How to make glowing ink at home. Glowing paint. Luminescent paint, types and properties

Glowing walls in an apartment are modern, unusual, in a word, very original. Only neon glowing paint is not sold in stores. Let's see if you can make this kind of paint yourself.

A little about the phenomenon of luminescence and its effects

Any materials that are treated with phosphors - special substances containing phosphorus or zinc sulfide compounds can glow in the dark. In some cases, glow is caused only when the phosphor is exposed to a source of external radiation - electromagnetic or ultraviolet. This is how cathode ray tubes of television receivers or fluorescent lamps glow.

There are two types of phosphors:

  1. Substances of organic origin, based on naphthalic acid derivatives. Their glow occurs under the influence of ionizing radiation. Feature organic phosphors - their ability to emit short-term flashes.
  2. Inorganic-based phosphors, which are created on the basis of crystal phosphorus compositions and have the ability to glow continuously.

Phosphor compositions are widely used in the production of self-luminous toys, for tuning cars, and for making Christmas tree decorations. Most of these materials are non-toxic, and therefore the proximity of a person to phosphors does not cause him any harm.

The choice of the type of phosphor at home is determined by the effect you want to achieve. If you want to make permanent lighting (for example, the walls of a garage that is adjacent to a dark opening), it is better to use crystal phosphorus applied to overalls. However, a constant glow often creates inconvenience, especially if it is bright and intense.

How to make regular paint glow

There are several ways to achieve the luminescent effect at home. You can, for example, purchase self-luminous paint, in which the phosphor components are already dissolved. This paint is often called neon, although there is no neon there. The glow is created by the luminescent pigment contained in ordinary acrylic paint.

The effect of such a pigment is as follows. During the day, such paint should be exposed to artificial and daylight(this is a must) which is accumulated by the acrylic enamel and then radiated into the outer space when darkness falls. The radiation process usually lasts from 8 to 12 hours - a period sufficient for the room to be filled with external light again. At the same time, the surface layer of paint again stores energy, which it will release in the evening.

Since the process is cyclical, no destruction of the phosphor components occurs, and the emissivity of the paint can be maintained for a long period of time. However, such paints are quite expensive, and in addition, they have a very limited palette of shades. Therefore, it may be impossible to make, for example, a multi-colored glow on the walls in a room that imitates neon.

At home, it is much easier to make such neon paint with your own hands. To do this, you need to purchase a set of luminescent pigments. They have universal application, and therefore have the following positive features:

Self-luminous additives include chemical compounds, which dissolve well not only in acrylic, but also in other types of household varnishes (alkyd or polyurethane). The varnish must be transparent, otherwise the final paint color may differ from the desired one.

In any case, before creating self-luminous paint at home with your own hands, you should first check the final effect on a small and invisible part of the wall, where external light will constantly fall.

How to choose the right type of self-luminous coatings

The technology will be determined by the end goal. You can, for example, use such paint to highlight part of a painting or panel on a wall, or you can use it to paint a large area of ​​the surface. Depending on this, the type of fluorescent pigment is selected.

The glow in ultraviolet rays looks especially impressive when illuminating the facade of a house. By themselves, such pigments do not glow. In order to create a “neon” glow of the exterior, it is necessary to direct a sufficiently powerful ultraviolet lamp or even a spotlight with a UV filter. This solution is expensive and difficult to implement.

Phosphors can glow on their own: to do this, it is enough to direct the luminous flux to the surface for 20-30 minutes. Energy is accumulated by reflective material and then released into the surrounding space. Before this, you should choose the right color of the phosphor so that the glow does not irritate the eyes and is in harmony with the overall color scheme rooms.

Reflective pigments glow continuously when exposed to external light. It is advisable to do this coloring to highlight dark areas. garden territory, focusing the light directed onto the painted wall using reflectors or mirrors.

Making your own neon paint

At home, the base is acrylic, as it is the safest. However, when painting PVC panels yourself, polyurethane paint is usually used. The process of obtaining self-luminous paint is as follows:

  1. Varnish is poured into a glass or ceramic container and a pigment of a pre-selected color is added. The pigment concentration depends on the desired degree of effect, but should usually not exceed 25-30% of the base.
  2. Since the density of the composition will increase, a little (up to 1%) organic solvent should be added to the container, after which the paint should be thoroughly mixed.
  3. To make the luminous composition more intense, you can add a little coloring agent to the paint.
  4. When painting with your own hands, it is necessary to constantly stir the composition, since phosphors are heavier in mass and can fall to the bottom of the container. As a result, the color will be uneven.

Preparing walls for painting does not have any special features.

It is important that the original surface is uniform in texture and clean. It should be noted that on lighter surfaces the self-luminous effect of the walls will be more expressive.

Therefore, it is better to make a light primer of the original surface with your own hands before painting it.

Undoubtedly, everything new is attractive and alluring. Today, the use of light-accumulating energy elements, the so-called phosphors, is becoming increasingly popular. Such elements are actively used in notation in populated areas, on, etc., they began to be used more and more often in interiors, highlighting certain objects or entire exhibitions. Naturally, many people have a question about what a phosphor is.

Phosphor - special chemical composition, possessing light-accumulative memory. Light is absorbed from environment and is released as light energy in dark conditions. Phosphors exist in ready-made form in nature. According to classification, they are of organic and inorganic origin. If you have the necessary substances, you can prepare the phosphor yourself.

Photoluminophores are more often used in production and everyday life. They do not dissolve in water, tolerate ultraviolet radiation well, and do not emit fumes or radiation harmful to health. Luminophores of this type are fireproof, easy to use and operate. The glow released by such drugs lasts for 24 hours. Of course, interested users are wondering where to buy phosphor. You can purchase phosphors of the required colors from suppliers of various industrial goods, or in specialized online stores.

They have an unlimited scope of application, ranging from body art to interior design and car tuning. Following fashion, of course, many will try to decorate surrounding objects with interesting glows, trying to make a phosphor with their own hands. Theoretically this is possible. The main thing is to choose the right proportions Supplies and create optimal conditions for a chemical reaction.

In order to make a phosphor with your own hands, you must also have pine concentrate available.

In order for there to be a result, all elements must be taken in their pure form without impurities. They can be purchased in the required quantity at pharmacies. The concentrate is dissolved in clean water in a ratio of 1 g per 50 ml. You can determine that there is enough pine concentrate by its color - it should be bright yellow. Separately, it is necessary to weigh the same amounts of boric acid, approximately 2 grams each. This can be done using a scale or a teaspoon.

A portion of boric acid is applied to a previously prepared aluminum plate, mixed with a pine solution (10 drops), leveled over the surface (approximately, the layer of the mixture should be about 2-3 mm). The plate is placed on a hot plate to warm up. It is important that fully formed bubbles must be carefully pierced using a needle. A do-it-yourself phosphor made in this way will glow in the dark after complete hardening.

Here is one method of producing phosphor. In fact, there are about a dozen recipes, some of them are complex. technological process, requiring special equipment and conditions.

How does interior design affect your mood? It can completely change the emotional background, easily relieve stress and nervous tension, relieve anxiety, worry and fear, and leave all problems beyond the threshold. It’s easier to look for solutions to problems based on inspiration and intuition - you should paint the walls with luminous paint of a pleasant color in the bedroom or living room or apply a drawing.

Glowing paint can be used to decorate any surface: furniture, radiators and even leaves indoor plants, as a result of which it will be created good fairy tale, atmosphere of romance. The dream is just a stone's throw away. To do this, you only need a luminescent dye.

Buying glowing paint is not a problem now. But to implement all kinds of ideas you need different types paints I want to make my life easier, and this is possible. It is enough to purchase a base, add the same luminescent dye to it and prepare a luminous mixture with your own hands at home.

Are these dyes safe for health?

Fluorescent dyes are often associated with phosphorus, a chemical that can be harmful to health. In fact, this technology has long been adapted, meets the needs and is absolutely safe. Phosphor paint is used in body art for body painting, floristry and make-up. The only thing: they can interfere with photosynthesis and air exchange. They must be handled with care for these reasons alone.

They are also used when renovating premises and creating interior design. They are also used for tuning cars, creating toys and clothing. But phosphorescent dyes are used mainly for exterior construction and finishing work, since they are truly harmful to health.

Features and Specifications

Luminescent dye is a powder consisting of a luminophore pigment. It absorbs light and then emits it, causing the painted part of the wall or the applied design to glow in the dark. The glow will be noticeable and clear if the room is light for only 15-20 minutes. This pigment absorbs rays emanating from the Sun and the rays of a regular light bulb.

The decor does not need to be updated for an average of 8 years. Of course, repairs are done once every 5 years - cosmetic. In the case when the decor in the room is excellent, has not become boring, and has retained its attractiveness, you can postpone finishing work until later.

Luminescent paint subject to the rules and regulations for the operation of the premises, it will last a long time without losing its magical effect. The glow will dispel the darkness and improve your mood.

There is also fluorescent paint, which must be illuminated with ultraviolet light in order for it to glow. This is convenient in some cases. But luminescent dyes are still universal.

Benefits of purchasing

The following types of luminescent paints can be purchased in stores:

  • for metal;
  • for glass;
  • for glossy surfaces;
  • for wood;
  • for fabric;
  • with a water-based base;
  • for concrete.

There are colored dyes and clear varnishes. Any idea can be put into practice without problems. You just need to buy one of these luminescent paints.

The pigment itself is also always on sale. It sometimes costs more than paint, but this is not surprising. You can select the concentration taking into account individual needs; mix the powder with the base in the amount you want. As a rule, a little is needed. To paint the ceiling of a small bathroom, for example, you will need about 25 g of pigment and 2 kg of paint. Sometimes you just need to draw a picture. Having bought the pigment, used it, used up some of it, you can put it aside, and later decorate something else with it.

With the help of a phosphor and a base, you can create not only a unique wall design, but also an unusual manicure. It will come in handy when you want to do it original gift to a loved one. For example, put an ornate, fancy pattern on a notebook, a postcard - why not? Things will cease to be ordinary: as soon as it gets dark outside, they will begin to glow.

Originality helps to surprise, delight, and puzzle. You don’t need to be able to draw well – it’s easy to come up with an abstraction and create a picture using a stencil.

If the lights are turned off

An interior design in which walls and interior items are decorated with a glow-in-the-dark pattern can be called extravagant. If you paint the entire wall with this paint, darkness will cease to exist. A kingdom of twilight can be created in the living room or hallway, in the bathroom, in the toilet, in the kitchen, balcony, in service rooms and passage rooms. If a person was taking a shower at the time of the power outage, phosphorus paint will save the situation: it will be easy to find a towel and the lock latch too.

This is original lighting, but it will not replace a chandelier: There’s no way to turn it off - that’s the downside. In the bedroom you need to create decor with care. But in technical rooms it is appropriate to use, painting surfaces with a large area. In the attic or basement, fluorescent dye will be useful. At night the home will be cozy and comfortable.

For bedroom and nursery

In children's rooms, the use of phosphor pigment is relevant - there is no doubt about it. Children are sometimes afraid of the dark, and a beautiful luminous drawing will give a sound sleep, dreams, and direct imagination and fantasy in the right direction. In an adult’s bedroom, you should also use this paint or varnish. Luminescent dyes do not violate the boundaries of many styles - popular, favorite, interesting. On the contrary, they will complement the decor and emphasize its creativity and versatility. This luxurious decoration is a luminous pattern, drawing.

What to do when the glow or twilight suddenly begins to interfere? Your eyes need rest. The darkness is not superfluous after all. One person will feel constant tension in the receptors, but another will not. Just in case, it’s better to come up with a way to limit the glow. A curtain or screen, carpet or tapestry will help with this.

Luminescent paint is an excellent tool for zoning space. You can always paint over the drawing, but there is no need to rush.

In landscape design

On summer cottage It makes sense to paint the gazebo with fluorescent paint or varnish. This perfect solution. Butterflies and moths, as you know, always fly into the light of lamps. A brutal life-and-death battle unfolds before everyone's eyes. There's no way to stop this. Mosquito nets in a gazebo at the dacha or in the courtyard of the house will not help. You can use LED bulbs that stay cool. Or you might prefer paints and varnishes with phosphor.

Not every summer resident decides to install wiring in the garden, because this will increase energy consumption and the load on the electrical network. If you paint the gazebo, benches, fence, stones enclosing the flowerbed area with this paint, you will be able to forget about your problems for at least two or three years, and the garden will be transformed in this way.

Isolating decorative elements and creating an ensemble

Dyes with phosphor are useful when restoring furniture and decorating some interior elements. For example, you can paint the entire chandelier or some of its elements, use a transparent base, improve the design or add to it.

Since there are bases that adhere well to fabric and do not conflict with the phosphor, they can be used to decorate curtains, furniture upholstery, and a bedside rug. Vases and clocks will turn into magical objects and become a bright element of the room. Artificial flowers, vines, entwining a column or located along a fillet will look great and make a positive impression if they are varnished with a phosphor.

If objects with a small area are painted, lighting is automatically created at an intensity that does not tire the eyes.

Overfatigue of receptors can manifest itself in the form of increasing anxiety and irritation, but we wanted to achieve the opposite effect - to get rid of negative emotions. You can remove the luminescent dye with a solvent that matches the base - this is not a problem. It is important to remember this and boldly conduct experiments. The risk of spoiling the selected items is minimized.

Paint is a source of inspiration for many people and a way to give a room a modern and unique decor. The luminous composition, made on the basis of a phosphor, glows pleasantly in the dark, thereby turning the interior into a fabulous and exciting place. A product based on phosphors gives unusual look object or surface, which is why today luminescent paints are enjoying considerable success.

How to make glowing paint at home? Making the product is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance, the main thing is to comply with all the requirements that will make the luminous composition unusual and surprising.

What is luminescent paint and what is the principle of its operation?

Glowing paints are prepared on the basis of phosphor or neon, which have the ability to glow in the dark. Luminescence is the ability to glow that occurs as a result of accumulation over a day solar energy. Luminous liquids contain a cluster of phosphors that accumulate light during the day, and when darkness sets in, they release their light energy into the room. As a result, artificial lighting is created in the room, giving a pleasant shade. The surface treated with the composition will glow for a long time, while the brightness artificial lighting depends on the amount of luminescent liquid.

Luminescent paint should not be confused with fluorescent products. Fluorescent paints only illuminate a room if they contain ultraviolet light. That's why fluorescent paint will illuminate the room only if there is a special lamp in it.

Description of the “work” of phosphor paint

Creating luminescent compositions with your own hands at home does not require special effort for work and purchase large quantity ingredients for preparing paint. Therefore, every person who decides to decorate their room on their own will be able to prepare the composition with their own hands.

Luminescent products will glow for decades, since the luminescent composition is a chemically and physically stable substance that lasts for 30 years. For a full and long-lasting glow, such a dye must absorb bright colors for 15-20 minutes. Sun rays so that you can work for 8 hours without interruption. Self-made paint glows in the dark as brightly as there is a lot of luminescent agent in it. Therefore, it depends on you how much the room will be illuminated in the evening.

It is possible to make a fluorescent composition from available materials, but it contains phosphorus that is harmful to health. Therefore, the creation of fluorescent products is not common these days, since it is better to use phosphors to create paints. Often, phosphorus-based products are used only to improve the exterior of a building, while luminescent paints are used to decorate the interior.

How to create paint yourself

Preparing luminous paint is an easy, but at the same time responsible process that must be followed strictly according to the instructions. To prepare a luminous composition, a luminescent liquid is first made, the powder for which is easy to buy at a household store.

  1. Recipe 1

To prepare luminous compositions that are created with improvised means, you can use a regular luminous marker. To do this, we check it on paper, where we need to draw 2-3 lines, and then evaluate their luminous abilities. If there are any, remove the rod from them and rinse it well in water. When finished, the rod must be squeezed out well. Now the liquid with phosphors is mixed with any paint that will be purchased for painting the exterior or interior of the building.

  1. Recipe 2

You can give the paint luminous properties using pine concentrate and boric acid. Take 50 ml of water and pour it into an aluminum container. Dissolve 3 grams of concentrate in it. Pour a pinch of boric acid into another container, and then slowly pour concentrated water into it (you will need half of it). Then bring the liquid to a boil, and then wait for it to cool completely. Now add the remaining pine needle concentrate to the liquid and boil the composition again. As a result, a yellow liquid called phosphor should appear in the container. Now you can mix it with paint and start decorating the room. For a faint glow, it is enough to use half the liquid.

  1. Recipe 3

Neon paint can also be made using peroxide. It is easy to paint any surfaces and objects with such paints, which is why they are popular today.

It's easy to make neon paints from peroxide, but you need to protect your hands and face before making them. Pour 300 ml of water into a jar, and then mix it with 2 tablespoons of peroxide. Add the rest of the available means, which are a spoonful of vinegar and a pinch of salt. Carefully close the jar and begin to shake it until glowing liquid. After this, you can start preparing neon paint.

Phosphor- a substance capable of converting the energy it absorbs into light radiation. The color of the glow can be different and depends on the light filter applied to the surface of the phosphor or its impurity. Photo phosphor is a powder that has the property of glowing in the dark after being exposed to natural or artificial light.

To make the phosphor we need pine concentrate and boric acid.

We need to buy not “pine extract” at the pharmacy, but “pine concentrate”, because it contains a bright yellow dye, tartrazine (E102). The top pair of blue balls in its molecule is a chromophore (capable of receiving and emitting light) group -N=N- of two nitrogen atoms connected by a double bond. This ability is due to the fact that the -N=N- fragment can be in two positions and the transition energy between them is absorbed/emitted in the form of light.

In addition, this group is connected on one side to a benzene ring of six carbon atoms, and on the other side to a nitrogen-carbon ring and another benzene ring. This chain is a kind of corridor in which electrons can “run”. The permissible energies of such a run and

determine the color of the radiation.

Although we understand how the dye molecule works, it is not yet obvious how it forms boric acid phosphor is a molecular photoaccumulator. Do it yourself and experiment.

Pour (or pour if you bought liquid) pine concentrate into a glass.

Pour in a little water to create an aqueous solution of tartrazine.

Pour boric acid into a spoon

Wet with dye solution

Stir to wet all the acid.

Boil until it reaches this state. We pierce the resulting bubbles with something sharp to ensure good heating of the entire mixture.

Let it cool, add more dye solution and boil the melt again. You will get a homogeneous yellow substance.