Everything about the florist profession. The florist will need some related materials. There are many benefits to being a florist.

In this article we will cover the following points:

Japan is considered the birthplace of floristry. In this country, flowers are part of the culture. In many countries, men work as florists because it is physically difficult work, but in Russia florists are mostly women. Translated from French, the word "bouquet" is "a beautifully arranged group of flowers."

Who is a florist?

Florist- makes bouquets, compositions, flower baskets, garlands, flower toys, decorates rooms, shop windows, columns and arches. This is a specialist who cares for cut flowers and flowers in pots and ensures their long-term storage.

Is it possible to become a florist without education?

Can. Some companies hire and train employees without florist education, using their own methods. The salary will be small, but you will not have to pay money for training courses. Also, to learn floristry, you can watch photo and video master classes on the Internet and buy specialized literature.

How much do florists earn?

Basically, this is payment for exit, from 1000 rubles and above, plus a percentage of sales, or just payment for exit. IN holidays(March 8, September 1) florists receive much more money than on normal days.

What qualities should a florist have?

1. Communication skills are the ability to communicate with clients.

2. Health.
The florist must change the water in the vases, sometimes make huge bouquets of over 100 roses, go into the refrigerator where the flowers are and stand on his feet almost all the time.

3. Having good taste.
Some people may have completed a florist course but not be able to arrange beautiful bouquets.

4. Stress resistance.
The work of a florist involves communicating with clients, and not all clients come with good mood, many are dissatisfied.

5. Ability to work with a cash register.

In Russia, a florist is more of a salesperson, so a person must be able to use a cash register, a cashless payment terminal, and keep a cash register.

Types of floristry

1. Wedding floristry.

The art of composing wedding compositions, bouquets, boutonnieres, flower arches and decorating a banquet hall. It is especially popular in summer periods, when there is beautiful nature all around and many couples get married during the summer months to take beautiful photographs.

2. Funeral floristry.

Every day someone is born and someone dies. It is customary to order wreaths for a funeral procession, and also come with flowers.

3. Church floristry.

On holidays, the church, columns and icons are decorated with fresh flowers. In Russia, this type of floristry is not as widespread as in other countries.

4. Business floristry.

A new type of floristry is the creation of compositions for official events: exhibitions, presentations, conferences, corporate celebrations.

5. Event floristry.

Event floristry is the creation of compositions, garlands, and the design of columns. An event could be: an anniversary, a fashion show, an award ceremony, a graduation, New Year etc.

Pros of being a florist

1. Creative profession.

Self-realization in life is important to creative people; they like to create beauty. In this profession you can create beautiful bouquets, compositions, paintings, designing shop windows and then photographing them, creating a portfolio of your work.

2. Shift work.

Many people don't like working 5 days a week and sitting in an office, so they look for a job with a schedule. The standard work schedule for florists is 2 days every other day. This is very convenient, because on your 2 days off you can walk with the children, ride a bike, roller skate, go to the cinema, shop or beauty salon.

3. Learn new things.

Florists usually get information for new ideas. They read books, magazines, sometimes they are sent to master classes from work. Florists make not only bouquets and flower arrangements, but also hairpins, bracelets, flower bags, panels, collages, paintings from fresh and artificial flowers.

Nowadays, many florists not only sell flowers, but also make bouquets from sweets, toys, socks, tea and coffee.

3. Buy flowers at a discount.

The nice thing about working as a florist is that you can buy flowers for yourself at a discount for holidays for your loved ones.

4. Work close to home.

For many people, the dream is to work close to home. In order not to waste time and money on travel to work, you can find the nearest flower salon or creative workshop to you and get a job there.

5. Meet interesting people.

When decorating a hall, a banquet, or on floristry forums, you can meet interesting people.

Negative aspects of the florist profession

1. Salesperson-cashier.

Abroad, florists only create bouquets, but in Russia a florist is an ordinary seller. Who stands behind the cash register, works with money and sells goods. Sometimes the work book may be written not by a florist, but by a cashier-seller.

2. Medical book.
In order for a person to start working in a store, he needs to get a medical record. And most often he does it with his own money.

3. Work on your feet.

When flowers are brought to the store, they need to be processed in order to be put on display, then the bouquets need to be assembled for display - all this is done on their feet.

4. Wash floors and vases.

To save money, employers do not take individuals and everything is done by the florist. I collected a bouquet, I need to wash the floors and tidy up. Many people change the water in the flowerpots every day, which means that you need to take the vase with flowers, bring it to the sink and pour out the water. Then wash the vase, pour fresh water, process the flowers and bring them back to the refrigerator where the flowers are stored.

5. Hands.

Hands look very bad when doing this kind of work. Water makes the skin on your hands very dry, hangnails appear on your fingers, and sometimes cuts from the prickly thorns of roses and floral tools are possible.

6. Work on holidays.

Shift work means that sometimes workdays will fall on weekends and holidays. On holidays, the majority of the population buys flowers. There are queues in flower stalls and shops; there are a lot of orders for bouquets and arrangements. Sometimes these days all the florists go to work.

Working as a florist is in demand in Russia. You can see many vacancies on job search sites. To be or not to be a florist is up to you to decide.

Not a single wedding is complete without the services of a florist: arranging the bride’s bouquet, decorating the hall, creating a flower arch and screen are difficult to do on your own. But people of this profession decorate not only celebrations, they make everyday days more beautiful. It's nice to look at a harmoniously composed composition of flowers, a neat flower bed, beautiful landscape in the park. All this is the work of the florist.

What is floristry

Floristry comes from the Latin flora - “flower, plant”. It is a type of design, decorative and applied art, where compositions are created from a variety of natural materials: flowers, tree bark, dried leaves, berries, dried flowers, etc. A person who masters the art of floristry knows how to correctly combine plant types, colors, and materials for composition. Like other forms of art, floral design has its own styles and techniques.

Profession florist

The florist profession originates in Ancient Greece. More than 3,000 years ago, the Greeks began to actively use flowers and fruits to decorate ceremonial wands. Everyone knows wreaths, which served not just as decoration, but as a reward, and were widespread in Greece and Rome. In India, flowers were presented only to loved ones. And the East is famous for a separate trend that is still popular - ikebana. Various plants have long been used in heraldry, depicted on the coats of arms and flags of states, settlements.

The specialty of a florist is not considered widespread. People working with flowers, trees, natural materials, they do it mostly for the soul, because they themselves enjoy the result of their labors. Just 10 years ago there was no requirement to work as a florist. special education, but the growing demand for skilled labor has pushed educational institutions to introduce this area into their training programs.

Since 2009, the profession has been officially registered in the state list of specialties, which has allowed technical schools and universities to provide training in the profession, and organizations to include them in their staffing schedules. It can be said with full justification that a florist is a professional creator engaged in plant design.

What does a florist do?

At first glance the work floral designer may seem narrowly specialized, but the responsibilities of a florist are varied and depend on the specialization - decorator, store salesperson, landscape designer. A representative of this profession must be able to:

  • make bouquets, panels, garlands, and other flower arrangements;
  • sell ready-made bouquets;
  • decorate rooms, shop windows, etc.;
  • care for “working” plants and flowers;
  • create landscape compositions, figures;
  • participate in the landscaping of gardens, control the planting of plants, for example, in park areas;
  • Sometimes you have to independently select, grow, and care for the plants you need for your work.

What does it work with?

To create his composition, the florist uses various types of plants - indoor, garden, decorative, dried, potted flowers. Required for creative work and auxiliary materials, for example:

  • to work with flowers, shrubs, grass, trees you will need scissors, pruning shears, and a knife;
  • to strengthen the composition - floral foam, wire, glue, ribbons, pins, paper;
  • for decoration, adding showiness, aesthetics - beads, rhinestones, sparkles, scraps of fabric, sweets, soft toys, etc.;
  • containers - baskets, pots, vases, boxes, etc.

How much does he earn

Representatives of creative professions and commercial workers are rarely given a fixed salary. The income of a florist who combines these two criteria depends on the level and quality of the product provided and the number of sales. For example, before the holidays, the demand for flowers increases, which means a percentage is added to the salary.

An important criterion is specialized education: serious companies, wedding salons, studios offer a good salary, making demands on the presence of a “crust”, portfolio, and work experience. A specialist earns on average from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles. Wages representative of this profession differs in different regions of the Russian Federation and is slightly below the regional average. Its highest level was recorded in Moscow.

How to become a florist

Florist is a creative profession, therefore, in order to become a good specialist, you must initially have certain inclinations, talent, and desire to work in this field. Educational institutions provide an opportunity to learn the intricacies, acquire skills of this profession, hone skills, which will help in further work by specialty.

Requirements for a florist

The profession of florist initially goes to people who love and want to work with flowers, herbs, and create something beautiful that beautifies the world. When working with plants, the designer will have to frequently contact people, discuss the nuances of the future creation, etc. The following qualities, abilities, and requirements for those wishing to work in the specialty can be identified:

  • artistic taste;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance;
  • accuracy;
  • communication skills;
  • no allergies to plants;
  • availability of knowledge about the care and other characteristics of plants, for example, their compatibility with each other, relevance to a specific person, occasion, etc.

Flowers have always accompanied people. At all times, flowers were admired and treated, they were marveled at, pictures were painted from them, songs and poems were dedicated to them, music was written to them. In addition, they were given as a sign of love and respect, and interiors were decorated with flowers. Flowers were also used in heraldry. It is known from history that once upon a time the state emblem of Sweden featured a wreath of cornflowers. On the coat of arms of Belarus, flowers are located among ears of corn, entwined with ribbons.

Flowers are also on the coat of arms of such states as Bosnia, Herzegovina, South Korea, Bangladesh. There were images of flowers on banknotes and coins. For example, images of roses were embossed on coins in Greece, and flowers and lotus buds were depicted on coins in Egypt. In Sicily, the coins of the city of Genna bore the image of violets. However, the image of flowers was placed on coins not only because of their beauty, but also to prevent counterfeiting of banknotes.

The concept of floristry

Floristry is a type of decorative and applied art and is based on the use of natural dried materials. An integral part of floristry is the art of arranging bouquets, which are distinguished by great variety. Here are some of them:

  • The Biedermeier bouquet is considered historical. It appeared in the first quarter of the 19th century. It has the shape of a hemisphere.
  • Bouquet Victoria. In this historical bouquet the number of flowers reaches one hundred.
  • Bouquet Pompadour. It is based on roses arranged in two rows. It owes its name to the favorite of King Louis 15 of France.
  • The bride's bouquet is composed mainly of a limited assortment of plants, taking into account the stylish outfit of the newlywed.
  • A boutonniere is a rather small bouquet or even a single flower decorated accordingly.

A little history

The profession of florist, like floristry itself, has also existed for quite a long time. It is believed that the name of this profession comes from the name Flora, who was the goddess of flowers in ancient Rome. It has long been noticed that where a person decorates his life with flowers or even dried flowers, people smile much more often, they are friendly and easily endure all troubles and adversities, since compositions with flowers created by florists affect a person’s mood in life. better side, delighting him with her beauty.

It is known that almost every country has its own plant-symbol. So in Japan it is a sakura branch, in China it is a peony. The history of Ireland has also been associated with daffodils, and the birch tree has also been considered a symbol of Russia for a long time. However, the first book on floristry appeared in Rome only in 1633, but in Russia such a manual was first published only in 1913.

Florist work

What is the job of a florist? First of all, when starting work, the florist comes up with an artistic image that reflects his specific thought or idea. Then he selects the appropriate one for the intended image. color scheme, selects materials and proportions, putting his own inner world, as well as experience and of course knowledge.

But still, the main condition for the work of a florist is his rich imagination and aesthetic taste, as well as the ability to think outside the box, since each flower, when experimented with it, reveals itself in a completely unexpected way.

Of great importance in the work of florists are certain skills in communicating with people. After all, as the work progresses, the florist has to listen carefully to the customer, tactfully making his suggestions and recommendations, without imposing his opinion. In addition, every florist must certainly have willpower and the ability to focus on his goal. However, no personal problems should influence his work.

Where do florists work?

Today, florists can work in many institutions, for example, such as specialized flower shops, registry offices, art salons, and interior design studios. People of this profession necessarily work together with biologists, interior designers, graphic designers, photographers and fashion designers. Florists decorate shop windows, offices, residential premises and television studios, make bouquets, and participate in the preparation of various shows and fashion shows. Quite often, florists publish their masterpieces in magazines.


In conclusion, let's summarize. The creativity of florists helps create a wonderful mood, gives people a feeling of peace, improves their state of mind, and increases activity. True florists are well versed in the language of flowers and herbs, creating their masterpieces even from the most ordinary plants. But, like many other professions, this profession has its pros and cons.

  • There is a constantly growing need for florists in the labor market.
  • Excellent salary.
  • Self-sufficiency.
  • The high cost of floristry courses.
  • Health problems, that is, people who are allergic to any plants, such as pollen, as well as those who suffer from frequent headaches and are prone to skin diseases, cannot work as florists.
  • A wide variety of knowledge is required, for example, in art history, botany, the world of natural colors, as well as the laws of spatial organization and compositional principles. In addition, this profession requires certain skills and abilities to work with people, which is not available to everyone.

And one last thing. When choosing this profession, you must remember that the decision made should not only be the main occupation, but it must certainly correspond to the florist’s lifestyle and social circle.

The name of this specialty was given by the goddess of flowers - Flora. In this regard, the question “who is the florist” cannot, in principle, arise. A florist is a person whose purpose is to give people joy with the help of beautifully composed compositions. When men and women are presented with bouquets of their favorite flowers, their mood automatically improves.

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What exactly do florists do and where do they work?

This profession is in demand almost everywhere.

It is impossible to imagine, for example:

  • without flowers and bouquets;
  • anniversary or celebration held on fresh air,
  • in the banquet hall, also always according to tradition, they are decorated with abundance flower arrangements.
  • a young man going on a date should take with him a lush or modest bouquet,
  • even in serious institutions - in banks or tax offices - you can often see vases with.

And the florist, guided by his artistic flair, creates all these floral masterpieces.

First, this specialist:

  1. comes up with an idea
  2. selects appropriate materials,
  3. makes his dream come true.

Interesting that if a florist has unconventional thinking and the ability to see things from an unexpected side, then even the most modest and inexpensive bouquet will be able to make a huge impression on the person to whom they are going to give it.

Florists are welcome in such institutions and organizations as:

  • modeling agencies, where they will design the space intended for filming;
  • Registry offices, where the florist always has a lot of work to do to emphasize the beauty and freshness of the bride and the presentability of the groom with appropriate floral decorations;
  • in television studios and art salons: the florist can add the necessary accents and any room will become simply unique.

A florist can work in tandem with a designer to create bouquets that will highlight the beauty of the interior. At the same time, he can use both dried and fresh flowers, and the choice of the shape and volume of the composition rests entirely on his shoulders.

No matter how talented a florist is in his field, he will not be hired without the ability to communicate with people. The florist will have to patiently listen to the wishes of clients, who, by the way, can be very capricious and demanding, delicately make adjustments, and be able to colorfully describe positive aspects product and at the same time not seem intrusive.

Among the personal qualities of the florist, the following should prevail:

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  • hard work . Plants need regular care: some need frequent watering, others are fed, and in order to extend their life, the florist must constantly work, not forgetting about his pets for a second;
  • inspiration . A florist, like air, needs periodic bursts of imagination and courage to realize his ideas. Sometimes the combination of these two qualities leads to the creation of unusual and very beautiful compositions;
  • physical endurance . A florist is not just a generator of ideas, he is also an employee who will have to do difficult work: lifting heavy pots, rearranging containers with flowers, and replanting plants every day. All this requires good physical preparation.

A qualified florist has a wide variety of knowledge:

  • he is well versed in the world of natural colors,
  • has knowledge of history and botany,
  • has an understanding of the laws of space organization and compositional principles.

In essence, what a florist is is a person for whom floristry is, first of all, not just a means to provide for oneself financially, but a favorite activity or hobby.

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There is probably no person who has not heard the word “floristry”, however, not everyone has a complete understanding of what it is or does not even know what it is about. Let’s dispel your understanding of this word a little and give a full definition of the term “floristry”.

In general, the term “floristry” means knowledge of the laws of composition, the ability to combine different plants, and also color schemes to obtain a uniquely beautiful bouquet. It’s not a sin to say that bouquets compiled by florists are masterpieces. However, you ask, why do ordinary people need it?

With the onset of spring, you really want to inhale the aroma of flowers, you really want to enjoy the spring colors - all this pushes you to reconsider the room in which you live with your family and you have a desire to redo something in order to transform the space around you.

Profession florist - training

It is here and now that the skills of a florist who can create works of art from ordinary things will come in handy. However, if you want to become a florist, desire alone is not enough, you will have to spend an average of about 17,000 rubles in order to take floristry courses in Moscow, however, this is just the beginning. From time to time, being a florist will require new knowledge and opportunities from you, and it will take you about 3 years to become a professional florist.

Profession designer florist

Believe me, this is not wasted money. The fact is that today floristry has occupied a strong niche in the art of design. Having the basics of floristry, you can independently arrange holiday bouquets and compositions, decorate the halls at special events, and also make gifts for your friends and family yourself. Where else to go to study to become a florist?

Today, a huge number of establishments, including exhibition halls and salons, need the services of professional florists. restaurants, cafes, bars, fashion stores and flower shops.

A beautiful composition made by a florist and standing on the window of any such store is an opportunity to attract a potential buyer and increase the number of sales by a particular enterprise. In addition, florists have recently become popular when creating the interior of a room.