The newest services in the world. Restaurants offering their customers the most unusual services

One of the nicest benefits of capitalism is the huge variety of goods and services that are available on the market. If there is demand, there will always be supply. Now you can order and buy anything! And what kind of services can be found in the ad lines? We present to your attention a list of the 15 strangest services in the world.

1. Japanese service “We ask for forgiveness.”

Asking for forgiveness is never easy, and the Japanese are no exception. Several companies in Japan thought there weren't enough people in the market willing to apologize for you. These companies are ready to ask anyone and anything for forgiveness on your behalf. Naturally, not for free. Costs range from $96 for a telephone apology to $240 for an in-person apology.

2. Bus for people suffering from a hangover.

Hop on the hangover bus after a wild night in Las Vegas, with a variety of amenities on board. For example, an IV and various anti-nausea medications. It sounds good when drunk, although it's not cheap.

3. Puppy for rent.

In Utah, you can rent a cute, fluffy puppy for just $15 an hour. The company will even deliver the dog to your address. The idea is that this is a kind of “tester” - people who rent dogs end up adopting them for good, becoming attached to their new four-legged friend.

4. Paparazzi service.

Have you ever wanted to feel famous? Now you can do it for as little as $500 (well, starting at $500). One company, Celeb 4 a Day, offers paparazzi and fan services. The people you hire will scream with delight like your true fans and take pictures of you as you walk down the street. The service is currently available in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

5. Midget on call.

Want to make your party unforgettable? Add some spice to it? It's currently available if you live in the US, UK or Canada. You can rent a midget for an hour to make your party even more interesting.

6. Granny for rent.

Australian Grannies for Hire offers a variety of grannies for you to choose from with a variety of skills. Payment is hourly. No more lonely evenings without a delicious “grandma’s” pie.

7. Creating a portrait from your own ashes.

For just $127, a company from Virginia will paint a portrait of your deceased relative from their own ashes after cremation.

8. Chicken for rent.

Another Australian company is offering you the opportunity to rent a new pet - a chicken. The slogan of this company is: “If you return it, it was a rental. If you keep it, then you bought it.”

9. Delivery of food to death row.

The Last Meal Company, based in Toronto, delivers the last meal (sorry for the repetition) to an inmate facing execution. Includes DVD and paper prisoner mask. Kind of creepy, right?

10. Friend for rent. is here to cater to all your platonic relationship needs and requirements. Since 2009, this company has been allowing people around the world to rent a friend for shared activities. Rental cost starts from $10 per hour.

11. Renting a foreigner.

A Japanese company allows its clients to rent a foreigner to “hang out” with. Looks like a great job if you foreign student and came to Japan as a tourist.

12. Hire a person to stand in line for you.

The queue is one of the biggest disadvantages of New York. For just $25 an hour and another 10 bucks for every 30 minutes, you can rent someone to stand in line for you. Looks like buying Broadway tickets will now be a piece of cake.

13. Renting an assistant to pick up girls.

Professional Wingman in New York and Boston and Wingman Pro in Los Angeles can provide you with the professional help you need to hit on a girl at the bar. Everything is quite simple: they assign you a handsome and confident actor who will help you “break the ice” and start a conversation, and then it’s up to you.

14. Rent a person who chooses a bar or nightclub for you.

We've all probably had this experience: you're going to a nightclub, but you're afraid that there will be too few (or too many) people there. How to find out in advance? Now you can do this thanks to the Crowdmug iPhone app. People who work with this application often visit such establishments. When you choose a bar or club, the person in at the moment in this establishment, receives a notification on your phone, takes a photo of the hall from the inside and sends it to you. Voila! You will see the bar from the inside without leaving your couch! And the person who took the photo will receive money.

15. “We’ll clean up after your dog.”

If you're too lazy to clean up your own dog's yard or street, Virginia-based DoodyCalls will do it for you. By the way, they have been cleaning up dog poop since 2000.

The restaurant business and other areas of our lives are constantly changing and improving. Therefore, the owners of establishments are forced to adapt to the rapidly developing world and meet the increased demands of visitors, spoiled by the wide range of services provided and all sorts of delights. Due to the overabundance of places where you can have a delicious meal and a pleasant rest, restaurant owners have to bend over backwards to intrigue and attract visitors to their restaurant. Here are 10 creative restaurants with an original range of services provided.

Dinner in silence

Welcome to Greenpoint, Brooklyn, home of Nicholas Nauman's new restaurant Eat, where diners are required to eat their egg frittata and casserole and whole grain porridge in silence.

Nauman spent some time in a Buddhist monastery in India several years ago, which inspired him to create the idea for a silent restaurant.

The Silent Dinner is a monthly event and has proven so popular that diners have to make reservations several days in advance for the privilege of dining without speaking or hearing a word in the small room that seats just 25 people.

Dinner in the nude

Once a month, a Manhattan restaurant hosts a nude dinner party. Nudist activist John J. Ordover has come up with clothing-optional dinners where guests strip off as soon as they enter and enjoy signature dishes.

Health regulations require staff to remain clothed even if they want to join. In addition, visitors must bring something to sit on - a towel or, for discerning women, an elegant silk scarf.

Don't worry, the windows are tinted, hot soup isn't served, and people only keep their eyes level with your face.

Offensive lunch

Dick's Last Resort is a chain of small bars and restaurants in the United States known for deliberately hiring rude waiters - they are trained to behave as such.

In addition to the staff, the restaurant's decor is wacky. His goal is to offend customers and put them in an unpleasant position. Visitors are provided with bibs and large paper caps self made, which they must wear throughout the entire dinner. There are no napkins on the tables - as a rule, waiters throw them at visitors.

This restaurant, which has picnic tables and no tablecloths, appeared after its owner's first high-end restaurant failed and went bankrupt. Instead of continuing to operate in a high-end field, the owners redirected their efforts to sleaziness. The end result was a success, leading to the creation of six more such restaurants.

Alice in Wonderland style lunch

In Japan, there is a chain of restaurants inspired by Lewis Carroll's famous fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". Restaurant interiors, opened by the company"Diamond Dining" were created by the Japanese studio "Fantastic Design Works".

Each restaurant offers its own interpretation of the classic fairy tale, with tables shaped like teacups, romantic lighting, waitresses... blue dresses Alice and, of course, delicious and delicious dishes.

Knock on the giant hardcover book and you will be admitted into this elegantly decorated restaurant. Finding yourself inside is like falling through the rabbit hole into Alice's world.

Dinner with the Dead

Some restaurants can have a really dead atmosphere, but one Indian restaurant owner says his business has been booming since he opened a eatery in an old cemetery. Instead of destroying the graves to make way for a café, owner Krishnan Kutty decided to preserve the coffins and arrange tables around them in the ironically named New Lucky restaurant. New luck") in Ahmedabad.

The coffins are all that remains of the Muslim cemetery, and the cafe has become a popular gathering place for young and old.

Approximately a dozen coffins, covered with iron bars, are located inside the cafe. Every morning, when the diner's shutters are raised, waiters spend some time wiping down the tombstones and decorating them with fresh flowers.

Singing restaurant

Bel Canto mixes haute cuisine with the excitement of the opera house. The unique combination of a talented pianist and professionally trained opera singers makes evenings at Bel Canto unforgettable.

Not only do visitors enjoy fantastic French cuisine here, but they are also serenaded. Throughout the evening, four singers perform operatic classics at regular intervals, moving between the tables.

Bel Canto has two restaurants in Paris (in Neuilly-sur-Seine and the Hotel de Ville) and one restaurant in east London (at the Corus Hotel near Hyde Park).

Dinner on the edge of a cliff

Fangweng Restaurant in China's Hubei province is conveniently located next to the popular Sanyu Cave, otherwise known as the Cave of the Three Travelers, but what you might find more impressive is that the restaurant appears to be hanging on the edge of a cliff.

If you didn't know this beforehand, you might be surprised because there are no clues about how to enter. You must go down the passage that juts out above Happy Valley in Xiling Canyon to reach the dining hall.

Several tables are located on the balcony jutting out over the rock. But most of the tables are inside a natural cave.

Dinner alone

Table for one please! At Eenmaal, a new restaurant in Amsterdam, this is your only choice. Social designer and initiator Marina van Goor explains the idea of ​​the restaurant: “Eenmaal is the same restaurant as the others, but it differs in one thing: here you will only find tables for one.

"Eenmaal is an exciting experiment for those who never go to cafes alone, as well as an attractive opportunity for those who often go to restaurants alone."

With "Eenmaal", Marina hopes to break the stereotype that there is something wrong with a person if he sits or eats alone.

An exclusive dinner that you have to wait five years for

Barel's restaurant, created with his own hands and located in the basement of his own home in upstate New York, has been running for 25 years. high price Personally created dishes from personally grown and harvested ingredients are served. All ingredients used in each evening's unique menu are grown in Barel's personal farm garden, including acorn meal and butter made on site.

The dining room can accommodate up to 20 people, who must arrive at a certain time in advance to take part in the five-hour dinner. The restaurant became such a hit that Barel received more than 10,000 reservations in just a week.

The cost of the meal (not including the anxious wait) reaches more than $200 per serving, but any wealthy person with the ability to plan five years in advance can have a truly one-of-a-kind date.

"Traveling" restaurant

The trend of modern and underground restaurants shows no signs of abating, but in a new twist, the Pale Blue Door restaurant, created by British artist and decorator Tony Hornecker, is popping up, packing up, then popping up again in another country, taking in festivals along the way.

Pale Blue Door is not a simple hopping restaurant, it is a supper club and installation in a ramshackle wonderland in a secret location in Dalston, London. Tony Hornecker is the man who founded the mysterious club that forces clients to travel to Santiago and Buenos Aires and Glastonbury and Berlin. Visitors are welcome to dollhouse Hornecker's life-size three-course dinner while they are entertained by pantomimes and cabarets such as A Man to Pet and Johnny Woo.

Hornecker began implementing his idea in his studio-cum-terrace home in Hackney, London, where a jumble of windows, odd rooms, furniture, knick-knacks and drag queen performances are served with panzanella, rare beef and crumble pudding.

This restaurant, like many ingenious inventions, was created out of necessity. At the beginning of the year, Hornecker's agent went bankrupt, his work dried up, and he could no longer pay rent. Hornecker had long had the idea of ​​starting a restaurant, and thanks to his previous experience - he had been a waiter since he was 14 and was training to become a chef at 16 - it was a natural solution to his financial crisis.

Just imagine that for money you can hire a person who will stand in line for you or clean your ears. Surprised? But these are not all the strange services that are provided in the world.

In addition to the fact that now you can hire a maid, nanny, gardener and many other assistants, there are a huge number of specific jobs and services in the world that seem amazing. An interesting trend is that the richer the country, the more strange things are associated with it. Intrigued? Then let's go.

1. Excrement cleaner

In many countries, fines have been issued for people not cleaning up after their animals that have soiled themselves on the street. If you are lazy and don’t want to do this kind of thing, then you can contact a special company that will send a person and he will do the cleaning. In the USA, a similar company has been successfully operating since 2000.

2. Ear cleaning salon

A strange service that can be found in Japan gives the impression that very lazy people live there. Many Japanese men go to the salon to have their ears cleaned while they relax on a soft couch. This procedure is popular among those who want to return to childhood, when their mother did all this.

3. Beating for money

Many people are distracted by various things while working, for example, the most common is the Internet. As a result, productivity decreases, which can negatively affect wages. Everyone struggles with this problem in their own way, so... unusual solution found by a man named Manish Sethi. Through a message board, he hired a man who slaps him every time he is distracted from work. This is, of course, cruel, but his productivity increased from 38 to 98%.

4. Standing in line

Few people like to languish in line when there are many useful things to do. To save their time, people are willing to pay others to stand in line for them. Such “substitutes” are called tramitadors. In many countries, for example, America, Italy, China, Spain, there are special companies engaged in such business. The price for the service depends on how long the tramitador had to wait.

5. Exotic massage

An unusual service is common on Mexican beaches - cactus massage, which is positioned as an excellent rejuvenating procedure. First, the needles are removed from the plates of the plant, and then various manipulations are performed with them on the back and other parts of the body.

6. Painting lawns

The service is popular in America and Canada, and was invented by Joseph Perazzo in 2015. At that time, many states suffered from severe drought, so the grass turned brown instead of green. To make lawns more attractive, they began to paint them in the same way as they do on golf courses, football fields and other sporting events.

7. Tactful messages

Many people are embarrassed to tell others about their shortcomings, such as having hair that sticks out of their nose. These prudes can use Chololi, a service that sends an anonymous message to a person letting them know there is a problem. I wonder who came up with the idea to create such a business?

8. Grandma for an hour

Pensioners in Australia, America, South Korea and Turkey have a good option to earn extra money. If an old woman loves children, then she can work as a grandmother for an hour in different families. The ability to bake goodies and knit is a good bonus.

9. Couple for hire

There are people who find it difficult to bear loneliness and do not like to answer constant questions about when they will have a couple. A unique service was invented especially for them - half for rent, that is, the guy/girl will behave like a real lover, but for an additional fee. This is practiced in China, Japan and America.

10. Paparazzi service

A strange but relevant service for the modern world, where many people dream of a public life and want to become stars. In America, anyone can order a “hunt”: a person is assigned a personal paparazzi who will follow him on his heels, taking photographs.

11. Farewell messages

Often people pass away without having time to say goodbye to close relatives and friends, but there is a company that provides the opportunity to write a farewell message in advance and save it until death. After the death of the customer, mailings will be made to the specified addresses. This service also allows distribution of wills and insurance details. A person can write up to 100 messages, which can be delivered after death to relatives at different times.

12. Buried Alive

In South Korea it was proposed unusual way fight against depression - a person is buried, which allows him to “reset to zero.” The action is very realistic, since the person who wishes is wrapped in a white shroud, placed in a coffin and closed. The whole procedure lasts 10 minutes, and during this time the person manages to understand that not everything is as bad as he thought. Yes, this may be effective, but not everyone will decide to take such a step.

13. Delivery of the last meal

There is a very strange service in Toronto. There, the company is engaged in delivering the last meal ordered to prisoners facing the death penalty. In addition to food, the person receives a DVD and a paper mask with the image of the condemned person.

14. Animal rental

When people doubt whether they can handle a pet, they can rent one. This service is actively practiced in America, Australia, Japan and Switzerland. Interestingly, you can rent not only dogs and cats, but also other domestic and wild animals. It is worth noting that such a service has many opponents.

15. Portraits from ashes

IN big countries widespread we got crematoria that burn people's bodies, giving the ashes to relatives. If you don’t want to scatter it to the wind or store it in an urn, you can order an unusual service from Virginia’s Cremation Solutions: for $127, artists will create a portrait of the deceased from the ashes of the deceased, which can be hung on the wall.

16. Apology service

Japanese traditions are often surprising; an example is a service used by people who do not want to admit their mistakes on their own. It's very simple: a specially trained person comes and apologizes in your place for a certain reward. Interestingly, not everyone can become an employee of an apology company, since it is important to have a good understanding of people’s psychology in order to quickly navigate different situations.

17. Nudist for an hour

There is an unusual company in South Africa that offers people different hourly services. They will be carried out by professionals, be it cleaning or legal advice, but only the person will be in the nude. It is worth noting that the company's management does not approve of prostitution.

18. Woman for sleeping

No, this does not mean a woman of easy virtue. In New York state, 29-year-old Jacqueline Samuel came up with an unusual business. She opened a “Cuddle Room” where, for a fee, a person can sleep in her arms. One session lasts 1.5 hours.

19. Removing bird droppings

Many people have encountered this problem when a car or house becomes contaminated with birds. If you do not want to carry out the cleaning yourself, you can contact professionals who provide such a service. An example is the company Professional Bird Shit Removal.

20. Hangover help

In America and Europe, you can find a bus on the streets from eight in the morning to three in the afternoon that provides a service called “Hangover Paradise.” The company offers two packages of services: “Liberation,” which includes intravenous hydration, and “Rescue,” which includes not only hydration, but also the provision of antiemetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins. You can order the service by phone or online.

Entrepreneurs come up with all sorts of things to lure customers and make a good profit: they tattoo their teeth, produce coffins in the shape of guitars, and paint portraits with amino acids. But, interestingly, sometimes the most absurd ideas after some time turn out to be the most popular and relevant.

    • Virtual lunches - best recipe from loneliness
    • Business ideas in Europe
    • Business ideas from the USA

Thus, the incompetent salesman Frank Woolworth, who, shaking with fear, first placed price tags on goods, became the creator of the largest retail chain of the last century. Perhaps the top business ideas presented on our website will help you come up with your own business or occupy a new niche in the market.

Virtual dinners are the best recipe for loneliness

This conclusion was reached by Seo-Yun Park from South Korea, deciding to start broadcasting their dinners online. Dining on the Internet has proven to be quite popular.

In the modern world, where not every person has time to go to restaurants and meet new people, having lunch with a virtual interlocutor helps to believe in yourself and get the joy of communication.

The business idea of ​​virtual lunches itself is not new. Back in 2006, the Virtual Family Dinner system was invented in the USA, thanks to which members of the same family could meet during online dining as often as they wanted.

But a meal with beautiful girl breaks all records. Seo-Yun earns up to $10,000 a week from his business.

Business ideas in Europe

Hair salon for... the soul

...and not just to get a haircut or shave, say the owners of the Parisian salons for men “Sport” and “Politics”, where clients come to use the services of a barber, and at the same time chat about topics that interest them. This two-in-one service is one of the quite profitable business ideas. It is so in demand that there are often queues at salons.

You can talk with a hairdresser about the most ordinary everyday topics: about how your wife doesn’t look after the children, your mother-in-law demanding a change of job, or how expensive it is to repair a car that was involved in an accident. The opportunity to unwind is not cheap, but the price does not bother salon clients who are tired of problems or loneliness.

Compliments for money

...can be done by the Japanese company NTV if the client needs such a service. When things are going badly for you and you are disappointed in yourself, company representatives will call you and convince you otherwise, finding the most attractive qualities in you.

In addition, you can get advice on how best to reconcile with a friend, wife, girlfriend, or solve other pressing problems.

The firm's clients are mostly men between 16 and 25 years old who are willing to pay for help and support. A fairly simple business idea brings a decent income to the company.

Postcards to order

…is sent by the “May Day Card” greeting service, which has been a constant success in Germany for more than 10 years. If you want to brag to your friends about your vacation or work in the most remote corners of the planet, no problem. All you have to do is write a few words on a card and call the May Day Card employee.

You will only need to pay 20-30 dollars, and indicate from which place the postcard should be delivered: from Malta, from Rio de Janeiro or from Tokyo. Representatives of the service, which includes more than 20 people, including pilots and flight attendants, will send the postcard on time from the specified location. Such a business brings organizers up to 30 thousand dollars a month.

You can also work as... a wizard

...believes the administration of Europe's first school for witches and wizards, which opened in Austria. It is quite possible that the organizers unusual school, came under the influence of D. Rolling's books about Harry Potter, but, one way or another, the school exists in reality and has its own students.

The course of study includes six semesters. Upon completion, students will receive wizard diplomas.

It must be said that in Austria they repeated the experience of the American “Grey School of Magic” - the first school of magic in the world, where today more than 700 students study. It is unknown whether the profession they have acquired will be useful to students, but the school administration has a good income.

American business ideas from magic schools allow you to make good money all over the world. Entrepreneurs organize trips to empty castles, which they turn into schools of magic for a few days.

There are usually few places for those who want to learn to cast spells and fly on a broom, from 100 to 200, and tickets are not cheap. For example, spending 4 days in the Polish Czocha Castle costs 280 euros, and a wizard school for Muggles in the Jolibert Castle (France) costs several hundred euros.

Unusual Feng Shui site

...created by English entrepreneur Paul Darby, who believes that it is necessary to carry out fenshuization mobile phones. Those who visit the site are invited to fill out a form and receive advice on changing their lives in better side using your phone settings.

The service is not cheap, but it already unites 38 million people from different parts of the planet.

Grass Portraits

...were able to create the British Peter Ackroyd and Dana Harvey, who have been working on this idea since the 90s of the last century. It is based on photosynthesis.

A vertically positioned canvas with a lawn is placed in dark room and the negative of the photograph is projected onto it. When the light turns on, the grass in well-lit areas turns yellow, but in others it remains dark.

Such European business ideas not only open a new page in landscape design, but allow you to create unusual walls, houses, and even furniture.

Calorie count

...available in some restaurants in Europe, where the best business ideas spread quickly. The restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) was the first to offer such a service. It consists of the fact that at the end of dinner the waiter brings a bill indicating the number of calories eaten.

For the strong half of humanity, this fact will not matter of great importance, but among girls who follow a diet, such a service is in great demand. And they are ready to pay extra for it.

Business ideas from the USA

SMS - to space

...decided to send two students from the USA and make a little money on this service. The scheme worked like this: those who wanted to communicate with the cosmic mind made a paid call to young businessmen, clearly pronouncing their message, and the guys, using a sensor they designed, sent this message into outer space.

No matter how crazy the business idea may seem at first glance, it allowed the students to earn about a million dollars.

Corn maze

...a farmer from America decided to build it for Halloween, believing that growing corn does not bring much income. The enterprising farmer was not mistaken in his assumptions. Not only local residents, but also tourists wanted to visit the unusual labyrinth. As a result, the farmer earned 100 thousand dollars in one night.

The idea of ​​a corn maze was picked up both in America and in Europe, and then in Russia, where the best business ideas in the world began to come. Domestic sites offer not only a business plan for the project, but also exciting quests that can be carried out in a corn maze.

Whiskers, paws and tails

...our smaller brothers do not allow entrepreneurs to remain without work. Not only are dog grooming salons very popular all over the world, but a new business has recently begun to exist in the United States. tail extensions for horses.

Despite the fact that this kind of American business idea seems strange, to say the least, the service is in demand among horse breeders and horse racers.

The fact is that the referees evaluate the length and thickness of the horse's tail. The cost of a hairpiece is on average $150, and you can purchase it in a special online store. Sellers claim that all tails are made from real horsehair. Typically, tail extension services are in high demand before racing.

Jokes on toilet paper

...should bring good profits, the company's founder, George Hemmerstoffer, believed. At the International Book Fair in Frankfurt, he was simply laughed at, which did not bother the entrepreneur and did not force him to abandon the idea.

Today, toilet paper with jokes, aphorisms and even romance novels is a huge success, especially among the ladies. This type of business is developing quite well in Europe.

Ideas of unusual entrepreneurship can take root in Russia. Considering that Russian market in the production of sanitary papers is the fastest growing, some experts recommend starting production toilet paper with jokes and with us. It has even been calculated that the average monthly profit from the production of such a product will be 450,000 rubles per month.

Owning your own business is not only an opportunity to improve your financial well-being. Entrepreneurs get a great chance to improve the world and give others new perspectives. Many people believe that modern world offers fewer and fewer opportunities to start, all niches are occupied, and spheres of influence are distributed. The era of making profits by only meeting the minimum requirements in terms of customer satisfaction is truly over. The consumer truly has the right to receive the best services and products. But also, each of us is looking forward to something new. Clients, like children, want to be surprised and pampered with new “toys”. The world is evolving and new needs are emerging. Their satisfaction, fresh and original ideas become the basis of successful business projects. We will introduce you to such ideas.

“Fresh and good ideas for trade"

A store that pays to enter

In the small Australian town of Coorparoo, there is a store that specializes in selling gluten-free products, called Celiac Supplies. Recently, the store has become famous, and its name has even begun to appear in the headlines of foreign publications. The reason is an innovation invented by the hostess. Visitors pay for the right to enter the store. The entrance ticket price is low and is 5 Australian dollars. Pensioners, people with disabilities and children are exempt from payment. A visitor who purchases a product in a store receives a discount that is equal to the amount paid for entry.

The owner of the store, Georgina, explains the essence of the innovation very intelligently: “People come in, look at the products and prices, leave and buy the same products in another store. Why should I waste my time and energy and work for free?” Georgina is trying to convey a simple concept - there are things in the world that you get for free (sun, air, birdsong), but other people's work should be valued with dignity.

The innovative approach to trading was met with mixed reactions. Many criticize the entrepreneur, some openly laugh at her. There is considerable debate on the store's Facebook page about the appropriateness of such approaches.

But Georgina still achieved a certain result. Although there was no significant increase in profits, there were much fewer thefts and idle onlookers in the store. But from a publicity point of view, Georgina has achieved an outstanding result.

What is the point of this Australian store example? Look for non-standard approaches to attracting customers. Advertisements offering the “best” or “lowest” prices are quite boring and do not cause the expected influx of visitors. An advertising poster that reads: “We are the greediest sellers in town. We are so insolent that we demand money for entry!” will have the effect of a bomb exploding and will attract many new customers to your store. People will come to you just to watch and have fun. And they will definitely buy at least some little thing.

Without packaging

The lack of packaging significantly reduces the cost of any product. This technique does not always work, but in some situations it brings additional income. This principle is used in the work of Bulk Barn (Canada). The chain of retail establishments has installed special glass vending machines in which customers can choose various products. More than four thousand items are sold without packaging: loose leaf tea and coffee beans, cereals, flour, spices, nuts, dried fruits, sweets and many others. In addition to the attractive price, the chain is developing a new movement to eliminate plastic packaging materials that pollute the planet. It is worth noting that the idea works and brings huge profits to the company owners.

We sell muesli

This business idea received the title of best young company in Germany in 2013. The business was created by three friends from the city of Passau. Young entrepreneurs managed to meet the starting capital of 3,500 euros.

The essence of the idea is simple and ingenious. The guys created an online store selling muesli. Buyers are given the opportunity to choose various, but always only environmentally friendly ingredients and mix them at their discretion. The assortment includes several types of cereal bases, a huge variety of fruit additives, and nuts. The store also offers high-quality teas, fresh juices, healthy cereals, coffee.

In 2007, when the business was just being created, it consisted of one point of sale and online store. Now it is a developed network with about 200 employees.

Master class on how to properly sell men's jeans

It is generally accepted that shopping is an exclusively female activity. For most men, any trip to the market or store turns into real torture. Standard shelves, on which are laid out in stacks in several rows various items clothes cause melancholy and despondency in men. Search and fitting the right size most consider it a waste of time.

Nadya Shurabura, who created the innovative Hointer jeans store in the American city of Seattle, made a wise decision to take into account the peculiarities of male psychology and create the most comfortable conditions for customers.

The store sells only men's jeans; the flocks of ladies chattering and choosing goods do not distract or confuse the stronger sex. There are no endless racks of folded jeans here. Only hangers located on beams. The front of the product is facing the buyer. Each model is presented in only one size, although all options are in stock.

Buyers are offered a convenient application for mobile device. With it, you can scan the QR code of the model you like and indicate your size. Literally within a few seconds, a notification is sent to the buyer’s device indicating in which fitting room the ordered jeans are waiting for him. The model you like and fit is paid for at the checkout. Anything that does not satisfy the buyer is sent to a special hole in the fitting room.

Men will agree that such shopping conditions can be considered ideal.

Freeosk - a special tasting machine

The very first devices of this type were created by the German confectionery company Stollwerck in 1887. Customers were offered the opportunity to try the sweets before purchasing. Since 2013, Chicago supermarkets have revived this tradition and installed special Freeosk machines. To install a free tasting machine, it is important to choose correct location and the place of maximum concentration of the target audience.

The benefit for customers is obvious - the opportunity to try new products for free. The benefit of a supermarket is less obvious to the uninitiated layman - cheap marketing research into the interests and tastes of customers. It’s not worth talking about how much the positive image of the retail chain is improving.

Delivery of purchases to the airport

The popular Australian retailer Woolworths offers its customers a new service - the ability to order and pay for goods through a mobile application. The purchase is delivered to the airport and handed over to the client after the plane lands.

U business people This service aroused great enthusiasm among tourists and immediately began to be in enormous demand. A tired traveler, upon arrival in the city, no longer needs to head to the store to fill an empty refrigerator with food. Everything can be ordered in advance and received at the exit from the airport.

“Ideas for restaurant business”

Admission with pre-purchased tickets

The owner of Chicago's Nextrestaurant, Grant Achatz, got the idea from airlines. You can only enter the airport with a plane ticket purchased using an online service. A similar system works in this restaurant. It is simply impossible for a visitor from the street to get into it. Entry is limited to those who have pre-paid for a specific menu in advance through the online ordering system.

The innovation was liked by visitors, who now do not have to wait for a free table and order fulfillment. Menu prices depend on the day of the week and time of day. The most expensive option is Saturday evening; on weekdays and at lunch the cost of the order is noticeably lower.

The restaurant menu changes radically at least once every 3 months. The previous option is never repeated. The restaurant offers different dishes national cuisines and has an endless supply of ideas. The establishment is extremely popular; there are no free tables here.

Creative from Blockbuster

While watching a movie, cinemas offer the standard set: drinks, popcorn and other snacks. While at home, many people like to eat well and watch a good movie.

Entrepreneurs serving visitors to one of the film festivals in Toronto came up with the perfect idea - to offer restaurant guests dishes from films that are presented in films today.

A restaurant that counts calories consumed

Restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) offers guests original service. The waiter brings the bill, which indicates not only the prices, but also the number of calories in each portion eaten.

This idea can be developed further. For example, offer a menu low in fat or carbohydrates. Protein options are available for those who are watching their weight and caring about their health. You can organize competitions and reward customers who use greatest number calories.

The idea is a success, because most catering establishments offer very high-calorie and unhealthy food. Additional feature monitoring the composition of dishes and their impact on health evokes gratitude from guests.

A restaurant where guests create their own drinks

A simple and very cool idea was proposed to visitors by the owners of the Japanese bar Logbar. Here the client is given the opportunity to create new cocktails by mixing different ingredients. Be sure to come up with an original name for the drink that is included in the bar menu and offered to other guests.

If the drink is successful, its creator makes good money. According to the terms of the project, part of the bar's profits is offered to the creator of the cocktail.

“Ideas for hotel business”

Twitter hotel

On the island of Mallorca there is an interesting SolWave hotel, which is used to attract guests to this super-popular social network. Each guest has the opportunity to download a proprietary application and gain access to original entertainment. Branded social network allows you to participate in competitions, communicate with other guests and make appointments at hotel parties, meet new people and flirt.

Available at the hotel and original numbers. In one of them, on the wall hangs a huge mirror with a luxurious mustache painted on it. You can instantly send a funny photo of yourself in this mirror to your friends. Using special hashtags, you can order drinks to the administrator.

“Earn money on the Internet”

Online dining

Sociability, attractiveness and cooking skills are characteristic features many girls. Seo-Yun Park from South Korea that there is good money to be made from these underrated talents. The girl quit her boring office job, bought a camera and started broadcasting her lunches online. A cool hobby has developed into a worthy source of income. From advertising and views, Seo-Yoon earns about $10,000 every month.

The secret to the popularity of this show is simple. IN developed countries The number of single people who are entirely focused on their careers is noticeably increasing. For them, lunch with a virtual interlocutor becomes a real godsend, brings the joy of communication and brightens up loneliness. The girl also provides assistance to those who are forced to go on a diet, but are not ready to give up a traditional dinner in society and a pleasant conversation.