Anyone can develop intuition! Find out how! Development of intuition

Everyone has intuition (otherwise known as the Sixth Sense), but the level of its development varies. Intuition is often understood as receiving information outside of traditional perception, through the connection of the superconscious. The development of intuition allows a person to do right choice from all the many options.

Intuition (intuitio (Latin) - “contemplation”) is called a person’s connection with his Subconscious, a special state that helps to contact directly the Higher Self and what allows communication with the Information Field of Events.

The Sixth Sense as understood by psychotherapists:

  • The way of making vital decisions;
  • The ability to directly perceive the truth without evidence or reasoning;
  • One of the main functions of personality, which determines a person’s attitude towards the world and himself;
  • Understanding the truth directly, without the participation of the senses.

The concept of “Intuition” is familiar not only to psychotherapists; it is mentioned everywhere in esoteric and occult practices.

For people who believe in Higher Powers, intuition is penetration into a certain space that opens up the future. Everything is accessible to esoteric intuition.

Methods for developing the Sixth Sense

  • Affirmations, meditations and mantras that remove barriers of consciousness;
  • Accumulation of professional and life experience in some field of knowledge;
  • Exercises to develop a sense of intuition.

Every person can develop intuition, but not all people can listen to its inner voice. Just like other special abilities, the sense of intuition must not only be awakened and developed, but also trained and supported. Therefore, each person must find a personal way to develop intuition.

Methods for developing the Sixth Sense H. Silva

Jose Silva method - complex effective techniques based on thought control. This method allows you to use intuition to solve problems. The author of the method studied in detail the interaction of the hemispheres of the human brain. He argued that a person can achieve his highest potential when he learns to use both hemispheres correctly. All successful people think at the level of alpha waves.

According to the Silva method, intuition is a sudden, inexplicable belief that arises unconsciously. This premonition is a natural ability designed to protect people from possible dangers. People develop or suppress their intuition by accepting or ignoring it.

The development of intuition using this method is a complex simple ways, allowing you to learn how to correctly hear and interpret information received from your inner voice. A person should learn to turn to subconscious experience, since such a skill gives the ability to make only the necessary decisions.

This method provides the most powerful tools to solve all issues. After watching a video teaching how to work using the H. Silva method, you will learn to cooperate with your assistant - the brain.

Silva Method Part 1

Silva Method Part 2

Jose Silva offered specific techniques for working with the sense of intuition:

The subconscious can answer any question if you adhere to the following criteria:

  • Specific and positive formulation of the task.
  • The question is asked without the “not” part.
  • Only 1 question is formulated at a time.

By observing these simple rules, you can easily get a subconscious answer.

Jose Silva argued that people do not have innate intuition, it is just a skill that can be taught.

Developing the Sixth Sense with Reiki

Reiki intuition is a special inner feeling of what to do, and not a voice telling you what to do. In order to be sure that you are receiving the correct answer from the subconscious, you must be able to listen to your state and trust it.

People who practice Reiki are sure that if a person hears some kind of voice that tells him in an edifying way what to do, this is not at all a manifestation of intuition, but on the contrary, a very bad thing. Such voices may indicate that Dark Forces are trying to manipulate you.

Modern people are heavily bombarded with information (for example, through the media, etc.) and receive many false external signals. Few ordinary people today can scan space and freely receive information from it, and this is precisely what intuition is in the understanding of Reiki.

One of the main goals of Reiki is to calm the mind. When a person conducts Reiki sessions for himself, he frees himself from the blocks hanging in his consciousness. He begins to concentrate on himself and on energy, learns to hear himself. It is the calming of the mind that gives a person excellent developed intuition.

During Reiki sessions, a person can, using the channel of the Almighty, ask any question of interest. The answer to this question will definitely be received: it can happen in a few minutes, hours, days, or even in a few weeks. The speed of receiving an answer greatly depends on how capable a person is of receiving information.

There are situations when a person is at a crossroads and needs to make an instant decision. At such moments, it is important to listen to yourself: the answer is within you. Somewhere inside himself, a person always feels what he needs to do and how he needs to act correctly in order for everything to work out. in the best possible way. However, in order to unconditionally trust one’s feelings, a person must have a certain level of spiritual development.

Another practical side of using intuition in Reiki is the ability to recognize lies. It happens that they tell you something that seems to be absolutely sincere, but you feel some kind of inconsistency from within, you have internal resistance to what was said. This feeling indicates that you internally feel a lie. This is exactly how intuition works in you at this moment, through Spirit and Conscience.

So, the development of intuition through Reiki occurs through:

  • peace of mind;
  • awareness of how to do the right thing,
  • insight.

Mantras for intuition

Spiritual practices contribute to the rapid development of intuition. The most popular among them are mantras and meditations.

Mantras for the development of the Sixth Sense in combination with meditation allow a person to approach the boundaries of the unknown, thanks to special concentration of the mind and certain postures. Such mantras are read exclusively during the waxing moon. Working with such mantras, a person discovers special abilities in himself that affect both him and his environment.

Mantras that develop the Sixth Sense:

  1. Mantra for opening the Third Eye: “Om KassiyanaHaRaShanatar.”
  2. Mantra for the rapid development of intuition: “HaRoHaRa2.
  3. A powerful mantra for gaining superperception: “Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForRam.”

A person who uses mantras for intuition acquires such abilities as transmitting love to his loved ones and receiving it, treating diseases with the help of a strong biofield, seeing the future, warning of possible disasters. The use of mantras implies the greatest responsibility of man for knowledge.

Some other methods for developing intuition

Psychologists who practice working with this feeling recommend:

  • cleaning channels of perception;
  • neutralization of the emotional background;
  • harmonization of the internal state.

After this, an intuitive channel opens in a person, which allows him to perceive information.

Books on developing intuition

And finally...

Human intuition is an amazing tool, but you shouldn’t rely only on your feelings and emotions. People must use not only developed intuition, but also logic. It is only important to know when to give preference to an intuitive feeling, and when it is better to rely on logical thinking.

Intuition works great in tandem with logic, strengthening it. What to do if the subconscious does not want to cooperate with you? Act! The answer comes only to those who are active.

Date: 2012-10-19

M. Norbekov –

The video course program was developed according to state-of-the-art technology– Interactive DVD. All you need to have is a video player and a TV. All you need is regular thirty-minute daily exercises for twenty-one days. A special set of exercises and training games will help develop your intuition and hypersensitive perception.

The peculiarity of the video course is that it is intended for adults and children. Immerse yourself in a breathtaking journey with your loved ones and children. Answers to many questions await you. You will learn deep relaxation and conquering new heights that we could not even dream of before. You will learn to listen to your perfect body and are guaranteed to make sure that everything is in your hands.

All the techniques provided in this program have been available to only a few for centuries. The main thing that special exercises provide is the rapid development in a person of spiritual harmony and supersensible perception of the world around him. Masters from the East, using these exercises, not only intentionally shaped events own life, but also easily helped others, and not only with advice.

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The book outlines a method for developing intuition and supersensible perception. Eight conversations with exercises and control tasks are given. The book comes with an insert with training tables.


The goal of the “Sixth Sense” program is expressed in a meditative phrase: INTUITION, WISDOM, TRUTH.

Let's consider the first keyword of this phrase - IN-TUITICE. What is it?

INTUITIVISM (lat.) - cognition. Direct knowledge, in addition to the sensory and rational. Intuition is a direct comprehension of the truth without logical justification, the experience of the subconscious or an inner voice when a person suddenly feels a push that prompts him to solve some particular issue.

In everyday life, many of our insights are lost, and we do not give them due importance. But once you pay attention, they become bright and information-rich. It seems that someone or something is constantly offering the most important thing for us in at the moment information. But we often brush this aside and try to follow the path of stereotypes and habitual logical constructions. Logic - important tool research of the world, but for a person who has mastered the technique of self-improvement, it becomes, as it were, secondary.

Yoga defines intuition as a mental ability above the intellect, it is direct knowledge of inference, the work of the higher “I”.

Those who studied at the previous stages of our Comprehensive Program obviously noticed that our main efforts were aimed at increasing the level of intelligence, accumulating encyclopedic knowledge through fast and ultra-fast reading. However, even at those stages, due attention was paid to subconscious mechanisms, for example, achieving the “satori” state, the dowsing effect, “the technique of opening the third eye.” Starting with the “Fourth Dimension” program, we began to work closely on the higher “I”. Remember the technique of training clear consciousness.

At the sixth stage we will learn to consciously use intuition in its purely applied meaning.

Above intuition lies only comprehensive Cosmic Knowledge, but this is a task for the future for which we are beginning to prepare.

How to work with a book

The “Sixth Sense” program offered to your attention will increase your knowledge, increase your intelligence, improve your health, expand your mental abilities and help you advance in life.

The main goal of the program is the development of intuition and extrasensory perception. Educational material is presented in the form of 8 conversations, each of which contains a small theoretical section, a description of training exercises, the order of their implementation, as well as a final test, which is a report on the results of your work.

The duration of training is 6-8 months, three to four weeks for each conversation. Depending on your success and capabilities, the deadlines can be adjusted.

To ensure the productivity of classes, two essential conditions must be met:

  1. Continuity and regularity of classes throughout the entire period of study;
  2. Perform daily training exercises provided for in the program for at least 30-40 minutes.

The final result will depend on your diligence, perseverance, and determination. It is absolutely unacceptable to simultaneously master the program and do some other activity that is also new to you.

Don't expect positive results just from reading this book. You need to work with her. And the results of such work, in our deep conviction, will exceed all your expectations. We give ourselves a psychological attitude: “I can do anything!” I can master the Sixth Sense program. Before you start doing exercises and training, you need to do some preparatory work.

Materials and tools. The required set of materials for mastering the “Sixth Sense” program is:

  1. A real textbook.
  2. Two tables “The Sixth Sense” attached to the textbook.
  3. Audio cassette of the program “The Sixth Sense”.
  4. A set of tools for the development of bioenergetic abilities, including:

a) a pendulum on a suspension (for a sample, see Fig. in conversation 7);

b) two dowsing frames (see figure in conversation 6).

We draw your attention to the exceptional simplicity of these devices, which can easily be made independently or purchased in stores selling esoteric literature.

  1. A mat measuring 100x200 cm made of any non-synthetic dense material (linen, cotton) for performing special exercises and conducting a meditation session.
  2. A mirror in which you can see yourself up to your waist, and a matte screen of the same size, for which you can use a sheet of whatman paper, a sheet, etc. (for the exercise “I see an aura”, see conversation 5).

Lesson plan. We advise you to plan your time so that during the study period you are not distracted by other things. When starting training, you must be sure that nothing will prevent you from completing it. If serious interfering factors appear, it is better to interrupt classes and start them again at a more favorable period. Each conversation requires special training for two to three weeks. If necessary, the time for practicing individual exercises can be increased. For successful work, we recommend that you draw up a preliminary plan, a sample of which is given in Appendix No. 1, and try to strictly follow it. Check yourself every day to see if everything is going according to plan. We highly recommend involving your family members in your classes and training, or at least letting them know what’s going on. As our many years of experience show, this is an excellent way to bring closer together and strengthen harmony in family relationships.

Workplace, class schedule. The most effective should be considered daily exercises at home, preferably at the same time. Equip your workplace at the table, as well as a place to perform special exercises.

Meditation session. Working with audio cassette. Meditation - essential element"The Sixth Sense" program. The meditation session, meditative poems, and training with Andreev’s “Sixth Sense” tables are recorded on an audio cassette, which can be obtained by sending a request to the Oleg Andreev School. Detailed methods for working with these recordings are discussed in subsequent conversations.

Stages of mastering the program. The “Sixth Sense” program contains 8 conversations, which involve mastering, as it were, 8 lessons. Based on the content and structural-logical connection, the conversations are grouped into three parts (the first includes conversations 1-4, the second - 5-6, the third - 7-8), which you have to master in three stages, respectively. Each of them involves mastering a special set of exercises and represents the formation of a new quality on the path of self-improvement and self-knowledge.

Start mastering conversation by studying the theory of the issue. Then start studying and doing the exercises.

The development of intuition is a direct road to the efficiency and effectiveness of all your life activities, internal knowledge, non-standard solutions and self-knowledge. What is practical intuition and how can it be used?
Surely you have experienced a state when you instantly knew the answer to a question or some problem. No analysis, no logical conclusions. But since no one taught us in childhood to trust this quiet inner voice, we are accustomed to testing our intuition and following the experimental path, making a lot of trials and errors on it. The truth is that absolutely every person is capable of solving all life problems easily and naturally, you just need to restore unused skills and learn to trust yourself.
The following techniques will help you with this:
1. Direct participation.
The next time you communicate with someone, imagine that you are not you, but another person. Your neighbor, work colleague, friend, comrade... Try to feel what he feels. If a friend calls and talks about her problem, don’t answer automatically with standard phrases, get into her state, feel her annoyance! Immerse yourself in any event completely and completely - this is a great way to train your intuitive sensations. Experience what others experience.
2. Allow yourself to feel fear.
Not everyone can talk openly about their fears. And sometimes it’s difficult to admit their existence even to yourself. By denying our fears, we thereby deny ourselves. By doing this, we create internal blocks, and energy stops flowing freely. Fear blocks our intuition, and if we resist it, drown it out or don’t recognize it, then the fear only intensifies. Don't run from it, let it flow through you, and move through it. By allowing ourselves to experience fear, we move closer to our inner world, we accept him as he is, and do not fight him.
3. Learn to ask positive questions.
Our inner critic never sleeps and, at the first opportunity, tries to throw into our mind judgments like: “I can’t do it,” “He’s a fool,” “I’m ugly,” etc. At this moment, stop and think about who said this. Do you really need these thoughts? When we judge others or ourselves, we emit negative energy that blocks intuition. Consciously replace such negative judgments with a positive question, for example: “How can I do this?”, “What other solutions are there?”, “Which part of the plan will work?”, “What really offended me?” If you are patient and start listening to your inner voice, then when asking positive questions, your subconscious will begin to generate solutions and issue them through intuition.
4. Be alone.
The development of intuition and supersensible perception occurs on its own in a state of meditation. Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to be alone with yourself, your thoughts, feelings, experiences. Most of the time we have no idea what is going on inside us. Once you learn to hear your inner voice alone, you can learn to hear it even when there are a lot of people around.
5. Ask as many questions as possible.
Every answer begins with a question. No question - no answer. Asking questions is a great way to strengthen your intuition. Alone or with a group of like-minded people, get interested, reason, ask questions on various topics: self-knowledge, psychology, philosophy, literature... It can be anything. Explore new areas, discover new paths, explore the world by asking questions. The development of intuition and supersensible perception of the world will be a pleasant bonus for you.

When you have decided on the subject of what intuition means, then it’s time for you to begin to understand it, that is, in other words, to begin the development of intuition and supersensible perception.
In order to development of intuition and supersensible perception I passed successfully. Any of you needs to know some features of working with intuition:

The development of intuition and supersensible perception will not happen if you do not believe in the possibility of the very development and use of intuition, as if you did not believe in God. If you don't have faith in what you're doing, then you shouldn't spend money on it. own strength and time. Denying the source and method by which information will reach you will prevent you from using it. It's like watching a TV show with the TV turned off.
The development of intuition and supersensible perception will be difficult if you do not clearly pose questions when working with the unconscious. Questions need to be structured in such a manner that they give unambiguous answers, without misunderstandings and the possibility of appeal - “yes” or “no”.
Your development of intuition and extrasensory perception will not give you knowledge about the lives of other people. So you shouldn’t ask your intuition questions regarding someone else’s life. We are not given to know what we are not given to know. Everyone is responsible only for the development of their own intuition. Also, it is worth knowing that questions that have no basis are alien to intuition. real value(“Should I go to the pool today or not?”, “Should I drink lemonade or kefir?”).
Keep in mind that the development of intuition and supersensible perception can come with the arrival of new intuitive sensations that you did not expect to “hear”, since you simply simply did not ask questions so that answers would come to them. You shouldn't resist this. Sometimes such intuitive answers will come at moments and in circumstances that none of us can foresee. The main carrier of our intuitive sensations is our soul, and as we know, it is always in development, then intuition will develop autonomously, regardless of whether we want it or not. From the above it follows that the development of intuition and supersensible perception is inextricably linked with the development of our soul. We just need to listen to our feelings more often and soon a state will come when you don’t have to question your intuition, the answers will come by themselves.
As you begin your development of intuition and ESP, you will be interested to know that intuition does not exist in a sexual context. It was given from God to all people on Earth equally, regardless of what you wear, a skirt or trousers. It’s simply believed that ladies trust their feelings more often and more, and the process of developing their intuition proceeds more easily. A man begins his development of intuition and supersensible perception with a preliminary acquaintance with his sensory world, which is why it seems that men have a more difficult time mastering the technique of developing intuition.
Development of intuition and extrasensory perception It can often happen that the answers to the questions posed to your intuition will sound like neither “no” nor “yes”. This happens and you shouldn’t be surprised. This state is usually called a state of inner silence and peace. It occurs when intuition was asked a question that is not currently relevant for its owner. Or the answer to this question can be voiced by the owner of the question himself. This is not a simple lack of answer, accompanied by an inner emptiness when the answer does not come. This is inner peace, peace.