Intellectual development of preschool children through educational games. Intellectual game for older preschoolers in kindergarten “smart guys” with presentation

In order for her to achieve her goals, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere and conditions, in accordance with age characteristics:

Emotionally supportive and pleasant environment.

Simple and clear game rules.

Voluntary participation.

The preschool period is the most favorable time for the perception of new information and its analysis. A psychological feature of age is that children highlight only the most striking and memorable signs of objects and phenomena and do not pay attention to what does not catch their eye. It often turns out that minor objects and phenomena are bright, but the main thing passes by.

Thus, based on the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers, educators and parents need to correctly formulate priorities: present them in a vivid, memorable image so that attention is paid to them and remains in memory.

What promotes the intellectual development of preschool children?

The intellectual development of preschool children requires the help of adults and the use of methods and means that will promote it. Since it is known that the game works most effectively in solving this issue, it is precisely this that must be used for.

In this area, parents should not strain themselves and figure out what to do with their child. There are entire systems of didactic materials for both collective participation and individual implementation. They are developed on a scientific basis, based on age characteristics and with the goal of not only keeping the younger generation occupied, but also preparing them for school.

Among these methods is a very effective type of intellectual creativity - completing tasks in workbooks.

Don't let parents be intimidated by school terminology. These tasks have nothing to do with boring school notebooks. These activities will not be boring, they will captivate both the preschooler and the parents and will definitely remain in the memory as a useful load of knowledge. The goals pursued by the authors when drawing up assignments:

— Development of abstract and logical thinking.

— Development of abilities and creative potential.

— Training in analysis, comparison, and the ability to make independent decisions.

To perform intellectual exercises, you will need colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, scissors and a head that will solve fun, but very smart problems. The site presents more than a dozen workbooks, with various games and exercises for developing memory in preschoolers, as well as attention, thinking and other cognitive processes. Games can be played in a group or individually. .

Each workbook contains materials aimed at improving certain intellectual skills and abilities in preschoolers:

  • Preparing hands for writing.
  • Fine motor skills training.
  • Obtaining basic mathematical knowledge.
  • Formation of creativity.
  • Development of attention in preschool children.

Collective completion of tasks, giving this process a competitive nature, activates the children and creates an incentive to perform the exercises correctly. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of such activities together with parents. When, while studying at school or in adulthood, children become a source of pride for their family, this will mean that the efforts of parents in preschool age were not wasted.


4 templates, A3 format




Tasks for developing children's attention


Tasks for the development of visual attention in preschoolers






A collection of games and exercises for developing attention, thinking, memory and others in older preschoolers cognitive processes.
The games are intended for both group and individual lessons with preschoolers.
It is ideal for educators preschool institutions, and for parents who work with their children at home.


The child needs, looking at the example at the top of the page, to fold the proposed figure, color its parts, fold it (can be pasted on blank slate paper).
The child will understand what parts the whole consists of, how these parts are mutually located, and will learn to select the whole by color.

Review of intellectual games for kindergarten

Review of intellectual games that we have met and play

One of the main objectives of training in kindergarten is intellectual development children, which is facilitated by the formation logical thinking and cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention.

We can verify in practice that one of the ways leading to the acceleration of cognition, and therefore intellectual development, is the use of educational games.

Educational games are games that simulate the creative process itself and create their own microclimate, where opportunities arise for the development of the creative side of the intellect.

Almost every game can be educational if you don’t do for the child what he can do for himself, don’t think for him if he can think of it himself.

Educational games have a wide range of difficulty: there are games that are accessible to a 2-3 year old child, and there are games that are beyond the capabilities of an adult. This means that work can begin with junior group and in all types of activities.

Systematic implementation of the proposed games contributes to the development of various intellectual qualities: perception, attention, memory, spatial concepts and imagination; the ability to find dependencies and patterns, classify and systematize material, create new combinations from existing elements, letters, parts, objects, the ability to find errors and shortcomings; the ability to foresee the outcome of one's actions.

These games are not homemade, maybe this reduces their value... Maybe... But I really love these games, they are interesting, manipulative, and most importantly, my children play them with pleasure! I don’t regret the money spent, especially in those moments when I see how my students’ brains are “moving.” I apologize for such a comparison, but to say otherwise would not convey the full emotional perception of these moments.

First, we study with the children, master new games. I show the principle of each game. Then I give the opportunity to start playing in mini-groups. At this moment, children can advise each other, suggest possible solutions, everyone can offer their own version of solving the problem.

Then comes the time when each child is given a game for one. Children can play with concentration and for a long time. When faced with difficulties, each child overcomes it in his own way. Some people try to immediately refuse to solve the problem, and then I come to the rescue; others stubbornly refuse to accept help, trying to solve it on their own.
I really love watching my children at these moments.

Puzzle game "Rush Hour" It is interesting not only for boys, but is also popular even with girls.
Purpose of the game:
clear the way for your car stuck in a traffic jam.
The set includes: a playing field, cars, 40 cards with tasks of varying degrees of difficulty and a convenient bag for storing and transporting the game.

Bricks "Brick by brick" allow the development of visual spatial perception. Complex toy. Collect a figure from the picture. Each figure consists of bricks connected in a unique way. Reminds me of something like Tetris. Purpose of the game:
Place the puzzle pieces so that they match the picture on the card.

I suggest my four-year-olds collect these figures using cards already ready-made solution. Even here you need to figure out how!

Magnetic travel game "Noah's Ark". Not everyone can place “a pair of each creature”... The game has 4 difficulty levels. My four-year-olds and I are tightly “sitting” at the “beginner” level.

Game "Cheese Mice"! Dinner is over, everyone has left, so now it’s time for the mice, who will have fun until the morning! Choose one task from the booklet and arrange the pieces of cheese so that all the mouse tails point up, as indicated in the task illustration. You need to roll pieces of cheese around the plate until all the mice's faces are looking up.

Logic game "Operation Interception". The game has sixty tasks of varying degrees of difficulty, the child can gradually move from the simplest to the most complex. The toy fosters perseverance, attentiveness and accuracy - qualities that will definitely come in handy in later adult life.
The point of the game is that you need to detain and neutralize the criminal. This is not so easy to do, but if you think a little, the solution will come by itself! But I don’t yet require my kids to hold up the red car... it’s still difficult for them. We learned how to manipulate the game, and according to the instructions, having placed the houses, place all the pieces that have irregular shapes, on the field.

Logic game "Camouflage, North Pole". Fascinating logic game board game"Camouflage, North Pole" has 48 tasks (for each task there is only one solution). The goal of the game is to arrange the puzzles in such a way that the polar bears end up on the ice floes and the fish in the water. At the same time, images of animals and fish should not cover the Eskimos who are depicted on the cards.
The tasks are divided into four levels of difficulty. And if the cards of the first difficulty level contain hints (the outlines of several chips are outlined green), then in all other cases you will have to rely only on own strength.

Logic game "The Little Mermaids"... A girly name... but sometimes the tasks are beyond the power of brave boys... you have to really rack your brains!
The exciting logic game "The Little Mermaid" contains several game cards, 4 difficulty levels, 48 ​​tasks and a booklet with game rules and answers. By putting together a puzzle, the child develops: attentiveness and intelligence, coordination of the eyes and hands, concentration, the ability to work according to a template and complete assigned tasks.
The goal of the game is to place transparent fragments with images on the field in such a way as to isolate monster fish from peaceful fish.

Magnetic travel game "Underwater World".Place 4 magnetic pieces on the game board in such a way that only the inhabitants of the underwater world indicated in the task remain visible. All others should be “hidden”. This unique logic puzzle for children and adults has 48 tasks distributed over 4 difficulty levels. The game is very convenient to take with you on the road. The game develops: logical thinking, cognitive abilities, visual and spatial perception.

Puzzle "Safari in Africa!"
Purpose of the game:
By moving the animal figures, clear the way for your jeep to exit the playing field.
Simple rules and clear goals of the game.
Each game has from 20 to 120 variants of tasks of varying difficulty levels.
Each game comes with a convenient bag for transportation and storage.

Puzzle "Dangerous crossing". Develops logic and spatial thinking. Includes 40 original tasks. Levels: from beginner to expert (4 levels).
Your task: help the young tourist cross the river dry. Stumps in the water and a few old boards between them will help you with this! Start walking on the stump on your side of the river and finish on the stump on the other side.

Logic game "Oli and Kolya's new construction site"
The logic game “New Construction of Olya and Kolya” is an exciting puzzle game for one player. The task of the young architect is to build houses various shapes from a given number of parts. He is offered a choice of 60 tasks of 5 difficulty levels: from Beginner to Professional.
The set includes 9 wooden building blocks with multi-colored windows, a foundation, a booklet with tasks and answers, as well as two builder figures - Olya and Kolya. The blocks resemble the shaped elements for playing Tetris: they are all different shapes and different colors.
Each task card shows the perimeter of the future house, the location of the builder figurine and a list of parts that need to be used. The more difficult the level, the more building blocks you will need. The first four levels only use one builder figurine, you only need both in the fifth.
Houses are built vertically, and for greater stability the blocks are placed on a foundation. Ready house should turn out with flat roof and smooth walls, without protrusions and holes.
Blocks that are shown on the card inside the perimeter cannot be moved. The rest you can freely move and change places. As for the builder figurine, it initially stands on one of the base blocks. You can move it as many times as you like, up or down, but only one floor. The main thing to remember is that our builders don’t know how to “fly,” so you won’t be able to simply lift the figurine, remove or add a block, and put it back in its original place.
You have completed the task if the building meets all the parameters and the builder figurine is on the roof.
Solving this puzzle is a pleasure! All the details are made of superbly crafted wood, and the educational possibilities of the game are simply endless: by constructing buildings, you train logic, ingenuity, spatial thinking and, of course, perseverance - skills needed every day in real life.

Not quite ordinary mosaic. The parts are fastened together in a circle. you can collect a variety of shapes.

Magnetic game "Dress the doll". Girls like it. Four wooden dolls, with a magnetic base, which need to be worn for various events.

All children attending the group take part in the game. Children are divided into any number of teams (2-4) at the discretion of the teacher and the number of children in the group.


Children, today there will be a big game, the rules of the game are as follows: in front of you is a playing field on which the topics of the questions are written and their price is from 10 to 60 points. Accordingly, the higher the price of the issue, the more points you will earn. You must choose the topic you want to start playing and the number of points for which I will ask you questions. You add all the points into your piggy bank and at the end of the game, we will count the number and find out the winners.

Nature 10 20 30 40 50 60
Count it 10 20 30 40 50 60
In the world of fairy tales 10 20 30 40 50 60
From A to Z 10 20 30 40 50 60
Blot 10 20 30 40 50 60
Things 10 20 30 40 50 60
Physical training 10 20 30 40 50 60
Do-mi-sol-ka 10 20 30 40 50 60


10. Guess the riddle “If you sit on a cornice, you grow down all the time.” (icicles)

20. What month comes after March? (April)

30. Where will the snow melt faster under a birch tree or under an apple tree? Why? (under the apple tree, the trunk is dark, and the dark sun heats up faster)

40. What does a bear eat in winter? (nothing, he's sleeping)

50. What is the name of the forest where they grow coniferous trees– firs, spruces, cedars and pines? (taiga)

60. Today the clearing is golden-yellow with flowers, and tomorrow it will be white and fluffy. Yellow flowers turn into white “heads”, and white fluff flies off the “heads”. (dandelions)

Count it

20. 7 tractors were plowing the field, 2 tractors stopped. How many tractors are there in the field? (7 tractors)

30. 2 boys were walking along the road, they found 2 rubles, 4 more are following them, how many will they find? (not at all)

40. Mom put cabbage pies in the oven to bake. For Natasha, Kolya, Vova, the pies are already ready, and the cat dragged one more pie under the bench. Moreover, Mom needs to take five out of the oven. If you can help me, count the pies? (9)

50. “Pig in a poke” - a task for all teams, make it out of Cuisenaire sticks. (teacher shows a sample)

60. “Pig in a poke” - task for all teams (6 hoops and Dienish blocks) you need to arrange the magic stones in different circles but pay attention to what happens at the intersection: 1 team - large and blue, 2 team - thin and yellow, 3 team – round and red.

In the world of fairy tales

20. In what story did a small kitten scare two boys? Who is the author of this story? ( Living hat. N. Nosov)

30. How the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” ended. Who is the author of this fairy tale? (C.Perrault)

50. Which hero made everyone roar? (Cippolino)

60. Name fairy tales whose titles contain numbers and numbers.

From A to Z

10. How many syllables are in the word "cabinet"? (1 syllable)

20. Name all the vowels in the word “bag”. (2 vowels – u and a)

30. Make a sentence of 5 words.

40. " Homework" Remember the familiar tongue twisters.

50. “Pig in a poke” - a task for all teams, write the word - Sasha, mom, porridge, school, clock, tape - without a pen or pencil.

60. “Pig in a poke” - task for all teams to solve puzzles.


10.What is the name of this genre of art? (scenery)

20. What do you call an artist who paints portraits? (portraitist)

30. What paint colors need to be mixed to get brown? (red and green)

40. Name the blue brothers?

50. What colors were used when painting?

60. “Pig in a poke” - the task for all teams is to make a collective bouquet of flowers.


10. What is the name of the song that is sung to put a baby to sleep? (Lullaby)

20. Remember the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, why didn’t the kids open the door for the wolf the first time when he sang his mother’s song to the kids? (the wolf's voice is low, and the goat's is high)

30. Guess the melody. (audio recording plays)

40. Remember a song from any Russian folk tale, and sing it.

50. Without them we cannot sing a song, nor musical instrument, nor play. (notes)

60. Name 10 musical instruments.

Physical training

10. Name 5 winter sports (hockey, skiing, skating, luge, figure skating)

20. What vitamins are contained in cottage cheese?

30. What should you do to avoid getting sick in winter?

40. What games are played with a ball? (football, basketball, stripball, volleyball, pioneerball, handball, tennis, golf, rugby)

50. Which city in Russia will host the Winter Olympic Games in 2014? (In Sochi)

60. “Pig in a poke” - organize an outdoor game for the whole group


10. What type of transport is an airplane? (airy) 20. Name the products that make up borscht. (Beets, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions)

30. The steamer is going - back and forth, and behind it is such a smooth surface, not a wrinkle can be seen! (iron)

40. A distinctive sign of the state, depicted on flags, coins, seals. (Coat of arms)

50. How can you use a glass? Come up with non-standard options.

60. A cat in a poke” - a task for all teams, lay out a number of objects from primitive to modern. (Didactic game “Evolution of Things”).

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes...

Section materials


« Mind games for children preschool age»

Preschool childhood is a period of intellectual development of all mental processes that provide the child with the opportunity to become familiar with the surrounding reality. The child learns to perceive, think, speak; he masters many ways of acting with objects, learns certain rules and begins to control himself. All this presupposes the functioning of memory. The role of memory in the development of a child is enormous. Assimilation of knowledge about the world around us and about ourselves, the acquisition of skills, habits - all this is connected with the work of memory. Schooling places particularly great demands on a child’s memory.

Modern psychology claims that the intellectual potential of children is genetically determined and that many people have a chance of achieving only an average level of intelligence. Of course, our possibilities for development are not limitless. But practice shows that if you use even “average” intellectual abilities at least a little more effectively, the results exceed all expectations.

Intellectual games contribute to the development of children's memory, switching from one type of activity to another, developing the ability to listen and hear others, understand and perceive other points of view.

To successfully master the school curriculum, a child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and convincingly, guess, show mental effort, and think logically.

Teaching the development of logical thinking is of no small importance for the future student and is very relevant today.

By mastering any method of memorization, a child learns to identify a goal and carry out certain work with the material to realize it. He begins to understand the need to repeat, compare, generalize, and group material for the purpose of memorization.

Teaching children classification contributes to the successful mastery of a more complex method of memorization - semantic grouping, which children encounter at school.

Using the opportunities for developing logical thinking and memory in preschoolers, we can more successfully prepare children to solve the problems that schooling poses to us.

The development of logical thinking includes the use of didactic games, ingenuity, puzzles, solving various logic games and labyrinths and arouses great interest among children. In this activity, children develop important qualities personality: independence, resourcefulness, intelligence, perseverance is developed, constructive skills are developed.

Children learn to plan their actions, think about them, guess in search of results, while showing creativity.

Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, promote research and creative search, the desire and ability to learn. Didactic games as one of the most natural species activities of children and contributes to the formation and development of intellectual and creative manifestations, self-expression and independence.

Intellectual games help the child acquire a taste for intellectual and creative work. They contribute to the “launch” of development mechanisms that, without the special efforts of adults, can be frozen or not work at all. Intellectual games help to better prepare a child for schooling, expand the possibilities of free, conscious choice in life and the maximum realization of his potential abilities.

For a child, especially in preschool age, play is very important. The game not only gives children room for creativity, but also stimulates their intellectual development. For children of older preschool age - from five to seven years old - it is important to offer games of this type that provide an opportunity to improve thinking abilities child, the ability to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare.

Intellectual games for children of this age should teach the child to make a certain decision and choose from various options, as well as the ability to defend one’s position.

Games aimed at the intellectual development of a preschooler

"Guess what's hidden"

In this game, the child will be required to be able to imagine objects according to their verbal description, and to give descriptions of different objects himself. Hide a toy and describe it to your child appearance, For example: " Yellow color, the body is round, the head is round, the beak is sharp” (chicken). If the child guesses, you give him the hidden object. The child will be the next one to hide and describe the object. The game can be diversified by hiding objects in a “wonderful bag” and asking the child, after he guesses, to find the hidden object by touch.

« Pairs of pictures"

Select 7–8 pairs of pictures that are related to each other in meaning. Place them in pairs in front of the child. For example, a picture with a tree is placed next to the image of a forest, and a picture of a house next to the image of a window. In principle, any relationship between objects is possible.

Invite your child to carefully look at all the pictures and try to remember as many pictures from the right row as possible. After 1-2 minutes, remove the pictures from the right row, leaving the left row untouched. Ask your child to look at the remaining pictures and name the ones that were removed.

If your child finds it difficult to establish semantic connections between pictures, help him with 1-2 examples. The game can be complicated by gradually increasing the number of pairs of pictures, reducing the time they look at, or by distancing the connections between them (for example, if first a picture with a bow is offered to memorize a picture of a girl, then a picture with a forest can be offered to remember the same picture ). So gradually the child will learn to establish more and more complex semantic connections and thus develop his memory.

« Fourth wheel"

Read a series of words to your child. Each series consists of four words. Three words are combined based on a common feature, and one word differs from them and should be excluded.

Offer to define the word that is “extra.”

Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.

Spoon, plate, pan, bag.

Dress, sweater, shirt, hat.

Birch, oak, strawberry, pine.

Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo.

Bread, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream.

Hour, minute, summer, second.

Swallow, crow, chicken, magpie.

"Finish the word"

You will begin the word by pronouncing the first syllable, and the child will finish it.

"Guess what I want to say"

10 syllables are offered: po-, for-, na-, mi-, mu-, do-, che-, pry-, ku-, zo-.

If the child copes with the task easily and quickly, then invite him to come up with not just one word, but as many as he can.

For example: po-let, po-towel, po-dushka

"Say the word"

(promotes the development of mental flexibility)

Invite your child to name as many words as possible that denote a concept.

Name the words for trees (birch, pine, spruce, rowan, aspen...)

Name the words for domestic animals.

Name the words for animals.

Name the words for vegetables.

Name the words for fruit.

Name words for transport.

Name words related to sports.

Name the words denoting ground transport.

You can select task options at your own discretion. If the child makes a mistake and names the word incorrectly, then it is necessary to discuss his mistake and correct it.

"How can this be used"

Invite your child: “I will say the words, you can say them too, but just the other way around. For example: big - small."

The following pairs of words can be used:

Cheerful - sad

Fast – slow

Empty - full

Thin - fat

Smart - stupid

Heavy - light

Brave - Cowardly

Hard – soft

Rough – smooth

“It happens - it doesn’t happen”

To play you will need a ball.

You name some situation and throw the ball to the child. The child must catch the ball if the named situation occurs, and if not, then there is no need to catch the ball.

Different situations can be proposed:

Dad went to work.

The train flies across the sky.

A man builds a nest.

The postman brought a letter.

Salted apple.

The house went for a walk.

A wolf wanders through the forest.

Cones grew on the tree.

The cat is walking on the roof.

The dog is walking on the roof.

The girl draws a house.

The boat floats across the sky.

The sun shines at night.

It snows in winter.

Thunder rumbles in winter.

The fish sings songs.

The wind shakes the trees

"Guess by the description"

The adult offers to guess what (what vegetable, animal, toy) he is talking about and gives a description of this item.

For example: this is a vegetable, it is red, juicy. (Tomato)

If the child finds it difficult to answer, pictures with various vegetables are laid out in front of him. The child finds the desired image.

"Who will be who"

The adult shows or names objects and phenomena, and the child must answer the question: “How will they change, who will they be?”

Who (what) will be: egg, chicken, seed, caterpillar, flour, wooden board, brick, fabric.

There may be multiple answers to one question. It is necessary to reward the child for several correct answers.

"What's inside?"

The leader of this game names an object or place, and the child in response names something or someone that may be inside the named object or place.

For example:

house - table;

wardrobe - sweater;

refrigerator - kefir;

bedside table - book

saucepan - soup;

hollow - squirrel;

hive - bees;

hole - fox;

bus - passengers;

ship - sailors;

hospital - doctors,

store - customers.

When going for a walk, take a ball with you. You will need it to play the game.

"Answer quickly"

An adult throws a ball to the child and names the color. The child, when returning the ball, must try to quickly name the object of this color.

You can name not only color, but also any quality (taste, shape) of an object.

In the evening, in a quiet home stop, play the game

"Come up with a name"

For her it is necessary to prepare several small children's poems. Read the poem to your child without naming the title. Invite him to come up with a title for each poem himself. This game will teach your child to generalize and highlight main idea in a poem. Often children come up with even better names than the author's.

Dear parents!

A preschool child has truly enormous developmental opportunities and cognitive abilities. It contains the instinct of knowledge and exploration of the world. Help your child develop and realize their potential. Don't waste your time. It will pay for itself many times over. Your child will cross the threshold of school with confidence, learning will not be a heavy duty for him, but reality, and you will have no reason to be upset about his performance.

Entertaining games for older preschoolers

The problem of development, correction and improvement of thinking in preschoolers is one of the most difficult in psychological and pedagogical practice. The main thing to solve it is the rational organization of everything educational process(creating problematic situations in training, observing the principle of dialogism when conducting classes, etc.), but one cannot neglect such a means as specially organized game training.

The basis of any full-fledged thought process aimed at understanding the assimilated material and its creative transformation is the presence of at least three universal components:

High level of formation of elementary mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, selection
essential, etc.);

A high level of activity, risk-taking and pluralistic thinking, manifested in the production large quantities various hypotheses, in the installation of a multiplicity of solution options, in the freedom to put forward non-standard ideas and in the flexibility of transition from one of them to another;

A high level of organization and purposefulness of thinking, manifested in a clear orientation towards identifying the essential in phenomena, in the use of generalized analysis schemes, in awareness of one’s own ways of thinking and in controlling them.

The complex of intellectual games we offer is aimed primarily at the development of elementary mental operations, the formation of general intellectual risk-taking and the development of means that ensure the overall organization of the mental process.

The games are given in order of increasing complexity and in some cases are thematically related to each other, therefore, when conducting game training, it is advisable not to disturb their sequence.

Classes are conducted with a group of 5-10 older preschoolers. The duration of one lesson is from 15 to 30 minutes.
The frequency of classes is 1-2 times a week. Total quantity classes is not fixed and depends on the initial level of formation of children’s thought processes and the pace of their progress. Each game is “scrolled” several times different materials over several sessions.

In the first lesson, the teacher introduces the children to the first two games, gives everyone the opportunity to think and propose their own solution. At each subsequent lesson, games already familiar to children are practiced and one new one is offered.

The teacher’s task is to stimulate the mental activity of children, to bring into the game those who prefer to remain silent, to consistently convey the idea that in the proposed tasks there is not one solution, that different solutions, sometimes completely different from each other, may turn out to be correct.

Under no circumstances should you suppress humorous answers, since they are often the most striking manifestation of non-standard thinking.

It is important for the teacher to establish a “sweet spot” between the quantity and quality of answers: on the one hand, to stimulate as many diverse answers as possible, on the other hand, first of all to encourage original, creative solutions.

Mandatory conditions for the effectiveness of the games are the children discussing all the proposed

Game 1. Making sentences

Target. Develop the ability to quickly establish diverse, sometimes unexpected connections between acquaintances
objects; create new images from individual elements.

Game task. Make up as many sentences as possible, making sure to use the three mentioned by the teacher.
words that are not related to each other in meaning (for example, lake, pencil, bear). The case of words can be changed, and other words can be used in sentences.
The answers can be standard (“The bear drowned a pencil in the lake”); complex with going beyond 1 situation, indicated by three words, and with the introduction of new objects (“The boy took a pencil and drew a bear swimming in the lake”); and creative, including these objects in non-standard connections (“The boy, thin as a pencil, stood near the lake, which roared like a bear").

Game 2. Finding common ground

Target. Develop the ability to find several common points in disparate material; give an idea of ​​the degree of materiality of the recognitions.

Game task. Name as many common features as possible of the two objects indicated by the teacher (for example, a plate and a boat).
Answers can be standard (“They are things made by man”; “They have depth”) or unusual, allowing you to see familiar objects in a new light. The one with the longest list of common characteristics wins.

The teacher’s task is to distribute all the answers according to the degree of significance of the connections between prerequisites revealed in them.

Game 3. Elimination of an extra word

Target. Develop the ability to establish unexpected connections between phenomena, move from one connection to another, hold several objects at once in the “field of thinking” and compare them with each other. Form an attitude of what is possible different ways combining and dismembering objects.

Game task. Three words are taken (for example, dog, tomato, sun). It is necessary to leave two words denoting objects that are somewhat similar to each other, and exclude the third, superfluous word, naming an object that does not have characteristics common to the first two preconditions.

The teacher’s task is to stimulate children to search for as many options as possible for eliminating an extra word, starting from the solutions lying on the surface (exclude the word “dog”, since both the tomato and the sun are round) and ending with the most unexpected ones.

Game 4. Search for analogues

Target. To develop the ability to highlight in a subject various properties and operate with each of them separately; develop the ability to classify phenomena according to their characteristics.

Game task. Name as many analogues as possible, i.e. objects similar to the specified teacher (for example, with a helicopter) according to various essential characteristics, and systematize them into groups based on what similar characteristic unites them (for example, a helicopter, a bird, a butterfly - they all fly; a helicopter, a bus, a train are vehicles).

Game 5. Search for “opposite” objects

Target. To develop the ability to find as much as possible in an object.... different, highlighting what is common and different in them.

Game task. Name as many objects as possible that are “opposite” to those indicated by the teacher (for example, a house), focusing on the various properties of this object and systematizing its opposites into groups (for example, a house - a barn, opposite in size and degree of comfort; a house - field, opposite in quality characteristics of the space: closed in the first case and open in the other, etc.).

Game 6. Search for objects based on given characteristics

Target. To develop the ability to quickly find analogies between different, dissimilar objects; evaluate objects from the point of view of the presence or absence of specified characteristics in them; switch from one object to another.

Game task. Name as many objects as possible that have the given characteristics and, from this point of view, are similar to two or three objects named by the teacher. For example: “Name objects that perform two opposing functions, such as a door (it closes and opens a room) and a switch (it turns on and off the light).”

Game 7. Search for connecting links

Target. To form the ability to establish connections between objects that seem at first glance distant from each other; find objects that have general signs with several items at the same time.

Game task. Two objects are named, for example a shovel and a car. It is necessary to name objects that are, as it were, a transitional bridge from the first to the second, that is, having a clear, logical connection with given objects. For example, an excavator (digging the ground)

It is allowed to use two or three connecting links (shovel - wheelbarrow - trailer - car). In this case special attention addresses the children's justification of the connection between neighboring links in the chain.

Game 8. Ways to use the item

Target. Develop the ability to concentrate the thought process on one subject, the ability to introduce it into a variety of situations and relationships, and see unexpected possibilities in an ordinary subject.

Game task. Name as many as possible in various ways using an object that is well known to children, such as a book. Rule: it is unacceptable to name immoral, barbaric ways of using an object (the game can serve as the basis for a conversation about moral criteria of behavior).

Game 9. Formulating definitions

Target. To form clarity and harmony of thinking, the ability to fix essential features and distract from unimportant ones, as well as the ability to cover varieties of the same subject with one mind’s eye.

Game task. Give the most accurate definition of a familiar object or phenomenon (for example, a hole), which would necessarily include all its essential features, would not mention unimportant ones and would be formulated in such a way that all varieties of this object (phenomenon) would fall under it, and no other objects did not fit this definition.

Game 10. List possible reasons

Target. Develop the ability, when solving a problem or comprehending a phenomenon, to look for all possible reasons so that you can work out the most different versions and only after that make a decision.

Game task. The teacher describes a situation, for example: “Having returned from a walk, you discovered that the door of your apartment is wide open...” Children must quickly name as many as possible possible reasons this fact, its possible explanations, in order to decide what they should do (starting from the most banal - “forgot to close the door” - and ending with the non-trivial - “the Martians have arrived”).

Game 11. Shorten the story

Target. Learn to concentrate on the essence, cutting off everything unimportant.

Game task. Convey the content of the story as briefly as possible - in two or three sentences, while maintaining its main content. In this game, collective revision of the most successful answers is possible.