Choosing paint and tools for painting a refrigerator yourself. How and with what you can paint a refrigerator at home - updating the interior How to repaint a refrigerator at home

A high-quality refrigerator will last for decades without repair. It would be a pity to throw away a working refrigerator, but it is very dissonant with the modern kitchen environment. Restoration will save you, but first you need to choose paints, get acquainted with the technology of work, and ensure safety for children and animals.

The industry offers compositions based on various film-forming substances. Not all of them are suitable for covering the outside of a refrigerator. Our task is to find suitable enamels - the most durable films.

The composition needs high adhesion - the paint must firmly adhere to the base, otherwise peeling of the top layer will begin with the first scratch. The film needs to be elastic, because the body is subject to thermal expansion. The painted surface is wiped with detergents; the composition must be resistant to aggressive liquids.

Choosing waterproof paint for interior work on metal. Such paint coatings include:

  • two-component primer-enamel for galvanized metal;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • heat-resistant silicone enamel;
  • nitrocellulose composition for metal and wood - automotive nitro enamel;
  • acrylic matte enamel for metal surfaces;
  • polyurethane or epoxy paint.

Can be used as an aerosol or applied with a roller. We choose what paint to paint the refrigerator with exception.

We don't need paint on galvanized metal, there's no need to overpay for heat resistance - the refrigerator is located away from hot surfaces.

What paint to paint a refrigerator at home

The master’s task is to obtain a smooth surface, similar to the factory one. The layer should be opaque, lie flat, and not flow down. It doesn’t matter whether you use the material in an aerosol package or use a roller or brush. The main thing is that the applied composition must dry and have no smudges. Then the next layer is applied.

The choice of color for the outside of the refrigerator depends on the overall design of the room. You can create an accent spot or create a surface in harmony with the facade. The main thing is to use suitable covering and do the job carefully. Car paint the most durable of all. Acrylic is water-based, odorless, and the film is resistant to destruction. Epoxy is most durable when exposed to moisture. What paint to paint the outside of the refrigerator is up to you.

Application for painting refrigerator slate paint

Having researched the market paint coatings, we have found several compositions that experts advise using for work at home. Do you want to turn the walls of your refrigerator into a creative corner? Then you should use chalkboard paint for painting. The presence of composite particles in the composition will give the coating a slight roughness. The composition is created on a latex basis, the film is durable. On a dark, matte surface you can draw with chalk. The drawings are washed off with soap and water. As a stand-alone coating in a dark shade, it looks stylish.

The Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila is considered the best manufacturer of such compositions. Under this brand you can buy black paint Liitu. Sibiria is a domestic brand of slate, magnetic and marker compositions. Among them there are some with antiseptic properties. If you need a black refrigerator, buy a jar of Sibiria PRO or MagPaint from Holland.

Is it possible to paint a refrigerator with battery paint?

What is the difference between batteries and a refrigerator? Only because they experience seasonal heating. That is, the film must be elastic, withstand thermal expansion, adhere tightly to metal, be neutral to detergents and resistant to abrasion. The same requirements for the composition for refrigerators. Is it possible to paint a refrigerator and a radiator with the same paint when creating a kitchen design? Which one to choose?

You need to find a product that does not change color under the influence of temperature, has good hiding power and decorative effect. It is better if the paint has no odor. We suggest you choose:

  • alkyd enamel based on organic solvents has a white base element, the coloring pigment is added additionally, the smell is strong before drying;
  • water-based acrylic enamel is odorless, only titanium dioxide-based paint is used for the refrigerator inside and out;
  • organosilicon alkyd enamel, which contains special pigments that hide defects in uneven painting.

It is very important that all these compositions do not lose color over time; they can be decorated with a pearlescent additive.

Is it possible to paint the refrigerator compartment?

If the refrigerator compartment was enameled, rust will inevitably appear at the joints of the panels and in the cracks, no amount of cleaning will save you from yellow stains. The inner surface is almost not ventilated, the air in the chamber is humid, making it difficult to choose a coloring composition. The smell of paint from the refrigerator takes a long time to be removed. Special absorbers based on activated carbon and silica gel are used.

Only water-based acrylate can be used. But before that, you need to remove the rust, apply a special converter, degrease and prime the surface. It is almost impossible to remove odors and harm from other paints from the refrigerator.

Refrigerator paint

A refrigerator, like any equipment, has the ability to not only break down, but its external and internal appearance can also deteriorate.

Of course, all this happens over time, but it still happens and these problems must be solved somehow.

Very often, when it comes to refrigerators, it happens that the paint falls off and cracks; in this case, in order not to buy a new one, you just need to paint this refrigerator. How to paint a refrigerator

How to paint a refrigerator at home

In order not to take it for repairs - this question interests many as it will not only save money, but also time.
Painting the refrigerator with your own hands.

In order to paint the refrigerator yourself you need:

1) you need to take some unnecessary newspapers or just paper, rags, detergent, paint, a roller, a foam tube and the most common tape;

2) the refrigerator is unplugged - pull out all the devices that are in it - various drawers, an egg stand and more. Then you will need to thoroughly wash this refrigerator - especially to remove dust;

3) You will need to lay newspapers or paper around the entire perimeter around the refrigerator, as well as under the appliance. This is done so as not to stain the floor surface;

4) it is necessary to make a good level of the room where the refrigerator will be painted;

5) before starting work, you will need to check in some area that is difficult to see whether the paint color is chosen correctly;

6) Now you can begin the painting process itself - to do this, use a roller to evenly paint the area of ​​the refrigerator from left to right. If an aerosol can is used when painting, it will need to be kept at a distance of approximately 30 centimeters from the area of ​​the area being painted.

You can see what a painted refrigerator looks like in this photo.

What paint to paint the refrigerator

A very important question - since, first of all, a refrigerator is not a simple material, but a technique, so any paint will not work here and it is best to use:

— Aerosol epoxy paint;

Acrylic paints;

— Automotive enamel;

After this, the question arises about how to paint the inside of the refrigerator. In order to paint the inside of the refrigerator, the same types of paints are suitable as for external use.

The main thing to remember here is that before painting the inside you will need to remove all the fittings, and if this is impossible to do, then cover it with tape.

In order to paint the inside of the refrigerator, it is best to use a bone approximately 5 - 7 centimeters wide.

You can also watch a video of painting a refrigerator

MASTER CLASS we will repaint the refrigerator

In today's era, people are highly dependent on technical inventions, including household ones. It is unlikely that today you can find the average family without such a necessary unit as a refrigerator. Sometimes, when it breaks, we begin to wonder: “How did our grandmothers manage without this miracle device?”

However, a refrigerator is not always purchased only because it is broken. Where more often to the store for new technology sent only because the appearance of the old one leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that the procedure for painting a refrigerator easily resolves such difficulties.

Even old refrigerator can gain new life thanks to painting

This method, as well as pasting the surface with oracal (self-adhesive decorative film) is perfect for updating the design of a refrigerator or hiding external defects. But, unlike the second method, which requires considerable skill and patience, otherwise the film will lie on the surface with air bubbles and wrinkles, you can paint the refrigerator quickly and without extra costs for materials and tools.

Of course, like any restoration work, the process of painting refrigeration equipment has its own characteristics and some nuances. Moreover, they need to be taken into account if the operation is carried out by hand.

Choosing paint and tools

So, to paint a refrigerator at home, you need to purchase paint and tools in advance.

First, you should choose a paint: since a refrigerator is not the most common surface to process, not every coloring agent is suitable as a coloring agent. So what should you paint with?

It is worth noting that the applied finishing paint layer should, firstly, protect the casing from mechanical damage and, secondly, decorate the device. In the case of a refrigerator that will always be in a dry and well-heated room, it is not in danger of rust, so there is no point in spending money on an expensive anti-corrosion agent. will also be superfluous, because the operation of the refrigerator itself near fire is prohibited.

Waterproof metal paint will cope well with tasks such as painting a refrigerator

On the other hand, the coloring material must be tintable and thixotropic (hold the layer on vertical surface), be elastic (after all, the metal used in refrigerators has a high coefficient of thermal expansion) and not be afraid of detergents. As a result, we get the conclusion: it is needed for interior work.

The metal surface is covered with paints of various compositions:

  • organosilicon;
  • zinc
  • alkyd
  • nitrocellulose
  • acrylic
  • epoxy
  • polyurethane
  • oil

However, to simply paint a refrigerator, you don’t need to go into much detail about their contents. Suitable for this type of purpose the following types coloring solution:

  1. Automotive nitro enamel. Durable, durable and beautiful. Sold in cans and applied by spraying. It has several disadvantages: cost, toxicity, uncontrollable splashes during the process, as well as the need for subsequent cleaning of accidentally painted areas with a solvent.
  2. Acrylic paint metal surfaces. Allows you to choose from a wide variety color solutions, safe due to the absence of toxic substances. Apply with a roller or brush.
  3. Polyurethane or epoxy paint. The most resistant to wear, difficult to prepare due to two components.

Epoxy paint can be used to paint both the external and internal parts of the refrigerator.

For the most part, any of these three will do. finishing materials. You can paint the inside of the refrigerator with the same paint.

Any narrow paint roller made of threads or a brush will be suitable as a working device, and if used, tools will not be needed at all.

Surface preparation

For the vast majority of people, the kitchen is perhaps the most favorite room in the apartment. It is associated with the warmth of home and delicious food. But this medal also has back side, and it concerns household appliances.

During the cooking process, soot settles on the surface of kitchen electronics, which, when dried, forms a greasy layer of stains. Over time, stains attract dust, so the refrigerator is covered with a layer resistant to ordinary detergents mud. Therefore, before painting, the surface of the refrigerator must be thoroughly washed so that the paint applies easily and evenly.

For pre-treatment, as well as further painting work must be purchased in advance or removed from the pantry:

  • detergent for removing greasy and stubborn stains;
  • sponge with abrasive coating;
  • wet and dry rags;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • degreaser (acetone, gasoline, kerosene);
  • primer (optional);
  • tape, cling film or masking tape;
  • unnecessary sheets of newspapers and magazines as lining;
  • respirator;
  • gloves.

When painting, to protect your respiratory organs, you must purchase a respirator.

Now that everything related materials at hand, you can start.

Preliminary preparation of the surface of a refrigeration unit for painting includes the following steps:

  1. Disconnecting equipment from the power supply and removing internal shelves and trays.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the device with outside using a special detergent and an abrasive sponge.
  3. Using sandpaper as a sanding material to remove old coating. This manipulation will allow you to sand out cracks and chips, and will also provide the paint with good adhesion to the surface.
  4. Wiping first with a wet, then dry cloth to remove sanded particles and dirt.
  5. Degreasing the surface with a special solution.
  6. Apply primer recommended by the paint manufacturer (optional).
  7. Sealing fittings (handles, decorative strips, technological holes, rubber seals) masking tape or film. Using masking tape you can create some kind of ornament or design. In this case, during the procedure you need to monitor the tightness of the adhesive tape to the refrigerator.
  8. Protect floors and nearby furnishings with newspaper or magazines.
  9. A preliminary test of the paint on an inconspicuous area will allow you to once again verify the correct selection of the desired color and the reaction of the paint (does it lie smoothly, does it have wrinkles or smudges).

It’s also worth noting that the best way to paint a refrigerator or any other interior item yourself is outside on a fine day. Strong wind will create artificial “smudges” on the surface, therefore, if it is windy outside, painting activities should be moved to a well-ventilated area.

If you know how to draw well, you can create a real work of art on your refrigerator.

The refrigerator has gone through all stages of pre-treatment. Now it is time to begin the surface painting operation. Here the recommendations will depend on the type of paint chosen and the tools used.

Important: wearing a respirator and rubber gloves is a prerequisite for the procedure.

Spray painting

If work is carried out using aerosols in cans, paint should be done at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the unit uniform movements from left to right, without staying long in the same place to avoid smudges or too thick a layer. In a situation where an incident does occur, you can use a solvent, for example, one of the most familiar ones - acetone.

Painting occurs in 2-3 layers, between which there should be a break of half an hour to give each previous layer the opportunity to coloring matter dry thoroughly.

Painting with roller or brush

Apply a little paint to a roller or brush. Then comes coloring in a vertical direction or with movements from left to right. After half an hour, a second layer is applied. Hard to reach places can be painted using a brush small size. If necessary, the third layer will hide all the flaws of the previous two.

To consolidate the result, give a glossy shine or matte effect and protect the fresh paint, you can cover the surface of the refrigerator with a layer of acrylic varnish in aerosol form.

Painting a refrigerator at home is an excellent opportunity to give an old electrical appliance a new life and update the interior in an original way. For these purposes, it is worth spending several hours of your time, especially since such a decorative solution will delight the eyes of household members and guests for a long time!

Every year, humanity becomes more and more dependent on technology, including household technology. Nowadays you won’t be able to find a family that doesn’t have a food “safe” like a refrigerator in their kitchen. When it malfunctions, the thought comes to all of us: “How did our ancestors live without this miracle of technical progress?”

Painted refrigerator in the kitchen interior

But, as statistics show, we do not always buy refrigerators because they are broken; more often we go to buy a new one only because the appearance of the old refrigerator does not please us as much as before.

Unfortunately, not every person knows that to solve the problem of inappropriate appearance refrigerator can be done by painting it. This is what will help you transform your irreplaceable kitchen food “keeper” without large financial investments.

Of course, like any restoration, transforming a refrigerator has its own subtleties. All the tips are especially worth considering if you decide to paint the refrigerator yourself.

How to choose the right paint and tool?

Old refrigerator to be painted

To paint a refrigerator with your own hands, you will need to buy paint and find the appropriate tools.

The main task is the correct choice of coloring materials, because the surface of refrigerators is not made of the most simple material, and not just any remedy may be suitable for this purpose.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that a layer of paint should first of all serve as protection against mechanical damage, and then serve as decoration.

In order for the refrigerator to be painted with your own hands with high quality, the paints and varnishes must have the following characteristics:

  • have the possibility of tinting;
  • be able to hold a layer of paint in a vertical position;
  • differ in elasticity;
  • do not be afraid of exposure to detergents.

Taking into account the above requirements for paint, we can conclude that to transform the device, water-resistant paint is suitable for indoor work on metal surfaces.

This type of paint and varnish material can have a varied composition.

But, to decorate the surface, it is not necessary to go too deep into paint compositions. For such purposes it may be suitable:

  1. nitro enamel, which is used in the automotive industry;
  2. acrylic compound for working on metal;
  3. epoxy or polyurethane mass.

From such a variety you can choose whatever you want. You can also treat the inside of the device with these products. A roller with a not very wide working blade or a brush is perfect for the job. You can also use aerosols, for which no tools are required at all.

Today, rubber-based paints are considered the most popular. Their detailed technical specifications is given in the table below.

Characteristic Paint name
PlastiDip (USA) Rezolux (Russia) Rubber Paint (China) Farbex


Palette Wide variety of colors Base of 8 shades Wide variety of colors Base of 9 shades, and 5 colors can be ordered
Type of surface obtained Matte or glossy, luminescent possible Smooth or with fine texture Matte Matte
Paint consumption 130-150 ml/m2 120-200 g/m2 110-140 ml/m2 120-200 g/m2
Drying time for each layer 60 min. 30 min. 30 min. 120 min.
Price 15 € for 310 ml 18 € for 14 kg up to 10 € per 400 ml up to 3 € per 1.2 kg

Surface preparation

It will not be a revelation to anyone that when cooking food, grease settles on all surfaces of kitchen appliances, which, after drying, turn into unpleasant stains. After some time, they become covered with dust, so to remove them efficiently, it is better to coat the appliances with detergent-resistant paints, and the refrigerator is no exception.

Of course, before applying paint, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned so that no contamination interferes with the even and smooth application of paint.

To clean the surface you may need:

  • detergents for cleaning grease;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags;
  • fine-grain sandpaper;
  • surface degreasing liquids;
  • perhaps a primer;
  • cling film or masking tape and tape;
  • linings in the form of old newspapers;
  • facilities personal protection.

Varieties of techniques for painting a refrigerator

After everything necessary materials Once prepared, you can proceed to the actual coloring.

Preliminary preparatory materials look like this:

  • Unplug the refrigerator and remove all internal shelves and drawers.
  • Wash the outside of the device thoroughly using detergent.
  • Remove the old coating with sandpaper and sand all chips and damage. Such manipulations will increase the level of adhesion of the refrigerator surface to the paint.
  • Remove any remaining dust with a wet and then a dry cloth.
  • Degrease the surface.
  • If the paint requires it, prime the surface of the refrigerator.
  • Hide the fittings under cling film or masking tape.
  • If desired, you can apply a specific pattern using tape.
  • Cover the floor near the appliance with old newspapers.
  • To test, apply a little paint to an inconspicuous area of ​​the refrigerator to make sure it works. making the right choice shade.

After everything preparatory work completed, you can start painting the device. At this stage, all recommendations will depend on the selected type of paint materials and tools.

Please note that regardless of the type and composition of paint, the use of personal protective equipment is mandatory!

If you chose paint in aerosol cans to paint the refrigerator, apply this composition at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. Your movements should be uniform, try not to stay in one place for too long, so as not to create too much swelling. large quantity paint on a separate area of ​​the surface. If you could not avoid such a disaster, immediately use solvents.

Paint should be applied in two or three layers, with a 30-minute break between each layer to allow each previous layer to dry thoroughly.

To work with a roller or brush, you need to apply a little paint to the tool and move from left to right in a vertical position. After 30 minutes, you can apply the next layer of paint, and hard-to-reach areas can be painted with brushes with a small working blade. If you see small errors on the product, apply a third final coat of paint, which will hide all defects.

Every year, humanity becomes more and more dependent on technology, including household technology. Nowadays you won’t be able to find a family that doesn’t have a food “safe” like a refrigerator in their kitchen. When it malfunctions, the thought comes to all of us: “How did our ancestors live without this miracle of technical progress?”

Painted refrigerator in the kitchen interior

How to properly paint a refrigerator with your own hands

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But, as statistics show, we do not always buy refrigerators because they are broken; more often we go to buy a new one only because the appearance of the old refrigerator does not please us as much as before.

Unfortunately, not every person knows that the problem of an unsuitable appearance of a refrigerator can be solved by painting it. This is what will help you transform your irreplaceable kitchen food “keeper” without large financial investments.

Of course, like any restoration, transforming a refrigerator has its own subtleties. What paint to paint the exterior of the house with plaster and how much paint? All the tips are especially worth considering if you decide to paint the refrigerator yourself.

How to choose the right paint and tool?

Old refrigerator to be painted

To paint a refrigerator with your own hands, you will need to buy paint and find the appropriate tools.

The main task is the correct choice of painting materials, because the surface of refrigerators is not made of the simplest material, and not every product can be suitable for this purpose.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that a layer of paint should first of all serve as protection against mechanical damage, and then serve as decoration.

In order for the refrigerator to be painted with your own hands with high quality, the paints and varnishes must have the following characteristics:

  • have the possibility of tinting;
  • be able to hold a layer of paint in a vertical position;
  • differ in elasticity;
  • do not be afraid of exposure to detergents.

Taking into account the above requirements for paint, we can conclude that to transform the device, water-resistant paint is suitable for indoor work on metal surfaces.

This type of paint and varnish material can have a varied composition.

But, to decorate the surface, it is not necessary to go too deep into paint compositions. For such purposes it may be suitable:

  1. nitro enamel, which is used in the automotive industry;
  2. acrylic compound for working on metal;
  3. epoxy or polyurethane mass.

From such a variety you can choose whatever you want. You can also treat the inside of the device with these products. A roller with a not very wide working blade or a brush is perfect for the job.

You can also use aerosols, for which no tools are required at all.

Today, rubber-based paints are considered the most popular. Their detailed technical characteristics are given in the table below.

Surface preparation

How to paint a refrigerator?

It will not be a revelation to anyone that when cooking food, grease settles on all surfaces of kitchen appliances, which, after drying, turn into unpleasant stains. After some time, they become covered with dust, so to remove them efficiently, it is better to coat the appliances with detergent-resistant paints, and the refrigerator is no exception.

Of course, before applying paint, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned so that no contamination interferes with the even and smooth application of paint.

To clean the surface you may need:

  • detergents for cleaning grease;
  • abrasive sponge;
  • rags;
  • fine-grain sandpaper;
  • surface degreasing liquids;
  • perhaps a primer;
  • cling film or masking tape and tape;
  • linings in the form of old newspapers;
  • individual protection means.

Varieties of techniques for painting a refrigerator

We paint the refrigerator with our own hands

After all the necessary materials have been prepared, you can begin the actual painting.

Preliminary preparation materials are as follows:

  • Unplug the refrigerator and remove all internal shelves and drawers.
  • Wash the outside of the device thoroughly using detergent.
  • Remove the old coating with sandpaper and sand all chips and damage. Such manipulations will increase the level of adhesion of the refrigerator surface to the paint.
  • Remove any remaining dust with a wet and then a dry cloth.
  • Degrease the surface.
  • If the paint requires it, prime the surface of the refrigerator.
  • Hide the fittings under cling film or masking tape.
  • If desired, you can apply a specific pattern using tape.
  • Cover the floor near the appliance with old newspapers.
  • To test, apply a little paint to an inconspicuous area of ​​the refrigerator to make sure you have chosen the right shade.

After all the preparatory work has been completed, you can begin painting the device. At this stage, all recommendations will depend on the selected type of paint materials and tools.

Please note that regardless of the type and composition of paint, the use of personal protective equipment is mandatory!

If you chose paint in aerosol cans to paint the refrigerator, apply this composition at a distance of 30 cm from the surface. Your movements should be uniform, try not to stay in one place for too long, so that too much paint does not form on a separate area of ​​the surface. If you could not avoid such a disaster, immediately use solvents.

Paint should be applied in two or three layers, with a 30-minute break between each layer to allow each previous layer to dry thoroughly.

To work with a roller or brush, you need to apply a little paint to the tool and move from left to right in a vertical position. After 30 minutes, you can apply the next layer of paint, and hard-to-reach areas can be painted with brushes with a small working blade. If you see small errors on the product, apply a third final coat of paint, which will hide all defects.

To consolidate the result and give the refrigerator a shine or dullness, it can be treated with acrylic-based aerosol varnish.

As you can see, solving the question “how to paint a refrigerator?” can be done without much difficulty. Such manipulations will give your old kitchen assistant a new life and bring originality to your interior. It won’t be a shame to spend a couple of hours for this, especially since such a decorative transformation will be able to please the eye for both you and your household for many years to come.

Additional Information:

  • alkyd enamel based on organic solvents has a white base element, the coloring pigment is added additionally, the smell is strong before drying;
  • water-based acrylic enamel is odorless, only titanium dioxide-based paint is used for the refrigerator inside and out;
  • organosilicon alkyd enamel, which contains special pigments that hide defects in uneven painting.

Apply a little paint to a roller or brush. What dissolves rust at home? Then comes coloring in a vertical direction or with movements from left to right. After half an hour, a second layer is applied. Hard-to-reach places can be painted using a small brush.

If necessary, the third layer will hide all the flaws of the previous two.

All types of materials used for these purposes are quick-drying. Drying time for each layer is 30 minutes. Then they start re-painting. If you are working with a roller or brush, start painting at the top, gradually moving lower and lower.

Some people find it more convenient to paint clockwise. It is better to do this while standing so that you can always even out the color and remove smudges in time. A painted refrigerator can be coated with varnish, which is used to give cars a glossy shine.

  • When choosing what paint to paint your refrigerator with, don’t forget about restorative compounds. How to do glowing paint which glows in the dark at home? If the walls of the product are touched by rust, then Zinga electrically conductive paint or other materials containing zinc or aluminum granules will help prevent the development of corrosion.

The car dye is beautiful and durable, sold in cans. It must be applied by spraying. However, this dye has disadvantages, for example, it high price, it is toxic, during the process it is necessary to cover your face, body and surrounding objects, since splashes are not controlled during the process.

After painting, you will have to remove accidentally painted areas with a solvent.

People who know how to draw beautifully or copy pictures from a sample even decorate refrigerators with Gzhel or Khokhloma painting. There are also samples painted in any other painting styles. Appliances, decorated with hand painting, look amazingly beautiful and add a special touch to the interior.

The choice of pigment will depend on the result you want to achieve House master. If the kitchen design is made in bright colors and something exclusive, unusual is required, then the only right solution is to use acrylic compositions. Moreover, they are completely harmless.

Using a brush or roller paint, apply a thin layer. First, check how the composition is placed somewhere in an inconspicuous place. The paint should be opaque and not flow down a vertical surface.

Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried.

Restoration will require dye and a minimum of tools. All you need is a narrow roller and a brush, and if you use aerosol cans, even they are not needed. Selecting a coloring composition is a responsible matter, because it must not only perform a decorative function, but also protect equipment from various mechanical damage.

Therefore, paints and varnishes are required that satisfy certain requirements: easy to tint, hold paint vertically, resistant to detergents.