Calculate occupational indicators in the natal chart. Astrological indicators of the profession of an astrologer-consultant. Moon and driving need

Understanding your purpose is oh so difficult.
This is one of the main questions that takes into account several factors:
- biological heredity;
- social environment;
- socionic type of a person and his temperament (psychological type);
- financial opportunities for realizing abilities;
- personal needs (satisfaction from work, favorite activity, social recognition or financial success).

Astrology comes to the rescue! Astrological professional consulting is gradually becoming one of the most popular services in the field of astrology. However, it can only be effective up to a certain age. After all, there comes a time in the lives of most people when changing their profession becomes fundamentally impossible. Therefore, the age threshold for counseling should be lowered down to childhood in order to identify the individual’s abilities with a view to their further development.

Diagnosis of vocational orientation can be carried out based on the date, time and place of birth of a person. The general distribution of the planets of the solar system in the natal horoscope determines the predisposition to one or another type of activity.
At the same time, the tenth house makes it possible to determine the “personal bar” - what heights a person can achieve, whether he can count on success, recognition or occupy a higher social position than other family members.

The second house will show sources of income, which profession will bring the most tangible material benefits, but since the source of income does not always satisfy the need for self-expression, for example, for a creative person, astrological professional consultation focuses on finding a favorable sphere for the realization of individuality, rather than sources of enrichment. In general, horoscopes are very rare in which the sphere of realization of a person as an individual coincides with the sphere of profit. That’s why they say “a job you love is happiness” or “it’s good when work brings both pleasure and money.”

Below is a diagram that can be used even by a non-professional astrologer, having in front of him a natal chart or birth horoscope. Within the narrow framework of the stated goal, they can be considered the following questions:

Independent work or service?

There are people who work better alone, when the work is not strictly regulated, when a person sets tasks for himself and solves them, and there are those who find it easier to work in a group, team, requiring outside incentives.

An unmistakable criterion for a lone worker is - Mercury retrograde, suggesting a profession with elements of creativity. Piecework payment is also possible, depending on the person himself, and not on the entire team. Working “from bell to bell” is harmful for such a person.

Leader or subordinate?

Young people have a certain stereotype that it is better to be a boss than a subordinate. And only with age comes the understanding that management is a complex process that requires a lot of knowledge and psychological endurance.

Jupiter in the tenth house gives the makings of a leader and also facilitates career advancement.
Retrograde Saturn partly releases the brakes on the path to success.
The makings of a leader are present if:
- Mars in the 1st house;
- Mercury - not combust and not retrograde;
- non-retrograde Jupiter in the II, IV, VI or XI houses.

Overall show best abilities male leaders can: Sagittarius, Aries, Taurus and Gemini.
The best female leaders are Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.
The sign of Scorpio and Capricorn produces the most competitive employees or tough fighters in terms of doing business.
Cancers, Virgos and Pisces do not know how to manage people (even if they are already doing this...)

How to become a Guru?

Astrological statistics show that good teachers come from those who have natal chart the following signs:

Mercury in the 1st house. Teacher by vocation;
- Jupiter in the II house. Profit from teaching activities;
- Jupiter in the XII house. Teacher for the few (Guru).
- Moon and Jupiter (being in the same sign). Social worker, kindergartens and educational institutions, working with difficult teenagers, caring for orphans, etc.

To treat or not to treat?

The presence of such planets as Mars and Neptune in the tenth house at the same time opens great opportunities in the medical field, in which, as we know, the vocation is incredibly difficult to achieve.
The following signs give green in the field of medicine:

Mars in the 1st house. Surgeon.
- Saturn in the 1st house. Dentistry and orthopedics.
- Mars or Neptune in Capricorn or Libra. Therapist. Pediatrician.
- Uranus in the 1st house. Electrotherapy, computed tomography, etc.
- Pluto in the 1st house. Homeopathy and alternative medicine.
- Moon in Scorpio. Andrology, obstetrics and gynecology.

What about talent?

Art requires talent... Abilities and talents are not the same thing. Triangles serve as indicators of talent. The more triangles in the horoscope, the more gifted the person is.
The talent triangle requires the participation of Venus in combination with two other planets (except Saturn) in signs such as Libra, Taurus, Pisces or Cancer. For example, Venus, Neptune and the Moon in Taurus. If Mercury is retrograde, then this is a born artist.
Mercury retrograde is very useful for people of art, unlike those who are used to doing more than imagining.

In general, Taurus or Libra according to the zodiac sign (Sun in Libra or Taurus) - gives an understanding of harmony and taste (designers, artists, fashion designers). Gemini, Cancer, Aquarius (Sun in Gemini, Aquarius or Cancer) are the signs that predominate among poets and prose writers.

- Venus in the II house. Opportunity to earn money in the field of art;
- conjunction of Mars in the 1st house with Mercury. Multi-media specialist, translator, journalist;
- Venus in Pisces, as well as filled Scorpio (two or three planets), especially if the time of birth is at night, gives an ear for music and a voice.
- Venus or Neptune in the 2nd house – answers affirmatively to the question “is it worth teaching a child music?”
- Neptune, Moon and Mercury in the same sign - fine arts;
- aspect of Neptune with Saturn - dancing, ballet;
- Moon in Leo - artistic abilities;
- Moon in Aries or Scorpio – directing, theater, the sphere of illusions, cinematography, television.

Business, economics and finance

For a more successful career in economics and business, the following characteristics are required:
- absence of planets in the XII house;
- absence of the Moon in the 1st house;
- Jupiter in the first house (luck in business).

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Once, one of my friends, who, like me, was involved in astrology, said that career guidance is the most popular question among her friends. Maybe. Although those around me were more interested in relationships. I can assume that this friend’s acquaintances were more serious and rational people, while mine were in the clouds of romance. Nevertheless, career guidance is truly an important, interesting and complex issue: professions are like fish in the sea.
There are also those that we haven’t even heard of - panda huggers, for example, or pearl divers, arborists - tree healers, and there are even monstrologists who study some kind of monsters.And therefore it is completely unclear what we should choose from this variety of useful activities. It is desirable that they also bring money and make them happy. And there was time left for personal life. Dreams, dreams... So, unfortunately, our dreams do not always coincide with the harsh reality. And we work more often to make money, rather than for pleasure. In the worst case scenario, the cat cried out for that money. The birth horoscope - the natal chart - will help us understand our capabilities in acquiring social status. The stars, as always, have already decided almost everything for us - all that remains is to decipher it. By the way, as a child I wanted to become a ufologist. Then a criminologist. Actually, I studied for it, but I always worked in a completely different field - and it is written in my natal chart. Where do we start? Let's start with the Houses.

The 10th House is responsible for social status, career, career guidance - angular, cardinal, this is the highest point of the horoscope. The 10th House is one of the most significant of the four Houses of the horoscope. The symbolic significator of the House is Saturn, the Zodiac sign is Capricorn - everything that is businesslike, strict and serious. Of course, each of us has our own individual ruler of the 10th House, because... Each cusp of the 10th House falls in its own Zodiac sign. If the cusp of your 10th House is in Libra, then your ruler is Venus. Also, planets in the 10th House will influence our professional inclinations; in addition to the sign in which the cusp falls, there will probably be another sign in the 10th House that will undoubtedly affect our profession. To make a judgment, we need the 6th House - ministries, which represents our workplace and work colleagues. 2 House – the house of money and other movable property, which will tell us where we will get this money from. Let us pay attention to the fact that all these earthly houses and their symbolic signs are Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus, and the signs of the Earth, as we know, are responsible for the material basis of life.

If the cusp of the 10th House falls into earthly signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), the person stubbornly and persistently goes towards his goal; in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) - a person chooses humanitarian professions, finds a good language with people, which helps him grow professionally; Water signs: (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): a person seeks emotional satisfaction from work, adapts well to changing circumstances, uses intuition.

So, to make a judgment, look:

10th House - a sign on the cusp of the 10th House and another sign, if any, of the ruler of the 10th House - its dignity, position in the sign and house, planets in the 10th House, their strength and the Houses they rule. Aspects between planets related to the 10th House and other planets in the chart. We consider the same factors in the 6th House. If the ruler of the 6th House has a position stronger in sign, House or number of aspects than the ruler of the 10th House, then he may well have the strongest influence on the choice of field of activity.

Our career will correspond to the type of career, and the sign in which this planet is located will indicate the way of expression of this planet.

Planets as a pointer to career guidance

Each planet is associated with a number of professions that require higher education or do not require it, and a planet can also describe a profession in different ways - point to it directly or point only to its qualities. Planets that can indicate high social status under certain conditions: Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. If a planet is in one of the professional houses, it is not at all necessary that the person will have this profession; the planet can only indicate the quality of the profession.

Sun- an important determinant of a person’s social status, but a judgment about social status must be made only by the position of three planets in total: the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. If these planets are damaged - Jupiter and Saturn are retrograde or in conjunction with the setting Lunar node, then these moments can significantly hinder professional development. If a person is prescribed a spiritual path by fate, and he is involved in the occult, then for such a person there is no particular need for a high social status. To determine career guidance, a person’s general psychotype is extremely important. Planets in the 1st House determine our self-awareness; they can contradict or confirm our professional inclinations. For example, a person with Saturn in the 10th House but Uranus in the 1st House will not be a clear Saturnian and will be too freedom-loving to be stable in terms of career, especially if there is a negative aspect between them.


The Sun often does not indicate a specific profession, it indicates the House to which the profession will relate. For example, if your Sun is located in the 3rd House, then your profession may well have a connection with the sphere of this House. The Sun is the center of existence, it is the Luminary that gives us vitality and basic motivation. The sign of the Sun and especially the House in which it is located leaves a certain imprint on the profession. The sun can also indicate a person’s place in the profession. The Sun as an archetype gives the desire to take a high place. It is necessary to remember and understand that everyone’s Sun has different values ​​and our status will depend on this - the stronger the Sun, the greater our chances for a career takeoff. Solar professions are creative professions - actors, musicians, poets and other artists. Actors, as a rule, have pronounced Leo and Sun. But the profession cannot be reduced to one planet. Without Neptune and Venus, a good actor cannot be made. An actor with a strong Sun will strive to direct, produce, or create original television programs.But Saturn must also be added to the role of the director. Example: Sun + Neptune + Venus = painting, Sun + Venus + Saturn = architecture.


The moon is a symbol of the feminine principle. Motherhood, everything related to food industry, care, survival, home, homeland, serving the homeland, growing something for food, working with women - this is the Moon. Lunar professions do not give high status, but they also do not indicate low social status. The position of the Moon in the 10th House can indicate work with children or the greater role of a woman, wife, mother in a man’s horoscope. The Moon can also show the strong influence of the mother in choosing the child’s profession if the planet falls on the axis of professional houses. The Moon in the 9th House can also indicate that the mother influenced the choice educational institution. Lunar professions include everything related to care: social services, charitable societies = Moon + Neptune. The Moon in the 10th House also speaks of frequent changes of professions or lack of a certain type of occupation and household. Silver and milk are associated with the Moon - the dairy industry.


Mercury is the exchange of information, sciences that require analytical thinking, Mercury in the second house will indicate earnings through intermediary activities or trade. Mercury is linguists, logisticians, consultants, operators, writers, philologists, mail, media, secretarial work, couriers, waiters, tailors and other sewing professions, libraries, publishing houses, everything related to short trips. Mercury is involved in the profession of a driver along with other planets (Mars, for example), in combination with Jupiter Mercury gives a talent for learning foreign languages.


Venus - responsible for applied art, style, beauty of form,

photography (Neptune + Venus), design, makeup, cosmetology, dating services, confectionery industry. Venus is also responsible for judges as a symbol of justice, because she is the ruler of Libra. The sphere of action of Venus includes all sports that require plastic surgery in combination with Mars: dancing, figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics. Venus also participates in the reproduction of musical compositions as the beauty of the voice in the choir together with the Sun (theatricality), Saturn (solfeggio, sense of rhythm), Neptune (sense of higher spheres), Mars (voice power).


Mars is responsible for professions associated with activity, independence, risk and pressure.The military “walk” under Mars, because Ares is, after all, the god of war. Due to the fact that the army is a structure, Saturn helps Mars in military affairs. Whether he is a soldier or a general is determined by the strength of the Sun. Sports are a typical Martian area, because... The motto of Aries, ruled by Mars, is to be first. Team players usually have a pronounced 11th House. In medicine, Mars represents surgery,it involves quick actions at the level of instinct, instant decisions, endurance, physical strength, and courage. Mars is: firefighters, racing drivers, law enforcement agencies, police, informal groups, gangs in the formation of which Pluto helps Mars. Mars also gives carpentry and turning work; Mars is ruled by loaders, builders, professions related to metal - blacksmiths, also car mechanics, drivers. It is difficult for Martians to work in a team, as a rule, if Mars is in the House of Profession -a person tends to work alone.


A person with high Jupiter located above the horizon in the 9th, 10th, 11th Houses always wants to take a good position in society. If Jupiter and Saturn are weak, then fate will lead you away from the path to achieving high status, because A person has other evolutionary tasks, and he should pay attention to something else. It will be difficult for such a person to occupy a high social position.

Jupiter is responsible for the highest government positions, ministries, prestigious positions, professions related to foreigners, knowledge transfer, higher education, ideology, religion, philosophy, sociology, economics and finance, law, tourism.


Saturn gives either a high professional status (if it is high + high Sun and good Jupiter) or, on the contrary, and more often - hard, forced routine work, work “from call to call”. Saturn means middle managers, managers, military (Saturn + Mars), customs officers, archivists, realtors. Saturn will indicate statistical data collection, censorship, as well as criminal gangs, prisons, correctional facilities, and funeral services along with Pluto.


Uranus as an indicator of profession will give fluctuations and changeable status. All new technologies, innovation, electricity, electronics, programming, ufology, futurology, astrology are moving along Uranus.


Neptune suggests a foggy, unclear situation, an uncertain social status, but it will indicate an actor, musician, psychologist, healer or professional fortune teller. It also gives professions related to the sea, cinema, in particular the fantasy genre. The alcohol industry and pharmaceuticals are under Neptune. Religion is also Neptune (with a touch of Saturn, if we mean the Church as



Pluto is psychoanalysis, army, special forces, racketeering, mafia, police, riot police. If a person has a pronounced Pluto, the person can control the crowd. Nuclear power. Nuclear power plants (Pluto + Uranus). Geology, paleontology, seismology.

Let's not ignore Lunar nodes. The North Node will work like Jupiter, the South Node like Saturn. The South Node will help in your career, the North Node will slow down your growth.

Let's briefly consider what a sign on the cusp of the 10th House can give:

Aries– they prefer professions in which they can emphasize and express their individuality, professions that are characterized by competition, military affairs, and sports.

Taurus- will choose a profession related to the material and practical side of life, such as land, money, economics, or it will be the sphere of beauty - jewelry making, design art.

Twins– they are characterized by all types of communications and intellectual activity, and may have more than one profession at the same time.

Cancer– family business, work with women, children, social services, collecting.

Lion– high position in society, political, acting activities, all professions in which you can shine and be in sight.

Virgo– putting things in order, improving, analyzing, research activities, accounting, can also be writers.

Scales– fashion and beauty, diplomacy, architecture, decor, talent in negotiations.

Scorpion- the sphere of politics, marketing, finance and insurance, intelligence activities, psychology, investigation, propensity for professions associated with danger and risk.

Sagittarius– international activities, career in the field higher education, travel, culture, philosophy.

Capricorn- employees of government agencies, administrative bodies, activities related to politics, real estate, they are also characterized by working with older people, if this is a doctor, then he can be a dentist or orthopedist. Possible work in the field of archeology and history. very important! Each of us should certainly have a hobby. Even if, to our chagrin, we do not see prospects in some business that we like on the map, even if we are not particularly talented in it, but still, this does not mean at all that we should abandon it. Let us have an activity that brings pleasure. By the way, the 5th House of the horoscope is responsible for hobbies. At the very beginning of the story, I said that as a child I wanted to be a ufologist. So: I'm one step away from my dream! Astrology, astronomy, then Martian, and then we’ll get down to establishing interplanetary communications :)

The ruler of a profession is determined using two methods: by the Sun and by the culminating sign. Thus, observation should be made of the planet which, at its morning appearance, is nearest to the Sun, as well as of the planet located in the Midheaven in astrology, especially when it is in the place of the Moon; if both of the above places are occupied by the same star, then it should be used and only that one; in the same way, if one of these places is not occupied by any star, then the one located in the second is used.

How to choose a profession according to astrology

It is necessary to consider the star that appears in the east after the Sun, as well as the one that is in the Midheaven or in a friendly aspect to it, especially if it forms an aspect to the Moon; and if the same star is strong in both respects, we consider only that which is asked.

If we do not find strength in both respects, but only in one, then only this should be taken into account when choosing a profession; if one star appears in front of the Sun, and another in the Midheaven and is in a friendly aspect with the Moon, it is necessary to take them both into account, giving preference to the one that is stronger in possession.

If the star does not form aspects and is not in the Midheaven, then the ruler of the MC will point us to the position and occupation to which the native is inclined to apply his strength: at least we will recognize the business that he will have the opportunity to do in life (since the placement of stars in astrology inclines some to idleness). In this way things concerning the master of the profession are recognized.

How to determine the type of profession by stars

The type of profession becomes known from the properties of three stars (depending on which one is responsible for the profession), namely:

  • Mars,
  • Venus
  • and Mercury
  • and from the signs in which they are found.

Mercury gives writers, businessmen, accountants, school teachers, merchants, money changers, theologians, astrologers, and those who live by the teaching and explanation, scholarship and gifts of others; and if Saturn in astrology indicates Mercury, they will either rule others, or become interpreters of dreams, or prophesies in churches; if Jupiter testifies to Mercury, they will be portrait painters, orators, sophists, acquaintances of prominent people.

If Venus rules over a profession, then those created by it will learn what the smell of flowers and ointments is, will become acquainted with wines and paints, tinctures and spices.

These will be pharmacists, winemakers, wine merchants, apothecaries, weavers, spice merchants, painters, dyers, clothing sellers; and if Saturn testifies to Venus, she will give birth to merchants of haberdashery and jewelry, sorcerers, poisoners, deceivers and the like; but if Jupiter testifies to Venus, they will become warriors, squires, to whom the favor of women will bring glory.

And Mars in astrology, ruling the profession, in aspect with the Sun, will create those whose work is connected with fire: cooks, smelters, stokers, crushers, brave men; but being in conjunction with the Sun, it will give birth to shipbuilders, carpenters, tillers, stonemasons, lumberjacks, and other workers.

If Saturn indicates Mars, then these will be sailors, cellar emptiers, animal eaters, cooks, butchers. If the evidence comes from Jupiter, then when choosing a profession, soldiers, servants, tax collectors, innkeepers, customs duty collectors, and priests will appear.

When one of the planets is at the point of morning appearance nearest to the Sun, and the second is associated in astrology with the Midheaven and the Moon, we should take both into account, giving preference to the one which, due to its strength, has more reasons for dominance, according to the diagram given earlier.

If there is no morning rising of any star, or none of them is located in the Midheaven, then we must take the ruler of the last region, noting the randomness of the person's activities, for the natures having such a birth chart are for the most part very inactive. This is how we will determine the planet that rules the activity.

Cases when several stars influence the choice of profession

Two stars, who together turned out to be managers of the profession,

  • if it is Mercury and Venus, they will create musicians, composers, and those who deal with musical instruments, songs and poetry, especially if they do not sit still: these will be actors, actors, slave traders, manufacturers musical instruments, dancers, musicians playing the string instruments, jumpers, in other words acrobats, wax workers, painters;
  • and if Saturn testifies, then these will be dealers in women's jewelry. And if Jupiter testifies, then they will be lawyers, government officials, teachers, people's rulers.
  • If Mars and Mercury together turn out to be the masters of craftsmanship in astrology, then they will give birth to sculptors, gunsmiths, engravers of church utensils, animal trainers, wrestlers, surgeons, prosecutors, adulterers, criminals, people forging signatures; if there is evidence of Saturn, then these will be murderers, clothing thieves, greedy thieves, cattle rustlers, sorcerers.
  • If Mars and Venus rule, they will give dyers, pharmacists, masters of tin and lead, silver and gold, dancers with weapons, pharmacists, cultivators, doctors who treat with medicines;
  • if Saturn testifies, they will take care of sacred animals, will be sextons when choosing a profession, mourners and musicians at funerals, enthusiasts dealing with sacraments, mourning and blood;
  • if Jupiter gives evidence, then they should be priests, soothsayers, guardians of shrines, rulers of women, interpreters, and those who live by occupations of this kind.

Signs in which the lord of the profession is located in the horoscope

In addition, the properties of the signs in which the ruler of the profession is located determine the type of profession; human contribute to all sciences and activities that are associated with people; and quadrupeds 10 incline to work with metal, trade, construction, blacksmithing and carpentry; tropical signs and equinoxes - to interpretation, activities related to measurement and exchange, agriculture and priesthood; earth and water signs - to activities related to water and near water, collecting medicinal plants and shipbuilding.

On the other hand, if the Moon itself is responsible for the profession and has, together with Mercury, an aspect from Mars or the Sun, in Taurus, Capricorn, and Cancer it will give clerics and priests; in Sagittarius and Pisces - mourners and those possessed by the devil; in Virgo and Scorpio - wizards, astrologers, oracles, predictors; in Libra, Aries and Leo - enthusiasts, dream interpreters, sorcerers.

Thus, they are recognized various types professions; but the degree of inclination towards them is determined by the strength of the governing stars; being eastern or angular, they will make the profession important, but being western or distant from the angular, they will make it secondary.

If the positive indicators in the horoscope are strong, then the occupation will be serious, meaningful, sustainable, bringing glory and happy. If the ruler of the profession has unfavorable indicators, the occupation will be secondary, inglorious, unprofitable and unreliable.

In astrology, Saturn counteracts with coldness and confusion of colors, while Mars counteracts with insolence and divulging secrets; and both oppose the perfection of the profession; but the main point of success or failure in an activity depends on the location of the stars that give the corresponding effect in relation to the eastern and western corners of the horoscope.

Perhaps the most discussed topic in astrological circles is the method of determining a profession by. Adherents of the classical school announced that it was possible to easily determine what the owner of a horoscope does in life and even organized competitions for neophytes. Of course, everything turned out to be not so simple. Maybe this is why Ibn Ezra does not give a complete method, but simply tells what the sages wrote in their treatises. Moreover, from what our author has stated, it is not at all clear whether he agrees with the principles described.

Sages-astrologers have compiled many books on how to learn the craft of the born. And so, I give you their rule.

Always study Mars, Venus and Mercury and consider their places, whether they are in aspect to each other and in what sign they are.

If we continue the chain, compiled according to the principle of the order of the spheres of the planets, the planet Mars will correspond to the tenth house. This is embedded in the signification of the house, because here we are talking about the active actions that the native takes to gain his own position in society. Let us remember that Mars, along with the Sun, is responsible for, the function of which is to climb the ladder of the social hierarchy as high as possible. Therefore, the tenth house is the house of “sharp elbows”, first of all.

However, what are Venus and Mercury doing here? In order to understand this, one should turn to the text of the Ptolemaic Four Books. In general, there is no point in studying Ibn Ezra without understanding what is the source of his logical constructs. Therefore, I saved the required chapter from the Four Books, taken from, as a separate file, formatting the text for ease of reading and understanding. Download “On the Quality of Activity” by Ptolemy .

For if they are in water signs, the native’s craft will be connected with ships and everything related to transportation by water. If they are in fire signs, his craft will be a jeweler or a blacksmith. If in air signs, craft will be related to the needs of people. If in earth signs- will be born a builder or digger.

This paragraph practically eliminates the need to find a professional significator, but this is the most important part of Ptolemy’s method. The chapter begins with this, and subsequent discussions are layered on top of this. Apparently, the problem is that using Ptolemy’s method, we will not always find the same significator, but after all, a person is busy with something in life, he has a profession. So Ibn Ezra takes all three planets and considers their positions.

The main thing, they say, is that Mars indicates speed and the ability to do hard work, Mercury indicates any craft, and Venus indicates mastery of a craft. What is the strength of each of them, such will be the ability of the one born to the craft.

If Mars alone controls a craft and is located in the house of his Majesty, he will indicate a military leader and a robber. If he is in the house of his Shame, he will be born to bleed.

If the ruler of the native is Mercury, the craft will be associated with the sciences, provided that he does not move backwards. If Mercury moves backward, the native will be a tailor or seamstress.

The thought seems incomplete and chaotic. Where is Venus? And what does the ruler of the born have to do with it? Of course, it affects everything life path the owner of the horoscope, including profession, but our author does not give any explanation in this regard.

And they also said: Saturn has no indications of crafts due to the laziness of the native, only if he is in aspect with the ruler of the craft.

You will determine the ruler of the craft this way: consider the place of Mars, Venus and Mercury and see which planet rules these places. She will be called the ruler of the craft.

Here we are moving very far from what Ptolemy proposes. Ibn Ezra suggests finding Almuten crafts. We are not told how to do this. Apparently, we should use the standard medieval scheme finding the winning planet of the topic. Thus, following Ibn Ezra, any planet can become such a winner, not only Mars, Venus and Mercury, which contradicts what is stated below.

If this planet mixes with Saturn, it will indicate nasty crafts such as leatherwork or parchment making. If both planets are in earthly signs, the native will bury the dead.

Jupiter does not indicate crafts, for it strives for the things of the world to come. But if it is in aspect with the ruler of the craft, it indicates great profit and wealth that the native will gain from the craft and from doing things related to laws and courts.

And the Sun does not indicate craft because of its own pride. But if he is in good aspect with the ruler of the craft, the craft of the born will in most cases be at the royal court.

And the Moon does not indicate a craft because of the stupidity of the native.

Ibn Ezra dismisses Saturn, Jupiter, Sun and Moon. They cannot be the significator of a profession, but they can give a certain color to the activities of the native, in accordance with their nature, and this generally corresponds to the Ptolemaic method.

Hanoch said: If you find the ruler of a craft burnt or moving backwards, in the sixth or twelfth house, and none of the planets is in aspect with the Moon, be born a beggar.

Ptolemy said: always consider the planet east of the Sun. What is the nature of this planet, the nature of its sign, the nature of the planets that are in aspect with it, such will be the craft of the born. And that's true.

Well, thank God! At least here we hear that our author at least agrees with someone.


Of course, the confusion of Ibn Ezra’s presentation and lack of completeness does not make his text unnecessary. We can learn a lot of useful things from there.

However, to make up for what is missing, I will try to show only in general terms how a profession is defined. More precisely, I will try to show how to look for a professional signifier. Of course, this is my understanding of the topic, and is not the ultimate truth:

    See which planet rises before the Sun. At this stage, only Mars, Venus and Mercury are considered. Practice shows that “ solar planet” does not have to rise before the Sun, let it be in the sign of the Sun, preferably not burned. I write “desirable” because it may happen that the burned planet will become our hero.

    We look at the planet with which the Moon will make the next aspect or conjunction. It is good if this planet is in the tenth house or has a ruler in it.

    We look at the angular planets.

    We look at the ruler of the tenth house.

    Up to this point we have only considered Mars, Venus and Mercury. Because if one of these planets is identified at this stage, the profession will be more clearly expressed. In any case, we need to decide which planet of this trinity is most suitable for determining the class of profession, be it Mercury, we will say that it is an accountant, a merchant, a writer... Mars is an engineer, a cook, a hairdresser..., Venus is an artist and etc.

    Now we connect Saturn, Jupiter, Sun and Moon. If we choose one of these planets, we must realize that this is not a profession in its pure form, but something else. For example, the angular Sun may indicate the native's charisma, while Jupiter may indicate general luck. Therefore, such an individual will not be able to move up the professional ladder due to his professional qualities.

    Let us remember that it may well turn out that the owner of the horoscope does not have a profession, and his activities are random.

That's it! Try, search, make mistakes and search again!

What to do in life so that it brings income and joy? What's mine? One of the most important issues, which is asked after college, several years of unpromising work, and also after you have passed forty. Finding yourself is not an easy task. In this article I will show the main principles of how to find your calling, profession according to your natal chart.

What does success consist of?

Typically, astrologers only look at the tenth house to answer our question. But this is only a small part of the information. Let's figure out what is behind a calling, a career?

  1. System- no matter how wonderful your talent is, without systematic approach, experience, it will not give good results.
  2. Talents- yes, your abilities are what makes you unique. But this is only fuel, potential that still needs to be nurtured and turned into results. Planets in the first house, trines, squares (require elaboration).
  3. Event level- a purely astrological moment. Where and how you can apply your skills. Where are you needed by circumstances? Analysis by horoscope houses. For example, Jupiter in IV- my qualities as an expert, teacher, organizer, one who is trusted, my authority is in demand in the field of real estate, family, and home.
  4. Joy in what I do- a factor that is practically not taken into account. From the series: I’ll find myself some kind of job, and then he’ll endure it and fall in love. But in reality, time passes, you don’t hate what you’re doing, but there’s no energy. When you get joy, inspiration from your work, it gives you the strength to develop. The Sun and Ascendant are responsible for this.
  5. Finance- this is the material result of all our thoughts, worldview, plus the circumstances of the external world. What I like is not a fact that will bring me profit. I can be an excellent accountant, but a lot of income is written in the horoscope through real estate, or my own project. The task is to find something that brings joy, finances and is in demand by the outside world.

As you can see, the tenth house is clearly not enough to determine a profession according to the natal chart. This requires synthesis and qualitative analysis of many aspects.

But what is the tenth house responsible for in astrology?

Midheaven, MC, zenith shows how and through what tools you can scale your life, develop a project, achieve goals and success.

Ruler of the tenth house in VII— connections, acquaintances, partners, competition, publicity are for me a powerful tool that moves me to the top.

Consider planets in the tenth house/as ruler as a tool for scaling and achieving goals.

  • Pluto- the ability to manipulate, lead, inspire, motivate, remake, transform, work in emergency mode helps to achieve heights in society.
  • Neptune- intuition, visualization, creativity, imagination.
  • Uranus- the ability to think globally, outside the box, to think in the future, to make predictions, to make friends, to gather people around oneself, the talent of a provocateur, a brawler, a creative.
  • Saturn- the abilities of an administrator, coordinator, organizer, boss, one who checks, controls. Demonstration of experience, results, cases.
  • Jupiter is a strategist, organizer, expert, teacher. Authority, informal respect, spiritual, worldview leadership.
  • Mars- punching through walls with your forehead, the skill of a workaholic, defending your positions and interests.
  • Sun— charisma, leadership, ambition, declaration of one’s uniqueness and desires. Creativity, the ability to ignite and inspire contribute to advancement in society.
  • Venus- skill of a diplomat, peacemaker. Charm, beauty, art. Make a beautiful website, brand.
  • Mercury- the gift of an orator, a mediator, a student who grasps on the fly. Information, knowledge, sales, service, writing, blogging, social media activity.
  • Moon- ability to adapt to environment, conflict-free. Care, guardianship, emotional participation. Please your boss with homemade pies.

How to find your place in life?

Let's move on to the realization of personality. Contrary to popular belief, working for hire will not bring success to everyone. Some will succeed with their own business, others with freelancing.

In reality, most people choose an activity, a niche for business about your Moon, the South Node and their dispositors. This is what is familiar to a person, comfortable. And it seems safe. But often this does not give tangible results, since the full potential of the horoscope is not used.

  • Moon in Gemini- the native can choose work related to papers, communication, provision of services, mediation.
  • Moon in Pisces- This is especially clearly seen among young people who go to study to become actors, designers, creative arts, medicine (helping others).

The first house and its owner are responsible for the social mission, who will show you where you are needed, in demand by circumstances.

Lord of the Ascendant in:

  • I - everywhere, if I show the qualities of my first house.
  • II - where you need to earn money, work, products, things.
  • III - in trade, intermediation, information, communication, transport. Communications, organizer.
  • IV - real estate, family, home environment, traditions, past, homeland.
  • V - creativity, business, children, entertainment, pleasure.
  • VI - Hiring, serving, caring for others, medicine, health, pets. This position often says: for a person to open up, he needs a kick in the form of a boss, mentor, curator, commitment.
  • VII - where you need to communicate, consult, compete, fight (courts, for example). Publicity, connections, partnerships in any form.
  • VIII - where there is pressure, unpredictable situations, risk, where you need to improvise. The sphere of other people's finances, credits, loans, banks, investments, business.
  • IX - abroad, wherever there is an element of foreignness. Teach, be smart, be an expert, informal leader, elite, politics.
  • X - where there is a framework of law, rules, hierarchy, structure.
  • XI - in society, among friends, like-minded people, high technology, freedom of views, freelancing (one of the additional indicators), esotericism, astrology, everything non-standard.
  • XII - spiritual practices, meditation, creativity, psychotherapy. Where you need help. Nature, Abroad. As well as any secret activity. In this situation, it is recommended to show yourself to the world under a pseudonym.

What is the result?

I repeat, to determine the profession from the natal chart a synthesis of all aspects is necessary.