Black mulberry is a tree of health. White mulberry: planting, care and description of the best varieties (photo)

Nigra) is most often found in Transcaucasia, especially in Armenia, Iran and Afghanistan. reaching a height of up to twenty meters, has a wide-spreading crown with brownish-brown branches and large, up to ten centimeters, broadly ovate leaves. Its fruits are large, purple or dark red with a sweetish sour taste. This tree has a very powerful root system.

The plant has been known in culture for more than three thousand years. People breed it not only for its tasty fruits, but also for its leaves, which are the main food for silkworms. In total, the genus includes a dozen species.

Black mulberry (photo in the article) is drought-resistant and light-loving. It is not at all demanding on the composition of the soil, but grows best in well-drained soil. fertile soil. Fruiting of this plant begins after planting in the fifth year. It can be accelerated by vaccinations. A ten-year-old black mulberry can produce up to one hundred kilograms of fruits, which ripen gradually, falling off as they mature. They can be consumed both fresh and in compotes, juices and jams.

Due to its heat resistance and ability to tolerate pruning well, mulberries are often used for landscaping. In addition, it tolerates short-term frosts well, quickly recovering during the growing season.

In the East, black mulberry is considered a sacred plant. A large dining table, for which the whole family gathers. Amulets made from its wood are considered traditional amulets for In People's Karabakh, where sweet breads are baked from fruit squeezes, this plant is called the “king berry”. Black mulberry is considered the “tree of life”, which has magical powers. In mythology, it symbolizes respect for parents and hard work.

The people of Armenia, who have centuries-old traditions in gardening and extensive experience in winemaking, were the first to appreciate the life-giving benefits of nectar made from mulberries. They say that it was also appreciated by the Macedonian, who was treated to wine during his campaign in Persia.

Many people say that some varieties of this plant, in particular the “Black Baroness” mulberry, which is considered the best, are used in the production of silk. chinese legends. They say that Princess Li, who was resting under the huge one, noticed how the cocoon that fell into her hot tea began to bloom into iridescent shiny threads. This is how the Celestial Empire discovered the secret of the silkworm - the source of raw materials from which expensive silk is made.

Mulberry fruits are suitable not only for processing. Once dried, they can be stored for a long time as a substitute for sugar, of which they contain a lot. Due to their high iron content, berries are very useful for ulcers, anemia, heartburn, dysentery, etc. In addition, they lower blood pressure, normalizing metabolism. Many healers use them in the treatment of the spleen and liver. Mulberry bark is known for its wound healing effects. A tincture of its leaves is also useful.

Mulberry is a heat-loving plant, so it is relatively rare in the gardens of Russian gardeners. But its berries are not only remarkably tasty, but also very healthy. The crop is also valued for its abundance of fruiting and long productive period. The tree cannot be called capricious and demanding to care for - even a not very experienced gardener can carry out the necessary agrotechnical procedures.

What does mulberry look like?

Mulberry, also known as the mulberry tree, is a small genus of deciduous trees belonging to the Mulberry family. By different sources, in nature there are from 10 to 16 of its representatives. Most of them can be found in Central Asia and the Mediterranean coast.

Mulberries in nature reach considerable heights and form a wide crown.

Mature tree reaches 10–30 meters in height. The young seedling grows quickly, then the growth rate slows down. Mulberry leaves are of different sizes, can be either simple or cut in the shape of “blades”, smooth or with jagged edges.

Mulberry is a long-lived tree. Average term life - 200–250 years. But 300–500 years is not the limit for a plant. There are known specimens that are more than one thousand years old.

In countries with a suitable climate, mulberry is widely used in landscape design

The mulberry fruit is formed from a growing bract. Its average length is 2–4 cm. It consists of many fused round drupes. They are not connected too tightly to each other. The skin is colored in shades from white to crimson-pink, red-violet and blue-black.

Most varieties have tasteless fruits, but edible mulberries have a pleasant sweet taste with slight sourness and a pronounced specific aroma.

Mulberry fruits are similar to raspberries or blackberries, but their drupes are less tightly connected to each other.

IN fresh The berries do not last long. Even in the refrigerator they will last for a maximum of 2-3 days. The fruits also do not tolerate transportation, even over a short distance. The berries need to be processed quickly.

The yield of the crop is high: on average, 100–200 kg of fruits are harvested from an adult tree. The mulberry reaches such indicators by 10–12 years. And the first berries can be tasted 5–6 years after planting the tree in the ground. In addition to being consumed fresh, mulberries are frozen, used as a filling for baked goods, and made into compotes, jams, and preserves.

Mulberry jam is very tasty, especially if the fruits are not cloyingly sweet, but with sourness

Benefits and harms of fruits

Mulberries are extremely beneficial for health. They contain high concentrations of vitamins B, C, PP, as well as carotenoids, malic and citric acid, unsaturated fatty acids, essential oils, iron. Mulberries are widely used in folk medicine. Its berries are effective remedy with anemia and low hemoglobin levels in the blood. Their use is also recommended for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and liver. Practice shows that mulberry berries have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart in cases of hypertension, tachycardia, and shortness of breath.

You should not overuse mulberries. If consumed in moderation, it can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure(especially in the heat), promotes an increase in blood sugar levels. Stomach and intestinal upset are also possible. The rich color of the skin and juice turns mulberry into a strong allergen. The first time you use it you need to be very careful, especially if you are aware of your own body’s hypersensitivity. It is not advisable to eat mulberries on an empty stomach and wash them down with something cold.

Male and female plants

Depending on the species, mulberry can be either a monoecious or dioecious plant. This determines whether the gardener will need one or more trees. In the second case, “male” and “female” plants are needed for fruiting. “Female” flowers are small, greenish, collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence. “Men’s” are larger, almost white, and look like drop earrings.

“Male” specimens are widely used in landscape design; they grow faster and have larger leaves.

Before the first flowering, it is impossible to determine whether a mulberry plant is “female” or “male”, so it is recommended to purchase seedlings no younger than 3 years old

Varieties and varieties popular among gardeners

Most “natural” mulberry species have practically tasteless fruits. Those most often grown in gardens are those whose berries have a distinct taste - from sour to sickly sweet. Breeders have developed many varieties of decorative mulberries.

White mulberry

It is most common in Russia and is highly frost-resistant (-30ºС or more). On its basis, domestic breeders have developed many new varieties and hybrids. The leaves are about 15 cm long, smooth, heart-shaped. IN optimal conditions the height of the tree reaches 18–20 m; if they are far from ideal, the white mulberry turns into a shrub.

The crown is dense, in the shape of an almost regular ball. The tree is very hardy, survives and bears fruit even in cities. It blooms in the last ten days of May, the harvest ripens at the end of August. The bark is grayish-whitish. It is because of this that the white mulberry received its name. The fruits can be colored not only white, but also yellowish, pink, reddish and even almost black. Of all the types of mulberry, white is the sweetest.

The following varieties are most popular among gardeners:

  • White honey. Hybrid Russian selection. Tree up to 10 m high. The crown is dense, shaped like a pyramid. The length of the drupe is about 3 cm. The berries are white, very juicy and sweet, with a pronounced honey aroma. Productivity is consistently high - up to 200 kg per mature tree. It tolerates frost easily and quickly recovers from damage;
  • White tenderness. Valued for frost resistance down to -40ºС and abundant fruiting. The berries are snow-white, elongated, 3–4 cm long. If the summer is good in terms of weather, the fruits ripen very sweet, but damp and rainy weather the taste practically disappears. The first berries ripen in mid-June, fruiting lasts 6–8 weeks;
  • Pink Smolenskaya. One of the new selections. It begins to bear fruit in early June. Even 2-3 year old trees produce a harvest. Leaves of unusual decorative shape. The tree itself also looks elegant due to the fact that white, pinkish, and pale scarlet berries hang on it at the same time. They are small (2–3 cm long), but this does not affect the yield in any way. Frost resistance - up to -35ºС;
  • Fruit-1. The variety is from the early category, the harvest ripens in June. Fruiting lasts for 4–6 weeks. The drupes are white, but if spring and early summer are rainy, the skin takes on a pastel pink hue. Average length fruit 2.5–3 cm. Productivity up to 150 kg per mature tree. The fruits are sweet and juicy, but the flesh is quite dense. Of all the mulberry varieties, this one tolerates transportation best and is stored for the longest possible time;
  • Ukrainian-107. The berries are large, 3–3.5 cm long. The skin is pale pink. The taste is sickly sweet, the flesh is juicy and dense. The tree is frost-resistant and rarely suffers from diseases and pests. A significant drawback is low yield (15–25 kg);
  • Merezhevo. Another new Russian hybrid. The harvest ripens in early July, and fruiting lasts for about a month. The drupes are cream or pinkish, 3.5–4 cm long. The berries are very sweet. Overripe fruits quickly fall off;
  • Black Baroness. The harvest ripens in the second decade of July. Valued for its unpretentiousness and frost resistance. The berries are large, 4 cm or more long, the skin is bluish-black. The taste is sweet, dessert. The aroma is light, almost imperceptible. Fruits are stored for no more than 12 hours;
  • Dark-skinned. Self-fertile hybrid, does not require pollinating varieties. The tree is tall, 15 m or more. The crown is wide and spreading. The berries are 3–4 cm long and taste sweet and sour. The skin is almost black. Productivity is 150–200 kg, fruiting is annual. The shelf life of fresh berries is 12–18 hours;
  • Ukrainian-6. Mainly used for feeding silkworm or in landscape design, although the berries have a sweet, dessert taste, and the fruits are large (4–4.5 cm). The skin is colored black and purple. Frost resistance - up to -35ºС.

Photo gallery: white mulberry varieties

White honey mulberry is a fairly large plant; it will need a lot of space on the site. In mulberry White tenderness, ripe fruits are painted in a rare snow-white color, not found in nature Pink mulberry Smolenskaya is one of the latest achievements of Russian breeders Mulberry Plodovaya-1 ripens in June Mulberry Ukrainian-107 produces very tasty berries, but there are few of them on the tree Merezhevo mulberry is practically not stored Mulberry Black Baroness is characterized by low maintenance and frost resistance Mulberry Smuglyanka is a self-fertile hybrid; it does not need a “male” pollinator plant Ukrainian mulberry-6 is mainly used as food for silkworms

Black mulberry

In nature, it is found mainly in Afghanistan, Iran, and less common in Italy. The average height of the tree is about 15 m, the crown is wide, spreading, the shoots are slightly drooping. The bark is rough and dark brown. The leaves are large, up to 20 cm long. The underside is covered with thick soft hair. The average length of the fruit is 3–5 cm, the skin is inky purple or almost black.

The plant is undemanding to soil quality, is drought-resistant, and tolerates prolonged heat well. But black mulberry has difficulty surviving frosts. Therefore, in Russia it can only be grown in the south, in a warm subtropical climate (Crimea, Caucasus, Black Sea region). From the countries of the former USSR, the culture has taken root in Ukraine and Moldova. But even in such conditions, it is recommended to play it safe and build a winter shelter for the plant.

The following varieties of black mulberry are most often found in gardens:

  • Fruit-4. The tree is not tall, 3–5 m, the crown is compact, spherical. The drupes are elongated, 4–4.5 cm long. The pulp is juicy, the taste is pleasant and refreshing. The yield is very high - 250 kg per tree or more, fruiting is annual. Frost resistance at -25ºС. This variety is most popular among those who grow mulberries on an industrial scale. Thanks to the dense pulp, the berries tolerate transportation well;
  • Istanbul. One of the most large-fruited varieties, drupe length 5–5.5 cm. Skin dark purple, the flesh is juicy and sweet. Frost resistance - about -25ºС. Productivity is consistently high, fruiting is annual. The variety is a late variety; the harvest ripens in the first ten days of August. The fruits are harvested 4 years after the seedling is planted in the ground;
  • Shelly-150. One of the most popular varieties not only in Russia, but also in the world. Belongs to the early category. The fruits are harvested in the last ten days of June. The average length of the drupe is 5–6 cm. The skin is black, glossy. The taste is sweet, but not cloying;
  • Galicia-1. The hybrid is widespread mainly in Ukraine. The drupes are very large, 6.5–8 cm long. The skin is purple-red, the taste is sweet, with a slight refreshing sourness. The yield is not too high - 35–50 kg;
  • Black Prince. The variety is valued for its ease of care and resistance to adverse factors. environment(heat, drought, frost). The average length of the drupe is 4–5 cm. The skin is black, the flesh is sweet, with a slight honey flavor. It tolerates transportation well and can be stored for 2–3 days;
  • Hartut. The variety is widely used in home winemaking. These berries have very thick juice with a high (18–20%) sugar content. Even without processing, it tastes very much like a dessert fortified wine. The variety is self-fertile and bears fruit regularly and abundantly. The first fruits are born 3 years after planting;
  • Hope. The average height of the tree is 8–10 m. The berries are very dark purple in color and appear black from a distance. The drupes are large, about 5 cm long, the flesh is sweet and sour. Ripe fruits stick well to the tree. The harvest is harvested in early July. An adult tree produces more than 100 kg of fruit annually.

Photo gallery: varieties of black mulberry

Istanbul mulberries - presentable and tasty Mulberry Shelly-150 is one of the most popular varieties in the world Mulberry Galicia-1 stands out for its fruit size Mulberry Black Prince is one of the new varieties, devoid of significant disadvantages Mulberry Hartut is held in high esteem by amateur winemakers Mulberry Nadezhda has good yield and frost resistance

The homeland of this species is North America. The average height of the tree is 10–12 m, the crown is shaped like a tent. The leaves are about 10 cm long, rough to the touch.

Young leaves are cut into “blades”, then the shape is gradually smoothed out.

The fruits are sweet and sour, dark scarlet. The taste of red mulberries is extremely similar to blackberries. The plant is undemanding and hardy and is dioecious. Valued for its high frost resistance.

Red mulberry is practically not found in Russia and the countries of the former USSR

Decorative mulberry

Widely used in landscape design. It looks best in single plantings; it is often used to form hedges. The tree tolerates pruning well; the crown can be given almost any desired shape.

Popular varieties:

  • Crying. The average height of the tree is 3–4 m. The branches are thin and drooping. The leaves are small;
  • Large-leaved. The leaves are heart-shaped, light green in color, with long petioles. The average length is 22–25 cm. The variety is heat-loving, quite rare;
  • Globular. The crown, even without formative pruning, turns into an almost regular ball. Tree height - 2–3 m;
  • Pyramidal. The crown resembles a tall and narrow pyramid. The leaves are small;
  • Tatar. More likely not a tree, but a shrub or subshrub. The growth rate does not differ, reaching a height of 2–2.5 m. The leaves are small. Winter hardiness is very high;
  • Golden. Young shoots are really colored golden color, as it matures it changes to a brownish color. The average height of the tree is 2–3 m. Newly opened leaves also have a pale golden hue;
  • Red felt. A natural “mutation” of the red mulberry. Face young leaf shimmers red, the underside is whitish. The fruits are edible, purple-scarlet in color, but there are not many of them;
  • Narrow-leaved. Most often grown as a bush. The leaves are small, rough to the touch, highly elongated and deeply dissected.

Photo gallery: decorative varieties and hybrids of mulberries

Weeping mulberry looks impressive, but big harvest You can't expect anything from such a tree Large-leaved mulberry is thermophilic, so it is practically not found in Russia Globular mulberry forms a neat crown with virtually no gardener intervention Pyramidal mulberry has small, frequently spaced leaves. Tatarian mulberry is a decorative, but at the same time frost-resistant variety Golden mulberry looks very impressive The fruits of the red felt mulberry are edible Mulberry angustifolia stands out unusual shape leaves

Landing procedure and preparation for it

Mulberry is deservedly considered an unpretentious plant that successfully adapts to not the most better conditions. But obtaining the maximum possible yields can be ensured only if you “listen” to the requirements of the tree and, if possible, satisfy them.

Selecting a location

Like most other plants, mulberries love warmth and sunlight. An open, well-heated area is ideal for it. At some distance from the plant, it is desirable to have a barrier that does not shade it, but protects it from gusts of cold northern and northwestern wind.

The optimal soil option is light fertile sandy loam or loam. And by planting a mulberry in a sandy substrate, you can kill two birds with one stone, strengthening the soil due to the developed root system of the tree. The plant has a negative attitude towards heavy soil, but this problem can be dealt with by building an embankment about 0.5 m high or creating a drainage layer 10–15 cm thick at the bottom of the planting hole. Mulberry can grow even in swampy and highly saline substrate, but with abundant water The yield in this case should not be calculated. It is also undesirable for groundwater were located closer than 1–1.5 m from the soil surface. This can trigger the development of root rot.

When choosing a place for mulberries, it is worth considering that this is a long-lived tree, and it is also quite large. If a single planting is planned, it must be placed at a distance of at least 5 m from other plants. When forming a hedge, seedlings are placed 1 m from each other.

Mulberry is a large plant, this must be taken into account when choosing a place for it in the garden plot.

Landing dates

In most of Russia (regions with a temperate climate), it is best to plant mulberries in a permanent place in the spring, when the tree has not yet woken up from hibernation (the leaf buds have not opened). Over the summer, the seedling will form a developed root system and adapt to new living conditions. This will allow him to survive the winter with minimal damage.

Autumn planting (early September to mid-October) is suitable for areas with tropical and subtropical climates. Winters in Crimea, the Caucasus, Kuban, Krasnodar region, in Ukraine they are soft and almost always occur in accordance with the calendar. When planning planting, it is worth considering that the tree needs at least 6 weeks to adapt. Practice shows that a seedling that has successfully survived the first winter will live a long time and bear fruit abundantly.

Pit preparation

A planting hole about 70 cm deep and about the same diameter is filled by a third with a mixture of fertile turf with humus or rotted compost. You can also add sifted wood ash (0.7–1 l), 20–30 g of potassium and phosphate fertilizers or approximately 50 g of a complex product (Nitrophoska, Azofoska). This mixture is sprinkled with a thin layer of ordinary soil so that the roots are not damaged. The pit is prepared approximately 2 weeks before planting, if the procedure is planned for autumn, and if for spring, then at the end of the previous season. A drainage layer is desirable at the bottom (expanded clay, clay shards, brick chips).

It is advisable to create a drainage layer at the bottom of the mulberry planting pit so that moisture does not stagnate at the roots


The landing procedure itself has no special features. The only caveat is that you do not need to shorten the roots before planting. If necessary, a support is placed in the hole in advance. The roots of the seedling need to be carefully straightened without damaging them; they are quite fragile. The most important thing in the process is not to deepen the root collar. The soil is carefully trampled down, the tree is watered, using 10–15 liters of water. When it is absorbed, the tree trunk circle is mulched with peat or humus, freshly cut grass.

There is nothing complicated in planting mulberries; even a novice gardener can cope with the procedure.

Video: how to properly transplant mulberries

Nuances of crop care

Care comes down to maintaining the tree trunk circle in proper condition, periodic watering and fertilizing several times a season. The hardest thing for not too experienced gardener- tree trimming procedure.


In frequent and abundant watering this culture does not need. It is recommended to water the tree only if the weather is very hot and there is no rain. An adult mulberry needs 15–20 liters of water every 7–10 days.

Experienced gardeners do not advise watering the tree in the second half of summer, thus preparing it for the upcoming winter dormant period and sudden temperature changes. This is especially true for mulberries growing in the Moscow region and other regions with a temperate climate.

Only young mulberries are watered, and for an adult tree, if there is no abnormally intense heat outside, natural precipitation is sufficient

Particular attention should be paid to watering young trees under 5 years of age. Then the mulberry forms a developed root system and can provide itself with moisture independently, drawing it from the depths of the soil.

When there is a lack of moisture, the fruits on young plants become smaller, and annual shoots may freeze in the winter before they have time to ripen.

Fertilizer application

If the landing pit has been prepared in compliance with all available recommendations nutrients Mulberries will last for 2-3 years. But even after this, you should not get carried away with fertilizers, especially nitrogen-containing ones. Their excess negatively affects the plant’s immunity. Two feedings per season are quite enough.

  1. Immediately before the leaf buds bloom, 45–50 g of any complex fertilizer (Nitrophoska, Diammofoska, Azofoska) is added to the tree trunk circle. It is scattered on the surface of the soil in dry form or a solution is prepared by diluting the specified amount in 10 liters of water. Once every 2–3 years, you can additionally distribute 15–25 liters of humus or rotted compost in the tree trunk circle.
  2. 2-3 weeks before the fruits ripen, the mulberry is watered with an infusion of fresh manure, bird droppings, or nettle leaves, dandelion, diluted with water (proportion 1:15 for droppings and 1:8 for everything else).

    If the condition of the tree is not too good, it grows slowly; in early September, the soil in the tree trunk circle is sprinkled with sifted wood ash (0.5 l).

Nettle infusion - natural fertilizer for mulberries


Since mulberries in nature reach significant dimensions, pruning for them is mandatory procedure. The plant tolerates it easily, quickly recovering, even if the gardener has “overdone it” a little.

Pruning has a positive effect on the yield of the plant, the size of the fruit increases noticeably.

In regions with a temperate climate (Moscow region, Volga region, North-West), it is better to form a mulberry not as a tree, but as a shrub or subshrub no more than 3 m high. To do this, most of the shoots of a plant that has reached a height of 1.5 m are cut off, leaving 8 –10 most powerful and developed. This will be the main “skeleton” of the structure. Then, every year, 2–3 of the oldest branches are cut off to the growth point, replacing them with younger ones. Each skeletal shoot should have 3–4 branches of the second order and 10–15 branches of the third order.

It will take 3-4 years for the configuration to take its finished form.

To trim mulberries, only sharply sharpened and disinfected tools are used.

Where the climate for mulberries is close to optimal (Ukraine, Moldova, southern Russia), a tree that has reached a height of 1 m is shortened by cutting off the central shoot 25–30 cm above the last lateral shoot. The side shoots (with the exception of the three or four most powerful) are cut off to the growth point. The remaining ones are shortened to 4–5 growth buds. Then, over the next 2–3 years, several more tiers are formed in a similar way. Each of them should have 4–5 branches of the second and 12–15 branches of the third order. It is recommended to limit the total height of the tree to 4–5 m.

It is also easy to form a spherical crown. To do this, the lower and upper shoots are shortened more than the middle tier - by about a quarter and a third, respectively.

After the tree begins to bear fruit, the main attention should be paid to sanitary pruning. It is carried out twice a year - in the spring until the growth buds “awaken” and in the fall, after the end of leaf fall. The air temperature in both cases should be above 0ºС. It is imperative to get rid of broken, dried out, frozen shoots affected by diseases and pests. Also, deformed, weak and poorly placed branches are cut off to the growth point: those that thicken the crown, those that grow downward, and those that deviate sharply from the given configuration.

Mulberries need rejuvenating pruning every 10–15 years. All shoots are shortened by about a third, 2-3 skeletal branches are completely removed, replacing them with younger ones.

The fact that it is time to carry out the procedure is indicated by a decrease in yield, smaller fruits, and curvature of shoots.


The fruiting period of mulberries is extended; the berries often ripen within 1.5–2 months. Due to such uneven ripening, both completely green and blue-black fruits can be observed on one branch.

Mulberry berries are small and there are a lot of them on the tree. Since they still do not differ in keeping quality, some gardeners save time on harvesting by spreading a film, a piece of fabric, or newspapers under the mulberries. Then the tree needs to be shaken vigorously several times.

Mulberry has a very high yield, but its berries are practically not stored

Preparing for winter

Most mulberry varieties popular with gardeners can withstand frosts down to -30ºC without much damage. But only if the winter is snowy. Otherwise, the roots of the tree may be damaged, even if the temperature drops to only -7–10ºС. Therefore, it is advisable to build a shelter for the winter not only in regions with a temperate climate, but also in the subtropics.

  1. The tree trunk circle is cleared of plant debris and shallowly loosened.
  2. The layer of mulch from peat or humus is renewed, bringing its thickness to 12–15 cm. A mound 25–30 cm high is poured near the trunk.
  3. As soon as enough snow has fallen, it is raked up to the trunk, constructing a snowdrift.
  4. Young trees can be covered entirely by wrapping them in burlap or other air-permeable covering material.
  5. In those mulberry varieties that are characterized by the presence of thin, drooping shoots, the branches are bent to the ground, covered with straw and spruce branches.

Mulch will help protect mulberry roots from freezing if there isn't enough snow.

You should not be surprised if mulberries growing in the Moscow region and other regions with a temperate climate shed not only leaves, but also shoots in the fall. Due to the fact that daylight hours in these areas are shorter than the crop requires, it has two growing seasons. In autumn, the mulberry independently forms a layer of cork-like tissue between the ripened and immature parts of the shoot, thus getting rid of wood that will definitely not withstand the cold.

Reproduction methods

Mulberry propagates quite easily, both vegetatively and generatively. The latter is used less frequently because it is more labor-intensive, takes longer and does not guarantee the preservation of the varietal characteristics of the “parent”.

Germination of seeds

The seeds are extracted from ripe berries, the color of which has acquired the color typical of the variety. They are thoroughly cleaned of pulp, dried and stored in a dark, cool place until spring, poured into linen or paper bags. The optimal time for sowing seeds is the end of April or the first ten days of May.

Mulberry seeds must be thoroughly cleaned of pulp and dried to avoid the development of rot during storage.

  1. They are sown directly into the garden bed, deepening them to a maximum of 1–1.5 cm. In order to increase germination, you can soak them in Heteroauxin, Zircon, or Kornevin for several hours.
  2. Before the emergence of shoots, the bed is watered with a solution of any biostimulant (potassium humate, succinic acid, aloe juice, Epin) once every 2–3 days. Afterwards, they switch to daily moderate watering with heated water.
  3. A canopy of white covering material is built over the seedlings to protect them from direct sunlight.
  4. When 4–5 true leaves are formed, the plantings are thinned out, leaving at least 10–12 cm between them.
  5. After 2 years, the grown seedlings can be transplanted to the chosen location. You will have to wait at least 7–8 years for a harvest from such a mulberry.

Video: mulberry from seeds


This is the easiest method of propagation, the success rate is 80–90%, even if you do not use special root stimulants. Mulberry stalk - the upper or middle part of a green shoot about 20 cm long, cut obliquely. Cuttings are prepared throughout the growing season. If the climate allows, they are planted in the ground in the fall. Otherwise, until spring, the cuttings are dropped into a box with damp sand or peat and kept at a temperature of 3–5ºС.

The cuttings must have at least 2–3 growth buds. Semi-lignified branches can also be used, but the rooting process in this case is delayed for a long time.

Cuttings are the simplest and quick way get a new mulberry

The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse or in a garden bed, positioned at an angle of about 45º, deepened by 3–4 cm. The lower leaves are completely removed, the remaining ones are cut in half. Planted in open ground the cuttings are covered with glass caps, cut plastic bottles. It is imperative to support high humidity, but make sure that rot does not appear.

If technical possibility allows, it is advisable to create a “suspension” of small droplets of water in the greenhouse, reminiscent of fog.


This method is used for propagation of the most valuable and decorative varieties mulberries. White mulberry is most often used as a rootstock. This is due to its ease of care and frost resistance.

The simplest method of grafting is copulation. The top of the rootstock tree and the base of the scion seedling are cut at an angle, the cuts are combined and the structure is tightly wrapped with electrical tape, adhesive tape or a special grafting tape. If the procedure is successful (new leaves begin to form on the scion), the binding can be removed. A prerequisite is that the scion and rootstock must be approximately the same thickness.

When copulating, the scion and rootstock should be approximately the same in diameter

Budding requires the gardener to have some experience. What is used here as a scion is not a whole branch, but one growth bud, cut together with a “shield” from the tissues surrounding it, no more than 2–3 mm thick. This “shield” is inserted into an X- or T-shaped cut in the bark of the rootstock. The entire structure is securely fixed. If the growth bud hatches after 2–3 months, the rootstock is cut 10–15 cm above the grafting site, removing all side shoots.

When carrying out budding, try to touch the growth bud as little as possible.

Diseases, pests and their control

Mulberry has good immunity; this crop suffers relatively rarely from diseases and pests. But she is not immune, so you need to be able to recognize suspicious symptoms and know what to do in each specific case.

Diseases typical for the culture:

  • powdery mildew. Leaves, shoots, and fruits are covered with a grayish-white “hairy” coating. Gradually it darkens and thickens, the affected tissues die. Thickening of the crown and intense heat contribute to the spread of the disease. For prevention, mulberry and soil in the tree trunk circle are dusted with crushed chalk and sifted wood ash. Fundazol or Fitoverm-M will help to cope with the problem. It is advisable to shed the trunk circle with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • cylindrosporiosis. The leaves are covered with multiple clearly defined dark scarlet or purple spots. Then the affected areas turn yellow, the leaves dry out and fall off. If characteristic symptoms are detected, the tree and soil in the tree trunk circle are sprayed with a 1% Silite solution. After 12–15 days, the treatment is repeated;
  • bacteriosis The first symptom is dark blurry spots irregular shape on leaves and shoots. Gradually they turn into depressed “ulcers”. Damaged leaves curl into a tube and fall off, and gum is released on the shoots. You can cope with the disease only in the early stages of its development by cutting off all minimally affected parts of the plant and treating it with Fitolavin, Gamair;
  • leaf curl. The surface of the leaf wrinkles and “nodules” appear on it. The leaf plate becomes smaller and deformed. It is impossible to cure this viral disease with modern means. Particular attention should be paid to prevention, primarily to the fight against carriers of the pathogen (aphids, thrips, spider mites);
  • tinder fungus. Fungal spores penetrate tissues through mechanical damage in the cortex. Growths appear on the shoots, destroying the wood. They need to be cut off with a sharp sterile knife, the wound should be washed with 5% copper sulfate and cover with garden pitch or a mixture of fluff lime, cow dung and powdered clay. You can also cover the cut with several layers of oil paint.

Photo gallery: symptoms of common mulberry diseases

The most common pests:

  • ifantria americana (white American butterfly). The larvae of this butterfly are capable of completely eating leaves in a matter of days, leaving only veins. For prevention, unblown leaf buds and the soil in the tree trunk circle are sprayed with Nitrafen or Karbofos. To scare away adults from the plant, use Chlorophos, Phosfamide, Antio, Cyphos. One treatment every 3–4 weeks is sufficient;
  • mealybug. A whitish coating appears on the leaves, shoots, buds, and fruits, reminiscent of scattered flour. The affected parts of the plant turn yellow, dry out and fall off. For prevention, mulberries are sprayed with infusion of onion, garlic, and any strong-smelling herbs about once a week. To cope with the pest, they use Mospilan, Tanrek, Konfidor-Maxi. Usually 2-3 treatments with an interval of 8-12 days are enough;
  • spider mite Young leaves, tops of shoots, buds are intertwined with thin threads, similar to a cobweb. The affected parts of the plant become discolored, deformed and dry out. For prevention, mulberries are sprayed weekly with an infusion of onion or garlic pulp, or a decoction of cyclamen tubers. They fight the pest using acaricides (Aktellik, Apollo, Neoron, Omite). It will take 3-4 treatments with an interval of 5-12 days. The hotter it is outside, the more often the plant is sprayed.

Photo gallery: what pests dangerous to crops look like

The main damage to mulberries is caused by the caterpillars of American Ifantria General insecticides are mainly used to control mealybugs. To combat spider mite special preparations are used - acaricides

Until recently, growing mulberries in temperate climates was impossible. But breeders corrected this situation by breeding several frost-resistant varieties. Now nothing prevents the spread of this delicious and healthy berries in Russia. The rapid growth of its popularity is facilitated by consistently high productivity, ease of care, and decorative properties of the tree.

Black mulberry, or mulberry, is a deciduous, durable tree that has been grown since ancient times. Probably originates from Iran, found wild in Asia Minor. Grows in warm regions of Europe and North America, wild forms are often found in Spain and Italy, mainly on the edges and edges of forests. However, mulberries were most often used as decorative tree in parks and estates. An additional advantage of the mulberry tree was its very tasty fruits. In Russia, black mulberry is very rare and is cultivated only in warm regions of our country. White mulberry is often grown in our country, the fruits of which, after ripening, can have a purple-black color - the same as black mulberry. For this reason, the two trees are often confused. However, black mulberry fruits are tastier and not so cloying in taste.


Black mulberry is a tree with a dense, beautiful spherical crown, reaching a height of up to 15 m. The tree is covered with large, attractive, distinctive leaves. They are thick and leathery, heart-shaped, jagged at the edges, and dark green in color. The leaf blades are very hairy, unlike the white mulberry, whose leaves are smooth and shiny. From May to June, flowers develop, the male ones are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, the female ones in catkins, from which fleshy fruits are formed. The fruits densely cover the branches, gradually ripening from mid-July to August. Dark red, black spherical fruits up to 3 cm in diameter. Mature fruits fall off quickly. The intense color of the juice stains the skin. Therefore, do not plant a tree near sidewalks so that fallen fruits do not cause aesthetic dirt.


Black mulberry has similar requirements to white mulberry. There is soil tolerance. Warm, well-drained sandy or clay soils. Does not tolerate heavy and waterlogged soils. The tree has a deep, well-developed root system, thanks to which it can obtain water and nutrients from the deep layers of the soil. This thermophilic species grows well in sunny places protected from the wind. Black mulberry is not as resistant to low temperatures as white mulberry; in cold regions, especially young shoots can freeze. Young trees are protected from frost before winter. The tree tolerates air pollution, is recommended as an ornamental tree, and is used in urban green spaces. The tree grows quickly, within 10 years it can reach 8 m in height and up to 5 m in width, so it is an excellent plant for large gardens. Does not require pruning, although it can be formed into tall hedges or trimmed to limit growth. This procedure must be carried out in winter period, when the plant is completely dormant, because the mulberries secrete a milky sap that oozes abundantly from the wounded tissues. Avoid heavy pruning. If necessary, remove dead branches, as well as branches that cross and overly thicken the crown. This plant is rarely affected by pests and diseases and does not require chemical protection and is suitable for growing organic products.


Mulberries are propagated by wood cuttings. In early spring or autumn, take 30 cm of shoots so that they contain a 2-year-old woody base. You need to remove all side shoots, the seedlings must have at least 3 healthy buds, and then plant them 10 cm into the ground. You can place them directly in the place where the tree will grow, but in our climate it is better to root them in warm room. Young trees can also be grown from seeds. However, they germinate best when they are subjected to stratification for 2-3 months, that is, the temperature is lowered and watering is increased (winter dormancy). Plants grown in pots can only be planted in the ground in late spring or early summer, after the danger of the last frost has passed. Plant a young tree in the open, sunny place, make fertilizing organic fertilizer. Please pay special attention so as not to damage fragile roots.

Properties and application

Black mulberries should be eaten immediately after harvesting or processing and are not suitable for long-term storage. The fruit is juicy and slightly tart, with a refreshing taste - ideal for desserts, jam, marmalade, juice and infusions. Besides taste qualities, it also contains many important nutrients and vitamins, particularly vitamins A, C, B vitamins, flavonoids, coumarins and tannins. Mulberries also contain anthocyanins, which are natural dyes, so their juice can be used to color dairy products. In addition, these compounds have strong antioxidant properties.

Almost all parts of the plant have long been used in Chinese medicine. Berries stimulate the immune system, cleanse the body and have a diuretic effect. Juice from the fruit is useful in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases; in addition, it has hematopoietic and hemostatic properties, and is recommended for anemia. Preparations from the leaves, like white mulberry leaves, effectively lower blood sugar levels. Extracts from the leaves have antibacterial, astringent and diaphoretic effects. The bark is an antitussive, expectorant and diuretic, and infusions are used internally in the treatment of asthma, cough and bronchial inflammation.

Mulberries in the open

If you look at this tree from afar, in the same perspective as in the photograph above, then you can hardly say that it is fruit-bearing, much less berry-bearing. The photograph shows a black tree - a fruit tree from the mulberry family.

This type of mulberry is the closest relative of the famous “silk tree” white mulberry. Differences between species in the taste of berries and leaves. The berries are tastier and more aromatic, which is very pleasant for people, and the leaves are more tender and softer in white mulberry varieties, which is more to the liking of the silkworm.

Biological characteristics of the plant

Black mulberry is a tall deciduous tree. IN warm conditions In the Russian South, it can grow to a height of over 30 meters, so in culture its growth must be regulated by timely shortening pruning.

The leaves of black mulberry are very large, up to twenty-five centimeters in length and fifteen in diameter.

Comparative size of mulberry leaf

The fruit of the mulberry is a multi-drupe berry, reaching a length of three, and in some varieties, more than four centimeters. In the next photo, black mulberries are shown against the background centimeter ruler, so that you can realistically estimate their size. Berries ripen unevenly depending on the amount they receive sunlight from June to August. Planting mulberry plants in different parts garden, you can subsequently enjoy the taste of berries almost all summer long.

The berries are eaten fresh, dried, and prepared into compotes, jams, jelly and other homemade sweet preparations. Mulberry fruits are also used as food coloring. It must be said that the calorie content of black mulberry is low, only 43 kilocalories per hundred grams of berries.

Sizes of black mulberries

An interesting feature of the plants is the presence of three types of flowers. On one tree there are both separate male and female, and bisexual flowers.

Health tree

Let's move on to the story about the benefits of black mulberry. It turns out that all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.


The medicinal properties of black mulberry berries differ depending on their degree of ripeness. In their unripe form, mulberries are an excellent astringent, which allows them to be used for diarrhea, and when overripe, they are already used for constipation. Ripe fruits are a diuretic used for renal edema. Mulberry berries also help with some diseases of the genital area in both men and women.


Decoctions from fresh leaves used as an antipyretic and analgesic. In addition, fresh juice of the leaves perfectly relieves toothache. Useful properties black mulberry leaves are also recognized by official medicine; preparations from them are prescribed for diabetes mellitus in its initial stage.

If you want to have soft and silky hair, then a decoction of mulberry leaves will help you with this.


A decoction of mulberry roots is used for bronchial asthma and cold cough, it is useful for hypertension and other diseases of the heart muscle. Fresh mulberry root juice is used to treat worms.


The bark of small twigs is used for kidney diseases. Mulberry bark powder is used to treat wounds and burns.

Mulberry varieties

When talking about varieties of black or white mulberries, you need to remember that the differences between the species lie not in the color of the berries, but in the color of the bark of mature trees; in the black variety it is darker. Meanwhile, it may have black berries, but varieties of black mulberry that would bear light fruits have not yet been developed.

Black Prince

A variety with pronounced large shiny black berries that reach a size of five (!) centimeters. Mulberry variety "Black Prince" is undemanding to growing conditions; it tolerates both summer heat and winter cold. This mulberry variety is recommended for cultivation in risky farming areas, including Siberia and the Moscow region.


Very productive variety with purple-black large tasty sweet and sour berries, up to five centimeters in size. The tree of the “Nadezhda” variety blooms in May, and fruiting begins in July. The variety is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. The first fruiting of self-fertile black mulberry occurs already in the second year of cultivation. “Nadezhda” grows up to ten meters in height.

Large berries "Nadezhda"

Shelley #150

The variety is distinguished by the size of not only its berries, which reach five and a half centimeters, but also its leaves. The sheet "Shelley No. 150" reaches half a meter in length. Interestingly, the variety was bred from a random seedling by breeder Prokazin. In terms of large-fruitedness, it surpasses all varieties cultivated in the post-Soviet space.

Berries "Shelley No. 150"

Black mulberry propagation

Sapling of the variety “Black Prince”

Mulberry trees should be planted at least six meters apart from each other or other large plants such as apple or pear trees. Planting is done either in the spring before the buds open, or in the fall a month before the onset of frost, so that the seedling has time to take root before winter.

Another feature of planting black mulberry is its unpretentiousness to growing conditions, including soil conditions. That is, there is no need to add nutrients specifically when planting.

Advice! If you add manure, compost or other additional nutrition to the mulberry planting hole, the tree may become fatty and poorly prepared for winter.


When growing mulberries, all the most important activities must be carried out in the first seasons after planting. At this time, watering is carried out during dry periods, and most importantly, formative pruning. The future appearance of your tree depends on it. If you do not trim the mulberry on time, it can reach the height of a three-story house, which will further lead to inconvenience in handling the tree. And in conditions middle zone In Russia and Siberia, this, among other things, can lead to freezing of branches.

You should start feeding the tree only from the third year of cultivation, and then only if external manifestations of a lack of nutrients are visible. Excessive fertilization reduces fertility and frost resistance and leads to rapid vegetative growth.

Berry picking

The collection of mulberry berries is carried out by shaking, after laying some fabric or non-woven material. This process is very well demonstrated in the video presented.

Mulberry fruits, shaped like blackberries, are extremely useful and are used as a natural antiseptic.

Mulberry in medicine: benefits and contraindications of fruits

Mulberry- a genus of deciduous trees of the mulberry family. In culture for more than 3000 years. People breed them for their leaves - the main food of silkworms and how fruit crop. There are about 10 species in the genus, but three are most often used. The berries are a cluster of juicy grains with skin, pulp and small grains.

There are many types, shapes and varieties, among which black, white and red mulberries stand out for their fruits. All species are fast-growing deciduous dioecious plants, distinguished by a variety of leaf shapes, which, even on one branch, can be three-, five-fingered or whole heart-shaped.

All parts of the mulberry tree contain milky sap, which is released when the plant tissues are injured. The fruits resemble berries or, in some cases, contain seeds, in others they are seedless.

As you can see in the photo, mulberry berries have the shape of drupes and reach 2-3 cm:

The fruits are juicy, sweet, and have a pleasant aroma. The first fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. The main ripening period occurs at the end of July - beginning of August.

The first to use mulberry in medicine was the medieval Persian scientist, physician and philosopher Abu Ali ibn Sina - Avicenna, who was one of the first to draw attention to the benefits of using this plant.

All parts of the tree are used for treatment - roots, bark, leaves and fruits. This plant is an excellent natural antiseptic and can be used as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, and astringent.

It is used in the production of sugar, citric acid and vinegar. In folk medicine it is unique plant can bring tangible benefits in the treatment of many diseases. The berries, when fully ripe, are an excellent laxative and are suitable for constipation. Green fruits are used for diarrhea. Juice, diluted boiled water, used for rinsing the mouth for throat diseases. An infusion of mulberry bark and berries is effective for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma.

As a diuretic, decoctions of the bark and roots are used for hypertension. The leaves are infused and taken in infusions for fever to reduce the temperature. It is recommended to consume berries in large quantities with heart disease and myocardial dystrophy. A healing powder is made from the bark; if mixed with oil, it creates a remedy for healing wounds, cuts, and ulcers. This ointment quickly eliminates bruises.

Eating it helps in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence, with uterine bleeding and to alleviate menopausal syndrome.

The main contraindication for mulberries is individual intolerance. Excessive consumption of this berry can cause side effects. digestive system. In addition, people suffering diabetes mellitus or hypertension, you should consult your doctor before eating berries.

Black and white mulberry: photo and description

There are about 24 species of mulberry, native to East and Southeast Asia, the Sunda Islands, India, southern North America, parts of Africa and southern Europe. There are 2 common types of mulberries in culture - white and black mulberries.

They are grown for their fruits and for producing leaves for feeding silkworms. To feed the silkworm, white, silkworm and multi-stemmed mulberries are cultivated, and black mulberries are also cultivated to produce fruits.

White mulberry can have not only white, but also pink, yellow and even black fruits - this variety got its name thanks to light color tree bark.

White mulberry is native to Asia Minor and East Asia. This is a fast-growing, tall, long-lived tree with a dense spherical or spreading crown. The leaves on one tree grow in a variety of configurations; in summer they are dark green and yellow in autumn. The berries of this type of mulberry deserve a special description - they have a surprisingly sugary taste.

It is unpretentious to soil and growing conditions - it grows successfully in city conditions, and its long roots help stabilize slopes and ravines. At a young age, it easily tolerates transplantation. This species can withstand significant frosts (up to -30 degrees), and when young branches freeze after pruning, they quickly grow back and restore fruiting.

Grown by gardeners and how ornamental plant: There are many garden forms with weeping, pyramidal, spherical, multi-stemmed, dwarf crowns and a variety of leaves. Decorative forms propagated by grafting and vegetative methods.

Pay attention to the photo - white mulberry used for single, group planting and for creating dense hedges, as it tolerates regular trimming well.

Black mulberry originally from Iran and Afghanistan. In nature and in hot countries, it is a large tree up to 15 m high. The wide spreading crown is covered with large leaves. The shiny black fruits are very juicy and tasty, sweet and sour.

Summer green deciduous tree with a low, very wide and spreading crown. The tree is usually much larger in width than in height. The trunk is often twisted, curved or crooked. The bark is dark brown or orange-brown, fissured. The leaves are 7-18 cm long and about 8 cm wide, broadly oval and heart-shaped, with a short slender apex, deeply notched at the base, irregularly crenate, serrate-crenate or slightly lobed along the edges; on the upper side they are rough, pubescent, light green to bright green, on the lower side they are light green, with soft pubescence.

The plant is monoecious. Men's earrings are short and thick, pale green. Female inflorescences are even shorter. Fruits do not develop from carpels, but from elements of the floral integument. Blooms in May-June.

Below are descriptions of black and white mulberry varieties.

Black Baroness. Deciduous dioecious tree with a moderately dense spherical crown. The flowers are dioecious, collected in spikes. The leaves are simple, 3-5 lobed or entire. The fruit is a large one-dimensional edible, juicy, sugary complex drupe of thick black color. The taste is very sweet and pleasant, almost without acid. The aroma is insignificant. Fruiting is abundant and regular, the berries ripen in June-July. Productivity is high. Transportability of berries is satisfactory. The shelf life of fresh berries without spoilage is 6-12 hours. The variety is unpretentious to soil and living conditions. Withstands frosts -30°C and above.

Dark-skinned girl- a variety of white mulberry. A large deciduous tree with a dense spreading crown. Productivity is high. The fruits are almost black, up to 3.5 cm in length and 1.2 cm in diameter, juicy, sweet, ripen in June-July. Transportability is good. When describing this variety of mulberry, it is especially worth noting the frost resistance, drought resistance and unpretentiousness of the trees.

Black mulberry Istanbul. One of the largest-fruited mulberry varieties. The tree is tall, up to 7 m high. The crown is dense, spherical. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year.

Look at the photo - this black mulberry has small flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences:

Leaves are ovoid. Blooms at the end of April. Ripe fruits are almost black in color, large 3 cm in length. The ripening period is long from the second ten days of July to August - the third ten days.

Unpretentious to soil and living conditions. Withstands frosts down to -30°C

Planting and caring for mulberries in spring and autumn

The plant is easy to grow, its unpretentiousness allows it to be planted on any soil. The plant loves moderate watering and mulching of the soil. The tree tolerates pruning well, which results in the crown becoming denser and more spherical in shape. In winter, no shelter is required - it can withstand frost well. In summer it can easily withstand drought. Propagated by cuttings, seeds or separating offspring from the mother plant.

There are two main planting methods: seedlings and seeds.

For planting and subsequent care of mulberries, use a sunny place; the soil should be loose to make furrows easier to make. These furrows need to be well watered; it is advisable to add fertilizer for fruit and berry crops to the water.

Sow seeds as rarely as possible - this will make it easier to plant the seedlings. It is necessary to sow the seeds at a depth of 3–5 cm; after sowing, water them thoroughly and mulch them so that the soil does not dry out. When planting in the fall, take care of insulation so that the seeds do not freeze.

After the seedlings sprout, they need to be watered and weeded periodically. Seedlings can be fed with fertilizers to better growth. At proper care Mulberry seedlings will be strong and large by autumn. They will need to be seated - the distance should be from 3 to 5 meters.

Seedlings need to be planted early spring to the sunniest place. After digging a hole, add compost or nutrient soil to it, pour in plenty of water with fertilizer diluted in it for better rooting of seedlings, and cover with soil. Water and mulch the soil around the seedling again.

Caring for mulberries in spring, summer and autumn consists of weeding and watering. Seedlings can also be planted in the fall, but this must be done a month and a half before frost. To prevent the tree from growing too large and looking well-groomed, its crown must be periodically trimmed and shaped.

Pruning mulberry trees (with video)

Mulberries should be pruned only during the period of complete dormancy from early to mid-winter. In older trees, however, intensive sap flow may already occur at this time; A red-hot poker is traditionally used to cauterize wounds.

Prune old trees only when necessary - remove infected and damaged branches in the summer. Juice is also released through wounds in the roots; do not cut them off when planting.

Later, pruning of a properly formed tree can be kept to an absolute minimum.

U young tree clear branches from the trunk to a height of 1.5 m, so that the spreading branches of an adult plant do not fall to the ground.

Unwanted shoots on the developing trunk are shortened in the first year, and completely removed in the second.

To form a structurally sound tree, try to keep the main shoot to a height of about 6 m, tie it up if necessary and remove competing leaders, otherwise allow the crown to develop naturally.

To make harvesting easier, low-growing compact trees can be formed.

Trim the apical shoot directly above the top 3-4 powerful side shoots, at a height of 1-1.5 meters. Form a skeleton of 8-10 branches, like a low-standard apple tree.

Then allow the crown to develop naturally, keeping pruning to a minimum. Unwanted shoots must be quickly plucked or trimmed.

Young trees are easy to form. Seedlings slowly form side shoots, so pruning them to clean the trunk may only be required after 3-4 years, as with some ornamental standard trees.

Once the trunk is formed, allow the crown to develop naturally or, to form a more compact tree, prune the top and upper side branches, like a low-bole tree, this year and next.

Watch the mulberry pruning video to better understand how this procedure is performed:

Mulberry grafting rules

If for some reason the plant produces low-quality fruits, or you want to grow several varieties on one tree at once, then the grafting procedure will help you.

The first step is to ensure that the cuttings are prepared in advance. Annual shoots are cut from the top of the crown fruit tree from a well-lit side in early spring or at the end of winter, when there is no severe frosts. Store them in a damp, cool place, wrapped in a damp cloth. It is very important that the cuttings are prepared correctly and are not frozen.

Most often, mulberry grafting is done in the spring, in early or mid-April. The period of spring grafting begins with the beginning of buds on the tree and lasts until the end of flowering. At this time, the circulation of sap in the tree trunk reaches its peak, which means there is a high probability of fusion of the scion and rootstock.

Vaccination in the summer is also welcome; it can be repeated after an unsuccessful procedure in the spring. For summer vaccination By budding, shoots of the current year are used, rather than prepared in advance. To do this, you should choose vegetative shoots: elongated, fruitful and with large leaves. It is also important that the buds on them are well developed.

It is very important to follow the rules for mulberry grafting:

  • The work must be done with clean and well-sharpened tools to ensure high-quality cuts the first time.
  • The cut areas quickly oxidize, so the work must be done quickly enough.
  • After the procedure, the wounds must be treated with a special putty - garden varnish or oil paint.