,” and if it is frozen, then “yes.”

Secret under the pillow

This method, like no other, falls into the category of “simple fortune telling for Christmas.” Its organization takes 2 minutes. Take three small sheets of paper and write down the answers to your question on them. Roll it up, put it under your pillow and sleep. Please note that you cannot talk after this (why is unknown) until you pull out one of them. When you wake up in the morning, take the first piece of paper you come across and quickly unfold it, because it contains the answer!

So, now we have finished looking at simple fortune telling for Christmas. However, it should be remembered that the future, no matter how fatal it may be, can still be corrected.

Fortune telling before Christmas is a long-standing tradition: it was believed that it was before the holiday and then, during Christmas time, that one could most accurately find out one’s fate. The Christian faith prohibits fortune telling and divination, considering these to be relics of paganism, but many still prefer to take a risk and try to look into the future.

Relationship fortune telling

On the evening before Christmas, that is, January 6, you need to lay a white towel on the table and put a small mirror on it. A glass of water was placed on top of the mirror, into which the ring was dipped. It is believed that if you peer into the ring at the bottom of the glass, you can see the image of your future lover.

For another method of fortune telling at Christmas, you need to hang your keys and a brush outside the windows of your house - of course, this “recipe” only works if you live on the ground floor or in a private house. If one of the passersby moves his keys and brush during Christmas time, you need to immediately ask him for his name: the betrothed will also be called the same.

Later, another tradition appeared: on the eve of Christmas, go out of the house and ask the name of the first man you meet. It was also believed that your future husband would have a similar name.

Simple fortune telling for Christmas

You can see your betrothed in a dream - there is a “bridge” fortune-telling especially for this. On any day from Christmas to Epiphany, you need to collect thin twigs in the park and weave a small “bridge” from them. You need to place the craft under your pillow and wish that your lover will cross this bridge to you in a dream. So you will see his image. The main thing is to remember in the morning!

It was also believed that by fortune-telling at Christmas time you could find out what your future family life would be like.

For example, you need to sit by the window at night and say, “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window!” Then the girl needs to wait for someone to drive by (in the old days - a sleigh or a cart, today - a car). If the transport rushes past loudly, it means there will be fun and good life in marriage. And if it passes very quietly, family life with your betrothed will be poor.

There is also fortune telling for your betrothed at Christmas time using playing cards. So, before going to bed, a girl needs to put four playing cards with the kings. In a dream, her future lover will definitely come to her in a dream - in the form of one of the kings. So, if there is a king of spades, the betrothed will be jealous and older than the girl, if the king of the cross will be a military man or official, the king of diamonds will be a young and successful spouse, and the king of hearts will be beloved and desired.

Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling using a ring. The girls sit on the floor and roll the ring along it. The one whose ring rolls up to the door will soon become married.

Fortune telling for the betrothed. Finding out the name of the husband appointed by fate is very simple. This evening you need to ask the first stranger you meet on the street what his name is. His name will be the same as his betrothed.

Fortune telling for Christmas and Christmastide must take place in accordance with the chosen ritual. But, regardless of this, it is necessary to observe certain general conditions carrying out rituals:

The room should be very quiet. Even the slightest sounds heard outside the window can prevent you from concentrating on your cherished question. Magical substances do not like to be disturbed, so ensure complete peace and quiet during fortune telling;

Do not cross your arms and legs during fortune telling for Christmas at home. Because this could lead to barriers that would be difficult for magical substances to overcome.