Karmic task by date of birth. Karmic task by date of birth Karmic aspects in the natal chart

Konstantin Daragan Karmic natal analysis

Connection of luminaries and planets with the nodes of the Moon

In the literature on karmic astrology, this factor is rarely mentioned, and this is completely undeserved. Major aspects between the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the axis of the Lunar Nodes- a very important sign. Planets in aspect to the Lunar Nodes are also important, although to a lesser extent (with the exception of conjunctions).

Any group leader personal growth(personal growth trainings) knows - not all students benefit from knowledge, not everyone can, and not everyone even wants to become captains own life. A large number of regular visitors to esoteric groups remain just that: visitors. Moreover, this situation remains the same in completely different groups - in yoga, in astrology, in martial arts, and in psychological workshops. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with this - someone comes to reset excess weight, someone - to find a life partner, someone - to communicate with interesting people... That is, people have a desire to fulfill their other needs, which, however, are also very important. But, on the other hand, there are people who may not even be interested in spiritual practice, but demonstrate an amazing intuitive understanding of how a person himself becomes the builder of his own life.

According to my observations, the presence of major aspects of the Sun and/or Moon to the axis of the Lunar nodes is a sign that a person either intuitively (Moon) or quite consciously (Sun) seeks to gain control over his own life and evolutionary growth. It is for people with such a position in the horoscope that self-improvement is not an empty word. How exactly this will happen will be indicated by the position of the Luminary in the house and its management of the Houses, as well as the position of the axis of the Nodes in the Houses. For example, if the Sun is in the Third House (or rules it), then a person with this position will find many hidden clues about his life and about necessary actions. In the actions of other people, in “random conversations,” in books and science. Or, if, for example, the Moon is in such a connection in the Sixth House, then an intuitive insight about the meaning of one’s own life and karmic tasks will occur in the process of performing everyday duties, or a health disorder may serve as an impetus for this. If there is no major aspect between the Luminaries and the Nodes, then it is difficult for a person to understand karmic relationships in his own life. But at the same time it also gives great freedom. Everything has two sides.

Here it is necessary to make one small digression regarding the essence of the Lunar Nodes. I have already said above that their role in karmic analysis is exaggerated and unreasonably inflated. The Lunar Nodes are perhaps the foremost among the minor factors in karmic analysis. Unlike planets, which symbolize real accumulated life experience, the Lunar Nodes are a fictitious factor, similar to an average value in statistics. The average value is a very useful thing if used wisely and understandingly, but these conditions are not always met. Lunar nodes are an average value associated with the main conductors of the Spirit - the Sun and Moon. The South Node is symbolically associated with accumulated experience, that is, with karma in the proper sense of the word (symbol of a filled jug). The North Node symbolically indicates what in Hinduism is called individual dharma (the symbol of an empty jug) - that is, it is associated with our duty, with what a person must do in this life. But dharma is not a duty in an absolute sense, it is simply a desirable direction of movement in this incarnation. Absoluteizing the role of the Nodes is fraught with incorrect interpretation and interpretation errors. I remember an anecdote about the head physician who made diagnoses based on the average temperature of patients in the hospital under his care...

However, in the presence of major aspects of the planets, and especially from the Luminaries to the Nodes, the role of the Nodes increases noticeably. Harmonious aspects give a person the opportunity to easily and voluntarily seek and find his own purpose. Tense aspects (such as the Sun square to both Nodes) force you to do the same, but this can happen through pressing external circumstances. And this is perceived not as “leading” of the Spirit, but as “pushing” or “pressure”.

The most contrasting situation becomes when one of the Luminaries is in conjunction with the axis of the Nodes. Freedom of self-expression in this case is noticeably limited; the person feels (if the Moon) or realizes (the Sun) that not many paths are open to him. As a rule, the understanding of what needs to be done in this life, or at least in what direction to develop, comes to such people very early. But it also happens (especially in the situation with natal eclipses) when a person is completely deaf to everything that goes beyond the scope of his karmic program. Connections with the North Node are generally perceived much easier, but deviations from the general line of the Nodes programmed in the horoscope are still not welcomed by Fate.

And there should be no imbalance between the Nodes, which for some reason is often overlooked. Sometimes you can even hear ideas that “you can’t live along the South Node” - they say, this is evil, the path of involution. It is forgotten that any extremes do not lead to progress. It is no coincidence that the ancients identified the North and South Nodes with the Head and Tail of the mythical Dragon, which devours the Suns during eclipses. The head absorbs, there is an influx of possibilities all the time. Therefore, the planet in conjunction with the Northern (or Ascending) Lunar Node is forced to actively accumulate experience and learn something new so as not to upset the balance. If, for example, it is Jupiter in the Eleventh House, then life will provide many opportunities for friendship, informal communication, work in teams and corporations. And all of them will not be accidental. This is something that you will have to learn, including collecting and receiving attention, support, and profit. If the planet is on the South Node, it must give up existing skills and experience in order for evolution to continue. The Dragon's Tail is not only a tail (the ancients were sometimes gentle and romantic in terms). And therefore, “stagnation” in the sense of karma is as inappropriate here as in the intestinal tract. In our example with Jupiter in the Eleventh House, if it were in conjunction with the South Node, then the situation would be slightly different. A person’s life would also push him towards collective work, informal associations and public organizations, but the task would be to be able to distribute the already existing Jupiterian benefits among people, perhaps to provide help and support to others.

Attempts to “live” according to only one of the Nodes are apparently wrong in principle. I don’t want to continue the metaphor with the Head and Tail of the Dragon, since the metaphor will turn out to be too anecdotal and will distract from the serious topic. Let’s just note that a balance is necessary between the consumption of the North Node and the output of the South Node, otherwise “interruptions” occur and our Dragon “gets sick” either from overeating or from constipation. The planet, which is in a major relationship with the Nodes, helps to understand their role and use them correctly. This works even if a person knows nothing about astrology and the Lunar Nodes. From practice I can add that a trine and sextile to the Nodes are much softer and more constructive than a square, and definitely more moderate in effect than a conjunction.

And here it is necessary to especially highlight eclipses. In practice, I only had two cases when I knew what caused eclipses in natal chart current birth. In both cases, the current incarnation was preceded by a very harsh karmic experience - wars, concentration camps, severe emotional stress, etc. I am far from drawing conclusions from two cases and I do not think that this is typical. However, I can offer a certain hypothesis. More about this below, in the section " Lunar days, phases, eclipses."

Communication between the luminaries and higher planets

Another important factor that is almost not mentioned in the literature is connection between luminaries and higher planets by major aspects. As I mentioned above, the bulk of my experience in karmic topics was obtained statistically, and the symbolic understanding of certain signatures came later. This is what happened in this case too. The fact is that the higher planets symbolize the collective unconscious, and the Luminaries are the embodiment of the Light of Consciousness. Thus, their aspectual (or even better, aspectual-dispositional) connection is a sign of the experience of interaction with the collective unconscious, with the deep archetypes of the human psyche. In fact, it is a channel between the level of the collective unconscious and the conscious part of our “I”. It is precisely people with such astrological combinations in this incarnation who find it easier to understand esoteric principles and their practical implementation. This also applies to modern psychological techniques, and meditations, and traditional technologies like Yoga, Zen and Taoism meditations, practices " mental prayer"in Christian hesychasm and Muslim Sufism.

Of course, much depends on the nature of the higher planet and the type of aspect connection. I'll say more about this later. But we must first explain one important thing regarding the karmic origin of such signatures.

There is an idea that the higher planets astrologically “did not operate” in the past. This is partly correct. Modern man surrounded by the symbolism of the same Uranus literally on all sides. Electric wires, entangling our apartments, various technical devices and devices, cars passing by, radio waves and mobile communications - the entire urban environment is in one way or another connected with Uranus. This means that the accumulation of karma associated with the principle of Uranus is now much simpler and more dynamic than even three or four centuries ago. But Uranus, as an archetype, acted before. And there were people who developed contact with certain archetypes of the higher planets long before their discovery. And this was not such a rare occurrence as is commonly believed. It’s just that the number of ways through which it would be possible to achieve, for example, a conjunction of the Sun with Uranus in the current natal chart, was significantly less than it is now.

Therefore, when interpreting aspects of luminaries with higher planets, it is necessary to make allowances for the possible nature of higher planets in the past. So aspects with Uranus they talk not only and not so much about astrology in past lives, as is sometimes written, but about practicing practical philosophy or esotericism, about participation in unrest, riots, revolutions. It is possible that such a person was related to science or invention, or was a pioneer or innovator in some field. It is quite noteworthy that Uranus, as an astrological principle, is more than other planets associated with the embodiment of archetypes in life. Then it is easier to explain why many researchers with a strong Uranus (and especially often those who have a conjunction of Uranus with the luminaries) recall that their life in the past was the embodiment or attempt to embody some idea, legend or archetype. Often this is an aspect of the accumulation of wisdom, a previously developed ability to look into the essence of things.

Aspects with Neptune are associated with the experience of the dissolution of the human personality in something greater than a person, in something universal. It is quite logical that a harmonious relationship indicates a voluntary experience, and a tense relationship indicates a forced or destructive one. A person could acquire aspects of luminaries with Neptune through the experience of solitude and isolation in the widest spectrum - life among wildlife, long sea voyages, a monastery, in difficult cases - imprisonment, slavery. Religious practice will also give aspects to Neptune. But not every kind, but only those in which a person is required to regularly experience self-deepening in prayers and meditations. Chemistry, alchemy, and the specialties of a pharmacist or herbalist are much less common. And besides, in difficult cases, it could be the experience of drug or alcohol addiction in the past, the experience of insanity. The aspect of conjunction with Neptune is a clear indicator that a person has acquired enormous experience in “dissolving” his Ego through self-denial or meditation. Often this is an aspect of depth, a huge immersion in something, to the point of fanaticism and loss of connection with the “ordinary world” of people.

Major aspects to Pluto One could earn money from the luminaries by engaging in active transformation processes. This is a sign of tight contacts with very raw and dynamic energy. A common situation in the past is the experience of power, which in most ancient cultures was practically unlimited, even at its lower echelons. To correctly interpret this provision, you need to understand that the measure is the person and his life. The power of a colonel in Moscow and the power of a captain in Far East- this is a completely different experience in terms of the scale of power; the colonel probably will not have such opportunities to express himself. The slave driver in Egypt had the opportunity to transform his Pluto on a scale no less than the general of the Persian Empire. In general, Pluto's karma could be worked through by participating in huge historical transformations. Therefore, war is another area that gives Pluto's imprint in experience. Also, especially with negative aspects, such aspects indicate a long period of struggle for survival in the past. Energy healing or magic in the form of shamanism is much less common, and almost always during conjunctions of the Luminaries with Pluto. Often the aspect of the luminaries and Pluto speaks of the accumulated ability to feel, control and direct energy flows, be it the energy of the crowd, or your own.

If we look from the other side, from the side of the Luminaries, then in general aspects with the Sun they say that a person acquired experience consciously, purposefully and proactively. It is possible that this was a special independent practice or a voluntarily chosen way of life. Therefore, for the corresponding activity in this incarnation, the aspects of the higher planets with the Sun are a very important and very strong factor in their effect. It is more noticeable and more constructive than aspects with the Moon. Aspects with the Moon they say that a person acquired that specific experience under the influence of the environment in which he lived. Moreover, this happened unreflectively, unconsciously, in addition to his conscious will. For example, tense aspects of the Moon with Uranus or Pluto are often a consequence of the fact that a person was drawn into serious social upheavals in the past (revolutions, unrest, wars), which left a noticeable karmic mark on his soul. Aspects of higher planets to the Moon are usually more difficult to work through than similar aspects to the Sun.

To summarize information about the type of aspect, then harmonious connections speak of the progressive, consistent accumulation of karma. For example, harmonious aspects with Neptune are the experience of penetrating the unconscious, acquired as a result of long and gradual practice. But tense aspects are sudden changes. For Neptune, for example, this may be the experience of loneliness, captivity, drugs.

Position of planets in the Twelfth House in the Asc region

In the literature on karmic astrology, it is quite rightly believed that the position of planets in the Fourth and Twelfth Houses is of particular significance in karmic analysis. And here something can and should be added, since this is such an important factor that a karmic analysis could be built on it alone.

Planets in the Asc region - up to 10 degrees in the First House and up to 10 in the Twelfth House- this is a clear sign of what in a professional environment is called “unfinished karmic gestalts.” Simply put, this is evidence of the direct influence of the experience of past incarnations on the present life and on the current personality, a kind of “channel” into our karmic memory.

If the described situation is associated with the Twelfth House, then the personality of such a person in this incarnation is formed under the strong influence of the specific experience of past incarnations. This is a well-described situation in natal astrology - if such a planet is poorly placed or afflicted, then it creates serious psychological problems. Their reason is that incomplete and often traumatic experience breaks into consciousness in the form of obsessions, fantasies and quickly finds fertile soil in the impressions of early childhood. Major and major planets in this position behave much more problematically than minor ones. In severe cases, the unfinished karmic gestalt can be so strong that it comes into conflict with the developing personality and gives rise to neuroses, psychological disorders, even serious mental illnesses.

This is a favorite situation for psychoanalysis - karmic experience takes shape at an early age and is available for analysis using the method of free association. One problem is that the problem (if it exists) is practically not eliminated by the methods of psychoanalysis, since its “root” is located in the space before the current birth. It was attempts to solve this problem that once led to the emergence of transpersonal psychology, and our group led to research into reincarnation therapy.

A harmonious planet in this zone is also not always a gift. Its influence manifests itself in a similar way - as persistent innate preferences, fantasies, abilities, manifested in children's games and repeated strange dreams. As a rule, a person already at a young age becomes accustomed to this feature of his and subsequently accepts it as a given. At the same time, in most cases, he intuitively realizes that the origin of these phenomena is karmic, and all that is needed is a push for this hidden information became aware. You will be surprised how many people with this position experience the activation of fragments of karmic memory under the influence of events of the Twelfth House (illness, forced isolation, etc.), and do not talk about it, fearing an inadequate reaction from others. And if the position of the planet is harmonious, the person, understanding the strangeness of his experience, will not talk about it too much, so that he will not be considered crazy. If the situation is unfavorable, “spontaneous” phobias, intractable diseases or disorders will appear.

It is noteworthy that the constellation described above with a planet in the Ascendant region is so influential that it can even determine the details of appearance, in accordance with the role of the planet in the Ascendant region. Often the appearance has separate, but quite recognizable features, similar to the appearance of a person in one of his past incarnations. In most cases, this manifests itself in the area around the eyes - facial muscles, eye shape, shape of the bridge of the nose, etc. Very often in cases violent death in the past, in this incarnation, a mark on the body will appear in the corresponding zone of the body. But such a planet can even affect the physique if it is strong in status, and especially if it is located in the First House. In fact, a person has a direct task - to complete something unfinished in the function of this planet, which manifests itself at all levels, right down to the physical body.

Symbolically, planets arranged in this way are like a chest buried in the ground. With a copper ring on the lid that is on the surface. You constantly trip over it, but if you “pull” it well, you can “pull out” a lot of interesting things. It should be remembered, however, that often this is not a ring from the lid of a treasure chest, but the tail from an unexploded mine from the last war...

Karmic aspects (blue)

Karmic aspects correspond to the beginning of Yin, since they show the karmic potential accumulated as a result of previous development; this potential organizes our lives or limiting case forms a closed system, then the task of human incarnation will be to break this circle of predestination and move to another level of consciousness. If a person persists in his reluctance to develop, this vicious circle will be repeated from incarnation to incarnation, becoming more and more harsh and turning into fate, fate.

At a low level, karmic aspects appear as blinders on the eyes; a person follows a program of subordination to circumstances, he is like a cog in a mechanism, an irresponsible person, fatally inclined. Unsolvable, fatal events happen to him, putting a person in a hopeless situation.

The problem that the karmic aspect represents can be solved by raising it to another level. To do this, it is necessary to realize the process of karmic predetermination and, using past experience, follow the path of high evolutionary development. For this purpose, there are methods for orienting a person in the sphere of his evolutionary development, which allow one to transform the horoscope, change, transform, transfigure.

You can try to solve problems using the path of force, the path of black magic, while with the help of magical actions you can fit into the circle of predestination and remove the problem, put the situation aside for some time, but the problem is not resolved. On the contrary, the problem indicated by karmic aspects is growing even more and will still overtake the person (in this or the next life) with even greater force.

It is difficult for people with karmic aspects to escape from fate. If the rock factor in the horoscope is strong, a person has a minimum of free will left, he then faces a tough choice: either he breaks himself, changes, or resigns himself and pays his debts. There is a way out of any fatal situation; we need to understand why this situation is given to us, and, having understood, realized it, we need to change internally, then this situation will play out on a different level and will not be so tough.

Fatal situations can also be favorable, but if we are not aware of them, then they both come and go fatally, without bringing evolutionary growth with them to a person. Alexander II was supposed to die at the age of 48, but he took a different path and did not die. We must direct the struggle inside ourselves. The karmic aspect says: “If you don’t change now, you won’t go further.”

By transforming our nature, we can transform events, then the karmic aspects will turn from forces that limit our free will into forces of higher protection. And henceforth, a person will no longer stumble over these problems and will become the master of fate. For such a person, karmic aspects provide an understanding of the mechanism of fate and the possibility of its correction.

Karmic aspects are the most powerful of all. Christianity is based on karmic numbers: 40, 100, 160 - freedom through limitation.

Four types of karmic (blue) aspects.

1. The most important one is nonagon. Formed when the angle between the planets is 40° (360: 9 = 40°). Orb for luminaries ±3°, for planets ±2°. Nonagon is an obvious, constantly operating aspect. Element of Fire. Nonagon manifests itself as duty, demand, order (internal and external), a person will live in accordance with surrounding conventions, and inside there is a sense of responsibility.

The strength of the nonagon is equal to the opposition and the trigon.

In the worst case, the nanogan gives constant debts, subordination, dependence, hopelessness, inability to escape, strict demands, internal inhibition that does not allow a person to do something, although there is an opportunity.

It is difficult to correct nonagon, since it is a constant, stable aspect. Nonagon for a transformed person makes it possible to understand fate and control the situation.

If there is an absolute dominance of karmic aspects in a person’s cosmogram and the person does not change as they require, the circle of predestination becomes even more hopeless. But if a person takes the path of evolutionary development, there is always a way out.

2. Sentagon -- 100°. Explicit, discrete aspect. Orb for luminaries ±2°, for planets ±1.5°. Element of Air.

Sentagon acts suddenly and unpredictably (like a kite from the sky, like a sudden gust of wind) - this is how all discrete aspects act, so Sentagon is perceived stronger than nonagon, which acts constantly. In fact, nonagon is stronger, but since we are not ready to accept discrete aspects, they take us by surprise and therefore seem stronger.

In our life, the sentagon is equal in strength to square and sextile (sextile - sudden help, stabilization, square - sudden blow, disorientation).

Sentagon gives sudden inhibition, hopelessness, tightness. A person suddenly faces debt, order, system, restrictions. At best, a person can suddenly understand the secret mechanism of fate. Sentagon can suddenly protect a person, giving him the ability to unconsciously control the situation.

With karmic aspects there is a way out - sadhana, penance. A person needs to awaken consciousness; karmic aspects help us awaken our inner fire. Karmic aspects have many outlets to the deep levels of existence; yoga can be used as one of the methods. A person can consciously awaken within himself a sense of true direction. Otherwise, man’s destiny is oppression and vegetation.

Every occult student has karmic aspects.

3. Binonagon -- 80°. Binonagon is a hidden, continuously operating aspect. Element of Earth. Orb for luminaries ±1.5°, for planets ±1°. Binonagon acts through the subconscious sphere, through the people who surround us, manifests itself on the periphery of consciousness and acts on our inner “I”. The strength of a binonagon is equal to a quincunx and a sesquiquadrate.

Binonagon gives a constant return, a hidden repeating form, which gives a person the opportunity to get out of the circle, that is, binonagon gives the opportunity to repeat karmic experience in order to use it better.

In the worst case, binonagon gives internal inhibition, secret control, guardianship, internal complexes from which it is difficult to find a way out; a person feels the pressure of fate. In a person's character there is secret inhibition; Before the mysteries of fate, a person becomes passive.

All phenomenal aspects are evolutionary aspects. Thus, when moving to a new level of consciousness, karmic aspects turn into their opposite, free will appears, and a person receives the right to free development. By performing certain actions, a person creates reasons that first give rise to certain restrictions, and then a new vicious circle of fatality is formed so that the person moves to a new level.

4. Half-angle -- 20°. Orb for luminaries ±1°, for planets ±0.5°. Semi-nagon is a hidden, discrete aspect. Element of Water.

Polunagon - awareness of the sacrament, unconscious control - all this happens impermanently, temporarily, through the fields of the environment, the general mood of other people. That is, the general energy field makes us more closed or, on the contrary, developing. Through the environment, there is a reminder to pay debts, the environment forces you to engage in secret affairs, or through the environment, ordering and organization occurs. Half-nonagon is perceived as stronger than binonagon, since it acts suddenly. The more a person lives inner life, the more Yin, hidden aspects affect him.

I sorted mail for two nights in a row. There are a lot of letters. So many. I will answer everything within this week.

I noticed that there was a lot of feedback to “Problem Girl,” or more precisely, to the karmic aspects. For a week before five minutes, the young ladies in love pointed their fingers at their synastry and said what a wonderful romance they had with Misha on Lilith’s trines to Mars, what fantastic sex they had with Vanya on Venus - 0 - Lilith, and so on. The letter usually ended with the phrase “the roof has gone off the rails, Maria.” And I was puzzled by this question: and when did it become fashionable to idolize karmic aspects ? Whose hands is it, admit it? I feel right that someone’s Internet mouth, sitting in the toilet on their YouTube, made another astrological “discovery”. For Globa, the popularizer of Lilith, seems to be on a par with the Venus aspect - Mars did not put her.

Who dared? However, it doesn't matter.

Before analyzing the karmic aspects in synastry, it would be nice to understand the principle of their operation in the natal chart. If you study everything correctly, and don’t stupidly type something like “Rahu in Capricorn in the 2nd house” into Google, then you will understand two important things.

First. Karmic aspects never contradict other aspects of the natal chart, but they A) focus attention on a specific area and b) enhance a number of other aspects. For example, Lilith in the VIII house emphasizes the native’s desire to “suck out” other people’s money; in the presence of II+VIII, through business (i.e., it enhances the desire to have his own business); in the absence of II+VIII, it gives the desire to live at someone else’s expense. If a rich partner is “registered”, Lilith will be pleased. If there is no business or partner, the native will beg for a pension from his retired parents. Yes, it can be worked on. But how many conscious people do you know?

Second. Karma is not “cookies” or bonuses in life. Initially. I promised myself not to deepen the topic of karmic astrology publicly, so as not to turn the brains of astronomers into mush, but I cannot help but say: the stronger the VIII house in the karmic (not natal) horoscope and the stronger the IV house in the natal horoscope, the more obligations a person has to Universe. In fact, he has two options: resist and spend your whole life wondering why the Universe “has” you for this. Or accept the fact that somewhere you have to give up something in order to... become happier in the long run.

The brightest example from my practice (perhaps we will discuss it at the seminar):

Woman, 50+. All women on the maternal side died of cancer at the age of 40-45 years. Karmic the cards of the grandmother/mother and hers are similar, everywhere - a filled VIII house (strong karmic load). I will not voice Rahu’s position and aspects, otherwise a “diagnostician” will awaken in everyone, who will find a fatal disease in themselves today. She interrupted this series by choosing the profession of an oncologist (at school she wanted to become a teacher). Her eldest daughter followed in her mother’s footsteps, although she did not have such a strong karmic load. This is karma in its purest form. What do you think, "cookies"?

Another example. You and Rahu, for example, in Leo in the 1st house and Ketu in Aquarius in the 7th, are destined to “forget” for an official marriage and first of all develop as a person, and not wait for “handouts” from your spouse, you will develop. You will not get married until you understand that everything in this life depends only on you and that you do not have the right to “merge” boundaries and become dependent in marriage. If you learn to invest resources in your personality (1st house) and treat the partnership as equal (without the suffering that Russian women love so much), you will get married right away. Moreover. In marriage, you cannot allow yourself to sit on your spouse’s neck and dangle your legs. As soon as you do this, you will lose your spouse. If you don’t get hung up on him, live his life (and not yours!) and shoot up your spouse’s phones when he’s in the shower, you’ll save your marriage.

Well, positive example(again, if you can call it that).

A woman in her early 30s. Rahu in V in Taurus conjunct Venus. Lilith is nearby. Half my life I wanted to become famous. She wanted people to look at her. She entered the theater school, but did not “take root” on stage. The audience didn’t like her, didn’t want to see her. It looked out of place on the posters. Then I went into modeling, but couldn’t “sell” anything. She threw away this idea, got married, gave birth to a daughter. The daughter is beautiful, smart, intelligent, everyone admired her daughter and said that “she is growing up as an actress.” Well, mom decided not to waste time - and made the girl a YouTube star. That’s how she became famous (strictly through the 5th house). Venus, by the way, is U10/U11.

Question following the post : my dear readers, are you still sure that karmic ties in synastry are “glue” and “good”? If yes, then come next Wednesday, we will analyze different combinations, also with examples. Perhaps I will publish excerpts from a future seminar on karmic astrology. Its first part (for a wide audience) is almost ready.

PS . I suggest you characterize the karmic aspects of your natal chart . I wonder how you read them.

Karmic astrology has an occult basis. Karma indicates what a person is born with. Karma is action. And every action gives rise to a consequence. Those. there is a cause and there is an effect. The law of karma was formulated by Moses “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Any action generates karma. Thoughts may not come true, but negative thoughts harm the person himself - his heart. The results of thoughts and actions are different in relation to karma. A person goes through more than one incarnation - his soul evolves over hundreds of lives.

The spirit is from God, the body is from the Earth. We met in the middle. Two processes were going on simultaneously - involution and evolution. The emergence of man – Spirit + Soul. Fall of the Spirit (son of Heaven) + daughter of Earth. At birth, the Soul begins to build an astral, ethereal shell. The process of incarnation occurs gradually, from 3 months before conception to 6 years.

  • ARIES - East, Korea, Japan, Alaska (England, Germany).
  • TAURUS - territories with fertile land - Ukraine, Persia, Poland, Holland, Cyprus.
  • GEMINI - where there is a windy climate, frequent tornadoes, winds, communication - the middle part of the USA, Northern. East, Africa.
  • CANCER - an area where there are rivers, streams, lakes, picturesque nature - provinces of the USA, Champagne (France), Argentina, China.
  • LEO - warm sunny climate - France. Italy, Romania, California in the USA.
  • VIRGO - agriculture and grain crops are well developed, hardworking nations - Switzerland, Japan.
  • LIBRA - even temperate climate - England, Libya, North. China, Canada, Egypt.
  • SCORPIO - swampy or desert area with an abundance of poisonous animals - Amazon, Indochina, Sicily, Corsica.
  • SAGITTARIUS - large islands - Madagascar, Ceylon, Malta, Spain, Hungary. Italy.
  • CAPRICORN - highlands - South. China, mountainous part of India, East. Siberia, Tibet, Caucasus.
  • AQUARIUS - cold rainy climate - Scandinavia, Sweden, India, Russia.
  • FISH - marine coasts or archipelagos - Tahiti, Bahamas.
Planets in the 4th House of the natal chart or in aspects with the Ascending Node:


  • + the previous incarnation was happy (actor, teacher, athlete). We repeat a lot from the past.
  • - loss of position.


  • + a person could have wealth, characterized by nobility of the family, aristocracy. Scientific or religious figure, merchant, scientist, navigator, adventurer, doctor.
  • - indicates that the person could have been an adventurer and ended his life far from his homeland.


  • + happy life, for men - a good marriage, wealth, prosperity. Arts, crafts, farming, gardening, seamstress, tailor, painter, textile connection.
  • - wealth is lost, an idle, dissolute life.


  • + life is peaceful, calm, good conditions. Well-being, prosperity, your own home, surrounded by loved ones. Trader, sailor, fisherman. For men, it is responsible for personal life.
  • - an unfortunate end, from an accident, from water.


  • + scientist, doctor, writer, politician, trader. Interpreter (translator), scribe, servant, mediator.
  • - thief, petty deceiver. He was either a deceiver himself or was slandered and could have suffered as a result.

Mars, Pluto:

  • + leader, leader, idol. A person could have a military rank, occupation, industrialist, banker, entrepreneur, butcher, blacksmith, surgeon, chemist, fireman, policeman.
  • - robber, rapist, murderer, violent end in the past. FORMULA FOR UNHAPPINESS.


  • + good financial situation in the past, connection with business.
  • - material losses, family karma or premature departure in the past.


  • + had a good position, authority, reputation, high responsible position, respect. Official, scientist, doctor, mathematician.
  • - life was difficult. Full of hardships, vicissitudes of fate, need. Laborer, miner, miner, stingy moneylender. A person could end his life alone, forgotten by everyone. Therefore, in this life there is no trust in others. FORMULA FOR UNHAPPINESS.


  • + unusual extraordinary occupation, scientist, astronomer, astrologer, doctor, engineer, reformer, director.
  • - indicates revolutionaries, outcasts, outcasts, holy fools. A person rejects social conventions or society rejects him.


  • + perhaps there was wealth: merchant, navigator, spiritual person, composer, musician, fisherman, sailor, traveler, pharmacist, psychologist, psychiatrist.
  • - swindler, deceiver, magician, fortune teller, wandering gypsies, beggars. Perhaps the person was injured by the church or died at sea during a shipwreck.


  • + public figure, leader, leader, idol. A person could have a military rank, a banker, a surgeon, a fireman, a policeman.
  • - robber, rapist, murderer, violent end in the past.

ORB with Ascending Lunar Node = ±5 degrees

Karmic questions and answers:

1. Issues of choosing a profession (also karmic). You need to understand your abilities, what a person came into this life with, what experience he has accumulated and in what areas of activity. It's never too late to start something. Even 2 hours before death. Perhaps this bookmark of activity will serve as the basis for the next life. All information stored in our memory emerges when necessary. We can say that these are innate abilities. It is important to listen to the person, his needs and determine the level (talk to everyone in his language).

2. Problems personal life– marriage, celibacy, having many children, childlessness, early widowhood. You can give birth all your life - not only your own children, but also adopted children, godparents, books, ideas. Infertility – Moon m.b. and not amazed. Just a child waiting for his parent, his time. It's not good to give birth if you're Ascendant Lunar Node in tense aspects with Jupiter, there may be problems with children. It’s good when the Ascending Lunar Node + Jupiter.

3. Predisposition to diseases. Habits from the past - to a good or bad family, conditions, connections, authority. If a person has crossed boundaries in the past, there may be punishments: you want to rule, but there is no opportunity, you cannot express yourself. Whoever robs us takes karma upon himself or we give him something past life they didn’t give it, and now it’s being taken from us through theft. You need to give to others in such a way as not to strain them, not to overload them with intrusiveness. If the debts are repaid, then everything is fine. Real Estate – Moon and 4th House.

These are also mental problems. We need to bring the matter to the 10th House - exchange, provide for a child, register real estate. Issues of inheritance are problems of the Soul and debts. There may be no grandchildren. Karma is measured by actions. The child must have something of his own (place, corner). If a mother feeds an adult child, it means she needs it so that the child is nearby. Parents must separate adult children (birds even throw chicks out of their nests). As a parent in old age, you need to give hobbies. And don’t be their nannies, otherwise neither parents nor children will make their right path. Problems of the Soul - mental illness (“not everyone is at home”, “the roof has gone crazy”). Don't talk about suicidal tendencies. This is the human ego. This is how a person avoids problems instead of solving them. He does not understand (pride) and often does not try to understand that this only harms his Soul.

4. The problem of isolation from society. There are criminals by birth, by negligence. A person can move away from society due to going beyond the familiar, the ordinary.

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Tags: Karmic astrology, karma, reincarnation, the influence of planets on karma, incarnations of the soul, karmic laws, Spirit is from God, body is from Earth