An amulet for winning the lottery that works. A reliable plot to win the lottery: find out how to bring your victory closer. A quick method to win the lottery

All people want to have a lot of money and be rich, but not everyone knows how to earn that much, so many people play gambling. A conspiracy to win the lottery, which can be read at home, will help you get rich with “easy money.” Read this article, perform one of the given rituals and start making your dreams come true by soon receiving winnings in the lottery, Sportsloto, instant lotteries, sweepstakes and even slot machines!

Using magic and spells will increase your chances of winning the lottery several times and does not oblige you to anything!

At all times, people have dreamed of sources of income that do not involve constant labor or hard work. This is how legends about money tree, Koshchei's chest, Leprechaun's pot, etc.

The most popular way to earn easy money today is not to look for fabulous treasures, but to buy lottery ticket and hope for big win. But what can you do if you are unlucky in life? Our advice is to try reading the plot to win the lottery, and then check your result!

Spells to win the lottery

When performing any rituals, the most important thing is faith in your own success.

How to win the lottery a large sum money: conspiracy or strong ritual may well help you with this! When performing any rituals to attract good luck, you need to choose the right time, strictly follow the instructions, imagine your future winnings in detail, and most importantly, believe in your own luck. Experts also advise not to tell anyone about your ritual, as this attracts negative energy, creates additional vibrations and attracts all the gossip and nonsense from “well-wishers.”

There is a basic rule that applies to all rituals. Money conspiracies and the rites must always be performed at five minutes to twelve at midnight, on the day of the new moon. And a particularly good day for such manipulations is Thursday, also known as the day of Jupiter, which attracts all cash flows.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Option 1: Simple conspiracy “For a banknote and a lottery ticket”

If you want to learn a simple plot to win the lottery, read and implement it yourself, then this option is suitable for you. You will need a banknote with which you will buy a lottery ticket (100 rubles are perfect) and a green candle for reading the plot by the light of this fire.

“If I give one money, I’ll get a lot in return!”

Take the first ticket that catches your eye, do not choose by number or with your eyes closed. Repeat the words of the conspiracy to yourself.

When you get home, light the green wax candle again and, looking at the ticket, read the following words also 7 times:

Holding the charmed ticket,

I attract good luck and a good amount,

May I have wealth and prosperity,

Without persuasion, I will ask.

Please remove your ticket before the results are announced. It is advisable to keep it in your wallet or other place where you have money and not show it to anyone.

Option 2: Conspiracy from Vanga “For a coin”

All conspiracies and rituals for winning the lottery define themselves solely by the results. The following plot to win the lottery from Vanga, which we suggest you carry out, has long proven itself to be positive and large winnings.

Fact: The main condition for reading this plot is that you need maximum and clear visualization of your winnings, as well as the subsequent use of money (buying a car, apartment, vacation, issuing debts, paying a mortgage, etc.).

If you are going to read this ritual, take a small denomination coin, the most favorite item from your wardrobe (no matter what color or size). It is preferable that this be outerwear, since the item should have a pocket in which you need to sew a coin.

During the sewing process, you need to repeat, but do it so that no one hears it.

As needle and thread are always together, let money and hard coins always be with me,

As a thread follows a needle, so wealth follows me,

I sew up the hem, I also sew up my pocket from unreasonable spending,

Let different kinds of money come to me: copper. gold, silver,

And paper ones, large and small,

If only I and God would be happy,


Next, you need to hide the thing with the coin sewn into the closet and forget about it for one day. It should be put on first thing in the morning and worn for several days in a row. And expect your big win any day now. We hope that the ritual of the Bulgarian healer will bring you success!

Option 3: The most powerful conspiracy “On the waxing moon”

  • On the first day of the new moon, leave the house with 12 coins in your pocket. All coins must be different (Russian kopecks, Ukrainian hryvnia, euro cents, etc. are suitable).
  • In this case, the amount of coins must correspond to your age. If you are 34 years old, then you need to take coins of different denominations, giving a total of 34.
  • Choose a secluded place. Take the money in your hand and raise it to the sky, so that the moon illuminates it with its light in your palm.

Repeat the following words seven times:

Everything that lives in this world grows from sunlight,

And my money, increase from the moon,

So be it.

After reading the ritual, hold the coins in your hand. Don't be surprised if they are hot! Take them home and put them in a separate pocket in your wallet so that the enchanted coins do not get mixed up with regular coins and do not accidentally “leave” the wallet. Do not give these coins to anyone, do not show them, and do not throw them away, even if the result is not as quick as you would like.

Option 4: Conspiracy to win any prize

It is best to use coins and bills of various currencies for rituals.

This plot is suitable if you want to win not money, but some kind of item. For example, stores very often announce promotions to win an apartment in the city or a car.

Before performing such a ritual, you need to “warm your hands for good luck.” We will not heat with a battery or even hot water, and in the sun. You need to go out onto the balcony, since this ritual will not work through glass, stretch out your arms and rub your palms very, very hard, so that you feel the warmth descending from your raised hands throughout your entire body.

After this, we begin the ritual for good luck:

  • You will need 7 photographs of people who were once lucky in gambling, lotteries, etc.;
  • It is imperative that you know at least one of them personally, just make sure that the win did not bring them any trouble. Otherwise, a plot to win the lottery will bring unpleasant consequences for you.
  • Place your card in the center between the photos, and arrange their photos in the manner of sun rays;
  • For each photo, place and light one candle of different colors, and place a white one on your photo;

Your luck- this is your luck, give it to me, at my command. Share your money, car, apartment, I’ll be seven times richer with my strength.

After reading these words, light the candle in your photo and look at the flame until you see your winnings. Visualize it clearly in your head and try to see it in the fire. After the vision, extinguish the candles with your fingers; you cannot blow them out! Otherwise you'll blow away your luck!

Option 5: Author's conspiracy from Igor Nikolaev

This method is very labor-intensive, but this plot for a lottery ticket can be read at home, with some preliminary preparation and just at midnight:

  1. On the day of reading the plot, before sunset, you need to find a clover with 4 petals - a recognized symbol of good luck;
  2. You need to bring it home in a clean white handkerchief and prepare a blank lottery ticket;
  3. After midnight, you need to draw a cross on each petal with your fingernail and say “Our Father” 7 times;
  4. Then you need to ask the Lord for good luck in all kinds of games, do not forget to also mention the form “Servant of God.. your name..”
  5. At the end of the ritual, say “El agios, Ischirios, Athanatos”;
  6. Then you fill out the ticket and take it to the windowsill under the moonlight.
  7. The next morning you wrap the clover and ticket in your scarf and carry it in your bosom until the results are announced.

Consequences and reviews of conspiracies

Conspiracies to win the lottery: consequences, reviews are quite different and ambiguous. In order to increase the chances of success, regardless of the type of conspiracy you have chosen, all words must be spoken clearly and confidently, without trembling in the voice. It is important not to read them from a piece of paper, but to speak them by heart.

And according to many beliefs, part of the winnings that the Lord God and the Universe have measured out to you must be given to those in need and to charity in order to avoid the negative consequences of a conspiracy to win the lottery.

Fortune telling about winning the lottery

Fortune telling "Loto" - quite new look fortune telling, which will give you advice whether it is worth it at the moment whether to try your luck in gambling or not.

Try it - and higher powers will certainly give you a sign.

Video: “How to win the lottery using magic?”

Comments from site visitors

    I constantly win small things in lotteries. What is the best spell when winning the lottery to make it grow? Tell me who knows, please.

    conspiracies and rituals for winning the lottery must be done only on a waxing moon, otherwise they do not work, tested!!! But sometimes you have to wait quite a long time for the plot to work. Maybe it's just a coincidence, who knows... although any player knows for sure that the sense of smell is the most reliable advisor...

    I constantly bet on sports events, almost professionally. Knowledge is knowledge, and success in my business is the most important thing. Recently I have been conducting experiments with all sorts of esoteric things. I’m not looking for easy ways and I’m trying the most difficult method described here - with clover petals. So far the flight is normal: it’s been flying for three days already... we’ll see what happens next.

    And I was also lucky after the conspiracy; in fact, I’m not interested in such methods of getting rich, but my husband convinced me that newcomers are lucky and all that. In general, I decided to come as prepared as possible, studied the conspiracies, did everything, and voila - here is my win, and not so small!

    I'll definitely have to try it. Just on the American wave I wanted to buy a ticket. Very good advice that part must be given to someone so that good luck does not go away.

    And I sometimes play the lottery. Rarely, but it happens. I don’t win much, usually the tickets just pay for themselves. Big money never came. And I think that you need to devote a lot of time to the game - the probability of winning a more or less decent amount in one go is very low. I’ve never read any conspiracies, but the next time I risk buying a ticket, I’ll use one of them one hundred percent! Good luck :)

    I often win, and I use spells all the time - which some of my relatives don’t know about. Conspiracies work if you do everything correctly, everything is as described in the article - and everything in it is described very, very smartly and competently, take it boldly and fortune will not pass you by. but he will come up, reward you and return again, walking in a circle. It is important not to stop “feeding” her with your faith and conviction.

    Personally, I like lotteries: here you know for sure that you are being scammed, but you voluntarily give up. Moreover, you give them your hard-earned money. I heard that in Belarus the presidential administration is in charge of lotteries. Will the conspiracy technique help you win the lottery? I’m sorry, but until I check it, I can’t believe it. Now, if Igor Nikolaev himself said how much he personally won, I would definitely believe it.

    I remember when I was a child, my parents and I collected these round labels with the image of a man from products, then they promised huge money, but in reality people just bought products with these labels at a breakneck speed. I won small amounts in the Sberbank lottery a couple of times. But I don’t really believe that there is “programmed” luck. Sorry that's it. It’s interesting, but this luck always passed me by...

    It seems to me that I’m just from that category of people for whom luck flies by in lotteries))) I’ve never won anything) Once my friend and I went to an exhibition of paintings, brushes, paints, albums were raffled off, and everyone got a ticket . Moreover, everyone had to have a prize, at least an eraser or a ruler. But not in my case)) All the prizes turned out to be over for me)) But I already take it with humor, and once again I don’t participate in lotteries)) experience has taught me)))

    Thank you, it helped

    But where can you find such a clover with 5-6 petals? It’s not real.

    Can you use another flower instead of clover?

    where to put the remaining wax after the candle burns?

    Vanga's plot to win the lottery can only be used when the moon is waxing?

    Why are all the comments without photos?

    because everything here is anonymous!

    Tell me, how can the Moon illuminate coins with its light on a new moon if it is not visible in the sky??...

    I've been an avid gamer since childhood. The feeling of adrenaline beckons me without leaving. I can’t say that luck doesn’t smile on me, but these are not the amounts that I would like. I tried to turn to the conspiracy. And it does work! I won 90 thousand! I'm not going to stop!

    Dear, please tell me, what should I do with the candle then, should I leave it to burn out or what? I will be grateful for your answer.

    I am a very gambling person by nature. That’s why I always buy lottery tickets, but I’ve never had any luck yet. Oh, how I would like to hit the jackpot at least once! But now I know what will help me - your site and the most wonderful articles on this topic -

    I am a very gambling person. I always liked to play the lottery, but I usually lost. I always wondered how people even win there!? Perhaps it's all about conspiracies? I will definitely try “The most powerful ritual for winning the lottery”, as for me, there is nothing complicated in it, but it will help increase my chances of winning! I'll run tomorrow to get a ticket! I also want to recommend reading this conspiracy

    I don’t want to win money in lottery tickets; I can’t win significant sums there, but I have a lot of nerves. But I wouldn’t refuse to win any prize (item). I will use the conspiracy “Conspiracy to win a prize.” Please tell me where I can find photos of people who won? Are photos downloaded from the Internet suitable? Thanks a lot.

    I had a case where the game was on a retail network and you could win cash certificates. How lucky I was to smile, I won five times. Everyone was so “happy” for me. Who knows what people really think. But the first thing they said was: “Wow!” But after the fifth time, nothing at all. Never ever. And that's what it was? In my life I never considered myself lucky.

    Despite the fact that everyone says: “money doesn’t buy happiness,” life shows that with a thin wallet there can be no peace and prosperity, especially in the family. I started reading about attracting money and success. And try to read conspiracies, only for yourself, for your family. Let's see what comes of this.

    Today I came across your article. By the way, thank you for it. And yesterday I was googling where to go on the vacation I wanted, but for which I don’t have the funds yet. This is my kind of therapy, to dream about where I will be. Now I’m sitting and thinking, maybe this is a sign. New Year is coming soon. There are so many pranks now)) I’ll try my luck too.

    I will try to use these spells in my life. I really need money and luck and will never hurt, especially in our time) My grandmother told me that her grandmother used spells and lived long enough and happily. So I see no reason not to listen to our ancestors. Thank you very much for the article.

    I'm participating in a New Year's drawing for an apartment. I don’t have to explain how much I want to win, especially since we don’t have our own home. So I think I can use conspiracies. And what? Well, there won't be any harm. What if it helps, we really need it! I read reviews and understand what works for people, you just need to believe. In short, wish me luck. Thanks to the author.

    I am sure that a conspiracy to win the lottery will definitely work if you believe unconditionally and imagine winning it yourself (that you have already won it). And don't doubt it! The conspiracy may not immediately make itself felt, but if these conditions are met, then the time for winning will definitely come. I'll check)

    I’m writing after the fact, so to speak. I often buy lottery tickets, give some to my children, and leave some to my husband and I. But we never received any prizes. I came across this article last month and decided to try it, although I somehow didn’t believe it myself, but I decided that I wouldn’t lose anything. And for good reason! Of the 5 tickets purchased after the conspiracy, two brought good cash winnings! another one also won, but the amount was small. I just can't believe this kind of luck. I will practice before buying tickets

    I try to imagine that I have won, how they present me with a prize, and I think about what to spend the money I won on. How I will please my grandchildren and granddaughter with new toys. I think it’s right to visualize and imagine it all, the main thing is to believe and not doubt that you will win. I’ll also try your methods, I hope everything will work out and come true.

    I was very interested in winning a prize, I often play the lottery, but so far the winnings have been meager amounts of money, but no less, this is also not bad, because others may not win anything for decades. Tell me where to get a photo successful people? Do you know anyone who won? Can you just download it online and print it?

    Tell me about the author’s conspiracy by I. Nikolaev - now winter period where can you find clover? Or is this plot seasonal, when there is no snow? The excitement of the lottery was so overwhelming, so much money was spent on buying these tickets... but there was still no winning. Either I'm doing something wrong, or I'm just constantly having bad luck in everything. I want to try the methods suggested here

    I really love that feeling of anxiety, excitement and excitement when the lottery results are announced. I am very gambling and I can’t stop participating in these kinds of games, for the life of me. Now I'm waiting for something new lunar cycle, I’m putting aside 38 coins (I’m 38 years old, that’s what it says in the most powerful spell) and I’ll definitely try this, I’m sure it will help.

    The lottery plot is something new. This is the first time I've heard of it, but I'll definitely check it out, maybe I'll get lucky. Like a friend of mine, she told me she read the plot before purchasing and won. I spent 100 and won 500, well, although it’s not a big difference, you can still play once. I think it won’t hurt me to read one line, I’ll check it to myself and buy a ticket. I hope I'm lucky. Is it possible to make several spells at once? Suddenly I’ll win a million.

    I found it just in time. There are so many ways to increase your chance of luck in the lottery. It’s as if something attracted you to this site. I want for myself and my loved ones the old one New Year buy by ticket, various lotteries. When I buy it, I’ll definitely do all the steps, especially Vanga really liked it. I’ll definitely sew the coin on my coat.

    About a month ago I made a conspiracy to win the lottery. I'm sure I'll hit the jackpot. In the first weeks the winnings were 100-200 rubles, now the count is in the thousands. It's like a funnel. So I’m thinking about making another plot from Vanga or for now to see what happens next. So try, the main thing is to believe.

    Hello readers. So I follow the rules, I imagine myself in a cool car with the dough that this ticket, “Russian Lotto” will bring me. I think everything will work out, I believe in miracles, especially in all kinds of fortune-telling, I am of this opinion, if there is no place for a miracle, it means life is boring.

    Hooray it worked! Many thanks to those who worked on creating this article. I won!!! For the first time in my life. You can’t even imagine how great it works, I believed it, and now I have a car in my yard. Now I need to go study for my license. I won’t sell the car, I’ll keep it as a talisman. Conspiracies helped a lot.

    Hello. I have 4 leaf clover, but it's dried. One day we were relaxing in nature, and I found a clearing with clover. I picked clover for my rabbit. I came across a 4-leaf clover and brought it home. I dried it and put it in my wallet, now my talisman is always and everywhere with me. I haven’t read the conspiracy, but I believe in them.

    Help me) I want to win too! I just came across this article. What exact methods did you use to win? Did you win right away or do you have to wait? What amount? I want to try Vanga’s spell and the most strong conspiracy. I've been playing lotteries for so long, I've never won anything yet(

    I also didn’t start winning immediately, but gradually, more and more. Now I definitely do spells periodically. This not only helps me in the lottery, it also helps me improve financial condition, and I do it for cash flow. White magic always helps me. I've been using it for several years now.

    She made the most powerful conspiracy. And somehow there are no changes. It's a shame it didn't work.

    And I read that you need to be very careful about the arrival of unexpected money. Usually, such gains are followed by unexpected losses and damages, where you wouldn’t expect them. So, personally, I don’t like such conspiracies a little. But if the situation is urgent and you need money, you need to try\

    Sometimes I bet online on sports and events. Do you think such conspiracies will help and which option is better for a beginner in this matter to start with? And yet, it’s probably better not to tell anyone, otherwise they don’t like publicity about such things? I’ll try, maybe it will influence my intuition and a big bet will come soon.

    The spell for any win helped a lot, it turned out through a promotion in one of shopping centers city ​​to win a week's vacation at sea. I would never have thought that this could happen. We always go to this shopping center, but then I decided to register for the promotion and save up receipts, as a result of a vacation trip

Fortune is a capricious and unpredictable lady. Who doesn’t dream of a big win as an opportunity to get rich quickly and live for pleasure? But not everyone can become lucky.

When buying a lottery ticket, a person understands how negligible the chance of winning is. But he tempts fate again and again, because excitement is akin to illness. A conspiracy to win the lottery is the most harmless thing a gambler is willing to believe. The desire to attract good luck has given rise to many rites and rituals among the people aimed at solving money problems.

Conspiracies to win the lottery, which are part of the group of rituals for attracting money, are popular and easy to use. But magicians warn that any mystical intervention in fate can lead to a chain of irreversible events. For example, if a person quickly gains wealth, he may soon lose love or a close relative. Therefore, any conspiracy and ritual must be selected and implemented carefully, taking into account all possible side effects.

Winning rituals: how to perform them correctly?

A conspiracy to win as a money ceremony requires compliance with a number of rules and conditions. They are simple, but each of them is extremely important.

Rules for a successful conspiracy:

  • Wednesday is recognized as the best day to perform the ritual (some call Thursday and Sunday). Combining the information, we can call the first week of the new moon (for the new month) the best for conspiracy.
  • You should not inform anyone about the ceremony, and even after receiving what you want, you should not talk about how to attract fortune.
  • You cannot use magic without faith in the result. Any doubts harm the implementation of the plan.
  • The lottery in which you want to win must be chosen in advance, since the visualization method used in conspiracies involves a clear representation of the unfolding events if the result is achieved.

Magic rituals for quick wealth

This winning spell is carried out on the new moon, which coincides with Thursday. For the ritual you need two candles - white and green. White symbolizes the leader of the ritual, green symbolizes money. Candles are installed at a short distance from one another (20-25cm). Both candles are lit with one torch (white - first, green - second). Let them burn for a while, thinking about future winnings. Then extinguish and remove the candles from your eyes. You need to take out candles and light them in this way every day, gradually bringing them closer to each other. When the candles come together (after about a decade), tie them with gold braid or ribbon and store them as a talisman.

A strong conspiracy to win big in the lottery requires several steps: for the ritual you will need one banknote, a lottery ticket and a green candle.

Stage 1. Take the bill you use to pay for a lottery ticket and say:

Spell to win the lottery on a banknote

“If I give you one piece of money, I’ll get a lot in return!”

After repeating the recitation seven times, go get a lottery ticket. The first ticket that catches your eye is taken. Then return home to complete the ceremony.

Stage 2. Light the green candle you purchased earlier and, looking at the ticket, speak to it.

Spell to win the lottery on a ticket

“I hold the ticket that I have enchanted in my hands, I ask for the monetary gain for myself. I attract wealth and prosperity to myself, I invite coins and victories to me!”

We repeat the recitation again seven times, then remove the ticket until the lottery result is announced.

To catch luck by the tail and win the lottery, people resort to different methods: someone prays, someone turns to the forces of nature for help, someone buys amulets at random from herbs, someone pins a pin, and someone uses runes to win the lottery. This method is very effective, and it is easy to implement. Therefore, almost anyone can make runic combinations to attract good luck into their life.

To catch luck by the tail and win the lottery, you can turn to runes

To use runes you need to know some aspects. This will help you maintain calm and composure during rituals, as well as protect the people around you and yourself.

Rules for using runes

As in any other matter, when using runic hieroglyphs, you need to follow some rules. This is necessary in order not to harm yourself or others by inept use of runes. For a successful and effective ritual, it is worth remembering the basic rules:

  • Runes sense energy. A person must treat the process being performed with the utmost seriousness, otherwise the runes will feel mistrust and turn it against the performer.
  • When taking on the task of drawing up magical staves (the so-called runic combinations compiled for a specific task), you need to be aware of what you are doing. Consciousness and awareness of all the subtleties of the process greatly facilitate its progress.
  • Combinations can be made using already prepared formulas or independently. To independently compile runic staves, you need experience in using runes and an understanding of which rune has what effect.
  • For beginners, it is better to use prepared formulas: this will significantly simplify and speed up the ritual.
  • But you can’t rush in such a matter. Becoming is made for the long term, so the chance that the formula will work the next day is extremely small, because the runes show their activity smoothly and gradually, without sudden jumps and peaks.
  • Mandatory in the process of composing runic combinations is the consecration of symbols. Runes must undergo a rite of consecration by four elements: water, fire, earth and air. You can read more about this on the Internet.
  • In addition to lighting, in order for the runes to begin to produce results, they need to be activated. Activation of runic symbols occurs with the help of breathing, this will be discussed further.
  • Runic symbols can be drawn on the body or clothing, purchased in specialized stores in the form wooden planks, worn as jewelry, tattooed, etc. All these methods are acceptable and the choice depends only on the desire of the performer and his personal preferences.
  • When composing a runic combination, it is better to do it for yourself. The runes must be saturated with the energy of the person they will serve. If a magical stave is a gift to another person, when composing or purchasing, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the image of the person for whom the stave is intended. This will help charge the runes correctly and tune them in the right way.
  • Energy plays a role in magical matters decisive role. That is why it is extremely important to immediately tune in to the right mood and, when activated, isolate yourself from obsessive thoughts and distractions environment. What will be included in the runes. That's what they will give.

Energy plays a decisive role in magic. That is why before working with runes you need to get in the right mood

Using runes is not that difficult if you follow the basic rules. They help beginners and professionals to always achieve the desired result without causing harm to others or to themselves.

In drawing up a runic formula for winning the lottery, you need to know some more aspects: how to apply, which place is better to choose, which combination to use, and so on. These points are fundamental in composing combinations, because every person, when resorting to magic, must have a clear goal and realize what he wants to get in the end.

Principles of creating a bet to win

The lottery itself is a complex system, representing a powerful reservoir of human energy. In order to attract winnings to some to a certain character from this set. You need to correctly formulate the formula and tune in to the current event.

Where is the best place to put hieroglyphs?

If you need good luck in lotteries in the long term, then it is better to create a magical amulet programmed to bring good luck in financial matters and magnetize good luck in life. This contributes to the formation of a favorable aura for the player, which will serve him for many more years.

If a person is not going to play lotteries anymore and he needs winnings right here and now, it is better to apply runic combinations directly to the lottery ticket. It should be remembered that this must be done carefully, thinking that the winnings are already in the hands of the performer.

Runic combinations can be applied to a lottery ticket if a person no longer intends to play the lottery

How to make an amulet to attract good luck yourself?

To create a talisman at random in lotteries, a person needs to decide on the material on which the symbols will be applied. Ideal option there will be a tree or stone that suits a given person according to his zodiac sign. You can also order decoration self made in the form of the required position.

The formula is selected from those already invented and applied to the material from above: engraving or painting. After this, you just need to activate the talisman.

Do I need to say anything during the ritual?

During the lottery process itself, it is better to simply concentrate on what is happening and remain silent, but for a more successful activation of runic hieroglyphs, you can use a reservation. This is the name of a deed formulated by a person, which he writes down on a piece of paper or says to himself many times when activating the amulet at random.

What combinations should you use when creating bets?

Runic writing has a huge number of different characters, which make up countless combinations with each other. The meaning and interpretation of a particular rune depends on its proximity to other symbols. In order to increase your chances of winning the lottery, you can use the following combinations:

  1. Kano-Dagaz-Soul (in this case, Kano symbolizes an approaching win, Dagaz is needed for a possible change in already destined events, and Soul opens up insight in a person and helps to guess numbers or signs, if the conditions of the lottery require it).
  2. You can replace Kano with Fehu and get an amulet similar to the previous one, but for a softer and calmer person (Fehu is a rune that brings success in financial matters and is responsible for material wealth).
  3. Raido-Gebo-Soul (Raido symbolizes impending good luck, Gebo is responsible for the fulfillment of wishes, and Soul brings lucky opportunity and luck in the lottery).

All these formulas, although similar and have a common goal - to attract good luck in lotteries, are radically different in the process of action.

The first runic form is suitable exclusively for active people who are in constant movement and activity. It is recommended to apply it in red.

The second combination is for calm and balanced people who are accustomed to gradual and measured actions. In this case, the color should be blue or green.

The third position is suitable for both active and calm people. This is the golden mean; it can be applied in red, green or yellow.

You need to choose a formula depending on your character and temperament. If there is a pronounced tendency towards activity or passivity, it is better to choose the first or second choice, but in the case of combining these two qualities, it is better to make a choice in favor of the third.

Activation of runic stave

In order to activate a combination made up of runes, you need to perform a certain ritual. Without it, the hieroglyphs will not serve at all or will function at a minimum - this will not bring the desired result or will only worsen the result. What to do:

  1. Concentrate on the procedure being performed and imagine the final result.
  2. Place the created item in front of you.
  3. Curl your hands into a tube, as if calling someone.
  4. Take a deep breath through your nose.
  5. Exhale through your hands onto the object, visualizing a positive outcome of the situation.

Activation is the last step in preparing runes for use.

After this, you can safely carry the talisman with you, attracting good luck not only in lotteries, but also simply in financial matters and other areas of life.

Runes help people find what they want and achieve their goals only when they believe in their power, treat them with respect and wholeheartedly wish for their dreams to come true. In this case, there should be no problems using runes.

Do you want to get rich!? Winning the lottery is one way! It is believed that the one who performs conspiracies or rituals will receive a guarantee of winnings. Always, when purchasing a lottery ticket, you are helped by a magical feeling and confidence that THIS IS THE SAME!

You can tell fortunes, cross, say magic words, or buy it with a charmed coin! What and how to do correctly when buying a ticket to happy life, You can study and choose from the methods we offer, among effective, strong rituals with a green candle, a charmed coin, throwing it into the water, the use of magic from Vanga herself.

Don't forget! If you win the lottery, then you will be able to fulfill your most cherished dreams: wealth, happiness, travel, cars, etc.

Therefore, you could buy what you have wanted for a long time! The main thing is to buy THAT SAME TICKET!

Effective spells to win the lottery

The plot to win the lottery should be read during the waxing moon, unless otherwise provided in the recommendations for the ritual. The optimal period for such an effect is the first week after the new moon, and the best day is Thursday.

In order for a conspiracy to win the lottery to have positive consequences, no one should be informed about the plans for the ritual. If the description of a particular ritual contains certain conditions, then they must be fulfilled.

Powerful Ritual

There is a powerful ritual that must be performed during the waning moon phase. The ritual is performed in:

  • It's a nasty day;
  • an inconspicuous day.

This mandatory condition is explained by the fact that on such a day few people will look for the opportunity to attract good luck with the help of magic. This means that the likelihood that she will smile at you increases significantly. On the day preceding the day on which the ritual is scheduled, you should purchase a lottery ticket. And the next day at 8:00 am you need to dress in inconspicuous gray clothes, for example, take one and go outside.

Before you cross the threshold of your own home, you need to say the following words:

"Wealth, I'm waiting for you!"

After this you need:

  1. Take five kopecks and put them in your left pocket;
  2. Go to the nearest body of water (you can’t talk to anyone along the way);
  3. Stand on the right bank of the reservoir, so as to look north.
  4. Say: “I throw money into the water, and the winnings end up in my house!”
  5. With your right hand you need to throw a coin into the pond.
  6. Go home without looking back.

You can’t talk to anyone on the way, and when you get home you need to be alone. It is better to choose a time so that no one is home when you return.
The ritual must be continued at home.

  • Plates containing ordinary kitchen rock salt are placed in the corners of the selected room.
  • 40 candles are installed around the perimeter of the room blue, previously purchased in an esoteric store.

They must be lit on the same day at midnight, and this must be done moving clockwise.
After this, you just need to sit in absolute silence and wait until the candles burn out. Then you need to collect the cinders, mix them with salt and the next day throw them into the pond where the coin was previously thrown.

Charming a lottery ticket

If you have already purchased a ticket, you can speak it with special magic words. The ritual must be carried out during the waxing moon, and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced with a lit green candle.
You need to take the lottery ticket in your hands and say:

“I spell a lottery ticket, by me, the Servant of God (s), ( given name) acquired. I hold him in my hands and believe that he will be happy for me. Call for winnings. I will have wealth and prosperity. Amen".

The words must be spoken seven times in a row, and then you must hide the lottery ticket and wait for the draw to take place.

Spell with a green candle

As is known green symbolizes good luck, so a green candle is often used in rituals.

The next ritual is performed at midnight. At the same time, the moon must be visible in the sky.
First, you should open the window, and then place a candle and a mirror on the windowsill, so that when looking in the mirror you can see both the moon and the candle flame.
After this you should take a coin yellow in your hand and say the following phrases:

« A noble and rich merchant walks the earth under the light of the moon, offering his goods to everyone, but does not want to take money for them. The merchant is a great cunning man, people run in in droves, snatch up the goods for free, and from this they themselves give the good fortune to the noble merchant. I rejoice at this, since I am that merchant’s brother. I will see the night star in the sky and at that moment I will turn to the merchant. I’ll take my luck and, with the help of the key, I’ll close everything that was said forever. Amen".

Then the charmed coin must be put in your pocket. It must subsequently be used to purchase a lottery

Strong spells to win the lottery

To attract good luck

It is said before crossing out numbers. In order for the ritual to work, you need to take:

  • several large bills;
  • several coins, better than different ones;
  • gold if available;
  • lottery ticket;
  • a blue or green candle;
  • paper and pen.

After noon, lay out coins and bills on the table. Place a tall candle on the lottery ticket in the middle, light it and look at the flame with the words:

“Gold to gold, coin to coin, bill to bill, money to money. So it was, is and will be. Let the ticket become happy and also reach for money, gold, coins and bills, so be it. Amen".

Focus on the candle flame, look at it carefully. Then focus on the numbers that you noticed first and cross them out. After this, it is believed that the ticket will bring money to your

"Lucky Clothes"

You need to sew a small amount of money into your favorite clothes, and then say the words over it:

“Like a thread reaches out to a needle, like money reaches out to my hands. Just as a thread sews a hem, so wealth is attached to me. Just as a thread and a needle are inseparable, my wallet is never empty. Various coins will come to me - large and small, colored and paper, copper and gold. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After that, put on these clothes and go buy your ticket.

"For the new month"

Take the lottery ticket you bought the day before and go outside so that you can clearly see the new month. Look carefully at the moon and say:

“Blessed moon, wise moon, illuminate my path with your radiance, show me the face of luck. As the moon quickly grows, as the month gains the strength of the full moon, so my wealth approaches, so my money multiplies. Turn your gaze to me (name), reward me with your blessing. As it is said, so it will be fulfilled. Language. Key. Lock."

After that, go home without looking back and wait for the day the ticket is drawn.

"To win »

You can spell a new lottery ticket with the following words:

“My key to luck, my ticket to good luck, lead me to wealth, help me win, get prosperity. Let there be neither want nor poverty in my house. Gold and silver coins are drawn into my pocket, my wallet becomes large and heavy, luck does not let me go. As I say, so it will be. Amen."

After purchasing a lottery ticket, immediately go home without talking to anyone. When you get home, make sure that no one will disturb you, and read the conspiracy above the ticket:

“My Lord, bless me and help me, a sinner, to receive earthly and material blessings. Fulfill my wishes, help me (name) win the lottery. Amen. Amen. Amen."

A simple plot to win the lottery

If you want to learn a simple plot to win the lottery, read and implement it yourself, then this option is suitable for you. You will need a banknote with which you will buy a lottery ticket (100 rubles are perfect) and a green candle for reading the plot by the light of this fire.
Above the bill you need to read the spell 7 times with the following words:

“If I give one money, I’ll get a lot in return!”

Take the first ticket that catches your eye, do not choose by number or with your eyes closed. Repeat the words of the conspiracy to yourself.
When you get home, light the green wax candle again and, looking at the ticket, read the following words also 7 times:

“By holding a charmed ticket, I attract good luck and a good amount,
Wealth and prosperity be with me, without persuasion, I will ask.”

Please remove your ticket before the results are announced. It is advisable to keep it in your wallet or other place where you have money and not show it to anyone!

Advice: When you read the words over a candle flame, the rest of the lighting in your apartment should be turned off!

All conspiracies and rituals for winning the lottery define themselves solely by the results. The following conspiracy from the fortuneteller Vanga, which we suggest you carry out, has long proven itself to be positive and large winnings.
The main feature of this conspiracy is the maximum and clear visualization of your winnings, as well as the subsequent use of money:

  • buying a car or apartment;
  • vacation;
  • debt collection;
  • mortgage payment, etc.

If you are going to read this ritual, take a small denomination coin, the most favorite item from your wardrobe (no matter what color or size). It is preferable that this be outerwear, since the item should have a pocket in which you need to sew a coin.
While sewing, you need to repeat the words of the spell, but do it so that no one hears it.

“As needle and thread are always together, let money and hard coins always be with me.Just as a thread follows a needle, wealth follows me.I sew up the hem and sew up my pocket to prevent unreasonable spending.Let different kinds of money come to me: copper. gold, silver.And paper ones, large and small.If only I and God would be happy.Amen."

Next, you need to hide the thing with the coin sewn into the closet and forget about it for one day. It should be put on first thing in the morning and worn for several days in a row. And expect your big win any day now.

Conspiracy to win a prize

This plot is suitable if you want to win not money, but some kind of item. For example, stores very often announce promotions to win an apartment in the city or a car.
Before performing such a ritual, you need to “warm your hands for good luck.” We will heat it not with a radiator or even with hot water, but in the sun. To do this you need:

  • go out to the balcony;
  • extend your arms;
  • rub your palms very, very hard.

After this, we begin the ritual for good luck:

  • You will need 7 photographs of people who were once lucky in gambling, lotteries, etc.;
  • It is imperative that you know at least one of them personally, just make sure that the win did not bring them any trouble;
  • Place your card in the center between the photos, and arrange their photos in the manner of sun rays;
  • For each photo, place and light one candle of different colors, and place a white one on your photo.

Then read the following text:

« Your luck is your luck, pass it on to me, at my command. Share your money, car, apartment, I’ll be seven times richer with my strength »

After reading these words, light the candle in your photo and look at the flame until you see your winnings. Visualize it clearly in your head and try to see it in the fire. After the vision, extinguish the candles with your fingers; you cannot blow them out! Otherwise you'll blow away your luck!

Simple conspiracies to attract finance

Carrying out a conspiracy attracts a flow of money into your home. Go to a field (forest), find a stone without corners there and take it with you. In a secluded room at home, with a lit candle, draw a money symbol on a stone (it could even be a dollar sign). Imagine how it turns into a magnet and attracts money. Place the amulet in a visible place so that you can see it as often as possible. Every time you look at it, think of it as a center for the flow of money.

« Money to money"

The spell is quite easy to carry out, but you need to repeat it every day. It has long been noted that people with money in their pockets always have it, and their wealth is constantly increasing. To win the lottery and attract money to yourself, you need to read a certain conspiracy, while carrying out simple manipulations.
Place an odd number of coins (3 or 5) in the pockets of clothes worn every day. While putting coins in your pockets, you need to say the following words:

“As water rushes to the shore, so money rushes to money”

They carry charmed coins with them in their pockets all the time; they cannot be spent under any pretext. Touch them every day, repeating the words of the spell. Before washing clothes, the coins are taken back out, and after they dry, they are returned to their place. Keeping money in your pockets for a long time will attract more wealth.

With the moon for the lottery

A conspiracy that helps you grab luck in the lottery will have a greater effect during the waxing of the moon. There are a lot of rituals of this kind, and the text mentioned below is one of them. On the first day of the new moon, take 12 coins of different denominations, so that their total amount is equal to the age of the person who is going to perform the ritual.

You need to go outside and find a secluded place; the coins taken in your left hand should be “showed” to the moon so that its light falls on them. After this, repeat the following 7 times:

“Everything that grows and lives in this world multiplies from the light of the Sun,
and money - from the moonlight grow, multiply, be fruitful.
Enrich me (name), come to me. So be it!”

After reading the conspiracy, clasp the money in your fist, come home, and put everything in your wallet, which contains other money - this will help the conspiracy words begin to take effect immediately, attracting and increasing wealth.

For great luck

  • To carry out the actions, a gray, cloudy day is required, coinciding with the waning moon. Why is this so?
  • Because few people would think of trying their luck in gloomy weather, therefore the likelihood that fortune will turn towards you becomes much higher.
  • Go for a lottery ticket, buy it, and the next day at exactly eight o’clock in the morning, put on soft clothes and get ready for the road.

Before you step outside the threshold of your home, say the words:

“Wealth, come to me!”

Place a five-kopeck coin in the pocket located on the left. Go to the nearest body of water that has no current (it could be a lake or a pond), remain silent along the way, and talking to anyone is prohibited. At the final destination of the path, find an inconspicuous place located on the right side of the pond, take the money out of your pocket and throw it into the water, saying before this:

"Money in the water - I win"

Head back to your home. Remember that turning around or talking is strictly prohibited. Ask those with whom you live in the house or apartment to leave the premises for a while. Place plates filled with coarse rock salt in each corner, and place 40 blue candles around the perimeter of the ritual room. Light the candles exactly at midnight, moving from one to another in a counterclockwise direction. Wait for all the candles to burn out, then put all the cinders together, cover them with salt, take them to the pond in which the coin is already located, try to throw them into the water as far as possible.

This conspiracy was compiled by the healer from Bulgaria herself - the great Vanga. When you are going to read it, take a small coin, a favorite item from your wardrobe that you wear most often. It is preferable to choose something from outerwear, because it is always worn more often than anything else (this could be a jacket, coat, jeans, trousers or a skirt with pockets). Sew the prepared coin into the hem or pocket of the selected item. While you are sewing up money, repeat these charming words:

“Like a thread and a needle are always together, so let money be inseparable from me.
As a thread follows a needle, so wealth reaches out to me.I sew up the hem, I sew the wealth to myself.Come to me with different kinds of money: big and small.Copper and silver, gold and paper.It’s my joy and God’s grace.”

Place the item with the coin hidden in it in the closet and leave it there overnight. When morning comes, put on your “lucky” clothes, wear them for several days in a row. Let our tips for finding financial success and winning the lottery help you. May you be lucky in all your endeavors!

We attract luck

Take one banknote and speak it with the following words:

“I give one piece of hard-earned money, and I will receive a lot of money in return.”

For the selected bill, say this spell exactly seven times, then go get your lucky ticket. Choose and buy the one that catches your eye first. In this case, be sure to pay with the enchanted bill. Then go home.

Already at home, light a green candle purchased in advance, and, looking at the ticket, speak it with the following magic words:

“I’ll say a ticket for considerable luck, I’ll hold it in my hands, I want to get a cash win. I attract great wealth and prosperity to myself, I invite clear coins and large bills to come to me.”

This part of the plot is also read seven times, but not over the bill, but over the ticket. All that remains is to wait for the results and the announcement of the winning numbers. If everything was done correctly, there should be a win.

Conspiracy to attract good luck

This simple ritual will help you attract good luck in life and in the game. To do this, prepare in advance:

  • Lemon zest.
  • Three cherry pits.
  • Three yellow coins, any denomination will do.
  • A transparent jar, you can take a coffee or tea jar, the main thing is that it is opaque.

Collect all the assembled components and carefully put them in a jar, you need to put them one by one: first put the lemon zest, then the cherry pits and only then the coins. Cover the jar with a lid and speak to it three times:

“The girl went into the forest to pick berries and picked a whole basket.I went home along the road and found three old coins.Everywhere I looked, there were coins everywhere.I baked pies - all golden brown and delicious.So let me be as lucky as that girl.May happiness and good luck be near and never leave me!”

Then remove the charmed jar out of reach of prying eyes and hands. Keep it and good luck will come with you. After three days, you can test your luck by buying a lottery ticket. Believe in the result, and it will not keep you waiting.

Let's answer 3 simple questions « HOW? »

1. How to win money

To attract money and luck, you must meet the following conditions: perform the ritual on a waxing moon in a clear night sky and with a green candle lit. Also prepare a yellow coin and a mirror. Follow the simple instructions:

  • 1. Open the window and place a mirror and a lit candle next to it on the saucer. The candle and the mirror must be placed in such a way that the candle fire and the moon are reflected in the mirror.
  • 2. Then take a coin in both hands, warm it with the warmth of your hands and say over it:

“A rich and noble merchant walks under the moonlit sky, offering his good goods to everyone, but does not want to take money in return. And that merchant is an old cunning man: he lures people in crowds, distributes his goods, and in return takes away good luck. I rejoice that the merchant is like a brother to me. I will see a night light in the sky, and at that moment I will turn to that merchant. I take away my luck, I lock everything I said with a key forever and ever. Amen"

  • 3. The plot to win the lottery must be read three times. When you buy a lottery ticket, pay for it, including with this charmed coin.

All the money and luck conspiracies given here are effective, but they bring the desired result only to those who carry out the rituals in secret, and with full confidence in success and their own strength.

2. How to quickly attract luck and money

If you urgently need it, what is the amount of money that is unbearable for you at the moment, but you don’t want to go to the bank and put a “credit yoke” on yourself. Yes, and relying on fate, as experience shows, is not a very rewarding thing, since according to fate, you, like many of us, may have a completely unenviable lot. However, changing fate a little for the better and attracting the smile of fortune with the help of practical magic is quite possible, and not so difficult.

This spell for money and luck is carried out on a silk thread, it is only for girls or women, not for men. The conspiracy will work and in as soon as possible, which will allow you not only to quickly attract money into your life, but also Lady Luck.

  • Take a long red silk thread and a large carpet “gypsy” needle.
  • Pass the thread through the wax and then thread it through the eye of the needle.
  • Then thoroughly wash the nightgown you bought in advance and iron it dry.
  • Put on your shirt, turning it inside out, and go to bed that way.
  • Leave the thread and needle at your head overnight.
  • You need to wake up early, before dawn.

Getting out of bed, take a needle and start hemming the hem of your shirt “towards you”, reciting the magic spell:

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, God’s servant “Barbara.”

My words are simple and weak, and my human sins are great,

You, our Lord, are rich and Your mercy is limitless,

Give me a sinful woman, God, not according to my deeds and sins,

But according to Your Mercy and Your boundless riches.Amen!"

Remember, no matter what money plot you undertake, always approach it in a good spiritual state and mood. If you get down to business in a bad presence of mind, and your thoughts are clouded, you risk not only “screwing up” the whole magic ritual, but also cause yourself serious harm and make your situation even worse.

Popular money plot

This powerful conspiracy for money reviews, about which there are mostly only positive ones, has long gained popularity among ordinary people and took its place of honor among other rituals. All you need to fulfill your desire to attract money is to believe in magic and not talk to anyone about your intention to perform the ritual.

The conspiracy is carried out on the growing moon.

  • Take one 100 ruble bill and bend it to form a triangle.
  • Then fold the bill in half.
  • Take the money by one of the corners, bring it to your lips and say:

“Like a mighty river that absorbs all the streams with its strength,

And just as the sea attracts mighty rivers to itself, And just as a woman attracts a man,

And a man attracts a woman, As night attracts day, And day attracts night,

So you attract other money to yourself. So be it. Amen"

  • Now the charmed bill can be put in your wallet, and it is best to put it in a separate pocket, since it will not only be impossible to take it out and spend it, but even to touch it. All bills of the same denomination that you come across should be placed next to the charmed bill; do not count the money in your wallet all this time.

3. Attract cash

To attract more money using the lottery, try this effective ritual.

  • An average bill, the denomination of which is sufficient to purchase a ticket;
  • A lottery ticket that you will buy with the banknote from the previous paragraph;
  • The candle is green in color, reminiscent of money.

At the first stage, you need to speak the bill that was set aside in advance. To do this, say while holding it in your hands:

“I spend just one piece of paper, but I get a lot of money! »

Repeat what has been said 9 times, and then go get the lottery ticket you are interested in.
To win the lottery, light the candle you have stored and, holding the ticket over its flame, say:

“I use the charmed ticket and receive the winning amount. Riches and good fortune flow to me, but I don’t know trouble. The victory is mine and that’s it.”

The plot is also repeated 9 times, and the lottery ticket is put away in a place inaccessible to anyone, until the winner is announced.

An effective way

This is a powerful spell to win the lottery. Even beginners in magic can cope with it.
You will need several coins of different denominations: from the smallest to quite large. After reading the plot, keep all the change for yourself (for example, throw it in a piggy bank, but don’t spend it), give the middle ones as alms. Spend large sums to buy a ticket for the amount you need.

“The coppers draw silver towards themselves. Serebryanichki are dragging large gold fish. And I’m not expecting that money, but I’ll get it anyway. No matter how much I give away, the amount will be returned a hundredfold, luck is with me, victory is before me, losses are behind, they are not on the same path with me.”

Simple conspiracy

Use a strong but simple spell to get a winning combination in the lottery. Go to the nearest forest or park, find a round-shaped stone that will catch your eye and please you. Take him home and wait until evening.

Subsequent manipulations must be performed strictly alone. Take a light candle and light it. Using any available means (paints, markers, etc.), draw a sign symbolizing money on the stone. There will be a strong effect only if you draw a symbol that attracts you personally.
These simple steps allow you to create a magnet for banknotes from stone - imagine the amount you need, warming your amulet in your palms. Wait about 15 minutes, say the spell to win:

“I attract what I need. I carefully preserve my funds, multiply them, and luck is on my side! Amen."

Place the stone in your pocket, bag or even wallet. Buy a lottery ticket and wait for the winners to be announced. After winning, the stone needs to be hidden well, and if an urgent need arises, take it out and speak it again, according to the same

Powerful rituals for good luck

The mighty of this world of all times bowed their heads before various forms initiations that allow an ordinary person to gain magical power.

  • This happens due to the action of the higher elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air.
  • The fifth element is Man himself!
  • Magical rituals are complex, but their main idea is simple to the point of genius!
  • Songs of praise are sung to a mighty man.

Sing a song of praise to the common man- and by virtue of the laws of magical correspondence he will become powerful.

After all, one of the principles of high magic says: “The magical law allows cause and effect to be reversed.”

Spell for success

Say it out loud, raising the intonation on the last syllable of each word.

If you need to achieve:

  • success in love, it is necessary, while reading the spell, to turn your gaze to the east;
  • financial well-being - to the west;
  • asking for health for a man - to the north, for a woman - to the south.

It sounds like this:

« AGRO - OJI - HIN - YUS - AIS - IS - YUJI - OS.”

The spell is universal for everyone life situations. If you read it nine times in a row in the morning, then within nine days your plans will be fulfilled!

High magic spell to make a wish come true

It is this magical formula that is most effective for solving any specific issue, since it allows you to change one or more conditions in a life situation.

Write the following spell on a piece of paper:

“Just as the month does not meet with the sun, as the moon and stars are married, as mother and father are united, as bread and salt are deified, so should I, the servant of God (him), meet the servant of God (name), to be married, to be united, to be deified in the name of the Lord, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

To open a money channel, you should read the following plot:

  • “Gold, gold, pour in to me like peas in a bin, like barley grains on a threshing floor, like rye on a threshing floor! Gold, gold, stick to my hands like flies to honey, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun!
  • Gold, gold, pour into my pockets without counting, without measure, handfuls, handfuls!
  • Gold, gold, be friends with me, like ice with water, like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
  • I’m not a huckster, but a fine merchant, I sell according to honor, I hang according to my conscience, with plenty, I measure with powder, I cut with extra, I pour with the rest.
  • Be a treasure in my barn, yes, everything will be fine, there will be no loss, no ruin, no waste and no burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.”

Amulet of happiness

With the help of an amulet of happiness, you can win the lottery, receive a gift, realize your plans or fulfill your deepest desire. This amulet came to us from the ancient witchcraft practices of the Druids. The inscriptions initially took the form of now-forgotten symbols, which were later deciphered and replaced first with runes, and then with Latin words and Arabic numerals.

The amulet should be made on colored paper. If your desire is related to events concerning personal life, take a sheet of sky blue or blue, but if you want to receive money or something material - green. The symbols painted in the picture should be yellow, so you need to separately cut out circles from yellow paper.

  1. The amulet of happiness does not have a specific shape, so you can make it round or rectangular - this does not affect its effect.
  2. Stick the amulet on cardboard and always carry it with you. It is valid for a year. After this, the amulet must be made again.
  3. But remember: you can only make it for nine years in a row.

Magic candle light

A burning candle is one of the main and most accessible amulets. With its help, you can get rid of enemies, illnesses and unconscious fears, attract love, increase well-being and fulfill your most cherished desire. There is only one indispensable condition: candles for all magical actions must be consecrated in the church.

  • First of all, briefly and clearly formulate your desire and write it down on a piece of paper. Place the sheet on the table and place a candlestick on top.
  • It is better if it is completely new, otherwise it should be energetically cleansed by reading the “Our Father” prayer three times.
  • Take the candle in your left hand and dip the fingers of your right hand in vegetable oil.

Without releasing the candles from your left hand, lubricate with your right left palm and each finger with oil (in the direction from the middle phalanx to the top, then to the bottom), and then the candle itself.

At the same time, imagine how your cherished desire is absorbed into it along with the oil. Dip your fingers into the oil again and repeat the procedure.

A few minutes later, insert the candle into the candle holder and dry your hands with a clean, non-synthetic cloth.

Now the most important thing. Light a candle, get comfortable and look at the fire, but not point-blank, but as if on top of the flame or slightly to the side. At the same time, focus your thoughts on your cherished dream, passionately wanting it to come true.

  • After a while you will feel tired, you will want to change your position and look away. This means that your internal energy has been exhausted and it is time to complete the ritual.
  • However, you need to force yourself to concentrate and imagine what you are asking for.
  • Slowly say the words written on the paper, then remove it from under the candlestick and burn it in the candle flame.
  • Blow out the candle, wrap it in a clean non-synthetic rag and put it in a secluded place.

Remember: you cannot use the same candle for different wishes!

Silver spell

To attract wealth to yourself, place a small one in your home in a prominent place that you constantly pass by.

For seven days in a row, place one five-ruble coin in it. At the end of the week there will be seven coins. Now you can move on to magical actions.

First of all, you need to imagine yourself as a rich person. Sit at the table, place a pot of coins and a candlestick on it. Take a candle in your hands, feel the power of money, imagine the prospects that it opens up for you. Insert the candle into the candlestick and pour the coins into your left palm: you should use them to form a circle at the base of the candlestick (clockwise).

As you place each coin, say:

“Money, flow. Money, sparkle. Money, grow, wish to make me rich.”

After this, light the candle. When it flares up, imagine that the living energy of money is concentrated in the flame. Imagine that their power rises from the seven coins that make up the magic circle. After ten minutes, move away from the table: let the candle burn out without you.

When it goes out, put the coins back in the pot and for some time (choose the period yourself) “feed” it with several coins daily.

Wait - the money will come to you!

R solution to any complex problem

State the problem that worries you and take two glasses. Fill each of them exactly halfway with water, and then carefully pour it from glass to glass twenty-one times.

In this case, you must repeat:

“Small is much in the big, big in the small, and small still in the big.”

  • After this, pour the water so that each container is half full again, and drain both glasses in one gulp. A positive result should occur within three weeks.
  • By the way, make an ordinary tap water magic is not so difficult: just pass it through a sieve three times - and it will acquire the ability to remove damage and cure various diseases.
  • By the way, if you hold an empty sieve over your head for a while, you can get rid of the most severe migraine.

For success. Works quickly!

To create a talisman for the successful completion of a particular task, you must first find out the date and day of the week related to your zodiac sign.

  • Take a small square piece of paper, write your number in its corners, and in the center - the magic number seven (it is thanks to it that many wishes come true).
  • Circle the seven, roll the note into a tube and put it in your breast pocket, closer to your heart.
  • This talisman can bring you good luck throughout the day.

Protection from troubles and adversity

Sew any button to your clothes and say three times:


The main condition: you should use something that you regularly wear, and not clothes that are in the closet. As long as the button is sewn on, you don't have to worry about any difficulties.

Longevity is my destiny!

Every person wants to live long, be healthy and happy.

To make this wish come true, take raw egg and roll it with the palm of your right hand over the raw flour until it sticks. At the same time, read the special plot as many times as you are old. It sounds like this:

“Take away all the bad things - pain, frustration, anger, illness, and leave the good things - health, longevity, success. Let whiter than snow white, cleaner than water Fate will reward the spring with health and dress it with longevity. Be, my words, strong and firm. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Talisman for winning the lottery

Write the following magic formula on a piece of paper:


Place this note in your left pocket.

Now if you buy lottery tickets on Wednesdays from noon to three o'clock in the afternoon, you will certainly win.

I want to win money!

This ritual attracts money and guarantees winnings in any gambling, be it a regular lottery or roulette in a casino.

Place together white and black threads, the length from your fingertips to your elbow, and tie three knots at equal distances from each other.

Tie a rope with knots around the shin of your left leg and recite the words of the spell nine times in a row (they are pronounced each time from bottom to top and top to bottom - starting with the first word VILOT and ending with the word VOSARI, and then in reverse order, from VOSARI to VILOT):


After that, feel free to place your bets. You can use the spell an unlimited number of times - before any gambling.

I want to win the lottery

This ritual is valid throughout the summer.

On any Thursday at seven in the evening, take a small sheet of white unlined paper and write on it:

"Winning, lottery, luck."

Then nineteen times Say the following words in a row:


I wish you success!

In this article:

If you want to win a tidy sum in the lottery, then you can try to strengthen your desire with the help of magic by reading a spell for good luck and winning the lottery, making an amulet or performing a ritual.

Rituals for winning the lottery

The main rule when performing rituals for money is keeping time, having faith in your own luck, and visualizing future wealth. Money rituals are carried out only on the waxing Moon, in the first week of the new moon, preferably on Thursday - the day of Jupiter, which controls cash flows.

Simple money ritual

This ritual will help attract cash flow into your home. Go to the forest or field and find a streamlined stone there (without sharp corners). At home, in privacy with the stone, light a candle and draw any money symbol on the stone, for example, coins, dollar signs. Then mentally imagine how this stone becomes a magnet for money, attracting money into your home.

Keep the stone in a visible place so that it can catch your eye and you can imagine it as the center of your money flow every time.

Money ritual “Money to money”

This is a simple ritual, but it must be repeated daily.

Even in the old days, it was noticed that people who have money in their pockets always have it, and the person’s wealth only increases.

To win the lottery or attract money, you need to read the plot and follow simple steps.

Take an odd number of coins (3 or 5) and put them in the pockets of the clothes you wear daily. As you put the coins in your pockets, say:

“As water rushes to the shore, so money rushes to money.”

Enchanted coins work perfectly according to the law of attraction

The charmed money should be carried in your pockets and should not be spent under any circumstances. Every day you need to touch the coins, repeating the spell. Even after washing clothes, coins should be put back. The longer you carry coins with you, the more wealth they will attract to you.

Lunar Ritual

Any plot for good luck in the lottery will be effective if done on a waxing moon. There are a great many such conspiracies and rituals. Here's one of them.

On the first day of the new moon, at night, take 12 coins of various denominations, while total amount money must correspond to the age of the author of the ritual.

Go outside. Choose a secluded place. Then say seven times:

“Everything that grows and lives in this world multiplies from the light of the Sun, and money grows from the moonlight, multiply, be fruitful. Enrich me (name), come to me. So be it!”

Perform money rituals only when the moon is rising

Having completed reading the plot, clasp the coins in your fist, take them home and put them in your wallet, which should also contain other money, which will allow the plot to begin to act immediately, multiplying and attracting wealth.

Ritual for winning the lottery

The ritual is performed on a cloudy, gray and inconspicuous day on the waning moon. It is on such a day that other people will not look for luck, which means that the likelihood that it will smile on you increases significantly. Buy a lottery ticket that day, and the next morning at 8:00, put on inconspicuous gray clothes and hit the road. But before you cross the threshold of your home, say the following words:

“Wealth, come to me!”

Then take a five-kopeck coin and put it in your left pocket. Go to the nearest body of standing water - a pond or lake, without talking to anyone along the way. Having reached the goal, choose a secluded place on the right bank of the reservoir, stand facing north, take the coin in right hand and throw it into the water. But before you throw a coin, say a spell for good luck in the lottery:

“Money in the water - I win!”

Now go home without stopping, without turning around, and without talking to anyone. When you arrive home, ask your household members to leave the house for a while. At this time, place a plate of coarse rock salt in each corner of the house, and place forty blue candles around the perimeter of the main room. Light the candles at midnight, moving counterclockwise to each subsequent candle. Wait until all the candles have completely burned out, collect the cinders, sprinkle them with salt, take them to the pond into which the coin was thrown and throw it as far into the water as possible.

This ritual takes time and procedure, but it pays off.

Lottery ticket plot

This conspiracy was compiled by the Bulgarian healer and fortuneteller Vanga.

Before reading it, take a small coin and a favorite item of clothing that you wear most often - preferably an outerwear, as it is worn every day (jeans, coat, jacket, skirt).

Sew a coin into the hem of a dress or skirt, or into the lining of a coat or jacket.

While sewing on the coin, say:

“Like a thread and a needle are always together, so let money be inseparable from me. As a thread follows a needle, so wealth will reach out to me. I sew up the hem - I sew wealth onto myself. Come to me, all kinds of money, big and small, copper and silver, gold and paper, for my joy and God’s grace.”

When the coin is sewn up, hang the item in the closet and leave it there overnight. The next morning, put on your lucky clothes and wear them for several days in a row.
Good luck!