DIY smoke generator for hot smoking. DIY smoke generator. How does a smoke generator for cold smoking work? Do-it-yourself smoke generator for cold smoking: drawing

Since ancient times, smoke treatment has been used to increase the shelf life of products. It is still used today, only for slightly different purposes. For long-term inventories, there are other technologies and equipment. Fumigation with smoke gives food a special taste and aroma. This can be achieved using a smokehouse that has a smoke generator for cold smoking.


For many years, exclusively natural raw materials were used for such processing. This allowed the products to absorb the aromas characteristic of certain types of trees. However, on an industrial scale, sawdust is used to a minimum. They are mainly replaced by various flavoring additives and substitutes. One of these chemicals was liquid smoke, which is not harmless to the body. However, for personal use, a smoke generator for cold smoking using natural fuel is used, located in the courtyard of a house or cottage.

Features of heat treatment

Smoke treatment of meat or fish occurs in two ways. The first requires heating in the range of 55-110 degrees. With such hot smoking, the products ripen very quickly, but heat treatment decomposes all useful substances. If heating is uneven, part of the loaded raw material burns.

The second method is based on soft processing at low temperatures of 25-30 degrees. This is a long process, but all the vitamins remain in place. The shelf life of cold smoking is longer.

Hardware requirements

In order to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands, you need to use information about methods and equipment. As a rule, any construction of your own smokehouse comes down to finances and technical capabilities.

Given these features, the following rules must be observed:

Smokehouse device

It is not difficult to describe the circuit of this device. In one part there is smoldering of firewood and sawdust. Open fire should not be allowed due to increased temperature. The condition for such a process is a lack of oxygen.

The other part contains products that need to be smoked. A collector is laid between them for the flow of smoke. To speed up the procedure there should be as much of it as possible. In the second compartment you need to make a hole to remove excess smoke and create a vacuum in this chamber.

The disadvantage of the simplest smokehouse is the need to constantly monitor the fuel level and periodically add it. This negative point is minimized by using a smoke generator.

Features of the smoke generator device

The parts of a homemade smoke generator for a cold smoked smokehouse should not be labor-intensive, expensive or heavy. Available materials and existing equipment will be useful in its manufacture. . Main components of the device:

  • Container for sawdust with a removable lid.
  • Hole with hose for air injection from below.
  • At the top there is a channel leading to the smokehouse.
  • Compressor.

Creation of smoking equipment

If you have a welding machine, the skills to work with it, the presence of metal components and the desire, such equipment can be manufactured in a few hours. First you need to find drawings of a smoke generator for cold smoking. You don’t have to develop them yourself, but find them optimal options using the Internet.

Collectively, this unit consists of the following components:

  • Thermal module.
  • Fuel (coal, gas, firewood, but most often wood chips and sawdust).
  • Smoke removal and supply system to the smoking chamber.

For personal use large number no products required. Therefore, the body is made from a part of the pipe. A chimney is welded on top. Sawdust is poured inside.

To create thrust, air is pumped from above by a compressor. An old refrigerator or one from an aquarium will do. The second is preferable due to the ability to adjust the air flow. The smoke coming out is of low temperature. As a result of smoldering, there is no open fire, so frequent addition of a new portion of fuel is not required.

Materials for production

Reducing the cost of the generator is possible due to the available scraps of various metal products. You just need a few details:

Assembly steps

If you find a smoke generator for making a smoke generator with your own hands for a smokehouse round pipe If it doesn’t work, it can be replaced with a square one of the same size. This option has a slight advantage in the convenience of connecting outgoing channels. In the largest pipe, cuts are made along the diameter at a distance of two centimeters. This will be the bottom of the smoke generator. A piece of mesh cut along the cross-section of the body is inserted into them and fastened to the sides.

A 3/4 inch pipe is welded on the opposite side. Opposite is the fitting with which the compressor is connected. An important condition is the clear location of both components on the same straight line.

The most cunning arrangement is for a thin pipe. Through the fitting, inside the body, it should extend 1 centimeter into the three-quarter outlet. This design will supply air from the compressor and provide draft to support the smoldering of the sawdust. To arrange the circulation of smoke and air in a housing tightly filled with sawdust, you need to put a spring of a larger diameter on it. This is a kind of ripper through the coils of which air flows will pass.

For the lid you need a piece of iron 1.5 - 2 centimeters wider than the cross-section of the body. For convenience, you need to make a handle. It can be welded or made removable. The middle part may be wooden. It will not burn due to the low temperature of the case. To prevent the lid from moving off, at a short distance from the edge, you need to weld a rod or metal strip along its perimeter or radius.

The legs are welded from below, and the smoke generator is ready. It’s a good idea to choose a piece of metal for the stand. This will ensure equipment stability and fire safety.

The principle of operation of a homemade device

The body becomes clogged with shavings, wood chips or sawdust. The whole mass is set on fire. After active smoldering begins, the compressor is turned on and the lid is replaced. If everything is assembled and connected correctly, the fuel is dry, active smoke emission and the smoking process will begin. That's the whole working principle.

Advantages of ready-made units

Self-production of such equipment, although not difficult, requires a welding machine and the ability to use it. Because of this, the option of purchasing a factory device for circulating smoke appears. This step is justified by the following advantages:

For these reasons, such devices are very popular. The most widespread have the following:

  • Bradley Smoker is a smoking apparatus that uses automatic feeding special briquettes for heating. Products cooked in it have a natural taste.
  • Shawarmaker - in addition to automated fuel loading, has electronic control and high power, which will provide a small cafe with its products.
  • The smoke generator from America Weber - Stephen runs on coal and can replace a grill. Due to its size and performance, it is more suitable for catering establishments.

The fuel compartment of these devices is filled with sawdust approximately three-quarters. Semi-finished products are placed in the smoking section. The rate of smoke formation must be monitored periodically. Cooking time depends on the product. The device casing requires cleaning after each use.

  • The smoking process will speed up if the sawdust is dry. To heat them, you can install a heating element for open installation.
  • Each tree has its own smoky aroma.
  • Grapevine added to sawdust will add an unusual taste to products.
  • When smoking occurs in dry, windless weather, the result will be ready faster.

If you follow these tips, cooking errors will be eliminated.

Security measures

The smoke generator is a device with increased fire danger. Despite the low temperature of the smoking process, execution following rules will help you avoid trouble:

  • The device is installed on a flat, non-flammable surface.
  • Painting is possible only with heat-resistant paint.
  • The device should be placed away from electrical wiring, flammable liquids and combustible materials.
  • The factory device must be equipped with an emergency shutdown system.

Following these steps will not only help you prepare delicious food, but also prevent fires and damage to your health.

There are always a variety of cold smoked products on the shelves of grocery stores. Unfortunately, the quality and taste of such “delicacies,” so to speak, are far from perfect. The problem is in the manufacturing technology.

Over the past few decades, in food industry are actively used chemicals, under the general name "liquid smoke". Meat or fish are immersed in the solution for some time, acquiring a characteristic appearance and aroma. It is clear that this process has nothing to do with smoking.

Important! These additives are certified and approved for use. The harmful effects on the body are no greater than from any other additives and flavorings.

But we want a natural product! Therefore, real gourmets prefer to organize cold smoking themselves, using old antiquated technologies.

To meet the needs of workers, various smoking units are available for sale, both for hot and cold smoking.

Classic technology involves spaced chambers connected by a long tunnel in which the smoke is cooled. As a result, no heat treatment is performed, and the smoked product remains as soft as if it had just been cooked.

Instructions: how to make a simple cold smoked smoke generator

To make a simple smoke generator you will need:

  1. Tin three liter jar
  2. Tin liter can
  3. 4 screws
  4. Half inch tube
  5. Half-inch fitting with adapter for rubber hose
  6. ½ coupling for connecting the fitting and tube

Let's start production

How does a cold smoking machine work?

The cameras are located on different levels. The height difference regulates the draft in the chimney and affects the intensity of smoke cooling. The difference can be up to 1 meter.

Important! To install such an installation, you need to have free space, and a natural slope of the ground is desirable.

Such conditions are not always available in the courtyard of a private house or on summer cottage. Moreover, the construction of a real smokehouse involves engineering work.

In the lower chamber (let's call it the firebox) smoke is formed. There are several options:

  • This can be a relatively sealed container, in which, with a weak influx fresh air fuel (chips or sawdust) smolderes intensely. The inlet damper regulates the flow of fresh air. It should be insufficient to cause a fire, while at the same time ensuring normal draft in the chimney;
  • The second method is a two-chamber firebox. An open fire is lit under the brazier, and metal sheet material is poured to create smoke (the same sawdust or wood chips). Draft is generated in the upper chamber, only for smoke.

Smoke generators or portable smokehouses have recently come into view more and more often. In this article we will talk about a smoke generator for cold smoking. This device has significantly simplified the process of creating delicious dishes.

A smoke generator for cold smoking is quite simple to create, so you can easily make it yourself.

Previously, when you wanted to cook something using cold smoking at home, you had to build a smokehouse. Some made it from brick, others from more simple materials. But this does not change the essence. Now portable smoke generators have appeared. We will tell you more about them in this article.

The meaning of this device is simple. There is a device that produces smoke from sawdust that is placed there. There is a compressor that supplies air to this very device. The smoke generator is connected to any box or tank where the products will be located, and voila... the process has begun. You can see how easy it is to launch in the video. At such moments you think to yourself - “Hmm, what they won’t come up with...”

If your hands grow out of right place, then it won’t be difficult for you to make such a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands.

His principle is this:

  • You need a cylinder with a diameter of about 10 cm and a height of about 50 cm;
  • The hole in the bottom of the cylinder is about 1 cm in diameter - for igniting sawdust;
  • In the upper part or middle there is an inlet and outlet tube for air supply and smoke outlet. The inlet tube should pass through the cylinder and extend approximately 1 cm into the thicker chimney tube;
  • Compressor - it will supply air to the inlet tube; a regular aquarium compressor will do;
  • Top cover;
  • Spring - will pass through the center of the cylinder from top to bottom, for the passage of smoke;
  • At the bottom you can make an ash pan with a mesh so that burnt shavings can fall out;
  • And the container itself, where the smoke will be supplied. You can take 1 meter cubed, or 2 or 3.

This diagram will help you correctly assemble the smoke generator.

Thus, we get a device that will autonomously supply smoke for quite a long time. A combination of sawdust can be about 1.5 kg. And the average consumption is 100 g. per hour But if you make less air supply, then the flow rate will decrease accordingly. This device is designed in such a way that it works on the principle of air capture, since the compressor tube is immersed in the outlet tube, which has a larger diameter. You just need to remember that the cylinder itself needs to be made, preferably from stainless steel. If you do it from improvised means, some people use an old fire extinguisher or something similar. The smoke temperature in it is about 30-35 degrees, and will depend on the device.

Dimensions of the smoke generator for cold smoking.

If you don’t have time to delve into the process, and you don’t have the opportunity to build something yourself, then you can always buy a ready-made smoke generator. Eat various options, smaller and larger, more expensive and cheaper. There are portable options that can almost be carried in a backpack, and there are models large sizes, this is something you can choose for yourself. The Internet is now full of sites that sell such devices.

The price for such a device can be about 2,500 rubles, there are models for 4 and 5 thousand rubles, and there are also 25,000 rubles. As they say, it comes down to taste and color.

It is not difficult to purchase it. Enter your request in the search, select a suitable sales site, and order. Usually everything is delivered within a few days, so you won’t have to wait long. It is not necessary to choose the most expensive one, the process is almost the same everywhere, and there is no point in overpaying.

If you have your own dacha or house in the village, then I understand your desire to make a smokehouse with your own hands. In my own village it has already been done. First decide on the type - hot or cold, then the budget, and what do you want to make it from? Using improvised means or laying it out of brick. We have already described this process in detail in our article - DIY smokehouse. You can read and discover a lot of new things.

a) smokehouse from a barrel; b) brick smokehouse

If you decide to make it from improvised means, it will work well old refrigerator, large metal barrel or some kind of box. If you want to make everything last forever, then lay it out of brick and forget about its service life.

If you decide to smoke it cold yourself, then you are in for a very delicious dish. We will now tell you how to do this at home. First of all, we need to salt the food itself. It doesn’t matter what we take: meat, lard, fish or chicken. We immerse our products in salt water. Not everyone knows how much to salt water; you need to take about 200 grams of salt per liter of water, plus you can add seasonings to your taste. Then we immerse the food in water and place it on the stove. The water should not boil, it should simmer over low heat. The time it takes to keep the products differs. Lard or brisket should be simmered for about 2 hours; if we take something more tender, such as poultry, poultry or fish, then 30-40 minutes of simmering will be enough.

Then, we take out the products and let them dry, and then place them in a box for smoking. Since the smoke temperature is not high - about 30 degrees, in some cases more, in some less, the time for cold smoking of fish, lard, meat or poultry will be considerable - from a day or more. You can reduce the smoke supply using the regulator so that sawdust consumption is less. On average, portable smoke generators consume sawdust around 100 grams per hour. This process is not easy and long. But the delicacy that comes out in the end is worth it.

DIY smoking

What you buy in a store and what you make yourself are 2 different things. Do-it-yourself smoking cannot be compared with store-bought products; they turn out more tender and tastier. If you want to master this procedure and you already have a smokehouse, then all you have to do is salt the food in slightly boiling water. You need 200 grams of salt. per liter of water, plus add various spices and seasonings to taste. You can use garlic, pepper, bay leaf and more. Mackerel, lard, brisket and chicken are very tasty; the smoking process takes a day or more. Products need to be checked throughout the entire process.

Secrets of perfect smoking

  • Sawdust for smoking- if you use apple or cherry chips, they will give delicate aroma meat, fish or poultry, you can also add a small amount of grapevine;
  • Spices- before storing, rub the meat, lard or poultry with pepper, make cuts for the garlic, and then your brisket or lard will turn out simply magnificent;

In general, everyone has their own secrets of smoking and have been accumulating for years, we will end here, we hope the article was useful to you, see you again!

A smoke generator for a smokehouse must be manufactured in compliance with all precautions, which apply to such devices:

  1. Electrical wiring should be well protected from exposure to high temperatures and proximity to the heating element.
  2. It is important to provide a device in the smoke generator automatic shutdown- this will prevent the device from sudden failure.
  3. When choosing a material for making a case, you should give preference to coated metal.
  4. The surface on which the smoke generator is supposed to be installed must be reliably protected from fire.

Instructions for use of the device

How to work with this unit:

As the sawdust material burns, the chamber is refilled. Full smoking of products is achieved within a few days. All this time the device produces smoke and turning off the smoke generator is not allowed.

How to make a smoke generator yourself

The formation of smoke in the device occurs due to the slow smoldering of sawdust, shavings, and wood chips. The importance of this process is due to the need to maintain constant, uniform combustion, which facilitates the supply of smoke to the products prepared for smoking. The smoke generator must cope with this task. To do this, you need to purchase the following materials in a store or look in your home workshop:

  • section of steel pipe round section with a diameter of 100 mm or rectangular shape with sides 100x100 mm;
  • plastic corrugation up to 3 m long or a metal sleeve, the diameter of which must correspond to the external size of the chimney (needed for cold smoking);
  • a piece of metal tube, the length of which should be approximately 400 mm, and the diameter - from 25 to 40 mm (necessary for hot smoking);
  • a small compressor (for example, an aquarium compressor) or fan;
  • fitting connection with parameters corresponding to the diameter of the smoke channel;
  • switch and wires;
  • thermometer.

The technical part of the process is provided by a grinder and a welding machine. You will also need knowledge on how to weld a chimney fitting to a pipe or make a firebox door and removable covers. To visualize the work ahead, we suggest viewing a detailed drawing:

Step by step assembly

Completing the following steps will allow you to assemble a full-fledged smoke generator:

All assembly work has been completed.

Features of the device operation

The smokehouse, equipped with a smoke generator, is compact and portable. At times when cooking smoked meats is not required, the device can be stored in any utility room.

The smokehouse itself looks like a metal box: either made by hand, or taken as a finished product.

Depending on how many products will be smoked at one time, the dimensions of the container are selected. The following ratio is considered the most acceptable: height – 100 cm, width – 60 cm, depth – 60 cm.

For the box you need to make a lid, into which you should mount a thermometer and make several small slits to improve traction.

When preparing for work, the smokehouse must be installed so that it rises halfway above the smoke generator. This installation method will additionally create natural draft, and if the compressor stops pumping air, smoke will still flow into the smoking cabinet.

Build and launch

The final steps look like this:

  1. A smoke generator is installed on a prepared base (concrete slab, metal table or other fireproof surface).
  2. The firebox is tightly packed with dry shavings, sawdust, and wood chips. It is important to use only hardwood and not softwood. You need to take up to approximately 1 kg of material. After loading it, close the lid of the device tightly.
  3. A compressor is connected to the tee, and a chimney is connected to the smoking cabinet.
  4. Using one of the side holes at the bottom of the housing, you need to ignite the fuel.
  5. After this, the compressor turns on.

Myself smoke generator operation process for smoking is explained simply. Due to the dispersion of air, which is formed during the interaction of the compressor connected to the network and the tee, a vacuum occurs in the chimney, causing smoke to be drawn in from the smoke generator. A flow of gaseous mass, consisting of air and smoke, purposefully rushes into the smoking compartment, where the products are already stored. At this time, the air that has entered the chamber through the side openings of the lower part of the body begins to support combustion, which in itself eliminates human intervention.

A thermometer built into the top lid of the smoking cabinet allows you to monitor the maintenance the required level heat. Adjustment temperature regime, suitable for or, occurs by changing the length of the chimney. To cook food by hot processing, you need to make a direct connection between the smoke generator fitting and the smoking chamber.

In the manufacture of such a unit, it is allowed to use any available materials, components and containers. For example, the body of the device can be a pan, can or other cylindrical metal container. For example, a metal hose is suitable for removing smoke. There is no need to give up the compressor, which creates good draft and reduces the cooking time of smoked meats.

A smoke generator is a device typical for a cold smoked smokehouse. With hot smoking, smoke is usually produced directly in the smoking chamber, so a separate apparatus for producing smoke is not required. For a cold smokehouse, it is important that, firstly, the smoke reaches the products already cooled to room temperature, and secondly, so that the process proceeds autonomously for a long time, without requiring supervision. Drawing of a smoke generator for domestic use, as well as brief description builds of it can be found later in this article.

There are two main methods of smoking -. Designs of smoking installations are being developed for these methods. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is very difficult to say for sure which method is better.

For example, with hot smoking, the temperature is usually in the range from 50 to 120 degrees, and the main advantage is the speed of cooking. But, at the same time, such processing cannot be called “gentle”, since high temperature capable of destroying the majority useful vitamins and microelements contained in products.

Cold smoking, on the contrary, allows you to cook food in a more gentle way, preserving nutrients, unlike hot smoking. The smoke temperature at which cold smoking occurs ranges from 20 to 35 degrees, but the cooking time will not take 2-3 hours, but from one to three days. Such a long processing period allows the products to retain their freshness longer and be suitable for consumption for another 3-5 weeks after smoking. Therefore, people who want to cook food immediately for a long period of time choose the cold smoking method, and this is suitable for homemade smokehouse With .

What is a smoke generator?

Any smokehouse should have a compartment in which firewood or chips are placed, the smoke from which affects the smoked product. But the problem is that cold smoking, as mentioned above, can last two to three days, which makes life much more difficult, since you need to constantly maintain the desired temperature, avoiding overheating or, conversely, lack of heat. For these purposes, people came up with such a design as a smoke generator for a smokehouse.

A smoke generator for cold smoking is a device that produces a sufficient amount of smoke necessary to support the smoking process, and also transfers this smoke to the smoking cabinet.

Sketches or drawings of a smoke generator can be easily found on the Internet. Despite the apparent complexity, if you have a certain skill, simple materials at hand and advice from home craftsmen, you can make the device yourself. Its main advantage is that it can operate automatically and does not require constant monitoring.

The smoke generator device is simple. Main source The smoke in it is shavings, sawdust or wood chips that are inside the generator and slowly smolder. Features of the choice of sawdust can be considered separately, but it is necessary to pay attention to an important subtlety - do not use sawdust from coniferous trees. For smoking, as a rule, exclusively hardwood is used, and fruit chips are also allowed.

The main task of the master is to assemble all parts of the generator housing in such a way as to ensure a uniform supply of smoke to the smoking cabinet.


In order to make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands, you will need the following elements:

  • Segment metal pipe. The pipe can be round or square, with a diameter of approximately 100-140 mm. The pipe will be the basis of the device - the chamber in which the formation and movement of smoke will occur.
  • Smaller diameter tubes for making an ejector. The ejector structure is visible in the figures.
  • A spring that will be located inside the chamber. It is only needed so that smoke from the lower layers of sawdust can easily rise upward.
  • A compressor that will supply air to the ejector.
  • Thermometer. Using a thermometer, it will be possible to determine the temperature inside the smoke generator to avoid the possibility of cooling or overheating of the container in which smoke is generated.

In short, the operating principle of any smoke generator comes down to a simple diagram:

  1. The smoke generator chamber is heated from below by an external heat source, or the sawdust itself smolders in it.
  2. Sawdust gives off smoke smoke.
  3. The smoke rises up and, with the help of an ejector, goes into the chimney, from where it is then directed through a tube into the smoking chamber.

Thus, the smoke generation process is completely automated and does not require any human intervention.

By and large, all these components can be purchased at any hardware or hardware store. You will also need the following to connect the parts of the smoke generator: construction tools like a Bulgarian and welding machine, but all this can be borrowed from someone for a while.


Often people who are planning to build a smoke generator ask the question “how to make a compressor.” In fact, everything turns out to be simple - just like a smoke generator compressor, a regular computer cooler can work. It is glued from the inside to the trim plastic bottle, and a hose is put on the neck of the bottle, which goes to the smoke generator. Such a device may well work, although it looks unpresentable.

You can also use an aquarium compressor, many people do this. You can do without a compressor at all, and the smoke generator will also work, but, however, not as efficiently. Air will flow into the smoke generator by gravity, and natural draft will not be enough. Subsequently, this will lead to smoking taking a much longer time, and the result will not be what was expected. That is why it is better to spend a little time and money, but install the simplest compressor in the smoke generator.


As mentioned above, the main components of a smoke generator are: a chamber (a piece of pipe), a chimney, dampers and a compressor. Now the question remains how to put it all together. Everything will be told in order.

First you need to build a camera. Usually the height of the smoke generator reaches 70-80 centimeters. It should have a removable lid on top so that there is access to the inside of the device - for filling with fresh sawdust and for cleaning. At the bottom it is necessary to provide a container for collecting ash.

In the most simple options smoke generator, sawdust is poured directly onto the bottom, which is tightly welded to the lower edge of the pipe. In this case there is no ash pan, and to clean the smoke generator it is simply turned over and shaken out.

In more accurate designs, sawdust is poured onto a grate, which is fixed at some distance from the bottom. The ash formed during the smoldering process spills down through the grate. In such devices, the bottom is often made removable - for example, in the form of a glass, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the container in which the sawdust is located. That is, the glass is simply put on the smoke generator from below and fixed to it with bolts. You can also equip the ash pan chamber with an opening damper, like a stove door. For cleaning ash, this is the most labor-intensive option.

In any of the options, you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters in the lower part of the smoke generator for air access. No more is needed, otherwise the sawdust inside may simply catch fire, but they should only smolder, producing smoke.

At the top of the chamber, approximately 7-9 cm below the top edge of the pipe there will be a chimney. As can be seen in the drawing, the smoke exhaust pipe is attached to a hole in the wall of the generator; its length can be 7-8 centimeters, so that it is convenient to put on a long plastic tube that goes to the smokehouse. But generally speaking, in stationary versions, the smoke generator is attached directly to the wall of the smokehouse, and the chimney tube directly enters the smoking chamber.

Now you need to assemble the ejector. This is a device that sucks smoke from the smoke generator and directs it into the chimney. Its design is clear from the drawings. A thin tube into which pressure is supplied from the compressor fits a few centimeters into the wider chimney pipe. Due to the movement of air, a slight vacuum appears, and the smoke from the smoke generator chamber goes into the chimney.


Now that all the main parts are connected and securely fastened, all that remains is to assemble the smoke generator to test it in operation:

  1. Chips are placed inside the smoke generator, the weight of which is approximately 700-800 grams. As has been said many times, sawdust should be predominantly deciduous or fruit trees, but not conifers.
  2. The lid closes tightly and the device is installed in its place on the wall of the smokehouse. Or, if you have a freestanding structure, a hose is attached to the chimney leading into the smokehouse.
  3. Through the side hole, the sawdust inside is ignited and the compressor is turned on.

These three simple steps will get the generator up and running and the owner ready to enjoy the most delicious smoked food possible.

All materials used in this article for the design and assembly of the smoke generator are average, that is, approximate. Let's say if you haven't found steel pipe, you can use a milk can, an old fire extinguisher, a deep saucepan or any metal containers, even those made of the lightest and softest metals.

The same applies to sizes. The drawings are approximate dimensions and you should refer them to your specific application. Everything will depend on the design of the smokehouse itself.

Also, do not forget that if your smoke generator is connected to the smokehouse with a long hose, then condensation will accumulate in it. The smoke comes out of the device hot and cools as it moves through the hose, so it will inevitably release moisture. If you do not remove it, it can completely clog the hose! Therefore, provide a tee on the hose through which water will flow into the bottle.