Tasks for the intellectual development of preschool children (workbooks). Intellectual game for preschoolers

Card index: intellectual games in older preschool age

Game "Logic blocks of Dienesh"

Target. To help accelerate the development of the simplest logical structures of thinking and mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Brief description:

From a randomly selected figure, try to build the longest chain possible. Options for constructing a chain:

so that there are no figures of the same shape (color, size, thickness) nearby;

so that there are no figures identical in shape and color (in color and size, in size and shape, in thickness);

so that there are figures nearby that are the same in size, but different in shape;

so that nearby there are figures of the same color and size, but different shapes (the same size, but different shapes).

Intellectual games.

Game "Math Tablet"

Target. Create conditions for the child’s research activities. Promote psychosensorimotor, cognitive ( cognitive development, as well as the development of creative abilities.

Brief description:

The game presents diagrams in which children reproduce the drawing using rubber bands and colored figures. The schemes can be supplemented in accordance with the child’s development level, and you can come up with your own options. The game features diagrams for orientation in space, counting, geometry, games with numbers, letters, symmetry, road signs, riddles, illustrated poems, fairy tales, patterns.

Methodical instructions. When working with a group of children, you can conduct visual and auditory dictations on a math tablet.

Intellectual game.

Game "Geometric Mosaic"

Target. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and primary colors, about the size of objects. Develop visual perception and memory. Promote the development of intellectual abilities.

Brief description:

Invite the children to arrange the cut out geometric shapes into groups:

by color (all blue shapes, all green shapes, etc.)

by size (small triangles and large triangles, small squares, large and medium squares, etc.)

by shape (all triangles, all squares, all half circles, etc.)

laying out the same pictures from a set of geometric shapes, first by overlaying them on a card, then next to the picture, and then from memory.

Invite the players to lay out any image from geometric shapes.

Intellectual game.


Target. Develop visual perception, voluntary attention, memory. Develop visual-figurative thinking

Brief description:

There are 12 cards in the game. Tasks for each card to increase complexity. At the first stage, we suggest looking at and remembering what is drawn. By showing card 2, children determine what has changed compared to the first card. At the next stage, children look at, remember and draw the figures they see, then the numbers, remembering the order in which the numbers are positioned. At the last stage, we ask the child to remember and draw schematic images corresponding to various pictures.

Intellectual game.

Game "Dangerous Objects"

Target. Develop verbal and logical thinking

Brief description:

Having laid out toys and drawings with objects in front of the children, the teacher invites the children to determine which objects are dangerous for play and why, where these objects should be stored. Children tell where dangerous objects should be stored. How to behave if you have such an object in your hands. Is it possible to distract or push a person if he is cutting, sewing, or nailing a nail? What could happen?

Intellectual game.

Game "Signs"

Target. Teach children to identify the same signs in different objects, develop logical thinking.

Brief description:

Intellectual game.

Game "What is made of what"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about various materials and products made from them. Develop logical thinking.

Brief description:

1-10 people take part in the game. It’s better to start with one round card. We invite the child to select 4 suitable cards from 40 cards and attach them so that they logically complement the central card. The number of round task cards should be increased gradually.

Methodical instructions. For a group of children, the game should be competitive - who can complete the task faster.

Intellectual game.

Game "First-Grade Quiz"

Target. Help children prepare psychologically for school, teach them to answer questions quickly. Develop speed of thinking.

Brief description:

Players take turns, established by agreement or by lot. On his turn, the player rolls the dice and moves the chip to the number of squares drawn. By moving the chip, the player answers the question of a card from a pile of the corresponding color. If the player answered correctly, then the turn passes to the next player. If the player answers incorrectly, the player rolls the die and steps back by the value rolled. After which he immediately answers the question of the color corresponding to the cell. This continues until the player either answers correctly or returns home. The one who comes to school first wins.

Intellectual game.

Game "Pick up a picture"

Target. Learn to classify objects, name groups of objects with generalizing words, enrich your vocabulary. Develop attention, memory, thinking

Brief description:

A leader is chosen. He shuffles the fields and cards and gives each player one field, and places the cards in a separate pile. The presenter takes the top card from the pile and calls it. Using the classification method, players determine whether an item belongs to their card, gives a signal - if the answer is correct, the presenter gives the card to the player. The first one to cover all the areas on his field is declared the winner.

Intellectual game.

Game "Guess the Animals"

Target. To consolidate knowledge about wild animals, their habitat, and nutrition. Develop logical thinking.

Brief description:

A leader is chosen. He shuffles the fields and cards and gives each player one field, and places the cards in a separate pile with the text down. The leader takes the top card from the pile and reads the text of the riddle on it aloud. If a player who has an image of this animal on the field has guessed the riddle and correctly answered questions about it (where it lives, what it eats, what its character is), then the presenter gives him a card with a riddle. If the player makes a mistake, the presenter corrects him, but The card is placed at the bottom of the pile. The first one to cover all the areas on his field is declared the winner.

Intellectual game.

Game “Where does the bread on the table come from? »

Target. Learn to consistently lay out plot pictures, develop speech, teach to think logically, and develop intellectual abilities.

Brief description:

To create a chain, choose one of 3 topics (milk, butter or bread). First, the adult and the children lay out the chain, and through discussion, choose the correct solution for establishing the sequence of pictures. Next, the children independently lay out the chain and compose a story on the topic.

Methodical instructions. Try to make any of the chains only in reverse order. Start the story not with the first, but with the last picture of the chain.

Intellectual game.

Game "Funny Luggage"

Target. Learn to classify objects of one group, select words for a certain sound. Develop mental flexibility.

Brief description:

The first player to act is the one with the highest short hair, then its neighbor on the left, then clockwise. Each player has 4 actions:

look at any card;

put it in place;

without looking, move one card in place of another;

You can only swap 2 cards.

Actions can be combined in different ways, the main thing is that there are no more than 4 of them. Less is possible.

The one who was able to lay out the last missing card for the train takes this train for himself. The train is a steam locomotive and 4 carriages.

Methodical instructions.

If you just look at the card, it remains face down. If you swap cards, you will have to place them face up.

Intellectual game.

Game "Read the word"

Target. To develop the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, the skills of correlating sounds with letters, to promote the formation of smooth, coherent, meaningful reading. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Brief description:

At the first stage, the presenter invites the children to highlight the first sounds in the names of the objects shown on the card, then pronounce the highlighted sounds, pausing where the window is empty, and name the resulting word. At the second stage, you can ask children to read the word on the game card, find the missing letter and place a chip with this letter on an empty square. At the third stage, ask the children to find the missing letter and mark it with a chip with the desired letter. And at the last stage, at the leader’s signal, the players pick up chips with letters and place them on the empty window. The team that completes the task first reads the words and becomes the winner.

Intellectual game.

Story ""

Target. Teach children to speak in a “thin” voice and low voice. Developing the ability to raise and lower the tone of your voice.

Brief description:

The teacher begins to talk, accompanying his speech by showing the corresponding figures on the flannelgraph: “Early in the morning we went out for a walk at the dacha. We hear someone squeaking thinly: “pee-pee” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “thin” voice). We look, this chick is sitting on a tree and squeaking; waiting for his mother to bring him a worm. How thinly does the chick squeak? (“Pi-pi-pi.”) At this time, the bird flew in, gave the chick a worm and squealed: “pi-pi-pi” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a lower voice). How did the mother bird squeak? (“Peep-pee-pee.”)

The bird flew away and we moved on. We hear someone at the fence shouting subtly: “meow-meow-meow” (pronounces onomatopoeia in a “small” voice). And the kitten jumped out onto the path. How did he meow? (Children reproduce the teacher’s example.) It was he who called the cat mother. She heard it, runs along the path and meows:

“meow-meow-meow” (says “meow-meow” in a lower voice). How did the cat meow? (“Meow-meow-meow.”)

And now, children, I’ll show you who came to visit us.” The teacher takes out the cat, shows how it walks along the table, then sits down. “How does a cat meow? “Children, lowering their voices, say: “meow-meow-meow.”

Then the teacher takes out a kitten, a bird, a chick, and the children imitate their voices.

Methodical instructions. Make sure that children do not scream, but speak calmly, raising and lowering their voice within the limits accessible to them.

Primary importance should be given to the intellectual development of preschool children, since with its help the skill of successful learning is formed. During the preschool period, children accumulate knowledge at an amazing pace, their speech is formed, and their cognitive processes are improved.

The role of the development of intellectual abilities in a child’s life

Preschoolers with more developed intelligence remember and master faster new material, feel confident in their abilities, and practice also shows that they are more willing to learn. Children learn to think, perceive, speak, learn various options for manipulating objects, learn to control themselves in accordance with systems of rules. All this requires memory work, the role of which in the development of a child cannot be overestimated. The work of memory is associated with the assimilation of knowledge about oneself and the world around us, the accumulation of habits, skills and abilities. But school education is especially demanding on memory work, which is why the intellectual development of preschoolers is so important.
Modern psychology is based on the idea that children's intellectual potential is determined genetically, so the majority of the population can only develop their intelligence to an average level. Of course, the possibilities for human development are not unlimited. But, as practice shows, even if you use the available capabilities of average intelligence a little more efficiently, the result will be impressive.
With the help of intellectual games, a child’s memory develops, he switches more easily from one activity to another, learns to listen to others, perceive and understand a different point of view. To successfully cope with the school curriculum, a child not only must know a lot, it is equally important for him to learn to think convincingly and consistently, to guess, to be capable of logical thinking and mental stress.
The intellectual development of children in kindergartens should include:

  • development of speech and oral communication;
  • development logical thinking(correlations, classifications);
  • development of imagination and spatial thinking;
  • improvement of hand motor skills and sensory coordination (shading, graphic symbols);
  • developing the ability to observe, make assumptions, describe;
  • mastering the rules of behavior relating to attitudes towards the civilized environment and the natural world;
  • nurturing self-esteem and respect for other members of society, maintaining ethnic ways of communication.

Games for developing intelligence

A child’s memory is associated with his interest and is a complex of processes through which he can remember, perceive, reproduce and store information. If problems occur at any of these levels, learning may become difficult. Below are games aimed at developing children's memory, teaching the child memorization and logical techniques.
Attention is influenced by a person’s inclinations, interests, and hobbies, and it itself determines such a quality as observation, that is, the ability to notice significant but subtle signs in phenomena and objects. Attention is an important condition that allows a child to successfully acquire a large amount of skills and knowledge and establish contacts with adults. The development of memory and attention are closely intertwined, and games help their development.


This educational game is aimed at improving motor memory. There are two options:

  1. The adult portraying the puppeteer blindfolds the child and silently leads him along a simple route, like a doll, holding him by the shoulders. The child takes 5-6 steps forward, stops, turns left, stops again, takes a couple of steps back, turns right, etc. After this, the “doll” is untied and asked to find the starting point of the route, going through it in reverse order, remembering each step.
  2. In the second option, another child can take on the role of the puppeteer.

"Fold the pattern"

You need to put together a pattern or path from the figures, starting with 3-4 elements, and when the child gets used to the game, their number can be increased. Give the child the opportunity to look at the pattern for a while, after which he should turn away. At this time, you need to change the position of one figure (and then 2-3), and then ask the baby to restore the original arrangement of the track elements. You can complicate the task by completely removing the track, which the child will have to reconstruct from memory. Even more difficult option- restore the pattern to the touch with your eyes closed.

Children perceive the surrounding reality differently than adults, but with age we, parents, forget about this. To understand this issue,...


The game develops attention and memory. In the first option, the child sees a card with an image for a couple of seconds, and then he must describe it in as much detail as possible. In the second option, a picture with a plot is shown for 30 seconds, and after that almost the same picture is presented, but with some changes. The child must find all the differences in the pictures.

“Under the table! On the table! Knock!"

This game trains the child's auditory attention. In the game, the child will have to follow the adult’s commands, and the adult will try to confuse him. First, the adult, pronouncing the command, simultaneously performs it himself, and the child repeats after him. For example, simultaneously with the command “Under the table!” The adult puts his hands under the table, and the child should do the same. Then the adult commands “Knock!” and knocks his palms on the table, followed by the child. And further in the same spirit. When the baby is sufficiently accustomed to repeating commands, the adult suddenly begins to confuse him, pronouncing one command but performing a different action. The child should follow verbal commands, and not repeat the movements of an adult.


This game is easier to play with two people. Players stand or sit opposite each other. The first one makes certain movements (raises his arms, waves them to the sides, pinches his ear, etc.). The other player must be a “mirror” of the first. As the game progresses, the movements can become more and more complicated, but it should be fleeting - no more than 1-2 minutes. If the second player survives this time, he gets one point and the participants in the game change roles.


The more pictures there are, the more intense, difficult and interesting the game will be. You will need two players, preferably peers, but in the absence of a second child, his role can be played by an adult who will play along with the baby. On the table you need to lay out 10-20 pictures of different objects in two rows. Children should take a good look at all the pictures and ask for the names of unfamiliar objects. It is necessary to explain to them that in the game they must point their index finger at the picture that the adult names. The one who first places his index finger on the picture will become its owner. After this, the players need to be seated facing each other, and index fingers They must place their right hands on the edge of the table and keep them there until they find the desired picture with their eyes.
To stimulate mental activity, it is necessary that the search for a picture be carried out with the eyes, and a pointing gesture will be required only at the end of solving the problem. The rule that forces you to keep your finger on the edge of the table saves the child from moving his hands. Then the adult asks the children to indicate where the flower is (teapot, plane, fox, etc.) and watches who will be the first to point to the right card with their finger.

Search for objects based on specified characteristics

The purpose of this game is to develop the ability to quickly search for analogies between objects that are dissimilar to each other, evaluate objects based on the absence or presence of certain features in them, and learn how to quickly switch attention from one object to another. The teacher names 2-3 objects and invites the children to name as many other objects as possible that have common given characteristics with them. For example, name objects that perform opposite actions (a door closes and opens, a switch turns on and off the light).

We rarely think about why our children love to play, and what the game actually gives them. But kids need games, and a variety of them. Just because they are...

Games that develop imagination

By using similar games children gradually understand the principle of convention and the replacement of objects with other objects, their imagination develops. In these games, a variety of objects can be animated by children. They are quite fleeting and allow you to use any items you want, and you can organize them almost at any time.


It is advisable to play this game with your child. Both players draw any squiggles on their pieces of paper, and then exchange the pieces of paper. The winner is the one who completes the squiggle into a meaningful drawing.

"Nonexistent Animal"

Almost everyone knows that there are needlefish and hammerhead fish, so why not thimblefish? You need to let the child fantasize about what a scissor fish would look like, how big a pan fish would be, and where a magnet fish could be used.

"Revitalization of objects"

You can invite the child to imagine himself as a lost hat, a wet mitten frozen in the cold, a new fur coat, a shirt neatly folded or thrown on the floor, etc.

“Complete the picture”

You need to draw some object, but not completely, and invite the child to come up with a name for it. If the child fails to immediately identify the object, then he can be helped with leading questions or appropriate riddles. When a child recognizes an object and forms an image of it in his memory, he can complete the picture and color it. At the same time, unfinished pictures may have the most different versions: in the form of a diagram of an object, a dot image, a partial image. The image depicted can be any object that is certainly familiar to the child. You can also combine images of objects into semantic groups, for example, groups of flowers, vegetables, clothes, then this exercise will be useful when studying a particular group.

"Imitation of actions"

You can, for example, imitate making soup. Let the child show how he will wash his hands and wipe them dry before starting cooking. After that, pour water into the pan, turn on the stove and place the pan on it. Then he must show how he will cut vegetables and other ingredients, put them in a saucepan, stir with a spoon, add salt and ladle the prepared soup. Let your baby show how he carefully carries a cup of hot water, lifts the hot frying pan, passes the baked potato around.

Games for developing thinking

The highest form of human activity is thinking, which is a socially conditioned mental process closely related to speech. With the help of the games below, children can learn to generalize, compare, reason, and make simple conclusions, which in general is independent thinking.

“It happens - it doesn’t happen”

You need to name an event and at the same time throw the ball to the child. If this situation is realistic, then the baby should catch the ball, and if it is a figment of fantasy, then he should hit the ball. Examples of situations: the cat went to work, dad wants to eat, a plane floats on the sea, a salted pear, a house walking.

Every year more and more new “smart” entertainments for kids appear, which is not at all surprising, since from a young age...

"Guess by the description"

Having given a description of an object (toy, animal, fruit), the adult invites the child to guess what was discussed. For example, about a tomato we can say that it is round, red, juicy, aromatic. If the child finds it difficult to answer, then you can lay out images of different vegetables in front of him, from which he can choose the correct one.

"What will happen if..."

The adult asks questions, and the child answers them. “What happens if I jump into a puddle?”, “What happens if full of water throw a stick (ball, stone, napkin, etc.) into the bath.” After this, you can switch roles.

Ambiguous answers

You need to come up with phrases in advance, the continuation of which may be ambiguous. Hearing options for children's continuations, an adult may be very surprised, because this will not always occur to him. Question options: “our dog’s fur is very…”, “people have hands in order to…”, “on the street at night it’s very…”, “grandmother is sick because...”.

Exercises to help develop children's intelligence

Any intellectual games should be played against the background good mood in children who should receive positive emotions from new knowledge.

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Intellectual game for older children - preparatory group preschool educational institution

Intellectual relay race scenario for seniors preschool age"Smart Men and Women"

Buzmakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, teacher of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 88" in Berezniki, Perm Territory
Target: contribute to the development of cognitive activity, logical thinking of pupils, identification of intellectual giftedness of pupils.
- Activate existing knowledge;
- Develop children's curiosity, independence, and responsibility for the results of their activities;
- Learn to negotiate with each other, establish dialogic communication when completing tasks;
- Develop the ability to rejoice in the successes of comrades.
Description: The event will be of interest to educators and teachers who want to hold an intellectual competition among their students.

Intellectual marathon He- this is a form of intellectual competition among older preschoolers, which makes it possible to identify not only certain knowledge of children, but also the ability to apply it in new non-standard situations that require creative thinking.

Music is playing.
Today is an unusual day for us.
We are glad, so glad to welcome you.
Kids gathered for a smart game
The time has come for us to start it.

Music sounds and children run in.

All day long all the children ask questions:

1. Why is there water in the river?
2. Are the clouds floating where?
3. Why do birds fly and cannot get lost?
4. Why should we sleep and get up again tomorrow?
5. Where do bears live in winter?
6. Who ate a piece of the moon?
7. Why does the car move?
8. Why do elephants trumpet?
9. How to write lines in a notebook?
10. How to sight read words?
11. Why do flowers bloom?
12. What does an owl eat?
13. Why should we eat, brush our teeth, and wash ourselves?
14. Why do you have to try really hard to be smart?
One hundred questions, one hundred answers
What else can I say...
It's terribly interesting to know everything about everything in the world.

The music sounds “It’s terribly interesting, everything that is unknown...” The children sing and dance.

It's time to see, it's time to know
Heroes of the day - tournament participants.
who are now entrusted,
Represent yourself and your garden,
And in the future, the country will be in world tournaments!
And so cheers to the tournament participants!

Leading. Team “________________” of kindergarten No. ___ is invited
The teams show a presentation - this is the first competition.

The presenter invites all teams to present.

Leading. We got acquainted with the teams of participants, and now we present to you another team - a team of a fair and objective jury.

Leading. While the jury sums up the presentation, we begin the warm-up.
1st warm-up competition – drawing.
Go to the easels. Now we will learn how our players navigate on a piece of paper. Choose one person to draw and the rest to help. Please draw:
In the upper right corner is the sun,
In the lower left there is a tree,
On the right under the tree is a mushroom
Down in the middle is a house.
On the left side of the roof of the house there is a pipe
In the upper left corner there is a cloud.
To the right of the house is a round flower bed.
In the center of the flowerbed there are 5 flowers.
Above the flower bed is a butterfly.

2nd competition – design.
Go to your workstations (we used empty rolling cabinets). Here are the details from which you need to create a building according to the diagram. Take your diagram. The work is done at speed. You collect while the music is playing. As soon as the music ends, you stop working, and the jury evaluates your work.
Time to complete – 1.5 minutes

Leading. The warm-up is over. And now the first stars from our jury.

Leading. Our relay consists of three stages.
Stage 1 – “The ABCs of Safety”,
2 – Be smart,
3 – My native land is forever beloved. (slide 2)
Each participant must answer five questions. By answering a question correctly, you move towards the finish line. The team that answers the question first receives an additional star. You already know that they can influence the outcome at the end of the competition.

Leading. Answer questions using stars (show). Let's try it. Attention to the screen. (slide 3)

So, the first participant answers the questions in the “ABC of Security” section (slide 4).
The presenter asks questions on slides 5 – 9. I recommend reading the question twice, indicating the answers. Participants raise a star. The jury records who gives the correct answers.

Leading. And now you need to complete the task yourself (slide 10). Look carefully at the picture and mark those children who behave incorrectly on the road. You work while the music plays. (1 minute).

While the jury sums up the results of the “ABC of Safety” stage (slide 11), we will all play together.

I will ask questions, and if you agree, answer “This is me, this is me and my friends are with me.” If you don't agree, stomp your feet and clap your hands.

How many of you, noticing smoke, dial “01”.
Those who don’t light candles and don’t allow others to do so.
Who likes to dry their shoes over the fire the old fashioned way?
A red glow ran. Who played with matches?
When he sees the smoke, he doesn’t yawn and calls the fire department.
Smoke suddenly rose in a column. Who didn't turn off the iron?
How many of you go forward only where there is a transition?
Does anyone know what a red light means - no progress?
How many of you walk along the roadway on your way home?
Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
He knows the rules exactly and always follows them.

Leading. A participant in the second stage of “Literacy” is invited (slide 12).
Participants in the second stage also answer a test question (slide 13).
The presenter asks questions on slides 15 – 19.
Leading. And now you need to complete the task yourself (slide 20).
Look carefully at the pictures and cross out the extra picture in each square. You work while the music plays. (1 minute).
Pictures and pencils are laid out at work stations.
Leading. Thanks to all participants in this stage.
While the jury is summing up the results of the “Literacy” stage (slide 21), we will hold a riddle competition.

She welcomes spring and puts on earrings.
A green scarf is draped over the back.
And the striped dress. You'll find out. You -…. (birch tree)
He hollowed out the tree for a long time and destroyed all the insects.
He didn't waste his time, long-nosed spotted woodpecker

Good-natured, businesslike, covered in needles.
Can you hear the patter of nimble feet?
This is our friend (hedgehog)

I wake up early in the morning
Together with the rosy sun,
I make the bed myself
I quickly do (charging).

The sun warms and bakes
A stream flows from the mountain.
The snow is melting all around the water,
So….(spring) has come to us

It's raining cheerfully,
We are friends with you!
It’s good for us to run barefoot through ………….(puddles)

It's round and red like the eye of a traffic light,
Among vegetables there is no juicier…….(tomato)

He carries his house on his back. Doesn't need anyone.
The slow one always has her belongings with her... (snails)

No triumphal arches, no cathedrals,
No spiers reaching into the clouds
But I love this city with all my heart.
I am happy that I live in Berezniki.

In the words of the famous Berezniki poet Alexei Reshetov, we begin final stage relay race “Native Land Forever Beloved” (slide 22).

I invite participants last stage. Just like your comrades, the first question is a test question for you. Attention to the screen. (slide 23)

The presenter asks questions on slides 25 – 29.
Leading. And now you need to complete the task yourself (slide 30).
You need to assemble the city's coat of arms from parts.
You work while the music plays. (2 minutes).
Cut-out pictures for workplaces.
Leading. Thanks to all participants in this stage.
While the jury is summing up the results of the stage “Native land forever beloved” (slide 31), let's dance.
You can organize a show dance to any fun music.

When summing up, the number of stars is taken into account, for every 5 stars - 1 point.

Leading. You all deserve respect.
You are the most honorable here,
Please accept congratulations from us,
We want to count you all again.

In order for her to achieve her goals, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere and conditions, in accordance with age characteristics:

Emotionally supportive and pleasant environment.

Simple and clear game rules.

Voluntary participation.

The preschool period is the most favorable time for the perception of new information and its analysis. A psychological feature of age is that children highlight only the most striking and memorable signs of objects and phenomena and do not pay attention to what does not catch their eye. It often turns out that minor objects and phenomena are bright, but the main thing passes by.

Thus, based on the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers, educators and parents need to correctly formulate priorities: present them in a vivid, memorable image so that attention is paid to them and remains in memory.

What promotes the intellectual development of preschool children?

The intellectual development of preschool children requires the help of adults and the use of methods and means that will promote it. Since it is known that the game works most effectively in solving this issue, it is precisely this that must be used for.

In this area, parents should not strain themselves and figure out what to do with their child. There are entire systems of didactic materials for both collective participation and individual implementation. They are developed on a scientific basis, based on age characteristics and with the goal of not only keeping the younger generation occupied, but also preparing them for school.

Among these methods is a very effective type of intellectual creativity - completing tasks in workbooks.

Don't let parents be intimidated by school terminology. These tasks have nothing to do with boring school notebooks. These activities will not be boring, they will captivate both the preschooler and the parents and will definitely remain in the memory as a useful load of knowledge. The goals pursued by the authors when drawing up assignments:

— Development of abstract and logical thinking.

— Development of abilities and creative potential.

— Training in analysis, comparison, and the ability to make independent decisions.

To perform intellectual exercises, you will need colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, scissors and a head that will solve fun, but very smart problems. The site presents more than a dozen workbooks, with various games and exercises for developing memory in preschoolers, as well as attention, thinking and other cognitive processes. Games can be played in a group or individually. .

Each workbook contains materials aimed at improving certain intellectual skills and abilities in preschoolers:

  • Preparing hands for writing.
  • Fine motor skills training.
  • Obtaining basic mathematical knowledge.
  • Formation of creativity.
  • Development of attention in preschool children.

Collective completion of tasks, giving this process a competitive nature, activates the children and creates an incentive to perform the exercises correctly. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of such activities together with parents. When, while studying at school or in adulthood, children become a source of pride for their family, this will mean that the efforts of parents in preschool age were not wasted.


4 templates, A3 format




Tasks for developing children's attention


Tasks for the development of visual attention in preschoolers






A collection of games and exercises for developing attention, thinking, memory and others in older preschoolers cognitive processes.
The games are intended for both group and individual lessons with preschoolers.
It is ideal for educators preschool institutions, and for parents who work with their children at home.


The child needs, looking at the example at the top of the page, to fold the proposed figure, color its parts, fold it (can be pasted on blank slate paper).
The child will understand what parts the whole consists of, how these parts are mutually located, and will learn to select the whole by color.

Project “Intellectual development of children through educational games”

Author: Larisa Anatolyevna Kostenko, senior teacher of the Podgorensky Kindergarten No. 1 MKDOU
Relevance of the problem
The modern world around a child is constantly changing and dynamic. The education system should help ensure that the child receives such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to new conditions of society.
Today there is large number educational programs for kindergarten, and institutions have the opportunity to choose the one that meets their requirements and interests.
Modern requirements, taking into account the federal state educational standard of preschool education for developmental education during preschool childhood, dictate the need to create new forms of play activities that would preserve elements of cognitive, educational and play communication.
Based on the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard, I developed my project, which will reveal new opportunities for preschoolers.
The formation and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers is the basis intellectual development children, contributes to the general mental education of a preschooler. Intellectual development is the development of operational structures of the intellect, during which mental operations gradually acquire qualitatively new properties: coordination, reversibility, automation.
To implement this project, I organized the work of the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle. The circle provides an opportunity to develop cognitive activity, interest in mathematics, develop logical thinking, and creative imagination. The peculiarity of this work is that this activity represents a system of exciting games and exercises for children with numbers, signs, geometric shapes, thereby making it possible to qualitatively prepare children for school.
Special attention When conducting group work, I focus on the development of logical forms of thinking. I organize educational activities based on the interests, needs and inclinations of children, thereby stimulating children’s desire to engage in mathematics. As part of circle activities, children are not limited in their ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and moods in games. The use of gaming methods and techniques, plots, fairy-tale characters, and schemes arouses constant interest in logic games. The activity of the circle does not take the form of “study and teaching”, but turns into a creative process of the teacher and children.
When starting the project, I proceeded from the assumption that the leading conditions for the intellectual development of younger preschoolers in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts are:
- presence of clearly justified goals and content educational process, aimed at the intellectual development of preschool children in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts;
- taking into account the characteristics of children in the process of forming mathematical concepts;
- systematic work by activating games and gaming techniques that arouse children’s interest in activities;
- variability in the use of preschool programs educational institution stimulating the intellectual development of preschool children;
- humanization of the educational process as a condition for the intellectual development of preschool children.
Project goal: intellectual development of preschool children, development of mathematical abilities, logical thinking, creative imagination through the introduction of innovative technologies.
Development of core mental operations(comparison, classification).
Development of cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination.
Development of creative abilities.
Development of fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination.
Development of mathematical abilities and aptitudes.
Give children the opportunity to feel the joy of learning, the joy of new knowledge gained through logic games.
Mastering the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking.
Consolidation of knowledge acquired in the course of direct educational activities.

Project type:
educational - research
group, long-term
Project implementation timeline: September - May

Project participants:
children II junior group, art. teacher Kostenko L.A.
Expected Results
By the end of the project, children should know:
Count within 5, using the correct counting techniques (name numerals in order, pointing to objects located in a row; coordinate the numeral with the noun in gender, number and case).
Relate the number to the number of items.
Solve math riddles.
Establish equality and inequality of groups of objects.
Know geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.
Compare objects of contrasting and identical sizes in size, height, length, width, thickness.
Distinguish and correctly name the parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Distinguish and name the seasons.
Be able to distinguish between the concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow, and use these words correctly.
Focus on a piece of paper.
Determine the position of an object in relation to another.
Solve logical problems involving comparison and classification.
Understand the task and complete it independently.
Develop age-appropriate logical abilities.

Organizational stage
Drawing up a work plan for the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle.
Diagnostics of children at the beginning of a project on intellectual development.
Selection of didactic material.
Practical stage
Conducting a circle 2 times a week.
Use of logic games, verbal, didactic.
Final stage
Diagnostics of children at the end of the project
Project presentation.
Educational games used during the project

Educational play is a huge factor in a child's mental development. (Blonsky)
Author's logic game “Hide the Butterfly”

Logic game"Gather a circle"

Games contribute to the development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, imagination, and consolidation of knowledge of the color spectrum.
Voskobovich games- these are games of a new type that simulate the creative process, creating their own microclimate for the development of the creative side of the intellect.
Logic game "Miracle - honeycomb"

Logic game "Miracle - cross"

By using Cuisenaire sticks The child learns to decode the play of colors and numerical relationships. They arouse children's keen interest, develop activity and independence in finding ways to act with material, ways to solve mental problems.

Dienesha blocks contribute to the development of the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes by characteristics, develop attention and logical thinking.

Exercise equipment turn the learning process into fun and help kids believe in themselves and their abilities. By playing with simulators, children become smarter and more thoughtful, train visual memory, voluntary attention, fine motor skills of the fingers, and become familiar with colors and geometric shapes.

A painter needs a canvas,
A sculptor needs space,
And for the thinker - mental gymnastics.

Zack's Games

In games with sticks they create great opportunities for the development of not only ingenuity and intelligence, but also such qualities of thinking as activity and independence.
Nikitin's games
Logic game “Fold the pattern”

Each of us is a designer and an artist at heart,
The main thing is not to be afraid to act and create boldly.

Games - puzzles develop spatial concepts, imagination, constructive thinking, combinatorial abilities, quick wits, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and focus in solving practical and intellectual problems.

"Pick up the key"

A child's life is complete only when
when he lives in game world,
in the world of creativity.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Logic game "Mosaic of numbers"

"Pythagoras's Puzzle"

Doing something with your own hands is a pleasure.

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should it not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.”
Y. Kamensky

Logic game "Columbus Egg"

I hear and forget
I see and I remember
I do it and I understand.
Chinese wisdom.

Logic game "Magic Circle"

Logic game "Leaf"

Games using interactive whiteboard
Working with an interactive board allows you to use didactic games and exercises, communicative games, problem situations, and creative tasks in a new way in educational activities. Use of ID in joint and independent activity child is one of effective ways motivation and individualization of learning, development of creative abilities and creation of a favorable emotional background.

When working with an interactive board, children's cognitive and creative activity, curiosity, imagination, and thinking develop.
Using an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, and develop versatile skills.
Game "Keeping Eyes"- this is the training of visual analyzers, the development of holistic perception, attention, memory.

Board and printed games develop perception, attention, memory, logical and spatial thinking.

Board games arouse children's interest because they are unusual and entertaining, require mental and volitional effort, and contribute to the development of spatial concepts, creative initiative, ingenuity, and ingenuity.

Educational games “Find a pair”, “Match by silhouette”, “Whose silhouette?” Help kids develop logical thinking, attention, visual memory, and speech. They consolidate knowledge about the world around them and practiced the skill of grouping objects by shape.

Logic game "Loto"

Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, promote research and creative search, desire and ability to learn.